Gale Group Encyclopedia of World Religions Almanac Edition Vol 6

World Religions Reference
Library Cumulative Index
World Religions Reference
Library Cumulative Index
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p. cm. -- (World religions reference library)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-0227-7 (Almanac : set : alk. paper) --
ISBN-10: 1-4144-0227-9 (Almanac : set : alk. paper) --
ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-0228-4 (Almanac : vol. 1 : alk. paper) --
ISBN 10: 1-4144-0228-7 (Almanac : vol. 1 : alk. paper) --
1. Religions. I. O Neal, Michael, 1949- II. Schlager, Neil, 1966- III. Weisblatt, Jayne.
IV. Title.V. Series.
BL74.J66 2006
ISBN-13: ISBN-10:
978-1-4144-0229-1 978-1-4144-0232-1 1-4144-0229-5 1-4144-0232-5
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978-1-4144-0230-7 978-1-4144-0232-8 1-4144-0230-9 1-4144-0233-3
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978-1-4144-0231-4 978-1-4144-0234-5 1-4144-0231-7 1-4144-0234-1
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Cumulative Index
Bold type indicates set titles, main entries, and their page numbers.
Italic type idicates volume numbers. Illustrations are marked by (ill.).
A=World Religions: Almanac, B=World Religions: Biographies
PS=World Religions: Primary Sources
early life Achyutapreksha
B 2: 235
B 1: 2
Active learning
expulsion from Egypt
B 2: 215
B 1: 3 4
A 2: 298, 299
Acts of Paul and Thecla
God s promises to
Abdal-Rahman ibn Muhammad
B 2: 302
B 1: 5
ibn Khaldkn. See ibn Khaldun
Acts of the Apostles
influence of
A 1: 137
B 1: 7 8
A 2: 298
B 2: 302
role in major religions
Abdu l-Baha
B 1: 1 2
A 1: 73 74, 76, 79 (ill.)
similarities with Jesus Christ
PS 182
A 1: 202 04
B 1: 1
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem
Acupuncture and Daoism
Abram. See Abraham
A 2: 300
PS 161
Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn.
Adam and Eve
A 1: 141, 142
See Muhammad
A 1: 220 (ill.)
Abu Bakr (caliphh)
Abdullah (son of Muhammad)
Adi Granth. See Granth Sahib
A 2: 298, 301
B 1: 199
Adur Aduran
B 1: 18, 20
Abhaya mudra
A 2: 454
PS 29
A 1: 109
Advaita Vedanta school
Abu Sufyan
B 2: 239, 240, 385 86
B 2: 291
B 1: 6
See also Upanishads
Abu Talib
Aborigines, creation stories of
B 1: 18, 200, 201
PS 3
A 1: 140
Abydos (Egypt)
Aborigines (Australia)
Adventist doctrines
A 1: 58 59
A 2: 271
A 1: 130
Academy of Plato
Aeneid (Virgil)
B 2: 316
A 2: 346
A 1: 211, 224, 228
Achaemenid dynasty
B 1: 1(ill.), 1 8
A 2: 447
PS 24 A 1: 211
descendants of Acharya Aesir class
B 1: 6 B 2: 235 A 2: 377
Afghanistan, destruction of sacred Ahimsa Alchemy and Daoism
art in B 2: 246 A 1: 180
A 1: 114 PS 137, 140 Alcohol abstinance
A 1: 110
Africa, Mother Goddess in Ahimsa vow
Al-Din, Salah. See Saladin
A 1: 7 A 2: 323
Aleinu prayer
African Americans, Islam and Ahriman
A 2: 361
A 2: 300 PS 189
African communities, Ahunavaiti Gatha
A 2: 401
cultural roles in PS 186, 189 90
Alexander the Great
B 2: 346 Ahura Mazda
A 1: 211, 217; 2: 447
African indigenous religions A 2: 443, 448 (ill.), 451
B 1: 36 (ill.); 2: 405
belief in supreme God Aisha (widow of Muhammad)
PS 187
A 2: 276 B 1: 30; 2: 304
See also Aristotle
overview Aiwisruthrem
Alexandria, Egypt, library of
A 2: 275 A 2: 456
A 1: 217
Africans, influence on Vodou Ajiva
Ali, Hussain, Ibn
A 2: 80 A 2: 330
A 2: 298
Afrinagen ritual Akaranga Sutra
Ali, Muhammad
A 2: 456 57 A 2: 327, 334
A 1: 73, 76
Afterlife PS 121, 137, 138
Ali (caliph)
A 1: 47, 135 36 Akh soul
A 2: 298
Agami Karma A 1: 47
Ali Ab%2ł Ibn Tlib
A 2: 263 Akhand Paath ceremony
B 1: 17 24
Age of Enlightenment A 2: 435
death of
A 1: 25 26 Akhenaten
B 1: 22
  Agnosticism  (Huxley) A 1: 44 45, 45 46
early life
A 1: 32 B 1: 9 16, 9 (ill.),
B 1: 18
Agnosticism and Atheism 13 (ill.)
fourth caliph
A 1: 19 36 life of
B 1: 21 22
about B 1: 10
Muhammad and
A 1: 22 reign of
B 1: 19, 200
agnosticism B 1: 11, 14
succession issue
A 1: 28 Akhenaton. See Akhenaten
B 1: 17 18
described Akhetaten (city)
  Ali Baba and the Forty
A 1: 19 B 1: 12, 15 (ill.)
weak versus strong Akkad (city)
A 2: 320
A 1: 30 31 B 1: 123
Ali ibn Abi Talib, Hazrat
See also Huxley, Akkadians
A 2: 301
Thomas Henry A 1: 40 41
Ali Muhammad, Siyyid
  Agnosticism and Christianity  B 1: 123
B 1: 44
(Huxley) Aktiu festival Ali Muhammad of Shiraz,
PS 4 A 1: 57 Sayyid. See Bab
Agnostics, about Al-Amin. See Muhammad All Hallows Day
PS 4 Albert Schweitzer International A 2: 390
Agnostics, number of Prize All Saints Day
A 1: 20 B 2: 294 A 2: 390
2 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Allah American Indians Anandpur, Battle of
A 2: 304 05 (North America) B 2: 355
Allah s name A 2: 271 Anandpur siege
PS 28 (ill.) Amesha Spentas B 2: 356
  Allegory of the Cave  (Plato) A 2: 451 Anarchist, defined
A 1: 229 PS 186 87 PS 193
B 2: 317 18 Amidah prayer Anaxagoras
Almohads, conquest of Spain A 2: 359 A 1: 24, 215
B 2: 250 Ammut (goddess) B 1: 25 31, 25 (ill.)
Al-Qaeda group A 1: 48 early life
A 2: 321 Amram B 1: 25 26
Am I An Atheist or An Agnostic? B 2: 279 exile of
(Russell) Amrit ritual B 1: 29
A 1: 33 A 2: 427 theories of
Ama-no-Nuboko See also Khanda symbol. B 1: 27 28
PS 17 Amrit Sanskar ceremony Anaximander
Amar Das, Guru A 2: 434, 435 A 1: 213, 237
A 2: 421 Amritsar (city) B 1: 26
PS 86 A 2: 436 37 Anaximenes
Amarna period An/Anu (sky god) A 1: 213
B 1: 11, 15 A 1: 37, 47 B 1: 26 27
Amaterasu (goddess) B 1: 122 Ancestor worship
A 2: 395, 397 (ill.), An Quang Buddhist Institute A 1: 6, 6 (ill.), 166, 172,
402, 406 07 B 2: 360 183; 2: 284
PS 3, 15, 20 21 Anabaptists Ancestral spirits
Amenhotep IV. See Akhenaten A 1: 134 A 2: 281, 402
Ame-no-Minaka-Nushi-no- Anagarika Dharmapala Ancient Egypt and
Mikoto A 1: 93 Mesopotamia (ill.)
PS 16 Analects (Confucius) A 1: 43
Amen-Ra (sun god) A 1: 155, 164 Ancient Order of Druids
A 1: 38, 42, 44, 45, 61 B 1: 88, 89 A 2: 381 82
Ameretat The Analects of Confucius Ancient Religions of Egypt
A 2: 451 PS 125 36 and Mesopotamia
Ameretat concept Book 1 A 1: 37 67
PS 186 PS 130 33, 133 35 Andrew (apostle/disciple)
America, spread of Islam in Book 2 A 1: 121
A 2: 300 PS 128, 129 Anga scripture group
America Israelite newspaper Book 10 A 2: 333 34
B 2: 395 PS 126 Angabaha scripture group
American Association for the Book 12 A 2: 333
Advancement of Atheism PS 126 Angad, Guru
PS 200 overview A 2: 421
American Atheists, Inc. PS 125 26 Angad Dev, Guru
PS 201 style of PS 86
American Baptist Convention PS 129 Angel of Death
A 1: 134 Anandatirtha. See Madhva PS 24
World Religions: Cumulative Index 3
Angels, belief in A 1: 40, 61 Muslim contributions to
PS 23 24 Anubis (god) A 2: 318 19
Angkor Wat temple A 1: 43, 48, 61 Ardechir I
A 1: 106 Anuradhpura temple complex A 2: 448 (ill.)
Anglican Church/Church (Sri Lanka) Ardha Magadhi language
of England A 1: 110 A 2: 334
A 1: 134 Apache tribe Ares (god)
  Anglo-Sikh Wars  A 2: 288 89 A 1: 221
A 2: 423 Aparigraha vow Arihant concept
Angra Mainyu A 2: 323 A 2: 332
A 2: 443, 447, 451 52 B 2: 246 Aristocles. See Plato
PS 189 Apartheid Aristotle
Angra Mainyu spirit B 2: 367 68, 370 71 A 1: 217, 217 (ill.), 218, 226
B 2: 402 Apathia described B 1: 33 40, 33 (ill.), 36 (ill.)
Angulimala Paritta prayer A 1: 218 described
A 1: 111 Apeiron B 1: 38
Anicca principle of Buddhism A 1: 213 education
A 1: 98 99 Aphrodite (goddess) B 1: 34 35
Animal sacrifices, in Santera A 1: 7, 221 intellectual growth of
A 2: 283 84 Apollo (god) B 1: 35 36
Animals, worship of A 1: 122, 222, 230 teachings
A 1: 42 Apologia (Plato) B 1: 37
Anime B 2: 314, 315 Western intellectual study and
A 2: 416 Apostle B 1: 34
Anjali mudra B 1: 3 works of
A 1: 109; 2: 265 Apostles of Jesus Christ. B 1: 38 40
Ankh symbol, gods seen with See individual apostles See also Plato
A 1: 51 Aquinas, Thomas Arjan Dev (Guru)
Ano San, Mount A 1: 25, 147, 237 A 2: 422, 437
A 2: 413 Arabian Nights B 1: 155
Anselm of Canterbury A 2: 319 20 PS 86
A 1: 25 Arafat, Mount Arjuna. See Mahabharata
Anthesteria festival B 1: 198 (ill.) Ark of the Covenant
A 1: 231 Aranyakas (theologies) A 2: 346
Anthropologists, view of A 2: 251 See also Ten Commandments
religion by Arawak Indians Arkan al Islami (Pillars of Islam)
A 1: 4 A 2: 280 A 2: 305 06
Antigone (Sophocles) Arawn Armit ceremony
A 1: 211 A 2: 380 B 1: 158
Antioch incident Arche Art
B 2: 306 A 1: 213 Muslim contributions to
Antiochus IV Architecture A 2: 317 18
A 2: 364 Buddhist influence on under rule of Akhenaten
Anti-Semitism A 1: 115 A 1: 66
B 2: 212, 275 Christian influence on Art in ancient Egypt
Anu (god) A 1: 148 B 1: 11, 12, 13 (ill.)
4 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Artemis (goddess) A 1: 45 and science
A 1: 7, 222, 230 Asia, Buddhism in PS 201
A 1: 92
Artha state-sponsored
Asoka. See Ashoka of
A 2: 248 A 1: 29 30
Maurya (emperor)
Arthasastra weak versus strong
Asparigrah vow
A 2: 265 PS 194
PS 138
Artifacts, use of in indigenous See also On the Nature
religions of Things (Lucretius);
A 2: 299
A 2: 273 Religious atheism;
B 1: 146 (ill.), 148
Artisan class, in ancient Egypt Anaxagoras; Marx, Karl
Asteya vow
A 1: 62 Atheists
A 2: 323
Arts, Jewish influence on PS 4, 193
B 2: 246
A 2: 369 Atheists United
PS 137
Arya Samaj sect PS 201
Astrology, in Babylonia
B 1: 104 05 Athena (goddess)
A 1: 41, 55
Asatru (god) A 1: 221 22, 223, 230
Ataraxia, in Stoicism
A 2: 377 (ill.) Atmaramji
A 1: 218
PS 97 A 2: 328
Atash Bahram symbol
followers of Atomic theory
A 2: 454
A 2: 374 A 1: 237
Aten (god)
origins of Atomists
A 1: 44
A 2: 376 77 A 1: 24, 215
symbols of Atoms
A 1: 45 46
A 2: 378 A 1: 215 (ill.)
B 1: 12
Ascension of Abdu l-Baha holiday Atonement
Atharva Veda
A 1: 82 A 1: 135
A 2: 251
Ascension of Bah u llh Atrakhasis Babylonian epic
holiday PS 11
A 1: 27 (ill.)
A 1: 82 Atum (god)
Ash Wednesday A 1: 43
A 1: 21 22
A 1: 141 Augurs
categories of
Asha defined A 1: 231
A 1: 30
PS 186 87, 189 Augustine of Hippo
Asha Vahishta A 1: 25
PS 195 96
A 2: 451 Aum
Asha Vahishta concept A 2: 287
A 1: 19
PS 186 Aum Shinrikyo
development of in China
Asher (son of Jacob) A 2: 401
A 1: 22
B 1: 6 Aum symbol
Greek rationalists and
Ashkenazic Jews A 2: 253 54
A 1: 237
A 2: 350 moral basis for Aurangzeb
Ashoka of Maurya (emperor) PS 123 B 2: 351, 356
A 1: 91 92, 109 10 negative meaning of Auspicious days, in Hinduism
Ashramas A 1: 26 A 2: 260
A 2: 248 number of atheists Australian, Mother Goddess in
Ashtur (god), cult of A 1: 20 21 A 1: 7
World Religions: Cumulative Index 5
Autumn Festival Baal Shem Tov. See Ben Eliezer, Bah
A 2: 411 Israel A 1: 69 86, 72 (ill.)
Autumn Remembering Bab central belief of
A 1: 167 A 1: 69 70 A 1: 77, 84
Avalokitesvara PS 176 77 essential elements of
A 1: 103 See also Ali Muhammad, PS 178
Avesta Siyyid fasting and
A 2: 453 Bab birthday holiday A 1: 79
B 2: 400, 401 A 1: 82 followers of
PS 122, 188 Baba Dayal A 1: 73
See also The Gathas A 2: 426 growth of
Avesta as reproduced in The Babalz Ayi (orisha), renaming of A 1: 74
Divine Sons of Zarathushtra A 2: 283 history of
PS 185 92 Babi faith A 1: 69
Avestan language
A 1: 69 70 holy days of
A 2: 453
Babis, massacre of A 1: 81 82
PS 188
A 1: 71 moral basis of
Avidya, explained
Babism PS 122 23
PS 166
B 1: 44 overview of
Awen symbol
Babylonia, idol worship in PS 175
A 2: 381
B 1: 2 persecution of members of
Babylonian Genesis A 1: 75
B 1: 10
PS 11 PS 183
Ayat. See Qur an
Babylonian Talmud. See Talmud prayers and tithing
Ayathrem festival
Babylonians, changes to religion by A 1: 83
A 2: 458
A 1: 41 sacred numbers of
Ayatul Kursi
Babylonians, supreme being in A 1: 70, 80
A 2: 304
creation stories of social action and
PS 3 PS 178
A 2: 268
Bacchanalia structure of
Azal, Subh-i
A 1: 226 A 1: 80 81
A 1: 71, 72
Bacchus symbols of
Azalis. See Yahya, Mirza
A 1: 122, 226 A 1: 80
Bach, Johann Sebastian twelve principles of
A 2: 312
A 1: 148 B 1: 44
Azra il (angel)
Bacon, Francis United Nations and
PS 24
PS 195 A 1: 84
Bactria PS 178
A 2: 309
A 2: 447 See also Sermon on the Mount
Aztec religion
B 2: 403 Bah  s temple
A 2: 274 (ill.)
Bactria, Zarathushtra in B 1: 42 (ill.)
PS 191 Bah u llh
Badr, Battle of B 1: 41 49
B 1: 19 banishment of
Ba soul Bagua (pa hua) symbol A 1: 72
A 1: 47 A 1: 192 birthday holiday
6 World Religions: Cumulative Index
A 1: 82 B 2: 369 A 2: 443
death of Baor initiation Behramshah Shroff
A 1: 73 B 2: 346 47 A 2: 449
B 1: 48 Baptism, in Christian church Beindriya beings
imprisonment A 1: 124, 138, 142 43, A 2: 331
B 1: 47 142 (ill.) Beliefs, common elements of
life and writings of Baptist Church PS 123
PS 176 77 A 1: 134 Bell
movements in exile Bar Mitzvah A 2: 388
B 1: 47 (ill.) A 2: 366 Beltane (Beltaine) Sabbat
poisoning Bardo period, in Buddhism A 2: 389
B 1: 46 47 A 1: 114 Beltaine (Bealteinne) festival
self-exile of Bards class in Druidism A 2: 381
A 1: 71 A 2: 379 Ben Eliezer, Israel
successors to Barquq A 2: 351
A 1: 73 74 B 1: 168 B 1: 171 78
view of in Bah Basra early life
A 1: 4 B 1: 12 B 1: 172 74
vision of Basri, Hasan Al- followers
A 1: 71 B 2: 322 B 1: 177
See also Nuri, Basri, Rabi a Al-. spiritual awakening
Mirza Husayn Ali See Rbi a al-Adawiyah B 1: 174 77
Bahubali statue Bat Mitzvah Ben Maimon, Moshe
A 2: 329 A 2: 366 A 2: 352, 354
Baisakhi holiday Battle of Tours Benedictine Order
A 2: 435 A 2: 294 A 1: 126
Bala Barua, Nani. See Dipa Ma Bauer, Bruno Benedictine Rule
Balance principle B 2: 258 59 A 1: 126
A 1: 220; 2: 383 Bayan (Bah u llh) Benjamin (son of Jacob)
Balfour Declaration B 1: 53 B 1: 6
A 2: 248 Bayan Wujub al-Hijra Berbers
Balthasar (magi) (Usuman Dan Fodio) B 1: 166
B 2: 403 B 2: 379 Bereshit
Balzan Prize Bayanis. See Yahya, Mirza PS 5
B 2: 354 Beatification Bernhard, Isaac
Bamiyan, Afghanistan, B 2: 356 B 2: 268 69
destruction of Buddha Beatitudes Besht. See Ben Eliezer, Israel
Vairocana PS 212 Beth Jeshurun (Yeshurun)
A 1: 114 Bedouins B 2: 393
Banda Singh Bahadur B 1: 166 67, 194 Bethel
A 2: 423 Behavior, code of B 1: 3
Bandi Chhor holiday A 1: 1 Bethlehem, pilgrimages to
A 2: 436 Behavior, guidance for A 1: 141
Bani Hashim clan PS 126 Bhagavad Gita
B 1: 18 Behdin. See Zoroastrianism A 2: 244, 252 53
Bantu Education Act Behdini PS 110
World Religions: Cumulative Index 7
Bhagavad Purana Egyptian Bodhisattvas, recognition of
B 2: 331 A 1: 63 A 1: 95, 99
Bhai Mani Singh Mesopotamian Boer War
A 2: 430 A 1: 60 B 1: 132
Bhakti (devotion) Roman Bojaxhiu, Agnes Gonxha.
A 2: 256 A 1: 235 See Teresa, Mother
Bhakti movement Black Elk Bon religion
B 2: 333 40 B 1: 51 58, 51 (ill.) A 2: 289 90
Bhakti yoga PS 39 (ill.) Bonnet, Charles
A 2: 250 early years of B 2: 271, 277
Bhikkhu PS 33 34 Book of Abraham
B 1: 64 great vision of B 1: 4 (ill.)
Bhikkhuni PS 34 36 The Book of Amdurat
B 1: 64 visions of A 1: 48
Bhutto, Benazir B 1: 52 53, 55 The Book of Caverns
A 2: 320 See also Foundation Myths; A 1: 48
Bhyadrabhanuswami Ghost Dance The Book of Certitude
A 2: 333 Black Elk, Nicholas. A 1: 71
Bible See Black Elk B 1: 45
A 1: 34, 136 37; 2: 368 69 Black Elk Speaks: Being the Book of Changes (Confucius)
PS 203 12 Life Story of a Holy Man of A 1: 164
about the Oglala Sioux (Neihardt) PS 136
PS 203 B 1: 52, 57 Book of Fatima
arrangement of PS 33 43 PS 182 83
PS 205 as foundation myth The Book of Gates
translations of PS 34 A 1: 48
PS 211 12 six grandfathers in Book of Judith
Bidayat al-Hidayah PS 34 35 A 2: 368 69
(The Beginning of Guidance) symbols in The Book of One Thousand and
(al-Ghazl%2ł) PS 35 36 One Nights
B 1: 149 Blavatsky, Helena A 2: 319 20
  Big five  religions B 1: 108 09, 130 Book of Shadows
A 1: 8 Blim Chand A 2: 388
Bile/Bel/Belenus (god) B 1: 155 B 1: 140
A 2: 380 Bloch, Therese The Book of the Dead
Bill, Buffalo B 2: 392 A 1: 48, 49 51, 50 (ill.)
