Adsense Goldmine

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Copyright 2011 Global Blaze Marketing

Adsense Goldmine System

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Copyright 2011 Global Blaze Marketing

About the Authors

Abel Chua has been in the internet marketing industry for
many years. He has experience in creating websites,
earning money from advertising networks, selling products
and affiliate marketing. He has held many mentorship
programs and trained many internet marketers to earn
money online.

You can visit his website at

Abel Chua
CEO & Founder
Global Blaze Marketing

Jeremy Tan, a young budding internet marketer and

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webmaster of SurvivorMarketing.

He specialises in areas of SEO as well as web marketing

He enjoys receiving reader feedbacks and comments which
can be directed to

Jeremy Tan
Survivor Marketing

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Copyright 2011 Global Blaze Marketing

Table Of Contents


Understanding The Benefits Of


Opening Your Door To Earn Passive Income
How Adsense Can Provide Residual Income Through Your Blog


Setting Up Of Your Blog (aboutTeas)

 Choosing A Suitable Niche

target audience, level of competition

 Getting A Web Host And A Suitable Domain Name

discount coupons

 Installing Wordpress And Finding A Good Theme

where to find free and awesome themes

 Providing Quality Content


Casting Your Nets: Integrating

Adsense Into Your Blog

 How To Find High Converting Keywords For Adsense
 Finding The Right Type Of Adsense Design
 Where To Place Your Adsense For Higher CTRs


Baiting The Fishes: Bringing Traffic

Into Your Blog

 Ranking In Search Engine Pages
 How To Find Good Backlinks
 Purchasing Advertisements – Solo Ads etc



 How To Earn Without Working

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The information contained in Adsense Goldmine System and its several complementary guides, is
meant to serve as a comprehensive collection of time-tested and proven strategies that the authors of
this eBook have applied to substantially increase their monthly passive income revenue on

Summaries, strategies, tips and tricks are only recommendations by the

authors, and reading this eBook does not guarantee that one’s results will exactly mirror our own
results. The authors of Adsense Goldmine System have made all reasonable efforts to provide
current and accurate information for the readers of this eBook. The authors will not be held liable
for any unintentional errors or omissions that may be found.

The material in Adsense Goldmine System may include information, products, or services by third
parties. Third Party materials comprise of the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As
such, the authors of this guide do not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party Material
or opinions.

The publication of such Third Party materials does not constitute the authors’ guarantee of any
information, instruction, opinion, products or service contained within the Third Party Material. Use
of recommended Third Party Material does not guarantee that your results, with (Title of website
removed) will mirror our own. Publication of such Third Party Material is simply a
recommendation and expression of the authors’ own opinion of that material.

Whether because of the general evolution of the Internet, or the unforeseen changes in company
policy and editorial submission guidelines, what is stated as fact at the time of this writing, may
become outdated or simply inapplicable at a later date. This may apply to the

website platform, as well as, the various similar companies that we have referenced in this eBook,
and our several complementary guides. Great effort has been exerted to safeguard the accuracy of
this writing. Opinions regarding similar website platforms have been formulated as a result of both
personal experience, as well as the well documented experiences of others.

No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted or resold in whole
or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the authors. All
trademarks and registered trademarks appearing The 6 Figure Success are
the property of their respective owners.

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1. Understanding The Benefits Of Blogging

Everyone is looking for the easy way out to make good money, whereas

there are certain pessimists who claim that it is impossible to do so.

However, I'm gonna bang my fists on the table, and challenge these

claims, as I will show you how I've managed to earn passive income for

the past few months! The method which I will soon prove effective, and

will be introducing you to is really a totally common concept – Blogging!

Why Blogs?

You must be wondering how can blogging actually earn me (or You)

residual income! Indeed, blogging alone is just a concept on its own.

However, looking at blogs from a renewed perspective, blogging has

become a norm for many, with over a million blogs dominating the

Internet today. With the advancement of technology, almost everyone

has access to the Internet, and more specifically, your blog! This actually

means that it is easy for you to make connections with fellow bloggers

and readers, and there will definitely be a massive audience for your

blog to cater to!

Opening Your Door To Earn Passive Income

Though there may be many various purposes of blogging, be it penning

down your daily thoughts, or providing educational resources online per

se, yet many overlook the possibility of blogging as your door to earning

passive income! The best thing is that managing a blog is simple, fun,

and almost effortless!

