Meridians and Acupuncture Points within the Human Ear enes 23.01.2004 15:15:36

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Meridians and Acupuncture Points Within the Human Ear

The Dr. Tomatis perspective that the ear is a much more important organ than previously recognized, that involves every cell in the human body, is verified by the extensive meridian system that terminates at the ear. A source for related information is the book Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, which states The ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is based on the idea that every organ and bone in the body is connected to specific points on the body's surface. By activating these acupuncture points, with needles or some other form of stimulation, it is believed that diseases and imbalances affecting the parts of the body connected to the points can be alleviated and even cured. There are over a thousand acupuncture points organized in the lines called meridians on the body's surface. Talbot goes on to inform us that ears contain an acupuncture microsystem that was first discovered by the Chinese 4,000 years ago. If one connects the dots of the acupuncture points in the ear they form an anatomical map of a miniature human inverted like a fetus. The diagram below, copyright Dr. Terry Oleson, of the little man in the ear documents that a meridian for every major organ terminates in the human ear. In theory, the acupuncture points (remember everything vibrates) can be activated by the sound output of stereo headphones. This theory of sound activating the meridians in the human ear, would explain many of the benefits documented by Dr. Tomatis and other professionals using alternative sound practices.

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