Proof of God by Kurt Gödel

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Proof of God by Kurt Gödel


This "proof" on the existence of God, hasn't been published. But Dana Scott who
belonged to the closest circle around Gödel, claimed this were constructed by Gödel. In
1970 Dana Scott sent this alledged proof to Stig Kanger. Stig Kanger was a professor of
theoretical philosophy in Uppsala, but died in 1988. I was one of his latest pupils. Stig
distributed this proof at the department in Uppsala and perhaps it also has been
distributed in the USA.

This was one of the earliest texts that I still keep up at the web (1995 or thereabout).

Nowadays there has been a publication of the colleced papers by Gödel, and this proof
(or something very similiar) is edited and published therein.



is "positive"



have the property God








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