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And Yes, this is what this whole guide will be all about -- teaching you

right from the very basics, every single step from building up your blog,

to reaping in the cash! Believe me, even you can start earning passive

cash today, and you know why?

Because I have done it! And I'm here to prove it to you, and teach you


How Google Adsense Can Provide Residual
Income Through Your Blog

In this guide, I will be showing you the tips and tricks in utilizing Google

Adsense to help you earn fast cash through blogging.

I chose to use Google Adsense, because I knew I was actually

leveraging on Google's reknowned brand and power. Google, being a

professional company, definitely ensures that all the companies that it

advertises for are reputable and established as well, and thus, people

will trust the links and advertisements that Google provides on my blog!

Also, it is proven that amongst all the other ads on a site, Google

Adsense ads have the highest CTRs! It is also interesting to note that

the ads are easily customizable, as you can choose the colors and types

of the ads to accommodate the layout or themes of your blog!

Basically, Google Adsense works by matching ads with specific

keywords in your blog's content. There will be ads produced on your

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blog pages according to where and how you choose to place the ads. As

Adsense operates by a PPC (pay-per-click) mode of payment, you will

earn whenever a visitor of your site clicks on the ads! As such, if you

were to combine well optimized Google Adsense ads with high volumes

of incoming traffic to your blog, this will mean that you will be receiving

monthly residual income!

Setting Up Of Your Blog

Now that I've got you excited, do take a look at this website,

, that I had previously owned. It looks neat, simple and

engaging right? To tell you the truth, it took me only about 5 days to get

the site all started up and functioning with unique articles.

In my opinion, the hardest part of every successful business is always

the initiation process, as it will require much time, effort, and perhaps

startup costs, to overcome.Yet, if you are willing to put in the hard work,

you will eventually find yourself reaping the seeds that you have sown,

and that managing the blog would be relatively easy after all!

As such, using this model of mine, I'm going to guide you through the

startup process as well, and teach you how to set up an efficient blog

like mine!

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Choosing A Suitable Niche

Before setting up your site, you will first need to decide on a suitable

target niche to tap into. To help you with this, there are certain key

factors that you ought to take into consideration.

Target Audience

Ask yourself this: Whom do you plan for your blog to cater to? To help

you with this, You can first decide on a broad niche, such as health,

finance or gaming, before zooming in on a specific target group. In my

case, I chose to target the health niche, before deciding to start an

educational blog about teas. As such, my main specific target audience

are tea appreciators and drinkers.

Level Of Competition

Being in an overcrowded niche could lead to a small and new blog like

yours being phased out overtime. However, having many competitors in

the same niche might not necessarily be a bane for your site. In fact,

you might actually use these competitors to your advantage. Knowing

that there are many different sites and blogs providing information about

teas as well, I decided to build and establish connections with several

webmasters. As a result, I was able to leverage on the success of

several established tea sites, and climbed to the top of Google Search

Page for the keywords “about teas”!

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Using Google Adwords Tool

This should be the core factor that determines the niche market that you

are going to venture into. Google Adwords Tool provides you with

knowledge on the volumes of searches and the level of competition for

specific keywords. It is perhaps more favourable to focus on a keywords

that have large volumes of searches, and lower levels of competition.

The results are shown as local monthly and global monthly searches.

Because Google is just one search engine, I usually multiply the

numbers I see by a factor of three to cover the remaining 76,548 search

engines out there.

Do take note to always check the “Exact” box on the bottom left corner

to ensure the accuracy of the search results. You will see that when this

box is checked, the search number is typically much smaller than the

initial default results.

Take a look at the example below:

When the “Broad” box is being selected, the phrase “about teas” has a global

monthly searches of 24,000,000 and Local Monthly Searches of 360,000.

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However, when the “Exact” box is selected, the global monthly searches drops

to 300,000 and local monthly searches to 135,000.

The main keyword “about teas” goes from a search demand of

24,000,000 to 300,00. That is a drastic drop of almost 80times! You see

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how this can mislead people into starting what they think are profitable

niche sites?

Components Of A Profitable Niche Site

The success of a niche site is determined by its ability to rank higher for

high demand search terms. Most search terms that are high in demand

typically have relevant products and services that are sold online by

various vendors. As such, selecting the right keyword(s) around which to

base your niche website on is critical to your ability to earn affiliate

commissions from product sales, sales of your own digital products as

well as advertising revenue.

