I Spośród podanych niżej możliwości wybierz jedyne poprawne uzupełnienie zdania hasłowego: a, b lub c.

1. It's high time I ... my summer holidays. a) will organise b) organise c) organised

2. Most children prefer to play … do their homework. a) rather than to b) rather than c) than

3. I … to pop concerts when I was a teenager. a) was used to go b) used go c) used to go

4. I smell smoke: someone … here before we came. a) must have been b) must be c) had to be

5. Would you mind … the window? It's cold in here. a) close b) to close c) closing

6. She is said … to the police last night. a) to lie b) to have lied c) to have laid

7. You … lock the car. We've got a garage. a) mustn't b) needn't c) don't have

8. Don't ever say that to me again, …? a) do you b) won't you c) will you

9. I … discuss the subject at the moment. a) would rather not b) wouldn't rather c) don't rather

10. Don't believe Peter: he … the money, I saw him do it. a) may have taken b) would have taken c) did take

11. I've never seen … expensive furniture. a) such b) such a c) such an

12. I'll give him my address in case he … . a) will come b) comes c) might come

13. … work harder, you'll lose your job. a) If you b) Unless you c) If you won't

14. He went to the garage to … . a) have his car serviced b) have serviced his car c) service his car

15. He will never let … on holiday in January. a) us to go b) us go c) we go

16. “I've never been to China.” “… . ” a) So have I b) So I have c) Neither have I

17. Children … play with matches. It's really dangerous. a) mustn't b) must c) needn't

18. Bob hates … wear a uniform. a) to have b) have to c) having to

19. Stop … ! I'm trying to concentrate. a) talk b) to talk c) talking

20. Spain is not … Russia. a) big as b) bigger than c) bigger as

21. “It's dark in here.” “… turn on the light?” a) Will I b) Shall I c) Do I

22. Could you check if … any cheese in the fridge? a) is b) it is c) there is

23. He doesn't know … about sailing. a) anything b) something c) nothing

24. I can't make an omelette as I have … eggs. a) a few b) few c) many

25. Bob, … father is a lawyer, persuaded me to go to court. a) whose b) who's c) who

26. I'm meeting Mr Black for lunch today, … ? a) am I not b) aren't I c) am I

27. “I got a bunch of red roses.” “… ?” a) Whom from b) Who from c) From who

28. She walked home alone, … was very unreasonable. a) which b) what c) that

29. He wouldn't have had that accident if he … a sports car. a) didn't buy b) hadn't bought c) wouldn't buy

30. Do you really believe that John is … a family? a) capable of raising b) capable to raise c) able of raising

31. I suggest … a letter to Chris or else he'll be sorry. a) that he will write b) that he should write c) him to write

32. I wish I … so much at the party last night. a) didn't eat b) wouldn't have eaten c) hadn't eaten

33. Never before … so happy. a) has he looked b) hasn't he looked c) he has looked

34. … he tried hard, he didn't manage to start the engine. a) However b) Although c) Nevertheless

35. Leslie is the author of this book and of two … as well. a) another b) others c) the others

36. How … can you jump? a) height b) highly c) high

37. He's got two brothers but … of them is a doctor. a) both b) neither c) none

38. I don't know what … for a living. a) he does b) does he c) does he do

39. I heard him … the door . a) that he closed b) to close c) close

40. Peter denied … anything to do with the burglary. a) having b) have c) to have

II Podaj właściwą formę czasowników w nawiasach, tak aby poniższe zdania były logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie.

It 41 (be) 8 p.m. now and they 42 (still/lie) on the beach. When I was at the seaside I 43 (swim) in the sea every day.

While I 44 (jog) in the park yesterday, I 45 (fall) and 46 (sprain) my ankle. He 47 (know) Jim since 1999.

By this time tomorrow they 48 (arrive) in Madrid. If I 49 (be) you, I 50 (go) there a long time ago.

Three new schools 51 (build) since Mr Smith 52 (elect) mayor. 53 (See) that he 54 (stand) no chance, he gave up.

