Falling in love with a Darcy

Falling in love with a Darcy

By Jeanette Hickman

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Chapter 1

Posted on Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Henry Darcy had become a bit spoiled and he knew it. That was what it meant to be eldest Darcy Child and the only male. Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy were practically legendary by the time Henry reached 26-years-old. He was pieces of both of them. He had his mother's free spirit and love of walking and the outdoors. He had his father's shyness, which was sometimes construed as stubborn pride. He was not horribly proud, he sometimes thought for a second that others were beneath him, but most of the time he was kind and compassionate to everyone. He knew that his father had married his mother against the wishes of almost everyone he knew, but she made him happy. More then anything Henry longed to have what his parents had. He longed to love completely. But he had yet to truly be in love.

Henry's eldest sister, 24-year-old Marianne had already had a horrible beginning. She had fallen in love with a man who was general for the Militia when she was only 16 they had married when she was 17 and had one child together, Arthur, named after his father. Unfortunately the elder Arthur had been unexpectedly killed when the younger Arthur was only a baby. Marianne had been forced to move back to Pemberly with the fatherless child. She longed to find Arthur a new father, but knew that most gentlemen interested in a woman her age wanted someone without children. She figured she would forever be known a spinster and widow. She devoted nearly all her time to her son, and loved him with everything she had.

The next Darcy, 20-year-old Elizabeth (Beth) was the most attractive Darcy. He had her first proposal of marriage when she was only 15. She had of course denied the man. Beth was free spirited, but she had the fair looks of her aunt Jane. She and her mother were more alike then either of them would accept and had often disagreed, they were so alike it was hard not to disagree. It wasn't that the two didn't love each other, they did, they just didn't always see eye to eye. Beth was engaged to James Lawrence, who was a prominent British author. Mr. Darcy had never really approved of artists, and at first had believed that James only wanted to marry Beth because of her fortune, but he seemed to tolerate James because his daughter clearly loved the man. Later he realized that James really did love her too. They were to be married within the week.

The youngest Darcy Emma was 12 years younger then Henry and at 14 had not yet gone out in society. Emma looked the most like her mother of all the Darcy's. She had dark hair and was a little pump, and though not perfect, considered attractive in her own right. She was still very young but showed a greater intelligence and free will then any of the Darcy's, though all the children had inherited at least some of this from their mother.

Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy was exactly as she had been 27 years early, age had been good to her. Though she was clearly not young any longer, she was still beautiful. She had not lost the free spirit of youth, though age made it harder for her do all of the things she loved. The one thing that hadn't changed at all was her unwavering devotion to her husband. Unlike Lydia and Wickham, they had not become indifferent to each other over time, if in anything, they had grown to be more in love. The birth of their youngest daughter had been very hard for Elizabeth, she had nearly died, but somehow she had managed to pull through and recover fully. She was a strong woman and remained that way even at 48 years of age.

Mr. Darcy too had not changed. Though he was no longer obviously handsome, It was clear he had been that way in his youth. He was 55 years of age and considered to be nearing the end of his life, though doctors told him he was still in amazing health despite his age. He promised he would live to see all his children married. He adored all of them and had never had a favorite. He also adored Arthur above almost all people alive. The five-year-old child seemed to give him new life.

Pemberly was still one of the most magnificent houses in all Britain. People came from far and wide just to admire Mr. Darcy's famous house. Jane and Mr. Bingley were common guests in the house, until Charles had passed early that spring from consumption. Jane and Charles Bingley had only two sons both married with small children. They now assured Elizabeth that they were taking care of their mother who had been devastated by the loss of her beloved Husband. Elizabeth had tried to convince Jane to come stay with them at Pemberly, but she refused. Elizabeth worried about her and wrote nearly every day, but Jane always insisted that she was doing well on her own.

On the morning that Beth was to be married, Elizabeth Darcy rolled over and reached out and found her husband's warm form laying next to her. She smiled and watched him for moment debating whether he was still asleep or not. She finally decided that he was and tried to creep out of bed. However the second she was out of the bed sheets he turned to look at her.

“Where are you going?” He asked “It's still very early.”

“We have a big day, and you know that.” She said “I need to make sure all the guests have arrived, The Weston's supposedly arrived very late last night and you know Caroline has always been an early riser.”

“Lizzie, you promised Beth you'd be civil to Lady Weston just for today.”

“Caroline and I have never been friends and never will be, the only things we have in common are a high regard of Georgiana and our strong hate for one and other.”

“Lizzie please . . . ” He started to say

“But I promised my daughter that I would try and I will.” Unfortunately for Elizabeth, Beth had long been best friends with Alice Weston, the eldest daughter of Caroline Weston, formerly Bingley. Alice was a sweet girl. She was very attractive with beautiful strawberry-blonde hair. She had always been Caroline's life. Lady Caroline Weston had married a rich man who had eventually been knighted. He only lived about five years after the marriage and though he and Caroline had three children she had raised them nearly on her own. Alice was a year younger then Beth, but was demure and intelligent enough that people often guessed she was much older. By the standards Mr. Darcy had given Elizabeth a very long time ago Alice was a truly accomplished young lady. It was no secret that Caroline had always tried to compete with Elizabeth regarding their daughters. Perhaps this was because Caroline had felt as if she lost Darcy to Elizabeth and she was still trying to show him he'd made a horrible mistake.

