zuchiewicz cv eng

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First name: Witold
Middle name: Aleksander

Born: December 13th, 1955, Cracow, Poland
Office address: Chair of Environmental Analyses, Cartography, and Economic Geology, Faculty of
Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al.
Mickiewicza 30 Str., 30059 Cracow; phone: 0048 12 6174741; fax: 0048 12 6332936; E-mail:


, witoldzuchiewicz@wp.pl

1978 M.Sc. in physical geography, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
1981 Ph.D. in geology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
1988 Dr. Sc. in geology; Jagiellonian University
1998 Professor of Earth sciences
2004 corresponding member, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
1978 young research assistant, Institute of Geography, Jagiellonian University
1979 research assistant, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University
1982 assistant professor, as above
1990 associate professor, as above
2001 full professor, Jagiellonian University
2007 full professor, AGH University of Science and Technology
Posts held (selected):
1982-85: vice-secretary, editorial office Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
1987-89: board member, Polish Geological Society
1991-95: Secretary to the INQUA Neotectonics Commission
since 1993: Editor-in-Chief Folia Quaternaria (edited by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences)
since 1993: member of Editorial Board Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica
since 1999: member of Management Board of Terra Nova
1995-99: member of Editorial Board Przegl


d Geologiczny [Geological Review]

2002-2011: Editor-in-Chief Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
1996-2007: president of Scientific Council, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University
1997-2007: Director, Postgraduate (Ph.D.) Studies Program at the Institute of Geological Sciences,
Jagiellonian University
since 2008: member of Editorial Board Geological Quarterly
Research interests:
neotectonics, morphotectonics, palaeoseismology, recent stress field, fluvial geomorphology, lithology
and lithostratigraphy of Quaternary fluvial and slopes sediments, structural geology (with special
attention paid to the analysis of joints)
Study areas:
Polish Carpathians, Carpathian Foredeep, Cracow Upland, Sudetes Mts., Ukrainian Carpathians,
southern Sweden, Southern Alps, Basin-and-Range Province (Utah, Idaho, Wyoming), Northern
Vietnam (Red River and Dien Bien Phu fault zones), Laos
Scholarships abroad:
1985 Institute of Geology, Universita degli Studi di Padova (1 month)
1986 Institute of Geology, University of Stockholm (1 month)
1989 Universitá degli Studi di Udine (1 week)
1991 Logan, Utah State University (6 months)
1995/96 Brunel University College, London (3 months)
Membership of scientific societies:
29, i.a.: The Geological Society, London, Geological Society of America, Committee for Quaternary
Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Geological Society of Poland, Commission for Quaternary
Palaeogeography of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Polish Geographical Society,
Geographical Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Carpatho-Balkan
Geomorphological Commission, International Association of Structural/Tectonic Geologists, UNESCO
IGCP Project 430, Association of Polish Geomorphologists, Galicia T. Group
Active participation in international congresses and conferences: 94 (including the last seven
International Geological Congresses)
Active participation in national congresses/symposia: 69

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4 monographs, 153 peer-reviewed papers,132 short contributions, 85 extended abstracts, 129 regular
abstracts, 3 maps, 6 book reviews, 17 edited volumes, 54 other publications, 13 unpublished reports
Awards: several national ones since 1979 (including those given by the Polish Geological Society,
Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology), Hutchison Young Scientist
Award (IUGS, 1989), Serge-von-Bubnoff Medaille (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften,
2007), The Memorial Award for Science and Technology of the Vietnamese Academy of Science and
Technology, The Medal for Peace and Friendship between the Nations, The Medal for Natural
Resource and Environment of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, The Medal for
Geology of the Vietnam Geological Society (all 2009)
Polish Committee for Scientific Research/Ministry of Higher Education - 10 since 1992, and several
Geohosts during international geological and INQUA congresses


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