Coming Out of Shells

Coming Out of Shells


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Posted on Tuesday, 8 April 2003, at 4:34 p.m.

With the conclusion of the second Christmas season spent at Pemberley since her marriage to Fitzwilliam "William" Darcy, Elizabeth looked forward to the upcoming ball she and her husband would host this spring for Georgiana. Around the breakfast table sat her husband, Georgiana, and Colonel Fitzwilliam. She took a moment to reflect on the happy memories that the holiday had brought them and felt a little melancholy.

"Family, let us vow to always have Christmas here at Pemberley like this. I cannot imagine a happier time of the year than when we are all together as we are now."

Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam looked up, surprised at her tender expression. Darcy wiped his mouth and gazed empathetically at his wife.

"My dear, I do not think it is a reasonable request of either of them. For now, they are both unattached, but that will, undoubtedly, not always be the case. After Georgiana comes out this spring, she will eventually marry well and leave us and never think of us again. And Fitzwilliam... well, maybe Fitzwilliam, the ever devoted bachelor, will always spend his Christmases here!", Darcy said, only half joking.

"Brother, do not tease!!"

"William, you are incorrigible!", Elizabeth scorned and turned to Colonel Fitzwilliam, "Richard, dearest, you are always welcome and if you should ever decide to make some lady the luckiest of women, she will always be welcome here as well!"

Colonel Fitzwilliam grinned at her; "It would not be the same if I did not get to spend some part of my holiday here at Pemberley. I am afraid that Darcy does have a point though. It seems I have grown too particular in my list of desires of the perfect mate. I have looked everywhere, but I have yet to find her."

Darcy looked at his cousin and warned, "Old man, I highly suggest you tread lightly on this subject. Your words have the ring of a challenge that my lady would no doubt enjoy taking upon herself to prove you wrong." Motioning towards his wife, "Look there, you can already see the wheels turning in that calculating head of hers..."

Amused by this notion, the Colonel faced an already scheming Elizabeth, "Well, then, I fear I must disappoint my fair cousin. Any plans to assist me in this matter will have to be delayed because I have just received word from General Scott of my latest assignment which, unfortunately, finds me departing here tomorrow morning."

"Your absence would, in deed, prove to be an unfortunate obstacle, but not impossible to overcome. It will merely give me more opportunity to formulate a generous list of acceptable applicants." She winked at him in jest.

Georgiana was disappointed by his news, "Oh but cousin, you have only been here two weeks! You promised to take me riding again and help me learn to jump with consistent precision, remember?"

"I apologize sweet Georgiana. I will be back in the spring for your ball when you will, no doubt, be fully occupied by an onslaught of suitors that will be forming lines at the front door. Hopefully, you will have a little spare time to see me and I would be happy to give you more instruction in your riding at that time."

Darcy rolled his eyes at the thought of Georgiana's many suitors, but was happy to know that the Colonel would be back in time to help him sort through all of the solicitors after her coming out. He knew he would need counsel in that area because he could not imagine that there was a man who existed that he would give his consent to courting Georgiana.

"Richard, could you not spare an hour with me this afternoon? I will make the arrangements to have Centaur and Twilight saddled and brought to the front so that we can head off directly rather than going down to the stables."

Darcy grimaced, "Georgiana, it's freezing outside. I know there is only a light layer of snow on the ground, but you are not experienced enough to be attempting jumps when it is like this. Fitzwilliam needs to get his affairs in order before he departs tomorrow. Maybe this weekend, if it warms a bit more, I will have a moment to take you out myself for a lesson."

Georgiana cringed at the thought of her brother instructing her how to ride. He was too impatient of a teacher and only made her more nervous when he instructed her. "Thank you brother for the kind offer, but I have a full weekend ahead and will not have the time for a good ride with you." She thought a moment more, not willing to let the request drop.

"Richard, do you really have no time this afternoon? I have an empty schedule and could ride out any time."

"Georgie, you are becoming a very persistent young lady. I wonder whose influence you have been under", shooting a quick smile towards Elizabeth. "Well....I suppose I could arrange a little time for a short jaunt this afternoon. I will meet you at the south corridor entrance at 3pm sharp for your lesson. Do not be late."

Georgiana was very pleased. She told Darcy not to worry about her jumping and that she would wear an extra layer of clothing and he reluctantly gave his approval.

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At 3 o'clock sharp, she had Richard's favourite, Centaur, saddled and waited atop Twilight for him to arrive. Centaur was the colour of a cinnamon stick with a beautiful black mane and tail. His body was sleek and muscular and he was notorious for his loyalty to the Colonel. The stable boy held him, as he grew anxious for his master. Centaur began stamping his front legs as the Colonel rounded the corner and gingerly grabbed his halter, rubbed his muzzle and said soothingly, "Easy boy, I am here... Let us enjoy today's leisure and tomorrow I will grant you more purpose."

The Colonel shot a brief and wicked smile at Georgiana as he mounted. He held his chin high and circled around her and Twilight with a stern military glare and said quite firmly, "Well, Miss Darcy, shall we begin at a proper lady-like trot this afternoon or are you prepared to show me what you are made of??"

Georgiana, thrilled by his challenge, kicked her horse with purpose and yelled, "Yah!" and Twilight bolted in response to her command. The Colonel laughed and yelled, "A head start will not help you, cousin!"

He kicked Centaur and whistled his command to sprint. Centaur quickly caught up to
Twilight and the Colonel said, "See, my dear, it does no good to challenge him, he will persist until he has proven himself victorious."

Georgiana laughed and turned off the main road towards a frequented path in a nearby pasture. There was an old stone wall that she loved to practice her jumps over as its height did not pose much of a threat to a beginner. She hopped it with ease and made her way to a higher fence further across the field and began to speed up.

"Georgie, not the fence, please! You are not ready." Seeing how she ignored this plea, he rolled his eyes in defeat and yelled, "Keep your eye on the target, head up, back straight and lean in!"

She jumped with such ease over the fence as Richard followed and she turned back to look at a surprised and confused cousin. "Georgie, clearly you have been practicing behind my back! Quite impressive, young lady! I thought I was the only one who was instructing you."

"You are my only instructor. I catch on quickly at some things."

"Georgie, you are a natural horsewoman. It is a very rare quality, indeed." He thought how proud Darcy would have been to see her like this and then smiled when he thought, "Actually, it might be best that he not see her like this. I can just hear the pistols cocking at dawn now!"

"Thank you, Richard. Twilight and I have been practicing so much lately and I did not want you to leave until you saw what your student has been able to achieve. I never knew the freedom and exhilaration that riding such a magnificent creature could offer. I feel as though this is the one thing that I am in complete control over in my life and I will cherish this skill forever."

"You are beginning to sound like your old cousin in that respect. I feel the same way when I ride."

"Old cousin, in deed! Richard, you are not that old!"

"I was almost thirteen when I first saw you in your mother's arms and now I ride along an exquisite seventeen year old woman whom I hardly recognize as the shy, reserved girl I once knew."

