Crazy Simple Money

A no-fluff crazy guide for Warrior-HOLICS!
By Jeff Caceres
Copyright 2013 Jeff Caceres
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This report is only a full guide for you to take serious action, as it will work on
your part. But I have no guarantee that you will be getting the same results and
experience as mine. It really depends on the time and effort that you have after
you read and take action in this guide.
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First of all, I would like to thank you for purchasing Crazy Money. I would like to
introduce myself first. My name is Jeff Caceres, and I am an internet and affiliate
marketer, and also a guy who is crazy of doing new things in life! Actually this is
not my first WSO, it s my second. The first WSO that I have launched was
Facebook CPA Force, and I got tons of rave reviews.
But right now I closed it because there are some sources that are not considered
legitimate, and I am in the process right now of releasing its brand new version
with improved and fully detailed methods inside that eBook, but not sure when I
am going to release it.
Anyway, let s go back to the main topic right now. You made a good decision to
buy my eBook, which of course is to blow your mind away. You know why? This
guide is perfect for newbies, average Joes and pros who want to make money in a
whole new level! This is something that is totally different than the other
methods out there.
You know why? It is because this crazy guide of mine has nothing to do with any
of the following:
-List Building or E-Mail Marketing
-Writing tons of articles
-Affiliate Marketing
-PPC, Facebook Ads, PPV
-Keyword Research
-Blog Commenting or Guest Blogging
-Media Buying
-Push Buttons or Set and Forget methods
-Blackhat, Greyhat or  Brown Hat methods
-Rehashed methods
If any of these methods are not here, what would this be? Is it an  outside of this
world method? Nah!!! Well then, I would like to tell you that these methods are
kinda little  traditional , but with a unique kind of twist that will be interesting on
our part.
I will cover this crazy method that will completely blow your mind away, and I am
pretty sure that after you are going to read all of this, you might be saying  Oh
man, why I didn t ever think of this before?
NOTE: This method requires you some time and investment to get things started,
you can start as low as $20 to $30. This is just like your own tiny business or gig,
and I promise that you will be getting profits and be successful in the end.
Remember, time is money. So let s begin!
The method that I am going to reveal about is a combination of offline and online
tactics. I am pretty sure that experts may know about this, but my unique little
twist may definitely let your eyes glow. Without further ado, this is what we call
the viral printed t-shirt method. Remember that printing t-shirts is a lucrative
business, as long you know about giving outstanding quality to your customers.
Best of all, this one is so impossible to saturate, as there are so many people
Oh man, I think you guys know already about printing t-shirts right? Like printing
t-shirts for your school, office, company, event or whatsoever, that s really
common. But this is not what you are going to expect in this guide is something
different, and with a different kind of twists that makes your targeted customers
go WILD!
I am not going to talk about promoting your website, company or services (e.g.,
XXX Laundry Services Florida) through your own t-shirt and walk around the malls,
parks, BLA BLA BLA!!! This is totally different, so pay close attention to these
Step 1: Think of something that kids and teenagers are interested. For example, a
game called League of Legends is totally hot in the market, and there are billions
of kids, teenagers and young adults who are playing that game. Not to mention
that they are also considered fans of that game. League of Legends is completely
free to play, but you may have the option to buy their in-game items by
converting your cash to Riot Points.
It simply means that these gamers are willing to spend anything that is completely
related to League of Legends, especially their merchandise items. The
merchandise items that I am talking about are the following (research on Google
if you have time):
-Teemo Hats
-Rammus Hats
-Blitzcrank Hoodies
There are so many of them who bought these items and the sellers make money!
But what we will be doing right now is to print a t-shirt with any picture or logo
from any League of Legends characters, items, etc and sell them. Now you already
have an idea, let s move on to Step 2.
Step 2: Still assuming that League of Legends was your idea for t-shirt printing,
we will be choosing any character there. For instance, let s say Teemo.
As you can see, Teemo is the most popular character been played in League of
Legends, especially girls. You know why? Look at Teemo, he s so cute! We will be
using this picture to be printed on the t-shirt. But hold on for a second! We can t
just print this without any kind of twists, right? What kind of twists that I am
indeed talking about?
