Matura 2013 Angielski ustny Zestawy moje odp woj podlaskie

Zestaw x

Czy chciałabym studiować za granicą? Jaki sport chciałabyś uprawiać? Jak spędzasz czas z przyjaciółmi?

1. Razem ze znajomym z Wielkiej Brytanii chcesz zorganizować pomoc w nauce dla biednych dzieci. Porusz: formy pomocy, materiały pomocnicze, miejsce, prawdopodobne problemy.

* good idea will be to give some tutorials for poor children, each of us could devote one or two hours a day to teach that king of kids.

* we should organise a charity carnival or a fundraiser in that way we could raise money for children school accessories

* a great deal of poor children don't go to school becouse their parents haven't got any money for bus ticket. If we hire a special school bus many kids will be able to attend classes.

- we will need lots of moneybox and advertising posters which encourge city dwellers to support our action

* tutorials could be hold in our school hall or in particular classrooms. Chartity carnivals should take place close to town hall there are always lots of people who can give some money to charity

- some problems with city goverment is possible to appear. Civil servants could disagree with idea of carrying out our fundraiser in the heart of the city or our school principal could give us no permission for usage classrooms in weekends
2. Zdjęcie niewidomego staruszka, który wychodzi z pociągu/tramwaju/metra z psem przewodnikiem. Pytania: czy pies pracuje? Jakie zwierzę chciałbyś mieć? I opisz swoją przygodę, gdy ktoś podrzucił Ci jakieś zwierzę i je zatrzymałeś.

I would like to have a cat. I would finally have something to hug and I would love it with all my heart. If I had a pet I would name it „Truffle”. Moreover I admire cats' independence and that kind of animals don't need any special care. Everything what But unfortunatelly my mother strongly disagree with that idea. She thinks that our flat is too small for animal and she is sure that I would quickly get bored with new pet.

Blind (niewidomy), go out (wychodzić), guide dog (pies przewodnik)
3. Biuro turystyczne ma 2 oferty co do zwiedzania Stanów Zjednoczonych. Wybierz jedno, drugie odrzuć. Pytania: Jak ludzie szukają miejsc na wakacje?

People are looking for holidays places in travel agencies or they are flick through catalgues. Many times they listen their friends' recommendations. Definitely we are searching for discounts so we can make a journey much cheaper.

Zestaw x

Wstępne: Jakie są twoje hobby? 2. Co lubisz robić w wolnym czasie? 3. Jaki jest twój najlepszy przyjaciel?
1.Poznałeś w Anglii kolegę/koleżankę opowiadasz o tym swojemu przyjacielowi. chmurki: hobby tej osoby, okoliczności poznania, uczucia towarzyszące pierwszemu spotkaniu

* she is really keen on sports specially on horse riding. First time I met her in my ant stable. She was helping her with washing „Truffle” my ant favourite hourse which was awarded many times in different racings. She had a big grin on her face and she was very soft for animal I felt as though I knew her for years. Somehow she reminds me you. Natalie is the same amiable and funny like you are.
2. obrazek, jakaś audycja radiowa, mężczyźni rozmawiający ze sobą przez mikrofon. pytania: jak myślisz o czym rozmawiają, opowiedz o swojej weekendowej pracy, coś tam jeszcze o uczuciach tych dwóch osób.

Radio broadcast (audycja radiowa)

- From my point of view they are talking maybe about one of Polish social problem such as unemployment. As far as I am concerned there are many citizens without a job in our contry and this issue should be resolve by goverment. It is important to ensure new workplace or at least some courses on which dwellers will be able to achive further education on new qualifications.

- In my first weekend job I was giving out leaflets next to the town hall. It was in July two years ago. I remember that work as really hard and exhausting. I had to work in intense heat and nobody wanted to take any flyer from me. Moreover I spent entire days on my on feet. I didn't had no chance to give out all leaflets for strangers so in the end I handed out whole flayers to my realatives and friends.
3. wybierz prezent dla babci i dziadka twojego kolegi, którzy lubią aktywnie spędzać czas. i obrazki: jeden to autobus w centrum miasta i grupka ludzi, drugi basen i hotel, a trzeci to dziadek z wnuczkami w górach. Pytania: jakie są korzyści z aktywnego spędzania czasu, jaki typ wakacji wybierają młodzi ludzie i dlaczego?

* It has to be pointed out that spending our free time in active way is very important. Not only has it health benefits but it also make us happier. It is proved that active form of leisure time decrease the obesity risk and rish of heart diseases. Regular motion keep our body fit and athletic. Consequently we should do sport at least 3 times a week.

* A great deal of teenagers opt for package holiday. In that way they don't have to worry about trip schedule or incidental expenses. In addition we opt for vaction in foreign countries, we want to see different cultures and improve our language skills. As far as I am concerned another reason why adolescent choose that kind of holidays is that the plan of that holidays includes many parties and going to the clubs, young people love to dance and make friend with new people.

Zestaw x

Zad.1 Chcesz kupić dużego psa, mówisz o tym swojemu koledze z Nowego Jorku, w rozmowie porusz kwestie: karmienie psa, czyszczenie po psie, opieka weterynaryjna, kwestia bezpieczeństwa dla rodziny.
* If I get a dog it will be feeded by my mother who will buy special dog food. But it will be me who will be washing and cleaning after „Truffle”. I am obligated to do it every time the dog will make a mess. Each month „Truffle” will be taken to the vet and exmined. My parents will also cover the costs of its treatment. New pet in our home is completely safe for my realatives. None of us suffer from allergy to fur. Moreover we opt for beagle. It isn't any big or dangerous breed of dogs so my little brother wont be affraid of that pet.
Zad.2 Na obrazku mężczyzna siedzący na lotnisku z laptopem na kolanach, obok bagaż. Pytania: Jak myślisz co mężczyzna robi? Czy lubisz podróżować z przyjaciółmi i dlaczego? Opowiedz o jakiejś swojej wycieczce z przyjaciółmi.
Lagguage (bagaż)

* I am convinced that this man is surfing the Internet. Propably he is checking his e-mail or writing a new one to his wife before the plane take off. Another reason why he is holding the laptop on his knees may be that his employer gave him some important work to do and he wasn't able to prepare it before.

* I love it! Travelling with my friend is one of my favourite ways of spending my leisure time. Not only spending time with my friend makes me happy but it also strengthen our friendship. It has to be pointed out that on that kind of holidays I am free of my parents' control and their bans. It could be said that I am independent and I am able to make my own decisions which somehow makes me more responsible.

* It was two years ago my friend and I went on a package holiday to Spain. The trip schedule includes sightseeing tours to many Spanish towns such as Barcelona, Lloret de mar or Tossa de mar. I admire sighseeing so I had been looking forward to this trip many weeks before we set off. Especially on the tour to Barcelona which I always wanted to see in live. We hit the road very early it was about four o'clock and after long bus travel we finally arrived to our destination. Unfortunatelly it was raining all day long so many monuments we saw only through the bus window. It stopped raining at the evening just before the display of dancing fountains. My friends and I was so amazed by this spectacular view that our bus almost drive away without us. I am convinced that i will be remember this trip for very long time.
Zad.3 Chcesz wynająć mieszkanie, wybierz sposób szukania ofert. Pierwszy obrazek: Ulotki z ofertami wynajmu. Drugi: Szukanie za pomocą internetu. Trzeci: Chodzenie z mapą po mieście i szukanie ofert. Pytań nie pamiętam.

Zestaw x

1. Jestem chora i chmurki do jakiego lekarza idę co to za choroba i dwóch nie pamiętam

For 4 days I've got a terrible earache. My left ear is read and I have a little hard of hearing. As far as I am concerned it could be an inflammation but to make sure my mother called a laryngologist and tomorrow I am having a medical appointment.
2. obrazek to tłum ludzi i stoją za ogrodzeniem/bramka a po prawej stronie stoi piłkarz i podpisuje autograf z swoim zdjęciem. Pytanie dlaczego ludzie chcą mieć autografy sławnych ludzi?

As far as people are concerned they would like to have many autographs of famous celebrities. In that way they could boast that they met a person who we every day see in our TV. For others an autograph is just a souvenir. On the other hand a great deal of people take an autograph from celebrities just because it is strange not to take it and if they don't do that in the future they will be filled with remorse.
3. mam z koleżanka do zorganizowania kampanie dot. języka angielskiego i trzy plakaty do wybory jeden z kolorowymi rękoma przedstawiającymi mapę świata, następny to jakiś kolorowy napis a trzeci to jakiś uczeń czytający książkę i nauczyciel. Pytania
Czy język angielski przydaje się w życiu i do czego może się przydać?

As far as English is concerned it is worldwide used language and it is really important to know just the basics of this language. Nowadays it could be said that English is an universal language in which you can communicate in the entire world eventhough it isn't a offical language in every country. There aren't many states on which citizens don't speak in that language. English is very useful in abroad trips. But for English we wouldn't be able to communicate with foreigners. Moreover, if you know English you have wider work prospects, employer willigly hire people who are able to speak foreign languages.
Jaki jest twój ulubiony artysta/piosenkarz/piosenkarka?

My favorite singer is Florence and the Machine. I truly admire her songs, especilly „Breath of life” which we could hear in the movie Snow White and the Huntsman. Moreover, new production „The great Gatsby” which I saw previous week also includes Florence and the Machine's songs in its soundtrack.
Dlaczego akurat ten piosenkarz/piosenkarka jest twoim idolem?