Georgiana deeply blushed and was grateful that her cheeks already had a rosy hue from the cold air so that he would not have noticed the effect of his flattery.

He noticed.

They walked along quietly for a short distance before she faced him in a very formal manner and lowered her voice to mimic a man's, "Colonel Fitzwilliam, are you up for a little adventure, my poor, dear, elderly friend?"

"Yes, yes, by all means. I need to escape a deranged young woman. Let us away on your adventure!"

She laughed and kicked her horse in the direction just below Baymont Ridge. She led him and Centaur through a small thicket of trees ducking several times just to clear the low branches. They finally came upon a clearing where a small brook still stubbornly trickled not wanting to concede to winter.

"Georgiana Darcy, I do not want to imagine how you ever came to discover this place!"

"Welcome to my private haven, Colonel. Twilight and I come here all the time. The only rules here are that there are no rules here. I answer to no one but the trees and rocks when I am here. And do you know that they have not once objected to my presence?"

"I am not surprised in the least."

She dismounted Twilight and led her horse to drink. He followed her actions and she asked if she could share something in confidence with him.

"Of course, Georgie. Tell me anything."

"Richard, please do not relay any of this to Fitzwilliam or Elizabeth. I do not want them to misunderstand or worry. They have been working so hard to plan the events of my coming out for this spring and I am deeply indebted to the hard work they are both putting into it. It is only that...I dread each day that brings me closer to that time. I loathe being the center of attention, especially in large gatherings as this one promises to be. Why could we just not inform the public that I have been presented in court and am officially "out" without all this pomp and circumstance of a ball for me?"

"Georgiana, believe me, I have been to a dozen of such events and I completely understand what you are saying, but it is only one evening and then it is over. Although I abhor some of the expectations that society has defined as necessary, our family has worked hard for generations to allow us these opportunities. If after that evening, you want to limit the number of acceptances to upcoming balls and gatherings so that you slowly become more comfortable with the whole prospect, then that would be quite acceptable. I am positive that Darcy and Elizabeth would be happy to oblige that request."

"I suppose you are right. I realize I am "of age" now, but I do not have any desire to meet with strange young men and put on a show for them so that they may decide if I am worth the effort of pursuing like wild game. The whole thing makes me quite ill, truth be known. Does it not matter what Iwant in a partner?"

He reached out and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Of course it matters. You are in a fortunate position to be somewhat particular in your choice of partner. Not all young women, or men for that matter, have that luxury."

"I do realize what a blessing that is, believe me. Although I am not sure what it is exactly I am searching for in a match, I am aware of what I do not want."

"You have my curiosity piqued, madam. Pray, which qualities of my sex detest you the most?"

She smiled at his playfulness and replied in earnest, "I do not want a proud unapproachable man. He cannot have a conceited heir or be too confident in his manner. I do not desire a man that does not understand how family, not money, is the most important thing to me. If his priority is my dowry and not my being, then I want nothing of him. And lastly, if he does not look favorably upon young ladies who enjoy a good ride in the country even during the coldest of the winter, then he is of little interest to me!"

"By George, I believe I am witnessing a little bit of Elizabeth rubbing off on you!"

"I hope so. I have learned so much from her this past year. She has taught me that I must first understand and appreciate my own wants and needs before I can go seeking someone to fulfill them. Most importantly, she has taught me how to be content within myself. That lesson has lifted a great amount of pressure that I used to put on my self to please other's expectations. Although it is easy to claim this, I find myself reverting back to my shy old ways when I am faced with a large group of eager eyes."

"It is only because you have not had enough exposure to it yet. I found that after I had been to several dozen balls and parties over the years, that there are ways to find privacy in the art of just blending in. I enjoy the role of the observer more than that of the observed, myself. You, on the other hand, may not enjoy that luxury since you have become a lady who will only know admiration of others. That is the price you pay for beauty, my dear!"

She blushed and pushed him to the side, "Richard, really!"

He grabbed her hand and held it to his heart and said exhaustedly while looking heavenward, "Dear Georgiana, will we ever find happiness when it comes to love? Is there really that one perfect man and woman out there just waiting to be acquainted with us? Knowing this, at the very least, would give me some relief from my own parent's constant interrogation on the matter! I only wish I knew.'"

"Me too."

They smiled at one another before Richard released her hand.

"I am afraid, dear cousin, that we must get back to the house. I have to get ready for my journey tomorrow and still have a stack of correspondence to go through."

"Your assignment will not be a dangerous one, I hope."

"Do not concern yourself with that. This assignment is strictly routine, I assure you."

The stable manager met them at the front of the house to retrieve Centaur and Twilight. Richard helped Georgiana down from her golden mare and she took his arm as they headed back inside.

Before they parted Georgiana gave his arm a squeeze and said, "Thank you so much for listening to me today. I really needed to confide in someone who could relate."

"It was my pleasure, madam. Anytime, I assure you." He took her hand from his arm and kissed it sweetly before returning it to her.

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That evening Colonel Fitzwilliam had dinner in his quarters while finishing the business of packing and completing some last minute correspondence. He regretted not being able to join the rest of the party downstairs until the ladies had already retired for the evening.

He joined Darcy in his study for a hearty glass of the finest port and took in the rare pleasure of a cigar. After two hours of telling stories and walking down the proverbial memory lane, they both retired for the evening.

In order to leave on time, Richard woke before it was light the next morning. He slipped a note under Georgiana's door before he left. The plan was to be back a week before her ball to help in any way that he was needed.

Georgiana woke to the sound of horse's hooves outside her window before the sun rose and she jumped out of bed to see what was going on. She saw Richard mounted on Centaur with two other men in regimentals with him. He gave his steed a swift kick and was soon out of site. She smiled as she watched, but quickly felt her heart drop. Centaur, stay loyal to your master and bring him safely back to us. She was about to turn and jump back into bed when the note on the floor caught her attention.

She saw the Colonel's seal and went and sat on the floor next to the fire for some more light and warmth.

Dec. 30, 1813

Dearest Georgiana,

I apologize for not having the opportunity to say goodbye before you retired last night. I wanted you to be aware that even though you are embarking on a new, albeit confusing, time in your life, that does not mean everything is going to change. There are few things that will always be a constant in your lifetime and among those is the love you will always possess from a devoted brother and sister and, of course, that of your guardian/cousin/riding instructor. We will always be here for you.

I was so honoured that you took comfort in confiding in me yesterday on our ride. I have always feared that I had not completely done my duty towards you after your father had passed. Darcy rarely requested my assistance in that regard which speaks volumes of how mature you had become at such a young age. You have grown into such a compassionate and lovely young woman. Your parents would be so proud if they could see you.

I know the turmoil you went through with that "rake" of a man after the Ramsgate incident. It was a terrible time for you, to say the least. I, however, found that because of that time, you and I had the opportunity to become good friends while you lived in town. Sometimes I find that the worst of circumstances can often lead to the best of consequences. Whatever may lie ahead for us in the future, I will always be

Yours ever,
Richard Fitzwilliam

p.s. Remember - Keep your eyes on the target, head up, back straight, and lean in! (This advice is also sound for riding...)