Getting A Web Host And A Suitable Domain Name

Tips On Choosing A Domain Name

Always choose a domain name that is short, meaningful and most

importantly, easy to remember. Your domain name will provide the first

impression of your entire blog or site to the customers. If its something

irrelevant to what your services or products actually are, then your

customers will probably never click on your link again. It is not advised

to have a long domain name, as customers might end up typing it

wrongly into the web browser.

For example, is

much easier to remember and is less confusing than

As such, you should be precise in

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selecting a suitable domain name!

Unarguably, two of the top vendors in the online marketplace today are


They are leaders in the industry which

you can count on doing business securely and providing good service

from the get go. However, I prefer to use Namecheap as

they are

reasonably priced. A bonus is that they offer free privacy protection for 1

year (WhoisGuard) and they do not continually try and up-sell you on

other products like some other well known registrars.

Here, we will take you through the process of registering your own

personal domain name at

After setting up your account, you can start searching for available

domain names, and add those that you want into your shopping cart for


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You have passed through the shopping cart and added your

details as for any online transaction, One query that first time

purchasers sometimes have is the questions that are asked about

WhoisGuard and Nameservers. You can tick the box that says ‘Enable

WhoisGuard’ and mark the button that says ‘Use our free Nameservers’.

WhoisGuard is a free privacy protection function that is free for a year

after your purchase of domain names.

Finish making the payments, and you'l have successfully registered your

own unique domain name!

How To Obtain A Web Host Service

A web host is a service provider that places your web site on a computer

which is connected to the internet. This then gives people who surf the

internet a way to access your website. A web host will typically have a

fast connection to the Internet and they may host thousands of web sites

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on many servers. The web host essentially rents out space to you so

that you can get your website up on the world wide web. For me, I have

chosen to use

due to its efficient service, and

cheap rates.

Signing up at Hostgator is relatively easy. However, you will come to a

page which requires you to selec

t your billing cycle and your coupon

code for further discounts.

If you want to try them for $0.01 for 1 month,

use the coupon code FREEMONTH. I have selected 12-months with a

20% discount coupon because it will be cheaper that way since I will be

with them for a long time.

How To Get Your Discount Coupon:

You just need to Google Search “HostGator Coupon” and click on the

links to find a discount coupon that best suits your needs. Do take time

to explore as there are quite a number of coupons that you can utilise to

help lower your startup costs.

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After getting your desired Coupon Code, all you need to do is to key in

the specific Coupon Code into the box as shown below:

Installing Wordpress Into Control Panel (HostGator)

Once you have registered under Hostgatot, go to your cPanel to install

wordpress into Hostgator. This process is rather simple. But

nevertheless, we will guide you through the entire process too!

So how do you go about installing your wordpress into your cPanel in


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1. After signing up with your web host, you will receive an email

containing your cPanel login details. Once you have the

username and password, login to your cPanel and you should

see this page. You can also land onto your cPanel by typing

into your web browser.

Click On Add Domain Name

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You will come to this page...

Then all you have to do is put in your domain name that you have

registered and voila! Add on the domain!


Scroll down and look for an icon called “

Fantastico De Luxe”

which you will use to install your WordPress site.

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3. Click on the blue Fantastico icon as shown above.

As long as you have the

available MySQL databases, Fantastico will automatically install any of the

scripts you see listed on this page, including WordPress.

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3. To begin your WordPress installation, click on the “WordPress”

link on the left side under the category “Blogs” as shown above.

Afterwhich, you will be directed to this page as shown below.

Select “New Installation”.

4. You will be directed to this page where you have to fill in several

fields as shown below.

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6. Let us tackle all 6 fields one by one.

#1 Install in directory

– Decide which directory you want your

site to be installed in. I recommend installing in the root directory

unless you already have a site using your main domain URL. If

you want to install in the root directory, leave this option blank.

#2 & 3 Admin access data

– Create a username and password

to prove that you have access to the data. Don’t worry too

much as you can create additional users later.

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#4 Admin nickname

– Nothing important, just key in a

nickname which you feel like.

#5 Site name – What you want your site to be called.

#6 Description

– A short description to describe your site. It

may or may not appear in the header, depending on the theme

which you use.

