Validity can be considered according to:
Established in appriopriate form by the
entity having the law-making competence
Hasn’t been formally derogated
Is not contrary to any other legally valid
norm (if it is contrary, than it is valid if after
the use of collision norms it has not lost it
binding force)
Officially published
Lex posteriori derogat legi priori
Lex specialis derogat legi generali
Lex inferior non derogat legi superiori
Argumentum a simili
Analogia iuris
Argumentum a contrario
Argumentum a maiori ad minus
Argumentum a minori ad maius
From the purpose to means argumentation
Axilological validity
Behavioural validity
The principles and rules of interpretation of
legal regulations are specific interpretation
directives, the application of which enables
the reconstruction of the standard of
conduct from the legal regulation to which it
is expressed
Authentic interpretation
Legal interpretation
Operational interpretation
Doctrinal interpretation
Unofficial interpretation
One has to find all the necessary elements of
the legal norm in the material of legal
Reconstruction of the legal norm and the
identification of its explicit wording using:
Functional principles
Check whether the term subject of
interpretation has not been defined by the
legislator (legal definition)
Check whether there is a binding legal
Check whether there is an uniform position
of the doctrine, and this meaning can be
Check the consistency in understanding the
norm against the wording of other norms in
internal law
Consider the position of the norm in law-
making instrument, the branch of law and
compliance with the principles of law
Identify the purposes of the regulation and
select the meaning of the norm that best
fulfils this purpose
The addressee of legal norm is the entity to
which a statement of the legislator is
Natural person – person from the moment
of birth until the death. Not all natural
person have full public rights or capacity to
conduct civil law transaction
Legal entities are carriers of rights as a
conventional feature. Domestic law decides
who is a legal entity
Citizen – natural person can be bound to the
state with legal ties. Citizenship is a
consequence of:
Citizenship of parents
Place of birth
Foreigner – person staying in a country
which she is not a citizen. There are trends
to diminish the differences in treatment the
citizen and the foreigner, but the
differences do exist
Order or prohibition of specific conduct
specific (or all) circumstances, expressed in
the legal norm and directed to its addressees.
Legal duty means no freedom of action of the
addressee. Action or withholding from action
can be obligatory
Duty is connected with the sanction – legal
consequence of not acting accordingly with
the duty
Legal duties sometimes may be connected
with the rights of other persons
Competencies to perform conventional acts
are distinguished from rights.
Psychophysical conduct of entities that are
given a new, additional sense a the
legislator’s will is referred to as a
conventional legal act
Negative consequence of one’s conduct
It is possible to be resposnible for someone
other’s conduct, or even a damage made by