D C Juris A Good Bargain [BP MM] (pdf)

A Good
by DC Juris
Breathless Press
Calgary, Alberta
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the author s imagination or are
used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
A Good Bargain
Copyright© 2011 DC Juris
ISBN: 978-1-926930-23-7
Cover Artist: Victoria Miller
Editor: Mason Lavin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.
Breathless Press
Fuck, I m old. The thought forty isn t old followed immediately
David had forty-year-old friends, and he didn t consider them old. So
what if he couldn t run five miles every morning anymore? So what
if he went to bed at ten now, rather than staying up and watching the
late reruns of Family Guy at two AM like he used to? Age changed a
man, and a man had to roll with it. Couldn t fault him for being practi-
cal. But the hot young thing on the couch next to him expected& Oh,
god. What did he expect?
 So&  Brandon raised an eyebrow at him.  Do you want to 
 I don t want to have sex. I mean& I do. There s nothing wrong
with you or anything. I don t do this kind of thing. I don t bring boys
home. Men, David corrected quickly.  I don t bring boys home at all,
of course. I m not into that sort of thing. Not that I think you are. Not
that there s anything wrong with it. I mean& well of course there s
something wrong with it if the boy s a kid, like, really a kid. Who
wouldn t think that was wrong? Well, this is going to hell in a hand
A Good Bargain
 I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie. I don t do this
kind of thing either, yanno.
 No. I mean, yes. Yes, let s watch a movie. Of course I don t think
you re that kind of guy. You could be, if you wanted to be. You re gor-
geous. David blushed seven different shades of red and stood quick-
ly, pacing over to the DVD shelf. Brandon had said movie. He meant,
movie, right? Cops and robbers, space attacks, that sort of thing. Not
porn? Oh god, please don t mean porn.
 Whatdaya have that s good? Brandon came to stand behind
him, peering over his shoulder at the shelf. The heat of Brandon s
body swirled around David, and his cock swelled.
 What haven t you seen?
 Is that Lake Placid? I haven t seen it. I know it s old, but  his
gaze swept up and down David  I kind of like older things.
David swallowed hard and fumbled for the DVD in question.
 Lake Placid. Great choice. He turned to head over to the television,
but found himself nose-to-nose with Brandon.  Um& 
Brandon reached up and slid his arms around David s neck.
 Don t worry. I won t bite unless you ask me to. He tugged David s
head down for a kiss.
Their lips just barely brushed together, but David s cock leapt and
his toes curled from the touch. He pulled away with a small gasp.
 Oh. Wow.
 Nice, hmm?
David nodded.  Very.
 So, how long have you been out of the game? Brandon saun-
tered over to the television. He bent down to retrieve the remote con-
trol from its spot on top of the DVD player, his jeans tightening to
outline his perfectly formed ass.
David stifled a groan and tore his gaze away.  About eighteen
years. Does it show that much?
 Holy shit, man. You haven t gotten any in eighteen years?
David snatched the remote away and gestured to the couch.
 That s not what I said. I ve gotten plenty. Just not from men.
 You were with a partner or something? Brandon flopped down
on the couch and slung his left leg over the arm while David tried not
to stare owlishly at his crotch.
 I was married.
Brandon shook his head.  No you weren t. Fags couldn t marry
back then.
 To a woman. And don t use that word. I don t like it.
DC Juris
Brandon shrugged.  It s just a word.
 No, it s not. It s a hateful, spiteful thing to say, and if you d
grown up like I did, you d understand. Anger rose in him, sending
tremors through his hands.
 Wow. Okay, I m sorry. It s just word to me, yanno? Like how
women call each other bitches or black people call each other 
 Don t. David held up a hand to stop him from uttering yet an-
other disgusting profanity.  I get your point. He stared hard at Bran-
don, wondering what the hell had possessed him to go into a bar and
pick up some youngster, probably the same age as his own son.  Fuck
 I thought you d never ask!
 Not literally, he said, shaking his head and scrubbing his hands
over his face.
 Can t blame me for trying, huh? But disappointment showed
clearly in Brandon s slouched shoulders and petulant frown, bottom
lip pursed just so.
