New Oxford Gimnazjum Testy

ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa
Oxford Gimnazjum Expert Oxford Gimnazjum Expert
Unit 1 Test A Unit 1 Test B
Gramatyka, funkcje językowe Gramatyka, funkcje językowe
1 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. Jedna odpowiedz nie 1 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. Jedna odpowiedz nie
pasuje do żadnego pytania. pasuje do żadnego pytania.
1 Is Anna a student? 1 Where is Maria from?
2 How old are you? 2 Was your sister at the party last Saturday?
3 Are you all right? 3 What s the matter with you?
4 What does Tom look like? 4 What is Christopher like?
5 What nationality is he? 5 Where do Max and Victoria live?
a I m going to an exam and I m feeling nervous. a Oh, really nice.
b Well, he s tall and quite handsome. b They ve just moved to Brussels.
c Yes, at Warsaw University. c Nothing, I m just a bit tired.
d He likes motorbikes. d She says she s from Sweden.
e German, I think. e He likes racing cars.
f I ll be 16 next month. f Yes, but she left quite early.
Mark 5 Mark 5
2 Wstaw odpowiedni przedimek: a / an / the lub zaznacz brak 2 Wstaw odpowiedni przedimek: a / an / the lub zaznacz brak
przedimka ( ). przedimka ( ).
1 We ordered a hamburger and some chips. 1 She bought a skirt and some shoes. skirt was very
hamburger was very tasty. nice.
2 You shouldn t stay too long in sun. 2 Learning English is easy if you have good
3 Sophie has got new computer. dictionary.
4 dogs are very popular pets. 3 Rajiv is from India.
5 Wolin is island. 4 It is raining. I need umbrella.
6 My brother lives in United Kingdom. 5 Many British people have cats.
6 People first landed on moon in 1969.
Mark 6
Mark 6
3 Uzupełnij wyrazy odpowiadające podanym definicjom.
3 Uzupełnij wyrazy odpowiadające podanym definicjom.
1 how old you are a _ _
_ _
2 the hair above a man s mouth m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 what country you are from n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y
3 what some people have on their faces, especially in 2 the hair under a man s mouth b _ _ _
_ _ _ d
summer f _ _ _ _ _ _ s 3 what is left on your skin after you cut yourself s _ _ r
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 the kind of hair which is the opposite of straight 4 the kind of hair which is a bit curly w _ _ y
_ _
c _ _ _ 5 ready to wait a bit for results p _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ y _ _ _ _ _ t
5 thinking only about himself or herself s _ _ _ _ _ 6 happy to be with other people s _ _ _ _ _ _ e
_ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _
6 not ready to wait for results i _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ t
Mark 6
Mark 6
4 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
4 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
My friends get 1 with me sometimes. That s because
My little brother always asks me to help him with his one minute I m happy and 2 and the next minute I m
homework. The problem is when he doesn t understand 3 and sad. When I m feeling bad, I try to keep away
things, I get 1 . I don t shout at him of course, or get from people, but it isn t always easy.
2 . I just give up after about ten minutes and go away. I
1 A lazy B annoyed C generous
feel 3 about it. I should spend more time helping him.
2 A selfish B mean C cheerful
1 A sociable B serious C annoyed 3 A miserable B confident C relaxed
2 A aggressive B shy C friendly
Mark 3
3 A clever B bad C kind
Total 20
Mark 3
Total 20
© Oxford University Press Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Photocopiable
ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa
Oxford Gimnazjum Expert Oxford Gimnazjum Expert
Unit 2 Test A Unit 2 Test B
SÅ‚ownictwo SÅ‚ownictwo
1 Dopasuj nazwy obiektów i przedmiotów do definicji. Jedna 1 Dopasuj nazwy obiektów i przedmiotów do definicji. Jedna
z nazw nie pasuje do żadnej definicji. z nazw nie pasuje do żadnej definicji.
1 football stadiums, swimming pools, tennis courts 1 a shop where you buy meat
2 a shop where you can buy newspapers 2 a kind of shop where you can buy tablets and medicines
3 a place with books which is not a shop
4 a piece of kitchen equipment where you can keep ice and 3 a piece of kitchen equipment where you can keep things
ice-cream at low temperature
5 a piece of furniture with many separate containers for 4 a machine for making cups and plates clean
keeping things 5 a piece of furniture where you keep your clothes on
a a chest of drawers
b a library a a dishwasher
c a newsagent b the butcher s
d sports facilities c a wardrobe
e a wardrobe d a fridge
f a freezer e a pharmacy
f a chest of drawers
Mark 5
Mark 5
Gramatyka, słownictwo i funkcje językowe
Gramatyka, słownictwo i funkcje językowe
2 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
2 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
I live in a 1 house, one of many standing together in a
long row, so it doesn t look like a separate house at all. It is I live in a 1 house, one of many standing together in
not our house  we are only 2 it. The house is quite a long row, so it doesn t look like a separate house at all. It
ordinary with four straight walls and a roof. I really 3 is not our house  we are only 2 it. The house is quite
the small garden at the back because it s so 4 . There is 3 with four straight walls and a roof. I really 4
no 5 , so my mum parks her car in the street. 6 the small garden at the back because it s so peaceful. There
is a kitchen and a living room downstairs. There are two is no 5 , so my mum parks her car in the street. There
bathrooms in the house. One of them is 7 the kitchen is a kitchen and a living room downstairs. There 6
and the living room, and one is 8 my bedroom two bathrooms in the house. One of them is 7 the
upstairs. In my bedroom I ve got my bed, a desk and 9 kitchen and the living room, and one is 8 my bedroom
posters on the walls. upstairs. In my bedroom I ve got my bed, a desk and some
It isn t 10 from the town centre  it s only three stops posters on the walls.