B 1: 54 55 Blockages, removing   The Book of the Way and
Biology, classification systems and A 1: 187 88 Its Virtue.  See Dao De Jing
A 1: 237 Blot ritual   Book of Zhuang 
The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) A 2: 378 A 1: 178
A 1: 236 Bodh Gaya, pilgrimages to Bounteous Immortals
Birth rituals A 1: 108 PS 186
Buddhist Bodhi tree symbol Boycott of South Africa
A 1: 111 A 1: 101 02 B 2: 371
Confucian Bodhisattvas Brahma (Brahman)
A 1: 170 B 1: 65 A 2: 246 47, 262
8 World Religions: Cumulative Index
PS 111 (ill.), 119 early life A 1: 115
See also Aum symbol B 1: 59 60 in Japan
Brahmacharya stage spiritual quest of B 2: 296 99
B 1: 60 61 main types of
A 2: 248
teachings of A 1: 94 95
Brahmacharya vow
A 1: 23 major branches of
A 2: 323
B 1: 107 B 2: 297 98
B 2: 246
See also Buddhism; moral basis for
PS 138
Eightfold Path PS 122
Brahmanas (rituals)
Buddha Amitabha practice techniques of
A 2: 25
A 1: 95 A 1: 95
Brahmins (caste)
Buddha Heart, Buddha Mind: overview
A 2: 263
Living the Four Noble Truths A 1: 87
Brahmo Samaj movement
(Dalai Lama) rise of
B 2: 384 85
B 1: 97 A 1: 8
Bridal rituals in Rome
Buddha Vairocana symbols of
A 1: 235
A 1: 114 A 1: 101 02
Brigid/Brigit (goddess)
Buddhahood texts of
A 2: 379, 380
B 2: 296 PS 167
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Buddha-nature two schools of
A 2: 252
B 2: 294 B 1: 65 66
Brings White, Anne
Buddha-nature, realizing PS 172
B 1: 56
A 1: 100 in Vietnam
British Buddhist
Buddhism B 2: 362
B 1: 112
A 1: 87 117 Buddhist flag
British Circle of Universal Bond
about A 1: 102
A 2: 382
A 1: 91 Buddhist monks
British Druid Order
basic principles of B 2: 364 (ill.)
A 2: 382
A 1: 96 99 Buddhist nuns
central beliefs of B 1: 64, 118 (ill.)
A 2: 387
A 1: 90, 98 99 Buffalo Bill s Wild West Show
Brooms, as sacred tools
creator-god concept and B 1: 54 55
PS 101, 104 (ill.)
A 1: 19, 23 Buffalo/bison
Buchenwald concentration camp
daily practice of A 2: 287, 288
B 2: 364
A 1: 110 11 Bulla charm
Buckley, Raymond
decline of in India A 1: 235
B 1: 142
A 1: 92 Bundahism
The Buddha
disagreements within B 2: 401
B 1: 59 66, 59 (ill.), 61 (ill.)
A 1: 90 Buraq (winged horse)
PS 168 (ill.)
form of worship B 2: 289, 303
birth of
A 1: 102 03 Bure, Idelette De
A 1: 98 (ill.) growth of B 1: 78
death of A 1: 92 94, 93 (ill.) Burkina Faso
A 1: 90 holy days in B 2: 368, 379
depictions of A 1: 106 08 Burma (Myanmar)
A 1: 114 15 influence on art of A 1: 94
World Religions: Cumulative Index 9
Bushido code Cambyses II B 2: 397
A 1: 173 A 2: 450 Catholic/Protestant conflicts
Bushmen of Africa, creation/ Camel, Battle of the B 2: 231 32
foundation myths of B 1: 22 Cauldron
PS 3 Canaan, Mother Goddess in A 2: 388
Buzurg, Mirza A 1: 7 Cauvin, Jean. See Calvin, John
B 1: 41 Canaanites Celestial Masters
Byzantine Empire B 1: 3 A 1: 179, 183, 198
A 1: 127 Candide (Voltaire) Celts
B 2: 269, 275 A 2: 373 74, 379
Candombl Censer
A 2: 280, 282 A 2: 388
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer) Central Conference of American
Cairo, Eqypt
A 1: 147 Rabbis
B 1: 168
Cao Guojin (god) B 2: 391, 394, 396
Caitanya Mahaprabhu
A 1: 190 Central Institute of Higher
A 2: 244
Capitalism Tibetan Studies
B 1: 67 73, 68 (ill.)
B 2: 259, 265 B 1: 96
early life
Caravans Ceremony, importance of in
B 1: 68 69
B 1: 196 Confucianism
Carchemish A 1: 162
B 1: 70 71
A 1: 6 Ceres
Carolis, H. Don A 1: 122
B 1: 70
B 1: 107 Cerridwen
Carter, Howard A 2: 380
A 2: 244 45, 249 (ill.)
B 1: 14 Ceylon, religious changes in
Carvaka, concept of creator-god B 1: 108
A 1: 140; 2: 457
and Ch an Buddhism
Calf Pipe A 1: 23 A 1: 95
A 2: 288 Caspar (magi) See also Zen Buddhism
Calligraphy B 2: 403 Chagall, Marc
A 1: 115, 204; 2: 303 (ill.) Caste system A 2: 369
Calvin, John B 1: 70 71; 2: 235 36, Chakkar symbol
A 1: 133 248, 385 A 2: 432
B 1: 75 82, 75 (ill.), 81 (ill.) PS 85 Chamkaur, Battle of
conversion creation of B 2: 356
B 1: 76 A 2: 242 Chandragiri hill
early life Indian constitution and A 2: 339
B 1: 76 77 A 2: 263 64 Change, nature of
influence Jains and A 1: 227
B 1: 80 81 A 2: 340 Chanting meditation technique
Calvinism Sikhism and A 1: 104
B 1: 75, 78 A 2: 421 Charaka
See also Predestination atalhyk A 2: 265
Cambodia A 1: 6 Charles I
A 1: 92, 94 The Catastrophe of Eger (Wise) B 2: 231
10 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Charmides (Plato) Ching Ming festival A 1: 127 28
B 2: 315 A 1: 167, 168 Judaism and
Charming of the Plow holiday PS 204 05
Chong Son
A 2: 378 language of worship of
A 1: 174
Chathurveda A 1: 126 27
Christian Church,
A 2: 251 moral basis for
separation of
Chaucer, Geoffrey PS 122
A 1: 127
A 1: 147 missionaries of
Christian creation concepts
Chaurindriya beings A 1: 125
A 1: 28
A 2: 331 and Neoplatonism
Christian Crusaders, Jews in
Chiang Kai-shek A 1: 219
Europe and
A 1: 181 82 observances of
A 2: 348
Chih-i A 1: 140
Christian Evidences (Bonnet)
B 2: 312 overview
B 2: 277
China A 1: 119
Christian gospels
Buddhism in rise of
A 1: 124
A 1: 92 A 1: 8
non-believers in sacraments of
A 1: 119 49
A 1: 31 A 1: 124
B 1: 190 91, 192 93
religious tradition in schisms in
A 1: 95 A 1: 130 31
A 1: 122
Western influences on similarity of Zoroastrianism to
adaptions of from Judaism
religion of PS 191 92
A 1: 123 24
A 1: 159 spread of
basic beliefs of
China, during the time of A 1: 123, 124 (ill.), 125
A 1: 134 35
Confucius supreme being in creation
beginnings of
B 1: 84 accounts of
A 1: 123
Chinese art, close observation PS 3
buracracy of
and symbols of
A 1: 125
A 1: 204 A 1: 137 38, 137 (ill.)
doctrines of
Chinese communists, effect on worship language of
A 1: 135 36
Daoism A 1: 126
forms of worship service
PS 161 See also Jesus Christ
A 1: 139
Chinese history, Spring Christians
Gospels of
and Autumn Period of number of
A 1: 124
A 1: 154 A 1: 2
Greek and Roman
Chinese landscape painting persecution of
influences on
A 1: 174 A 1: 125
A 1: 136
Chinese language, Daoism and Christmas
influence of
A 1: 205 A 1: 15, 140
Zoroastrianism on
Chinese literature, Daoism and Chronos
A 2: 452
A 1: 204 05 A 1: 223
PS 188
Chinese New Year festival Chrysippus
influences of
A 1: 167, 168, 196 97 A 1: 218
Chinese texts, translating A 1: 146 48 Chu Hsi
PS 129 and Islam A 1: 157
World Religions: Cumulative Index 11
Chuang-tzu B 1: 139 40 Confucianism
A 1: 178 Collected Essays vol. 5: Science A 1: 151 76, 165 (ill.),
Chung Yeung Festival and Christian Tradition 170 (ill.)
A 1: 167 PS 45 54 about
Chunqiu (Ch un-ch iu) Cologne Cathedral A 1: 156
A 1: 164 A 1: 141 after death of Confucius
Church of England/Anglican Cologne Circle A 1: 155 56
Church B 2: 265 ban on
A 1: 134 Columbian Exposition in PS 135
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Chicago belief system of
day Saints PS 112 A 1: 168
A 1:134 Communism and concept of creator-god
Church of Martin Luther A 1: 21, 29 30, 130 A 1: 22
A 1: 141 B 2: 265 development of principles of
Church of the Holy Communist Correspondence A 1: 153
Sepulcher (tomb) Committee influence on education
A 1: 141 B 2: 266 A 1: 175
Circle symbol Communist League in Japan and Korea
A 2: 287 88 B 2: 266 A 1: 160
Cities and city-states, The Communist Manifesto moral basis for
in Mesopotamia (Marx; Engles) PS 121
A 1: 39, 59 B 2: 267 number of followers
City states Community of believers A 1: 152
B 2: 313 A 1: 11; 2: 274 75 pilgrimages
  Civil Disobedience  (Thoreau) Community participation, A 1: 169
B 1: 130 in indigenous religions political guidance of
Civilization, cyclical nature of A 2: 273 PS 128
B 1: 166 67 Compassion, in Daoism rise of
Classic of Documents A 1: 187 A 1: 8
(Confucius) Complete Perfection sect rites of
A 1: 164 A 1: 185 A 1: 170
PS 136 Confession sacrament spiritual elements of
Classic of Filial Piety A 1: 145 46 A 1: 156 57
A 1: 164 Confirmation sacrament spread of
Classic of Odes (Confucius) A 1: 138, 143 A 1: 158 59
A 1: 164 Confucian Classics as state religion
PS 136 A 1: 156 A 1: 156
  Classic of the Great Peace  Confucian philosophy suppression of
A 1: 191 goals A 1: 159
Cleanliness B 1: 86 88 See also De (te) principle;
PS 30 main principle Junzi (chun-tze) principle;
Clement VI (pope) B 1: 83 84 Ren principle;
B 2: 227 Confucian temple Wen principle
Clergy, clothing of B 1: 86 (ill.) Confucius
A 1: 142 Confucian Temple of Literature A 1: 158 (ill.)
Clutterbuck, Dorothy A 1: 166 B 1: 83 90, 83 (ill.)
12 World Religions: Cumulative Index
about Córdoba (Spain), caliphate at Rome
PS 125, 126 28 A 2: 298 A 1: 224
beliefs Corinth See also Ra/Re (sun god)
B 1: 85 87 A 1: 223 Creation of mandalas, in
early life Corpus Christi Movement Vajrayana Buddhism
B 1: 85 B 2: 294, 354 A 1: 95
education of The Cosmic God (Wise) Creation stories
PS 130 B 2: 397 PS 1 4
exile Cosmos, nature of Fulani people
B 1: 88 A 1: 22 PS 2
as government reformer Council for a Parliament of the location from which creation
A 1: 154 World s Religions began
life of PS 119 PS 3 4
A 1: 153 Council of Jerusalem themes of
social class of B 2: 305 06 PS 2 4
PS 129 30 Counter-Reformation See also Agnostics; Atheism;
teaching method of A 1: 129 Bereshit; specific creation
A 1: 155 Coven initiation stories
writings of A 2: 388 Creator-god
A 1: 170 Covenant breaker A 1: 19, 23, 126
PS 136 A 1: 76 PS 6, 86
Confucius Culture Festival   Covenant  concept Cremation
PS 131 (ill.) A 2: 355 A 1: 113
Congregations of Israel PS 10 Crete, Mother Goddess worship in
B 1: 176 Covens, defined A 1: 7
Congress Party PS 106 Critias (Plato)
B 1: 134 Co-Workers of Mother Teresa B 2: 317, 331
Congressional Gold Medal B 2: 294, 354 Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
B 2: 355 Cows, sacred nature of A 1: 26
Connectedness, emphasis on in A 2: 253 Critique of the Helgelian
Daoism Cratylus (Plato) Philosophy of Public Law (Marx)
PS 150 B 2: 316 B 2: 264, 270
Conservative Judaism Crazy Horse The Crito (Plato)
A 2: 352 B 1: 53 54 B 2: 315
B 2: 394 Creation, male and female Cross symbol
Constantine (emperor) principles in A 1: 137
A 1: 125, 128 (ill.), 212 PS 14 Crowley, Aleister
Contribution to the Critique of Creation myths B 1: 140
Hegel s Philosophy of Law (Marx) A 1: 226 Crusades
A 1: 32 PS 1 A 1: 127 28; 2: 299
Conversions of West Africans ancient Egypt Crystal sphere
B 2: 368 A 1: 43 A 2: 388
The Convert (Wise) Greece Cuba, Vodou in
B 2: 397 A 1: 223 A 2: 280
Cop, Nicholas Japan Cults
B 1: 76 77 A 2: 405 06 Ashur
World Religions: Cumulative Index 13
A 1: 10 early life PS 153
Marduk B 1: 92 93 Dao jiao. See Religious Daoism
A 1: 45 exile Daoism
meanings of B 1: 95 98 A 1: 177 206
A 1: 10 religious training B 2: 207 08
Cultural Revolution B 1: 93 about
A 1: 182 response to Chinese invasion A 1: 180
Cuneiform writing system of Tibet compared to other religions
A 1: 65 B 1: 94 95 PS 150
Cunningham, Scott travels Confucianism and
PS 97 B 1: 97 98 PS 135
Cupid, symbols of Damascus creator-god concept and
A 1: 230 B 1: 3 A 1: 19, 31
Cybele (goddess) Damascus, capture of in daily life
A 1: 7, 220 A 2: 298 A 1: 201
Cycle of life. See Karma Dan (son of Jacob) decline of
Cyprus B 1: 6 PS 160 61
B 1: 138 39 Dan (Tan). See Laozi divisions in
Cyrus of Persia Dana, Charles A 1: 182 83
A 1: 41 B 2: 262, 268 early development of
Czolgosz, Leon Dana (generosity) A 1: 22
PS 201 A 1: 104 05, eggs in
105 (ill.) PS 2
Danishmends festivals
A 2: 299 A 1: 196 97
Dante Alighieri goal of
Da Vinci, Leonardo
A 1: 147 A 1: 186
A 1: 147 48
Danu gods of
Da Xue (Ta Hsueh)
A 2: 380 A 1: 190
A 1: 163
Dao character symbol impact of
Dacheng Dia
A 1: 192 PS 161
A 1: 169 Dao De Jing (Laozi) influence of
Daevas A 1: 31, 189 A 1: 205 06
A 2: 446 47, 451 B 2: 206, 207 monastic system of
PS 189 PS 122, 149 63 A 1: 180
Dagara tribe central beliefs of moral basis for
B 2: 349 PS 150 PS 122
Dagpa (god) compilation of as official religion
A 2: 289 PS 154 A 1: 179 81
Dahomean tribes overview of origin of
A 2: 280 81 PS 149 A 1: 178 79
Dakota tribe themes of overview
A 2: 287 88 PS 152 A 1: 177
Dalai Lama translation of rise of
A 1: 92 PS 152 53 A 1: 8
B 1: 91 99, 91 (ill.) writing style of spread of
14 World Religions: Cumulative Index
A 1: 182 Day for All Gods to Descend to Confucian
suppression of Earth. See Chinese New Year A 1: 171
A 1: 181 82 festival Eastern Orthodox church
symbols of Day of rest, as pattern for working A 1: 145
A 1: 191 93 life Mesopotamian
texts of PS 6 A 1: 62
A 1: 189, 191 Day of the Covenant holiday Neanderthals
Western views of A 1: 82 A 1: 5
A 1: 189 Daya Ram December 25th, celebrations
worship practices of B 2: 353 54 A 1: 15
A 1: 193 95 Dayananda Sarasvati Declaration of the Bab holiday
See also Laozi; Religious B 1: 101 06, 101 (ill.) A 1: 82
Daoism; specific sects of death Deer Park
Daoist Canon B 1: 105 A 1: 108
A 1: 191 early life and travels Deer Park Monastery
Daoist priest B 1: 102 03 B 2: 363
PS 156 (ill.) See also Arya Samaj sect Degel (city)
Daoist priests Dayananda Saraswati. B 2: 377
A 1: 193, 195 (ill.) See Dayananda Sarasvati Deities, classes of
Daoist temple De (te) principle A 1: 5 6
PS 151 (ill.) A 1: 162, 186 87 Deities in Mahayana Buddhism
Daoist temples De Anima (Aristotle) A 1: 103
A 1: 195 A 1: 229 Deliverance from Error (Al-Ghazl%2ł)
Daoist thought, in everyday life De Laplace, Pierre-Simon B 1: 146
A 1: 201 A 1: 26   Delusory  karma
Daozang (Tao-tsang) De Lisieux, ThŁrse A 2: 332
A 1: 191 B 2: 292 Demeter
Darius I De Poetica (Aristotle) A 1: 7, 222, 223
A 2: 450 A 1: 229 Demeter and Persephone
B 2: 405 Dead, realm of A 1: 224
Darius the Great PS 20 Democritus
B 2: 405 Dead Sea Scrolls A 1: 24 (ill.), 215
  Dark learning  A 2: 354 55 Deng Xiaoping
A 1: 184 PS 11 A 1: 182
Darwin, Charles Death, introduction of Denmark, non-believers in
A 1: 15, 19, 33 34, 147 PS 16 A 1: 31
See also Huxley, Thomas Death and rebirth. See Eleusinian   Descent of Ishtar to the
Henry mystery cults; Orphic mystery Underworld 
  Darwin s bulldog  cults A 1: 49
A 1: 29 Death rituals The Descent of Man (Darwin)
Das Kapital (Marx) ancient Egypt A 1: 15, 33
B 2: 263, 269 A 1: 63 Detachment, and Daoism
Dasam Granth Buddhist PS 150
A 2: 430 31 A 1: 113 14 Deuteronomy
David (king) Christians B 2: 283
A 2: 346 A 1: 144 45 See also Torah
World Religions: Cumulative Index 15
Devi (goddess) D Holbach, Baron Diogenes Laertius
A 2: 242, 262 A 1: 32 B 2: 312
Dhyana mudra
The Dhammapada Dionysius
A 1: 109
A 1: 100 A 1: 222, 226
  The Dialectic 
B 1: 63, 65 Dipa Ma
B 2: 258
PS 165 74 B 1: 115 20, 116 (ill.)
Dialectic method
alterations to early life
A 1: 216
PS 173 B 1: 116
  Dialectical materialism  concept
Canto III (The Mind) teachings
B 2: 264
PS 169 70 B 1: 119
Dialogues (Plato)
Canto XX (The Path) travels
A 1: 232
PS 170 72 B 1: 120
Dialogues Concerning Natural
oral nature of Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a
Religion (Hume)
PS 172 73 Buddhist Master (Schmidt)
A 1: 26, 32
texts of B 1: 120
  Diamond Sutra 
PS 168 Disciples of Jesus Christ
A 1: 100
Dharampala, Anagarika A 1: 121, 123
  Diamond Vehicle  Buddhism.
B 1: 107 13 See also individual apostles;
See Vajrayana Buddhism
early life individual disciples
Diana (goddess)
B 1: 108   Disciplinary  vows
A 1: 122
mission visits A 2: 341 42
Diderot, Denis
B 1: 110 Discrimination. See Apartheid
A 1: 26
political activities Divali festival
Dietary restrictions of, Bah
B 1: 112 A 2: 339
A 1: 83
religious beliefs   Diver  myth
Dietary restrictions of Muslims
B 1: 109 10 PS 4
A 2: 315
Dharamsala (India) Divination, by Druids
Digambara sect
B 1: 95 96 A 2: 381
A 2: 328 29
Dharma Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri)
B 2: 243
A 2: 248 A 1: 147, 235
Din, Shams Ad-
B 1: 61, 115 Divine Liturgy
B 1: 180, 181
PS 111, 119, 169 A 1: 140 (ill.)
