Reading mastering

Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT - Reading

Chapter1 Skill A-1
Wordlist Meaning
prevalent (adj): common
incessant (adj): without end; going on and on
inflamed (adj): swollen and red
cluster (n): a small group of things that are connected or are very close together
impede (v): to block; to cause resistance

Chapter1 Skill A-2
Wordlist Meaning
abstract (adj): not concrete; impossible to touch or see in reality
general; universal
implicit (adj): indicated; inferred
condemned (adj): found guilty of some crime or offense and put under punishment
futility (n): worthlessness

Chapter1 Skill A-3
Wordlist Meaning
in the eyes of
(prep phrase):
under; by
inalienable (adj): not capable of being taken or given away to another person
precluded (adj): excluded from
exploit (v): to take advantage of
penal (adj): related to punishment or prison

Chapter1 Skill B-1
Wordlist Meaning
draw (v): to pull; to take
diaphragm (n): a muscular membrane that separates the upper and lower
organs of the torso, used in breathing
deviate (v): to differ from
vocal (adj): related to the voice
manipulation (n): control

Chapter1 Skill B-2
Wordlist Meaning
space probe (n): an unmanned space craft used to collect data
refine (v): to change to a more developed or more useful state
conception (n): an understanding
fainter (adj): less bright; harder to see
lie (v): to be located

Chapter1 Skill B-3
Wordlist Meaning
weave (v): to make cloth from thread
raw (adj): unprocessed
fabric (n): a cloth produced by weaving
colonist (n): a person who leaves his or her native country to live in a colony
vicinity (v): an adjacent or local area

Chapter1 Skill C-1
Wordlist Meaning
temperance (n): moderation or restraint
analytical (adj): based on reason or logic as a way to understand reality
rigorous (adj): very strict; precise
plant the seeds
(v. phrase):
to do some work that will develop into something later
conquest (n): the act of taking control of other nations by force

Chapter1 Skill C-2
Wordlist Meaning
phenomena (n): occurrences; events
devastating (adj): destroying everything
dependent (adj): relying on
procreate (v): to multiply by reproducing
beneficial (adj): producing a useful result; advantageous

Chapter1 Skill C-3
Wordlist Meaning
inability (n): a lack of ability
pitched (adj): having a particular musical sound
receptive (adj): able and willing to receive
distinguish (v): to tell apart; to discriminate
attentively (adv): with attention

Chapter1 Skill D-1
Wordlist Meaning
deposit (n): things that remain or are left due to some natural process
upper (adj): higher; above some lower part
glacier (n): a huge mass of ice that moves over land
debris (n): broken pieces of something that are scattered over an area
collectively (adv): taken together

Chapter1 Skill D-2
Wordlist Meaning
store (v): to keep for future use
modified (adj): changed
intermediary (adj): existing between
cache (n): a place to keep valuable or important things; a fast storage buffer
access (n): a way to get to or make use of

Chapter1 Skill D-3
Wordlist Meaning
inspire (v): to cause; to be the source of an idea
bow (n): a tool made of curved wood and string, used to shoot arrows
widespread (adj): common
appertain to
(v phrase):
to relate to
pluck (v): to pull and release in order to start vibrating

Chapter1 Skill E-1
Wordlist Meaning
ironic (adj): stating something, while meaning the opposite,
i.e. saying “you did well” while actually meaning that the person did NOT do well
legacy (n): that which a person leaves behind them when they die
endure (v): to put up with; to bear; to continue to do
depict (v): to describe; to give a description of
garner (v): to collect; to gain

Chapter1 Skill E-2
Wordlist Meaning
impart (v): to communicate; to convey
distinction (n): difference
voluntary (adj): done by free choice; on purpose
former (adj): the first of two things mentioned
proficient (adj): adept; skillful at doing something

Chapter1 Skill E-3
Wordlist Meaning
adorn (v): to decorate; to add decorations to
medicine man
among certain peoples, a person believed to have magic powers
often used for healing
recount (v): to tell; to relate
spirit (n): a ghost; a supernatural creature
craft (v): to make

