Mystery The Venusian Arts Notes

Mystery Method disc 1

Opener: A short story, or gambit, designed to convey little interest and used to initiate a conversation with a woman and her set.

Forward merge: To introduce your current set to a new set

Obstacle Interrupt: When an obstacle joins your current set

Obstacle: A person in a set who is not the target

ESP Gambit: Psychology experiment which allows you to read numbers randomly thought by women.

Multiple Thread: Not completing one conversational thread before beginning another.

Beauty is Common Gambit: Used in A3 = M2F Interest Phase

- “What do you got going for you other than your looks? I mean, your very beautiful, but beauty is common. What's really rare is a great outlook, energy, personality… you got 2 out of 3, that's a good start.”

What do you want to be Gambit: “What do you want to be when you grow up, and don't say princess. I mean, you could be anything with no chance of failure what would it be?” [answer = A] “An A? No way… I actually dated a nurse, I love that… I can't even talk to you anymore <playfule tone>


The Tribal Leader Personality

The first 3 seconds in an interaction will buy you the next 15, which will buy you the next minute, and so on.

Approach Anxiety: A natural fear of cold approaching a set

Body Language

Disqualifier: Removes PUA from suspicion of pick-up

The fear of illusion is real

Neg: Any gambit used to convey that you are not a potential suitor. A neg is not an insult. The purpose of a neg is to false disqualify you.

Breaking Rapport/Negs

False Disqualification Theory

The Bird Opener:


- Women of beauty are rarely found alone.

Seeking Rapport

Female Opinion Opener

Consider beginning a conversation with “Hey guys…” when you open a set; even all girls. This will keep you from conveying sexual interest.

Energy Level and voice

Buyer's Remorse:

The game

Calibrating Gambits

Characteristics of an alpha male

If you can convey these characteristics within the material that you use in A2, A3, C1, she will find you really attractive.

Social Proof (A2)

Confidence (A2)

Smile (A2)

Humour (A2)

Cocky (A2)

Well Groomed (A2)

Connection (C1)

Mystery Method Disc 2

It's better to fail with an ug than a hottie.

It is an amateur who hits on the girl right away. The pro waits 10 minutes.

A2 (Female to Male Interest) occurs when you give off DHV and the target gives you IOIs.

A3 way point

Intro to A3

Moving in A3

Social Proof

A3 for exotic dancers



Attraction locations


How to be interesting

Pivots and Merging

Frame Games

Time bridging (TB)

Always try to have a girl come to your place on the day 2. Then calibrate comfort levels to see if you have to leave or not.

The key to calibration is in the takeaway. For example in kino escalation, you calibrate on the take away and gage their response.

Disc 3

Kino = touch

Start hand touching within the first minute and a half (A2)

- Kino can be used to test for IOIs (which is the purpose of A2)

Kino escalation occurs in C1, C2, or C3

Comfort building Kino

Knee compliance test

Kino step

“Babysitting” throughout the comfort stage is an active process

Kino process

Hair pulling routine

“You can thank you ancestors for this feeling. [What do you mean?] Well, you know with little cats, you can grab them by the scruff of the neck and they'll be paralyzed? Feel this… put your head down”

“Doesn't that feel fucking good? Here, do that to me.”

Kino Testing

“Here, give me you hands…” (you don't always need to ask for them… just gesture in a way that tells her you want her to put your hands in yours, all the while telling an unrelated story)

The trust test

“Here, give me you hands…” (you don't always need to ask for them… just gesture in a way that tells her you want her to put your hands in yours, all the while telling an unrelated story)

Walking around the venue with a woman on each arm (known as “running the rail”) creates social proof and “warms” adjacent sets. To forward merge into your next set say, “Let's go make some friends.”

Being attractive


Flash cash

Accomplishment Introduction Gambit

Peacock theory

Avoiding confrontation during the chat

You are a song gambit (disc three, track 19)

Make-out intuition

Disc 4

Overview of M3 model

  1. A1 - You're going to open

  2. A2 - You're going to attract her

  3. A3 - She's going to attract you

  4. C1 - Rapport building

A1 = open

Indirect openers

Prop bag

Multiple Thread theory

Phone numbers to 25 minutes

Levels of sarging

Phases of sarging

Three sets and group theory

Warm up sets

The fun gambit

Jealousy plotline (during comfort)

When is a set over?

What do you do if you forget where you are in the M3 model/what to say?

Do girls ever start negging you back?

Having options

The lock-in prop gambit

Self referential feedback

Grounding Sequence

C1 (rapport)

The only difference between C1, C2, and C3 is location. There are 3 kinds of locations: attraction, comfort, seduction.

Jumping locations

Handbag fetish (disc 4, 37:23)

Wing hunting

Disc 5

S2 - Last Minute Resistance (LMR)

Don't use arousal as the only means to combat LMR.

The feeling of LMR

The power of ritual

There are 5 ways of solving LMR

  1. 7 hours

  • We should stop