Amica Servicemanual for PCseries

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Repair manual

IN - 0504

dated 08.06.2004

of the PC washing machines

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Apron ______________________________________________________________________ 6


Control panel with the harness _________________________________________________ 20


Multi-V belt_________________________________________________________________ 20


Belt pulley __________________________________________________________________ 23


HEATING ELEMENT WITH THERMOSTAT____________________________________ 24


Replacement of the heating element with thermostat ________________________________ 24


REPLACEMENT OF THE COMMUTATOR MOTOR _____________________________ 24


REPLACEMENT OF THE PUMP WITH A FILTER ______________________________ 27


REPLACEMENT OF THE FLOAT DETECTOR __________________________________ 27


REPLACEMENT OF THE DOOR LOCK ________________________________________ 27


DETERGENT SUB-ASSEMBLY _____________________________________________ 28


Replacement of the detergent sub-assembly _______________________________________ 28


Replacement of the dispenser ___________________________________________________ 30


Replacement of the detergent drawer ____________________________________________ 30


Replacement of the siphon _____________________________________________________ 31


Replacement of the partition ___________________________________________________ 31


Replacement of the cover ______________________________________________________ 32


Replacement of the distributor __________________________________________________ 32


EMI filter ________________________________________________________________ 33


Two-way valve_____________________________________________________________ 34


Complete window for the washing machine _____________________________________ 36


Replacement of the complete window for the washing machine _______________________ 36


Replacement of the transparent element of the window______________________________ 37


Replacement of the outer ring __________________________________________________ 39


Replacement of the inner ring __________________________________________________ 40


Replacement of the window hinge _______________________________________________ 41


Replacement of the window handle ______________________________________________ 41


Replacement of the lever _______________________________________________________ 42


Replacement of the rotational system ____________________________________________ 42


Replacement of the hook _______________________________________________________ 42


Replacement of the window spring ____________________________________________ 42


Direction-shift valve ________________________________________________________ 43


HOSES AND CLAMPING RINGS ASSEMBLY _________________________________ 43


Replacement of the supplying hose from aqua stop _________________________________ 43


Replacement of the hose between the tank and the detergent dispenser _________________ 44

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Replacement of the hose between the additional container and the direction-shift valve ___ 44


Replacement of the hose between the filter and the direction-shift valve ________________ 45


Replacement of the hose between the self-cleaning pump and the detergent dispenser_____ 45


Replacement of the hose between the additional container and the tank (venting hose) ____ 45


Replacement of the hose between the vent (at the detergent dispenser) and the additional

container __________________________________________________________________________ 45


Replacement of the hose between the two-way solenoid valve and the detergent dispenser _ 46


Replacement of the hose between the detergent dispenser and the tank apron ___________ 46


Replacement of the pressure control hose _______________________________________ 47


Replacement of the hose (C, B) between the one-way solenoid valve and the detergent

dispenser _________________________________________________________________________ 47


Replacement of the hose between the direction-shift valve II and the tank apron_______ 47


Replacement of the hose between the filter and the direction-shift valve II ____________ 48


Replacement of the hose between the tank and the filter ___________________________ 48


Replacement of the hose between the direction-shift valve II and the tee______________ 48


Replacement of the hose between the detergent dispenser and the tee ________________ 48


Replacement of the hose between the tee and the tank apron _______________________ 49


Replacement of the pressure control tank with a hose _____________________________ 49


Replacement of the filter drain hose ___________________________________________ 50


Replacement of the drain hose A, B ____________________________________________ 50




Replacement of the shock absorber ______________________________________________ 51


Replacement of the shock absorber rubber________________________________________ 51


DRUM SUB-ASSEMBLY ___________________________________________________ 52


Replacement of the drum sub-assembly __________________________________________ 52


Replacement of the cross assembly ______________________________________________ 56


Replacement of the spraying insert ______________________________________________ 56


TANK SUB-ASSEMBLY ____________________________________________________ 57


Replacement of the tank _______________________________________________________ 57


Replacement of the fixing rubber________________________________________________ 57


Replacement of the heating element support_______________________________________ 59


TANK FRONT PANEL _____________________________________________________ 59


Replacement of the tank front panel _____________________________________________ 59


COUNTERWEIGHTS ______________________________________________________ 60


Replacement of the upper counterweight _________________________________________ 60