Chapter1 Skill F-1
Wordlist Meaning
indigenous (adj): belonging to a particular area
location (n): place; position
introduce (v): to bring in
settle (v): to establish a home in a new area
classify (v): to put into a particular group or class

Chapter1 Skill F-2
Wordlist Meaning
triumph (n): a win
likely to be
(adj phrase):
embellish (v): to make a story more interesting by adding facts
and details that may not be true
largely (adv): mostly; mainly
perish (v): to die

Chapter1 Skill F-3
Wordlist Meaning
marginalized (adj): lesser and unimportant
mainstream (adj): popular
taboo (adj): forbidden; not socially acceptable
colloquial (adj): conversational; familiar
encrypted (adj): coded

Skill Review 1
Wordlist Meaning
nurture (v): to nourish and tend to; to care for
component (n): any of the parts that make up a machine
pore (n): a small round opening in the surface of a living organism
vapor (n): gas
condense (v): to decrease the volume or size of a substance
cling (v): to stick to
intercept (v): to stop something going from one point to another
infiltrate (v): to get through; to pass through
permeability (n): the ability to allow liquids to pass through
dense (adj): closely packed
saturated (adj): wet; full of liquid
contamination (n): pollution caused by unwanted substances

Skill Review 2
Wordlist Meaning
expedition (n): an organized journey with a purpose
respective (adj): belonging to or relating to each person or thing mentioned
evolution (n): the change in living organisms
--- changing to suit the environments or surroundings
predator (n): an animal that hunts or eats other animals
whaler (n): a person or ship that hunts and kills whales
preservation (n): a place that protects endangered and rare animals
safeguard (v): to protect; to ensure the safety of
instance (n): an example
hatch (v): to break out of an egg
isolated (adj): remote; standing alone or apart

Chapter2 Skill A-1
Wordlist Meaning
casualty (n): a victim; a death
wave (n): a spreading trend that involves many people
boost (v): to make higher or greater
textiles (n): fabrics, especially of the kinds used for clothes
pinpoint (v): to locate or indicate exactly
blur (v): to make unclear or difficult to see
momentum (n): the driving force behind a course of events or an idea
combustion (n): the process of burning
trigger (v): to set off; to begin
turmoil (n): a state of extreme confusion or disorder
agricultural (adj): related to farming
come to light
(v phrase):
to come to public attention
catalyst (n): something that triggers a process or an event
implement (v): to use
fuel (v): to support or stimulate

Chapter2 Skill A-2
Wordlist Meaning
digit (n): a symbol used in a system of counting
comprise (v): to make up; to compose
state (n): a condition; a mode of being
voltage (n): a measure of electrical force or difference
between positive and negative charges
switch (n): a device which turns a machine or electrical equipment on and off
enable (v): to supply with a means; to make able
string (n): a series of similar related things
express (v): to communicate; to depict
transfer (v): to send
browser (n): a program that locates and displays sites or information
on the Internet
lower case (n): small letter; not capital
capacity (n): the amount that can be contained
bear in mind
(v phrase):
to remember; to keep in mind

Chapter2 Skill A-3
Wordlist Meaning
adapt (v): to change to fit a particular environment
structure (n): the way something is set up to operate
exhibit (n): a public showing
vantage point (n): the place one looks from
technical (adj): related to the use of science or a scientific method
attribute (v): to relate to a particular source or cause
approach (n): a method; a way of doing
contribution (n): a benefit or useful thing that is added
distort (v): to change from the natural or original state
manipulate (v): to control
abstract (adj): not of the physical world; not concrete
aspect (n): a feature or element
founder (n): a person who establishes an institution or organization
establishment (n): the setting up; the founding
task force (n): a group that is given the job to accomplish a certain job
or solve a certain problem

Chapter2 Skill A-4
Wordlist Meaning
outcome (n): a result
significantly (adv): considerably; quite
mental (adj): related to the mind
distinction (n): a difference; a point of uniqueness
source (n): the origin; the cause
exhibit (v): to show
indefinable (adj): not able to be defined or described
symptom (n): a sign of an illness or problem
intense (adj): very strong; extreme
onset (n): the beginning; the first stage
disorder (n): a problem that affects the mind or body
accompany (v): to appear with; to be associated with
maintain (v): to keep; to continue