Have you heard about memes? Well, to tell you frankly that memes are more viral
than just simple pictures like Teemo above. Here is an example of a meme below
featuring Teemo:
As you can see, this one s really interesting and catchy on our customer s
attention than the regular one. Memes are indeed very popular to share on social
media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, StumbleUpon and a whole lot more.
What we will do is simply find an image about Teemo (with commercial usage
rights). To find those images, simply go to Google Images, type your keyword, go
to Advanced settings on the right side, scroll down below and there s a drop
down menu called Usage Rights. The default is  not filtered by license , so set it
to  Free to use, share or modify, even commercially . After that, pick and save
that image to your computer.
Step 3: Once you have that image, you need to look for a free meme image
creator. In that case, there are so many of them. A good example would be
MemeCrunch. Here s the meme I created with MemeCrunch (this is just an
example for you to have an idea):
I would also suggest that you need to take two images and convert them into
memes rather than one. The thing is that one meme image will be at the front of
your t-shirt, and the other one at the back. It s all about creativity, you know?
Creativity rules the whole game!
Once finished, right click the newly generated meme image and save it on your
computer. Now that you have an image, let s move on to Step 4.
Step 4: I think you need to have a USB or SD card (via card reader) to save your
image there. Now turn off your computer, and go out to buy plain t-shirts and go
to a local t-shirt printing service in your area. It is either you will provide them the
plain t-shirts, or they will provide one for you including the printing services.
Usually, plain t-shirts are kinda cheap. Just look for a store that sells plain t-shirts
for dirt cheap price. Try to buy at least three to five for now to start things off, in
any size and color. For instance, a plain t-shirt will cost around $3. If you buy 5 of
them, it will cost you $15 overall.
Go to a local t-shirt printing or screen printing service, and ask them to print your
t-shirt with the desired pictures you have. Their prices may vary from the size of
your image. I just asked them how much would be the size if I want a huge square
of my meme image, and they told me that it cost me around $5 (w/o t-shirt) and
$7 with t-shirt provided by them (price may increase if you want another image at
the back). But if the local printing service has no t-shirts for you to be provided,
you should be the one buying and bringing to them. Hand them over your USB or
SD card and choose the pictures you want to be printed in your newly-bought
plain t-shirts (or the t-shirts they provide). Just wait until the printing of your t-
shirts are done, pay them the exact price and move out!!!! So your total
investments right now are going to be around $20 or $22 (depends on the price in
your area).
Here is the screenshot of my newly printed Teemo t-shirt (XL Size):
Here is another one that I have printed, full squared no transparency (XL Size):
Now that you have the newly printed t-shirts with your desired logos, let s move
on to Step 5.
Step 5: This is the fun part! You are now going to sell them at a higher price to
your potential customers (still assuming that the image is all about the Teemo
meme). But where will you sell these newly printed t-shirts?
-Direct approach to your friends who are addicted to play League of Legends (or
any hot niche you have): I think this has to be the easiest way to sell them on
your own.
-Mobile contacts: This is also easy if you had contacts that play League of
Legends, All you have to do was simply contact them that you are selling Teemo t-
shirts. Once they are interested, just head over to the desired location that you
want to meet and making a good deal with them.
-Free Local Classified Ads: There are so many local classified ads out there in your
area. Try to register an account for each classified ad and start posting with your
desired price.
-eBay and Amazon: These are some of the most popular online marketplaces on
earth. You can simply list your items there for sale; give specific details about your
product and payment options.
-Social Media: You can simply promote your t-shirts on your various social media
accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. If you had lots of friends there who
are interested with your t-shirts, it will give you a huge advantage. You may also
join relevant groups, fan pages or any community there, contribute there and
share to them about your t-shirts (I would really recommend that you have a
website for this).
-Niche Forums: This is also a good place for you to promote your own t-shirts (this
is another source that you really need to have your own website to be promoted)
by putting the website link in your signature.