Replacement of the front counterweight __________________________________________ 61


Replacement of the bottom counterweight ________________________________________ 61


Connection cord ___________________________________________________________ 61

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Replacement of the drawer panel _____________________________________________ 63


Replacement of the panel hook _______________________________________________ 63


REPLACEMENT OF THE BASE ____________________________________________ 65


REPLACEMENT OF THE HOUSING ________________________________________ 66


After each repair, check whether the mechanical and/or electrical connections are


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List of servicing tools

Photograph 1

1 – Philips screwdriver
2 – flat screwdriver
3 – open-ended spanner 19
4 – open-ended spanner 8/10
5 – hose clamp pliers (no. 1472 by Beta) cutter
6 – cutter
7 – flat nose pliers
8 – long bent flat nose pliers









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Additional servicing hook

Photograph 2

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1 Apron

1) Remove the TOP (top housing)

To do that:
a) using a Philips screwdriver unscrew two tap screws fixing the TOP to the housing

Photograph 3

b) lift the back of the TOP with one hand, move the TOP with the other hand from the washing machine front

backward until the TOP is unfastened

Photograph 4

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c) using a Philips screwdriver unscrew two tap screws fixing the control panel

Photograph 7

d) remove the panel

Photograph 8

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d) from that position turn the control panel by 180


parallel to the washing machine side and using a servicing hook

hang the panel on the washing machine side (the long hook end goes through the hole of the drawer sub-
assembly, and the short end hangs on the upper edge of the washing machine side)

Photograph 9

Photograph 10



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3) Remove servicing panel

To do that:
a) using a Philips screwdriver unscrew two tap screws fixing the servicing panel to the sides of the washing


Photograph 11

b) using a wedge, unfasten the servicing panel


To remove (unfasten) varnished components, use a plastic or wood

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Photograph 12

4) Open the window of the washing machine

Photograph 13

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5) Using a flat screwdriver, remove the apron band (front) and take the apron from the front panel with a hand

Photograph 14

Photograph 15

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6) Remove the central panel

To do that:
a) using a Philips screwdriver unscrew four tap screws fixing the central panel to the sides of the washing machine

Photograph 16

b) remove the central panel with the window

Photograph 17

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c) disconnect wire harness of the door lock

Photograph 18

7) Using flat nose pliers, loosen spring clip of the hose (direction shift valve II – tank apron). Take the hose off the Jet-

System distributor

Photograph 19

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Photograph 20

8) Using flat nose pliers loosen the spring clip of the hose (pressure control tank – hose). Take the hose off the pressure

control. Take the hose off the apron.

Photograph 21

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Photograph 22

Photograph 23

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9) Removal of the apron

To remove the apron:
a) using a Philips screwdriver loosen the apron (tank) band

Photograph 24

b) using a flat screwdriver take the apron (tank) band off

Photograph 25

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c) take the apron off

Photograph 26

10) The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


1. The apron should be placed back so that the

∆ mark on the apron is placed on the vertical

axis of the washing machine at the top and overlaps the same mark on the tank of the
washing machine, and the drain channel on the apron of its opposite side at the bottom.

2. When assembling, the tap screw of the band clip of the apron (tank) should be placed so that

the screw head is placed at the same level as the free bolt locating the counterbalance.

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Photograph 27

Photograph 28

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Control panel with the harness


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)

5) Disconnect harness wires from all elements powered with the harness (for connections with faston connectors use

long bent flat nose pliers)

6) Unfasten harness ducts (back, side and front)
7) Remove pressure control by turning it by 90


to the left and taking it out

8) Unfasten or cut with the cutter clamping rings of the harness
9) Replace the harness with another
10) The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Multi-V belt


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)

2) Using flat nose pliers, unfasten the spring fixing the washing assembly


Wires to powered elements should be connected according to a relevant diagram.

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Photograph 29

3) Remove the multi-V belt by taking it off the belt pulley and simultaneously turning the pulley

Photograph 30

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4) The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




When installing a multi-V belt, ensure that the belt is placed on the motor roller so that at least one
key-slot at the roller end is left.