Chapter2 Skill A-5
Wordlist Meaning
expand (v): to increase; to widen
region (n): an area
role (n): a position; a function
gender (n): either male or female
integration (n): the act of placing or bringing into
alongside (prep): beside; with
occupation (n): a job; paid work
tradition (n): thoughts or behaviors followed by a group of people generation
after generation
participate (v): to take part; to do together
manual labor (n): work done with the hands
link (v): to connect; to associate with
social security (n): a government program that helps people who lose their jobs
or who can’t work for some reason
maternity (adj): related to the time that a woman is pregnant
or the first months of motherhood
transmitted (adj): passed; caused to spread
abortion (n): the ending of a pregnancy
before a baby is able to survive outside of the mother

Chapter2 Skill B-1
Wordlist Meaning
distinctive (adj): characteristic; distinguishing
dwindle (v): to decrease almost to zero
dramatic (adj): surprising; startling
trace (v): to follow clues to the source or cause
immigrant (n): a person who moves to settle in a new country
encroachment (n): the act of advancing beyond a border or limit
hatch (v): to cause to produce eggs and young
migration (n): a journey to seasonal feeding grounds
offspring (n): young
network (n): an interconnected group of people
who are in communication with each other
via (prep): by way of; by means of
monitor (v): to watch in order to note changes in
a person who works to save or conserve natural resources
breed (v): to cause to reproduce
flock (n): a group of birds

Chapter2 Skill B-2
Wordlist Meaning
intervention (n): the act of coming between in order to control or help
popularize (v): to make popular; to increase acceptance of
ensure (v): to guarantee; to make certain
having power or control spread among several points
attain (v): to get; to reach
drive (n): a force that pushes or gives power to something
maximization (n): the act of raising to the highest point or condition
maintain (v): to say; to declare to be true
permissive (adj): tolerant; allowing
tariff (n): a fee or tax applied to certain goods or industries
wage (n): the money paid to an employee
detrimental (adj): causing damage or harm
contingent (adj): dependent; conditional
urbanization (n): the building of cities or urban areas
wreak havoc
(v phrase):
to damage; to disrupt
to a disproportionate degree;
too great or too small when compared to something else
Victorian Era
(n phrase):
a period in British history
during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)

Chapter2 Skill B-3
Wordlist Meaning
emerge (v): to come out of
expose (v): to be introduced; to experience
innovative (adj): new and progressive
community (n): a social group formed of people with similar interests
confine (v): to limit; to restrict in some place
release (v): to set free
venue (n): a designated place for a performance
gig (n): a contractual job for a musician
mentor (n): an elder or more knowledgeable person who train or
teaches a novice
renowned (adj): famous; well-known
intensity (n): a powerful focus; a discernable energy
preeminent (adj): best; most exemplary
interpretation (n): an understanding; a personal take
convention (n): a standard practice
improvisation (n): an unpracticed or unplanned performance
cite (v): to reference
volume (n): a thick written work

Chapter2 Skill B-4
Wordlist Meaning
rehabilitate (v): to restore to normal life through therapy and education
likelihood (n): a probability
causal (adj): relating to or involving a cause
predispose (v): to make one inclined or susceptible to
credibility (n): an amount of reliability; a level to which something can be believed
stratification (n): a condition of being layered or arranged in levels
slum (n): an area of poverty marked by substandard housing
yield (v): to produce or give forth naturally
delinquency (n): a failure to follow the law
automatically; without a visible cause
differentiate (v): to distinguish; to tell apart
engage (v): to do; to participate
in conjunction with
(prep phrase):
together with; in connection with
incarcerate (v): to put into prison

Chapter2 Skill B-5
Wordlist Meaning
medieval (adj): of or relating to the Middle Ages (450-1450)
optics (n): the science of lenses, prisms, mirrors, etc.
notion (n): an idea
set (n): the scenery constructed for a theatrical performance
govern (v): to serve as a guiding or determining principle
canvas (n): a piece of heavy fabric on which artists paint
converge (v): to come together; to meet
linear (adj): of or relating to a line
plane (n): a flat or level surface
scale (n): a proportion used in determining size or dimensions
depict (v): to represent; to show
milestone (n): a turning point; an important event
treatise (n): a systematic, usually long written explanation on a subject
baptistery (n): a part of a church where baptisms are done