Georgiana smiled through tears streaming down her face as she reread his letter for a third time. His words spoke directly to her heart. He was her rock when she needed it most. If there were only such a man like him for me. She folded the note back up and placed it under her pillow as she drifted back off to sleep.

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The next several weeks were spent in town as Georgiana and Elizabeth made final preparations for gowns and invitations. Elizabeth selected a gown of gold silk with pearl beaded accents along the diamond shaped neckline. Darcy had given Elizabeth a set of dangling pearl earrings for their first wedding anniversary that she wanted to wear especially for this occasion.

Georgiana had chosen a gown of angelic white satin fabric with an overlay of embroidered lace on the skirt. It had a plunging, yet tasteful, neckline that had silver embroidery of petite flowers and scrolling along the edge. She would wear a petite tiara of pearls and diamonds she had inherited from her great grandmother. She also intended to wear her mother's sapphire and pearl earrings and necklace to complete the ensemble. It was very important to Georgiana to honour the memory of her loved ones on this particular night. Her deep brown eyes sparkled in delight when she saw herself in the mirror for the first fitting. Elizabeth told her that she would bring tears to her brother's eyes when he saw her. She knew he was going to be beaming with pride that night.

On the afternoon of their second fitting, two women came for fittings as well. Elizabeth recognized the older woman as Mrs. Christopher Bailey and assumed the younger woman with her to be her daughter.

"Mrs. Bailey, it is so good to see you again!"

Elizabeth had met with Mrs. Bailey several times in Derbyshire over the past few months. The Bailey's had recently taken ownership of Barton Hall, not ten miles away from Pemberley. Mr. & Mrs. Bailey had the Darcy's over for a card party in the fall and enjoyed their company very much. They had two children, a young lady that must have been about Mary's age named Jasmine and an older son, Lawrence who was no more than eight and twenty. Jasmine preferred to live in town most of the year due to the allergic reactions she had from pollen. She was a beautiful young woman with chestnut hair and deep blue eyes. Lawrence was completing his career in the Navy and was reportedly coming back home to take over the family estate for his father.

"Mrs. Darcy, how good to run into you here in town! Please allow me to introduce my daughter, Jasmine."

The two ladies curtsied.

"It is an honour to finally meet you Miss Bailey. I have heard so much about you through your mother."

"Thank you Mrs. Darcy, I also wanted to thank you for including me in the invitation for your sister's ball next month. I rarely get into the country, but I do look forward to that evening. My mother tells me it will be magical at the infamous Pemberley Estate."

"Well, I am so glad you and your family will be able to attend. Tell me, will your brother be back to the mainland in time for the ball?"

"Why yes, he will be. We are actually leaving London tomorrow to welcome him back home to Barton. He is expected to arrive by the end of the week."

Georgiana came out from the back and saw Elizabeth chatting with two women she had not met before.

"Georgiana, come and let me introduce you to our new neighbors."

Elizabeth introduced them and they each took the opportunity to tell her how excited they were to attend her ball. After a half hour of pleasantries was exchanged, Elizabeth and Georgiana left the shop to go home.

"It was so nice to finally meet the Bailey's, Elizabeth. They seem like good people."

"Yes, I believe their family is well respected through out much of England. We are fortunate that they took up at Barton Hall. Mr. Bailey apparently had misgivings originally about the area due to the distance from town, but Mrs. Bailey fell in love with Derbyshire and Barton was the only suitable estate that was available."

"It is a shame that Miss Bailey has such reactions to the country. Will she be well enough to attend the ball, do you think?"

"I hope so, I admit to conspiring a plan with her in mind and it just would not do if she were ill."

"What ever is your design for Miss Bailey?"

"Well, I was hoping to introduce her to the Colonel that evening. She is a very agreeable young lady and I am certain that he will acknowledge her beauty as well as a substantial dowry to be attractive qualities in a possible future wife. I think they would make a fetching couple, do you not agree?"

Georgiana's face turned pale at the thought of this. She did not understand why the thought of Miss Bailey and Richard made her stomach churn, but she also did not want to discourage Elizabeth's enthusiasm regarding the matter.

"I suppose they would appear to be a handsome couple, although without knowing Miss Bailey better, I could not make any recommendations of it being a great match."

"No, neither could I, but it could not hurt to point them in the right direction. I realize that a person's substance is the most important thing, and if he does not find her character to compliment his own, then only he will be able to decide for himself whether she is a good contender for life partner."

"True. Elizabeth, would you excuse me? I think I am going to retire for the evening a little early this evening."

"Georgiana, are you feeling well? Would you like me to call on Dr. Smythe to come see you?"

"No, I thank you. I just feel a little tired from our shopping excursion and would prefer to have a quiet night in my room, if you do not mind."

"No, of course. We did exceed our normal pace this afternoon. Go relax and I will have Hannah bring your supper to your room this evening."

"Thank you, Lizzy."

Later that evening, Darcy inquired after his sister. Lizzy explained that they had had a long day making the final arrangements for the ball and she was just a little tired. Elizabeth had suspected that Georgiana was disturbed by something, but she assumed it was just nervousness about meeting all the young gentlemen that would attend the ball.

Elizabeth decided to check on Georgiana before she retired for the evening.

"Georgiana, I just wanted to make sure you were feeling better."

"Yes, Lizzy. It was nothing serious, I assure you."

Elizabeth looked down at her plate of uneaten supper.

"Are you sure you are not ill?"

"I am quite well, I promise."

"Good. Before I go, William wanted me to inform you that he his sending correspondence to Colonel Fitzwilliam. He requested that you include a note of your own informing him of any duties that would require his assistance regarding your ball."

"Duties? What does he mean? What does he expect of our cousin on that night?"

"Honestly, I cannot presume to understand William's request. I assume that he wants the Colonel to feel included in your presentation, being that he is your co-guardian. Just write the Colonel a quick note telling him that we are all happy that he will be able to attend and that will satisfy your brother's request."

They both laughed and Elizabeth shook her head in amusement before she bid her sister a good night.

Georgiana took her tea from her tray to her writing table and began to write her cousin. After attempting several drafts, she sealed her final letter and gave it to Darcy to include with his.

The Colonel received the correspondence a few days later from Darcy and was surprised to find a separate note within it. He read Darcy's letter first.

March 18, 1814


Included you will find a letter from Georgiana. I asked her to list any duties that would be expected of you for the ball since it seems there is certain decorum to this type of event. I wanted you to feel prepared.

All is well here in town and we are preparing to leave for Pemberley soon. I hope your assignment has not been too daunting.

Your cousin,

F. Darcy

When he realized that the sealed note he held in his hand was from Georgiana, his heart rate began to quicken and he stroked the seal before opening it.