 We shouldn t do this. You should go.
Brandon stood and stepped toward him, and when David took
an involuntary step back, Brandon held up his hands in a gesture of
surrender.  I said I wouldn t bite, remember? You came into the bar
because you were looking for something. Wanting something. Maybe
even needing something. Right? So, why don t you let me help you
find it? I m not talking about fucking, although, I gotta admit, if you
said jump I d say how high.
 What do you suggest?
Brandon came within touching distance.  Let s just watch the
movie, and see how the evening goes. Then let s see how the night
goes, and maybe how breakfast goes, if we get that far.
 And after?
 Well, I usually have lunch after breakfast, followed by dinner.
I tend to repeat that daily. He placed his hands on David s upper
arms, curled his fingers around the muscles there.  You re not too
shabby for an old geezer, you know?
David couldn t suppress a surge of indignation. He straightened,
squaring his shoulders, and pulled free of Brandon s grip.  What if I
disagree with your plan?
 Not possible. Brandon shook his head.  If you disagreed, you d
never have come into the bar, you certainly wouldn t have walked
over to me, and you damn sure wouldn t have invited me to leave
with you.
A Good Bargain
True, true, and true. Damn him anyway.
Brandon turned away and went back to the couch.  She find out
you were gay and leave you or something?
 Your wife.
 She knew I was gay.
Brandon s face screwed up into a look of incredulity.  What the
hell did she marry you for?
 My brother got her pregnant and left her. I felt responsible.
 Why? David frowned. Why indeed. He hadn t even liked Alice
and had hated having sex with her.  I don t know. I just& did. My
brother and I are twins. I guess I felt like the baby was kind of mine,
somehow. You know?
Brandon shook his head again.  No, I don t. But I respect that you
were there for her. Still sounds shitty for you, though. Cravin cock
but settling for poontang.
Fag. Poontang. Was this how all young gay men talked these days?
Christ, he was out of the loop.  It wasn t all bad. Alice was a good
mother, took care of the house. He popped open the DVD case and
took out the movie, sliding it into the front of the DVD player.
 She dead? Brandon asked as he picked at his fingernails.
David frowned and blinked rapidly, trying to recover from the
bluntness of the question.  No, she s still alive. Our divorce was final
this spring. It didn t go well, though.
Brandon rolled his eyes.  It never does, does it? My parents did the
 we re going to still be friends thing. That lasted for about a month.
He chuckled and then started laughing in earnest.  Lasted just about
until Mom found out Dad was fucking some twenty-something hottie.
Sound familiar?
 It wasn t like that with us. She wanted out as much as I did, I
think. She fought it though. I still don t know why. What had gotten
into him that he felt it was okay to bare his soul to a total stranger like
this? A stranger you want to fuck, he reminded himself.
 Fear of change? Of being alone? Brandon shrugged.  Boy or
girl? Your kid, I mean.
 Boy. David smiled fondly.  He s all grown up now. His name is
Alfie. He s taller than you, with this gorgeous yellow hair. Not blond,
mind you, but yellow, and fierce blue eyes. He s very handsome.
 Sounds a lot like his father.
David blushed.  No, not really. He got his mother s good looks.
DC Juris
 Whatever you say. Brandon patted the space beside him.
 There s this odd look of mayhem on his upside-down face& 
 I love this part. David chuckled, watching Brendan Gleeson s
character hanging by his ankle from a tree.
Brandon inched closer, laid his hand on David s thigh. David
bristled under the touch for a moment, forcing himself to calm down
and relax. This was what he d wanted, after all to start dating again,
to experience another man again, to have something more than fond
memories and his Fleshlight to look forward to every night.
Brandon moved his hand, slid it just down to the inside of Da-
vid s thigh. Waves of fiery need pulsed through David. He tried hard
to concentrate on the movie, but all he could think of was Brandon s
willingness. Brandon sighed and snuggled against David s shoulder,
slipping that hand a little higher.
Throat suddenly dry, David thought of all the reasons not to have
sex: they d only just met, Brandon was most likely barely even legal,
what kind of example would this be for his son? David sucked in a
breath as Brandon spun around and hopped over so he sat in David s
lap, knees straddling him.