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4 Belt



Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Using flat nose pliers, unfasten the spring fixing the washing assembly (see 3.2)


Remove the multi-V belt (see 3.3)

4) Undo the nut fixing the belt pulley (wrench no. 19)

Photograph 31

5) Remove the belt pulley

Photograph 32

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Replacement of the heating element with thermostat


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Disconnect the wire harness from the heating element


Undo the nut fixing the heating element

Photograph 33


Move the heating element out of the guide (be careful with heating elements covered with limescale)

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the multi-V belt (see 3.3)


Unscrew two tap screws fixing the motor

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Photograph 34


Remove the motor

Photograph 35

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Disconnect the wire harness connected to the motor

Photograph 36

Photograph 37


) Connect a new motor according to the electrical diagram

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the pump


Disconnect hoses connected to the pump (by loosening the clamping rings)


Disconnect the wire harness


Connect a new pump

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Disconnect the harness from the detector


Unfasten the detector


Replace the detector with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Open the door


Holding the door lock with a hand (from the inside) unscrew two fixing screws


Disconnect wires connected to the lock

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Photograph 38


Replace the damaged sub-assembly with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


10.1 Replacement of the detergent sub-assembly


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Move the drawer out


Unscrew a tap screw fixing the detergent assembly (from the control panel side)

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Photograph 39


Unfasten the detergent assembly

Photograph 40

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Disconnect hoses connected to the detergent assembly


Remove the damaged assembly

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

10.2 Replacement of the dispenser


Remove the TOP housing by unscrewing two tap screws


Remove the drawer


Unscrew a tap screw fixing the detergent assembly (from the control panel side)


Unfasten the detergent assembly


Disconnect the hose connected to the dispenser


Unfasten the cover

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

10.3 Replacement of the detergent drawer


Move the drawer out


Unfasten the drawer handle


Unfasten the siphon

Photograph 41


Unfasten the partition

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Photograph 42

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

10.4 Replacement of the siphon


Move the drawer out


Unfasten the siphon


Unfasten the marking gauge

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

10.5 Replacement of the partition


Move the drawer out


Unfasten the partition

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

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10.6 Replacement of the cover


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Move the drawer out


Unscrew the tap screw fixing the detergent assembly (from the control panel side)


Unfasten the detergent assembly


Disconnect hoses connected to the cover


Unfasten the cover

Photograph 43

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

10.7 Replacement of the distributor


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Move the drawer out


Unscrew the tap screw fixing the detergent assembly (from the control panel side)


Unfasten the detergent assembly


Unfasten the cover


Unfasten the distributor

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Photograph 44

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


EMI filter


Cut the power off by removing the plug from the socket


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Take the connection cord wires off the EMI filter

Photograph 45

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Unscrew two tap screws fixing the filter

Photograph 46


Move the filter out from the fixing holes


Replace the filter with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

12 Two-way



Disconnect the connection cord and cut off water supply


Undo the water supply hose to the washing machine


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Disconnect harness wires from the valve

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Photograph 47


Remove clamps from two hoses

Photograph 48


Take the hoses from the valve


Unscrew the tap screw fixing the valve

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Photograph 49


Replace the valve with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13 Complete window for the washing machine

13.1 Replacement of the complete window for the washing machine


Open the complete window as much as possible

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Photograph 50

(2) Unscrew two fixing screws
(3) Replace the complete window with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.2 Replacement of the transparent element of the window

(1) Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window

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Photograph 51

(2) Unfasten the inner ring sub-assembly from the transparent element

Photograph 52

(3) Replace the transparent element with another

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Photograph 53

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.3 Replacement of the outer ring


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove and put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly and the handle sub-assembly

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Photograph 54

(4) Replace the outer ring with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the inner ring


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Unfasten the inner ring sub-assembly from the transparent element


Remove the hinge pin and the window hinge

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Photograph 55


Replace the inner ring with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.5 Replacement of the window hinge


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove the hinge pin


Replace the hinge with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.6 Replacement of the window handle


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove and put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly and the hinge sub-assembly


Remove 2 bolts and the handle spring from the handle sub-assembly

Photograph 56


Replace the window hinge with another

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.7 Replacement of the lever

(1) Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window

Remove ad put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly


Remove the lever from the rotational system


Replace the lever with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.8 Replacement of the rotational system


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove and put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly


Remove the lever and the hook with the spring from the rotational system


Replace the rotational system with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