March 18, 1814

Dearest Richard,

I hope this letter finds you well. We have been quite busy the past couple of months preparing for the unavoidable 'ball of a lifetime'. I wish I were more enthusiastic about it, but I must tell you I dread the thought of it even more now than when we last spoke. I am, however, determined to make the best of it and hope it will be a night I will never forget. Knowing you will be there makes the whole setting, somehow, less intimidating.

We have been in town sine early January and I am most anxious to finally be back home. I have not had a chance to ride Twilight since the afternoon of our "adventure". I think the minute I step foot back home, I plan on going out for a long ride to clear my head.

The letter you left me after Christmas meant so much to me, dear Richard. You always know how to touch my heart. I have missed our rides and our talks a great deal. I, too, am glad we have become such good friends over the past few years. Could you ever fathom how precious you have become in my life? You must realize that the love we have for you should be considered a constant in your life, as well.

Please promise me that you will take me riding the very day you get back. I realize that you will be tired from your journey, but I must insist on this, sir! Return safely to us, dear cousin.

Most sincerely yours,


p.s. My brother requested that I include a letter that listed all that would be required of you the night of my ball. You are required to be present, that is all.

Colonel Fitzwilliam read over his letter from his cousin twice. Oh Georgie, you should not write like that to me. My heart cannot handle it. Everything she said was dear and innocent enough, but I feel closer to her than I ever have before. I must not forget I am her guardian and cousin above all else, but a part of me wants to reach out to her. He folded her letter and placed it in the inside of his coat.

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Two weeks after receiving Georgiana's correspondence, the Colonel sent an express to Darcy.

April 5, 1814


Please make my apologies to Elizabeth and Georgiana. My assignment is taking longer than I had hoped. I will be there for your sister's ball, but not until the day of. I hope this does not cause any great inconvenience. Please inform your sister that I will still be able to perform her required list of duties.

Your cousin,
R. Fitzwilliam

Darcy received the Colonel's express in the afternoon and showed it to Elizabeth.

"What is so important about this assignment that keeps my cousin from bringing me peace of mind?"

"Husband, what ever do you mean?"

"I admit, I was looking forward to a little relief from conversations that pertained to dancing, music, gowns, and hairstyles."

"It will all come to an end soon, husband, I promise! Just be glad you only have one sister!"

Darcy winced at that thought and was quite grateful he had only one sister to worry about and attend to. He went looking for Georgiana to tell her the news.

"I do not understand why he must stay away. Do you think everything is well? He is not injured or ill is he? Should we send a carriage to bring him back so that he may rest?"

"Georgiana, calm yourself, really. It is not unusual that one of his assignments is delayed. You know that just as well. He will be here to help present you, but even if he cannot make it, I would not let you down. I am certain I could manage the task at hand."

"Of course you could, dear brother. I do not know why I am worried. If you will excuse me, I think I shall go out and take a ride."

"Georgiana, you must not go unaccompanied, it is not safe or proper."
"It is perfectly safe, Fitzwilliam and I will keep to the property. No one will be able to see your sister crossing the lines of propriety, I assure you."

Darcy rolled his eyes and knew argument was pointless.

Georgiana mounted Twilight and took to the paths with a ferocious need to escape. She wandered through the grounds and decided to aim towards her private retreat. As she came upon the now effervescent brook, she sat atop a rock and let her bare feet dangle in the cool water. After taking in the warmth of the sun for several minutes, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her cousin's letter, which she read for about the fiftieth time. She put it back in her pocket and recited aloud what she could remember of a poem she used to know:

Over the mountains
And over the waves,
Under the fountains
And under the graves;
Under floods that are deepest,
Which Neptune obey,
Over rocks that are steepest,
Love will find out the way...

You may esteem him
A child for his might;
Or you may deem him
A coward for his flight;
But if she whom Love doth honour
Be concealed from the day--
Set a thousand guards upon her
Love will find out the way...*

I cannot possibly see how love could find it's way to me. I am at constant battle between the sense in my mind and the passion in my heart. Could I be in love with him? Surely I could not. And if I were, would it matter? This would not be a match that could be considered anything more than forbidden in my brother's eye. It is all for naught for his feelings towards me could never be more than a dutiful cousin and close friend. I can find peace in that, but since no man could live up to the standards he has set in my heart, I could not settle for less in a marriage.

Georgiana began to weep quietly as she realized that she was, in deed, in love with Richard. From this moment on, I will maintain that I am only Richard's relative and friend and not a speck more. I will not take this relationship any further than that by making a declaration that would only make him uncomfortable around me. He must never know my true feelings. I would risk losing too much if I pursued this any further. My brother would be so disappointed and hurt and I could not live knowing I was the source of his pain once again.

She took a deep breath and calmed her mind before she mounted Twilight to go back to the house. As she broke through the clearing of the thicket, she noticed a gentleman loping across a neighboring field. She did not recognize him and decided not to stop and acknowledge him.

Suddenly, she heard hooves barreling right behind her and before she knew what was happening, the gentleman took his whip and snapped it at Twilights hide to get her going. Georgiana let out a yelp, but held on as Twilight bolted in the same direction as the other rider. She pulled up on the reigns to a stop and angrily jumped off.

"You could have had me killed!"

"Pardon me, miss, I just figured if a lady such as yourself was skilled enough to ride unaccompanied, then surely you would not mind a little pleasure that a real ride could afford!"

"You are too presumptuous to know anything of my riding skill or that in which I find pleasure. Let me assure you that you were wrong on both counts. I am only a beginner rider and I never find pleasure in dangerous acts brought on by strange men."

"Please accept my humble apologies. You must, however, let me correct you; you are not a beginner. A beginner would not have been able to hang on like that. Second, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lawrence Bailey. I believe we are neighbors. My family now resides at Barton Hall just east of here and I have moved back to help my father with the estate. I presume you are the infamous Miss Darcy."

"Infamous, I am not, sir. I wish I could say it was a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Mr. Bailey, but I have somehow lost my desire for good manners this afternoon. Good day, sir."

"Oh Miss Darcy, surely you could overlook one minor mistake! I know if you allowed yourself to get to know me better, I could find other ways of bringing you pleasure."

Georgiana glared back, revolted by his conceit, before taking off towards Pemberley. What cheek! I am appalled that he spoke to me in such a manner. He is the very definition of what I loathe most in men!

*Love will find out the way, Anonymous, 15th/16th cent.

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The day before the ball, family and friends began to fill the house up. Darcy's aunt and uncle, Earl and Lady Matlock, arrived along with their eldest son, Edward, and his wife Sarah. The Bennet clan had taken up camp at the Bingley's new home, which was less than twelve miles north of Pemberley.

The flowers were being set up in the dining hall and ballroom. The crystal and silver were all polished and ready for use. The entire house was bustling with activity and it was difficult not to get swept up in the moment.

Georgiana decided to forego her usual ride this day for a number of reasons. She did not want to take any unnecessary risks and she did not want to have another chance encounter with that rogue, Lawrence Bailey! She settled herself in the music room and performed some Mozart to take the edge off.

