Aggression and Violence in the Mass Media

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Violence and aggression occur in
every society. The media eagerly
take this subject. Whenever you
open a newspaper or turn the TV
or radio on, you can see a lot of
images full of cruelty. I feel that
there is no good reason for
accepting media violence.

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The media and their functions

The media fulfil many important
The media are to:

 Educate

 Lern

 Advice how solve our problems

 Entertain

 Bring as closer to all kinds of events

 Keep us informed on current news

 Social functions

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Can we justify aggression

and violence in maass media?

Aggression and violence are all around. Why not to show the
positive side of life instead? The cruelty in media does’t aim
at showing real events and depicting reality , but that it is
also a marketing technique.

Violence is often regarded as gardeas an esential
component of good entertainment. Films often make
aggression look exciting and fun, without causing anxiety or
prolonged suffering. For that reason, many people
somethimse subconsciously copy the heroses they have
observed on the screen. The consequentes can be extremly

Aggression on the screen can be ecause of violent
behaviour or even crime. The millions of children are
harmed by expousure to violence in the media.

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To sum up…

there can’t be any kind of
justfication for aggression and
violence in mass media, especially
when it is used as a form of

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Thank you for attention!

Ewelina Olkowska

Document Outline


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