on the bus. There s a bus stop just outside the house. It isn t 9 from the town centre  it s only three stops on
the bus. There s 10 bus stop just outside the house.
1 A detached B semi-detached C terraced
2 A renting B selling C sharing 1 A terraced B detached C semi-detached
3 A am keen B like C keen on 2 A selling B sharing C renting
4 A huge B peaceful C ugly 3 A ordinary B extraordinary C unusual
5 A stairs B furniture C garage 4 A am keen B keen on C like
6 A It B They C There 5 A stairs B garage C furniture
7 A in B on C between 6 A are B aren t C is
8 A opposite B next C in front 7 A in B between C on
9 A a B any C some 8 A in front B next C opposite
10 A busy B far away C noisy 9 A noisy B busy C far away
10 A an B a C any
Mark 10
Mark 10
3 Uzupełnij zdania wybranymi wyrazami lub wyrażeniami.
3 Uzupełnij zdania wybranymi wyrazami lub wyrażeniami.
a lot / any / are / some / there
no / there / lot of / some / are
People in Poland often live in blocks of flats. 1 are also
2 of detached or semi-detached houses and 3 A 1 people in Poland live in blocks of flats. There
terraced houses, but they aren t very popular. There aren t 2 also detached or semi-detached houses. There are
4 people who live in barges or caravans. There 5 a 3 people who live in barges or caravans. There are
lot of tents, but people only stay in them in the summer. 4 chalets in the mountains. 5 are a lot of tents,
but people only stay in them in the summer.
Mark 5
Mark 5
Total 20
Total 20
© Oxford University Press Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Photocopiable
ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa
Oxford Gimnazjum Expert Oxford Gimnazjum Expert
Unit 3 Test A Unit 3 Test B
Gramatyka, funkcje językowe Gramatyka, funkcje językowe
1 Wpisz prawidłowe formy czasowników podanych 1 Wpisz prawidłowe formy czasowników podanych
w nawiasach (czas present simple lub present continuous). w nawiasach (czas present simple lub present continuous).
Hi, Michelle. I 1 (write) this Hi, David. I 1 (sit) in the
postcard from Penzance, where I m on garden of our summer house, where I m on
holiday. It s great  the sun holiday. The weather s not so good  it
2 (shine) and the sea is 2 (rain) sometimes, although
warm. We 3 (swim) every right now the sun 3 (shine).
day. Right now my parents and my sister I always 4 (spend) a month
4 (play) beach volleyball. here in summer. My parents
I 5 (not like) team sports, 5 (go) to town, to the
so I have decided to write to you. post office, so I have decided to write a
Love, David. postcard to you.
Love, Michelle.
Mark 5
Mark 5
2 Ułóż zdania, zapisując wyrazy w prawidłowej kolejności.
2 Ułóż zdania, zapisując wyrazy w prawidłowej kolejności.
1 are at doing moment the What you ?
2 come Do round to want you ? 1 are at parents moment the working Where your ?
3 brother for is late My never school . 2 breakfast do have time usually What you ?
4 at cinema go sometimes the the to We weekends . 3 doesn t football like My sister .
5 are hard morning students The this very working . 4 always on Spring starts 21 March .
5 He helping homework is me my with .
Mark 5
Mark 5
3 Dopasuj wyrazy do podanych definicji. Jeden wyraz nie
pasuje do żadnej definicji. 3 Dopasuj wyrazy do podanych definicji. Jeden wyraz nie
pasuje do żadnej definicji.
cousin / grandmother / nephew / niece / stepmother / uncle
grandfather / nephew / niece / stepfather / cousin / aunt
1 your mother s brother is your
2 your aunt s son is your 1 your father s sister is your
3 your sister s daughter is your 2 your uncle s daughter is your
4 your mother s mother is your 3 your sister s son is your
5 a woman who is your father s wife but not your real 4 your father s father is your
mother is your 5 a man who is your mother s husband but not your real
father is your
Mark 5
Mark 5
Słownictwo, gramatyka, funkcje językowe
Słownictwo, gramatyka, funkcje językowe
4 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
4 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.