Din al-Quanawi, Sadr Ad-
belief in Divinities, indigenous religions
B 1: 181
A 1: 99 and
Din Attar, Farid Od-
Dharma Day A 2: 273
B 1: 180
A 1: 108 Divorce
Din Chelebi, Husan Ad-
Dharma wheel symbol Bah views on
B 1: 182
A 2: 335 A 1: 83
Din Muhaqqiq, Burhan Ad-
Dharma wheel symbols in Mesopotamia
B 1: 180 81
A 1: 101 (ill.) A 1: 62
Din Walad, Baha Ad-
Dharmachakra B 1: 180 Diwali festival
A 1: 101 (ill.) Din Zarkub, Salah Ad- A 2: 258 60, 341 (ill.)
Dharmachakra mudra B 1: 182 Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz-I (Rumi)
A 1: 109 Diocesan Congregation of the B 1: 182 83, 184
Dharmasastras Calcutta Diocese. See Mission- Djoser (pharaoh)
A 2: 265 aries of Charity A 1: 52
16 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Doctrine, arguments over in Dualism B 1: 79
Christianity B 2: 237 Ecology, Zoroastrianism and
A 1: 125 26 Duality, in religions PS 188
The Doctrine of the Mean A 2: 389 Edict of Worms
(Confucius) Duhka, explained B 2: 228 29, 230 31
A 1: 163 PS 166 Education
B 1: 88 Dukkha, concept of in Buddhism in Bah faith
PS 136 A 1: 96 A 1: 77 78, 83
Dome of the Rock Durga (universal mother) importance of in
A 2: 294 A 2: 260 Confucianism
Dominion of man over animals Duzmin-Karaviev, Dimitri A 1: 162 63
PS 6 B 2: 360 tradition of
Dong Zhongshu Dvaita Vedanta A 1: 147
A 1: 156 57 B 2: 239 Eggs, in creation accounts
Door of Grace PS 2
PS 88 Egypt
Door of Learning ancient
PS 88 A 1: 43 (ill.)
Ea (water god)
Door of Livelihood architectural remains of
B 1: 122
PS 88 A 1: 52
Ea/Enki (water god)
Door of Peace calendar of
A 1: 37, 61
PS 88 A 1: 66
Doorkeeper of the Heart: Versions of conquering of
PS creation of. See specific
Rbi a (Rbi a al-Adawiyah) A 1: 45
creation stories
B 2: 321 22 economic classes in
Doshas in Ayurveda Earth, date of creation A 1: 62
A 2: 268 A 1: 15 festivals in
Dosojin festivals   Earth-bodied  beings A 1: 42, 57 58, 63 64
A 2: 407 A 2: 330 gods of
Dove symbol Easter A 1: 61
A 1: 137 38 A 1: 140 medicine in
The Dream of the Red Chamber Eastern Orthodox Christianity A 1: 66
A 1: 174 75 B 2: 336, 360 Mother Goddess in
Dreidel. See Hanukkah Eastern Orthodox Church A 1: 7
(Chanukah) festival after collapse of religious rituals in
Dress, traditional, in India Communism A 1: 56 57, 57 59
A 2: 261 A 1: 130 role of priests in
Druidic movements establishment of A 1: 52 53, 55
A 2: 381 82 A 1: 126 27, 132 sciences and
Druidism Ottoman Turks and A 1: 66
A 2: 379 82 A 1: 128 tombs in
Druids weddings in A 1: 64 (ill.)
A 2: 374 A 1: 144 Egyptian Book of the Dead
PS 97 Ecclesiastes A 1: 42
Druids Friendly Society PS 5 Egyptian Muslims
A 2: 382 Ecclesiastical Ordinances (Calvin) A 2: 299
World Religions: Cumulative Index 17
Egyptian pharaoh A 2: 223 Hinduism
B 1: 4 5 Emanation theory A 2: 241, 242
Egyptian religion, influence on A 1: 219; 2: 220   The Epic of Creation 
Judaism Emerson, Ralph Waldo A 1: 41, 48 49
A 1: 8 A 1: 93 The Epic of Gilgamesh
Egyptian Sphinx Empedocles A 1: 7, 49
A 1: 230 A 1: 215, 229 PS 61 72
Egyptians Emperor worship Epictetus
beliefs of A 1: 222; 2: 398 A 1: 218
A 1: 47 48 Emperor Wu Epicureanism
religions of A 1: 156 A 1: 24, 218, 228
A 1: 41 44 Empiricists Episcopal Church
Eid ul Fitr A 1: 226 A 1: 134
A 2: 313 Encyclopedia of Religion (James) Episcopal Divinity School
Eight Immortals (Ba Xian/Pa-hsien) A 1: 21 (Massachusetts)
A 1: 189, 192 (ill.), 193, 196 Energy, categories of B 2: 373
Eight Immortals Temple, A 2: 268 Equiria festival
pilgrimages to Engaged Buddhism A 1: 233
A 1: 198 B 2: 360 61 Eqypt, organized religion in
Eightfold Path Engels, Friedrich A 1: 37
A 1: 10 11, 90, 97 98 B 2: 260 261, 262 (ill.) Erh Ya
B 1: 62 England, expulsion of A 1: 164
PS 166 67 Jews from Eros, emergence of
Einstein, Albert A 2: 348 PS 2
A 1: 116; 2: 367 Enheduanna Eros, symbols of
Ekendriya beings B 1: 121 27, 122 (ill.) A 1: 230
A 2: 330 Enki (god of wisdom) Esau (son of Isaac)
Ekhaka Sapa. See Black Elk A 1: 47 B 1: 6
The Electronic Text Corpus of Enlightenment, Age of Essay Concerning Human
Sumerian Literature B 1: 125 A 1: 25 26 Understanding (Locke)
Elder Troth Enlightenment concept B 2: 268
A 2: 376 A 1: 23, 129 30 The Essence of Christianity
Eleatic School Enlil (earth and storm god) (Feuerbach)
A 1: 214 A 1: 37, 42, 47, 61 A 1: 27, 32
  Election  concept B 1: 122 The Essence of Judaism (Wise)
A 2: 355 Enuma Elish B 2: 397
PS 10 A 1: 41, 42, 48 Essenes
Elektra (Sophocles) Environment, respect for A 2: 350, 351, 355
A 1: 211 A 2: 460 Ethics
Elenchus method Environmentalism, of Wiccans Greek philosophical views
A 1: 216 PS 100 about
Eleusinian mystery cults Eostre (goddess) A 1: 227
A 1: 224 A 2: 378 and religion
Eliot, T.S. Ephriam (grandson of Jacob) A 1: 16
A 1: 147 B 1: 6 Zoroastrianism and
Elysium Epic and Classical Period of A 2: 452 53
18 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Eucharist Extispicy, priests role in Fatima (daughter of Muhammad)
A 1: 124, 138, 140 (ill.) A 1: 53 B 1: 199
Eudemian Ethics (Aristotle) Extreme unction sacrament as female ideal
B 1: 39 40 A 1: 138 39, 144 B 1: 20
E-u-gim e-a (Hymn of Praise to Extremists Hand of
Ekishnugal and Nanna on A 2: 321 B 1: 18 (ill.)
Assumption of En-ship) marriage of
B 1: 126 B 1: 19
Euphrates River Fatima, pilgrimages to
A 1: 39 A 1: 141
Fada ih al-Batiniyya I
B 1: 3 Fatimid dynasty
Euridice A 2: 299, 302
B 1: 148
A 1: 225 Fearlessness mudra
Faerie Queen (Spenser)
Euripides A 1: 109
A 1: 235
A 1: 211 Feast of the Valley festival
Faith, declaration of
Europe A 1: 58
B 2: 304
Mother Goddess in Fellowship of Crotona
Faith-based theory of religion
A 1: 7 B 1: 139
A 1: 3 4
Muslim countries and Feminine principle, in Daoism
Families, Mesopotamian
A 2: 299 300 PS 151
A 1: 60
non-believers in Feng Shui
Family rituals
A 1: 31 A 1: 199
A 1: 166
Euthydemus (Plato) Festival of Fast Breaking
Family shrines in Daoism
B 2: 316 A 2: 313
A 1: 194
Euthyphro (Plato) Festival of Lights (Hanukkah)
B 2: 315 A 2: 363 (ill.), 364
B 1: 13
Evil spirits Festival of Osiris
Farabi, Abu al-Nasr Al-
A 2: 277 78 A 1: 59
B 1: 147
Evolution Festival of Ridvan
Faravahar (Farohar)
A 1: 15, 29, 147 A 1: 72
PS 191
Evolution, and creation B 1: 46
Faravahar symbol
PS 4 Festivals
A 2: 454 55, 454 (ill.)
  The Exaltation of Inana  ancient Egypt
A 1: 54 Farel, Guillaume A 1: 42, 57 58, 63 64
B 1: 125 B 1: 78 Daoist
Exodus Farohar. See Faravahar symbol A 1: 196 97
PS 11 Farvardigan festival Dosojin
See also Torah A 2: 459 A 2: 411
  Exodus  concept Fasting Greek and Roman
A 2: 355 A 1: 141 A 1: 183, 231
Exodus story See also Ramadan Hindu
B 2: 282 83 Father and mother, in creation A 2: 258 61
Exorcism myths Mesopotamian
A 1: 194 PS 3 A 1: 42, 60
Expositions texts Father of All Spirits Shinto
A 2: 334 PS 3 A 2: 411 12
World Religions: Cumulative Index 19
Sikhism Five seasons of Daoism Four Books (Confucius)
A 2: 435 36 A 1: 188 PS 136
Spring   Five Takhts  Four Books of Confucianism
A 2: 411
A 2: 437 38 A 1: 163
Fetterman, Lieutenant Colonel
  Five thieves  Four elements of Empedocles
A 2: 429 A 1: 215
B 1: 53
Five Virtues of Confucianism Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
Feuerbach, Ludwig
A 1: 163 A 1: 97
A 1: 27, 31, 32
Five Vows of Jainism B 1: 70
Fihi Ma Fih (Rumi)
B 2: 246 PS 166 67
B 1: 183
  Five weapons  Four stages of life
Filial piety (xiao)
A 2: 429 A 2: 248
A 1: 154
Floating of the Water Lamps Four Valleys (Bah u llh)
  Filioque  statement
ritual A 1: 71
A 1: 131 32
A 1: 196 B 1: 45
Finch, Henry Clay
Flower arranging Four Vedas
PS 195
A 2: 416 A 2: 251
Fire symbol, in Zoroastrianism
Flower of the Saints (Loyola) Fox, George
A 2: 454
B 2: 218 A 1: 134
Fire temples
Fodio, Muhammad Fragments/Cosmic Fragments
A 2: 454
B 1: 376 (Heraclitus)
Fire urn
Fogmoon holiday A 1: 229
A 2: 456
A 2: 378 Francis I, arrest of Protestants by
  Fire-bodied  beings
Folk religion B 1: 77
A 2: 330
A 2: 273 Frnkel, David
Fish symbol
Folk Shinto B 2: 268
A 1: 137
A 2: 400 Frederick the Great
Five Classics (Confucius)
Folkish Asatru B 2: 260 70
A 1: 156, 164
A 2: 376 Freud, Sigmund
PS 136
Forced conversions of Sikhs A 1: 31, 32, 235
Five Elements of Daoism
B 2: 345 B 1: 13
A 1: 187 88, 188 (ill.)
Forgiveness Frey (god)
Five emblems of Sikhism
A 1: 121 A 2: 378
A 2: 431 32
Forn sed and Forn Sior Freya (Freyja) (goddess)
Five Great Vows
A 2: 376 A 2: 378
A 2: 327, 340
Foster, Mary E. Frigg (Frigga)
PS 121
B 1: 111 A 2: 378
  Five K s 
Foundation myths Frog, symbol of fertility
A 2: 431 32
PS 1 4 A 1: 230
Five K s of Sikhism
explained Fuji, Mount
B 1: 158 59
Five Points of Calvinism PS 34 A 2: 400, 412
B 1: 77 See also specific creation stories Fulani people
Five Precepts, recitation of   Four Affirmations  B 2: 376
A 1: 113 A 2: 403 04 PS 2
Five Relationships   Four aims of Hinduism  Fulani War
A 1: 161 62 A 2: 248 B 2: 377 78
20 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Funeral rites racism experienced by A 2: 356
A 2: 439 40, 461 B 1: 130 32 Genesis, chapters of
Funeral traditions in South Africa PS 7 10
African B 1: 131 33 creation story principles in
A 2: 277 Gandhi, Mohandas K. PS 6
Chinese A 2: 264, 266, 342 themes of
A 1: 172 Ganesh (god) PS 10 11
Daoist A 2: 262 See also Babylonian Genesis;
A 1: 200 Ganga River (Ganges River) Tanakh; Torah
Greek A 2: 256 Genesis, questioning of
A 1: 235 Garden of Ridvan A 1: 28
The Future of an Illusion (Freud) A 1: 72 Geneva, under Calvinism
A 1: 32 Gardner, Gerald Brousseau B 1: 80
B 1: 137 44, Genghis Khan
137 (ill.) A 1: 185
PS 101 Genmei (empress)
early life A 2: 405
Gabriel (angel)
B 1: 138 PS 15
B 1: 200
religious explorations Geocentrism concept
See also Jabra il (angel)
B 1: 139 A 1: 236
Gad (son of Jacob)
Gardner, Grissell Geography
B 1: 6
B 1: 138 A 1: 46; 2: 273
Gaia (goddess)
The Gathas Geology, Christian creation
A 1: 223 A 2: 453 concepts and
PS 2, 3 B 2: 400 A 1: 28
Gaina Sutras PS 185 89 German heathenism
PS 121, 137 47 about A 2: 376
Gal Vihara Temple PS 122 German Ideology (Marx)
(Sri Lanka) composition and B 2: 260
A 1: 114 arrangement of German Jewish Enlightenment
Galilee PS 185 86 B 2: 272 73
A 1: 121 history of Gershwin, George
Gamaliel PS 187 88 A 2: 369
B 2: 302, 316 Gathic Avestan Gershwin, Ira
Games at Olympia A 2: 453 A 2: 369
A 1: 233 PS 188 Ghazl%2ł, Abu Hmid
Gandhi, Indira Gaudiya Vaishnavism Muhammad al-
A 2: 425 B 1: 67 68, 69, 72 73 B 1: 145 51
Gandhi, Mahatma Gaura. See Caitanya Mahaprabhu career
B 1: 129 36, 129 (ill.) Gautama, Maha-Pajapati B 1: 147 48
children dressed as B 1: 71, 72 early life
B 1: 132 (ill.) Geb (god) B 1: 145 46
early life A 1: 43 education
B 1: 129 36 Gelug. See Tibetan Buddhism B 1: 146 47
education Geluk. See Tibetan Buddhism Sufism and
B 1: 130 Gemara (commentaries) B 1: 148 49
World Religions: Cumulative Index 21
Ghost Dance A 1: 133 34 Goldstein, Joseph
B 1: 54 55 purpose for B 1: 120
Gilgamesh. See The Epic of A 1: 32 Gomatesvara statue
Gilgamesh writing conventions for A 2: 339
Girnar, Mount name of Gomorrah
A 2: 339 PS 7 B 1: 5, 6
Glaysher, Frederick God, many names of Gonxha Bojaxhiu, Agnes.
A 1: 77 B 2: 238 See Mother Teresa
Global community, belief of in God Passes By (Shoghi Effendi) Good and evil, Daoist view of
Bah faith A 1: 74 PS 152
A 1: 78 79 PS 178 Good Friday
The Glorious Mysteries God s prophets, oneness of A 1: 141
A 2: 257 PS 176 Good government.
Gobind Rai Sodhi. See Gobind A Goddess Arrives (Gardner) See Confucianism
Singh (Guru) B 1: 139 Good living, fourteen rules for
Gobind Singh (Guru) Goddess Spirituality movements B 2: 363 64
A 2: 423 PS 97 Goodness, as creation of God
B 1: 153 61, 154 (ill.) Goddess worship PS 6
Gobind Singh Ji, Guru A 2: 382 84 Gorgias (Plato)
PS 86 Godparents, role of in Daoism B 2: 315
God A 1: 200 Gospel According to
aspects of in Christianity Gods Saint Matthew
A 1: 126 as aspects of nature Chapter 5
aspects of in Judaism A 1: 16 PS 207 09
A 2: 352 54 classes of in Asatru Chapter 6
aspects of in Sikhism A 2: 377 PS 209 10
A 2: 427 28 depicted as animals Chapter 7
concept of in Sikhism A 1: 42 PS 210 11
PS 85 86 Egyptian Gospel of John
goodness created by A 1: 37, 61 A 1: 137
PS 6 Gods and goddesses Gospel of Luke
Islamic belief in A 1: 55 56; 2: 246 (ill.) A 1: 137
A 2: 303 04 Gods and goddesses Gospel of Mark
love of of Mesopotamia A 1: 137
A 1: 121 B 1: 122 Gospel of Matthew
names of Gods of Sumer A 1: 137
A 1: 9 10, 42; 2: 276 A 1: 41 Grant, Ulysses S.
PS 23, 36 Golden Rule B 2: 396
nature of PS 126 Granth, Sri Guru
A 1: 214 Golden Temple. See Amritsar (city) A 2: 423, 429 30, 429 (ill.)
PS 36, 109 10, 176 Goldman, Emma B 1: 161 62
need for PS 196 (ill.) PS 86 87, 87 (ill.)
A 1: 31 about Granthi
oneness of PS 193 95 PS 87
PS 175 76 beliefs of Gravitation, law of
personal experience of PS 201 A 1: 26
22 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Great Dao Greek religion B 1: 28
A 1: 185 86 beginnings of Hadiths
See also Daoism A 1: 210, 212 13 A 2: 309 10
  Great Epic of the Bharata festivals B 2: 300
Dynasty  A 1: 183, 231, 233 Hafsa (wife of Muhammad)
A 2: 253 gods and goddesses of B 2: 304
The Great Learning (Confucius) A 1: 207, 225 (ill.) Haft-Vd (  Seven Valleys  )
A 1: 163 growth of PS 177
B 1: 88 A 1: 210 11 Hagar
PS 136 See also specific gods and B 1: 5, 6
Great Mother, worship of goddesses   Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus 
Green, Graham
A 1: 7 A 1: 104
A 1: 147
  Great Pharmacopaeia  Haiti, Vodou in
Green Mountain Dharma Center
A 1: 202 A 2: 280
and Maple Forest Monastery
Great Pure Haj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
B 2: 363
A 1: 188 A 2: 306, 314 15
Grihasthya stage
Great Revolt B 1: 200 (ill.); 2: 286 (ill.)
A 2: 248
A 2: 346, 348 Halal, defined
Group Areas Act
  Great Urn Festival  PS 24
B 2: 371, 372 (ill.)
A 2: 260 Hall of Maat
Group behavior
Great Vows of Mahavira A 1: 48
B 1: 166 67
PS 137 38, 145 Halloween
Guardian, role of in Bah faith
Greatest Name symbol A 2: 390
A 1: 76
A 1: 80 Hallucinogenic substances, use of
  Guide for the Perplexed 
Greco-Roman Religion and A 2: 274
Philosophy Ham (son of Noah)
A 2: 354
A 1: 207 38 B 1: 3
B 2: 256
about Hamaspathmaidyem festival
A 1: 212, 214 A 2: 458
A 2: 432 34
impact of Hammurabi
B 2: 357
A 1: 235 36 A 1: 41
PS 87, 88
main beliefs of Hammurabi, Mesopotamian law of
A 1: 226 PS 205
B 2: 235
overview Han Dynasty
Gurupurabs (Gurupurbs) holiday
A 1: 207 08, 210 A 1: 156
A 2: 436
See also specific philosophers development of Daoism
Gurus, of Sikhism
Greek A 1: 179
A 2: 421 23
A 1: 220 22 PS 135
hierarchy of Han Xianzi (god)
A 1: 6 A 1: 190, 193
Mesopotamian Hana Matsuri
A 1: 37, 53, 61 Hades A 1: 108
Roman view of A 1: 222, 223, 224 Hanafi legal tradition
A 1: 220 Hadith PS 30
Greek mythology, eggs in PS 30 Hanbali legal tradition
PS 2 Hadith, development of PS 30
World Religions: Cumulative Index 23
Hands of the Cause of God A 2: 451 He-no (god)
A 1: 75, 76 Hauravatat concept A 2: 286
Ha-ne-go-ate-geh (Evil Minded) PS 186 Henotheistic religions
A 2: 286 Hausaland (Africa) A 2: 246
Hanukkah (Chanukah) festival B 1: 102 Hephaestus
A 1: 15; 2: 346, 363 64, Hawan A 1: 222
363 (ill.) A 2: 456 Hera
Hanuman (god) Ha-wen-ne-yu A 1: 221, 223
A 2: 262 (Great Spirit) Heraclitus
Happiness. See Aristotle A 2: 286 A 1: 213, 221, 227, 229
Har Gobind (Guru) Haymarket Square bombing B 1: 27
B 1: 155 PS 194 95 Herbalists, in indigenous religions
Har Rai, Guru He Xiangu (god) A 2: 278
A 2: 423 A 1: 190 Hermes
Haram, defined Head coverings, in Sikhism A 1: 66, 222
PS 24 A 2: 433 Hermias of Atarneus
Haran (brother of Abraham) Head shaving B 1: 35, 43
B 1: 2 B 1: 72 Hermits of Saint Augustine
Haran (city)   Heart Sutra  B 2: 226
B 1: 3 A 1: 100 Herne
Hare Krishna movement Heaven A 2: 380
B 1: 72 73 A 1: 135 36   Heroic Age of the Bah Faith 
See also Caitanya Mahaprabhu; See also nirvana concept A 1: 69
Chaitanyas Heaven, Muhammad s Hesiod
Hargobind, Guru visit to A 1: 210 11, 228
A 2: 422, 437 B 2: 303 Hess, Moses
Haridwar (city) Heavenly Pillar B 2: 265
A 2: 260 PS 17 Hess, Rudolf
Harkrishan, Guru Hebrew Bible A 2: 377
A 2: 423 PS 203 Hestia
Harmony See also Tanakh A 1: 222 23
B 2: 205 (ill.) Hebrew Union College Hewavitarne, (Don) David.