When I 55 (look) at what she 56 (do) so far I 57 (spot) as many as twelve mistakes. When I 58 (be) retired I 59 (buy) a yacht.

If you 60 (have) problems 61 (fall) asleep, try 62 (count) sheep. In 1988 she 63 (take) ballet lessons for six years.

Having opened the door I 64 (realise) that it 65 (take) me at least two hours to clean up the mess.

III Przekształć podane w nawiasach słowa tak, aby poniższe zdania były logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie.

Steve was rather 66 (APPOINT) when I said I wouldn't be coming back home. My 67 (KNOW) of French is rather poor.

Watch out! This decision may have 68 (DISASTER) results. `Do sit down,' she said with an 69 (COURAGE) smile.

She 70 (COME) her fear of heights when she did her first bungee jump. Minerals 71 (STRONG) your bones.

Poor old Steve! He is 72 (HOPE) in love with Britney Spears. 73 (EMPLOY) is still a serious social problem in this country.

Landing on the Moon was one of the greatest 74 (ACHIEVE) of mankind.

A virus destroyed important data which proved 75 (REPLACE). The company went bankrupt.

IV Wśród poniższych zdań wskaż te, które są poprawne gramatycznie, stawiając na karcie odpowiedzi znak obok numeru zdania. Pozostałe zdania są niepoprawne - albo brakuje w nich jednego słowa, albo występuje w nich o jedno słowo za dużo. Na karcie odpowiedzi wpisz obok numeru zdania brakujące lub zbędne słowo.

76. Despite of her age she goes swimming every day. 77. It looks as it's going to rain.

78. It's greatest film I've ever seen! 79. When she appeared, the crowds cheered enthusiastically.

80. Haven't you got a bigger ones? 81. You better hurry up if you want to catch the train.

82. Some countries invest a lot in space exploration. 83. He has been eaten several cakes so far.

84. He explained me how to operate his camera. 85. She came early that she could get a better view.

86. He made a complimentary remark about my dress. 87. Protein is an essential component of a healthy diet.

88. Even he is poor, he goes abroad every year. 89. Our teacher made us to write our homework in special copybooks.

90. According to the announcement, the gates will be opened at noon.

V Wstaw brakujące przyimki.

The captain welcomed the passengers 91… behalf of the crew. Everybody congratulated Jim 92… his promotion.

Are you still angry 93… me? My uncle is brilliant 94… solving crossword puzzles.

The plane was delayed due 95… bad weather conditions. The burglar broke into the house 96… means of a coat hanger.

He gathered his relatives 97… order to read his last will. The smell was characteristic 98… dark damp places.

She kept waving until the train was 99… of sight. The solution will be discussed 100… terms of practicality.


1. c 2. b 3. c

4. a 5. c 6. b

7. b 8. c 9. a

10. c 11. a 12. b

13. b 14. a 15. b

16. c 17. a 18. c

19. c 20. b 21. b

22. c 23. a 24. b

25. a 26. b 27. b

28. a 29. b 30. a

31. b 32. c 33. a

34. b 35. b 36. c

37. b 38. a 39. c

40. a

41 is

42 are still lying

43 swam

44 was jogging

45 fell

46 sprained

47 has known

48 will have arrived

49 were

50 would have gone

51 have been built

52 was elected

53 Seeing

54 stood

55 looked

56 had done

57 spotted

58 am

59 will buy

/am going to buy

60 have

61 falling

62 counting

63 had been taking

64 realised

65 would take











76. of 77. if 78. the

79. 80. a 81. had

82. 83. been 84. to

85. so 86. 87.

88. if/though 89. to


91 on 92 on

93 with 94 at

95 to 96 by

97 in 98 of

99 out 100 in


Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 1 - 15 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie A1.

Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 16 - 30 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie A2.

Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 31 - 45 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie B1.

Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 46 - 70 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie B2.

Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 71 - 95 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie C1.

Jeżeli rozwiązałeś/rozwiązałaś poprawnie 96 - 100 zadań, radzimy, abyś dołączył(a) do grupy na poziomie C2.


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