Because she create music which hit my taste. Her music is simple, calm and the texts of songs are very real-life. Not only is her voice amazing and magic but it also can transfer a great deal of diffrent feelings. Moreover the incidental music is fantastic.

Zestaw x

Czy masz jakieś hobby? Czy masz na ich uprawianie dużo czasu? Czy lubisz chodzić na zakupy? Z kim lubisz chodzić na zakupy? Czy lubisz robić zakupy w secondhand'ach?

1) Chcesz zapisać się na kurs językowy w sekretariacie szkoły porusz następujące kwestie:

- kto będzie Cię uczył -o której godzinie zaczynają się zajęcia - jakie masz zdolności językowe ( coś o tym czy zaawansowane czy średnie) - czy możesz skorzystać z materiałów znajdujących się w szkole.

*Is there a possibility that I will be teached by a native speaker? *Will it be able to carry out the classes at the evening between 7 or 9 pm beacause I have to work before *I estimate my English level as upper-intermidiate. Two years ago I achive FCE diploma * Is the price od that course includes educate accesories and books? And if have I an access to school library?

2. Obrazek : Jakaś parada. Na pierwszym planie ludzie w jakichś mundurach niosący flagi. Z tyłu ludzie, którzy ich obserwują. Pytania: Czy parady polityczne w Polsce są potrzebne?

Procession (parada), uniform (mundur)

As far as political processions are concerned they are really needed in our Polish society because in that way citizens can show their dissatisfaction with goverment's decision and influence their future actions. However, in some that ing of events people behaviour in agressive way. They devastate public properties or even fight with others.

Opisz paradę w jakiej brałaś udział.

Two years ago I participate Polish Constitution Day Parade which is held every years on third May. We celebrated Polish Constitution of 1791. This historic document was the first democratic constitution in Europe and second in the world. The procession take place next to town hall. There were many people and each of us was holding red-white flag. Ahead the procession went the orchestra. After all celebrations in the heart od the city there was a mass in the local church.

3. Trzy plakat odnośnie zaprzestania wojen, 1) Dłoń trzymająca kielich i obok niej ta sama tylko bez kielicha i wino rozlane.2) Gołębie latające nad roztrzaskanym hełmem.3) Gołąb z gałązką w dziobie i jakiś napis. Pytania:

1) Czemu kraje walczą ze sobą.?

As far as countries are concerned they are fighting and wage wars because they want to take control over some terrains which are feritile or rich in oil. Another reason of fighting is that some nations the same like Poland many years ago are under occupation so they are demand independence.

2) Co możemy zrobić dla ludzi którzy mieszkają w krajach ogarniętych wojną.

They best way to support people who live in the coutries where the war lasts for many years is transfering money for starving people . Poland can also send their soliders to peaceful mission which are organised by NATO. All countries should also force fighting nation to make a compromise. But if they they don't make any agreement a ban on trade with that states should be imposed.

Zestaw x!!!!!!!!

Zad.1 Chcesz zostac opiekunką do dziecka, rozmawiasz z rodzicami -kwalifikacje Twoje - Twój poziom języka angielskiego - pensja - czas pracy

* My professional experience inclues working with children in diffrent age. I can send you references from my previous employers. I had taken care of two boys at the age of five and after that I looked after kids on a summer camp. * I estimate my English level as upper-intermidiate. Two years ago I achive FCE diploma but I still improve my skills. * In my opincion the best price for a start will be five pounds per hour * I am able to work between 7 to 16 o'clock because later I have my night school.
Zad.2 Na obrazku trzech chłopaków przed szkoła, jeden nagrywa kamera wideo coś ogólnie śmieją się i są zadowoleniu. Record (nagrywać)
- pytanie czemu oni są zadowoleni?

They are pleasead
- jak ważni są dla Ciebie przyjaciele?

As far as my friends are concerned they play a central role in my life. I can't imagine my reality without my best friends. I consider my friends as if they were my family. In every situation I can rely on them, tell them my secrets and I always know that they support me. I also try to never hurt their feelings.
Opisz jakaś zabawna sytuacje która widziałaś?

It was about one year ago my friends and I were in the ZOO. We were watching many different, wild animals. The last animal we saw was the elephant. We watched as it was eating a huge amonut of vegetables and fruits. Suddenly the elephant put his trunk into water and... splash on us. We came back home wet but I consider that trip as really funny.
Czy kupienie małemu dziecku zwierzątka to dobry pomysł?

As far as I am concerned small kids shouldn't be given any pet. In my opinion children are irresponsible and careless. It is possible that they quickly get bored with new animal and they stop looking after that pet. As a result pet could be neglected or even get sick.

Zad.3 Organizujesz przyjęcie urodzinowe dla brata kolegi. Na pierwszym obrazku plac zabaw, na drugim basen z kulkami trzecim McDonald's. - pytanie coś do opiekowania się zwierzętami
- czy młodzi ludzie powinni pracować jako opiekuni do dzieci.

Taking care of children is a huge responisbilty. As far as adolesents are concerned they shouldn't work as baby-sitters. A great nanny is consider to be careful and sensitive. That person should also have experience in working with kids. People who are elder and brought up their own children are thought to be the best choice for being a baby-sitter.

Zestaw x

1. Rozmowa z jakąś matką nt. chęci podjęcia pracy jako opiekunka jej dziecka. Kwestie do omówienia: -obowiązki -okres w jakim chcę podjąć pracę i godziny -predyspozycje
* I suppose that my duties will include feeding kid, picking up from school, helping him with homework and playing with him, am I right? * I am able to work during my school break between June and September. The most suitable working hourse for me are from 9 to 16 o'clock. * I have experience with taking care of children at this age and I am also rensponsible and sensitive.
2. Obrazek z dziewczynką karmiącą papugi. Pytanie: dlaczego się ich nie boi?

The girl isn't afraid of parrots because these birds look harmless and propably the girl is amazed by their colorful feathering. She is sure that this beautiful birds don't do her any harm.
Opowiadanko o wizycie w ZOO

Recently my friends and I visited the local zoo. We started our tour from the cages with wild cats such as tigers and lions. Then we moved to the Australian section where we saw kangaroos and sleeping koala. We found bird section boring so we skiped it and went to monkeys. I was impressed how smart and funny they are. I gave them some bananas. The last animal we saw was the elephant. We watched as it was eating a huge amonut of vegetables and fruits. Suddenly the elephant put his trunk into water and... splash on us. We came back home wet but really pleased our trip.
Jak dbasz o środowisko naturalne?

I still try to improve my ecological awareness. Nowadays every time I go shopping I take a reusable bag. I also encouraged my parents to sort out rubbish and now there are special containers for glass and plastic next to my house. I also try to save water and energy. And when it is possible I opt for cycling instead of driving a car.
3. Jakaś studencka kampania o promowaniu roweru jako środka transportu. Trzy plakaty:
-grafika z kobietą jadącą na rowerze "z kwiatów" -rysunek przedstawiający kolesia w garniturze jadącego na rowerze z rozłożonymi rękami (że niby taki szczęśliwy jest) -drzewko z rowerów

Czy samochody powinny zniknąć z centrum miasta?

As far as I am concerned cars shouldn't be removed from the city centre . The disadvantages outweight the advantages of this idea. First of all, when people stop car usage the public buses will be crammed and the comfort of driving that kind form of transport will be much inconvinient than it is now. Moreover, if the heart of the city be closed for cars it will make many dwellers way to work much harder. Inhabitats will have to seek for detours.
Jakim środkiem transportu ludzie wyjeżdżają na wakacje?

The car is by far the most popular form of transport for tourism. It is easy and cheap mode of transport and in addition most of citizens is owning their own cars. However, more and more people are travelling by plane when they have to come a long distance. On the other hand the usage of trains has systematically decreased.

Zestaw x
1. Dialog sytuacja w teatrze chmurki do omówienia (cena, miejsca, dojazd, na jaki spektakl)

* How much the ticket costs? Are there any discount for students? * Can I book two sits in the tenth row? * To get there we have to take bus number 112 from the High Street and get off at the fifth stop
2. obrazek : Para siedząca na sofie wokół nich kartony (pytań nie pamiętam wiem ze coś dlaczego widoczne są kartony)

Jakie jest moi zdaniem najlepsze mieszkanie?

Large, spacious apartament with french windows is consider by me to be the best flat. In my opinion, five or six rooms are enough. It is apporiate space for family and guests. It has to be pointed out that the flat has to be located in the mountains or near the beach. Inside walls are painted in pastel colors and there are also many colorful flowers. I dream about having my own domestic library and the fireplace in the living room.
3: wybrać jeden obrazek z 3( ścieki do rzeki, śmieci na plaży, widok kominów) pytania w zależności od tego który się wybierze ja wybrałem śmieci na plaży to było:

Czy śmieci są dużym zagrożeniem dla środowiska?

As far as I am concerned rubbish pose a serious risk for natural habitat. I could be said that accumulation of trash is the biggest threat for our planet. There are much more industrial waste than it was fifty years ago. Especially dangerous are plastics which contain toxic ingredients. This can lead to water pollution. Animals and people who drink from contaminated water supplies can suffer from serious diseases. Moreover polluted soil on which a rubish dump is located propably will never give crops.

Jak można temu zapobiegać?