Brandon leaned in for another kiss, this time not so soft and gen-
tle. Demanding lips met David s, and he gave in, opening his mouth
and groaning as Brandon s tongue slipped inside to twine with his.
Brandon worked the buttons of David s shirt open, dipping his hands
under the fabric and running his fingers through the hair on David s
Fuck. Oh, fuck. That touch. David s resistance melted, and he arched
up against Brandon s hands, tangling his own in Brandon s long, dark
hair, holding Brandon s head tight. Brandon somehow managed to
unbutton his own shirt and he pressed their naked chests together,
sliding his arms around David s back; fingernails raking him from
shoulder to just above his waistband.
David broke the kiss with a fevered gasp.  Jump.
Brandon grinned.  Booyah. Drop trou, baby. He stood and dug
into his pocket as David frantically worked his jeans opened and
pushed them and his briefs down to his ankles.  Wow. Nice package,
David shrugged. At seven inches hard, he d never considered
himself well endowed.  It ll get the job done.
A Good Bargain
 And then some. Brandon held a condom and a small tube of
lube in his teeth as he shed his own clothing. He turned and presented
his backside to David, holding the lube out behind him.  Wanna do
the honors?
David s hands shook as he reached for the lube, and it took him
several tries to finally open the damned bottle. Brandon stood there
patiently the entire time, giggling as David squirted out the lube and
began spreading it around.
 Feels good, Brandon purred.  Get me ready, baby.
David blushed and lowered his head. He d always liked sexy
talk, but to say Alice hadn t was the understatement of the century.
He slipped two fingers inside Brandon s tight opening, his own cock
fairly bursting as Brandon rocked back against him, making sweet
little noises.
Brandon cast a glance over his shoulder, eyes heavily lidded.  I m
ready for more if you are.
David nodded without speaking. He didn t trust his voice not to
break or crack with excitement. He pulled his hand away as Brandon
turned and dropped to his knees, looking up at him with a wink.
 But first&  Brandon lowered his head and David cried out, un-
able to still a thrust of his hips as Brandon s hot, wet mouth enveloped
his cock, taking him deep. Brandon moaned, the vibrations of that
sound tickling up and down David s shaft. Much more of this, and
he d be done for. David reached down and tugged gently on Bran-
don s hair.
Brandon raised his head with another deep moan, eyes glittering
with excitement.  You can pull a little harder, if you want. I like it.
David s cock hardened impossibly, and he twined his fingers
tightly into Brandon s hair and pulled him up so that Brandon strad-
dled his lap again.
Brandon sighed and his eyes rolled back.  Mmmm& I like a man
who can take charge of me. He opened his eyes and leveled a gaze at
David.  Tell me what you want to do to me, stud.
David sucked in a breath, those words going straight to his head,
to the part of him that wanted to dominate, the part of him that
wanted to be serviced and pleased, worshipped. Something inside
him snapped. Nervous, quiet, unsure David took a step back, leav-
ing room for confidant, powerful, alpha male David to come forth.  I
want to fuck you.
Brandon grinned.  Where do you want to do it?
DC Juris
David glanced around. His first thought was the bedroom, of
course. But an urgent need he couldn t ignore took over.  The floor.
Brandon complied, getting down on his hands and knees, but David
shook his head.  On your back. I want to watch your face when you
Brandon turned over. He reached a hand down to his cock and
gave it a lazy stroke.  Come here, stud.
David shook his head again, but this time at himself. Was he about
to do this? Have sex with some guy he d just met?
Brandon sighed and writhed on the floor.  David, he called out
That did it. Oh, yes. He was definitely going to do this. David
dropped to his knees beside Brandon, ripped the condom packet open
with his teeth, and handed the condom to Brandon.  Put it on me.
 With pleasure! Brandon rolled the condom onto David s cock,
fingers lingering, sliding up and down, teasing David s balls and that
stretch of flesh between them and his ass.
He groaned and took hold of his cock, lifting it out of the way.
 Lick my nuts.