“Did Henry ever arrive yesterday?” Mr. Darcy asked almost a little angry sounding. He had disapproved of his son spending the winter with His Cousin William Bingley and his wife in London.

“No he sent word that he had been detained and would be arriving early this morning.” Elizabeth said.

“Let me know when he arrives I have matter I need to discuss with him.” He said. Elizabeth gave him an odd look.

“Don't be coarse with him Dear. At least he's coming home.” Elizabeth reminded.

“Lizzie Dear, he doesn't like it here he will probably be gone as soon as the wedding is over and who knows when he might return again.”

“He's a man darling, he can do as he pleases.”

“I wish he'd settle down and find a wife.”

“He will when he's ready. You were a year older then him when you married me.”

“Yes, but I worry he won't ever marry, and I want happiness for all of my children.” He said

“As do I.” Elizabeth smiled. She leaned down and kissed him square on the mouth and then headed to her closet to dress for the day.

As the Darcy's were discussing the fate of their eldest child he happened to be entering the Pemberly grounds on horseback. He had always been a very attractive man, looks of his father spirit of his mother. Henry was a man women often desired, though he had yet to meet anyone who captured his affection.

As he circled the large lake, he saw a figure on the opposite side screaming and waving frantically he order the horse to gallop and was to the girl in matter of seconds. He wasn't sure if he knew her. She looked familiar, but he didn't know her name, he assumed she must be a friend of his sisters visiting for the wedding. She had long curly red hair and beauty like none he'd ever seen.

“Are you all right?” He asked dismounting from his horse.

“I'm afraid not.” The girl said pain was in her beautiful eyes. “I decided to take a walk around the grounds, my skirt caught on a tree branch and I fell, I think I must have twisted my ankle.”

“Let me help you up Miss . . . ”

“Weston, Alice Weston, I'm surprised you don't remember me Mr. Darcy.” Alice said. Henry was quite embarrassed. How could he not have guessed that beautiful woman standing in front of him was indeed Alice Weston? Though he hadn't seen her in perhaps six years, she didn't look that different. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. He felt her ankle and the bone did not feel broken though he picked her up and carried her to the horse anyway. He gently set her on the horse side saddle and walked the horse very slowly back to the house. Alice said little else as they made their way back to the toward Pemberly.

“Why don't you speak of something Ms. Weston?” Henry asked.

“I'm actually quite ashamed, we didn't have a very civil greeting back there.” She said. “I guess I should thank you who knows how long I might have been there if you hadn't come along.”

“Eventually someone would have come looking for you.”

“Image the state I would have been in by then.” Alice laughed pulling a strand of curly hair out of her eye. They had reached as close to the house as the horse could go. Alice smiled “Perhaps I could try to take a step.” She said but as soon as she tried she lost her baring and Henry had to catch her.

“Let me at least help you walk.” Henry said trying to hid how deeply concerned he was. This only worked for several steps until Henry found himself carrying her yet again. He entered the house and screamed for help. The young maid his father had hired just before he left for the winter arrived looking very frazzled followed immediately by Elizabeth and Lady Weston who both looked very considered.

“She fell by the pond, her ankle doesn't seemed to be broken, but I can't tell for certain and she can't put weight on it at all.”

“Put her on the sofa in the drawing room, and then head to town and see if you can fetch the doctor.” Elizabeth said.

“Alice, darling are you alright.”

“Fine mother, but it does hurt dreadfully.” Alice explained “If Henry here hadn't come along when he did who knows how long I might've been out there. Thank you Henry.”

“You don't need to thank me Ms. Alice, I did what any Gentlemen would have done.”

“Still, thank you.” She smiled her rosy cheeks lite up a little as Henry headed out the door to go and find the town doctor.

Within the hour, he was back with the doctor, who instantly determined that Alice's leg was not broken but that she may have a sprained ankle he recommended she stay off it as much as possible for the next three days, he didn't recommend that she travel for at least a week and left promising to be back the next to day to check on her. It was turning out to be an interesting day for a wedding.

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Chapter 2

Posted on Friday, 23 June 2006

After several hours of debating about whether the wedding would be postponed due to Alice's accident it was finally decided that wedding would continue as planned. Alice would be taken the church in one of the carriages and carried inside. Henry of course agreed to carry her.

Lady Weston was the last to arrive at the church claiming that she had received a letter from a dear friend and had sent a quick response. Within the hour Beth became Mrs. James Lawrence. The party retreated back to Pemberly for a lavish wedding reception in disguise as a ball.