7. When you’re done, click on the “Install WordPress” button and

followed by “Finish Installation” in the next page. And there you

have it, you have finished installing wordpress to your site. Just

head over to “” to login and

work on your blog!

Customizing Wordpress And Finding A Good Theme

After registering your domain name and getting a web host, you can

now start to customize your blog! Login to your Wordpress admin area.

You can access this page by typing in www.yourdomainmame/wp-admin

into your web browser, and you will end up on the page as shown


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Enter Your username and Password, and then you will come to your

Wordpress Dashboard. This is an overview of your entire administrative

area. You should get familiar with the tools here. To edit the Themes,

click on the 'Appearance' on the left hand side, and select 'Themes' from

the submenu.

There are a number of options for you to install a WordPress theme.

The first is to click on the ‘Install themes’ tab. This will give you access

to thousands of free themes that have been created by web developers

and made freely available. You can search by color or style and just

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click on the install button when you have found something that you like.

Another option you can consider is to install a premium theme.

Premium Wordpress Themes are definitely well coded, are well

supported, and already made SEO-Friendly. However, these premium

themes might be rather costly, and I advise you to stay with a free

theme if its your first time setting up a website.

You should have a picture of how you want the entire website to look

like in your mind, and search for a perfect theme to fit your needs. For

example, a preference of mine is to utilize a slider to promote my articles

or products on the website. Sliders are a good way to capture the

attention of readers, and there is higher CTRs! Also, I like to use

'magazine styled' themes as I find it neat, and easy to navigate.

For free awesome magazine styled themes, I recommend looking at this

site :

Installing your wordpress themes and customizing it could take you quite

awhile, but it is an integral part of making money online. Your blog will

be your source of attraction – if your blog is not engaging or captivating,

you will not have visitors or incoming traffic to your site!

Providing Quality Content

Once you have installed your theme you are ready to start blogging! You

can click on ‘Add New’ under the ‘Posts’ section in the left hand

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navigation and start creating your first post by creating a title and


However, do take note that the content that you provide has to be

unique and engaging. The key to receiving massive traffic and getting

people hooked on to your site is to create content that is not readily

available elsewhere on the Internet. In other words, you should be the

online authority of your specific topic.

To help you with this, I advise you to come up with content that is not

factual, since facts can be readily found anywhere, (plus, its boring).

Instead, come up with instructional posts that can benefit and help

people! You can also create lists posts such as “10 Reasons Why You

Should Drink Green Tea”, or “7 Steps To Making Delicious Tea”. People

generally want to know “how” and “why” when they look or search for

information online, and your blog should be catered to answering these

questions for them!

You will constantly need to update your blog with fresh content perhaps

on a weekly basis so as to produce an incentive for your traffic to revisit

your blog as well. By providing quality content that is beneficial to your

visitors, people will start to link to your site, telling their friends about

you, or even share your site on social media platforms! This means that

you will be generating an influx of traffic to your blog, and a higher

opportunity of these visitors clicking on your ads!

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Casting Your Nets: Integrating Google Adsense
Into Your Blog

Now that your've built your vessel, its time to cast your nets into the

ocean! Looking at the screenshot below, you will see the earnings that

my site,

earned for the month of September which I had

first started out.

Now, that’s quite a feat for a small beginner blog like mine! If you put in

hard work into building up your blog, I believe your blog will be able to

earn much more than the figures shown above!

In this section, you will learn all the tips and tricks that I have used to

utilize Google Adsense, and also how to optimize your ads to produce

better CTRs on your blog!

How To Find High Converting Keywords For Your

As you know, Google Adsense works by noticing specific keywords from

your blog's content, and places ads that are related to your keywords on

your blog. These keywords are commonly used throughout your entire

blog, and also in your blog's meta tags. As such, in order to have a

successful money-making campaign with Google Adsense, you will

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need to find high converting keywords to optimize Adsense on your


Always research on the keywords used by your competitors, check out

your competitors web pages, especially if they are making a lot of

money. Find out what keywords are helping them earn and use those

keywords too.

The formula here is simple: Low Competition + Decent PPC +

High Search Volumes = Excellent Keyword(s)

Use Keyword Research Tools like Google Adwords tool or other free

keyword tools to help you in searching for the correct keyword. These

tools make keyword research faster and more effective.

