davenport lyons to ferris 2009

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Mr J Ferris

18 February 2009

Dear Sir

Infringement of Copyright:

On Thursday 11 December 2008, a substantial extract of the letter we wrote to you, dated
18 November 2008, was published on a website known as Wikileaks (the Site). The
particulars of the letter were individual to you, and as such, we have been able to identify
you unequivocally.

May we remind you that, as stated in our original letter of claim, all of our correspondence is
protected by copyright. Publishing one of our letters, in part or in its entirety, without our
express permission on a website where any member of the public can access it at any time
is a primary infringement of section 20 of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988.

Please request the website to remove the offending upload as soon as possible, to avoid
any further action.

We are further considering whether or not to take action against you, in addition to our
client’s claim, for infringement of our copyright.

In the meantime, we expressly reserve all of our rights, and those of our clients.

Yours faithfully

Davenport Lyons

Your Ref:
Our Ref: DIG.9.1/FILS/BT/SCTR_30000390


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