So assuming if you have invested $6 per printed shirt (provided by them), and you
are selling this for $11, you get $5 profit. I know this sounds small to you, but
once it multiplies and customers are crazy about this, you will be getting a lot of
I may recommend you to do this one (to see even more great results), as you
need to create your own online store. You can try free websites like Blogger,
Webs, Weebly, etc. to create a store, or you can just simply go professional by
purchasing a domain and web hosting for your own niche. After that, install a
Wordpress blog and look for a theme that really looks like an  online store . But
any theme can be suitable, but online store themes (either free or paid) will do
CASE STUDY: Few weeks ago, I have printed a few t-shirts with the Teemo meme
(much different than the one above) which cost me around $7. I had a friend who
is so crazy about playing League of Legends, so I go to him and telling him that I
am selling this t-shirt for only $12. What my friend really did was, he immediately
tell me to wait to get his money from the ATM. After a few minutes, he came back
and bought the t-shirt, and the size is just good enough for him. He was just crazy
about it, as he was a fan of League of Legends.
I made a profit of $5 for just one customer. Afterwards, his few friends also told
me that they also want to order t-shirts with their own respective images, but in
different shirt size and color. So I told them that I will  order some shirts for
them, and I take note of their details with their own size and color. But I
requested them to initially deposit half of their $12 to me first ($6 each) and pay
the remaining amount when the t-shirts are finally delivered, as pay comes first. I
also have my own receipt slips with carbon paper, as I will be giving them their
own receipts for the order. This is a wise way to deal with them directly. But if my
friends are trusted, it s up to me if they want to pay after I spend money for the t-
shirt printing. Also, I give them my contact number for communication purposes.
This is what I should deal if I am doing direct customer transactions.
On the following day, I spent $28 to print four t-shirts of them with their
requested size, color and images, and sent it to them the following day (as they
set the schedule). On that day, I gave them their ordered shirts and they are so
satisfied, and I made $48 back, profited around $20 ($5 for each of them x 4).
Remember, treat this as a business whether part time, extra time, or maybe even
full time. Not bad, huh?
This is the t-shirt that I sold to my friend who is crazy about League of Legends:
Front Part (Huge League of Legends Custom Art)
Rear Part (Small League of Legends Logo)
If you don t want to spend yourself going into a local printing service to do this,
just try to invest some money for yourself for the equipments. What are some
things that you need to invest to be your own t-short printing service at home?
-Your own computer
-Inkjet printer (any brand will do)
-Transfer paper
-Flat Iron (don t sprinkle water if you use steam)
-A whole bunch of t-shirts in different sizes and colors for both men and women
There are so many guides out there on Youtube on how you are going to use
transfer paper on your t-shirt, like Expert Village. Just try to search for them, and
you may learn how easy it is for you to do it on your own. Later once you have
lots of money, you can buy a brand new Direct To Garment (DTG) printer in any
computer stores there, or you may simply convert your printer into DTG (once
again, so many videos about that). Also, you definitely need a heat transfer
machine (the one that you press for the logo to fully stick into your shirt for a few
seconds, much more time to be saved than ironing.
But don t just try to limit yourself from just t-shirts, you know? Try to research
some few useful things that your targeted customers can use. Examples of them
are the following (but you need to buy their respective materials to get started,
search for Youtube tutorials, and you are going to do this manually):
-Plush dolls
-Plush hats
-Polymer clay figures
-Key chains
-Small Bags or Pouches
So there you have it guys! I would really hope that you do like the method that I
have shared to you right now. But one thing I would like to tell you that I don t
like this to be one of the hundreds of WSO s that will be thrown away after
reading. You need to take action seriously, and results will follow!
Action speaks louder than words! This is what you should be thinking after
reading this one.
Now the question is why I choose League of Legends as an example? It is because
I am also a fan of this game, and I am addicted to it. I usually play this by myself if
I have free time. I see that billions of players from around the globe are playing
this game, and considered as the best Massive Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game
in the world. I see a lot of people sharing their own art of any League of Legends
characters, and they even create some funny videos about this game.
But this method does not focus only on League of Legends. Just like I have told
you from the very beginning, you need to do some research for some niches that
are been highly discussed and talked about. You can even create and animate
your own funny drawing with Paint, Adobe Photoshop or any other photo editing
software, transform it to a meme image to be downloaded, and print it on your
own t-shirt. People do like funny memes, so there s a very good chance that they
may buy it, and you get profits.
I would strongly suggest that if you still don t get it, just read this eBook again
until you know what to do (or even create your own twist). Remember, creativity
rules! So what are you waiting for? Go out there and take action now!


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