Harmony, emphasis on in Shinto B 2: 391, 394, 395 See Anagarika Dharmapala
A 2: 414 15 Hedensk sed Hewavitarne, Mallika
Harrer, Heinrich A 2: 376 B 1: 108
B 1: 94 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich The Hidden Words of Bah u llh
Haruspices B 2: 264 A 1: 71; 2: 404
A 1: 231 Hekhaka Sapa. See Black Elk B 1: 45
Hasan (son of Fatima) Heliopolis PS 14 15, 175 84
B 1: 19 A 1: 43 similarities to other religious
Hasidic ceremonies Hellenistic philosophy works
B 1: 175 (ill.) A 1: 217 PS 183
Hasidism (Chasidism) Heng Shan Bei mountain structure of
A 2: 351 A 1: 198 PS 178 79
B 1: 174 77; 2: 271 Heng Shan Nan mountain See also Bah Hijrah of
Hauravatat A 1: 198 Muhammad Hieda no Are
24 World Religions: Cumulative Index
High Magic s Aid (Gardner) A 2: 244 A 1: 228
B 1: 140 worship in Ho-no-che-no-keh
Himmat Rai A 2: 256 58 (Invisible Agents)
B 2: 354 See also   Paper on Hinduism  A 2: 286
Himmler, Heinrick Hippias Minor and Major (Plato) Honor killings
A 2: 377 B 2: 315 B 1: 199
Hinayana Buddhism. Hira, Mount Ho-nun-den-ont
See Theravada Buddhism A 2: 292 (Keepers of the Faith)
Hindu terms of respect B 1: 195 (ill.) A 2: 287
B 2: 235 Hiroshima Hoover, J. Edgar
Hindu thought A 2: 416 PS 201
PS 111, 119 Hispaniola, Vodou in Hopi Indians, creation/
Hinduism A 2: 280 foundation myths of
A 2: 239 69 The History of the Isrealite Nation PS 3
about from Abraham to the Present Horus (god)
A 2: 243 Time (Wise) A 1: 44, 46 (ill.)
basic theological principles of B 2: 397 described
A 2: 249 Hokekyo. See Lotus Sutra A 1: 61
defined Hola Mohalla festival war with Set
A 2: 240 A 2: 426, 436 A 1: 41, 48
deities of Holbach, Paul Henri de Householders, religious duties of
A 2: 262 A 1: 26 A 2: 340
disciplines of Holocaust Houses of Worship
A 2: 249 50 A 2: 349 (Mashriqu l-Adhkar)
festivals Holy Communion A 1: 80 81
A 2: 258 61 A 1: 138, 143 Hsun Tzu. See Confucianism
followers of Holy day of Mahavira Jayanti Hua Shan mountain
PS 119 A 2: 339 A 1: 198
major divisions of Holy days, in Bah faith Huainanzi (Huai-nan-tzu)
A 2: 241 A 1: 80 82 A 1: 191
monotheism of Holy Land Huangdi (Yellow Emperor)
A 1: 9 pilgrimages to A 1: 179
origins of A 1: 141 Huanglao masters
A 2: 241 See also Jerusalem A 1: 179
overview Holy of Holies Huddleston, Father Trevor
A 2: 239 A 2: 346 B 2: 368 69
places of worship in Holy orders Human activity, gods
A 2: 258 A 1: 138 responsibility for areas of
spread of Holy Spirit A 1: 46
A 2: 266 B 2: 308 09 Humanism, Marx s views on
supreme being in creation stories   Holy Spirit.  See Zoroastrianism B 2: 264
PS 3 Home worship, in Buddhism Humanism, rise of
supreme god of A 1: 105 06 A 1: 129
A 2: 246 Homer Humanistic Judaism, creator-god
PS 119 A 1: 210, 228 concept in
three classes of Homeric Hymns A 1: 19 20
World Religions: Cumulative Index 25
Humanity, oneness of Ibn Khaldun B 1: 165
PS 176 B 1: 163 69, 164 (ill.) Inanna (fertility/war goddess)
Humankind, as greatest creation
at Qalat ibn Salama B 1: 122, 124, 125 (ill.)
of God
B 1: 166 67 Inanna (goddess)
PS 6
Ibrahim. See Abraham A 1: 37 38, 40, 53
Humans, five ages of
Idols See also Ishtar (goddess)
A 1: 228
destruction of Inanna Ziggurat
Humans, uniqueness of
B 1: 2 A 1: 57
PS 6
worship of Incarnation
Hume, David
B 1: 156, 195 96 A 1: 135
A 1: 26, 32
See also Ka aba The Incoherence of the Philosophers
Humility, in Daoism
Iftar meal (al-Ghazl%2ł)
A 1: 187
A 2: 313 B 1: 147
Hundred Schools of Thought
Ihya Ulum ad-Din India
B 1: 84
(al-Ghazl%2ł) early Hinduism in
B 1: 149 A 1: 8
A 1: 40
Ikhnaton. See Akhenaten Mother Goddess in
Husayn (son of Fatima)
Iliad (Homer) A 1: 7
B 1: 19
A 1: 210, 228 Protestantism in
Hutosa (queen of Bactria)
Imam Ali. See Ali Ab%2ł ibn Tl%2łb A 1: 96
A 2: 447
Imam title secularism of
B 2: 403
A 2: 302 A 2: 268 69
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Imams India (British), division of
A 1: 28, 29
B 1: 43 A 2: 425
PS 4
Imbolc India, language of
Hyksos invasion
A 2: 381, 388 PS 173
A 1: 44
Immaculate Conception Indian National Congress party
Hymn of Praise to Enheduanna
B 1: 190 B 1: 134
B 1: 126
Immortality Indigenous Religions
  Hymn to Ra 
hero s search for A 2: 271 90
A 1: 54
A 1: 7 about
Hymns of Zarathushtra.
Plato s views on A 2: 276
See The Gathas
A 1: 227 28 effect of Christianity and
transmigration of souls and Islam on
A 1: 227 A 2: 278 79
  Imperial Rescript on Education  overview
I and the Village (Chagall)
act A 2: 271 73
A 2: 369
A 2: 398 practicers of
Iberia, Muslim occupation of
Imperial Way Buddhism A 2: 272 73
A 2: 295
B 2: 313 ritual activities of
Ibn Affan, Uthman/Usman
Implicit atheism A 2: 273
PS 29 A 1: 30 shamans/diviners in
Ibn al-Arabi Imported religions, assimilation A 2: 274 75
B 2: 343 of types of
Ibn Isma il Bukhari, Muhammad A 2: 273 A 2: 271
A 2: 309 10 Inan, Abu written texts and
26 World Religions: Cumulative Index
A 2: 273 Ion (Plato) A 2: 297 98
See also African indigenous B 2: 315 extremists within
religions Ionian School A 2: 300 01
Individual action B 1: 26 five pillars of
PS 196 Iran, Islamic Revolution in B 1: 1
Indrabetta hill A 2: 300 influence of
A 2: 339 Iraq, Mother Goddess A 2: 316 21
Indulgences worship in leadership of
A 1: 129 A 1: 6 A 2: 302
B 2: 227 Iroguois tribe overview
Indus Valley culture, A 2: 286 87 A 2: 291 92
and Hinduism Isaac (son of Abraham) rise of
A 2: 241 B 1: 5, 6 7 A 1: 8, 127
  Inerrancy,  of the Bible Isaiah. See Nevi im role of Ishmael in
A 1: 34 Ishmael B 1: 8
In-nin-sa-gur-ra (Stouthearted B 1: 5, 6 schisms in
Lady) (Enheduanna) Ishtar (goddess) B 1: 19 23
B 1: 126 described sectarian conflict within
Innumerable Meaning Sutra A 1: 61 B 2: 292
B 2: 299 journey to underword by sects of
Inquisition A 1: 48 49 A 2: 301 03
A 1: 128 ritual marriage of similarity of Zoroastrianism to
Inscription on Visualizing Spirits A 1: 53 PS 191 92
and Refining Vital Breath See also Inanna spread of
(Sun Sumiao) (fertility/war goddess) A 2: 296 97, 297 (ill.), 300
A 1: 202 Ishtar Ziggurat status of women in
Insight Meditation Society A 1: 57 B 1: 199
B 1: 120 Ishvar Puri supreme being in creation
Institutes of the Christian Religion B 1: 69 accounts of
(Calvin) Isis (goddess) PS 3
B 1: 77, 80 A 1: 43, 46 (ill.), 61 symbolic behavior of
  Intelligent design  Islam A 1: 310
A 1: 15 16, 28 A 2: 291 321 tolerance for other faiths
International Bah Council about B 2: 290
A 1: 76 A 2: 295 See also hadiths; Muhammad;
International Community battles Muslims; Shi ite Muslims;
A 1: 84 B 1: 21 (ill.), 30 Sufism; Sunni Muslims
International Confucian Festival beliefs of Islamic constitution
A 1: 167 A 2: 303 06 B 2: 290
International Society for Krisna and Christianity Islamic empire,
Consciousness A 1: 127; 2: 3 5 capitals of
A 2: 242, 244 converts to A 2: 298
  The Intimate Biography B 2: 288 Islamic law
of Han Emperor Wu  daily life of A 2: 300
(Mao Shan) A 2: 315 16 Islamic prayer unit
A 1: 205 divisions within A 2: 312 13
World Religions: Cumulative Index 27
Islamic Revolution (Iran) shrines to moral basis for
A 2: 300 PS 21 PS 121
Isma ili, Abu Nasr Al- origins of
B 1: 146 A 2: 325
Ismailis overview
A 2: 299 A 2: 323
Jabra il (angel)
Israel philosophy of life of
A 2: 292 93, 309
creation of PS 145
B 1: 200; 2: 287 88, 289
A 2: 349 50 pilgrimages of
PS 23 24
sacred sites in A 2: 339 40
Jacob (son of Isaac)
A 2: 364 65 prayers of
B 1: 6, 7
Israel, twelve tribes of A 2: 335 36
Jade Emperor
B 1: 6, 7 sacred texts of
A 1: 196
Israelites PS 137 38
Jade Emperor Assembly
B 2: 279, 282 sects of
A 1: 196
Israfil (angel) A 2: 328
Jade Pure
A 2: 309 similarity to Buddhism and
A 1: 188
PS 24 Hinduism
Ja fari legal tradition
Issac (son of Abraham) PS 146
PS 30
B 1: 6, 7 spread of
Jahangir (emperor)
Issachar (son of Jacob) A 2: 327 28
B 1: 6 A 2: 423 sutras recited by
Isthmian Games B 2: 351 A 2: 336
A 1: 233 Jain cosmic wheel vegetarianism and
Ithman B 2: 245 (ill.) A 2: 342
A 2: 298 Jain Dharma. See Jainism PS 140
Ivory Coast   Jain menu  See also jiva
B 2: 343 44 A 2: 342 Jains, number of
Iwa, in Vodou religions Jain scriptures A 2: 323, 325
A 2: 281, 282 A 2: 333 34 PS 146
Iyengar, B. K. S. Jainism See also specific sects of
A 2: 267 A 2: 323 43, 331 (ill.) Jall ad-D%2łn ar-Rkm%2ł
Izanagi about B 1: 179 85, 179 (ill.);
PS 18 (ill.) A 2: 326 2: 343 44
children of concept of creator-god and early life
PS 3 A 1: 23; 2: 323, 329 B 1: 180
in Shinto creation story cycles of time poetry
PS 14, 15 B 2: 244 45 B 1: 181 82, 184 85
shrines to divisions of travels
PS 21 B 2: 243 B 1: 180
Izanami holidays of James, George Alfred
PS 18 (ill.) A 2: 339 A 1: 21
children of influences of James (Saint)
PS 3 A 2: 342 43 B 2: 305
in Shinto creation story monotheism and James II
PS 14 A 1: 8 B 2: 231
28 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Jamshed-e Navroz holiday A 2: 346 Jewish holidays
A 2: 458 See also Crusades A 2: 361
Janam Sakhis Jerusalem; or, On Religious
See also Hanukkah
A 2: 431 Power and Judaism
(Chanukah) festival;
Janus (god) (Mendelssohn)
Passover; Rosh Hashanah;
A 1: 231 B 2: 279
Yom Kippur
Japan Jerusalem Talmud. See Talmud
Jewish prayer service,
PS 3, 15 Jesuit missionaries, in China
components of
Buddhism in A 1: 159
A 2: 360 61
A 1: 92; 2: 395 Jesuits. See Society of Jesus
Jewish rights movement.
Confucianism in
(Jesuit order)
See Mendelssohn
A 1: 158
Jesus Christ
Jewish Theological Seminary
non-believers in
B 1: 187 93, 187 (ill.),
B 2: 395
A 1: 31
192 (ill.)
Jewish tradition. See Commentary
religious tradition in
on the Mishnah (Maimonides)
A 1: 95
PS 205
surrender of
birth of
A 2: 398
B 1: 190 92
B 1: 6
symbols of
birth and baptism of
discrimination against
A 2: 407 08
A 1: 15, 131 (ill.)
B 2: 392
Japan, Mongol invasion of
childhood of
isolation of
B 2: 295, 309
A 1: 121
B 2: 272
Japanese/American relations
crucifixion and death of
A 2: 396 97 treatment of in World War II
A 1: 122 23, 123
Japanese civilization, origins of B 2: 339 40
A 2: 395 The Jews (Lessing)
B 1: 192
Japanese Confucianism B 2: 269
early life
A 1: 172 73 B 1: 188 89 Jews, enslavement of
Jashan-e Mehragan festival message of A 2: 346
A 2: 459 PS 204 Jiao ritual
Jashan-e Sedah festival as a prophet A 1: 193 94
A 2: 459 PS 24 Jihad. See Usuman Dan Fodio
Jashan-e Tirigan festival restorative powers of Jina (conqueror)
A 2: 459 A 1: 121 A 2: 325, 329
Jehovah s Witnesses resurrection of PS 139
A 1: 130 A 1: 123, 131 (ill.) Jinas, nature of
Jeremiah. See Nevi im teachings of B 2: 243
Jerusalem A 1: 121 Jinn spirits
conquering of See also Christianity; A 2: 305
A 2: 294 New Testament; Sermon Jiva (soul)
first Temple in on the Mount PS 138
A 2: 346 Jesus Christ, Second Coming of Jiva (soul), six forms of
pilgrimage to A 1: 130 A 2: 330 31
A 1: 141 Jesus of Nazareth. See Jesus Christ Jochebed, mother of Moses
reclaiming of Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang B 2: 285
A 2: 299 Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Jomon period
second Temple in See Dalai Lama A 2: 395
World Religions: Cumulative Index 29
Jonas, Regina Disagreements (Wise) B 1: 173
B 2: 214 B 2: 397 Kabir
Judaism, Its Doctrines and
Jordan River A 2: 265
Duties (Wise)
B 1: 3 Kaccha
B 2: 397
Jotnar class B 1: 159
Judas Iscariot
A 2: 377 Kaddish prayer
A 1: 122
The Joyful Mysteries A 2: 360 61
B 1: 192
A 2: 257 Kagutsuchi (god)
Judgment of the Dead trial
Judah (son of Jacob) PS 14
A 1: 48
B 1: 6 Kaimoku Sho (Nichiren)
Judith in the Tent of Holofernes
Judah Maccabee B 2: 296
(Johann Liss)
A 2: 364 Kalam philosophy
A 2: 268
Judaism B 1: 147
A 2: 345 70, 359 (ill.) Kali (goddess)
A 1: 122
about A 2: 259, 262
Junzi (chun-tze) principle
A 2: 349 Kalighat Home for the Dying
A 1: 161
core beliefs of B 2: 293
A 2: 352 54 Kalimat-i-Maknunih
cultural aspects of (The Hidden Words)
PS 85 86
A 2: 365 66 A 1: 71
See also Sri Guru Granth Sahib
denominations of PS 122 23, 175
B 2: 394 Kama
A 1: 122, 230
divisions within A 2: 248
  Justification by faith alone  belief
A 2: 350 51, 351 52 Kamayut Meditation Center
A 1: 133
influence of Zoroastrainism on B 1: 117
Juwayni, Abu al-Malik Al-
A 2: 452 Kami
B 1: 147
in medieval Spain A 2: 395, 402, 403, 410
B 2: 250 Kami spirits
monotheism and PS 14, 15
A 1: 25; 2: 346 Kamikaze pilots
Ka soul
overview A 2: 398
A 1: 47, 55
A 2: 345 Kamya rituals
rise of Ka aba A 2: 258
A 1: 8 building of Kanga
role of Abraham in B 1: 8 B 1: 159
B 1: 1 casting idols from Kant, Immanuel
supreme being in creation B 2: 305 A 1: 26
accounts of ownership of B 2: 275
PS 3 B 1: 26, 196 Kanzo ritual
symbols of pilgrimages to A 2: 281
A 2: 356 59 B 2: 287 Kapha (lubrication/structure
Zoroastrianism and Ka aba shrine energy)
PS 188, 191 92 A 2: 292, 314 15, 314 (ill) A 2: 268
See also Tanakh Kaang (god) Kara
Judaism and Christianity, PS 3 A 2: 432
Their Agreements and Kabbalah B 1: 159
30 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Karbala, battle at Khalsa creation Kitchen God, ascension of
A 2: 298 B 2: 353 54 A 1: 197
Karma Kiya (wife of Akhenaten)
Khanda symbol
B 2: 252 53 B 1: 13 14
A 2: 431 (ill.), 432
PS 88, 119, 138 Kiyosumidera monastery
Khanum, Khadijih
Jain concept of B 2: 294
B 1: 41
A 2: 332 Klerk, F. W. De
nature of B 2: 373
B 1: 30
A 2: 332 Knossos
Khashathra Vairya
types of A 1: 6
A 2: 451
A 2: 263, 332 Knowledge
Khashathra Vairya concept
See also Reincarnation A 1: 226 27
PS 186
Karma yoga   Knowledge of the Weapon 
A 2: 250 sutra
B 1: 13
Kasha (kachh) PS 137, 141 45
Kheiralla, Ibrahim George
A 2: 431   Knowledge-obscuring 
A 1: 74
Kashrut karma
Khordad Sal
A 2: 365 A 2: 332
A 2: 459
Katha function Knox, John
Khorsabad, winged bull
A 2: 433 A 1: 133
sculptures at
Kathina, festival of Koans
A 1: 51
A 1: 108 A 1: 96
Khorshed Niyaesh prayer
Kaur, taking name of Kodashim (Holy Things)
A 2: 456
B 2: 354 A 2: 356
Kesh Kojiki
PS 168
A 2: 431 nature of
King Jr., Martin Luther
B 1: 158 PS 14 15
A 2: 264
Keshadharis sect parts of
B 2: 360 61
A 2: 426 PS 13 14
Keturah (wife of Abraham) Kojiki text
A 2: 432
B 1: 7 A 2: 395 96, 404 06
B 2: 159
Ketuvin (Writings) Kong (K ung). See Confucius
Kirtan function
A 2: 354 Kong Chiu. See Confucianism
A 2: 433
PS 5 Kong Fuzi (K ung Fu-tzu).
Kitab al- ibar (Universal History)
Khadijah See Confucius
(Ibn Khaldkn)
B 1: 195 202; 2: 301 Kong Qiu. See Confucianism
B 1: 163, 166, 167 68
business activities Kongo tribes
Kitab-i-Aqdas (Book of Laws)
B 1: 196 97, 198 A 2: 281
A 1: 79
early life Kongzi (K ung-tzu).
B 1: 41, 55 56
B 1: 195 96 See Confucius
PS 177
family life Koran. See Qur an
B 1: 199 200 Korea
(The Book of Certitude)
self-exile Confucianism in
B 1: 201 A 1: 71, 79 A 1: 158
Khalsa B 1: 45 religious tradition in
A 2: 427 PS 177 A 1: 95
World Religions: Cumulative Index 31
spread of Buddhism in B 2: 206
A 1: 92 Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of
Korean Confucianism A 2: 296
La Boi Press
A 1: 172 Lassalle, Ferdinand
B 1: 163
Kornfield, Jack B 2: 263
Labor/hard work, emphasis on
B 1: 120 Last Supper
A 2: 460
Kosher dietary laws A 1: 122, 124, 131 (ill.),
Laches (Plato)
A 2: 365 140 (ill.)