After you have found the main keyword for your content, do include

related words or phrases which your target audience might use to

search for the product or service which you provide.

Remember, the most expensive clicks may not be the best. Yes, there

are clicks which earn you about $50 a click. However, it is not going to

help if it is rarely clicked. It doesn’t matter if one click earns you only a

$1 a click, if it is click few hundred times a day, it is going to earn you

more revenue in the long run.

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Number of times clicked > Amount earned from each click

Therefore, try to find quality keywords that have decent pay per click and high

possibility of being clicked by your target audience. If you can optimize this,

then your Adsense conversion rates is going to be very high.

Getting Started

First, You will need to sign up with

Google Adsense

to have an account. Its

free and relatively simple to do so. You will see a similar page to the one

shown below:

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Just fill up accordingly to how I did and click on the “submit” button!

After you have logged into your account, you will be taken to the

overview page with all the reports and statistics on your ads

performances. However, since you've just set up a new account, your

page would be rather blank.

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To start creating your ads, click on the “My Ads” tab at the top of the

page. Your screen should look something like the one below:

This is a list of all your active ads that you have on your website. Click

on the “New ad Unit” tab to start customizing your ad! You can choose

the colors, fonts and designs of the ads here. I advise you to click on the

“view examples of ad types and sizes” to have an overview of all the

different ad designs that Google offers.

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You should visualize the banner or text ad on your blog, and see

whether the ad will actually fit into the theme.

Finding the right type of Adsense Design

Let’s face the fact. Everyone wants to get the most clicks from adsense

to make the most money. It is important to know where and what type of

ad unit to place on your site. Therefore, place your google ads

strategically and blend them into your site so that your site’s conversion

rate is as high as possible. However, do take note that Google has a

limit to how many ads can be placed on a single page and too many ads

will turn away your visitors. In addition, users that click on those ads

usually don’t return back to your site, so having too many ads may not

be necessarily good.

When creating an ad unit with Google Adsense, you can choose the

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type of ad which will appear in the unit.

The three options are:

1. Text & image/rich media ads.

2. Text ads only.

3. Image/rich media ads only.

Thus, you may face the dilemma of choosing the most suitable ad type for your

site. The answer is “it depends”. There is no “best” ad type for certain type of

sites. You will have to try them out yourself to see which type gets the highest

conversion rates.

However, I recommend using “Link Ads” for your Google ads as they are

the easiest way to blend into your site. Take a look at the photo below.

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From this site, you can see the “Link Ads” at the top of the post seem to

blend in better compared to the “Text Ads” at the bottom of the article.

As such, the conversion rates for the “Link Ads” on this page would

definitely be higher than the conversion rates for “Text Ads”.

Thus, blending your ads into your site is the most important factor when

choosing the right type of Adsense design.

Determine where to place your ads using Heat Map

What is a Heat Map?

A Heat Map is a chart that shows the areas on a website which most

people click on when they open the site, by their own human instinct.

The map display regions coloured red, orange, yellow, white – The

darker the colour, the higher the chance of them clicking on the ads, and

thus, the better the spot.

Before designing your new site or planning to remodel your current site,

do take note of the “hot spots” to put your Google Adsense ads so that

you can maximize your profits by increasing the number of clicks you



Layout of a Typical Blog's Heat Map

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As seen from the heat map, the “hot spots” tend to lie in the middle of

the webpage. Never place your ads at the extreme top and bottom of

the webpage as people tend not to look at these areas and focus their

attention on the centre of the webpage. Do remember to monitor the

activities and clicks on your blog, and adjust your ads accordingly!

Baiting The Fishes: Bringing Traffic Into Your Blog

Getting web traffic from internet is a major prerequisite for any website

to work. Without traffic, your blog won’t be able to survive as your ads

wont be getting any clicks. Its as simple as that. Irrespective of the

concept on which a website works, without traffic it is nothing. To be

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honest, driving traffic to my site was one of the primary difficulty that I

faced when i was starting out. It can be quite frustrating initially when

you do not see the results.

As such, I am here to share with you my experiences, both my

successes and failures to help you avoid the pitfalls and climb to the top!

There are core methods and strategies on how to get free web traffic

either online or offline. Usually, Offline methods are the least used

methods to generate web traffic while online methods are preferred.

