islcollective worksheets intermediate b1 upperintermediate b2 high school idioms pict nutty idioms 292134e953557e3a306 00532254

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All told- all together

 She's the apple of his eye.

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 He's up in arms.

For all I know- he's a millionaire.

 Plans are up in the air.

 Steve of all people failed the math test!

Take everything into account before you decide.

 Everything is above board.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

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He's broke.

 The child is full of beans.

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Stop beating around the bush!

 The murderer is behind

bars now.

 She's so big-headed.

 He was black and blue

after the accident.

 That's a blessing in disguise

 It was a bolt from the blue.

 I just had a brainwave.

 He's always buttering up

his boss.


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He was caught red- handed.

 The exam was a piece of

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 William is a chip off the old block.

Don't hold your breath!

 I've got butterflies in my stomach.

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 His grandfather just kicked the bucket.

 That makes my blood boil.

 They eloped- on the spur of the moment.

 He asked her to get married- out of the blue.

 That name rings a bell.

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 I hate going out with Jim- he's a wet blanket.

 Stop calling me names!

 She always cries crocodile tears.

It never crossed my mind

to ask for help.

 She's been feeling down in the dumps lately.

 Everything is going to the dogs these days.

 That's a lost cause.

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If you play your cards right, you'll probably get the job.

 He passed the test with flying colors.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.


I'm dying for some chocolate ice cream.

 Play fair and square.

 He got off on the wrong foot.

 There's a lot of give and

take in a marriage.

 I can't speak- I've got a frog in my throat.

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I heard on the grapevine

that Mary is engaged.

 It all happened in a flash.

It's all Greek to me.

I couldn't keep a straight face when she told me the joke.

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There's plenty more fish in the sea.

 You should put your foot down and not do what others want you to do.

Take it easy.

 You shouldn't take your wife for granted.

 He's sound asleep.

 He's the spitting image of

his father.

 Ask him a simple question- just to break the ice.

 Forget it! You're beating a dead horse.

He has so many irons in the fire that he does nothing well. Or he has so much on his plate.

Hold your horses! Be


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Keep it under your hat- don't tell a soul.

 They are always trying to

keep up with the Joneses-


they just had to buy a plasma TV too.

Don't lose heart- things will turn out all right.

 I have it straight from the horse's mouth that

She's got her hands full

with 3 little children.

 That's just the tip of the iceberg.

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Stop burying your head in the sand!

That's a fine kettle of fish!

Keep your fingers crossed.

 He made a killing in the stock market.

 Stop pulling my leg! I

don't believe you.

 I always sleep like a

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 He's the life and soul of the party.

 He's going to turn over a

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new leaf .

I'm a night owl.

Don't cry over spilt milk.

 I looked in every nook and cranny and I couldn't find my ring.

 Rude people really get on

my nerves.

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 His business is making money hand over fist.

Once in a blue moon it snows in Florida.

 Oh no it slipped my mind!

 This cream can work

miracles on wrinkled skin.


 He gave us the green light.

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 He became success

against all odds.

 I'm really out of practice or rusty) I haven't played tennis in years.

 This is a golden opportunity- take advantage of it.

 He's wonderful in public

and impossible in private.

For once and for all- remember my name correctly.

 That book is out of print.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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 Let's throw a party on


 Send all your white elephants to the refugees.

 He hit the roof when he heard that his son had crashed his new car.

 If you're in a rut, get a new job.

 He spoke off the record.

 I racked my brains for the answer to the math problem.

 She's got a memory like a


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 He's totally at sea- completely lost.

If I were in your shoes, I


 Let's hit the sack!

It goes without saying

 He got his new job by pulling a few strings.


 You better pull your socks up and study harder.

 OK I'll sleep on it.

I smell a rat! Something is fishy.

Don't spill the beans- try

to keep the secret.

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 You should take that with a pinch of salt.

 Oh this is the last straw!

He's ahead of his time.

 She's living with her parents for the time being.

 The accident was prevented in the nick of time.

She's not my cup of tea at


 There's too much red tape

in Greece.

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 We've been friends

through thick and thin.

 He just drives me up a wall.

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 This morning I got out of the wrong side of the bed.

Don't make waves in the company or your goose will be cooked.

It's no wonder he lost his job- he was always late.

 He's an up and coming


 That's an old wives tale

that drafts make you sick.

 He saw red when he received the bill.


 It was pitch black- couldn't see a thing.

 He's in hot water.

 That really makes my day.

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 Robert is the black sheep of the family.

That's pot calling the kettle black.

 I explained everything until I was blue in the face.

 Watch out for red herrings

in detective stories.

 They fight like cats and dogs.

 She feels like a fish out of

water in her new job.

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 He's as busy as a bee.

 It's 50 kilometers as the crow flies.

 John is really in the doghouse with his math teacher.

 Life is dog eat dog


 She always has to do the donkey work in her office.

 I haven't seen my aunt in donkey's years.

 That would kill two birds

with one stone.

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 Oh no! You let the cat out of the bag!

 Why does she always have to make a mountain out

of a molehill?

 Such a small apartment-

not enough room to swing a cat.


 It was raining cats and dogs.

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 Business these days is called the rat race.

 You can talk to her until the cows come home and she still won't understand.

 That's just sour grapes.

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 I have a real sweet tooth.

 Working in an office is a

white collar job.

 Working construction is a

blue collar job.

If only I were a fly on the wall

 That's his Achilles' heel

 His brother is a real pain in the neck.

 He got cold feet right before the wedding.

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 I saw Mary last night and she gave me the cold shoulder.

 She's got a real sharp tongue- beware!

 He's got an eye for

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 Rich people look down their noses on everyone else.

 That was meant tongue in


Don't lose any sleep over


 He's a jack of all trades.

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 Some say the wiretapping is a storm in a teacup.


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