Improvement of citizens' ecological awareness is the best soluction to resolove this issue of rubish accumulation. If the goverment were to provide special public program mineded to encourge dwellers to recycle trash the problem of rubish would quickly decrease. Biological and animal waste should be usead as a compost and fertilizer.

Zestaw x

1. Dialog : Idę z kolegą/koleżanką do restauracji w Anglii, mam omówić, gdzie ta restauracja się znajduję, jaka cena za jedzenie i co będziemy jeść(na pewno powie że jest wegetarianką), z jakiej okazji zaprosiłem do restauracji, czym jedziemy, o której, jaki wystrój wnętrza..
* I'm calling you to tell that I finally pass my driving test on that occasion I invite you for a dinner in „Fenix” restaurant * I still haven't got my own car but my brother told me that he would borrow my his car * Are you free on Monday? Is 3pm a good time for you ? * The restaurant is located on the edge of the city so there are calm and quiet * The restaurnat is decorated in earthy tones of brown and cream with flower motifs on walls. Tables are round, covered with purple cloth. *The prices aren't exorbitant. However, some Italian dishes are a bit expensive. But I guess that we will pay about 20$ * I was thinking that we could try a new meals in the restaurant menu such as chicken nuggets or a lobster.
2. Obrazek : Na obrazku znajdywała się drużyna koszykarska szkolna dziewcząt która jest po meczu zwycięskim bo liderka trzyma trofeum uniesione w powietrzu i dookoła jej drużyna to logiczne oraz oczywiste wszystko odbywa się na hali

The leader is holding a trophy over her head. She is surrounded by her team mates.
Pyt. : 1. Która z dziewczyn na obrazu jest uśmiechnięta i dlaczego?

She is pleased with her team winning. Propably the winning is connected with another prize from maybe the school principal. Moreover her team is admired by the public.
2. Jaki Twoim zdaniem sport jest zły i dlaczego.

As far as I am concerned the bungee jumping is a bad sport. I consider that sport as dangerous and careless. Even a little fault with the rope can lead to serious injuries or even a death. I will never try bungee jumping because I have a fear of heighs.
3. Czy miałeś kiedyś kontuzje podczas uprawiania sportu, jak tak to go omów co dokładnie.
I have never had any injury during doing a sport but once I sprain my ankle when I was rushing on the stairs. I was running to open the front door to my best friend. We had planned to go for a walk but unfortunatelly we had to go to the hospital and there I had my leg plastered.

3. Wybór z 3 obrazków : Miałem za zadanie wybrać odpowiednie miejsce dla kolegi gdzie najlepiej by mu pasowało na wakacje czy urlop. Pierwszy obrazek : Widok na jakieś pomieszczenia w skałach jakby u Araba Drugi obrazek: Wielkie City, gdzie w centrum widnieje potężny hotel a dookoła metro, itd. Trzeci obrazek: Pokój hotelowy w oceanie bo jest widok na zewnątrz na ocean w sensie po prostu pod wodą
Jak sądzisz, gdzie najniebezpieczniej może być na wakacjach, dlaczego?

There is no getting aroung the fact that holidays could be really dangerous. I consider diseases as the most risky thing during our vacations. Especially being in the Topics we could get sick if we hadn't vaccinated before we set off. As a result we could spend our holidays not on the beach but in the hotel room. Moreover, some diseases are really serious and can even lead to death.

Zestaw x

1. Organizujesz jakieś wydarzenie sportowe, zaproś kolegę. Omów: - miejsce oraz termin spotkania - transport/dojazd (egzaminator nie zgodził się z proponowanym dojazdem) - ochronę i możliwe problemy z władzą - bilety

* The event will be guarded by more than hundred security guard so you don't have to worry about your safety * To get there we have to take bus number 112 from the High Street and get off at the fifth stop * As my guest you have a free entrance you have to only tell the recepcionist you surname and he let you in * there could be some problems with the police but only when the participants will behave in aggresive way or there will be too loudly
2. rysunek przedstawiający dziecko i dorosłego w jakimś lesie sadzących drzewo
Plant (sadzić)
Jak sądzisz dlaczego oni sadzą te drzewa?

In my opinion they are planting this tree propably because they take part in one of the big campanies which are held every year in Poland. This actions focus on making new natural resorces. Seeding new trees is really important because it stops deforestation and futhermore trees produce oxygen and they also have ability to clean the soil.

Czy ludzie powinni trzymać psa w mieszkaniu?

Many people consider dog as if it was one of the family member so there is no getting around the fact that the dog should be kept in the flat. Not only there are warmer than outside but also our pet is close to us and feel safe. But on the other hand dog can bark loudly and in that way disturb our neightbours. Sometimes they could call the police and we will be forced to pay a fine.
Co można zrobić żeby ochronić środowisko?

Recycling is the easiest thing that we can do to protect the planet. What makes it easier is that there are so many rubbish which we can recycle. Things like soda cans, plastic bottles, paper or empty boxes can be recycled. On many streets there are special containers to which we can put segreated litter. It is also important to take reusable bag every time we go shopping.
3. Wybierz plakat promujący pomoc psychologiczną w Twojej szkole na pierwszym rysunku była jakaś dziewczyna ze starszym facetem i uśmiechają się, na drugim rysunku była smutna dziewczyna na trzecim rysunku kilka dłoni położonych jedna na drugą
pytania: - co możesz zrobić kiedy masz zły humor?
- w jaki sposób psycholog pomaga dla ludzi?
czy lepiej jest pokazywać swoje uczucia/emocje, czy lepiej je ukrywać

Zestaw x

1.Chcesz zabrać koleżankę do restauracji na obiad, omów: co można zjeść i ceny, wystrój wnętrza, sposób dojazdu i atrakcje po zjedzeniu obiadu.

* Every day about 3 pm there is an orchiestra which plays classical music so if we go there at 2 pm we will enjoy the music after eating
2.Na obrazku uśmiechnięci chłopak i dziewczyna ćwiczą na siłowni.

Dlaczego osoby na zdjęciu są uśmiechnięte?

In my opinion people on the picture are smiling because they are pleased with their lifestyle. It is known that sport brings many benefits such as fit, atheltic body and better health. Moreover during the physical activity our organism generate endorphins which make us happy and joyful.

Opowiedz o jakiś zawodach sportowych w których brałeś udział Ty lub ktoś z Twoich znajomych.

Last time when I was on a sport event was two years ago. It was dancing competiton where I watched my friend performence. It took place in a local theatre. My friend was wearing short black dress the same as rest of her team. All of them have also dark make up on their faces. They was dancing dancehall to song. Unfortunatelly her team didn't win the grand price. But in my opion their performence deserved on that.

Coś o zdrowym trybie życia ale nie pamiętam dokładnie.
3.Wybierz rodzaj pracy, którą chciałbyś wykonywać w wakacje (kelner, ratownik na basenie, naprawa okien)

*Good nutrition and adequate sleep * good eating habits can decrease the obesity risk * it is said that people who lead a healthy lifestyle live longer * Exercise improves mood

-Jakie są zalety wakacyjnej pracy?

The biggest benefit of seasonal job is that you can speend your free time in a productive way and as a result save some money which you can after spend on holiday trip or clothes for example. Another advantage of seasonal employment is its diversity. There are many type of jobs starting from fruits picking ending on taking care of children. Moreover you are able to achive the experience which could be needed in your future permament job.

Zestaw x

Zad.1 Chcesz jechać z koleżanką na większe zakupy do pobliskiego miasta, w dymkach było : lista zakupów, transport, podział kosztów i rodzaje sklepów do jakich zajdziecie.

* My schopping list includes a long dark dress, pair of high heels I need these things for my prom and my mather also asked me to buy some fruits, bread and milk. * We have to visit baker's, grocer's, shoe shop and slothing shop am I right?

Zad.2 Był obrazek przedstawiający dwoje dzieci i matkę chyba w kinie na filmie w 3D. dzieci wyciągają ręce.

Kiedy byłam ostatnio w teatrze i z kim?

The last I was in the theatre was two years ago. My class and I watched the performance of „Ballads and Romances” by Adam Mickiewicz. I found that spectacle very interesting because not only were the cast and music fantastic but also there are some multimedia elements such as fragments of movies. As far as I am concerned if the tickets to the theatre weren't so expensive I would watch performences more often.

Czy fajnie jest pracować jako artysta?

I consider working as an artis as a fantastic and joyful job. First of all you have a chance to express yourself and what's the most important you receive money for doing your passion.It has to be pointed out that your working hours are flexible. It is you who decide when you have to work.

Zad.3 Trzy obrazki przedstawiające pokoje i trzeba wybrać, w którym chciałabym mieszkać podczas studiów( były podane ceny tam).

Jedno było o wadach mieszkania na kampusie?

As far as living on campus is concerned, it is the cheapest option of settlement. However it is conevcted with some drawbacks. First of all dorms can be noisy places. It is widely known that students like organising noisy parties. As a result we can't focus on studing because loud music distract us. There is also lack of privacy because you are almost always surrounded by your roommates. In dominatory there are also strict rules and regulations which have to be respected.

Zestaw x

Zad.1 Planujesz tygodniowy wyjazd z rodzicami, dzwonisz do hotelu: - pokoje - wyposażenie pokoju -parking -na kiedy planowany jest przyjazd.