The Bingley's had invited the entire group of Pemberley, much to the relief of Elizabeth, to dine with them that evening prior to the ball. The evening was such a pleasure to all and the only thing that seemed to be missing was the Colonel. Although she did miss him, Georgiana was almost grateful to have another day before she would have to pretend that she had no feelings beyond the acceptable for him.

That night, before she ascended the staircase to retire, Darcy stepped out of the study and asked Georgiana to join him.

"Georgiana, I wanted to see just how you are fairing in all this. Elizabeth keeps telling me that you are ready for tomorrow night and I want to believe her, but I need to hear it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak."

Georgiana gave him a warm grin and said, "You have nothing to worry about in regards to me, dear brother. Elizabeth has done such an exceptional job at attending to each and every detail. I feel as though I know how each second of the evening will go and it does not concern me any longer."

"If at any time you feel you need some air, just give me a signal and myself, or Richard, will come to your rescue."

"Thank you Fitzwilliam, I will remember that. I think I had better retire if I am to survive tomorrow."

Darcy walked over to her and embraced her. "Yes, good night then."

She kissed him on the cheek and retired to her room.

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The morning of the ball, Georgiana opted to have breakfast in her room. She wanted to maintain her peaceful state of mind as long as possible before all the activity began. After breakfast she dressed and Elizabeth requested that they take a turn in the garden to make sure that she did not have any further questions as to how the evening would commence.

"Elizabeth, I assure you that I am at complete ease, regarding tonight. Thank you for all that you have done to insure that this evening is a complete success. I realize that this was not an easy job to undertake, but you have exceeded all my expectations thus far and I can only imagine what an enchanting evening it is going to be."

"I am glad you approve. Now, you do know that if you need a break, at anytime, to just signal Fitzwilliam or the Colonel and they will see to it that you get some air."

"Yes, Fitzwilliam informed me as such last night."

Georgiana looked towards the stables and then asked, "Elizabeth, would you mind terribly if I took a short ride this afternoon. I think it would really help me relax before I need to get ready this evening. I will not jump or ride recklessly, I just need to get away for a little while."

"Of course you may. Please stay on the grounds and do not get hurt. I do not think your brother would forgive me if he had to present you this evening in fresh scrapes and bruises."

Georgiana smiled, "I promise, it will not come to that!"

After Twilight was saddled up, Georgiana took off in a different direction than she normally did. Although her private sanctuary was always nice, today she just wanted to feel like she was flying. She gave Twilight quite the exercise that afternoon and returned to the stables just before she needed to get back to the house to dress for the evening.

The stable manager helped her down and took Twilight away. As she exited the stable, she saw Centaur receiving a bath from one of the horse hands. She went up to the young boy washing him and asked, "Did Colonel Fitzwilliam already arrive?"

The young boy averted his eyes and confirmed that he had just arrived within the past half hour. She lightly caressed Centaur's muzzle and whispered into his ear, "Thank you for bringing him home safely."

The stable boy looked astonished. "How'd you do that, ma'am?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I ain't ever seen him permit another to do that kind of thing. He only allows affection like that from his master."

"Well, we have an understanding, of sorts." She winked at Centaur and then retreated towards the house.

Georgiana entered the house and saw that the door to her brother's study was closed. She knew Richard must be in there and decided it would be better to prepare herself for the evening rather than waste time with awkward greetings.

The guests began to arrive at 7 o'clock and by 8 o'clock Darcy waited at the bottom of the grand staircase to receive his sister. Elizabeth and the Colonel eagerly waited with him. When she finally made her appearance, Darcy was silent in disbelief and his eyes filled with tears. Elizabeth gave his arm a reassuring squeeze.

The Colonel with his back to the stairs realized that she must have been approaching due to Darcy's expression. He swiftly turned around and looked up to see the breathtaking vision before him.

"Dear God!" He realized that he had actually exclaimed this out loud and turned violently red as the small group glanced at him simultaneously.

"Well, Mr. Darcy, I think we have our first admirer before us!" Elizabeth said while shooting a wink towards the Colonel.

Darcy let out a small laugh and said with one brow raised, "Yes, well, try not to swear at her the entire night, old man!"

Georgiana met her brother at the bottom of the stairs and he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My beautiful and lovely Georgiana. You are an angel. I can hardly believe my eyes. How did you turn into a woman overnight? You appear grown up."

"Thank you, but it was hardly overnight, William."

"Our mother and father would be beaming at the sight of you. Before we make our entrance, I want you to know how proud I am of you at this moment. I could not have asked for a more beguiling or beautiful sister."

She kissed his cheek and he offered his arm to her.

As they began to walk towards the ballroom, Georgiana turned towards the Colonel and teasingly said, "Why Richard, I am so happy you were able to grace us with your presence this evening."

He smiled at her, still trying to recover from his earlier outburst, "I would not have missed this for the world, Georgie."

The Colonel offered his arm to Elizabeth and the two couples proceeded towards the doors and waited to be formally announced to their guests. Darcy looked over his shoulder to the Colonel and said, "Come Fitzwilliam, we shall fend them off together!!"

The foursome had a hearty laugh before they entered the room.

Darcy escorted Georgiana to the middle of the room and the orchestra began to play. The room was illuminated in a golden glow that made the atmosphere seem warm and inviting. As she looked around the room, she saw all the faces of her loved ones surrounding her and she could not remember a happier moment. After the first dance was complete, cards were coming in right and left to request a dance with her.

Georgiana was having a wonderful time and would pause from time to time to talk to one of Elizabeth's sisters or to her aunt, Lady Matlock. The gentlemen that she had danced with were all very polite and she did not feel as intimidated as she thought she would.

Colonel Fitzwilliam had been making the rounds about the room after dancing once with Elizabeth and once with her sister, Kitty. He tried to make eye contact with Georgiana several times to make sure she was not overwhelmed, but she seemed to be enjoying the attention for the most part. From across the room he noticed a tall gentleman walking over to speak with her. The man took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The Colonel looked around and noticed how pleased everyone seemed that they were dancing. Some movement captured his attention to his left and he noticed Elizabeth coming his way with a lovely young woman on her arm.

"Colonel Fitzwilliam, would you allow me to introduce my new friend and neighbor, Jasmine Bailey. Jasmine resides in town with her aunt and uncle, but visits her family at Barton Hall quite frequently."

The Colonel bowed and Miss Bailey curtsied.

"Barton Hall? I had heard Darcy mention that there was a new family in town. I am pleased to meet you Miss Bailey. Does the rest of your family join you this evening?"

"Yes, sir. My mother and father are currently speaking with your cousin and my elder brother, Lawrence, is dancing with Miss Darcy at the moment."

"Ah, I see."

"Ah - CHOO!, Oh please excuse me, my nose does not seem to agree with the country air."

"No, not at all." He offered his handkerchief to her.

"Thank you."

Noticing how pleased Elizabeth seemed to be with herself for making the introduction, the Colonel decided to oblige her unsubtle wishes.

"Miss Bailey, would you do me the honour of dancing the next two sets with me?"

"Thank you, I would be honoured."