There are many sources on web from where you can drive traffic to your


Ranking In Search Engine Pages

If you didnt know by now, nearly 60% of your overall traffic will actually

come from the search engines! Which means that it is very important for

your blog to rank high within the first page of search engine results.

Most searchers will NEVER browse past the third search results page,

much less visit the links and sites listed there!

Key SEO Strategies

In order to be successful in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you will
need to engage in effective and important SEO strategies. As such, you
will need to know what the search engines are focussing on and looking
out for.


To determine what is important on a page, search engines look for
keywords, or key phrases. These keywords are usually entered as part
of a search query. Search engines will find keywords on a web page,

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and then determine the importance of the keyword on the page.

The search engine notes the location of the keyword on the page, an
how many times the keyword appears on the page. If your keywords are
buried near the bottom of a page, it will definitely rank lower than a page
with keywords placed near the top.

For example, if the keyword “tea” is searched and your page includes
this keyword in your first header, then the search engine will consider
your page as a good match for that search. Unless your keywords are
placed in a prominent position and used regularly, you probably will not
rank high for that particular search.

On the other hand, giving prominent placement to irrelevant keywords
can cause your search rankings to fall! For example, if you have a site
about food, but the keywords “sports” appear multiple times on your
page, it will more likely be viewed as a site about health and fitness.
Search engines will then drive wrong visitors to your site, and pull down
your search rankings since your website is considered as a lousy health
and fitness site.

Importance Of Your Site's Keywords

Perhaps to some extent, we can claim that SEO revolves around the
use of your site's keywords. Whether its the content, or the underlying
codes, your keywords are used to give your page a massive impact.

As such, it is vital for you to earn how to come out with a list of relevant
keywords and how to utilise them on your site well enough. You need to
get inside of your customers heads, and determine what they are likely
to search in their queries!

Keyword Density

Noting that the more often your keywords are used in your content, the
easier will search engines be able to find your pages. However, if you
use your keywords too many times, search engines will think that you
are actually “keyword stuffing” your pages, with no regard for quality
content! When this actually happens, do not be surprised if your find
your page ranking decreasing, or even disappear off search engine's
search results!

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Thus, you need to determine the precise keyword density when trying to
optimize the content of your page. This depends on whether you have
many different keywords. If so, you can have a keyword density of
approximately 20% and still rank well. If you only have a small handful of
keywords on a short page, then its best to bring the keyword density
lower to 5%. Keeping this in mind, ensure that the keywords flow
smoothly and sound natural!


Search engines also pays attention to the invisible text on your site –
HTML codes, or more specifically, the metadata in the code. The
metadata should include your site's name and keywords, which is listed
within the <META> tag. The tag can be found at the top of your HTML
document before the <BODY> tag and its contents.

A typical <META> tag should look like this:

<META NAME=“KEYWORDS” CONTENT=“keyword1, keyword 2”>

Ensure that your site's metadata is well detailed, as it could provide
search engines with a good idea what content to expect from your page.

Optimizing Your Site's HTML Tags

It is also possible to utilise your keywords in your site's HTML coding as
well. Search crawlers will crawl through specific HTML tags to get a
rough glimpse of what your page is all about. Even though you might not
know much about HTML, there are a few main tags that are relatively
easy to work on.

<TITLE> Tags

Lets start with your page's title. It provides an overview of what your
entire page or content is all about to readers and search crawlers. It is
thus effective to include keywords in the title tag.

The title is obviously the first place that search crawlers reach to
determine the content of your page. The search crawlers will then scan
keywords and phrases that appear in these tags and store them in its
search engine index. Your page's title will also be what the search
engine uses as a listing name.

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You can easily find the <HTML> title tag at the top of your document,
before your body text starts. It will look something like this:

<TITLE> Insert your title here</TITLE>

All you have to do is just insert your keywords in between the title tags.
Keep in mind that your title cannot exceed more than 64 characters. It
would be beneficial if your title includes your keywords, but you can
always place keywords in after the name of your page.

For example, if you have a page named 'Indoor Sports', you can key in
the following <TITLE> tag:

<TITLE>Indoor Sports: Basketball, Netball, Floorball</TITLE>

Search engines will then link your page to queries regarding the types of
indoor sports!