Chapter2 Skill C-1
Wordlist Meaning
algae (n): any of a type of primitive plant that grows underwater
but lacks true stems, roots, and leaves
salinity (n): a concentration of salt in a solution
immerse (v): to put below the surface of water
buoy (v): to keep afloat; to maintain or support near the surface of water
fresh water (n): water that is not salty
buoyant (adj): tending to float on water
afloat (adj): in a floating position or condition
lie back (v phrase): to recline; to get into a lying position
evaporate (v): to change from a liquid to a gas
runoff (n): rain water that is not absorbed by soil and flows to a lower area
thrive (v): to grow vigorously; to flourish
teem (v): to abound; to swarm
climatic (adj): relating to climate
steady (adj): fixed; unchanging
irrigate (v): to water an area by means of ditches, pipes, or streams
suspended (adj): supported or kept from sinking
homogenous (adj): all of the same kind or nature

Chapter2 Skill C-2
Wordlist Meaning
in a manner that can be changed or switched
stem (n): a main, central support of a plant
woody (adj): like wood
shrub (n): a bush; a low, woody plant having several stems growing
from a base but no single trunk
temperate (adj): characterized by moderate temperatures
tropics (n): the region on Earth lying
between 23º north and 23º south of the equator
flavor (v): to add taste to
pinch (n): a small amount that can be held between a finger and the thumb
dish (n): a food
remedy (n): a medicine or therapy used to relieve pain or cure disease
medicinal (adj): relating to medicine
sprout (v): to begin to grow; to appear just above the soil
harvest (v): to collect ripe grains or fruits
gauge (v): to judge
flat (n): a square container holding a dozen
or more young plants in small pots or holders
seedling (n): a young plant that is grown from a seed
bed (n): a section of a garden where certain plants or flowers are grown

Chapter2 Skill C-3
Wordlist Meaning
gadget (n): a device; a small machine
trigger (n): a mechanism that activates something
inflated (adj): unduly enlarged; raised beyond a reasonable level
trough (n): the lowest part of a U curve
disillusionment (n): disappointment; being freed from a false belief
enlightenment (n): education that results in understanding
plateau (n): a level period or state
publicized (adj): made widely known
hype (v): to promote through excessive publicity
scooter (n): a child’s vehicle with two wheels and a tall upright handle
unveil (v): to disclose; to reveal
blaze (n): a big, bright fire
descend (v): to go down
precursor (n): a sign or an object that indicates or announces something to come
bulky (adj): of a large, unmanageable size; difficult to hold or carry
pose (v): to present; to put forth
Palm Pilot (n): a trademark for a handheld digital organizer
or personal digital assistant

Chapter2 Skill C-4
Wordlist Meaning
hand down
(v phrase):
to give or pass to a younger generation
orally (adv): by means of voice
literary (adj): related to literature
misfortune (n): unfortunate trouble; bad luck
wrath (n): punishment inflicted with anger
misery (n): mental or emotional unhappiness
live up to
(v phrase):
to act in accordance with
sulk (v): to show disappointment through silent, resentful protest
harass (v): to annoy or trouble persistently
despair (n): complete loss of hope
beggar (n): a poor person who begs for money as a living
string (v): to put string on an instrument or device
suitor (n): a man who seeks to marry a woman
hail (v): to acclaim
tribute (n): a declaration of respect or admiration
puzzle (v): to confuse; to baffle

Chapter2 Skill C-5
Wordlist Meaning
mere (adj): only; just
conceive (v): to think of first
dedicate (v): to devote
obsessed (adj): excessively preoccupied
will (n): the power a person has to make deliberate choices
about actions done or not done
inception (n): the beginning or first stage
hold (v): to assert; to affirm
assert (v): to state positively; to affirm
gap (n): a difference
emote (v): to express emotions, especially when acting
gesture (v): to motion with the body as a means of communication
contradictory (adj): involving or being opposites,
where both cannot be true at the same time
convey (v): to communicate; to make known
emblematic (adj): symbolic