13.9 Replacement of the hook


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove and put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly


Remove the hook and the spring from the rotational system


Replace the hook with another

13.10 Replacement of the window spring


Unscrew 10 assembly screws of the window


Remove and put away the inner ring with the transparent element


Remove the hook assembly


Remove the hook and the spring from the rotational system


Replace the window spring with another

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14 Direction-shift valve


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)

2) Disconnect electrical wires from the valve
3) Move out the valve from its seat
4) Disconnect three hoses from the valve

Photograph 57

5) Replace the valve with another
6) The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


15.1 Replacement of the supplying hose from aqua stop


Undo the hose from the washing machine side


Undo the hose from the valve side

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the hose between the tank and the

detergent dispenser


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Move the drawer of the detergent dispenser out


Unscrew tap screws fixing the detergent dispenser


Remove the detergent dispenser


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

Photograph 58

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.3 Replacement of the hose between the additional container and the
direction-shift valve


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.4 Replacement of the hose between the filter and the direction-shift valve


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.5 Replacement of the hose between the self-cleaning pump and the
detergent dispenser


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.6 Replacement of the hose between the additional container and the tank
(venting hose)


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.7 Replacement of the hose between the vent (at the detergent dispenser)
and the additional container

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Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.8 Replacement of the hose between the two-way solenoid valve and the
detergent dispenser


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Move the hose down

Photograph 59

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.9 Replacement of the hose between the detergent dispenser and the tank


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

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15.10 Replacement of the pressure control hose


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the hose (C, B) between the one-way solenoid valve

and the detergent dispenser


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.12 Replacement of the hose between the direction-shift valve II and the
tank apron


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

Photograph 60

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.13 Replacement of the hose between the filter and the direction-shift valve


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.14 Replacement of the hose between the tank and the filter


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.15 Replacement of the hose between the direction-shift valve II and the


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.16 Replacement of the hose between the detergent dispenser and the tee


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

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Replacement of the hose between the tee and the tank apron


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Loosen clamping rings of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.18 Replacement of the pressure control tank with a hose


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Take the pressure control hose out

Photograph 61

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Photograph 62

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.19 Replacement of the filter drain hose


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Loosen the clamping ring of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

15.20 Replacement of the drain hose A, B


Take the hose out from the drain


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Take the hose out from the hole in the housing of the washing machine


Loosen the clamping ring of the hose


Take the hose out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.



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16.1 Replacement of the shock absorber

Photograph 63


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)


Disconnect the connection cord from the junction and take it out from the housing


Disconnect the wire harness from the solenoid valve (junction)


Disconnect the wire harness from the pumps, the direction-shift valve, the heating element and the



Unscrew tap screws fixing the upper strip


Loosen the clamping ring of the tank apron


Take the tank apron out from the central panel


Unfasten the wire harness from the catches in the housing


Unfasten the spring supporting the washing assembly


Unscrew tap screws fixing the housing to the base


Move the housing out


Disconnect all hoses connected to the tank


Lift the washing assembly so that the shock absorber pin pops out and support it


Take the shock absorber out from the rubber in the base (pin)

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

16.2 Replacement of the shock absorber rubber

Perform actions as in section 16.1 from (1) to (17)

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Take the shock absorber rubber out from the base

Photograph 64

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.



17.1 Replacement of the drum sub-assembly


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)

(4) Disconnect hoses connected to the tank

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Photograph 65


Undo the front counterweight

Photograph 66


Undo the tank front panel assembly

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Photograph 67


Unscrew two tap screws fixing the housing and move it backward

Photograph 68

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Remove the V-belt

Photograph 69


Undo the belt pulley (one nut)

Photograph 70

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Move the drum sub-assembly out

Photograph 71

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

17.2 Replacement of the cross assembly

Order of actions as in section 17.1


Undo the cross (3 or 6 screws depending on the model)


Take the cross out of the rod

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

17.3 Replacement of the spraying insert

Order of actions from (1) to (10) as in section 17.1


Unscrew the tap screw fixing the sprayer


Unfasten the sprayer

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

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18.1 Replacement of the tank

Order of actions from (1) to (10) as in section 17.1


Disconnect wire harnesses from the pump, the direction-shift valve, the heating element and the motor


Remove the motor


Undo the counterweights


Remove the heating element


Lift the tank to unfasten it from the shock absorber pins

Photograph 72


Replace the old tank with a new one

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the fixing rubber

Order of actions from (1) to (15) as in section 18.1

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Lift the tank to unfasten it from the shock absorber pins

Photograph 73


Replace the fixing rubber with another

Photograph 74

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

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18.3 Replacement of the heating element support


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)


Disconnect the wire harness from the heating element


Disconnect the hoses connected to the tank front panel


Remove the front counterweight


Remove the tank front panel


Remove the heating element support by unscrewing two screws

Photograph 75

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.