<META> Tags

These tags contains data about your page (metadata) for search
crawlers to scan through. It is possible to insert multiple <META> tags
into the head of your document, like this:


<TITLE> Sportshub</TITLe>

<META NAME=”DESCRIPTION” CONTENT=”Everything you need to
know about sports”>

<META ANME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=”sports, soccer, tennis, golf,
badminton, stadium “>


From the above example, you can see that there are two main <META>
attributes, DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS. The CONTENT attribute is
used to define the content or keywords for the description.

The DESCRIPTION text is used as a promotional blurb that briefly
describes the content of your page. You should only use keywords
sparingly and naturally here. On the other hand, the KEYWORDS
attribute is used to inform the search engines what keywords your page

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is actually targeting, and is thus okay to stuff keywords within the tag!

Anchor Text

You can also use keywords as anchor texts on your pages. Search
engines determine the value of a link, whether inbound or outbound, by
looking at your anchor texts. It allows search crawlers to know that the
site that you linked to is related to the keyword, thus making the link a
relevant one.

You can create the link for anchor texts manually by using basic HTML.
However, such linkings would already be done automatically by most

Inbound Links

Web rankings can be somewhat compared to a popularity contest – a
high quality site would attract more traffic and visitors. Google rates
inbound links very highly, and if a site has many relevant sites linking to
it, its pagerank would increase. To Google, the more links to a given
site, the more useful and helpful will the site be for users.

This is because Google and Yahoo rank websites according to how

many quality backlinks they find pointing at your website. Quality is

determined by how relevant the other site is to your site and where the

link is placed on their page (within the content is best) and how many

other links are on the page (less is better). A large number of links

pointing at your site does not guarantee success. You need quality

backlinks in order to climb to the first page of results and the more you

can find, the better.

As you can see below,

is ranked first on Google Search

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Results page for the keywords “about Teas”! I wouldnt say that its an

easy feat, but I believe that you can do it too!

In my opinion, the best way to encourage people to link to your site is to

provide informative and authoritative content that is beneficial to your

visitors and cannot be found elsewhere. As long as people like your

content, they will start linking to you without you asking them to, and

even share your articles on social media platforms with their friends!

I would recommend coming up with list posts such as "10 Reasons Why

You Should Start Drinking Green Tea" or 15 Reasons Why Tea Is Better

Than Coffee”. These kind of articles tend to grab the attention of

readers, and garner tons of clicks!

What Are Considered Quality Backlinks?

1. Links must be from a relevant site – For example, since my

targeted niche is tea appreciators, relevant sites would be those in

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the subject of tea, or even health!

2. Your link on a site with a high PR (PageRank) on search engines.

3. Your link is within the content or body of a page (not in the footer

or sidebars)

How To Find Good Backlinks:

Emailing Other Webmasters

This is an extremely tedious, but effective method to garner quality

backlinks. You just need to seek out and comb search engines for other

websites with the same niche. Next, send a simple and personalized

email request to fellow webmasters, and show them how it will benefit

them if you both exchange links to each other's blogs. However, be sure

to assess their sites first, as it would be detrimental if your site is being

linked from a site with a low PR.

Find Directories in Your Own Niche

Submit your written articles to directories in your own niche and include

links back to your site within the content, i.e., if you sell or offer

information about vitamins then look for directories focused on health

products. You can also submit your articles to article directories such



or even


For your convenience we have found this site which has conveniently
helped to rate a huge list of article directories for its readers. Click on the

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link below to view the list!

Do take time to visit the link and look through the list above! Start
submitting your site pages and articles to these directories to boost your
search rankings!

Guest Posting

This process involves writing quality articles and submitting them to

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other websites that are willing to accommodate guest writers. Often,

these websites are willing to allow you to include a few links within the

submitted articles, which provides your own blog with publicity as well! A

tip here is to provide a link within the article to your site related to

the focus in the article -- not necessarily your home page. It is important

not to post the same article on your own website or you may be

penalized for duplicate content.

Commenting On Other Blogs

You can also post messages in blogs related to the topic of your site

with a link to your website within the post where appropriate. Be sure the

links are not "no followed", and instead, “do followed”

Participate in Forums

Find forums related to your website's focus and post often so you will

get noticed and build up trust so people will click on the link in your

profile or signature and possibly link to your site from their own site or in

other forums showing where they found valuable information.