Brandon leaned up on his elbows immediately, licking and tap-
ping his tongue along David s balls. He slid his hands up David s
thighs and pulled David closer, pressed David s crotch tightly against
his face. Brandon licked and sucked with wild abandon, making ap-
preciative little grunting noises, fingers digging into the muscles of
David s legs possessively.
 Fuck& oh god&  David poured some lube out into his hand and
stroked his sheathed cock. Unable to stand anymore without releas-
ing, he urged Brandon back down, grinning as Brandon smacked his
lips like he d just eaten ice cream.
Brandon reached for David s cock, covered David s hand with his
own.  God, you re so hard! I can t wait to have you inside me.
 You don t have to wait any longer, David assured. He crawled
around until he was settled between Brandon s legs. He wrapped his
hand around Brandon s long, thick cock and rubbed his thumb over
the drop of precum leaking from its velvety head as he squeezed and
stroked the shaft. He let go and dipped his hand further down, mas-
saging the precum into Brandon s balls, rolling them around against
his palm.  Don t touch yourself until I tell you to, understand?
Brandon mewled and nodded, wide-eyed and smiling.  I under-
A Good Bargain
David took hold of his own cock and held it ready. Unsure how
much he could actually take without exploding, he went slowly, eas-
ing just the head in at first. Brandon writhed beneath him, panting
and thrashing his head from side to side. David eased a little more
of his cock inside, gasping as Brandon s hot, tight muscles clamped
down around him. Heart hammering, breath coming hard and fast,
David knew he wouldn t last much longer.
 Fuck me, stud! Brandon urged.  Fill my ass with your big, long
cock! I want you bad, baby!
Jesus. Christ. On. A. Pancake. David thrust his hips quickly, cock
sliding all the way home.  Oh, god& 
 Yes! Brandon cried out, wrapping his legs around David s waist
and digging his heels into David s back, hands clawing at the carpet
beneath him.  More. Please, more.
David stilled and arched an eyebrow as a naughty little thought
occurred to him.  Beg me.
A heart-stopping grin spread across Brandon s face.  Please,
please David, fuck me! Please! I need you, David. I want you so bad!
David pulled nearly all the way out and thrust back in. Brandon
thrashed his head again, and his hips rose to meet David s strokes.
David let his own head fall back, thrusting his cock deep inside Bran-
don over and over as Brandon called his name and begged for more.
His balls tight, cock so hard and ready it hurt, David remembered
his command that Brandon not see to his own pleasure until he was
told to. He raised his head and looked down. Brandon s hand lay just
inches from his swollen cock, fingers wiggling and tapping, clearly
eager.  Look at me, he commanded.
Brandon s eyes opened wide and his gaze met David s.
 Touch yourself. I want to watch you come.
Brandon grabbed for his own cock, started stroking and tugging.
He groaned and growled, hand moving fast.
David couldn t bear it any longer. He leaned down over Bran-
don and fucked him hard with quick, shallow, powerful thrusts. The
sounds of flesh against flesh filled his ears, combined with Brandon s
whimpers and moans and the animal noises coming from his own
throat. Brandon worked his own cock just as furiously, head thrown
back and eyes tightly shut, his bottom lip caught between his teeth,
white indentions showing in that tender flesh.
Tight, rolling pleasure spiraled out from Brandon s gut, flowing
through him, his muscles seizing and bunching beneath his skin. His
DC Juris
body arched of its own accord, burying his cock to the root as he came
hard. He barely remembered to open his eyes to watch Brandon.
Brandon s hand moved in a frenzy, his hips bucking. At last he
went rigid beneath David, screaming David s name as his cock re-
leased a hot stream of cum onto his belly and chest. David slumped
forward, covering Brandon with his body, pinning Brandon s hands
between them, rubbing his chest against Brandon s slick one.
Brandon wrapped his arms around David s neck, threading his
fingers into David s hair and holding tightly as they both trembled.
 Holy. Fuck, Brandon gasped.
 You okay?
Brandon nodded.  Unbelievably okay. But& I have a confession
to make.