Skill Review 1
Wordlist Meaning
literal (adj): conforming to the exact meaning of a word
intensify (v): to make more intense
introverted (adj): shy; tending to keep to oneself
peer (n): an equal; a person of the same standing
evaluate (v): to judge the value or quality of
cling (v): to stay close to; to depend on emotionally
deepen (v): to make stronger and more intense
reinforce (v): to make stronger
initiative (n): the desire to work; a plan of action
interact (v): to communicate with
ultimate (adj): last; of greatest strength or importance

Skill Review 2
Wordlist Meaning
reverend (n): a minister of a church
renown (n): the quality of being widely admired
illuminating (adj): creating clarity and understanding
sheltered (adj): innocent; not exposed to different aspects of life
dynamics (n): the way in which things work together
prudence (n): the state of acting wisely and carefully,
especially so as not to do anything immoral
protagonist (n): the main, heroic character in a story
restraint (n): the condition of being in control of emotions
with excessive emotion
scrutiny (n): a close, careful examination
incorporate (v): to include
avid (adj): enthusiastic; with strong interest

Chapter2 Skill D-1
Wordlist Meaning
biased (adj): predisposed to favor one side;
having an inclination to favor something
hinder (v): to obstruct; to hamper or slow down
transience (n): the condition of lasting for only a short period
methodology (n): a system of methods or principles
phenomena (n): some event or action perceived through the senses
encompass (v): to include
evolution (n): the process whereby organisms develop
or change from generation to generation
celestial (adj): belonging to or relating to the sky
nature (n): essential characteristics
spectrum (n): the band of colors visible to the eye
infrared (adj): light with a wavelength beyond the red end of the visible spectrum
ultraviolet (adj): light with a wavelength
between violet (in the visible spectrum) and x-rays
gamma ray (n): electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency
cosmic (adj): relating to the universe
grasp (n): understanding

Chapter2 Skill D-2
Wordlist Meaning
hieroglyphics (n): a form of writing using pictures as symbols
circulation (n): flow or movement
vital (energy) (adj): life (energy)
blockage (n): something which blocks or prevents something from passing
crevice (n): a narrow opening
penetrate (v): to get through; to find a way through
essence (n): the basic or fundamental part of something
iceberg (n): a huge mass of ice that floats in the sea
mechanism (n): means; action
hormone (n): chemicals made and released in the body by special glands
biochemical (adj): relating to chemical compounds and reactions in the body
discredit (v): to cause to be regarded with doubt and suspicion

Chapter2 Skill D-3
Wordlist Meaning
legendary (adj): relating to a famous person or thing from the past
poet laureate (n): an officially appointed poet commissioned
to write for state occasions
acclaimed (adj): praised; commended
reflect (v): consider; think about
irony (adj): humor that takes its effect from stating the opposite of what is meant
distinguish (v): to mark or see as different
evoke (v): to bring out
form (n): type or variety
meditation (n): a thought about a subject
infuse (v): to fill with
ambiguity (n): vague; having mixed or uncertain meanings
perilous (adj): dangerous
paralleled (adj): corresponding with; similar to
valedictorian (n): student with the highest academic grade in class
figure (n): individual; person
pivotal (adj): crucially important
diverge (v): to split; to go separate ways

Chapter2 Skill D-4
Wordlist Meaning
instrumental (adj): being an important factor in or to something
ratification (n): confirmation; a formal consent
spearhead (v): to lead a movement or campaign
hurdle (n): a problem; an obstacle
innate (adj): of a natural gift or ability within a person; not learned
prestige (n): fame; reputation
staunch (adj): loyal; faithful
apparent (adj): obvious
legislature (n): the section of the government which has the power to make laws
veto (n): the right to formally reject a proposal or to forbid an action
judiciary (n): the branch of the government concerned
with the legal system and the administration of justice
prophetic (adj): foretelling the future
fortitude (n): uncomplaining courage in the face of problems or adversity