19.1 Replacement of the tank front panel

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Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)


Disconnect the wire harness from the heating element


Unfasten the hose connected to the tank front panel

Photograph 76

(7) Remove the counterweight by unscrewing three tap screws
(8) Remove the heating element
(9) Remove the tank front panel by unscrewing 12 tap screws
(10) Replace the old tank front panel with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


20.1 Replacement of the upper counterweight


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)

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Remove the counterweight by unscrewing three screws fixing that counterweight

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.

20.2 Replacement of the front counterweight


Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)


Remove the front counterweight by unscrewing three fixing screws

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the bottom counterweight


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Disconnect the pump


Disconnect one hose from the pump


Remove the bottom counterweight by unscrewing three tap screws

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.




(1) Disconnect the connection cord from the mains

Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)

(3) Disconnect the wires from the EMI filter

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Photograph 77

Photograph 78

(4) Move the connection cord out from the fixing guide
(5) Replace the cord with another

Connection of the wires:

-N- blue wire

-L- brown wire

yellow-green wire

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The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


Replacement of the drawer panel


Remove the TOP assembly


Take the detergent drawer sub-assembly out from the washing machine


Release the latch and simultaneously move the drawer panel out

Photograph 79


Replace the drawer panel with another


Assemble by moving the drawer panel in from the bottom up until the latch distinctly clicks

23 Replacement of the panel hook


Remove the TOP assembly


Remove the panel with the housing support


Remove the pressure control with a security


Remove the panel hook from the housing

background image

Repair manual of the washing machine

64 /67

Photograph 80

Photograph 81

background image

Repair manual of the washing machine

65 /67

Photograph 82


Remove the band clip from the panel hook


Replace the panel hook with another

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.



Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Disconnect the connection cord from the junction and take it out from the housing


Disconnect the wire harness from the solenoid valve (junction)


Unscrew tap screws fixing the servicing panel


Move the servicing panel out


Disconnect the wire harness from the pumps, the direction-shift valve, the heating element and the



Move the detergent dispenser drawer out


Unscrew tap screws fixing the detergent dispenser


Move the control panel out (by unfastening the hinge from the housing as shown in the Photograph)


Unscrew tap screws fixing the top strip


Loosen the clamping ring of the tank apron


Take the tank apron out from the central panel


Unscrew tap screws fixing the central panel


(Carefully) take the central panel out


Disconnect the wire harness from the door lock (junction)


Unfasten the wire harness from the catches in the housing


Unfasten the spring supporting the washing assembly


Unscrew tap screws fixing the housing to the base


Move the housing out as shown in the figure

background image

Repair manual of the washing machine

66 /67


Disconnect all hoses connected to the tank


Place the washing assembly with the base horizontally


Remove shock absorbers with the rubber from the base


Replace the base with another

Photograph 83

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.



Remove the TOP assembly (see 1.1)


Remove the control panel (see 1.2)


Remove the servicing panel (see 1.3)


Remove the central panel (see 1.6)


Disconnect the connection cord from the junction and take it out from the housing


Undo the connection junction from the housing


Disconnect the wire harness from the solenoid valve (junction)


Disconnect the solenoid valve


Disconnect the wire harness from the pumps, the direction-shift valve, the heating element and the motor


Unscrew tap screws fixing the top strip


Loosen the clamping ring of the tank apron


Take the tank apron out from the central panel


Unscrew tap screws fixing the central panel


(Carefully) take the central panel out


Disconnect the wire harness from the door lock (junction)


Unfasten the wire harness from the catches in the housing


Unfasten the spring supporting the washing assembly


Unscrew tap screws fixing the housing to the base


Move the housing out

The assembly actions should be taken in the opposite order.


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