Cycles of Nature

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Game Chef 2014

Aleksandra Samonek

Cycles of Nature

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Each player gets a tansparent container – a glass or a tube – and places

it in front of them. One person, your MC for now, gets their container
filled full with glitter. The rest of you will need to work for it.

Here is how you work for it.

This Is Who We Are

† MC reads this question out loud: Who are we and what are we proud


† The player on their left answers the question with one sentence only.

MC writes down the answer – it describes your tribe. For example:

We are the Celts of Albion, proud of our traditions and skills.

We are the Syndicate, proud of our survival and knowledge.

† The other players can now take some glitter from the MC and give

it to the player who delivered the answer. How much glitter you give
them – it’s your call only! You can now comment on it or justify
your decision, but you don’t have to.

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Everything is Different

† Then the answering player reads this out loud: What keeps us sep-

arated from the rest of the world and what connects us?

† The player on their left answers the question with one sentence only

and the asking player writes down the answer. For example:

We believe in one Logic, the truth than no other human can


The Mighty Water keeps the foes away from us, we travel together

unharmed by outsiders.

† It’s Glitter Time again! The other players can take some glitter from

the MC and give it to the player who delivered the answer.

There is a magical circle invisible to the naked eye in this world

† The answering player reads this out loud: What is our Wilderness?

† The player on their left answers the question with one sentence only

and the asking player writes down the answer. For example:

We are the soldiers of Jah, we fight vampires and the more we kill

them, the more bloodthirsty we become.

Forever Forest is our home and we grow into it more and more

every day, every minute...

† It’s Glitter Time!

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After going through Genesis, which one of you has the most glitter?

You become MC now and you get to tell everyone how to call glitter from
now on. Some examples: the Spark, Stardust, Power Powder.

Glitter Time for MC follows.

† Each player, beginning with the one on the left from your MC asks

the following question: Who am I and why am I here?

† MC answers the frist part of the question for you – they offer you a

list of 3 names and corresponding planets / plants. The player may
accept on or two of them. The choice, however, is binding. You need
to build your character accordingly to the plants or planets offered
by the MC. If you accept two names, you bear them both and in
your life you serve two strong powers.

† The other players answer this: why is that character here? But here

is the trick – they answer with questions only.

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Each player offers you 3 question which you will need to answer
further in the game. They can look like this:

Was I born human?

Is arithmetic consistent?

Does the Moon know who I am?

From all the questions offered to you the other players, pick 5 you
like most.

† After the Samhain of the first player is concluded, the character is

introduced and Glitter Time follows for everyone except the player
with the newborn character.

† Repeat the ritual for other players.

† MC doesn’t get to go through Samhain, at least not yet.

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Aether, Chaos, Iris

After the Samhain, which one of you has the most glitter? You become

MC now. If the MC changed, the character for a new player is summoned
through Samhain.

MC cannot get any glitter in this round, unless their narration is helpful

for each of your characters.

† Each player, beginning with the one on the left from your MC asks

the person to the left a question. This question must either help
introduce a scene or help you recall something from your past life.
It can look like this: Where are you now?

† The player asked provides a simple answer, e.g. I have hidden in a

fox’s den, waiting for my pray.

† Then other players refer to your answer with only one sentence each.

For example: You are not hidden, you shifted shapes and now you
are a fox.

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† The player whose character is in the spotlight can either accept the

answer and ask a follow-up question or deny the answer and provide
a better explanation.

† After every player asked their question to the person in the spotlight,

MC asks a question. If none of the previous questions referred to your
ultimate goals – the lifetime questions from Samhain – MC must form
their question in such a way, that an answer will guide you towards
your ultimate goal.

† Glitter Time follows for everyone except your MC. The round ends.

† After the last round, which one of you has the most glitter? You

become the MC.

† Repeat the round process for a player of the left from the MC, unless

it’s the same person as in the last round. Then move to the person
one seat to the left again.

† MC doesn’t get to go through character questioning.

Into the Wild

† If a player loses all their glitter at some point in the game – they die

without having their questions answered.

† The player whose character had all their questions answered gets

to ask the questions like the MC in the rounds to follow. Their
character is forever absorbed into a plant or a part of the planet
they worshipped.

† At the end of the game, MC gets to tell each player one sentence

about how their character are remembered. The player can either
accept the ending, or deny it. The denial works only if the other
players give you so much glitter that you outrun the MC.


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