test egzamin ang

I. Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets

  1. Your ………….. (present) is essential while you luggage is being controlled.

  2. Customs value of the goods …............. (estimate) on the basis of the particulars known and the documents presented at the time the application is lodged.

  3. I ……........ (work) at the Customs office since 2001.

  4. The importer of the goods …............ (oblige) to submit all supporting documents.

  5. Yesterday at this time I ……….. (watch) a football match.

  6. I ……….. (smoke) cigarettes when I was young but I …..….(get rid) of this habit last year.

  1. Could you wait for me, please? I ............ (be ready) in ten minutes.

  2. Please don't make so much noise. I ……………….. (work).

  3. What do you think about going to Paris next month. We ……… (can) stay at my sister's place.

  4. It is very warm today. You …………… (should have take) your umbrella.

  5. How many countries ………………. (visit) in your life?

  6. Release of goods needs …………………. (accept) of the customs authorities.

  7. Maggie hurt her leg when she …………….... (jog)

  8. I wanted to catch the thief, but unfortunately he …………….. (escape).

…....../ 15

II. Put the correct preposition (in, on, of etc.)

  1. She works quite hard. You can't accuse her … ……… being lazy.

  2. The new regulations will come ….............. force next year.

  3. I will join you ….... lunch if I'm able, of course.

  4. He sat ……..... the window and started to talk about the case.

  5. Binding tariff information shall be notified to the applicant …….... writing.

  6. When all the formalities are finished, goods can be released ………….. free circulation.

  7. Verifying the existence and authenticity of documents is a part of control made ……. customs authorities.

  8. It was a very lovely day. There wasn't a single cloud…………the sky

  9. Custom authorities are responsible ……...... applying customs rules.

  10. He went to the room and put his coffee ……….... a table.

…...... / 10

III. Fill in the gaps - use words in the box below.

prohibited, customs administration, powers, money laundering, supervision, abolition, cross-border crime, implementation, protection, weapons.

The ................of routine controls at the internal borders of the EU and increasing threats to

society have led to many customs administrations reassessing their priorities in regard to

financial and fiscal matters, as well as the .................of society against the activities of

cross-border organized crime. Together with its classic tasks, such as checking legitimate

trade, controlling the movement of goods, cash and monetary instruments and combating the

smuggling of ...............goods e.g. drugs and................, customs play and will continue to

play an important role in the protection of financial, cultural, environmental, health, safety

and security interests, thus contributing to the fight against......................, including

.....................and terrorism. Activities in such priority areas are directly related to

control and .....................of cross-border transactions and movement of goods.

These developments have resulted in a growing awareness in UE Member States of the role of

…………….. in fighting against cross-border organized crime and in defining the

security of the Union's citizens.

As consequence, customs administrations and other authorities of the Member States with

responsibility for the ..................of customs legislation have a need for investigative

and other ...................to enable the effective and professional combating of such crime within

their national competencies.

……./ 10

IV. Find mistakes and correct them (if needed)

  1. I have a lot of much money to spend. …...............................................................

  2. Her hair are very beautiful …...................................................................................

  3. She is the most beautiful person I ever saw………………………………………..

  4. He was looking after hidden goods........................................................................

  5. The goods can not be exempted for import duty. …………………………………..

……./ 5

V. Make questions to the underlined (do not change the tense)

  1. Someone stole his car from the parking.


  1. They brought ten tones of tea from India last year.


  1. Custom officers inspect companies producing alcohol.


  1. You must write this report today.


  1. Plants are subject to phytosanitary control.


……./ 5

VI. Change into passive voice (do not change the tense)

  1. She hasn't invited Fred to the party.


  1. We can't clear these goods today


  1. They will show the fireworks at the end of the party


  1. The manager is checking the price now


  1. You must sign this declaration


……./ 5

VII. Mark the correct form

1. I …………… the competition. I am very happy.

a. have won b. will win

c. didn't win d. was winning

2. It …………… when I woke up.

a. rain b. rains

c. was raining d. were raining

3. I will call you when I …………… home.

a. will be b. be

c. was d. am

4. He …………… them two years ago, in Warsaw.

a. was meeting b. met

c. has met d. have met

5. They like Chinese food, but they …………… this one yet.

a. didn't try b. wasn't tried

c. haven't tried d. try

6. …………… interested in classical music?

a. are you b. have you

c. do you d. don't you

7. I …………… do it, it is not obligatory.

a. don' t have to b. mustn't

c. must d. can not

8. We ……………each other for ages.

a. didn't see b. haven't seen

c. hasn't seen d. don't see

9. What ………………? The carpet is completely damaged.

a. you did b. have you done

c. do you do d. was you doing

10. That couldn't be that girl. She ……………in her room all day yesterday.

a. rest b. has rested

c. was resting d. has been resting



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