*I'd like to make a reservation for triple room in the second weekend in September. Do you have any vacancies? * Are there single or duble beds in this room?And if the equipment of the room includes satellite TV or towels? * Is the parking large enough to leave there our caravan?

2. Obrazek koleś przykuty do drzewa łańcuchem, w tle stoi inny gościu, a policjant rozcina łańcuch. (obrazek z dwoma policjantami w lesie, jakiś facet łańcuchem przywiązany do drzewa, policjant próbuje go uwolnić. z tyłu kawałek drugiego mężczyzny było widać, wyglądało jakby miał na sobie jakiś worek )chained (przywiązany łańcuchem) relieve (uwolnić) sack (worek)

Dlaczego ten gościu jest przykuty do drzewa?

As far as I am concerned this man could be one of the participant of an ecological campaign. By chaining to the tree he express his disagreement. In this way he is trying to encourge the members of parliament to change their decision because I guess that they want to cat down all tree from that forest and propably build there a new motorway.

Jak dbam o środowisko?

I still try to improve my ecological awareness. Nowadays every time I go shopping I take a reusable bag. I also encouraged my parents to sort out rubbish and now there are special containers for glass and plastic next to my house. I also try to save water and energy. And when it is possible I opt for cycling instead of driving a car.

Opisz imprezę ekologiczną zorganizowaną w Twojej szkole

When I was in junior high school there was an ecological event it was foced on showing students the consequences of deforestation. There were some lectures on which we were teached how the tree influence our habitat. Teachers also showed us how to plant new tree and how to take care of it. On the end of a day school principal organized a few competitions with attractive prizes.

3. Do wyboru 3 miejsca do polecenia koledze na spędzenie Sylwestra

- kulig, zima, las - impreza w centrum miasta - domówka ze znajomymi.

coś o poznawaniu ludzi przez internet.

Dlaczego koncerty sylwestrowe są popularne i dlaczego ludzie na nie chodzą?

As far as New Years Eve concerts are concerned they are a great solution for citizens who have no plans for they New Years Eve night. Not only can they listen their favourite music live but they have also chance to meet some celebrites and get an autograph. That kind of concerts are also intresting for people who got sick and had to stay in home. But personally I prefer to spend New Year Eve with my friends or relatives.

Co może zepsuć dobrą imprezę?

Zestaw x

Czy powinno się organizować takie ceremonie historyczne?

As far as historical events are concerned it is very important to organise that kind of events. It has to be pointed out that the Polish citizens can't forget out our nation history. Memory of our ancestors' brave should be widely respected. Historical events are a great way of commorate it.

Opisać przygotowania takiej ceremonii.

That kind of events should needs special decorations. The space where the ceremony will take place should be filled with polish red-white flags and other polish symbols such as eagle with the crown. The professional orchestra should also be hired. Before the celebration in the city centere should be hung advertising posters. In that way more people will know about the event and could take part in it.

Zad 1. szukasz pracy sezonowej w Wielkiej Brytanii i mówisz o tym koledze
Omów: -zarobki -dlaczego taka praca -doświadczenia na przyszłość

Zad.2 Obrazek z dziewczynami drącymi ryje, w tle trybuny z kibicami, dziewczyny w sportowych strojach przy prawdopodobnie bramce do piłki nożnej. Platform (trybuna) goal (bramka)
Czy to prawdziwa gra czy trening?
Co było po tym jak ty lub Twoja przyjaciel wygraliście coś?

It was two years ago my friend and I won the grand prize in dance competition and the award includes the extra lessons with famous dancing coach. We learn from him many new skills and we learned how to dance jazz.
Czy lubisz gry zespołowe?

As far as team games are concerned I dislike them. Every time I play with my friends in volleyball or basketball I feel pressure not to let them down I am also afraid of making some mistakes which could lead to our loose.
zad.3 plakaty o kradzieżach,
Jakie zagrożenia mogą ci grozić?

There are many different risk in our evey day life. Each day we could be robbed or attacked by someone so it is really important not to trust people who we meet. Another danger which can happen to us is car accident. To avoid it we have to reduce speed on the motorways and dive our car carefully.

Zestaw x

1/ Zdecydowałaś się wziąć udział w kursie fotograficznym. Zapraszasz kolegę/koleżankę na wystawę. (temat wystawy,miejsce gdzie się to odbędzie,wrażenia po skończeniu kursu)
2/ Obrazek na którym jest kobieta z dzieckiem(dziecko siedzi jej na kolanach),ona w między czasie robi coś na komputerze. Pytanie: dlaczego dziecko siedzi jej na kolanach?
3/ Są trzy plakaty. temat to oszczędzanie wody. Na jednym obrazku jest kran z takim małym drzewkiem. Na drugim kran,gdzie cieknąca woda spada do jakiegoś pojemnika,a trzeci to dłoń na której jest trochę wody. Wybierz bardziej odpowiedni do kampanii.
Tap (kran)
Jakie są dobre aspekty trzymania zwierząt w zoo?

First of all, people can see wild, beautiful, exotic animals. They can see how animals live and behave. Secondly, animals have good life conditions in zoos. They do not starve because they have food and water ensured. People also take care of animals, if they get sick the medcial treatment is also ensured. Animals are safe. People don't hunt on them.

Czy uważasz ze recykling jest dobra droga do ocalenia naszego środowiska

Recycling is really needed these days because there are many problems with soil and water pollution. Recycling is the easiest thing that we can do to protect the planet. What makes it easier is that there are so many rubbish which we can recycle. Things like soda cans, plastic bottles, paper or empty boxes can be recycled. Moreover sorting out the litter lead to decrease in deforestation because people use reusable articles and as a result less tress are being cut down.

Zestaw x

Pytania wstępne: Jak zazwyczaj spędzasz swoje letnie wakacje.? Czy potrafisz gotować?
Zadanie 1. Twój kolega/koleżanka źle się czuje dowiedz się co jej dolega. Omów 4 kwestie:
- Jakie ma dolegliwości - Wizyta u lekarza - Lekarstwa - Zajęcia, które miała wykonać dzisiaj

* What aches and pains do you have? * Maybe you should make an apointment to doctor * He can prescribe you painkillers or another medicaments * What activities are you obligated to do today? Perhaps I can replace you?
Zadanie 2. Na obrazku jest kilka osób. Są to kucharze, są oni w kuchni w jakiejś restauracji. Jeden gotuje, a reszta się patrzy. Dlaczego jedna osoba gotuje, a reszta ogląda to.
Czy lubisz jedzenie na wynos?

As far as takeaway food is concerned I don't like it. I definitely prefer fresh, homemade food. Especially made by myself. I love to experiment in the kitchen and trying new recipes which I find in the Internet. Moreover homemade food is more healthy because you know all ingredients which you used to make this meal and you know that it doesn't contained any artificial ingredients.
Opisz krótka historię, kiedy to Ty ugotowałeś coś niedobrego.
Zadanie3. Coś związane z jakąś kampanią na temat technologii. Obrazek 1. Klawiatura i monitor Obrazek 2. Twarz chłopaka, a wokół niej telefon, komputer, klawiatura itd. Obrazek 3. Ręka z kablami
keyboard (klawiatura), cable (kabel)
Jakie są korzystne aspekty korzystania z komputera?

The advantages of using computer is that we can find a lot of information we may be looking for. It also give us chance to type out a document or school essays. We can communicate with people from entire world. Computer games are also a great entertainment.

Jakie są nie korzystne aspekty korzystania z komputera?

Nowadays we are living in the modern times when computers are almost every home, workplace and even a classroom.The most serious risk of computer usage is that lead to eyesight disorder such as short-sightedness. Moreover, illegal file downloading can ruin businesses. With so many computers connected to the Internet, users are at risk for a number of safety issues. Viruses are considered to be a serious problem.
Czy telefon komórkowy odgrywa w twoim życiu ważną rolę?

As far as my mobile phone is concerned it doesn't play a central role in my life. I usually take it every time I go out from home however I don't feel empty when I forget about it. I use mobile phone only for sendind text messages or for calling to my friends. Sometimes I check things in the Internet if I don't have any acces to my domestic network. I am definitly not addicted to my mobile phone.

Zestaw x

zadanie 1. koleżanka przeprowadza remont mieszkania: * koszt i termin remontu * jak możesz jej pomoc * co proponujesz zmienić

* What is total cost of the renovation? Does the price includes new furnitures? * How can I support you? Maybe you need some help with walls painting? * In my opinion your bathroom should definitely be enlarged and the old bath has to be changed.

zadanie 2. W tle park, para siedzi przy jakimś posągu, ślą sobie uśmiechy i trzymają się za ręce (wyglądało na zaręczyny hold hands (trzymać się za ręce)
Dlaczego Twoim zdaniem Ci ludzie się uśmiechają?

They are smiling becouse propably this guy propose to her and both of them now are thinking about their common future.

Czy lubisz dostawać prezenty?

I like be given present however I am much keen on doing handcrafts for my friends and relatives. Every time there are my family or friends' birthsday I try to give them a uniqe gift. Recently I made a jewellery box for my best friend Emily.

Jaki najfajniejszy prezent dostałeś?

The best present which I was given was the big packet of books which I recived from my parents. The box includes more than than novels and all books written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon my favourite author. I was really pleased with that present becouse I love reading books and I am also book reviewer so I could publish many new reviews on my website.

zadanie 3 jesteś wolontariuszem i gdzie chciałbyś pracować a) opiekunka do dzieci b) praca w schronisku c) praca z niepełnosprawnymi starszymi ludźmi.

Jaki uniwersytet musisz skończyć aby pracować w wymarzonym zawodzie ?

Czy dużo jest wolontariuszy w Polsce?

As far as Polish charity workers are concerned there are many of them. We could see it during the annual Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. During this event lots of adolscents with specific moneyboxes coverd with numerous red hearts are seen in the city centre. Collecting food with the long expire date is also popular in Poland. Teenagers stay next to the cash desk and they encourage people to support the event.
Czy w Polsce wolontariat jest popularny?

Voluntary service is very popular in Poland. Considerable amont of people apply for being a charity worker and many of them participate in fund-raisers. More over Poles willingly support charity event such as Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity or Divide your meal.

Zestaw x

1 zad. Znajomy z GB chce się nauczyć j. Polskiego. Zwrócił się do ciebie z prośbą o pomoc. Chmurki to: pomoc, koszta, miejsce
2 zad. Na obrazku jest chłopak siedzący przed komputerem a z tyłu w kuchni patrzy na niego dziewczyna. Pytania:

Jak czuje się dziewczyna gdy jej chłopak gra w gry komputerowe?

In my opinion that girl feel sad and propably later this couple will have an argument because the boy is more intereted in game then in his girfriend. As far as I am concerned they will quickly break up.

Czy granie w gry online multi player rozwija człowieka i jakie płyną z nich korzyści?

As far as online games are concerned they sometimes have positive influence on players. First of all they are a great entertainment and people can overcome their boredom. On the other hands, playing online games usually involves other players in this way we learn how to cooperate in a team. Moreover a great deal of games aren't translated in polish so players can develop their language skills.

Jak pomagasz w domu w pracach domowych?

It is my mother who does considerable amount of household chores. However, I try to replace her every time when I am able to do it. My room is kept in cleanliness, I always wash dishes after eating and I also vaccum the carpets when I see that they are dirty.
3 zad. Są trzy obrazki namalowane przez dzieci z przedszkola czy tam podstawówki (jeden zrobiony las z prawdziwych przyklejonych liści, a drugi z kulek z bibuły ułożone trzy drzewa - można powiedzieć że do końca nie wiadomo, ile tam jest drzew, że praca jest nieczytelna i że trudno się domyślić, że biała plama w dolnym lewym rogu to królik. )
Jak powinni ludzie pomagać zwierzętom zagrożonym wyginięciem?

It is hard for us to directly protect endangered species but we can teach our friends and family about the wonderful wildlife, birds, fish and plants that live near us. The first step to protect endangered species is learning how interesting and important they are. Another way to stop extinction is avoding buying things like furs which are made from species nearing extinction. It is also important to protect natural habitat and recycle rubish. They caintain toxins which have an negative impact on eviroment.
Czy uważasz że edukowanie dzieci w okresie szkolnym o ekologii jest dobrym pomysłem?

Zestaw x

Jaki jest twój przyjaciel? Jakim transportem wybierzesz się na wakacje
zad 1. chcesz namówić kolegę do wzięcia udziału we wspólnej akcji dotyczącej pomocy dla zwierząt ze schroniska. opisz formę pomocy dla nich, pomysły, skąd weźmiesz fundusze.
* Have you ever thought about helping in the animalt shelter? I'm calling to propose you participation in new campaign which I'm orginising * The support includes every day addendance in the shelter where we will help workers with cleaning animals and feeding them. We will be also obliged to go with dogs walk because there are so many animals which don't ever leave their cages.

* I was also thinking about organising an fund-raiser on which we could collect some money. The cash will be destined for shelter renovation.
zad 2. więźniowie siedzący na krzesłach w małej sali. każdy był ubrany tak samo. na ścianie wisiała mapa świata, niektórzy z nich mieli zeszyty i coś tam czytali.
Prisoner/ inmate (więzień), striped (w paski)

Dlaczego mężczyźni ubrani są tak samo?

In my opinion, the same uniforms which the inmates have to wear is kind of a punishment which destroy their individuality. It has to be pointed out that uniforms are really needed because if inmates are allowed to wear what they want it will be easier for them to escape because they wont be recognized by normal citizens. Another reason why prisoners are wearing the same uniforms is that it is easier to distinguish them from the guards.

Czy uważasz,że zdobywanie wiedzy przyda się nam w przyszłości?

Undoubtedy gaining knowledge will be useful for us in the future. Not only will we be able to apply for better paid job but also we could share knowledge with our kids. Educated citizens are also more productive and creative. Another advantage of learning is that during our studies we make friend with other people. That friendship could last many years.

Opisz najwspanialszy dzień, jaki spędziłeś w szkole.
The most interesting and wonderful day which I ever experienced was three years ago when I was in junior high school. It was Children's Day and our principal decided to organised a competion. Each class was obligated to dress up in particular style. My class had to dress like emo. I don't ever like this style but I didn't want to let down my classmates because the grand prize in this competition was a free trip to the cinema. So I wore black clothes, did dark make up and went to school. There I was shocked because my class was the only one in which each person was dressed up. We won the grand prize and could see a new Johnny Depp movie.
zad 3. musisz zdecydować, który plakat promujący czytanie książek chcesz wysłać na konkurs. jeden przedstawiał pięć uśmiechniętych dziewczyn, trzymających książki. drugi obrazek to były balony na tle nieba z napisem 'czytaj książki w każdym miejscu', a trzeci przedstawiał młodą dziewczynę w bibliotece.

Zestaw x
1.Gdzie robisz najczęściej zakupy? 2.Jaki zawód chciałabyś wykonywać w przyszłości? 3.Jaki przedmiot szkolny lubiłaś najbardziej ?
Zadanie.1 W rozmowie z koleżanka powiedz, ze za dużo czasu spędzasz przed komputerem. Omów 4 kwestie : - do czego komputer jest Ci potrzebny - opinia rodziców - problemy z komputerem
* I'm thininking that I can be addicted to my computer I spend more than four hours a day in front of the screen * Not only do I need it for doing my homework but I also treat is as an entertainment, I play online games. Moreover I use computer to communicate with people from entire globe * My parents think that I should spend more time outside with me friends they also try to encourge me to join new local sport club *Recently I had some problems with my laptop by accident I dropped it on the floor and as a result there were two deep cracks on screen. I had the screen changed however it still sometimes blur.
zadanie.2 Na obrazku widnieje starsza wesoła pani robiąca zakupy w supermarkecie. Pytania :
Dlaczego kobieta kupuje tak dużo rzeczy,

In my opinion this women has just recived her pension and as a result she have enough money to buy everything what she wants. On the other hand, she could be one of this people who make shopping only once a week so she have to purchase enough amonut of food that last her for all week.
Co ostatnio udało Ci się kupić w promocji.

Last time when I bought something with a huge discount was before my prom. I had been looking for a perfect dress and after a long searching I found it in online us shop but unfortunately it cost about two hundred dollars. I was dissapointed because I knew that the price was exorbitant. But after a few days I visited this online shop one again and I saw that this dress cost only eighty dollars. My parents agreed to pay this amount and I became a happy owner of my perfect prom dress.
zadanie.3 Wybierz plakat, który najlepiej zobrazuje akcję promującą zapobieganie paleniu papierosów wśród młodych ludzi. -obrazek 1 : zegarek z przywiązanymi do niego papierosami, obok zapalniczka podpalająca je. -obrazek 2 : papieros zbudowany z `ludzkich postaci` na czarnym tle -obrazek 3 : młoda dziewczyna trzymająca przy ustach aparat tlenowy , a obok napis `palenie zabija ok 300 osób rocznie`
Co możemy zrobić, aby pomoc osobom uzależnionym ?

Frist of all we have to remember that giving up smoking is a long lasting process and it isn't possible to do it immediately. We should show addicted people our patient and calmly explain them the consequences of smoking. It is important to encourage them that smoking not only have an influence on them but also their relatives. We could also make a suggestion that cigaretts make them smell awful.

2 facet w graniaku i okularach siedzi na lotnisku(samolot z tylu za oknami) i pracuje na laptopie Jak myślisz kim on jest i czym się zajmuje?

In my opinion this man could be an accountant who are going for holidays in the Tropics but before he leave he have to finish his work. Now he could do some financial settlement. It is also possible that he is checking his e-mail or writing a message to his boss.
Kogo zabrałabyś ze sobą w podroż?

I enjoy all kinds of travel: solo, with friends or with the entire family. Each offers a different kind of experience. But undoubtedly it is my friend E. Who I want to travel willingly. I went with her for many trip not only across Poland but also abroad and each time I spend a great time with her. And I felt safter having her next to me.
Wolisz dom czy mieszkanie w bloku?

Undobutedly I prefer living in a house than in the block of flats. First of all in your own house you have much more space and you also have your own garden. Another advantage to free-standing house is the silence. There is no getting around the fact that living in the flat is connected with the noise. There are neightbours who leave next to your, in the same building they usually don't respect the lights-out or they own a dog which bark loudly. However, the flat is much cheaper kind of accomodiation.

Gdzie się wybieram na wakacje?

I haven't got any particular vacation's plans. However I really want to go for a Coke Life Festival in Cracow becouse there will be playing my favourite singer Florence and the machine. I was talking about that with my mother and she told me that she would propably allow me to go there. But the concert takes place in August so before that I will have a lot of free time. I've just started to prepare my CV becouse I'm planning to apply for seasonal empoyment.

Zestaw x

Pytania wstępne: 1.Czy lubię robić zakupy ? 2. Czy kupuje rzeczy używane ? 3. Na wakacje samemu czy z kimś ? 4. Kim chciałbyś zostać w przyszłości ? 5. Twój ulubiony nauczyciel ?
Zad1. Z kolegą/koleżanką organizujesz imprezę sportową: Omów dyscypliny, sprzęt sportowy, miejsce, i współzawodnictwo.

*There will be sectors for volleyball and football players. * The numerous balls, raquets and helmets are needed. * My techer propose to carry out some competiotions in chess or in running.
Zad2.Zdjęcie w gabinecie dentystycznym, dentysta i mała dziewczynka na fotelu.
Co robisz, żeby zadbać o własne zęby?

First of all I brush my teeth twice a day with toothpaste and in the evening I always use a floss and a mouthwash. My toothbrush also contains a tongue scraper. I also have my teeth examined by dentist regulary. I try not to eat food which can irritate my gums.
Zad3. 3 zdjęcia rodziny królewskiej.
Dlaczego warto wybrać się do Anglii na wakacje ?

In my opinion, the United Kingdom is one of the best place to vist on holidays. Undoubtedly London is the most recognisible city in this country. There are lots of interesting, worth seeing places such as Buckingham Palace, Big Ben or London Eye. Moreover in the capital city of England live many famous people- actors, musicians and other artists. It is possible to meet them walking on the streets or admire the wax figures resembling them in the Madame Tussaud's museum.

Zestaw x

Pytania wstępne: 1. Jakie są twoje hobby? 2. Jaki sport najbardziej lubisz oglądać?
Zad.1 Planowałaś wyjazd z siostra nad Morze Czarne. Siostra zachorowała i musisz zapytać koleżankę czy nie chciałaby pojechać zamiast niej. Chmurki: 1. porusz kwestie choroby siostry. 2. gdzie i kiedy chcesz jechać. 3. strach przed lataniem samolotem 4. atrakcje

* My sister got sick she has a terrible throat inflammation. Moreover she vomit few times a day so long trips are not adviseable for her. *I have also a fear of flying so if you go with me I will feel much safter * The shedule of our journey includes a visit to water park. In the evening we will be allowed to participate in many parties.
Zad.2 Na obrazku dwie kobiety w jakims magazynie z używanym obuwiem.
store/warehouse (magazyn)

Czy uważasz ze to jest ekskluzywny sklep?

In my opinion it isn't an exclusive shop. It seems like a second hand. Clothes look as though they were low quality.

Opowiedz o swoich ostatnich zakupach.

Last time when I was shopping was two days ago. My friend Emily and I went to the bookshop to buy some new novels. Personally, I don't often purshase books because I am a book reviewer and I get many novels from publishers before their premiere. But that they my friend encourage me to buy new Lauren Oliver's book called Requiem.

Gdzie najczęściej robisz zakupy?

As far as I am concerned the best place for me to do shopping is large shopping centre. There are numerous different stores in which I can find everything what I am looking for. Moreover I can try it on. I haven't got this opportunity when I shop online. Another advantage for shopping centre is that there usually are some restaurant where I can eat a meal after exhusting schopping trip.

Zad.3 Trzy plakaty: na pierwszym jakis festiwal, na drugim koncert metalowy na 3 teatr.

Czy uważasz ze młodzi ludzie często chodzą do teatru?

As far as theaters are concerned people don't willingly go there. A great deal of us visit theater less then twice a year. Teenagers used to go there only with their class. Adults instead watch performences only when they get some free tickets from their employers.

Czy muzea są popularne?

As far as museums are concerned they aren't popular among citizens esspecially teenagers. A great deal of people find museums boring and uninteresting. They prefer going to the cinemas where on the screen they can see a dynamic action not just a stative pictures or monuments.

Zestaw x

1. wraz z kolega anglikiem wygrałeś konkurs plastyczny, pieniądze z wygranej macie zamiar wydać na wycieczkę. kwestie: sposób transportu, zakwaterowanie, zwiedzanie
2. obrazek facet, kobieta, 4 dzieci, leżą w parku i się uśmiechają
Dlaczego są szczęśliwi?

In my opinion all this people are happy because they spend time together in a beautiful park. Maybe they rarely have any opportunity to enjoy their society.

Jak Ty spędzasz swój wolny czas?

I spend my free time mostly by reading books or together with my friends. We often go to the cinema. Recently my best friend and I watched „The great Gatsby” movie. But if my mates are busy I stay in home and try to extent my knowledge by doing some math exercises because I would like to become an accountant. If there is a sunny weather I also like to sunbath.
3. 3 obrazki z centrami naukowymi, wybierasz się na wycieczkę i musisz wybrać gdzie idziecie1. obrazek jak grają w jakaś cyber gre w tenisa 2. laboratorium3. jakaś starodawna wystawa
Jak modernizacja wpływa na nasze życie?

As far as modernizations is concerned it has an positive impact on our life. First of all the invention of engine allowed us to make our ways to work or school much faster than before. Moreover computers and Internet give us ability to communicate with people from entire globe. As a result we could keep in touch with our relatives abroad.

Jakie są wady rozwoju?

There is no getting around the fact that development has some negative influences. It has to be pointed out that it distroy natural habitat. A great deal of tress are cut down becouse new areas for skyscrapers are needed. Futhermore more and more people are addicted to the Internet. They spend numerous hours in font of the screen.

Zestaw x

1. wraz z kolegą/ koleżanką jedziesz na dwudniową wycieczkę rowerową, omów kwestie : bagaż, wyposażenie, jedzenie, nocleg cycling tour (wycieczka rowerowa)

*We shouldn't have any large luggage becouse it will be hard for us to pedal with heavy backpacks * My elder sister said that we could stay overnight at her flat. It is located in one of the city which we will be passing by during our trip. * It has to be pointed out that our bags should contain as many bottles of water as we can carry. Our trip will be very exhausting and it is obvious that we will be thristy. *There is no need to take any food couse we will be cycling next to many shops so we will be able to stay and buy what we want.
2. opis obrazka : mężczyzna śpi w biurze, nogi ma położone na biurku (miałam obrazek na którym siedzi mężczyzna w garniaku, w czerwonym krawacie na krzesełku z nogami na biurku. co prawda ten facet ma zamknięte oczy. na biurku leży mnóstwo papierów. )
pile of papers
Dlaczego on ma stopy na swoim biurku?

In my opinion, he could hoding his foot on the desk because it is the most confortable position for him to sleep. Or maybe he bought too small shoes and when she keep his legs on the floor his foot hurt.

Dlaczego on może być zmęczony ?

As far as this bisness man are concerned he could be tired of fullfilling his chores, doing financial settlements or doing overtime. Brainwork is usually very exhausting. In my opinon, he want to finally leave his workplace and come back home to his wife and kids.

Wolałabyś pracować na świeżym powietrzu czy wewnątrz?

As far as I am concerned my perfect workplace will take place indoors. First of all in that case I wont have to rely on the weather. No matter what time of the year it will be, I will know that my duties will be finished on time. Moreover working indoor is much more comfortable you have an acces to information in the Internet or you can use mobile phone every time it is needed.

Jak Ty lub Twoi znajomi szukali pracy i jaką znalazłeś?

I have never applied for any job. However my friends did it many times. They sent their Cvs and covering letters to different employers. Some of them were given an answer some of them not. My friend Emily for example applied for more than ten position however she wasn't hired anywhere. Paulina insteas sent only once CV and she got a job as a baby-sitter immediately.
3. 3 obrazki do wyboru, wybrać strój dla siebie i dla swojego partnera na bal sylwestrowy
Dlaczego ludzie kupują w second handach?

There is no getting around the fact that more and more people are buying clothes in the second hands. That type of shop has numerous benefits. First of all they are much cheaper than their equivalents in chain stores. Moreover buying secondhand clothes gives us a chance to improve imagination. A great deal of people buy things and then alter that by for example adding a text in front of the T-shirt. It has to be pointed out that some years ago buying things in second hands was considered as a shame however nowadays people take pride of finding here uniqe clothes.

Zestaw x

1. Co sądzisz o medycynie alternatywnej?

In my opinion alternative medicine is really useful and needed. First of all alternative therapies use different herbs to treat the ill preson. The herbs are widely available as a result they are much cheaper than the modern medicaments. Moreover numeros people prefer alternative medicine to conventional one becouse they thought that conventional medicaments contain too much artificial ingredients.

Jesteś za czy przeciw i dlaczego?

As far as I am concerned I am for alternative medicine. I condider that kind of treatment as much cheaper. Futhermore in many cases alternatice medicine gives the same resulats as conventional. Another adavntage to alternative medice is its diversity. Ill person can choose the treatment suitable for his or herself such as for example acupuncture or aroma therapy.
Dlaczego ludzie w Polsce narzekają na służbę zdrowia?