Alice of course could not dance which was quite fine with Henry who had never considered himself to be a great dancer. He sat with her on a sofa in the ballroom for the entire evening. Talking as he never had with a woman before. Elizabeth witnessed this occurrence and found herself fearing what she suspected was going on. She was watching them so completely when dancing with her husband that she hardly noticed when tried to speak to her.

“Lizzie Darling, what are you watching?” he asked

“Yes dear.” She responded incoherently.

“Lizzie!” He nearly screamed finally gaining her attention.

“I'm sorry, what were you saying?”

“I asked what you were watching that was so much more interesting then dancing with your husband?”

“I wasn't watching anything.” Elizabeth tried to cover yet she had never been a good liar.

“I know you're worried about Henry, It's written all over your face.”

“I'm not worried about him.” Elizabeth said.

“Oh so you hadn't noticed that he's been taking and exceptional interest in the young Alice Weston since saving her this morning.”

“I guess I hadn't.” She lied. This made Mr. Darcy nearly die with laughter. “What?”

“You haven't taken your eye off of them all evening.”

“I just worry that he's moving to quickly that's all. He's barely known her one day.” Elizabeth started.

“That's not true Lizzie dear. He's known her nearly all his life.” Darcy paused. “Sure he hasn't seen her in many years, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know her.”

“I just don't want to see him get hurt.” Elizabeth explained. “After all she is Caroline's daughter.”

“So the truth comes out. You just don't want to see your only son married to the daughter of Lady Caroline Weston.”

“Caroline has nothing to do with it.” Elizabeth said. She knew that yet again she was lying her greatest fear was that if Alice were to marry Henry then Caroline would win Pemberly at last. What she never imagined was that Caroline might not be fond of the idea of the marriage either.

Across the ball room Henry and Alice were talking excitedly. Henry couldn't keep his eyes off the girl. How could someone he'd known as a boy turn out to be someone he could see himself married to? He had come to Pemberly only that very morning with no intent of marrying anytime in the near future. However, just being in Alice's presence was changing that. She was intelligent and accomplished, not to mention exactly the kind of woman a man of his standing was expected to marry. He knew from the moment he saw her frantically looking for help by the lake that morning that he wanted her for his wife.

“You and the lake here at Pemberly have interesting history, Miss Alice, do you remember.”

“Yes, when I was eight years old the horrid dog you used to own accidently knocked me into the lake. I think you rescued me then too.”

“I did. I jumped in after you and pulled you out, I think you were quite angry. You said you could have gotten yourself out.”

“You must be kidding. I don't even know how to swim.” Alice admitted. “I was probably just very embarrassed.”

“With a history like that, whatever could have tempted you to go for a walk on the lake again?”

“It's so peaceful there. I don't have much time for recreation of that sort in London. My mother has me busy all the time practicing the pianoforte, painting, and attending every ball in the country. I just don't have much time for myself. I wanted to take a walk, but it didn't get me very far did it.”

“Did you ever tell your mother you feel this way?” Henry asked.

“Yes, once, but she didn't really listen. She thinks every proper young lady should be fluent in music and art as well as be prominently known in society.”

“What do you want to do Alice?” Henry asked she smiled.

“No one's ever asked me that before, I guess I never thought about it.”

“Think about it now, what do you want to do, what do you love doing most in the whole world?”

“Reading, and taking walks, mostly I just love being outside. I remember when I was young my governess would let me go out and sit on the grass by this large tree on our property. I would just sit there for hours sometimes reading a book. My mother of course thought she wasn't a good governess and let her go. She took the responsibility on herself after that. Ever since then I'm on a strict schedule.”

“No one should have to live that way Alice.” Henry smiled.

“Tell that to my mother.” She said defeated and Henry vowed to make the week she was spending at Pemberly the best of her life.

“When you are up and walking we should try the lake again, maybe this time I won't have to rescue you.” Henry smiled.

“I'd like that very much.”

Meanwhile on the other side of the ballroom Caroline Weston scowled as her daughter laughed heartedly at a joke Henry Darcy was telling her. She was more confused then she had ever been in her entire life. She had always longed to be married to Mr. Darcy and call Pemberly her home. Her daughter could have that. Yet she couldn't stand Elizabeth Darcy and she considered Mrs. Darcy the last woman on Earth she would ever want to be related to. She had always vowed that none of her children would marry the offspring of a Darcy. Not that she didn't have a high esteem for Fitzwilliam, she had always respected him and once she had even thought herself in love with him. However the idea that her grandchildren would have the blood of Elizabeth Bennett running threw their veins was too much. She loved Alice and had primed her for a husband of the best breeding. Henry Darcy had excellent breeding on his fathers side but his mother, well, she certainly wasn't good enough.

She had written a letter before leaving for the wedding that morning she greatly hoped would change the tide of things. Alice after all had another option. While the prospect of potentially being able to remove Elizabeth from Pemberly was tempting, she knew Alice had a much better arrangement already in place. She would personally insure that her daughter chose that arrangement and never married a Darcy.

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© 2006 Copyright held by the author.


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