David rose up on his hands and stared down at him.  What s
 I knew who you were when you walked into the bar. I ve had a
crush on you for a year now. You probably don t remember me, but
we met at Alfie s graduation party.
David racked his brain, trying to remember his son s party. And
then it hit him the gorgeous friend Alfie had introduced. The one
who had kept smiling at him, kept trying to get close to him.  That
was you?
 Yep. I ve wanted you since the day I laid eyes on you. He
stroked David s hair tenderly.  Not just to fuck you, though. Alfie
told me about you& about how you d been living, and I ve wanted
to date you ever since. Show you the kind of loving a man deserves.
I was so excited when Alfie said you d finally left her, but he said I
should hang back and wait. Let you get your head straight. He called
me last night and told me your plans to head out to the bar tonight.
I had to be there. Brandon pressed several quick kisses to David s
mouth.  Are you angry?
 God no! Angry? Angry such a hot young stud wanted him?
 But& why didn t you say anything?
Brandon shrugged.  I couldn t risk that you d want to get a good,
hard, hot fuck with just some nobody out of your system before you
dived into a serious relationship with me. You know, how some het
men just go hog wild with some slutty thing before they settle down?
So, if you were going to have that good, hard, hot fuck& I wanted it
to be with me.
 You certainly aren t just some nobody. David ran his hand
through Brandon s hair.  You know that, right?
A Good Bargain
 So that means I m some slutty thing, then? Brandon threw his
head back and laughed as David stammered for a reply.  Don t wor-
ry, old man. I ll go easy on you.
But the words brought a sobering realization to David.  I am old,
you know. There might be times when I really can t keep up with
Brandon shrugged again.  Ain t no thing, stud.
Brandon flicked his thumbs over David s nipples, and David
arched to the touch and the fiery licks of pleasure it sent all along his
body.  Seriously though&  David panted, trying to catch his breath
and recover.  You re what, twenty-two? Why someone as old as me?
 I m twenty-three, thank you. Why older men? Maybe daddy
didn t love me enough. Isn t that what they say when a young man
wants an older one? It s got to be that, right? Brandon looked away
and frowned.  Truthfully? You remind me of someone.
David s stomach rolled with the implication of those words.  If
you say your father I m going to puke.
 No, no. Brandon laughed and met David s gaze.  That s gross!
he admonished with a smack of David s shoulder.  I meant you re-
mind me of my first Dom. I mean, I like you for you, don t get me
wrong. But that s probably why I like older men. The first man I sub-
mitted to was older. There was just something about being with some-
one who already knew what he was doing. Someone who could show
me things, who wasn t worried about how taboo things were, or what
people might think. That s something you can only get with age, I
Appreciated for his age. Well. How about that? David smiled
with a sigh. He rolled to his side, pulling Brandon along with him,
wrapped his body around Brandon.  Thank you.
 For the good, hard, hot fuck? Brandon grinned.
 For that, and for wanting me, and for waiting. For not saying
anything when we met. I d have been terrified if I thought you knew
 Am I more than you bargained for?
 Definitely. David nibbled at Brandon s earlobe, slid a hand
down between them to play with Brandon s cock, smiling as it started
to lengthen and harden at his attentions.  But then again, I never have
been able to resist a good bargain.
An out and proud bisexual transgender man, DC Juris moved to
New York State in 2001 for a real-life romance. By day he is a mild-
mannered office manager, by night a passionate writer of all types of
romance. He lives in Upstate New York with his husband, two dogs,
two cats, and a menagerie of Halloween props just creepy enough to
keep people guessing about his sanity. Which is just the way he likes
it. Still hopelessly single when it comes to the woman in his life, DC
will gladly entertain offers, or applications for the position.
When he s not writing down what his characters tell him, DC can
be found surfing the Internet for random research (DC would like to
remind everyone that porn *is* research for him!), killing things on his
Xbox, reading, or taking pictures of the world around him.
Other Books by
DC Juris
Dream Come True
Sundae Surprise
The Door Under the Bridge
Follow His Heart
Perfect Christmas
A Good Bargain
What the Lady Wants
Simply Smut
Who Better than Canyon
Buried Treasure


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