It is widely known that people in Poland complain about health service. It is because they pay high health insurance rate every month but when they get sick it is impossible to make an appointment to doctor quickly. There are large queues to every specialist. Citizens have to wait even half of year to be examinated. In that situation they are force to pay for a private treatment.
2. Obrazek też był super do opisania: stolik, na stoliku jakaś maszyna z rurkami (alla chemiczne coś tak mi się wydało), a obok jakieś gipsowe, szklane kubeczki, nie kubeczki, ozdóbki? Nie wiem.. A na wszystko patrzyło się parę dzieci i stojący za nimi starsi ludzie, tła zero. Były plakaty propagujące rzucenie palenia i któryś trzeba było wybrać

Zestaw x

1. Organizujesz imprezę , porusz kwestię jedzenia, ilości osób, niespodzianki jaką przygotujesz
2.Opis obrazka- bezdomnego oraz 2 młodych ludzi którzy dają mu jedzenie i wodę .

Czy sadzisz że bezdomny przyjmuje tę pomoc?

Opisz sytuacje kiedy Ty potrzebowałeś( albo udzielałeś , nie pamiętam ) pomocy .

Recently just before my matura exam I needed some help in math. I cauldn't understand aithmetic no matter how many exercises I did. Once I was talking with my best friend and during our conversation I mention my problem and then she said that she could help me. I agreed immediatly and we decided to see each other next Saturday. After her explanation I quickly understood thos difficult material.
3. Trzy obrazki , na pierwszym jakieś zawody , biegi na drugim fitness czy coś na trzecim siatkówka

Wiele ludzi unika chodzenia na wf jak myślisz dlaczego .

As far as teenagers are concerned they always avoid physical education. It is because lessons of that subject in school are often boring. Many adolescents think that they can make us of that time in more productive way. Moreover a great deal of students are shy and ashamed of their inabilities.

Podaj pozytywne aspekty ćwiczenia .

It is known that sport brings many benefits such as fit, atheltic body and better health. Moreover during the physical activity our organism generate endorphins which make us happy and joyful. It is proved that active form of leisure time decrease the obesity risk and rish of heart diseases. Consequently we should do sport at least 3 times a week.

Zestaw x

1. Zapraszasz kolegę ze Szwecji na urodziny, omów strój, problemy z organizacją, muzykę i gości.
2. Chłopak w śmiesznych okularach przeciwsłonecznych, stoi w sklepie.
Gdzie lubisz robić zakupy i czemu?

As far as I am concerned the best place for me to do shopping is large shopping centre. There are numerous different stores in which I can find everything what I am looking for. Moreover I can try it on. I haven't got this opportunity when I shop online. Another advantage for shopping centre is that there usually are some restaurant where I can eat a meal after exhusting schopping trip.
Opowiedz o nieudanych zakupach online.

Last time when I did a bad buy was before my prom. I had been looking for a perfect dress and after a long searching I found it in online us shop but unfortunately it cost about two hundred dollars. I was dissapointed because I knew that the price was exorbitant. But after a few days I visited this online shop one again and I saw that this dress cost only eighty dollars. My parents agreed to pay this amount but when the dress finally arrived and I tried it on I realized that I orderd too small size.
2. Głupie, plakat zachęcający do kursów językowych. 1. kulka z flagami, 2 ludzie i na dole flagi, 3 plakat to dymki ze słowem "dziękuję" w różnych językach
Czy umiejętność obcych języków jest ważna?

There is no getting around the fact that the learning foreign languages is really neccesarry these days. First of all When we visit a different country knowledge of local language will help us to communicate with people. Another adavtage to development our language skills is that it gives us bigger posibility of finding better paid job. Employers willingly hire people who can speak in foreign languages. Especially English.
Co sprawia trudności w nauce ang?

My the biggest difficulty is speaking English. Every time when I have to tell something in foreign language I feel unsure and I am afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes I have also problems with English pronunciation I have no idea how to say particular word so as a result I don't tell it at all.

Zestaw x

1. Kupuję samochód i mam się poradzić jakie jest najlepsze: miejsce kupna, marka, rok samochodu, powiedzieć o swoich doświadczeniach związanych z jazdą.

* I thought about buying a brand-new volkswagen golf directly from car dealer. My father told me that this brand of cars were the most safe and it is suitable car for young women * I found some discounts for the models from year 2012 so I consider buying car from this particular year * I havn't got many experience with car driving because I was given my car license just one month ago. But my driving instructor said that I would be an exellent driver.
2. Zdjęcie dzieci, które są w przedszkolu i malują rysunki.
Opisz swoją najciekawszą lekcję w szkole.

The most interesting lesson I have ever attended was in junior high school. I had there a really funny Polish teacher who treat us as though we were her peers. Once on the lesson she decribe us the definiction of romantic hero. But she did it in very funny way using the gesticulation and the costume. She dreesed up as a Jacek Soplica and she showed how he came back to his place of birth.
3. Organizuję przyjęcie na zakończenie roku szkolnego, na które zapraszam koleżanki z klasy, są ukazane 3 obrazki z jedzeniem, które bym podała na tę okoliczność, wybierz i uzasadnij dlaczego.

Zestaw x

1. Jest taka sytuacja: jesteś na wymianie studenckiej, mieszkasz u rodziny, studiujesz na jakiejś tam uczelni i zostało zorganizowane spotkanie ze sławną osobą. Po powrocie do domu chcesz opowiedzieć o tym tej rodzinie. I 4 chmurki: 1. Kto to był, dlaczego akurat on został zaproszony. 2. Co cię zaciekawiło/ o czym mówił 3. Twoje wrażenia 4. Coś o jego zachowaniu
2. Obrazek: jakaś tam para stoi przy kiosku na starówce, wybiera pocztówki, w tle stare budynki. Ich wzrok jest skupiony na pocztówce, którą trzyma dziewczyna.
Po co kupują pocztówki?

In my opinion these people are buying postacards because they want to send it to their relatives or friends. On the other hand the poscards can be consider by them as a souvenir maybe one of them is a postcard collector. Another reason why they are buying a poscard is postcrossing which is really popular nowadays. People from entire world buy postcards and send them to strangers from other countries.
Czy wg Ciebie spędzanie wakacji w mieście jest dobrym pomysłem.

As far as am concerned spending vacations in the city could be a great solution for people who haven't got any money for trips or long journeys. The city goverment always organise many interesting activities for people who stayed in the city in that period. There are many events or concerts . Citizens can also apply for seasonal employment and achive new working experiene. Moreover if you don't want to leave your home you can finally have a clear-out.
Opowiedz o swoich najnudniejszych wakacjach.

The most boring holidays I experienced two years ago. All my friend were gone and I was alone in the city. Moreover my parents were obligated to work every single day. I wished to find any job but although I sent lots of cvs nobody wanted to hire me. As a result I spend all days sunbathing and reading books.
3. Są 2 obrazki. Masz wybrać jedną broszurkę na kampanię przeciwko uzależnieniom. Jeden obrazek pokazuje jakąś laskę, która wybiega z centrum handlowego, jest obładowana torbami pełnymi jakichś rzeczy. Drugi obrazek pokazuje kościotrupa, leżącego na biurku przy włączonym komputerze.
Czy nieprawidłowe postawy podczas siedzenia przed komputerem mogą prowadzić do uszczerbku na zdrowiu?

There is no getting around the fact that the inappropriate posture in which we are sitting in front the computer screen have a huge impact of our health. First of all wrong position can cause a pain in our back. Moreover it can lead to the scoliosis. Due to that defect people are force to participate in some rehabilitation.
Dlaczego ludzie mają uzależnienia?

The main reason why people get addicted is the pressure of their peers. People don't want to feel worse than others so they follow their behaviour. When they are surrounded by smokers it is likely that they will try to smoke too. It usually start from one cigarette but it quickly become their addition. It is also thought that some people have gentic predisposition to be addited to some substances. For example if our father had problems with the alcohol we are more vurnerable to be addited to that too.

Co powoduje że osoby zaczynają palić ?

Most people start smoking as teens. In that age we say that we only want to try we think that smoking makes as cool and more mature. On the other hand cigaret is considered as a thing which help us to destress. So people who lead stressful lifestyle may smoke to feel relaxed or cigaretts give them energy to go through a hard time.

Zestaw x

Zad 1. Proponujesz koleżance zmianę wyglądu. Porusz następujące kwestie: fryzura, zmiana ubrań, skutki tej przemiany, jak to wpłynie na samopoczucie

* You should have your hair dyed blond * In my opinion perfect hairstail for you is a french pait * As far as your outfit is concerned it should be more elegant. It is important to exchance your old clothes for new one * This change will bring you many benefits. First of all you will finaly look like a women not a teenager * Moreover, not only will you look more attracitive and smartly but also your mood will be improved. You will feel better in your own body

Zad 2. Obrazek: rodzina czteroosobowa stoją przed domem. Jest tabliczka : for rent

Opowiedz o jakiejś przeprowadzce twojej lub kogoś z twoich najbliższych

I have never removed from my current hause however my friend Emily had a removal two years ago. She had been living in a block of flats before her parents decided to change their place of living. The main reason why they made this decision was lack of privacy. They were surrounded by many neightbours who was living in the same building. Moreover one of their neightbour didn't respect the lights-off and to made matter worse he was an owner of two dogs which barked very loudly. Now she and her parents are living in the suburbs in the peaceful and calm area.

Zad 3. Trzy obrazki: pierwszy: stetoskop i serce, drugi jabłko zakręcone w miarkę i trzeci rower ułożony z owoców i warzyw. Wybierz ten obrazek który najlepiej zilustruje kampanię o zdrowym trybie życia

Co sprawia, że człowiek czuję się dobrze we własnym ciele?

