Bio of David Lawrence & Analysis Snake doc

Bio of David Lawrence & Analysis: Snake

David Herbert Richards Lawrence was born in Eastwood,

Nottinghamshire, England on September 11, 1885. His poem Snake was

written while he was living in Taormina, Sicily in 1920. The poem is

actually derived from an experience there(Groliers). In all, Lawrence

published 11 novels in his lifetime, 5 volumes of plays, 9 volumes of

essays, and several short story collections. Of these, Snake was one

of his most famous poems. The poem can also be related to Lawrence's

views and experiences relating to his own life.

Lawrence's childhood was not a pleasant one. His parents did not

get along very well and they were not wealthy. His mothers

frustration with her marriage, his father's alcoholic degeneration,

and their continual marital strife haunted his childhood and provided

much of the conflict at the heart of Lawrence's work (Critical,

1948). Lawrence's mother struggled to do her best for them, in saving

money and encouraging them to take their education seriously. The

children had a rather troubled love for their father, who was

increasingly treated by his wife as a drunkard who would never do

well, and as a consequence he drank more to escape the tensions he

experienced at home. Lydia Lawrence consciously alienated the

children from their father, and told them stories of her earlier

married life the children never forgot, things their father did for

which they never forgave him. Arthur Lawrence, for his part, unhappy

at the lack of respect and love shown him and the way in which his

male privilege as head of the household was constantly being

breached, reacted by drinking and deliberately irritating and

alienating his family. His behavior, and his spending of a portion of

the family income on drink, caused all the major quarrels between the

parents, and divided the children's loves and loyalties (Worthen).

In 1912 he became smitten with “the woman of a lifetime,” his

former language professor's wife, the Baroness Frieda von Richthofen.

Frieda had been known to have a number of affairs, but the one with

Lawrence was different. He truly loved her, and she eventually

divorced her husband and married Lawrence.

Lawrence also had potent psychological and emotional

undercurrents in his writings, such as The Rainbow, which was

publicly condemned for obscenity. Some of Lawrence's works were not

appreciated in his own time. Critics, however, soon did grasp

Lawrence's genuine ability to convey what T.S Eliot called “fitful

and profound insights” into human behavior. Virginia Woolf stated

that “Mr. Lawrence has moments of greatness but he has hours of

something quite different” (Critical, 1950). Lawrence was admired by

his peers, but not all of his works were exemplary. Some of his works

were condemned because of his views on human sexuality among other

things, none of which I feel pertain to Snake, but nonetheless

conveys that he was a controversial writer in his time and nothing

stopped him from writing what he felt.

In Snake, Lawrence tells of a confrontation with a snake he had

at his water trough. This poem is actually based on an incident that

occurred to him and obviously reflects his feelings and emotions.

Lawrence was honored by the snakes presence, but was also afraid. “If

you were not afraid, you would kill him”, he said to himself. He

simply waits for the snake to finish drinking its water, and then

throws a log at it to scare it away. After doing so he immediately

regrets doing it because he missed a chance with one of the “lords of


Throughout the poem Lawrence illustrates his point about strife

and the clash of opposites. Education and social conventions make

Lawrence think that the poisonous snake must be killed, and that a

brave man should undertake the task. For a brief moment Lawrence

lacked the faith of his own intuition and missed his chance with one

of the lords of life. (Internet, 3) He compares the snake to

domesticated farm animals and to a human by referring to the snake

as “someone” and describing “him” as amusing. Lawrence compares the

snake to a god, a king, and a lord of life. It almost seems as he

feels the snake is above him. The snake is the first one on the

scene, and the first to leave. Lawrence wonders why “petty” mankind

always tries to rob the dignity from all Godly creatures

(Masterplots, 1930).

Some religious themes could be drawn from the poem as well.

There was a snake in the Garden of Eden. Lawrence is drawn by the

snake, just as Eve was in the Bible. He is in complete awe of it, and

can not decide to turn away from it or get a chance to understand it.

Lawrence's act of scaring it away could illustrate an attempt to draw

closer to God. His inner feelings are fear of the snake “And truly I

was afraid, I was most afraid, But even so, honoured still more.” His

Garden was both honored and violated by the snake (Masterplots,

1931). This poem, along with others, convey his inner feelings and

conflicts. He is confused on how he should feel about the snake. He

is torn between what he thinks society would have him do, and what

would be morally right. He has been taught that a snake is something

evil, and that he should be scared of. Inside, however, he feels

honored by the snake being there. But the pressure of society wins,

and he throws a log at the snake and scares it away. He regrets it

and wishes he had not done it. He was drawn to what represented evil,

but did turn away. Perhaps this has been a frequent occurrence in his

life. Whenever he conforms to society or God he regrets it because he

did not do what he really wanted to do, which might sometimes be


Snake is an excellent poem that I enjoyed. It deals with a great

deal of inner conflict, with good prevailing. But does good prevail,

when evil is what you still feel you should have done. The fact that

Lawrence actually experienced the account that took place in the poem

makes it all the more interesting. You can tell by his writing he has

a great deal of inner discord that developed throughout his life.


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