Chapter2 Skill D-5
Wordlist Meaning
realism (n): a realistic or lifelike representation in art or literature
inanimate (adj): not living; inorganic
wart (n): small hard growth found on the skin
objective (adj): of an opinion or view that is not related to a personal beliefs or ideals
subjective (adj): of an opinion or view related to personal beliefs or ideals
render (v): to cause to become
bear in mind
(v phrase):
to remember; to keep in mind
wilderness (n): a wild, uncultivated or uninhabited region
seemingly (adv): apparently
dawn of time
(n phase):
the beginning of time
rugged (adj): being rough and uneven
reverence (n): great respect

Chapter2 Skill E-1
Wordlist Meaning
exclusive (adj): involving the rejection or denial of something else
advent (n): coming or arrival
legibility (n): the ability to be read easily
dimension (n): aspect
contemplate (v): to think about; to consider
innovation (n): something new which has been introduced
pre-requisite (n): something that is needed beforehand
respectively (adv): referring to each person or thing separately and in order
indispensable (adj): necessary; essential
facilitate (v): to help or assist someone
respite (n): a break; a period of rest
implication (n): an indirect indication
deterioration (n): the process of becoming weaker, or less effective

Chapter2 Skill E-2
Wordlist Meaning
sustainable (adj): being able to maintain a certain level
irrigate (v): to supply land with water
depletion (n): the reduction in number or amount of something
consumption (n): the rate at which something is used
subsidize (v): to provide financial support for
hazard (n): risk or danger
impact (n): an effect or influence
dwindling (adj): lessening; decreasing
malnutrition (n): the condition resulting from lack of food intake or an unbalanced diet
expend (v): to use up
utilize (v): to use
alleviate (v): to make less severe; lessen

Chapter2 Skill E-3
Wordlist Meaning
span (v): to extend to; to cover
diverse (adj): varied; various
miscellany (n): a mixture of various kinds
terrain (n): a stretch of land,
especially with reference to its physical characteristics
emissary (n): a person sent on a mission, usually on behalf of the government
diplomatic (adj): concerned with making agreements, usually between governments
inaugurate (v): to mark the beginning of something
reign (n): period of rule or control (by a king or leader)
implement (v): to put into place; to carry out
flourish (v): to prosper; succeed
disintegration (n): to break up; to dissolve
encroachment (n): intruding on another person’s territory
isolationism (n): the policy of not joining
with other countries in international political affairs

Chapter2 Skill E-4
Wordlist Meaning
solely (adv): alone; without others
interpret (v): to construe or take a certain meaning from something
oblivious (adj): unaware of
emphasis (n): a special importance; significance
pertain (to) (v): to be related to; concerned with
diligent (adj): doing things with care and concern
tuft (n): a small bunch of grass
clipped (adj): shortened
subterranean (adj): underground
designate (v): to choose or specify; to assign
blinders (n): objects used to prevent full vision
aspire (v): to have a desire to achieve

Chapter2 Skill E-5
Wordlist Meaning
intangible (adj): not able to be felt or perceived by touch
egalitarianism (n): the belief that all humans are equal and should enjoy the same rights
Taoism (n): a Chinese philosophy that advocates a simple life
with non-interference in the natural course of events
adaptation (n): the process of changing to suit a particular need
intrinsically (adv): inherently; belonging to something as part of its nature
at odds with (expression): in opposition to
nudity (n): the condition of being naked
cathartic (adj): resulting in an emotional release
bereft of (adj): deprived of something; having something taken away
determinant (n): a factor or circumstance which determines an action or event
inevitably (adv): unavoidably

Chapter2 Skill F-1
Wordlist Meaning
delicate (adj): easily damaged
disrupt (v): to disturb or interrupt
retain (v): to contain; to hold
tolerant (adj): capable of enduring difficult conditions
deciduous (adj): of trees or plants that shed their leaves at certain points
during the year
canopy (n): the top layer of a wood or forest consisting of
the uppermost branches of trees
arctic (adj): relating to the area around the North Pole
insulate (v): to prevent the loss or passing of heat by covering
with a certain material
fragile (adj): easily broken; delicate
flora (n): the wild plants in a particular region or time
fauna (n): the animals associated with a particular region or time
repercussion (n): a (usually indirect) result or consequence of an action