I want to tell you about a holiday we celebrate in the USA
1 November. The holiday is called 2 because we I want to tell you about a holiday we celebrate in the USA
give thanks for 3 food and things that we have. 1 November. The holiday is called 2 because
4 that day families get together for a large meal. we give thanks for 3 food and things that we have.
Traditionally we have turkey and potatoes, but 5 4 that day families get together for a large meal.
favourite dish is pumpkin pie. Traditionally we have turkey and potatoes, but 5
favourite dish is pumpkin pie.
1 A at B in C on
2 A Guy Fawkes Night B Hallowe en C Thanksgiving 1 A in B at C on
3 A our B ours C us 2 A Hallowe en B Thanksgiving C Guy Fawkes Night
4 A At B In C On 3 A ours B us C our
5 A mine B my C theirs 4 A In B At C On
5 A my B me C mine
Mark 5
Mark 5
Total 20
Total 20
© Oxford University Press Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Photocopiable
ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa
Reagowanie językowe
Oxford Gimnazjum Expert
Progress Test 1A (Units 1-3) 3 Przyporządkuj do każdego pytania (1-5) jedną z podanych
odpowiedzi (A-F). Jedna odpowiedz została podana
Odbiór tekstu słuchanego
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego pytania.
1 What class are you in?
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę dwóch osób. W zdaniu 1
2 What s your best subject?
wybierz właściwą odpowiedz, zgodną z treścią nagrania,
3 What s your father like?
zakreślając A, B lub C. Następnie uzupełnij brakujące
4 Is there a bus stop in front of your house?
informacje w zdaniach 2-5.
5 Are you studying hard for your final exam?
1 They are talking about:
A Clever and hard-working.
A somebody s brother and sister.
B I spend four hours learning every day.
B some students of Italian.
C In Three A.
C somebody s boyfriend and his sister.
D He likes watching TV.
2 Carlo is a student at a school.
E I quite like maths.
3 Carlo is years old.
F No, but there s one not far away.
4 Carlo is and medium-built.
5 Rosa is really .
Mark 5
Mark 5
4 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W każdą lukę (1-5) wstaw
odpowiedni wyraz lub formÄ™ czasownika (A, B lub C).
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i w zdaniu 1 wybierz właściwą
Madrid is great. We 1 in a really nice place in the centre.
odpowiedz, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz jedną
There 2 a lot of shops, cafes and restaurants. Also, there is
z trzech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B lub C. Następnie
3 big park in 4 centre called the Retiro. It s
zdecyduj, które zdania (2-5) są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które
5 The Prado museum. Come and visit me any time!
fałszywe (FALSE).
Liz Brown interviews British teenagers about their daily life.
1 A are living B stays C are renting
Liz Hello. Today I m interviewing British teenagers about
2 A is B isn t C are
their hobbies and interests. First, I d like to talk to
3 A no B the C a
15-year-old Tessa Jackson. Hello, Tessa.
4 A the B a C some
Tessa Hi.
5 A on B near C under
Liz Tell me & What do you do in your spare time?
Mark 5
Tessa Well, I go swimming with my friends after school.
We sometimes play basketball. I like badminton and
5 Do każdej sytuacji (1-4) dobierz odpowiednią reakcję,
I m in the school badminton club. I also have dancing
zakreślając A, B lub C.
lessons on Saturday mornings.
1 Twój kolega jest zmartwiony. Jak zapytasz, co mu jest?
Liz Do you watch much TV?
A I am asking you what happened.
Tessa I usually watch about an hour or two every day. I like
B Are you all right? What s the matter?
watching reality TV shows and films best. I sometimes
C You are sad. What are you doing?
go to the cinema too.
2 Chcesz zaprosić koleżankę do siebie na przyjęcie. Jak to
Liz Do you often play computer games?
Tessa I don t really like computer games. I prefer going on
A Do you fancy coming over here for a party?
the Internet. I like looking for websites about teenage
B I want to invite some people. I have a party.
fashion and music. I also spend a lot of time emailing
C Are you coming to a party, my friend?
my friends.
3 Podoba Ci się dom Twoich przyjaciół. Wyraz swoją opinię.
Liz What do you usually do on Sundays?
A My house is quite ordinary because it isn t big.
Tessa I usually get up late. After breakfast, I do my
B The house is big with a metal roof.
homework. Then I visit my friends and we talk and listen
C I really like your house because it s so impressive.
to music.
4 Zapytaj znajomego z zagranicy, jak obchodzi święta
Liz That s great. Thank you for your time.
A How do people celebrate in your country?