You should be posting information that is beneficial to other readers, so

as to increase the probability of readers visiting your site. Remember:

readers are attracted to helpful content! Also note that most forums now

put a rel="nofollow" on all outgoing links so this may not

benefit you with ranking but may bring some traffic.

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Purchasing Advertisements

Advertising online is another source of traffic for a website. There are

many advertisement websites and many methods for advertisement

running online. It completely depends on you what exactly you need.

Let’s discuss about some online advertisement types.

CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

CPC based advertisement programs such as

Google adwords




are one of the more commonly used advertisements online. To

utilize these, it is not required of you to spend a large sum. These

advertisement networks allow you to pay for every click that your

advertisement gets. The concept of purchasing these ads is pretty

simple – bidding. For each keyword for which you want to advertise, you

need to specify a bidding amount that you are willing to spend for each

click. The advertiser who spends the maximum amount for a CPC click,

get the most traffic for his website.

Blog Ads

Many blogs offer advertisement spaces on their pages for a sum of

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money, where you can display your banner on these spaces. In this
case, the cost is dependent on the online reputation of these blog hosts,
as a site that garners tons of traffic on a daily basis would surely charge
more than a site with a low traffic count. An advantage of such a setting
is that such ads are often very

targeted and can be very effective in

bringing traffic to a website if used properly.

Solo Ads

Purchasing solo ads involves paying a fixed sum of money to a

webmaster who has a huge subscriber list on hand. The webmaster will

then send a swipe, which is a personally customized email which

promotes your website through the use of banners or text links, to his list

of subscribers. This method works best if you are purchasing solo ads

from someone of the same niche as you, as you are actually leveraging

on the traffic that the other party has!

Quick Summary

Remember, traffic is paramount to the amount of money your blog

actually earns from adsense. The more backlinks you establish, the

more connections you have, and the higher your website will rank in

search engines! Optimize your ads to fit into your blog's layout, and you

will soon find out that it is possible to dictate the spots which your

visitors click at!

How To Earn Without Working

Now that Your website has attained massive hits on a regular daily basis and that you have started
earning money from your well optimized Adsense, what do you do next?

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The answer is simple: Turn Your Blog Into “Auto-Pilot” Mode!


You might soon possibly feel that producing good quality and SEO-

friendly content can be extremely time consuming for you, especially

when you've got so much other aspects of internet marketing to focus

on.. Or perhaps you might think that you lack the technical skills or

knowledge of your intended niche topic to actually write an authoritative


Fret not, I provide the solution here for your doubts and fears! You can

simply outsource your blog's article writing to other freelance copywriters

who are professionals and knowledgeable in their respective fields.

These freelance writers are willing to produce excellent content that are

endorsed with search engine optimization techniques for you at a small

sum of perhaps $5-7 per article.

Try to check among people you know who are good in writing and

employ their services. You can also post a job on legitimate online sites;

make sure to describe your proposal clearly. Pay your chosen

applicants to do a sample and see which one makes the best article in a

voice that fits your business.

I recommend these sites here to look for professional copywriters who

charge low rates:

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Above shown is a screenshot of an article writing offer in Fiverr. It sure looks like a great

offer for just $5! Also, you can click on the tabs on the right, (as shown in the red boxes) to

find more outsourcing offers that can boost your business as well!

Another site that offers great outsourcing services for your website is


This site guarantees quality results and services from their pool of

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talents. Your blog will surely be filled with engaging articles that can

attract a constant flow of traffic!

Once your blog has established auto-pilot mode, you can then proceed

to build up your next blog! Follow the steps from page 1 of this guide,

and you will soon find that you can start earning up to $2000 dollars per

month without much effort needed to monitor the blogs that you own!

Flipping Sites

Once you have started earning cash and have gained a small capital,

you can then invest your money to purchase websites that are put up for

sale! I suggest visiting

to view a myriad of sites that are

sold online. The intention here is to purchase a website at a cheap cost

that has potential to make you more money in the future! After taking

over a site, all you need to do is to optimize your new site, include

Google Adsense in it, and build your traffic! This process is known as

flipping sites, and it will save you lots of time and effort in building up of

a website of your own.

However, be sure to do your keyword research, and request on vital

information of your websites before you make a purchase. The key here

is to be looking out for keywords that have the capability of ranking high

in Google and high CPC rates. Also, it would be beneficial for you if the

website that you purchase already has a steady flow of incoming traffic

on a regular basis.


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