B 2: 315
Kris and Other Malay Weapons Last Supper (da Vinci)
Lakota culture, preserving
(Gardner) A 1: 148
PS 34
B 1: 138 Lavater, Johann Kaspar
Lakota people, religion of
Krishna (god) B 2: 271 72
B 1: 56
A 2: 241, 262   Law  concept
Lakshmi (goddess)
B 2: 236 (ill.) A 2: 355
A 2: 244, 259, 260, 262
PS 119 PS 11
See also Gaudiya Vaishna- Lamashtu (demon) Laws (Plato)
vism; Mahabharata A 1: 60 B 2: 315
Kriyamani Karma Lamb symbol Lay Missionaries of Charity
A 2: 263 A 1: 138 B 2: 354
Ksatriyas (caste) Lan Caihe (god) Leadership disputes, in Bah faith
A 2: 263 A 1: 190 A 1: 76 77
B 2: 248 Landvaettir (spirits) League of Militant Atheists
Kshnoon movement A 2: 378 PS 200
A 2: 449 Langar function Leap of faith
Kuan Yin A 2: 433 A 1: 14 15
A 1: 95, 103 Lao Laizi. See Laozi Legalist School
Kubra, Khadijah Al-. Lao Tzu. See Laozi A 1: 154
See Khadijah Laos, religious tradition in Leibowitz, Nechama
Kukas group A 1: 94 B 2: 211 16
A 2: 426 Lao-tse. See Laozi Leibowitz, Yeshayahu
Kumbh Mela (Urn Festival) Laozi B 2: 212
A 2: 260 61, 264 (ill.) A 1: 181 (ill.) Lenaea
Kung Family Mansion B 2: 203 09, 203 (ill.) A 1: 15
A 1: 169 about Lenin, Vladimir
K ung Fu-tzu. A 1: 183 B 2: 268 (ill.)
See Confucius birth of Lent
Kungha A 1: 177 78 A 1: 140
A 2: 431 birthday celebrated Lesotho (South Africa)
Kuresh A 1: 196 B 2: 369 70
B 2: 330 meeting with Confucius Lessing, Gotthold
Kushti (koshti) symbol B 2: 204 06 B 2: 268 269, 274
A 2: 454, 456 origin Levi (son of Jacob)
Kusinagar, pilgrimages to B 2: 204 B 1: 6
A 1: 108 teachings of Leviticus
Kusti (Holy Path) A 1: 154 B 2: 283
A 2: 453 travels See also Torah
32 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Lhama Dhondup. See Dalai Lama Lord Yama Lumbini, Nepal
Lhasa, pilgrimages to A 2: 260 A 1: 108 10
Lun Yu. See The Analects of
A 1: 110   The Lord s Prayer 
Li (Confucian concept) A 1: 139
Lunar calendar
B 1: 86 87 PS 205
A 1: 107
Li Dan. See Laozi Lord s Supper
Lupercalia festival
Li Er. See Laozi A 1: 138
A 1: 233
Li Po (Li Bai) Lot
Lupercus (god)
A 1: 204 05 B 1: 3, 5, 6
A 1: 233
Li principle Lotus Sutra
Luther, Martin
A 1: 161 62, 169, 174 A 1: 100
A 1: 129, 133
Li Tieguai (god) B 2: 294, 296, 298, 299
B 2: 225 34, 225 (ill.),
A 1: 190, 193 Lotus symbolism
226 (ill.)
Li Yuan B 2: 313
early life
A 1: 181 Lourdes, pilgrimages to
B 2: 224
Li Zi A 1: 141
A 1: 191 The Lovers of Meher Baba
B 2: 230
Liebniz, Gottfried movement
impact of
B 2: 269 A 2: 450
B 2: 233 34
Life after death, belief in Loyalty (zhong)
influence on Calvin
PS 24 A 1: 154
B 1: 76
The Life of Christ Loyola, Ignatius of
  justification through faith 
B 2: 218 B 2: 217 23, 217 (ill.)
Liji (Li-chi) imprisonment
B 2: 303
A 1: 163 B 2: 220
religious training
Literature, Muslim contributions readings
B 2: 226 27
to B 2: 218
A 2: 316 17, 319 20 travels
B 2: 231
Little Big Horn, Battle of B 2: 219 20
B 1: 53 54 Lu, duke of
A 1: 217
  Lives of the Perfected  (Li Po) PS 128
Lyell, Charles
A 1: 205 Lu Dongbini (god)
A 1: 29
Lives of the Philosophers A 1: 190, 193
Lysis (Plato)
(Diogenes) Lu Tieguai (god)
B 2: 315
B 2: 312 A 1: 190
Living, realm of Lucianus, Martianus.
PS 20 See Calvin, John
Logos (Divine Mind) Lucretius. See On the Nature of
M. K. Gandhi. See Gandhi,
A 1: 219 Things (Lucretius)
Long Obligatory Prayer Lugh
A 1: 83 A 2: 380
Lord Gouranga. See Chaitanya Lughnasad (Lughnasadh/Lamma) A 1: 47, 61
Mahaprabhu A 2: 381 Ma ariv prayer
Lord Lao. See Laozi Lughnasadh festival A 2: 359
Lord Rama A 2: 389 Mabon
A 2: 259 60 Lukumi. See Santera A 2: 389
World Religions: Cumulative Index 33
Maccabee, Judah B 1: 110 education
A 2: 364 Mahabharata B 2: 249 50
Madhva A 2: 242, 253, 265 influence of
B 2: 235 40 Maharaja Prataparudra B 2: 256
duelist philosophy B 2: 241 Maitreya (Laughing Buddha)
B 2: 338 Mahatma Gandhi. A 1: 103
early life See Gandhi, Mohandas K. Majalis-i Sab-a (Rkm%2ł)
B 2: 235 37 Mahavira B 1: 183
similarities to Jesus Christ A 2: 328 (ill.) Majushi
B 2: 236 37 B 2: 241 47, 242 A 1: 103
studies early life Makaya Vodou
B 2: 237 B 2: 241 42 A 2: 281
travels Five Great Vows and Makharji, Kasturbai
B 2: 237, 238 A 2: 327 B 1: 130
Madhvacharya (Sri). Jainism and Mala beads
See Madhva A 2: 323 A 2: 257
Madhyamaka. See   Middle way  life of Malcolm X
Madinat al-Nadi A 2: 326 27 A 2: 300
A 2: 294 PS 139 40 Male-based religions
Magen David symbol teachings of A 1: 7
A 2: 356 57, 357 (ill.) A 2: 328 Maliki legal tradition
Maggid B 2: 246 47 PS 30
A 2: 362 travels Malkin, John
Magha Puja Day (Sangha Day) B 2: 243 44 B 2: 360
A 1: 108 vows of Mandalas
Maghi holiday PS 137 38, 145 A 1: 95, 102
A 2: 436 See also Jainism   Mandate of Heaven 
Magi Mahayana Buddhism B 1: 85 86
A 2: 447 A 1: 90, 92, 94 95, 99 Mandela, Nelson
Magi biblical story B 1: 73 74; 2: 308, 312 B 2: 373
B 2: 403 PS 172 Mangala Sutra
Magic wand Mahdi A 1: 112 13
A 2: 387 B 1: 43, 380 Manipulation
Mah Nishtanah (Four Questions) Maiden from God A 1: 5
A 2: 362 A 1: 71 Mansion of Bahji
Maha Bodhi Journal Maidyarem festival A 1: 82
B 1: 111 A 2: 458 Mantras
Maha Bodhi Society Maidyoshahem festival in Nichiren Buddhism
B 1: 110 A 2: 457 A 1: 99
Maha Kumbh Mela Maidyozarem festival in Vajrayana Buddhism
A 2: 260 A 2: 457 A 1: 95
Maha Maya Maimonides, Moses Manuscript arts, Buddhist influ-
A 1: 87 A 2: 352, 354 ence on
Mahabba B 2: 249 56, 249 (ill.) A 1: 115
B 1: 13 early life and travels Mao Shan (Mount Mao) sect
Mahabodhi Temple B 2: 249 51 A 1: 185, 205
34 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Mao Tse-tung. See Mao Zedong occupations of Maturation rituals,
Mao Zedong B 2: 259, 260 in Confucianiam
A 1: 159, 182 religious views A 1: 170 71
Mara (the Evil One)
B 2: 264 Matzo
PS 167, 169
travels A 2: 362
Marathon, battle of
B 2: 260 61 Maysara
A 1: 211
See also Engels, Friedrich B 1: 198
Marcus Aurelius
Marxism Mazdayasna
A 1: 218
A 1: 27 A 2: 443
Marduk (Babylonian god)
Mary (mother of Jesus Christ) Mazdaznan Movement
A 1: 38, 41, 42, 45, 61
A 1: 7 A 2: 450
B 1: 2
B 1: 190, 192 (ill.); Mazzolini, Sylvester
PS 11
2: 219 (ill.) B 2: 229
See also Festivals
Masada McKinley, William, assassination
Marfan s syndrome
A 2: 351 attempt on
B 1: 11
Masculine and feminine PS 201
Marguerite of Navarre
principles, in creation myths The Meaning of Witchcraft
B 1: 77
PS 3 (Gardner)
Masekhtots (tractates) B 1: 141
ancient Egypt
A 2: 356 Mecca
A 1: 63
Mashriqu l-Adhkar B 1: 195 96; 2: 300 (ill.)
(Houses of Worship) Abraham and
A 1: 83
A 1: 80 81 A 2: 315
Masnavi (Rumi) conquering of
A 1: 112 13
A 2: 319 A 2: 294
B 1: 182, 183 idol worship in
A 1: 138
Masterless samurai A 2: 292
A 1: 173 pilgrimages to
A 1: 171
Materialism A 2: 315 16
A 1: 23, 24, 26 Meccan revelations
A 1: 60
B 2: 264 B 2: 289
Marriage sacrament
See also Atheism; Huxley, Meccan suras
A 1: 138
Thomas Henry A 2: 307
Mathematics, and ancient religions Medical treatises
A 1: 122
A 1: 65 A 2: 265
Martyrdom of the Bab holiday
Mathura (city) Medicine, Daoism and
A 1: 82
A 2: 260 A 1: 201 02
Marx, Karl
Mattathias the Hasmonean Medieval Period of Hinduism
A 1: 27, 31, 31 (ill.), 32
A 2: 364 A 2: 241
B 2: 257 65, 257 (ill.),
Matthew 6: A 1: 14 15, 121 Medina
262 (ill.)
early life Matthew 22: A 1: 37 40, 121 A 2: 294
B 2: 258 Matthew, Saint Medinan revelations
English years of about A 2: 307
B 2: 261 63 PS 211 Meditation
health problems gospels of A 1: 107 (ill.)
B 2: 263 PS 207 11 B 1: 116
World Religions: Cumulative Index 35
basic forms of Menes. See Mengzi Messiah, Jewish belief in
A 1: 104 Menexenus (Plato) PS 203
B 2: 316 Metamorphoses (Ovid)
A 1: 167
Meng Tzu. See Mengzi A 1: 211, 238 39
Mengzi Metaphysics (Aristotle)
A 1: 194
A 1: 41, 155, 159 60, 163 A 1: 229
Meno (Plato) B 1: 39
A 1: 198 200
B 2: 316 Metempsychosis belief
as means to enlightenment
Menorah A 1: 214
A 1: 99, 103 04
A 2: 358, 364 Methodism
See also Dipa Ma; Vipassana
See also Hanukkah A 1: 134
meditation; Yoga
(Chanukah) festival Mevlana Mausoleum (Turkey)
Meditation mudra
Mercury B 1: 183 (ill.)
A 1: 109
A 1: 122 Mezuzah symbol
Meditations (Aurelius)
The Merging of Spirit and A 2: 358 59
A 1: 218, 229
Science (Einstein) Michelangelo
Medium Obligatory Prayer
A 1: 116 A 1: 147 48
A 1: 83
  Merit vows,  of Jains Michkat al-Anwar (Corner for
Medzhibozh (Podolia)
A 2: 340 41 Lights) (al-Ghazl%2ł)
B 1: 177
Mesopotamia B 1: 149 50
Meher Baba
B 1: 2, 121 22 Micius
A 2: 450
about A 1: 155
Meiji Restoration
A 1: 39 Middle Kingdom (Egypt)
A 2: 396
architectural remains of A 1: 44
Melchior (magi)
A 1: 51 52   Middle way 
B 2: 403
creation story of A 1: 88 89, 90
Meme theory
A 1: 48 49 B 1: 70
A 1: 12 13, 13 (ill.)
environment of Midsummer s Day
A 1: 39 40 A 2: 380 (ill.)
A 1: 44
festivals Mika il (angel)
Men of Poland and Austria
A 1: 42, 60 A 2: 309
B 1: 176
gods of Milesian School
Menassah (grandson of Jacob)
A 1: 61 A 1: 208, 213
B 1: 6
mathematics and science B 1: 26
Mencius (Confucius)
A 1: 65 Miletus
B 1: 88
religion in B 1: 26
See also Mengzi
A 1: 8, 37, 56 57 Military draft, opposition to
Mendelssohn, Moses
role of priests in PS 195
B 2: 267 75, 267 (ill.)
A 1: 52 53, 55 Minchah service
early years
B 2: 268 69 writing system of A 2: 359
legacy of A 1: 65 Mind, nature of
B 2: 274 See also Babylonians; Egypt PS 167
views on mysticism Mesopotamian religion   Mindfulness 
B 2: 271 A 1: 8, 42 B 1: 119; 2: 363
writings of Messiah, described Minerva
B 2: 269, 271, 272 73 A 1: 121 A 1: 122
36 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Minhag Amerika (Wise) Moderation creation myths of
B 2: 394 A 1: 16, 187 PS 1 2
Ministery of Divinities Modern Neo-Idealistic defined
A 2: 298 Confucianism B 1: 196
Ministry of Religion A 1: 160 development of
A 2: 398 Modern Neo-Rationalistic B 1: 2
Minoans. See Crete Confucianism in Egypt
Miracles A 1: 160 B 1: 9, 12
A 1: 10 11 Modern Period of Hinduism in India
B 2: 287 A 2: 241, 242 B 2: 239
Miraj of Muhammad Mo ed (Festival) Moses and
B 2: 303 A 2: 356 B 2: 284
Miri symbol Mohammad. See Muhammad Muhammad and
A 2: 432 Mohandas Gandhi. See Gandhi, B 2: 302
Miriam, (sister of Moses) Mahatma New Kingdom period
B 2: 285 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. A 1: 44 45
Mirrors, symbolism of See Gandhi, Mahatma in Qur an
A 2: 407 Mohomet. See Muhammad PS 23
Mirza Ali Nuri, Husayn Moksha (moksa) Roman Empire
A 1: 71 A 2: 248 A 1: 212
Mirza Yahya See also Salvation Sankara and
B 1: 54 55 Moksha, defined B 2: 338
See also Bah u llh PS 146 Sikhism
Mishnah Momaday, N. Scott A 2: 419, 427
B 2: 252 (ill.), 254 B 1: 57 PS 85
Mishneh Torah (Maimonides) Monastary visits in Tanakh
A 2: 354, 356 A 1: 111 PS 6
B 2: 255 56 Monastic law Zarathushtra and
Missionaries of Charity A 1: 99 100 B 2: 399
B 2: 292 94 Monetary practices, of Muslims Zoroastrianism
Missionaries of Charity Brothers A 2: 315 A 2: 443
B 2: 293 94 Mongol invasions Moon crescent symbol
Missionary work B 1: 168 A 2: 334
A 1: 146 47 Mongolia, religious tradition in Moors
Mithra (god) A 1: 95 A 1: 127
A 1: 220 Monism See also Islam
symbol of A 1: 226 Moral codes
A 1: 230 B 2: 237, 338 in African indigenous
Mithraism Monks and monasteries religions
A 2: 447 A 1: 126 A 2: 275
Mithraism mystery cult See also Daoism commonality of in religions
A 1: 220 Monotheism A 1: 11 12
Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp in Bah religion s role in
B 2: 364 PS 175 76 A 1: 16
Mo Tzu concept of Morgan (god)
A 1: 155 A 1: 25 A 2: 380
World Religions: Cumulative Index 37
Morning Hours; or, Lectures about Mount Nantai Shan. See Nantai A 2: 292 93
God s Existence (Mendelssohn) Shan, Mount Muhammad Ahmad
B 2: 274 Mount Olympus (Greece). B 2: 380
Moses See Olympus, Mount (Greece) Muhammad Ali
A 1: 4; 2: 346 Mozi A 2: 300
B 2: 277 84, 277 (ill.), A 1: 155 Muhammad, Qur an revealed to
282 (ill.) Muawiya PS 23
PS 24 B 1: 30 Muktad festival
early life Mudras A 2: 458
B 2: 279 80 about Mula Sankara. See Dayananda
God s task for A 1: 109 Sarasvati
B 2: 280 See also specific mudras Mulamadhya-maka-Karika
influences on Muezzin A 1: 101
B 1: 12 13 A 2: 312 Mulk, Nizam Al-
parting words of Muggeridge, Malcolm B 1: 147
B 2: 284 B 2: 294 Mummification
receives the Ten Muhammad A 1: 58
Commandments B 2: 285 92 Mumon-kan (Gateless Gate)
B 2: 278 Abraham A 1: 100
Sinai Peninsula refuge B 1: 8 Munkidh min al-Dalal Al-
B 2: 280 Ali ibn Ab%2ł Tl%2łb (Al-Ghazl%2ł)
See also Israelites B 1: 17, 18 B 1: 146
Moses (movie) Bani Hashim clan Muqaddima (Introduction)
A 2: 368 B 1: 196 (ibn Khaldkn)
Moses and Monotheism (Freud) death and ascent of B 1: 163, 166 67
B 1: 13 A 2: 294 Murray, Margaret
Moshe ben Maimon. early life B 1: 141
See Maimonides, Moses B 2: 87 Murti
Motammem Al-Bayan family of A 2: 257
B 1: 54 B 2: 197, 287, 292 Museum of Magic and
  Mother Earth Bulletin  hijrah Witchcraft
PS 199 (ill.) B 2: 289 B 1: 140
Mother Earth journal influence on Usuman Dan Music, influence of Christianity
PS 193 Fodio on
Mother Goddess B 2: 379 A 1: 148
worship of successor to Music and dance
A 1: 6 7 A 2: 298 A 1: 174
See also Venus of Willendorf travels Muslim, empire of
Mother Teresa. See Teresa, B 1: 201 02 A 2: 294 96, 297 98
Mother view of in Islam Muslim countries, colonization of
Mount Ano San. See Ano San, A 1: 4 A 2: 299 300
Mount visions and revelations Muslims
Mount Arafat. See Arafat, Mount B 1: 200 01; 2: 289 core beliefs of
Mount Fuji. See Fuji, Mount See also Fatima (daughter of PS 23 24
Mount Girnar. See Girnar, Mount Muhammad); Khadijah legal traditions of
Mount Hira. See Hira, Mount visitation from Jabra il PS 30
38 World Religions: Cumulative Index
similarity to beliefs of Jews Nanna Ziggurat Nazi invasion of Poland
and Christians A 1: 57 B 2: 262 63
PS 30 Nantai Shan, Mount Nazi Party, and Asatru
Myohorengekyo. See Lotus Sutra A 2: 413 A 2: 377
Myoto-Iwa Naphtali (son of Jacob)
Nazi regime. See Swastika symbol
B 1: 6
A 2: 406 (ill.)
Mystery cults
A 1: 4 5
A 1: 40
A 1: 224 26
Near to Correctness
Narendra Nath Datta.
Mystery of life s meaning
A 1: 164
See Vivekananda, Swami
A 2: 288
Nebuchadnezzar (king)
Nashik (city)
Mythical themes
A 2: 346
A 2: 260
A 1: 236
Nashim (Women)
B 1: 10
A 2: 356
A 1: 8, 13 14
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nasrid Muhammad V
Myths, as fundamental truth
A 2: 424 25
B 1: 171
PS 1
B 1: 134
Nataputta Vardhamana.
Nehru Prize
See Mahavira
B 2: 294
Nathan the Wise (Lessing)
Neihardt, John G.
B 2: 267
B 1: 57
National Confucian Academy
Naam Karam ceremony
Neith (god)
A 1: 166
A 2: 435
A 1: 45
Native American nature spirits
A 2: 410
A 1: 101
A 2: 339
Native American religion
Nahor (brother of Abraham)
A 2: 285 89
B 1: 2
A 1: 157, 160
Naimittika rituals
A 2: 285 86 Neo-Daoism
A 2: 258
See also specific tribes A 1: 184
Namaskar prayer
Natural forces, deities based on Neo-Paganism
A 2: 335
A 1: 5 A 2: 371 91
  Namaste  custom
  Natural selection  PS 97
A 2: 265
A 1: 15, 34 about
Namdari group
Nature gods, worship of A 2: 375
A 2: 426
A 1: 42 characteristics of
Naming rituals, in Buddhism
Nature spirits A 2: 373 76
A 1: 112
A 2: 277 nature and structure of
Namokar Mantra
Navjote Ceremony A 2: 374
A 2: 335
A 2: 460 overview
Nanak Dev
Navratri festival A 2: 371 73
B 1: 153 54
A 2: 260 rituals of
Nanak Dev Ji, Guru
Navvab, Asiyih A 2: 375
A 2: 419, 425 (ill.)