1 Tessa is telling Liz about:
B I d like to know how you celebrate Easter in your
A what she likes doing
B her school
C Do you have traditional holidays like Easter in your
C her homework
True False
Mark 4
2 Tessa goes swimming at school.
6 Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 1-3. Udziel odpowiedzi
3 Tessa goes dancing during the weekend.
pełnymi zdaniami. Napisz je na odwrocie kartki.
4 Tessa isn t keen on computer games.
1 What kind of people do you like?
5 Tessa never does her homework on Sunday.
2 What s your ideal house like?
3 Why is it important to have friends?
Mark 5
Mark 6
Total 30
© Oxford University Press Photocopiable
ImiÄ™, nazwisko, klasa
Reagowanie językowe
Oxford Gimnazjum Expert
Progress Test 1B (Units 1-3) 3 Przyporządkuj do każdego pytania (1-5) jedną z podanych
odpowiedzi (A-F). Jedna odpowiedz została podana
Odbiór tekstu słuchanego
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego pytania.
1 Where are you from?
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę dwóch osób. W zdaniu 1
2 How old is your brother?
wybierz właściwą odpowiedz, zgodną z treścią nagrania,
3 Is there a garden outside your house?
zakreślając A, B lub C. Następnie uzupełnij brakujące
4 What s your sister like?
informacje w zdaniach 2-5.
5 What time do you wake up?
1 They are talking about:
A Ambitious and talented.
A some students of Italian.
B At half past six.
B somebody s boyfriend and his sister.
C She likes music and dancing.
C somebody s brother and sister.
D Yes, with big trees.
2 Carlo and Rosa are from .
E Paris, France.
3 Rosa is years old.
F Seventeen.
4 Carlo has got black hair and eyes.
5 Carlo is quite .
Mark 5
Mark 5
4 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W każdą lukę (1-5) wstaw
odpowiedni wyraz lub formÄ™ czasownika (A, B lub C).
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i w zdaniu 1 wybierz właściwą
Madrid is great. We 1 in a really nice place in the centre.
odpowiedz, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz jedną
There 2 a lot of shops, cafes and restaurants. Also, there is
z trzech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B lub C. Następnie
3 big park in 4 centre called the Retiro. It s
zdecyduj, które zdania (2-5) są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które
5 The Prado museum. Come and visit me any time!
fałszywe (FALSE).
Liz Brown interviews British teenagers about their daily life.
1 A are renting B stays C are living
Liz Hello. Today I m interviewing British teenagers about
2 A are B is C isn t
their hobbies and interests. First, I d like to talk to
3 A a B no C the
15-year-old Tessa Jackson. Hello, Tessa.
4 A some B the C a
Tessa Hi.
5 A under B on C near
Liz Tell me & What do you do in your spare time?
Mark 5
Tessa Well, I go swimming with my friends after school.
We sometimes play basketball. I like badminton and
5 Do każdej sytuacji (1-4) dobierz odpowiednią reakcję,
I m in the school badminton club. I also have dancing
zakreślając A, B lub C.
lessons on Saturday mornings.
1 Twój kolega jest zmartwiony. Jak zapytasz, co mu jest?
Liz Do you watch much TV?
A Are you all right? What s the matter?
Tessa I usually watch about an hour or two every day. I like
B I am asking you what happened.
watching reality TV shows and films best. I sometimes
C You are sad. What are you doing?
go to the cinema too.
2 Chcesz zaprosić koleżankę do siebie na przyjęcie. Jak to
Liz Do you often play computer games?
Tessa I don t really like computer games. I prefer going on
A I want to invite some people. I have a party.
the Internet. I like looking for websites about teenage
B Are you coming to a party, my friend?
fashion and music. I also spend a lot of time emailing
C Do you fancy coming over here for a party?
my friends.
3 Podoba Ci się dom Twoich przyjaciół. Wyraz swoją opinię.
Liz What do you usually do on Sundays?
A The house is big with a metal roof.
Tessa I usually get up late. After breakfast, I do my
B I really like your house because it s so impressive.
homework. Then I visit my friends and we talk and listen
C My house is quite ordinary because it isn t big.
to music.
4 Zapytaj znajomego z zagranicy, jak obchodzi święta
Liz That s great. Thank you for your time.
A I d like to know how you celebrate Easter in your
1 Liz is asking Tess about:
A her homework.
B Do you have traditional holidays like Easter in your
B her school.
C what she likes doing.
C How do people celebrate in your country?
True False
Mark 4
2 Tessa plays basketball at school.
6 Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 1-3. Udziel odpowiedzi
3 Tessa is keen on films on TV.
pełnymi zdaniami. Napisz je na odwrocie kartki.
4 Tessa doesn t like the Internet.
1 What should your best friend be like?
5 Tessa sends a lot of e-mails.
2 What is good about living in the country?
3 Why do people like celebrating holidays?
Mark 5
Mark 6
Total 30
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