Should we give money to beggars?
In all major cities in the world beggars have long been a part of the urban landscape. They kneel on old blankets or pieces of cardboard. They sit on storefront steps, lie on sidewalks, cruise around trams and buses, approach cars waiting at a red light. They live in railway stations, or choose less crowded places to sleep, such as staircases or even underground tunnels. Apart from their shabby clothing they often show physical disability: missing limbs, white canes and crutches. They hold signs from which passers-by learn all the possible misfortunes that have affected the beggar. They have no place to go. In order to get money, they beg or act violently, therefore, if we can afford it, it is safer to give some small change to the beggar and avoid trouble.
There are many reasons why the poor need our help. Malnutrition is one of the most common effects of poverty. The poorest people cannot obtain adequate calories to develop or maintain their appropriate body weight. Prolonged malnutrition can lead to starvation. Long-term starvation almost always results in death. Moreover, people who are stressed by the uncertainty of where they will get their next meal or spend the night often develop high anxiety. Because the poor experience high rates of severe mental illness, they also have high rates of suicide. Mortality rates among the poor are higher than average, and life expectancies are lower than average
Some experts believe that poverty leads people to commit acts of violence and crime, therefore it is better to give them some money than to take the risk of being robbed or, in extreme cases, even killed. Anger, desperation, and the need for money for food, shelter, and other necessities may all contribute to criminal behavior among the poor. Some poor people commit the crime of stealing to obtain the money to buy alcohol on which they are dependent. Others try to be more creative Faced with more competition for fewer handouts, the poor are refining their tactics how to get the most generous gifts. They play the accordion on the street or even render “parking services” by occupying parking spaces on sidewalks and encouraging drivers to park there. However, if the driver refuses to pay the service provider, he risks finding his car scratched or one of the lights broken upon his return. It only proves that loose change may help prevent unpleasant experiences.
It is argued that the help for beggars and the homeless is best given by established charities that can target it more precisely. People often fear that the money they give to panhandlers would be spent on drink, or the person begging is not truly in need. That is why they prefer to donate some money to special charity organizations than to give it directly to potential phonies. However, most often it happens that the poor, being either mentally ill or permanently drunk, do not know where to go and ask for help. They are not informed on the addresses of charities, which, after all, are often unable to take care of all of the homeless. That is why direct help in the form of small amount of money may help them buy food and basic commodities they really need.
Critics condemn beggars for being drug addicts, alcoholics and bums who do not want to work; the poor reply that in many cities they have no choice but the streets and they drink to forget about their feelings of worthlessness and purposelessness of their existence. Their life is an everyday fight to survive. They are helpless and in despair. Lack of food and basic things leads them either to violence or death. Loose change may let the poor decide on what they actually need to buy, and what is more important, help us avoid danger of being robbed or assaulted.