B 1: 43 See also Wiccans
Nanak Dev Ji, Sri Guru
PS 85, 86 Nawfal, Waraqah Ibn Neoplatonism
Nanna (god) B 1: 196, 199 A 1: 219, 236
A 1: 40, 47, 60 Naw-Ruz festival Nepal, religious tradition in
B 1: 122 A 1: 81 82 A 1: 95
World Religions: Cumulative Index 39
Nephtys (god) ordination Nirvana
A 1: 43 B 2: 294 B 1: 61, 74
Neptune posthumous honors Nirvana, explained
A 1: 122 B 2: 296 PS 166
Neue Rheinische Zeitung newspaper Nichiren Buddhism Nirvana concept
B 2: 267 A 1: 92, 99 A 1: 23, 89 90
Nevi im Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) Nishan Sahib flag
PS 5 B 1: 39 40 A 2: 432
Nevi im, books of Nietzsche, Friedrich Nit (god)
A 2: 354 A 1: 15, 27 28 A 1: 43
New American Cyclopedia (Marx) Nihangs sect Nitya rituals
B 2: 268 69 A 2: 426 A 2: 258
New Confucianism Nihonshoki Nityananda
A 1: 160 PS 21 B 2: 240 (ill.)
New Confucians Nihonshoki text Nivritti
A 1: 175 A 2: 396, 406 A 2: 248
New England transcendentalists Nile River area, rise of religion in Noah
A 1: 93 A 1: 8 B 1: 3
New Kingdom Nimai. See Caitanya Mahaprabhu Nobel Peace Prize
A 1: 44   Nine Noble Virtues  of Asatru A 2: 367
New Life movement A 2: 377 B 2: 294
A 1: 181 82 Nineteen-Day Feast Bah Nobel Prizes
New Testament A 1: 82 A 2: 366 67
A 1: 136 37 Ninety-five theses (Luther) Nonaction, emphasis on in Daoism
PS 203 A 1: 129 PS 150
New Text School of B 2: 226 28, 230 (ill.) Nonharmful karma,
Confucianism Nineveh, winged bull sculptures Jain concept of
A 1: 160 at A 2: 332
New Year s Festival A 1: 51 Non-jiva (soul), divisions of
A 1: 57, 107; 2: 422 Ninhursag (goddess) PS 138
New York Daily Tribune A 1: 47   Nonreligious  census category
B 2: 268 Nin-hursag (mother goddess) A 1: 21
Newton, Isaac A 1: 47 See also Atheism
A 1: 26 Nin-me-sar-ra (Queen of Count- Non-violent protest
Nezikin (Damages) less Divine Powers) B 1: 133, 134
A 2: 356 B 1: 125 Nordisk sed
Nicene Creed Ninna/Sin (god) A 2: 376
A 1: 127, 131 32 A 1: 37, 47 Norse heathenism
Nichiren Nippur A 2: 376
B 2: 293 300 A 1: 42 North America, Mother
after World War II Nirankaris group Goddess in
B 2: 299 300 A 2: 426 A 1: 7
early life Nirmal Hriday hospice Northern Buddhism.
B 2: 293 94 B 2: 295 (ill.) See Mahayana Buddhism
exile Nirmalas sect   Northern School 
B 2: 295 96 A 2: 426 A 2: 244
40 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Northern School of Buddhism Odinism Condition of the Jews
PS 172 A 2: 376 (Mendelssohn)
Norway, non-believers in The Odyssey (Homer) B 2: 279
A 1: 31 A 1: 210, 228 On the Jewish Question (Marx)
Nothingness, emphasis on in PS 73 84 B 2: 266
Daoism Of Water and the Spirit (Som) On the Nature of Things
PS 150 B 2: 370 71 (Lucretius)
Notre Dame cathedral Offering ceremonies A 1: 31 32
A 1: 141 A 1: 166 On the Origin of Species
Nous. See Anaxagoras Offering of Eightfold Puja (Darwin)
Numbers. See Torah A 2: 337 38 A 1: 15, 34
Numbers (Bible) Oggzn (orisha), renaming of Oneness, in Bah faith
B 2: 289 A 2: 283 A 1: 77
Nuri, Mirza Abbas Oglala Sioux Onokoro island
B 1: 41 A 2: 287 PS 17
Nuri, Mirza Husayn Ali PS 3, 35 (ill.) An Open Heart: Practicing
B 1: 41 49 Olcott, Colonel Henry Steel Compassion in Everyday Life
break with Islam B 1: 109 (Dalai Lama)
B 1: 44 Olcott, Henry S. B 1: 97
imprisonment and exile A 1: 102 Opet festival
B 1: 45 Old Kingdom (Egypt) A 1: 57 58
public declaration by A 1: 44   Opium of the people  (Marx)
B 1: 46 Old Testament A 1: 32
Nut (god) A 1: 136 Oracle of Delphi
A 1: 43 PS 203 A 1: 233 34
Nyaya See also Tanakh (Torah) Oracles
B 1: 68 69 Old Text School, of A 1: 223, 231
Nyx and Eros Confucianism Oral Torah. See Talmud
PS 32 A 1: 160 Order and chaos, fight between
Old Way A 1: 49
A 2: 376 Order of Bards, Ovates, and
Olmo Lungring Druids (OBOD)
A 2: 289 A 2: 381
O No Yasumaro
OlódłmarŁ Ordo Templi Orientis
A 2: 405
A 2: 283 B 1: 140
PS 14 Olympus, Mount (Greece) The Oresteia (Aeschylus)
Obatala A 1: 220 22 A 1: 211
A 2: 285 Om mani padme hum mantra Organized religion, development
The Obscenities of the Esoterics A 1: 104 of in Egypt
(Al-Ghazl%2ł) Om symbol A 1: 37
B 1: 148 A 2: 335, 335 (ill.) Organon (Aristotle)
  Obstructing  karma On Nature (Anaxagoras) B 1: 38 39
A 2: 332 B 1: 27 Organum (Aristotle)
Ocha. See Santera On Nature (Parmenides) A 1: 229
Odin (god) A 1: 229 Origami
A 2: 377 On the Civil Amelioration of the A 2: 416
World Religions: Cumulative Index 41
The Origin of Christianity, and a Paganism Parmenides
Commentary on the Acts of the PS 101 A 1: 214, 226, 227
Apostles (Wise) See also Wicca Parshva
B 2: 397 Pahlavi language enlightenment of
Original Sin A 2: 453 A 2: 339
A 1: 134, 236 Paitishahem festival Five Great Vows and
Orishas A 2: 458 A 2: 327
A 2: 282 83 Palestine Parsi Reform Movement
Orpheus, journey to the underworld after the Crusades A 2: 449
PS 21 B 2: 250 Parsi Theosophy
Orphic mystery cults Arabs in A 2: 449 50
A 1: 224, 225 A 2: 349 50 Parsi Zoroastrianism
Orthodox Bah sect Roman control of A 2: 450
A 1: 76 77 A 1: 121 22 Parsis (Parsees)
Othrodox Christianity, view of Pali Canon A 2: 443
Jesus in A 1: 90, 99 100 Parsvanath Hill
A 1: 3 4 B 1: 73 A 2: 339
Orthodox Judaism Panathenaea festival Parvati (goddess)
B 2: 392, 394 A 1: 231, 233 A 2: 262
Orthodox Judaism, beliefs of Panchen Lama Paryushana holiday
A 2: 351 52 B 1: 95 A 2: 339
Orthodox Vodou Panchendriya beings Passover (Pesach)
A 2: 280 81 A 2: 331 A 1: 122; 2: 361 62
Osiris (god) Pangu, emergence of Passover feast
A 1: 15, 38, 43, 44, PS 2 B 2: 287
46 (ill.), 148 Pantheism Patent of Toleration
described A 1: 214 B 2: 280
A 1: 61 Papal infallibility Pateti holiday
Ostara (goddess) A 1: 132 33 A 2: 458, 458 (ill.)
A 2: 378, 388 89   Paper on Hinduism  Path of Judgment
Ouagadougou PS 109 20 (Chinvat Peretum)
B 2: 371 about A 2: 452
Ovates class PS 109 10 Patron gods of cities
A 2: 379 excerpts from A 1: 223
Ovid PS 113 18 Pattabhi Jois, Sri K.
A 1: 211 See also Swami Vivekananda; A 2: 267
Ox-Creator World Parliament of Paul (Saint)
PS 189 Religions A 1: 123, 236
Oyasama Papyrus of Ani. See Book B 2: 301 09, 301 (ill.), 305 (ill.)
A 2: 401 of the Dead conversion to Christianity
Parasparopagraho Jivanam text B 2: 304
A 2: 335 early life
Parentalia festival B 2: 302 04
A 1: 235 Epistles written by
Pagan, interpretations of
Paris Commune B 2: 302
A 2: 371 73 B 2: 269 travels
42 World Religions: Cumulative Index
B 2: 304 05, 306 07, 308 Persian Empire Physics
See also Council of Jerusalem B 2: 313, 405 basic law of
Pauline Christianity
Persian Sassanid Dynasty A 1: 215
B 2: 301, 307 08, 315
A 2: 448 Empedocles and
Pauline epistles
Persian Wars A 1: 237
A 1: 137
A 1: 211 Physics (Aristotle)
See also Paul, Saint
Perumal, Ilaya. See Ramanuja A 1: 229
Peasant s War of 1524 25
Peter (apostle) B 1: 39
B 2: 231
A 1: 121 Pilgrimages
Pedro the Cruel
Phdon (Mendelssohn) A 1: 11
B 1: 165
B 2: 277 Bah destination for
Peloponnesian War
Phaedo (Plato) A 1: 82
A 1: 211
A 1: 229 Buddhist
B 2: 313
B 2: 316 A 1: 108 11
Penance sacrament
Phaedrus (Plato) Christian
A 1: 139
B 2: 316 A 1: 140 41

Pensees philosophiques (Diderot)
Pharaoh Confucian
A 1: 26
as living god A 1: 169
A 1: 47 Daoist
A 2: 387 (ill.), 388
power of A 1: 197 98
Pentagrams, symbolism of
A 1: 44 Greek Orthodox
PS 101 02
Pharisee A 1: 233 34
  The people of the Book,  respect
B 2: 302, 316 Islam
A 2: 298 99 Pharisees A 2: 306, 314 16
People s Republic of China A 2: 350 Jain
A 1: 182 Philebus (Plato) A 2: 339 40
People s Republic of China, effect B 2: 317, 331 Japanese
on Daoism Philip II of Madedon A 2: 412 13
PS 161 62 A 1: 211 Jewish
  Perception-obscuring  karma Philosophical Conversions A 1: 141
A 2: 332 (Mendelssohn) to Mecca
Perfect and Great Way sect B 2: 275 B 2: 301
A 1: 185 Philosophical Daoism vs. religious Zoroastrian
  Perfection of Wisdom  sutras Daoism A 2: 459
A 1: 100 A 1: 182 83   Pillars of Islam 
Perfectionism, and Original Sin   Philosophical Thoughts  A 2: 305 06
A 1: 134 (Diderot) Pine Ridge Reservation
Pericles A 1: 26 B 1: 54 (ill.)
B 1: 27, 29, 35   The Philosophy of Atheism  Pir-e Banu-Pars shrine
Period of the One Hundred PS 123, 193 202 A 2: 459
Schools See also Atheism; Atheists; Pir-e Herisht shrine
A 1: 155 Atheists United A 2: 459
Perry, Matthew Phowa prayer Pir-e Naraki shrine
A 2: 396 A 1: 113 A 2: 459
Persephone Physical universe, creation of Pir-e Narestuneh shrine
A 1: 224 PS 23 A 2: 459
World Religions: Cumulative Index 43
Pir-e-Sabz shrine Polytheism Jewish
A 2: 459 B 1: 196 A 1: 359 61
Piri symbol ancient Egypt Zoroastrian
A 2: 432 A 1: 38 A 2: 455 56
Pitriloka ancient Greece and Rome Predestination
A 2: 256 A 1: 207 08 A 1: 75, 133 34
Pitta (digestion energy) ancient Mesopotamia Presidency College
A 2: 268 A 1: 37 38 B 2: 384
Pittsburgh Platform document Asatru Pretoria Bantu Normal College
B 2: 395 A 2: 377 B 2: 377
Plagues, on Egypt Daoism Priestesses, duties
B 2: 287 88 A 1: 188 89 B 1: 125
  Plant-bodied  beings Druidism Priestesses of Greece
A 2: 330 A 2: 380 82 A 1: 231
Plato Pope John XXIII Peace Prize Priests of Egypt
A 1: 216, 217 (ill.), 226 B 2: 294 A 1: 45
B 2: 311 18, 315 (ill.) Poruwa Ceremony Priests of Mesopotamia
imprisonment A 1: 112 A 1: 53, 56 (ill.)
B 2: 316 17 Poseidon Primary element, names for
travels A 1: 222, 223 A 1: 213
B 2: 314 16 The Poverty of Philosophy (Marx) Princess Mirabai
tutor of Dion B 2: 266 A 2: 265
B 2: 315 Power, of Wiccans   The Princess of Mecca 
See also Allegory of the Cave PS 100 B 1: 195
(Plato); Socrates The Power and the Glory (Greene)   The Princess of Quraysh 
Platonic Love A 1: 147 B 1: 195
B 2: 312 Prajnaparamita Principles of Communism (Engles)
Plotinus A 1: 100 B 2: 267
A 1: 219 Prakash Utsav holiday Principles of the Philosophy of the
Plum Village (France) A 2: 436 Future (Feuerbach)
B 2: 363 Prarabdha Karma A 1: 32
Pluto A 2: 263 The Prophet. See Muhammad
A 1: 122 Pravritti Prophets. See Nevi im
Podolia, Judaism in A 2: 248 Protagoras (Plato)
B 1: 172 73, 177 Prayag (city) A 1: 24, 215
Poetics (Aristotle) A 2: 260 B 2: 315
B 1: 39 Prayer beads Protestant Reformation
Poetry, knowledge of A 2: 257 B 2: 227 28, 303, 317
A 1: 174   Prayer of Judith  Protestantism
Pogroms A 2: 368 69 A 1: 129 30, 133 34
B 1: 172 Prayer wheel, in Tibetan Protestantism, development of
Polish Ukraine Jewish Buddhism B 2: 229
population A 1: 11 Proverbs
B 1: 172 73 Prayers PS 5
Politics (Aristotle) Greeks and Roman Psalms
B 1: 35, 39 A 1: 231 PS 5
44 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Psyche/soul, belief in A 1: 237 PS 26
A 1: 223 Pythagorean Mysteries revelation of
Psychotherapy, and Buddhist A 1: 226 A 2: 306 07
principles Pythian Games
style of
A 1: 233
A 1: 115 16 A 2: 307
Ptah (god) Pythias translations of
A 1: 41, 43, 44 B 1: 35 PS 25
Pu in Daoism writing down
A 1: 187 A 2: 308 09
Public rituals, at Confucian temples Qur an-e Farsi (Rumi)
A 1: 166 B 1: 183
Qadimi calendar
Puja (worship) Qur anic Muslims
A 2: 457
A 2: 256, 257 58, 259 (ill.) B 2: 300
Qasim (son of Muhammad)
Punjab region Quraysh tribe
B 1: 197
A 2: 423 B 1: 26, 27, 29 30, 194, 199;
Qaysiyya, Rabi a Al-. See Rbi a
Punjabi language 2: 301
PS 88
Qi (ch i) concept
Pure Land Buddhism
A 1: 187, 199
A 1: 95
Qiguan Shi (Ch i-kuan Shih)
B 2: 312
B 1: 85
Ra/Re (sun god)
Pure Land Sutra
Qing (Ch ing) Dynasty
A 1: 38, 43, 61
A 1: 100
PS 160
Rbi a al-Adawiyah
  The Pure One 
Qing Dynasty, use of
B 2: 319 25
B 1: 195
Confucianism by
early life
A 1: 158
B 2: 319 20
A 1: 144
religious practices
Purification rituals of Shinto
A 1: 134
B 2: 320 21
A 2: 404
Quanzhen (Chuan Chen) sect
A 1: 185
A 1: 134 Quests, in Apache tribal life B 2: 324
Purnaprajna. See Madhva A 2: 289 travels
Purple Heaven Temple, Qufu B 2: 323 24
pilgrimages to A 1: 169 Radkhani, Ahmad Al-
A 1: 198 Qui Kong. See Confucius B 1: 146
Purusharthas Qumran, Israel Ra kah
A 2: 248 PS 11 A 2: 313
Purva scripture group Qur an Ram Das, Guru
A 2: 333 B 1: 28; 2: 302 A 2: 421, 436 37
Pyramids PS 23 31, 25 (ill.) PS 86
A 1: 52 after death of Muhammad Rama
Pyrrho of Elis PS 29 A 2: 262
A 1: 219 creation account in See also Lord Rama
Pythagoras PS 2 Ramadan
A 1: 214 described A 2: 313 14
B 2: 314, 328 PS 24 25 Ramakrishna
modern mathematics and how to read PS 111
World Religions: Cumulative Index 45
Ramakrishna (Shri) Reconstructionist Judaism Reincarnation
B 2: 385 86 beliefs of A 2: 247 48, 332, 380
Ramakrishna Math order A 2: 352 PS 88, 110
B 2: 389 creator-god concept in Rei-sai festival
Ramakrishna Mission A 1: 20 A 2: 411 12
B 2: 389   Record of Ancient Matters.  Religion
PS 118 See Kojiki text anthropological view of
Ramanuja Record of Rites (Confucius) A 1: 4
A 2: 244 A 1: 163 definitions of
B 2: 327 36 PS 136 A 1: 1 2
early life Record of Rites ceremony development of law due to
B 2: 327 28 A 1: 166 A 1: 16 17
writings of Records of the Grand Historian development of in
B 2: 331 32 (Sima Qian) Mesopotamia
See also Madhva; PS 126 A 1: 37
Yamunacharya Recreation, in Mesopotamia history of practice of
Ramayana A 1: 60 A 1: 4 5
A 2: 265 Rectification of Names principle neuroscientific view of
composition of A 1: 161 A 1: 12 13
A 2: 242 Red Cloud role of
Rambam, The. B 1: 53 A 1: 16 17
See Maimonides, Moses Red Sea, parting of theories on origin of
Ramses II B 2: 288 A 1: 3 6
B 2: 285 Reform Bah faith universality of
Ranjit Singh A 1: 77 A 1: 2, 12 13
A 2: 423 Reform Judaism See also specific religions
Rapithwin B 2: 280, 394, 395 Religion and the state,
A 2: 456 beliefs of separation of
Rashidun A 2: 352 B 2: 279 80
B 1: 31 Reformation Religions
Rastafarians, number of A 1: 25, 129 alienation from
A 1: 2 See also Protestantism A 2: 296
Rationalists Reformed Christianity. common traits of
A 1: 226 See Protestantism A 1: 10 12
Rationality, as highest good Reformed Confucianism number of
A 1: 217 A 1: 160 A 1: 8 9
Ravensbrck concentration camp Reformed Druids of North types of
B 2: 363 (ill.), 364 America A 1: 9 10
Realist School A 2: 382 The Religions of Man (Smith)
A 1: 154 Reformers, of Protestantism A 1: 96, 119
Reality, basis of A 1: 133 Religions or cults
A 1: 226 Regeneration myths A 1: 10
Rebekah (wife of Isaac) A 1: 48 Religious affiliation
B 1: 7 Regla de Ocha. See Santera A 1: 130
Reclining Buddha Rehit Maryada Religious atheism
A 1: 114 A 2: 431 A 1: 21 22
46 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Religious Confucianism Responsa Rishis
A 1: 179 A 2: 356 PS 113
Religious Daoism Resurrection of Jesus Christ Ritual, use of
A 1: 179 81, 183 B 1: 192 93 African indigenous religions
Religious extremists Return concept, in Daoism A 2: 275
A 2: 300 01 PS 151 52 Asatru religion
Religious festival Return to Righteousness (Dharmapala) A 2: 378
PS 117 (ill.) B 1: 112, 120 indigenous religions
Religious festivals Revelation A 2: 273
in ancient Egypt A 1: 137 Shinto
A 1: 63 64 Revival Shinto A 2: 409 10
in Greece and Rome A 2: 400 Zoroastrianism
A 1: 231, 233 Rhea A 2: 456 57
Religious laws A 1: 223 Ritual impurity and cleanliness
A 1: 16 17 Rheinische Zeitung newspaper A 2: 403 04
Religious movements in B 2: 265 Rituals
Poland/Ukraine Rhetoric (Aristotle) A 1: 11, 79; 2: 315 316
B 1: 173 B 1: 39 Roman Catholic Church
Religious philosophies, rise of Rhiannon A 1: 132 33
A 1: 8 A 2: 380 Roman Catholics, number of,
Religious revivals Rig Veda A 1: 134
PS 196 A 2: 251, 265 Roman emperors, cult of
Religious Society of Friends formalization of A 1: 212
A 1: 134 A 2: 241 Roman Empire, in Palestine
Religious symbols Right Action A 2: 346
A 1: 3 (ill.) PS 166 Romans
of Egypt and Mesopotamia Right Concentration festivals
A 1: 42 PS 166 A 1: 183
Remey, Mason Right Effort gods and godesses of
A 1: 76 PS 166 A 1: 207
Ren concept Right Livelihood See also specific gods and
PS 126 PS 166 goddesses
Ren principle Right Mindfulness Romulus and Remus
A 1: 160 61, 161 (ill.), 164 65 PS 166 A 1: 224
Rencho. See Nichiren Right Speech Rosary beads
The Republic (Plato) PS 166 A 2: 257
A 1: 216, 229 Right Thought Rosh Hashanah
B 2: 316, 317 18 PS 166 A 2: 362 63
Research Institute of Prakrit, Right Understanding Rosicrucians
Ahimsa, and Jainology PS 166 B 1: 139
B 2: 253 Right View Rowlatt Acts
Resignation and Fidelity, or Life PS 166 B 1: 134
and Romance (Wise) Ring-stone symbol Royal Ancestral Shrine
B 2: 397 A 1: 80 A 1: 166
Respect, Hindu terms of Rinpoche, Guru Ru Jia (Ju Chia)
B 2: 235 A 1: 92 B 1: 83
World Religions: Cumulative Index 47
The Rubaiyat of Omar Kayyam Sacred objects Sakat (charily)
(Khayyam) A 1: 11 A 2: 306
A 2: 319 Sacred Pipe Sake, ritual use of
Ruben (son of Jacob)
A 2: 288 A 2: 410
B 1: 6
The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk s Accont Saktis Hinduism
Rudrahsha beads
of the Seven Rites of the Oglala A 2: 241, 245
A 2: 257
Sioux (Black Elk) Sakyamuni Buddha.
  The Rule of the Orisha. 
B 1: 52, 57 See The Buddha
See Santera
Sacred texts of Zoroastrianism Saladin
Rushd, Ibn
A 2: 453 A 2: 299, 300
B 1: 150
  Sacred thread  Salat (daily prayer)
Ruskin, John
A 2: 257 58 A 2: 306, 310 13
B 1: 130 31
Sacred writings Salat ul Jumu ah
Russell, Bertrand
A 1: 11 A 2: 313
A 1: 33 34
Sacredness, in Zoroastrianism Salba (god)
Russia, persecution of Jews in
PS 188 A 2: 289
A 2: 348
Sacrifices, by Greeks and Romans Salem Witch Trials
Russian Revolution
A 1: 230 31 PS 98 (ill.)
B 2: 360 61
Sadducees Salt, symbolism of
Russian Student Christian
A 2: 350 A 2: 408
Sadhu Salvation
B 2: 361
B 2: 235 as component of religion
A 2: 250 A 1: 2
Saffron, symbolism of concept of
A 2: 255 56 A 1: 11
  Saffronization  movement three ways to achieve
Sabbah Leading the Initiations at
A 2: 269 A 2: 250
Alamut (Hassan)
Sage Sama Veda
B 1: 146 (ill.)
B 2: 235 A 2: 251
Sabbat (Sabbath)
Sahaba defined Samhain (Samhuinn) festival
A 2: 359
PS 30 A 2: 381, 389, 390
Sahajdharis sect Samhitas (hymns)
A 2: 388 89
A 2: 426 A 2: 251
Sahib Chand Samsara (cycle of life)
B 1: 13
B 2: 354 A 2: 247, 419
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saint Ignatius of Loyola. explained
A 1: 146
See Loyola, Ignatius PS 166
Saint Mary of Paris. in Sikhism
Eastern Orthodox Church
See Skobtsova, Mother Maria PS 88
A 1: 138 39
Roman Catholic Church Saint Matthew. See Mathew, Saint Samson and Delilah (movie)
A 1: 138 39 Saint Paul. See Paul, Saint A 2: 368
See also rituals Sainthood Samurai class, influence of
Sacred Ecology movement B 2: 221 Confucianism on
PS 97 See also Beatification A 1: 173
Sacred Marriage ritual Saivas Hinduism San Guan (San-kuan)
A 1: 57 A 2: 245 A 1: 189
48 World Religions: Cumulative Index
San Qing (San-ching) Saqqara, step pyramid at Schechem plain
A 1: 188 A 1: 52 B 1: 3
Sanatana Dharma Saraasavi-Sandaresa (newspaper) Scheherazade, Queen
A 2: 239 B 1: 110 A 2: 320
Sanchi stupa monument Sarai (wife of Abraham) Scholars, exile of
A 1: 110 B 1: 3 4 A 1: 128 29
Sanchita Karma Sarasvati (goddess) Scholastic Confucianism
A 2: 263 A 2: 259, 262 A 1: 160
Sangha, belief in Sargon I School of Athens (Raphael)
A 1: 99 B 1: 123 B 2: 315 (ill.)
Sangha Day (Magha Puja Day) Sargon the Great School of the Elders.
A 1: 108 A 1: 40 See Theravada Buddhism
Sanhedron Sari School of the Scholars
A 1: 122 A 2: 261 B 1: 83
Sankara Sarnath, pilgrimages to Schopenhauer, Arthur
B 2: 237, 329 A 1: 108 A 1: 92 93
Sannyasi practice Sasaki, Sadako Schwrmer group
B 2: 241 42 A 2: 416 B 2: 277, 278
Sannyasins Sassanid Dynasty Science
A 2: 250 A 2: 448 Greek and Roman influence on
Sanskrit language B 2: 205 A 1: 237
PS 88 Satan worship Muslim contributions to
Santera PS 97 A 2: 317
A 2: 284 (ill.) Satanists rejection of
beliefs of A 2: 372 73 A 1: 35
A 2: 283 Sathyartha Prakasha (Light of Truth) universal rules observed by
creator-god in B 1: 103 04 A 1: 25 26
A 2: 283 Satori See also Enlightenment
eleven commandments of A 1: 96 Science, as source of reason
OlódłmarŁ Saturnalia PS 196
A 2: 284 A 1: 15 Scientific method
names of Saturnalia festival A 1: 208, 210
A 2: 282 A 1: 233 Scientologists, number of
names of clergy in Satya vow A 1: 2
A 2: 285 A 2: 323 Scottish Church College
rituals of PS 137 B 2: 384
A 2: 285 Satyagraha principles Scythian Shards (Mother Maria)
See also Neo-Paganism A 2: 266 B 2: 360
Santeros. See Santera Satyar vow Second Vatican Council
Santiago de Compostela, B 2: 246 A 1: 130
pilgrimages to Saul of Tarsus, conversion of Sects
A 1: 141 A 1: 123 A 1: 10
Sanyasa stage Saum (fasting) Secular Games
A 2: 248 A 2: 306 A 1: 233
Saoshyant Savior figure, in Zoroastrianism Secularism, rise in
A 2: 452 A 2: 452 A 1: 130
World Religions: Cumulative Index 49
Secularization. See Agnosticism; Shahadah (declaration of faith) Shepa (god)
Atheism A 2: 305 06, 318 (ill.) A 2: 289
Seder Shahanshahi calendar Shi a
A 2: 362 A 2: 457 B 1: 25
Sedreh-pushi Ceremony Shakyamuni. See The Buddha See also Bah i
A 2: 460, 461 (ill.) Shamanism Shi at Ali. See Shi a
Segal, Joshua B 2: 343, 344 (ill.), 349 Shield of David. See Magen David
B 1: 176 Shamanism, in African Shi ite Muslims
Seljuks indigenous religion A 2: 298, 301, 303
A 2: 299 A 2: 277 78 Shi ite/Sunni
A Sender of Words: Essays in Shamans conflict between
Memory of John G. Neihardt A 2: 279 (ill.) A 2: 298, 299
B 1: 57 PS 97 differences between
Sephardic Jews Apache A 2: 301 02
A 2: 350 A 2: 289 Shinbutsu bunri
September 11, 2001, attacks in art at Trois FrŁres, A 2: 396
A 2: 300, 320 21, 440 41 France Shinjing (Shih-chine)
Sermon on the Mount A 1: 5 A 1: 164
PS 122, 204, 209 (ill.) rise of Shinto
Set (god) A 1: 6 A 2: 393 417, 403 (ill.)
A 1: 43, 48 Tibetan about
Seti Pir shrine A 2: 290 A 2: 399
A 2: 459 Shamash (god) creation account of
  Setting in Motion the Wheel of A 1: 46 PS 3
the Doctrine.  See The Four Shambala Sun newspaper decline of
Noble Truths of Buddhism B 2: 360 A 2: 398 99
  Setting in Motion the Wheel of Shangdi (god) festivals
the Law or Truth  lesson A 1: 22, 166 67 A 2: 411 12
A 1: 96 97 Shangs (orisha), renaming of influence of
The Seven Tables of Creation (King) A 2: 283 A 2: 413, 415 16
A 1: 49 Shapur I male and female
  The Seven Voyages of Sinbad A 2: 453 elements of
the Sailor  Shari ah PS 14
A 2: 320 A 2: 300 origin of
Seven Years in Tibet (Harrer) Shaytan/Satan PS 16
B 1: 94 A 2: 305 overview
Sextus Empiricus Shehu Usman Dan Fodio. A 2: 393 94
A 1: 219 See Usuman Dan Fodio ritual nature of
Shabbat, about Shema prayer A 2: 407 08
PS 6 A 2: 359 symbols of
Shabe-Yalda Shemoneh Esrei prayer A 2: 406 08
A 1: 15 A 2: 359 See also Black Elk Speaks
Shacharit service Shemot Shinto Buddhism
A 2: 359 PS 11 A 2: 396
Shafi legal tradition Shenxane, Leah Nomalizo Shinto kami
PS 30 B 2: 369 PS 15
50 World Religions: Cumulative Index
Shinto shrines Shwedagon stupa (Rangoon, five K s
A 2: 398, 407 Burmam/Myanmar) B 2: 354 55
Shiva (goddess)
A 1: 106 influence of
A 2: 262
Sibbah beads A 2: 440 41
B 1: 105 (ill.)
A 2: 257 Jewish kosher laws and
Shiva Hinduism
Sick and Suffering Co-Workers A 2: 369
A 2: 247
B 2: 294 origin
Siddartha Guatama B 2: 350 51
A 2: 241
about other religions and
Shiva s Tears
A 1: 87 A 2: 428 29
A 2: 257
enlightenment of rites of passage in
Shivhei ha-Besht (In Praise of the
A 1: 89 A 2: 438
Baal Shem Tov)
four significant events in life sects of
B 1: 177
of A 2: 425 26
The Shoemaker s Family (Wise)
A 1: 88 similarity to Hinduism
B 2: 397
view of in Buddhism PS 88
Shoghi Effendi (Guardian of the
A 1: 4 ten gurus of
Bah Faith)
views on salvation PS 86
A 1: 74 75, 76
A 1: 23 See also Sri Guru Granth
PS 177 78, 182
See also   Middle way  ; Sahib
Short Obligatory Prayer
The Buddha Sikhs
A 1: 83
Siddha concept day to day life of
Shravana Belgola
A 2: 332 A 2: 429
A 2: 339
Siddhi defined number of
Shri Dasam Granth Sahib
B 2: 253 A 2: 420
(Gobind Singh)
Sigilovdda Sutra pronunciation of
B 2: 355
Shri defined A 1: 112 A 2: 419
B 2: 235 Sikhism separatists
Shrine of Bab A 2: 419 41, 424 (ill.) A 2: 425
A 1: 81 (ill.), 82 about Simeon (son of Jacob)
PS 182 (ill.) PS 85 B 1: 6
Shrine of Bah u llh beliefs of Simon (apostle). See Peter
A 1: 82 A 2: 419 20 Sin (god)
PS 177 (ill.) B 2: 352 A 1: 40, 61
Shrine Shinto calendar of   Sin  in Jainism
A 2: 400 A 2: 434 35 PS 140 41
Shrines, made of reeds ceremonies of Sina, Ibn
A 1: 43 A 2: 435 B 1: 147
Shu (god) commandments of Sinfulness in daily activities
A 1: 43 A 2: 438 PS 24
Shujing (Shu-ching) conflicts within Singh, taking name of
A 1: 164 A 2: 426 27 B 2: 354
Shukr defensive militarism Sinhala Bauddhaya weekly
B 1: 13 B 2: 351 B 1: 112
Shuliang He (Shu-liang Ho) festivals of Sins, types of
B 1: 85 A 2: 435 36 A 1: 146
World Religions: Cumulative Index 51
Sioux B 2: 337 38 and behavior
foundational myth of Skullcap, wearing A 1: 227
PS 3 A 2: 359, 359 (ill.) See also Anaxagoras
symbols of Sky. See specific creation stories Socratic method
PS 35 36 Slavery, American Jewish views of A 1: 216
See also Black Elk Speaks; B 2: 396 B 2: 329
Dakota tribe Slavery, impact on indigenous Sodom, destruction of
Sioux holy men religions B 1: 6
A 2: 288 A 2: 279 80 Sokagakkai
Sira Small Vehicle Buddhism. B 2: 311 (ill.)
B 2: 299, 300 See Theravada Buddhism Sokkuram Grotto
Sirat nabawiyya Small Vows of Mahavira A 1: 114
B 2: 299 PS 145 Sokoto caliphate
Sirhind executions Smartism B 1: 106 07, 381
B 2: 356 A 2: 245 Solomon (king)
Sister Mary Teresa. Smenkhare (son of Akhenaten) A 2: 346
See Teresa, Mother B 1: 14 Som, Malidoma Patrice
Sisters of Loreto Smerdis B 2: 343 50
B 2: 292 A 2: 450 early life
Sistine Chapel Smith, Huston B 2: 344 45
A 1: 147 A 1: 96 education
Sitting Bull Smyth, John B 2: 345, 347 48
B 1: 53 A 1: 134 profession
Six Arts Sobonfu, Elisabeth B 2: 349
B 1: 85 B 2: 373 Something Beautiful for God (film)
PS 130 Social justice B 2: 294
Six Grandfathers, creation/ B 2: 303 Song Dynasty
foundation myths of PS 194 A 1: 157, 185
PS 3 Socialism Song Shan mountain
Siyyid Ali-Muhammad B 2: 265 A 1: 198
PS 176 Society, five primary Sophist (Plato)
Skadi (goddess) relationships of B 2: 317, 331
A 2: 378 A 1: 154 Sophists
Skeptics school of thought Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) A 1: 215
A 1: 219, 237 B 2: 220 21, 369 Sophocles
Skobtsova, Mother Maria Socrates A 1: 211
B 2: 335 42 B 2: 314, 315 Sorbonne University
canonization of emphasis on ethics B 2: 372
B 2: 341 A 1: 216   The sorcerer 
charitable work execution of A 1: 5
B 2: 338 A 1: 24 The Sorrowful Mysteries
early life theories of A 2: 257
B 2: 335 36 A 1: 208 Soul
poetry of trial and death of as the divine mind
B 2: 341 A 1: 219 20 A 1: 219
travels of views on knowledge immortality of
52 World Religions: Cumulative Index
A 1: 216 Spenta Mainyu Star of David. See Magen David
primary belief in Sikhism A 2: 443, 451 State Shinto
A 2: 428 Spenta Mainyu Gatha A 2: 400
three parts of PS 186 Statesman (Plato)
A 2: 282 Spenta Mainyu spirit B 2: 317, 331
Souls, different kinds of B 2: 402 Statues, gods housed in
A 1: 47 Spentamainyush Gatha A 1: 43
Souls of the dead, Roman beliefs PS 190 91 Stoicism
about Spirit possession A 1: 218, 229
A 1: 235 A 2: 281, 284 Stonehenge, rock timepieces at
South Africa, boycotts against, Spirits, in African indigenous A 1: 15
379 religions Structure, of indigenous religions
South African Council of A 2: 276 77 A 2: 273
Churches Spiritual Exercises (Loyola) Stupas
B 2: 370 B 2: 219, 220 A 1: 106
South America, spread of Islam in Spring and Autumn Annals Subh-i Azal. See Mirza Yahya
A 2: 300 (Confucius) Suddharma-Pundarika.
Southern Baptist Convention A 1: 164 See Mahayana Buddhism
A 1: 134 B 1: 89 Suddharma-Pundarika Sutra
Southern Buddhism. PS 136 A 1: 100
See Theravada Buddhism Spring Festivals Suddhodana
  Southern School  A 2: 411 A 1: 87
A 2: 244 Sri Arjan Dev Ji See also The Buddha
Southern School of Buddhism PS 86 Sudras (caste)
PS 172 Sri Guru Granth Sahib A 2: 263
Soviet Union (former), PS 85 96, 91 (ill.) Sufism
non-believers in Sri Harmandir Sahib A 2: 302 03
A 1: 31 A 2: 437 B 1: 11, 104 (ill.), 149 (ill.);
Soweto (South Africa) Sri Lanka, religious tradition in 2: 343 44
B 2: 370 A 1: 94 See also Ghazl%2ł, Abu Hamid
Spain, Judaism in Sri Lanka Buddhism Muhammad al-
A 2: 348 B 1: 111 Sukarnoputri, Megawati
Spain, under Muslim rule Sri Ramanujacharya. See Ramanuja A 2: 320
B 2: 250 Sri Sampradaya Sukothai temples
Spanish Reconquista A 2: 244 A 1: 106
A 2: 296 St. Mary s Cathedral (Johannesburg) Suleiman the Magnificent
Sparta B 2: 369 A 2: 364
B 2: 313 St. Mary s High School (Calcutta) Sultanpur (India)
Spells for Going Forth by Day B 2: 292 PS 85
A 1: 48 Stability, nature of Sumer
Spena Nask A 1: 227 B 1: 121, 122
B 2: 401 Stanford University defeat of
Spenta Ameraiti B 2: 373 A 1: 40
A 2: 451 Star charting, and modern organization of religion in
Spenta Ameraiti concept astronomy A 1: 39
PS 186 A 1: 65 See also Sumerians
World Religions: Cumulative Index 53
Sumeria, Mother Goddess in Supreme Unity sect Symposium (Plato)
A 1: 7 A 1: 185 A 1: 229
Sumerians Suras, of the Koran Symbols
A 1: 39 40 A 2: 307 Asatru (god)
Sumi-e painting style Suriname, spread of Islam in A 2: 378
A 1: 115 A 2: 300 Bah
Sumo wrestling Sus-ano-o A 1: 80
A 2: 415 (ill.), 416 PS 21 Buddhist
Sun, worship of Susano-o, sword of A 1: 101 02
A 1: 230; 2: 406 A 2: 407 Christian
Sun goddess. See Amaterasu Sushruta A 1: 137 38, 137 (ill.)
Sun Mother A 2: 265 Confucian
PS 3 Sutra, defined A 1: 164 65
Sun Sumiao PS 137 Cupid (god)
A 1: 202 Suttapitaka A 1: 230
Sunday, Billy PS 168 Daoist
PS 196 Suzuki, D. T. A 1: 191 93
Sunday school classes A 1: 93 94 Dharma wheel
A 1: 138 Svetambara Jains, religious A 1: 101 (ill.)
Sunga dynasty, Buddhism and ceremonies of Egyptian and
A 1: 92 A 2: 337 38 Mesopotamian
Sunnah Svetambara sect A 1: 42, 51
PS 30 A 2: 328, 329 Eros (god)
Sunni B 2: 249 A 1: 230
B 1: 25 Swami Birajananda Jain
Sunni Muslims B 1: 102 03 A 2: 334 35
A 2: 298, 303 Swami defined Japanese
Sunni/Shi ite B 2: 235 A 2: 406 08
conflict between PS 112 Judaism
A 2: 298, 299 Swami Prabhupada A 2: 356 59
differences between B 2: 244 45 Oglala Sioux
A 2: 301 02 Swami Vivekananda A 2: 287
Sunrise Dance (Apache tribe) A 2: 242, 266 in religions
A 2: 288 (ill.) about A 2: 287
Sunyata principle PS 110 12 Shinto
A 1: 98 significance of A 2: 406 08
Supernatural world, in African PS 112 See also specific symbols
indigenous religions Swastika symbol (Hinduism) Symposium (Plato)
A 2: 275 A 2: 254 55, 255 (ill.), 287 B 2: 316
  Supernaturals,  in Apache Swastika symbol (Jainism) Synthetic religions
belief system A 2: 334 35 A 2: 271
A 2: 289 Sweden, non-believers in Syria
Supplication A 1: 31 B 1: 3
A 1: 5; 2: 311 Sweet Potato Buddhist The System of Nature
Supreme being community (d Holbach)
PS 3 B 2: 362 63 A 1: 26, 32
54 World Religions: Cumulative Index
See also specific parts of the Taranis
Talmud A 2: 380
Talwandi Sabor
Tadhkirat al-Awliya (Biographies
A 1: 223
B 2: 356
of the Saints)
Tamil Sangam
B 1: 10
B 1: 13
A 2: 265
Taga shrine
Tammuz (god)
A 2: 406
B 1: 13
A 1: 49
Tagore, Rabindranath
Taxes, in Muslim lands
Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
B 1: 133
A 2: 296 97
PS 5 12
Tahafut al-Tahafut
Teachers Day
Christian Bible and
(Ibn Rushd)
PS 135
PS 203
B 1: 150
Tefilah prayer
creation account in
Tai Shan mountain A 2: 359 60
PS 2
A 1: 198 Tefnut (god)
dating of
Tai shen spirit A 1: 43
PS 11
A 1: 200 Teg Bahadur (Guru)
parts of
Taijichuan (tai chi) A 2: 423, 427
PS 5
A 1: 199 200 B 1: 155
style of
Taijiquan (tai chi) PS 86
PS 6
A 1: 187 Tel el-Amarna
Tanakh (Torah)
B 1: 11
Taino Indians A 2: 354 55
Tell el-Amarna
A 2: 280 B 2: 283, 392
A 1: 46
Taiping Dao Christianity and
Temnu (emperor)
A 1: 184 A 1: 123 24
A 2: 395, 404 05
Taiping Jing (Tai-p ing Ching) Judaism and
A 1: 191 A 2: 346
desecration of
Taiping Rebellion Tang Dynasty
A 2: 346
A 1: 184 A 1: 157, 181
destruction of
Takht Damdama Tanis
A 2: 346, 348
A 2: 437 A 1: 45
Temple complexes
Takht Hazoor Tantras
in Mesopotamia
A 2: 438 A 1: 95
A 1: 40
Takht Keshgarh Tantric branch of
in Ranakpur, India
A 2: 437 Buddhism
A 2: 328
Takht Patna A 1: 95
Temple worship
A 2: 438 Tantrism
A 2: 337 (ill.)
