PrivAssist 3850269EN 092008

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Collection and analysis of labour and production

data from the nursery

Informed decisions are dependent on the availability of accurate

data. The more accurate the data, the better the decision making.

PrivAssist enables efficient and reliable collection and retrieval of

important nursery data by your workforce while the work is going

on. Nothing could be more accurate and up to date. At any time,

the system will provide you with up to date information about who

has being doing what, when and where.

PrivAssist is particularly suitable for
processing labour and production data.
From the data collected, an analysis of the
production and operational performance
for each location and employee can be
reviewed immediately. This not only
enables you to discover how variations
in production can be corrected, but also
provides an insight into how all the
operational processes on the nursery
are progressing. The data is recorded on
mobile terminals on the nursery or in the
packhouse, networked to the central PC.

Insight into performance

The main benefit of PrivAssist lies in the
fact that performance can be easily and
accurately measured. It provides a clear
insight into the productivity of individual

Information on performance has a
motivating effect. Once the employee
has entered data, he/she can immediately
be provided with feedback, e.g. with the
number of kilograms harvested per hour.
The performance of the employee will be
more result oriented and time will be used
more efficiently. PrivAssist will improve
the selection of new personnel and allow
casual workers to be paid on a performance
related basis.

Insight into production variations

No two sections are the same. There may
even be production differences between
two rows, not only in quantity but also
in quality. PrivAssist will highlight these
variations. Production is recorded for
each individual location.

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Priva B.V.
Zijlweg 3
P.O. Box 18
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)174 522 600
F +31 (0)174 522 700

Differences of less than 10% – which are
barely noticeable to the naked eye – will
become apparent.

Insight into Pests and diseases

Any infestation of your crop by pests and
diseases can be entered at the terminals
while working on the crop. The exact
location of the pests or diseases is recorded
and you can take action immediately to
combat them.

Improved work planning

PrivAssist provides a direct link between
your personal computer and the workplace.
At any point in time, the progress of work
in the greenhouse can be monitored and
redirected as necessary.

Latest technology

Smartline uses the latest RFID technology,
already proven in the world of logistics and
highly suitable for use in horticulture.
Where barcode systems frequently suffer
from dirt or humidity, selection of this
technology ensures trouble-free operation.

The system incorporates electronic labels
that can be programmed for any location
on the nursery. The same applies to all
carts or containers. Using the additional
Smartline equipment, you have the option
of re-programming the labels yourself.

The advantages of Smartline

• Error-free information always at your


• Simple to operate.
• You save time: correction or ‘walking’

time is virtually no longer necessary.

• Language problems are eliminated
• The system is reliable, using the latest,

solid state technology, suitable for

• Smartline can be implemented

with existing PrivAssist systems.

• The system can be customized.

Need to know more?

Call Priva at T +31 (0)174 522 600 or
visit our website We will be
delighted to help you with your next step.


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