As far as I am concerned it is self-esteem what makes people feel good in their own body. Having a positive body image leads to higher self-confidence. However it has to be pointed out that we shouldn't focus on our apperance it is our personality what makes us uniqe.

Jaki tryb życia ty preferujesz?

As far as I am concerned I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. To keep my body fit and athltic I attend to the gym and fitness classes. Doing sport impoves my mood and makes me happy. Moreover my diet is rich in fruits and vegetables. I avoid eating food which contains artificial ingredients.

Zestaw x

Jaki sport najczęściej uprawiasz?

As far as I am concerned I am not keen on any particular sport however o keep my body fit and athletic I am going to the gym and I am attending fitness classes. When other participants and I do different kinds of exercises such as fit ball or bosu.

Opowiedz o zawodach, które były nieudane ze względu na słabą organizację.

The last time I attend a sport competition was two years ago. I was there to support my best friend who take part in dancing contest. However I have really bad memories conntected with that event. First of all the event started two hours after expected time. Organizer didn't propery prepare the stage and the lightening. Moreover there were some problems with energy supply.

Zad. 3 Jesteś pracownikiem biura podróży. Twój klient chce spędzić wakacje w miejscu oryginalnym. Pierwszy obrazek: jakaś jaskinia, drugi: pokój tak jakby we wnętrzu akwarium, trzeci: restauracja na dachu wieżowca.

W jaki sposób możemy zmniejszyć ilość wypadków na drogach?

There are many ways how we can decrease number of traffic accidents. First and foremost roads rules and regulation should be respected. We should avoid overspeeding and under no circumstances are we allowed to drive a car after drinking alcohol. In my opinion, driving license should be given only for people who are over twenty one years old.

Zestaw x

zad 1. Przeczytałeś interesującą książkę, opowiedz o niej koledze: fabuła, pozytywy przeczytania książki, korzystanie z biblioteki, lektury

* Recently I have read really interesting and absorbing book it was „Delirium” written by Lauren Oliver. The plot focus on girl named Lena who lives in the state where love was considered as an illness. She was forced to undergo the operation which would deprive her of any emoction. But a few days before the operation she had fell in love to Alex and together they decided to escape. * I borrow that particular book from local library. I find borrowing novels from library really usufull. It gives us possibility to red many fantastic books for free. * Having read this novel I was given many topics to contemplate for example the importance of love and other people's feeling * However I dislike reading matters which we are forced to read in school. Often these novels don't heat my book taste.

zad. 2 Obrazek ze szpitala, lekarka bada starszą panią

Czy ta pani jest bardzo chora? Her face is pale. She looks as if she want to vomit

Zad. 3 Samorząd uczniowski organizuje dyskotekę, wybierz plakat spośród 2

Zestaw x

Kampania przeciwko robieniu ze zwierząt futer i trzy obrazki. pol misia pod misiem wypływa krew, kobieta w długim futrze na sofie, i jakieś bazgroły, sylwetka kobiety z hasłami. Drugie to zdjęcie jak walczą o krążek na boisku w hokeya jest też sędzia, trybuny z kibicami. Puck (krążek) referee (sędzia)

I jakim chciałbym być sportowcem?

I would like to be a succesful volleyball player because volleyball is team game which I admire the most. Futhermore Polish volleyball team is widely liked among citizens on contrary to our football team.

Czy testy perfum na zwierzętach są ok?

I strongly disagree with the opinion that perfums should be tested on animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats and other small animals are not like people at all so there's no guarantee that their reactions will be similar. Moreover artificial ingredients which are contained in perfums can lead to serious inflammation on animals' skin.

Zestaw x

Zadanie 1. Rozmowa na temat kursów językowych. Opowiedzieć o jego zaletach.

Jakie techniki nauki preferujesz?

As far as I am concerned there are many different ways to learn foreign languages but the method which I find the best for me is watching movies in orginal that means without any lector or subbtiles. First time when I tried this method I was shocked how many words I understood and how many new phrases I learnt. I also learn English especially by making unconcious mistakes. When somebody pointed me out my mistakes I remember correct idiom for a very long time.

2. Obrazek jak kapela jakaś gra w centrum handlowym.

Zestaw x

1. Chcesz kupić laptopa w dymkach:

a) Rodzaj laptopa b) Dostępne promocje c) Sposoby płatności d) Dodatkowe akcesoria

* brand new laptop with touch screen * does the set contains wireless mouse and the printer or I have to buy it apart?

2. Na zdjęciu lekarz, matka i niemowlak na kolanach matki, lekarz bada dziecko wszyscy uśmiechnięci, uradowani, dziecko nie płacze

-Co robisz jak jesteś chory?

As far as I am concerned every time when I am ill my mother tell me to stay in bed and she makes me hot tea with lemon. I try to get as many rest and sleep as it is possible. If the I don't recover dispite of doing all this things I make an appointment to my GP. On the other hand my father always advices me to eat garlic but I have never tried this method.

3. Standardowo trzy obrazki, na jednym obrazku jakaś wioska i zbudowane murzyńskie chatki, na jeszcze jednym jakiś pan przechadzający się po górach a na trzecim wyspa na środku morza. Wybierz miejsce, w które najchętniej byś pojechał i powiedz czemu odrzuciłeś pozostałe dwa.

Zestaw x

1. Coś w tym stylu, że musisz opowiedzieć koledze/koleżance z Anglii o szkole i tak:

~ Twoje ulubione przedmioty ~ Oceny ~ Zajęcia pozalekcyjne/ dodatkowe zajęcia ~ Organizowane imprezy *extra-curricular activities

2. Obrazek: rodzinka przy śniadanku... bardzo się cieszą z tego, że jedzą itd.

~ Jakie jest Twoje ulubione danie?

As far as I am concerned my favourite meal to eat is oatmeal which I eat every day for breakfast. I like this dish due to its variety of tasties. Each day my porridge is different. Today for example I ate outmeal with coconout and jogurt but tomorrow I am going to prepare a porridge with bananas and musli. Moreover this meal is healthy and filling. It gives me energy for all morning.

~ Opowiedz o sytuacji, kiedy Ty i Twoi przyjaciele wybraliście się coś zjeść

My friend and I rarely go out to eat becouse we prefer to prepare together homemade food, but once we decided to go for new opened restaurant called „Bombay”. The menu includes only meals from Indian cousin. I ordered nan bread. It was really tasty and filling but after I came back home I felt sick and my mother was forced to take me to the hospital. Then the doctor said that I got a food poisoning.

3. Musisz wybrać spośród trzech obrazków taki, który w najlepszy sposób pokazuje nasz kraj (obrazek, który zainteresowałby turystę... jakiś związek z ulotką to miało...)

1) Warszawa- budynki 2) kajakarze 3) zamek

~ Jakie trudności mogą napotkać turyści w Polsce?

As far as Poland is concerned it isn't friendly place to visit for turist. Turists can hit there many problems. One of them is holey and rugged motorways. Propably after visit in Poland they will need to have their car repaired. Moreover, in Poland there are lots of elder people working in shops who don't know English language it make shopping and communiting harder.

~ Jakie miejsce chciałabyś/chciałbyś zobaczyć w przyszłości?

United States is the country which I would like to visit the most. USA is an interesting state for me becouse of its diversity of nations. There are numerous diffrent people inlcudind white, black and yellow ones. First of all I would go to New York to see ruins of World Trade Centre, take a walk in Central Park and go for a shopping trip in a large shopping centre. My trip schedul would also includes visiting Rosewood City where my favourite serial is recorded. Another reason why I would like to wisit U.S. Is that my elder sister lives there.

~ Jakie miejsca są najbardziej atrakcyjne?

The most attratie areas to visit are places with the historical past. For intance a great deal of people would like to visit Oświecim due to contentration camp which was located there. Another thing which encourage turist to go somewhere is carnivals. Rio de Janeiro is a fantastic example. Many people every year go there to take part in Samba Festival. Turist want also to visit clean sunny seasideas which are considered as relaxing and calm.

Zestaw x

zad 1. Jesteś chory i w rozmowie z przyjacielem poruszasz (przyczyna choroby, co zdiagnozował lekarz, co robiłeś przed pójściem do lekarza, czy przyjaciel może Cię odwiedzić)

* The reason why I got sick was that I went for a walk without any scarf and jacket eventhough it was a cold evening. Next day I felt a terrible pain in my throat * My mother made an appointment to a GP but before I went out I had taken some painkillers which unfortunately didn't work *The doctor said that I suffered from throat inflammation and he prescribed me some antibiotics * I'd be better if you don't visit me in other cases you could get throat inflammation too.

zad 2. Obrazek ze sportowcem rozdającym autografy:

-czy chcesz być sławny?

When I was younger I was dreaming about becoming a celebrity, especially a famous singer but nowadays I cannot image myself like a star. As far as I am concerned I would feel overwhelmed by all this media attention. I also admire my privacy and peacefull life. I am not a kind of person who likes big noisy parties. Not only don't I want to have fans but also big celebrity's salary encorurage me to become a star.

-co byś czuł gdybyś był sławny w prawdziwym życiu.

There is no getting around the fact that if I become a celebrity I will feel lonely. I would lose trust to people because I wouln't know if people are with me because of my personality or because of my famous. By the way I would also feel a little strange becouse I don't consider myself as a person worth to follow.


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