Tales from the Kohiki B 1: 140
Temples of Confucianism
PS 13 22 Tao chiao. See Religious Daoism
A 1: 166
Talismans The Tao of Physics: An Exploration
Ten Commandments
B 2: 372 (ill.), 373 of the Parallels Between Modern
A 2: 346
Tallit, wearing Physics and Eastern Mysticiam
PS 206
A 2: 359, 359 (ill.) (Capra)
Ten Commandments (movie)
Talmud A 1: 206
A 2: 368
A 2: 356 Tao Te Ching. See Dao De Jing Ten Commandments tablet
B 2: 392 Taoism. See Daoism B 2: 288 89, 288 (ill.)
World Religions: Cumulative Index 55
Tendai Buddhism Theodosius I A 2: 334
B 2: 312 A 1: 125 Three jewels code
Tenrikyo Shinto Theogony (Hesiod) B 2: 253
A 2: 401 A 1: 210, 228 Three Jewels of Buddhism
Tenri-o-No-Mikoto, creator-god Theological Academy of the A 1: 99
concept and Alexander Nevsky Monastery Three Jewels of Daoism
A 2: 401 B 2: 360 A 1: 187
Tenzin Gyatso Theological Education Fund Three Jewels of Jainism
A 1: 92
B 2: 369 A 2: 333, 334
See also Dalai Lama Theosophical Society Three Officials
Terah (father of Abraham) B 1: 109, 139 A 1: 189
B 1: 2 Theravada Buddhism Three Primordials (Principals)
Teresa, Mother
A 1: 90, 93 94 A 1: 189
B 2: 351 58, 351 (ill.) B 1: 73 74; 2: 311 12 Three Pure Ones
beatified PS 167 68, 172 A 1: 188, 197
B 2: 356 57 Thich Nhat Hanh Three Refuges recitation
charity work B 2: 359 65, 359 (ill.) B 1: 72
B 2: 353 54
early life Three Wise Men (Magi)
early life B 2: 360 A 2: 447
B 2: 352 exile   Threefold path,  of Zoroastrians
honors for B 2: 361 62 A 2: 452
B 2: 354 55
  Third Moses.  See Mendelssohn, PS 186
Teresa of Avila Moses Thus Spake Zarathustra
B 2: 292 Thirteen Classics (Confucius) (Nietzsche)
Tesla, Nikola A 1: 164 A 1: 28
B 2: 384 Thirty Tyrants Tian/Heaven
Tetzel, Johann
B 2: 313 14, 327 28 A 1: 22
B 2: 225 Thirty Years War Tianming (t ien-ming)
Thailand B 2: 231 B 1: 85 86
religious tradition in Thodosius I, polytheism banned by Tianshi Dao. See Daoism
A 1: 94
A 1: 212 Tibet
spread of Buddhism in Thomas Aquinas (Saint) Buddhism in
A 1: 92 B 1: 150 A 1: 92
Thales Thor (god) Chinese invasion of
A 1: 213, 226 A 2: 377 B 1: 94 95
B 1: 26
Thoreau, Henry David religious tradition in
modern astronomy and A 1: 93 A 1: 95
A 1: 237 B 1: 130 See also Bon religion; Dalai
Thathana Yeiktha meditation Thoth (god) Lama
center A 1: 42 Tibetan Book of the Dead
B 1: 117 18 Thought, unified system of A 1: 100
Theocracy, in Mesopotamia and A 1: 1 Tibetan Buddhism
Egypt A Thousand and One Nights B 1: 92, 94
A 1: 37
A 2: 319 physical reincarnation belief
Theocracy defined B 1: 12 A 1: 99
B 1: 79 Three dots symbol in Tibet
56 World Religions: Cumulative Index
A 1: 92 A 1: 78 A 1: 236
in the United States Tolstoy, Leo Trois FrŁres (France)
A 1: 5
A 1: 94 B 1: 130
  True Classic of Perfect
Tibetan Institute of Performing Tolstoy Farm
Arts B 1: 133
A 1: 191
B 1: 96 Tonpa Shenrab Miwo
Truth and Reconciliation
Tigris River A 2: 289
Commission (South Africa)
A 1: 39 Torah
B 2: 373
Tilaka B 2: 212 (ill.), 278
A 2: 261 PS 5
PS 3, 21
Tillich, Paul See also Leibowitz, Nechama;
TULIP. See Five Points of
A 1: 1, 28 29 Tanakh
Timaeus (Plato) Torah (Law)
TulKubra, Khadijah.
A 1: 229 A 2: 354 55
See Khadijah
B 2: 317, 331 See also Tanakh
Tung Zhong-shu
Time Tori symbol
A 1: 156 57
cyclical nature of in Daoism A 2: 407, 408 (ill.)
A 1: 185 Totems
B 1: 167 (ill.), 168
cyclical nature of in Jainism A 1: 6
Turban tying rite
A 2: 325 Towers of Silence
A 2: 438
Jain concept of A 2: 461
A 2: 325 Townships
European Union and
Time International B 2: 380 (ill.)
A 2: 320
B 2: 364 Trade, and rise of Islam
Mother Goddess worship in
Timur A 2: 296
A 1: 6
B 1: 168 Traditional Healer
Turkish Muslims
Tipitaka text A 2: 278
A 2: 299
PS 168, 172 (ill.) Traditions, reintroduction of
Turning of the Wheel of Law or
Tipitakas A 1: 155
A 1: 99 100 Transmigration of the soul
A 1: 108
Tirthankara A 2: 247
Tutankhamen (son of Akhenaten)
B 2: 244 45 Trayi Veda
B 1: 13
Tirthankara, defined A 2: 251
Tutankhatan. See Tutankhamen
PS 139 40 Treatise on Alchemy
(son of Akhenaten)
Tirthankara figures (Sun Sumiao)
Tutu, Desmond Mpilo
A 2: 325 26, 329 30 A 1: 202
B 2: 367 74, 367 (ill.)
Tirthankaras   Treatise on the Good 
career in education
PS 139 (ill.) A 2: 265
B 2: 373
Tithing, in Sikhism Treindriya beings
early life and education
A 2: 437 A 2: 331
B 2: 368 69
Tiy (mother of Akhenaten) Trials, in the afterlife
honors awarded to
B 1: 10, 13 A 1: 48
B 2: 371
Toharot (Purities) Trinity
religious life
A 2: 356 doctrine of
B 2: 369 70, 373
Tolerance of other faiths, in A 1: 126, 136 Twelfth Imam
Bah faith Neoplatonism and B 1: 43
World Religions: Cumulative Index 57
Twelve Limbs texts Unitarianism Universalism, Upanishads
A 2: 334 beliefs of A 2: 242, 251, 252
The Twelve Tribes of Israel (Chagall) A 1: 19 B 2: 385 86
A 2: 369 United Nations, and Bah PS 111
Twelve vows influences Uposatha, in Theravada
A 2: 340
A 1: 84 85 Buddhism
  Typical  Parsi Zoroastrianism
United Nations Development A 1: 105
A 2: 450
Fund for Women Upper Pure
Tzaddick, creation of
A 1: 85 A 1: 188
B 1: 182
United States, non-believers in Ur
Tzitzit, wearing
A 1: 31 A 1: 40
A 2: 359
Unities of Bah B 1: 2, 122, 123
PS 175 76 Uranus (god)
Unity A 1: 223
importance of in Qur an PS 2, 3
PS 26 Uruk
U.S. Presidential Medal of
of Wiccans B 1: 122
PS 100 Uruk, temple complex in
B 2: 295
Unity symbol A 1: 40
Udasis sect
A 2: 287 88 Ushtavaiti Gatha
A 2: 426
Universal cosmic rule, concept of PS 190
Udupi. See Madhva
A 1: 19 Usmani Qur ans
Uijain (city)
Universal House of Justice A 2: 309
A 2: 260
A 1: 74 PS 29
Umar (second caliph)
Universal Salvation Ussher, John
B 1: 29
A 1: 196 A 1: 28
Umar caliph
Universe Ustavaiti Gatha
A 2: 298
creation of PS 186
Umayyad caliphate
A 1: 226; 2: 378 Uthman (caliph)
(Córdoba, Spain)
PS 23 A 2: 298, 308
A 2: 296, 348
cyclical nature of Uthman (third caliph)
Umayyad rule
A 1: 228 B 1: 29
B 1: 30
five parts of Utu (sun god)
A 2: 332 B 1: 122
A 2: 298
Jain diagram of Utu/Shamash (sun god)
Umm Kulthum (daughter of
PS 143 (ill.) A 1: 37
nature of Usuman Dan Fodio
B 1: 27
PS 3, 110, 138 B 2: 375 82
Unification, Qur an as factor in
See also Creation Stories caliphate
PS 26
University of Johannesburg B 2: 379 80
Unified Buddhist Church
B 2: 377 death of
B 2: 362
University of Michigan B 2: 381
Union of American Hebrew
B 2: 373 Degal (city)
  Untouchables  (caste) B 2: 377
B 2: 391, 393, 394 95
Unitarian Bah s A 2: 263 early life
A 1: 76 B 2: 236 B 2: 376
58 World Religions: Cumulative Index
effects of war on Degal Vedantic philosophy PS 119
B 2: 380 81 B 2: 388 89 worship of
emmigration to Gudu Vedas A 2: 244
B 2: 378 B 1: 105 Vishtaspa (king of Bactria)
legacy PS 111, 113 A 2: 447, 453
B 2: 381 Vedic Period of Hinduism B 2: 403
Uzerin A 2: 241 42 Visvambhar Mishra. See Caitanya
A 2: 456 Vegetarianism Mahaprabhu
A 1: 110, 198; 2: 265, 327, 460 Vivekananda Illam
Venerable Bede B 2: 388 (ill.)
B 2: 307 Vivekananda Rock Memorial
Veneration, practice of in B 2: 387
Vahisto Ishti Gatha
Buddhism Vivekananda, Swami
PS 186
A 1: 102 03 B 2: 383 90, 383 (ill.)
Vaidika Dharma
Venus (goddess) early life
A 2: 239
A 1: 122, 230 B 2: 384 85
Vaishnavaism Hinduism
Venus of Willendorf   Paper on Hinduism  speech
A 2: 241, 244
A 1: 7 B 2: 387 88
Vaisyas (caste)
Verse of the Throne religious education
A 2: 263
A 2: 304 B 2: 385 86
Vajra (thunderbolt)
Vesak. See Wesak holy day travels
A 1: 102 Veshiti B 2: 386 87, 388 89
Vajrayana/Tantra Buddhism A 2: 261 Vivekananda Vedanta Society
A 1: 92, 94, 95 Vesta (goddess) B 2: 389
Valesquez, Juan A 1: 122, 231 PS 118
B 2: 218 Vestal Virgins Vodou
Valiente, Doreen A 1: 231 A 2: 280 82
B 1: 140 Via Dolorosa, pilgrimages to African influence on
Van Biema, David A 1: 141 A 2: 280 81
B 1: 1 Vietnam, civil wars in number of practitioners
Vanaprastha stage B 2: 360 A 2: 280
A 2: 248 Vietnam, religious tradition in religious traditions in
Vanir class A 1: 95 A 2: 280
A 2: 377 Vietnam Confucianism rituals of
Varada mudra A 1: 173 74 A 2: 281
A 1: 109 Vigil service, Orthodox Church roots of
Vardhamana. See Mahavira A 1: 145 A 2: 279
Vartamana Karma Violence, controlling stereotypes about
A 2: 263 PS 187 A 2: 282
Vassa Vipassana meditation See also Neo-Paganism
A 1: 108 B 1: 119 Vohu Khshathra Gatha
Vata (movement energy) Virgil PS 186
A 2: 268 A 1: 211 Vohu Manah
Vatican City, pilgrimages to Vishnu (Krishna) god A 2: 451, 452
A 1: 141 A 2: 247, 262 Vohu Manah concept
Vedanta. See Upanishads B 2: 239 PS 186
World Religions: Cumulative Index 59
Vologeses I   Way of knowledge  A 2: 242
A 2: 453 A 2: 250 What Is Religion?
Voltaire Way of Saint James, A 1: 1 17
B 2: 275 pilgrimages to Wheel-turning mudra
Von Westphalan, Jenny. A 1: 141 A 1: 109
See Marx, Karl Way of the Celestial Masters Whirling Dervishes
Voodoo. See Vodou movement A 2: 303
Vor Sior A 1: 179 See also Sufism
A 2: 376 Way of the Five Pecks of Rice White Cloud Daoist Monastery,
Vulcan A 1: 179 pilgrimages to
A 1: 122 Way of the Great Peace A 1: 198
Vyasa Krishna Dwaipayana A 1: 184 White Cloud Monastery
A 2: 251   The Way of the Yellow Emperor A 1: 185
and the Old Master  Why I Am Not a Christian
A 1: 179 (Russell)
  Way of work  A 1: 33
A 2: 250 Wicasa wakan
Wailing Wall
Wazir Khan A 2: 288
A 2: 364 65
B 1: 160 Wicca
Wakan Tanka Wedding rites B 1: 142 43
B 1: 56 A 2: 439, 460 beliefs of
Wakan tanka energy Weddings A 2: 385 86
A 2: 288 Christian calendar of
Wakan-Tanka force A 1: 143 44 A 2: 388 89
A 2: 410 Daoist legal status of
Wang Bi (Wang Pi) A 1: 200 A 2: 390 91
A 1: 184 Jewish magic in
Wang Wei A 2: 365 66 A 2: 385
A 1: 174 Shinto origins of
Wang Xianzhi A 2: 412 A 2: 384 85
A 1: 204 Weiss, Issac Mayer. See Wise, tools of
Wang Xizhi Isaac Mayer A 2: 387 88
A 1: 204 Wen principle Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary
War Bonnet, Katie A 1: 162 Practitioner
B 1: 55 Wenshu PS 97 107
Warring States Period A 1: 95, 103 about
A 1: 155 Wesak Festival PS 97 98
PS 130 B 1: 109 (ill.), 112 characteristics of
  Water person  in Dagara culture Wesak holy day PS 98 99
B 2: 370 A 1: 107 08 core values of
  Water-bodied  beings Wesley, John PS 100 01
A 2: 330 A 1: 134 masculine and feminine
Watts, Alan Western Wall principles in
A 1: 94 A 2: 364 65 PS 3
  Way of devotion    What is Hinduism  ? numbers of
A 2: 250 (Vivekananda) PS 106
60 World Religions: Cumulative Index
practice rites of Wooley, Sir Leonard A 1: 138 39, 230 31
PS 100 B 1: 124 Wounded Knee battle
teachings of   Words of the Doctrine.  B 1: 55
PS 99 See The Dhammapada Wovoka (Paiute tribe)
Wiccans Works and Days (Hesiod) B 1: 55
A 2: 373 A 1: 210 11, 228 Writings
Wiezmann, Chaim The Works of Shams of Tabriz PS 5
A 2: 367 68 (Rkm%2ł) Wu wei, concept of
Wilberforce, Samuel B 1: 182 A 1: 187
A 1: 29 Workweek Wu wei, emphasis on in Daoism
Wilkinson, Gardner A 1: 63, 146 PS 150
B 1: 16 World
Winged bull creation of
A 1: 51 A 1: 28
Winter solstice celebrations phases of in
A 1: 15, 166 Zoroastrianism
A 1: 23, 214
Wise, Isaac Mayer A 2: 452
B 2: 391 97, six categories of Xerxes
391 (ill.) PS 138 B 2: 313
early life three phases of Xiaojing (Hsiao-ching)
B 2: 392 PS 188 89 A 1: 164
political views World Buddhist Congress Xuan xue (hsuan hsueh).
B 2: 396 A 1: 102 See   Dark learning 
reforms by World Council of Churches Xun Zi
B 2: 392 93 B 2: 369 A 1: 159, 160
temples led by World Parliament of Religions
B 2: 393 PS 109, 112, 119
writings of World Parliament of Religions
Yadava Prakash
B 2: 396 97 (1893)
B 2: 328
Wise Men. See Magi biblical A 1: 93 94; 2: 242, 266,
Yadz region of Iran, pilgrimages to
story 328
A 2: 459
Wish-granting mudra B 1: 111; 2: 386, 387 88
Yahya, Mirza
A 1: 109 World Peace City. See Lumbini,
B 1: 44
Witchcraft. See Wicca Nepal
Yajur Veda
Witchcraft Today (Gardner) World Soul
A 2: 251
B 1: 141 A 1: 219
Yamaga Soko
Witchcraft: The Witch Cult in World War I, opposition to
Western Europe (Murray) PS 195 A 1: 173
B 1: 141 World War II Yamuna River
Women, equality of in genocide of Jews during A 2: 260
Zoroastrianism A 2: 349 Yamunacharya
PS 188 Sikh soldiers in B 2: 329 30
Women, views of in Jainism A 2: 424 Yan Zhen-sai (Yen Chen-sai)
A 2: 328 29 Worldly possessions, views of B 1: 85
Women in early Arabian society A 2: 329 Yang Zhu
B 1: 194 95 Worship, forms of A 1: 156
World Religions: Cumulative Index 61
Yaoyorozu no Kami Zarathushtra A 1: 221, 223, 230
A 2: 402 A 2: 443, 447 (ill.) Zhang Daoling (Chang Tao-ling)
Yarmulke, wearing B 2: 399 406, 399 (ill.) A 1: 179, 182, 186
A 2: 359, 359 (ill.) PS 186 (ill.), 191 Zhang Guolao (god)
Yasna in Bactria A 1: 190
A 2: 453 B 2: 403 05 Zhang Zhue (Chang Chueh)
B 2: 400 01 dating of A 1: 184
PS 185, 190 B 2: 400 Zhongli Quan (god)
Yathrib (Medina) early life A 1: 190
B 1: 27; 2: 303, 305 B 2: 401 02 Zhongyong (Chung Yung)
Year, division of life of A 1: 163
A 1: 197 A 2: 445 47 Zhou (Chou) Dynasty
Yellow Emperor s Classic on marriage and family life A 1: 22, 154 55
Medicine B 2: 404 PS 135
A 1: 203 names of Zhu Xi
Yijing (Classic of Changes) B 2: 399 A 1: 157, 171
A 1: 164, 191 religious beliefs Zhuangzi
Yin-Yang symbol B 2: 402 A 1: 178, 189, 191
A 1: 165, 191, 193 travels Zhung Yuan festival
Yoga B 2: 402 03 A 1: 196
A 1: 95; 2: 248 49, 266 67, Zartosht. See Zarathushtra Ziggurats
267 (ill.) Zartosht No-Diso A 1: 40, 52, 52 (ill.)
PS 119 A 2: 459 B 1: 122
Yom Kippur Zartoshti Zionism movement
A 2: 363 A 2: 443 A 2: 348
Yoshizawa, Akira Zaynab (daughter of Fatima) Zipporah
A 2: 416 B 1: 27 B 2: 286
Yuanshi Tianzong Zealots Zombies
(First Principle) A 2: 346, 350 51 A 2: 282
A 1: 188 Zebulun (son of Jacob) Zoroaster. See Zarathushtra
Yuhuang (Jade Emperor) B 1: 6 Zoroastrian priest
A 1: 188 Zen Buddhism B 2: 404 (ill.)
Yule A 1: 92, 93 94, 95 96, Zoroastrianism
A 2: 388 99, 115 A 2: 443 63
Yunfa B 2: 312 B 2: 404, 404 (ill.), 405
B 2: 378 Zen Doctrine of Emptiness/Void about
Yun-kang caves (China), A 1: 115 A 2: 446
pilgrimages to Zend (Zand) Avesta beliefs of
A 1: 110 A 2: 453 A 2: 451, 452
See also Avesta decline of
Zennichi. See Nichiren A 2: 461 62
Zeno of Citium Judaism and
A 1: 218 A 2: 462
Zarah, Abu Halah Hind, Ibn
Zera im (Seeds) monotheism of
B 1: 194
A 2: 356 PS 188
Zarathrutra. See Zarathushtra Zeus moral basis for
62 World Religions: Cumulative Index
PS 122 PS 3 persecution of
overview symbols of A 2: 448 49
A 2: 443 44 PS 191 B 2: 405
sects of texts of Zuhd
A 2: 449 50 PS 187 88 B 1: 13
similarity to Christianity/ See also Avesta; Gathas; Yasna Zurvanism sect
Islam/Judaism Zoroastrians A 2: 449
PS 191 92 number of Zwingli, Huldrych
supreme being in creation stories A 2: 443 44 A 1: 133
World Religions: Cumulative Index 63


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