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Visual Basic 6 Black Book:OLE
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Table of Contents

Disabling In-Place Editing
If you don’t want an OLE control to allow its OLE object to open for in-place editing, you can set the control’s MiscFlags property. Here are the possible values for that property:

•  vbOLEMiscFlagMemStorage—1; causes the control to use memory to store the object while it’s loaded.
•  vbOLEMiscFlagDisableInPlace—2; overrides the control’s default behavior of allowing in-place activation for objects that support it.

Using vbOLEMiscFlagMemStorage makes data storage operations faster than the default operations (which store data on disk as a temporary file). This setting can, however, use a lot of memory. If an object supports in-place activation, you can use the vbOLEMiscFlagDisableInPlace setting to make the object launch its server in a separate window.

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