After their dances concluded, he searched the room to see if he could see Georgiana. He caught Darcy's eye instead with a concerned look on his face. Darcy was in the middle of dancing and he mouthed "Georgiana!" to him and shot his eyes in her direction. When he finally saw her, she was still with Lawrence Bailey and looked distressed. The Colonel excused himself from Miss Bailey and made his way over to his cousin.

Georgiana looked relieved to see him approach.

"Please excuse the interruption, Georgiana, but your aunt wishes to speak with you for a moment. Would you mind?" He asked her while extending his arm to her.

"Not at all, please excuse me Mr. Bailey."

Darcy looked satisfied that his cousin was able to rescue her. She seemed to need a diversion at that moment.

Georgiana and Richard walked out onto the back terrace to get some air.

"I hope you did not mind, Georgie. Your brother noticed you were looking distraught and gave me the signal to jump in."

"I did not mind at all, I assure you. That man has dominated the past half hour of my time and I desperately needed an escape!"

"I believe Mr. Bailey has taken quite an interest in you, my dear. I have heard that he comes from a well respected family and has just completed his duty from the Navy in order to help out his family."

"Yes, I believe that is the story."

"Well then, you seem to have found a favourite this evening. I believe he is the only gentleman that you have accepted two dances from."

"A favourite? If two dances defined a favourite, then I believe you must have a favourite this evening as well, cousin."

"Miss Bailey?" Richard was flattered that she had taken notice. "I hardly think so. Although she seems to be a sweet girl, she is quite occupied in her collection of handkerchiefs this evening."

Georgiana could not help but laugh, "Yes, I believe that she has a difficult time during the spring, especially here in the country. Elizabeth told me that she is more at ease in town due to her sensitivity to the outdoors."

"That must explain it. I hope her brother does not suffer from the same ailment." He said, searching for her opinion on the man.

"No, he only suffers from a presumptuous arrogance that deludes him to think that all women must be in love with him merely by looking at him."

Richard laughed partly in relief of her ill regard towards Mr. Bailey. "That is an ailment, in deed." He decided to change the subject since he was convinced that she had formed no particular attachment to Mr. Bailey.

"Georgie, I must tell you that I have never seen you looking more lovely than you do tonight. I hope I did not offend you when you came down the stairs earlier, I was just taken back a bit."

"Thank you, Richard. I was hardly offended. It was actually one of the nicest compliments I have received all evening." She took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Elizabeth approached the pair after searching for them over the past several minutes.
"There you two are! Georgiana, I believe we will begin dinner soon. You will probably want to dance the last dance."

"Very well, but it will be awkward to dance alone. It seems I am lacking a partner, Mrs. Darcy."

Georgiana smiled up at the Colonel who chimed in, "I believe that is my queue! Miss Darcy, would you honour your old cousin with the pleasure of dancing the final set with me?"

"If you think your old legs could handle it, it would be my honour to dance with you. Shall I fetch your cane for added support, my dear?"

"Yes, that is a good idea. Grab a couple of them!"

The two burst out laughing and Elizabeth just smiled astonished at the behavior of the pair. Georgiana is actually flirting with him! They seemed so comfortable with one another and had obviously grown closer than she had been aware of. She followed them into the ballroom. Darcy looked pleased to see Georgiana back to her usual high spirits again and asked his wife to dance the last set with him.

When they dance began, Richard struck up conversation with his lively partner.

"Georgie, I apologize for not getting back to Pemberley sooner. I had planned on it, but could not leave my post until last night."

"Do not worry yourself. All that matters is that you are here now."

He caught her eyes and she blushed at his tender gaze.

She cut the moment short by saying, "I was, however, disappointed that you have proven yourself not to be a man of your word."

He was stunned at this remark and asked, "Pray, whatever are you referring to?"

"I refer, sir, to the promise you made to take me riding the very day you returned to us."

Richard smiled in relief and countered, "Ahhh, but you see that promise was never confirmed by myself and if I recall was more of an order than a request."

Georgiana appeared unaffected. "I do not concern myself with the technicalities of the promise, sir. I only hope you will find a way to redeem yourself while seeking my forgiveness."

"I shall do my best, dear cousin."

Georgiana smiled with satisfaction.

Richard thought, "I am not imagining this. She must be feeling something too. I know I am losing all proper sense, but then she blushes every time our eyes meet and has to look away. Have patience, old man, have patience..."

After the last dance concluded, the guests filed into the dining hall and took their assigned seats. Darcy sat at the head of the main table with Elizabeth and Georgiana on either side of him. Colonel Fitzwilliam sat in between Elizabeth and Miss Bailey. Next to Georgiana, the young Mr. Bailey sat with his mother and father next to him. "Clearly orchestrated by Elizabeth", the Colonel thought amusedly.

Georgiana tried to conceal her displeasure of her dinner partner, but it was obvious to the Colonel that she was uncomfortable. The younger Mr. Bailey entertained those around him with his grandiose stories from sea. He complimented Mrs. Darcy on such a fine evening and how grateful he was to meet Georgiana on this special day of hers. Georgiana thought he was as transparent as the goblet of water in front of her.

After he was finished directing the attention of the table towards himself, he leaned towards Georgiana and whispered, "Georgiana, shall we plan another riding rendezvous in the pasture tomorrow? If you promise to come alone, I promise to be gentle!"

Georgiana's mouth fell open and she shot him a look of repulsion before glancing at her cousin across the table searching for some empathy. He smiled knowingly at her and turned towards Miss Bailey for some light conversation. Georgiana thought, "This dinner could not be over fast enough for me. If I am not conversing with that scant of a man, Lawrence Bailey, then I am forced to observe Richard enjoying the company of the "beautiful" sniffling Jasmine. I know the Bailey's are highly regarded, but their children seem to delight in putting thorns in my sides."

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The night slowly came to an end and Georgiana felt fortunate that she only had to endure one more vulgar comment from Mr. Bailey before he and his family departed. After most of the Darcy's family had retired, Georgiana approached her brother and sister.

"I wanted to tell you both, once more, how pleased I was with this evening. It was so much more than I could have hoped for. Thank you for all your efforts. This was a night I will not soon forget!"

Elizabeth was happy to hear her say that, "It was our pleasure, entirely! I am so happy that you enjoyed yourself."

Darcy raised his brow and said, "I am not sure if I entirely took pleasure in the event as my wife did, but I am glad you thought it a success. I must say that although you made quite an impression on everyone tonight, I can think of one gentleman who took particular pleasure in your company."

The Colonel noticed that Georgiana glanced at him when Darcy said that.

Elizabeth was curious, "Really, Fitzwilliam? Who, specifically, has already taken an interest in our Georgiana?"

"I believe Mr. Lawrence Bailey thinks highly of her and I would not be surprised if I were requested an interview from him."

Georgiana felt ill at the thought and wished to bring all talk of Mr. Bailey to an abrupt halt. With a tone of indifference she said, "Well, thank you both, once again. I believe I shall retire now."

