130108103453 bbc tews 105 not rocket science

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The English We Speak
8 January 2013

Not rocket science

The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2013

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(Sound of a rocket being launched)


Hello, I'm Kaz.

Yang Li:

And I'm Yang Li. Hey Kaz, why are we listening to this rocket launch?


Well, it's dramatic, but there's another reason. I thought it could introduce

today's expression.

Yang Li:

Tell me more.


The expression is 'It's not rocket science'.

Yang Li:

'It's not rocket science', meaning?


Something that's not complicated or difficult to understand – 'it's not rocket


Yang Li:

For example?


OK. Somebody can't get the television to work and asks you, "How do I

switch this thing on?" You would say "It's not rocket science. Just press 'on'

on the handset".

Yang Li:

So there's nothing complicated about it. You just press the 'on' switch and

away you go. But is the expression 'it's not rocket science' only used for



No, not at all, Li. In fact it's used for many situations that are just

obvious… for example – why are we always short of money?

Yang Li:

Well, it's not rocket science Kaz – we don't get paid enough!


Brilliant Li. That's an excellent example.

Yang Li:

Yes, I like it too. But let's listen to some more examples:


A: How do I cook this soup?

B: Come on Rob, it's not rocket science, all you have to do is open the tin and heat it up.

C: I can't understand why our company is in such a mess?

D: It's not rocket science to figure that out – there are too many managers!

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The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2013

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Yang Li:

OK Kaz, the phrase 'it's not rocket science' is used for situations that are

obvious. But I get the feeling that the phrase 'it's not rocket science' is

quite informal, right?


You're right Li. So please use with care!

Yang Li:



It's usually used with the negative 'It's not rocket science'.

Yang Li:

Well, I'm sure of one thing Kaz.


What's that Li?

Yang Li:

Presenting this programme is not exactly rocket science – it's easy!



(Sound of a rocket being launched)


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