Chapter2 Skill F-2
Wordlist Meaning
application (n): a use or relevance
formidable (adj): enormous; challenging
norms (n): the characteristics which are considered normal for a society
scope (n): range; extent
refrain (n): a repeated phrase
predisposition (n): the condition of being inclined to act in a certain way
unanimous (adj): in complete agreement
deviance (n): straying from the norm or accepted
inflict (v): to impose upon or cause to suffer
devotion (n): a great dedication or loyalty to; a great love for
uniformity (n): the condition of being similar or unchanging
implication (n): insinuation; being hinted or suggested indirectly
convent (n): a community of nuns and the building they occupy

Chapter2 Skill F-3
Wordlist Meaning
imitation (n): the act of copying or repeating something
magnitude (n): quantity; extent; proportion
narrative (n): an account (a telling) of an event or tale
paranoia (n): a strong emotion characterized by the feelings of suspicion
and distrust
stem from
(v phrase):
come from; have its origins in
condense (v): to reduce in size
antagonist (n): an opponent or enemy
tension (n): strained relations or underlying hostility between people
resolution (n): conclusion
organic (adj): natural
predicament (n): situation; dilemma
closure (n): a sense of finality or completion
catastrophe (n): a disaster

Chapter2 Skill F-4
Wordlist Meaning
plate (n): a large, rigid section that is part of the Earth’s crust
continental (adj): relating to one of the continents of the world
mantle (n): the part of the Earth between the crust and the core
fuse (v): to join as a result of heat being applied between the two parts
squash (v): to crush by squeezing
cataclysmic (adj): disastrous; involving great change
buckle (v): to become bent as a result of pressure or heat
relentlessly (adv): without sign of stopping; continuously
remote (adj): isolated; far from anything
airstrip (n): small field or piece of land where airplanes can take off and land
fallibility (n): the condition of being likely to make mistakes or have an accident
ridge (n): a long narrow raised area

Chapter2 Skill F-5
Wordlist Meaning
subdue (v): to overpower and bring under control
intentionally (adv): deliberately
relegate (v): to move to a lower position or level
obscurity (n): the condition of being unclear or not well known
ascendancy (n): the condition of being in control or having power
patriarchal (adj): relating to male leadership or male control
horrendous (adj): horrible; terrible
soar (v): to increase rapidly; to become higher
suffragette (n): any of a group of women who campaigned for women’s rights
lobbying (n): the process whereby attempts are made to
influence elected representatives through personal contacts

Skill Review 1
Wordlist Meaning
appeal (n): the pleasing quality of something that attracts people to it
durable (adj): long lasting or tough
definition (n): the degree of clearness and preciseness of a form
grainy (adj): not sharp or distinct
textile (n): any cloth or fabric made by weaving or knitting
vinyl (n): a tough type of plastic
sag (v): to hang loosely or bulge downward
dimensional (adj): having a certain number of dimensions
intensity (n): the condition of being concentrated or extreme
intimate (adj): marked by close acquaintance or familiarity
dimmer switch (n): a switch that can control the level and brightness of light
disperse (v): to spread over a wide area

Skill Review 2
Wordlist Meaning
supplement (v): to add or make up a lack of
indigenous (adj): native to a certain area
sap (n): a liquid that circulates within a tree
adverse (adj): unfavorable or negative
speculate (v): to consider circumstances or possibilities without evidence or proof
drastic (adj): terrible; extreme
concrete (adj): specific; fixed or definite
in jeopardy
(prep phrase):
in danger of harm or loss

Practice Test
Wordlist Meaning
[Herbs and Drugs]
synthetic (adj): created artificially
dosage (n): the optimum amount of medicine for a patient
for a particular disease or problem

[William Shakespeare]
epitaph (n): an inscription on a gravestone
folio (n): a book of a large size

proboscis (n): a flexible, elongated part of certain inserts
anther(n): the part of a plant in which the pollen sacs are contained


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