She turned towards the other two gentlemen in the room, "Good night Cousin Edward, Good night Cousin Richard. It meant so much that you were both able to share in this evening with me."

Edward and Richard both bowed and Edward wished her a good evening.

Elizabeth kissed her husband on the cheek and said, "Georgiana, I believe I will have to take my leave, as well. Good night everyone."

As the ladies made their way up the stairs, Elizabeth paused to confer with Georgiana.

"Georgiana, I must tell you, I did not get the impression that you were all that fond of Mr. Bailey this evening. Am I wrong?"

"Honestly Elizabeth, I think that man is a rogue that is veiled behind a good family name. I do not seek his approval or his attentions. I know that may disappoint my brother, but that is how I feel."

"I had no idea you felt so strongly about him, although I am not entirely surprised."

"You are not?"

"No, I had sensed that you were enjoying the attentions of a different gentleman this evening. One that you needed no introductions to."

Elizabeth could see the terror in Georgiana's eyes and tried to ease her discomfort, "Then again, I have been known to have a very vivid imagination. Let us away to peaceful slumber! With any luck, we will be able to sleep in a little later tomorrow morning. Good night, sweet sister."

"Good night, Elizabeth."

Georgiana was stunned that Elizabeth had suspected her regard for Richard. She wished she could speak with him to see what he was feeling. Her original plan to suppress her feelings towards him had obviously gone awry. This had the definite momentum of getting out of control before things even began between them.

After her bath, she sat at her dressing table and brushed out her long golden tendrils. Her head was spinning and even though she knew she needed rest, her body would not cooperate. She located a book to try and relax her mind. She sat on her chaise in front of the fire and began to read. Several pages into her book, she heard a tap at her window.

She glanced towards the window when it happened again and she realized it was intentional. She rushed over and peered out into the darkness of the night. If the moon had not been full, she might have missed the sight of him, but there he was on top of Centaur! She opened the window and leaned her head out.

"Richard, have you gone mad? Where ever are you going at this hour?"

The Colonel chuckled and whispered as loud as he could, "It seems as though my good word is at stake, dear cousin. I am afraid that I must insist that you accompany me for a ride this evening for a promise is a promise. You could turn me down and release me from my word, but there shall be no resting this night until the matter is settled."

"Stay there, I will come straight away. Where is Twilight?"

"We will have to share Centaur tonight. I could not have removed Twilight without raising suspicion."

Georgiana nodded in agreement and shut the window. She ran to her dressing room and reached to the back of a high shelf to pull out the perfect riding attire and quietly made her escape outside to meet him.

He saw her approach him and he froze at the sight of her. Her hair was cascading down around her shoulders and the night breezes made her golden locks tease him with their movement. He could not make out what she was wearing until she got closer to him.

"Georgie? You are wearing breeches and a man's shirt!"

"It's an old outfit from Fitzwilliam's youth that I found in the attic last year. My normal riding attire would not be practical if I am to ride astraddle this evening."

Richard smiled and rolled his eyes. He reached out and pulled her atop of Centaur in one strong sweeping motion. She sat in front of him and held her breath when he reached around her waist to grab hold of the reigns. He gave Centaur a kick to take off and he whispered into her ear, "Breath Georgie, 'tis only me."

He felt her body relax and she asked him where they were headed.

"I can think of only one place that I know you would approve of."

They took off through the familiar pasture and he opted to take the long way around the high fence rather than risking a jump with the both of them. When they arrived at the thicket, they both ducked through the low branches until they made their way to her favourite spot. He jumped down and reached for her waist and brought her down to the ground.

She had never seen her little oasis in the nighttime and the moon glow provided just enough light to illuminate all that was familiar to her. She gazed across the little brook and a patch of yellow caught her eye.

"I had no idea that evening primrose bloomed here! It is so beautiful!"

"Yes, it is quite beautiful." Only he had not noticed the scenery.

Georgiana stepped across some stones to climb onto her rock. She leaned back and glanced up at the millions of lights that twinkled above them. She motioned for him to join her.

He moved towards her, but the first step he took next to the brook was a stone covered in slippery moss. His feet flew straight up and he landed hard on his back with an ungraceful thud!

Georgiana flew over to his side.

"Richard, what happened? Are you injured?"

"Yes...yes, I believe I am...wounded", he said in a voice full of pain.

"Wounded!! Where, my love? You are wounded how?"

"I believe...I have pride!" He laughed out loud in spite of himself.

Georgiana looked furious at him.

"Richard Fitzwilliam, you are an evil...hound! You frightened me half to death!" She turned her face angrily and moved to push her self away from him, but he had a firm grip of her wrist.

"Not so fast, madam. I am not wounded, but I am confused. Pray, am I your love or your evil hound? I do not think I could be both."

Her heart pounded against her chest and although her mouth had fallen open, there was a sudden lump in her throat that prevented her from speaking.

He reached up with his free hand and brushed her hair away from her face so that he could clearly see her eyes. They were filled with tears. He brought her hand slowly up to his lips without breaking the lock his eyes had on hers. A single tear managed to escape down her cheek and he used his coat sleeve to pat it away.

"There now; no tears tonight, my love."

Her mind was racing with all the things she had wanted to tell him for so long, but all she could muster to whisper was, "Richard.....I..." She shook her head not knowing how to put her feelings into words.

"Shhhhh, I already know. I am of the same mind, Georgiana."

He saw a smile gently appear on her face, much to his relief. She took in a deep breath and calmed herself.

"Richard, you are my love. I do love you. I knew you must have known how I felt, but it was unclear to me if you felt the same way. If my feelings were not returned, I knew I would risk losing you completely and I could not live without you in my life."

"I can assure you that you will never lose me, my love."

He lifted her chin and gently brought his lips to meet hers. After thinking about this moment for so long, he could hardly believe it was real.

"Georgie, I believe I realized how I deeply I felt for you the first time you brought me here. You had shared something so intimate with me; I knew that you must have regarded me more deeply than that of just a cousin or friend." He gave her a crooked grin and rubbed his chin as if he had to ponder a moment, "At least I cannot recall if Darcy has ever led me through brush and grove in order to see a babbling brook before."

She laughed at the thought, "Indeed, he has not, I am certain!" The thought of her brother quickly brought her back down to earth.

"Oh, what will Fitzwilliam think? I do not think my brother will be pleased initially."

"No, I should say not. I would be entirely surprised if he did not grab his blade and run me through when I ask for your hand."

"Richard, do not say such things! He would never hurt you. He may be displeased at first, but eventually he may accept it with an open heart."

"Georgie, do not get your hopes up. Although I have been putting much thought into our approach with him, I have not concluded what the best line of attack will be."

"Maybe I should initially approach Elizabeth. Actually, I think she already knows."

"She knows? What does she know?"

"I think she at least suspects that I have feelings for you. On our way up the stairs this evening she mentioned that she was not surprised that I did not care for Mr. Bailey. She presumed that I already had affections for someone that has never needed an introduction."

"And did you deny it?"

