Installing a Motorized Satellite System with an HH

Installing a Motorized Satellite System with an HH-Mount Motor, DiSEqC & USALS Compatible Motors


Please watch the video above then follow the following steps carefully to get your motorized system installed quickly.  If you  have any questions, visit our forums (HH Motor section) and post your inquiries.  We have an active forum and you will find some good tips.

Steps to a successful motorized system installation:

  • Select your installation site carefully!!!

  • There must be a clear line of sight between the required satellites and the entire surface of the dish. The line of sight must be free from obstructions, such as trees, roof tiles etc.

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Pictures 1

  • It is very important to make sure the HH motor is fixed to a perfectly vertical (plumb) mast (Picture 1). Time spent measuring this accurately will save you hours later on.

NOTE: Tighten all coaxial cable connections on the motor only by hand. Using a wrench may over-tighten the connections, causing damage. Such damage is not covered by the Limited warranty.

  • If the HH motor shaft is not at zero degrees reference (picture 2), you should get it back to zero degrees by connecting the receiver to the motor. The receiver must be ON for the HH Motor to move. It's easier to do this before placing the H-H Motor onto the mast. Once you have done this, the HH Motor should then be disconnected from the receiver. HH Motors are usually set to zero degrees by default from the factory.

  • Fit the H-H Motor onto the mast and do the nuts up finger tight.

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Pictures 2

  • Set the elevation angle for the motor. This angle should be equal to the latitude value of the installation location. Always use the Latitude scale on the motor.

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Picture 9

  • Fit the dish on the H-H Motor shaft and tighten the nuts. The middle of the dish clamp must be lined up with the centre line on the H-H Motor arm (Picture 4).  The LNBF arm, dish clamp, HH Motor, and mast must all be on the same straight line facing TRUE SOUTH (Picture 5).

  • Aiming at TRUE SOUTHFind your TRUE SOUTH Angle here.  Then using a compass, move the dish/motor assembly together as one unit (Picture 8 & 9) to your TRUE SOUTH angle.

  • Dish elevation angle: Adjust the dish elevation angle (Pictures 6 & 7) to peak the signal. Dish elevation angle is calculated based on the model of the HH motor you are using, as follows:

  • Tighten the nuts on the HH Motor clamp attached to the supporting pole.

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Picture 8

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Picture 4


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Pictures 5


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Picture 6

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Picture 7

By following the above instructions accurately, you should now have installed your dish on the arc.

Testing your installation: