e majority of sales books on the market focus
on a specifi c topic or aspect of selling. Others
provide a complete overview of the sales process. You can read books
on prospecting, cold calling, generating referrals, selling to executives,
and closing techniques, as well as dozens—if not hundreds—of diff er-
ent ways to sell.
is book is a bit diff erent.
If you are like most sales professionals, you are very busy. You prob-
ably do not have time to read an entire book in one sitting. Th
at’s why I
have deliberately kept the chapters in this book brief and focused. Each
chapter concentrates on providing information on a specifi c aspect and
single topic of achieving sales success. From asking questions, to plan-
ning, to establishing trust, each of the chapters off ers practical advice
that can be used to improve your sales.
is format allows you to read the chapters that most appeal to you
and that will have the best impact on your results.