"I could not deny nor confirm her suspicions. I was speechless and she quickly bid me a good evening and we retired for the night."

"Your silence was all the confirmation that she needed, my dear. It is of little matter, but it makes me wonder if Darcy suspects anything."

"I do not believe that he does. He thinks I am impressed by Mr. Bailey's so-called charms."

"Well, if that be the case, then this news will be quite a shock."

Richard ran his fingers through his hair and massaged his temples to think for a moment. He looked up at Georgiana and saw the distress in her eyes.

"Georgie, I do not want you to worry too much over this. We will be married, with or without his consent. I have spent too many years of my life alone and I will not prolong our union until he is comfortable with the idea. I must warn you, however, if he does not consent, my love, you will not have the life that you are accustomed to presently."

"I do not care about such things, I assure you. You are the only luxury I require in my life. I do wonder though..."

"Wonder about what?"

"How are we to be married if you have not even asked me yet?"

Richard reddened that he had overlooked such a crucial request.

"Forgive me, my love! My head is simply lost among the stars tonight. This is one dilemma, however, I have the means to rectify immediately."

Richard stood up and pulled her to her feet. He led her over to the large rock that sat next to the brook and lifted her to sit atop it. As he kneeled down before her, he took her trembling hands in his. While searching for the right words, he looked deep into her dark brown Darcy eyes and felt a sense of peace blanket his nerves.

"Georgiana Kathleen Darcy, I am but a novice when it comes to matters of the heart. I do not pretend to be a poet who knows how to woo you with words. I could never claim to be a romantic who would always know how to demonstrate my passion for you. I am a straightforward and honest man who can only tell you that the love I feel for you will never diminish. I may not be able to offer you an extravagant life, but I can offer you a life rich with love, respect, and adoration that would be worth more than all the gold in the world.

I have known you your entire life and have watched you grow into a beautiful, compassionate, and spirited young woman. I know that without you in my life, I could never feel whole. Please make me a complete man. Please say you will love me forever and consent to be my wife."

Georgiana could not hold back the joyful tears that streamed down her cheeks.

"Richard Henry Fitzwilliam, I will love you until the end of time and I, of course, will become your wife. The only thing I need in my life to make me happy is you."

He jumped to his feet and lifted her above his head overjoyed by the sensation of finally finding true love.

"Georgie, before this moment, I never knew such emotions existed. I can scarce believe I have lived this long without my heart feeling completely full as it does now. You have made me the happiest of men."

Georgiana reached out for him and he firmly embraced her for several moments before he loosened his hold and lowered his head until their lips met. He kissed her more intensely than he had done before and did not stop until they both gasped for air. For the next hour they sat in each other's arms gazing up into the night in silent reflection of all that had occurred between them.

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"My love", he whispered, "I think it would be wise to get you back home now. We will both need plenty of rest if we are to face your brother in the morning."

"Oh, must we leave? I so want this moment to last forever."

He responded by placing light, sweet kisses down her neck and tightened his arms around her. "I am afraid if I do not return you now, that I may never be able to let you go. The thoughts going through my head at this moment are quite improper, I assure you."

Georgiana raised her brow and laughed. "I am not afraid of you, sir."

The tone in his voice became serious, "Georgie, please do not tempt me. I am powerless to resist you right now."

"Forgive me, my love. I suppose we should go back now."

He was grateful that she understood not to tease him any further. There was nothing he wanted more than to take her and make their union complete, but he wanted it to be a moment without regret or guilt.

"Richard, I would still like to confide in Elizabeth initially to see what her opinion is on the situation. She may be an ally that we could use to our advantage."

"Good military strategy, my dear. I think you may be right. There is no need for an ambush."

"Really Richard, we are not going into battle."

"I am not certain about that, my love."

They rode back to Pemberley on the starlit trail and he held her tightly against him. The delicate hint of lavender entwined within her locks tantalized him the entire ride back. He never wanted that sweet aroma to leave him. They walked up towards the house after putting Centaur back in his stall, when they noticed that several rooms were unusually illuminated for that time of night.

"Georgie, I think we must prepare for the worst. The house seems awake and is, no doubt, aware of our missing. Whatever the reaction is, I am by your side."

"As I am by yours, my love."

They tentatively opened the front door only to see Elizabeth standing in her dressing gown in the foyer.

"Colonel Fitzwilliam, we have been desperate to find you! William looked in your room, but..." Elizabeth stopped mid sentence when she saw Georgiana emerge from behind the Colonel. After quickly looking at her appearance, she knew instantly the reason of the Colonel's absence. She rubbed her head out of frustration, "Ohhhh, why must this be happening now?" she asked, rhetorically. "We have not a minute to discuss this. Georgiana, come with me upstairs quickly before your brother realizes you are not in your room asleep. Colonel, your brother and William are waiting for you in the study. Please see to them at once."

"Elizabeth, what is wrong? Has something happened?" Georgiana asked.

"Yes, I will explain in a moment. Colonel please, make haste!"

"I will not leave his side, Elizabeth."

"Georgiana, there will be no argument on the matter. This has nothing to do with the two of you, I assure you."

"Go with your sister, Georgie. I will find out what the meaning of this is."

Richard was startled by Elizabeth's manner. He gave Georgiana a reassuring look and kissed her hand before Elizabeth snatched her up the stairs.

Richard made his way into Darcy's study, not knowing what to expect. Edward saw him approach first.

"Good Lord, brother, where have you been?"

"I...was out. What has happened, Edward?"

He saw Darcy standing behind Edward with an expression more of concern rather than that of anger.

Edward was frantic.

"Richard, our mother has become quite ill. The doctor has just arrived and is seeing to her now. She woke up in the middle of the night complaining of thirst and when she left the bed, she collapsed. Father ran to her side, but she has been unconscious ever since."

The blood drained from Richard's head and he fell into a chair, ill with shame.

"Where is Father?"

"He is upstairs by our mother's side, of course. He was disappointed that he could not find you earlier. They informed us that your horse was missing as well. What in God's name were you doing out at this hour?"

"I needed air, brother, but I hardly think now is the time to be discussing this. When can I see my mother?"

Darcy knew the helpless feeling that Richard must have been experiencing. The whole incident felt all too familiar to him.

"Cousin, I think we better wait for the doctor to come and inform us of her condition before you go in. Try to be patient, he has not been with her long."

Richard's head was spinning. I am a selfish fool! He was mortified for not being there for his family. When they needed him desperately, he was out frolicking under the moon like a lovesick idiot. He even resented Georgiana for bewitching him that night. Just when he thought he would lose all self-control, Darcy laid a firm hand on his shoulder and extended a generous glass of scotch to him.

"Take this, Fitzwilliam. Try to calm yourself. You could not have known what was happening, it is not your fault."

Richard took the glass and just stared into its contents. He wanted to tell his parents how sorry he was. The thought of loosing his mother was unbearable. He could not ever recall her being sick a day in his life and she had seemed to be happy during the ball. He noticed that his parents had retired a little earlier than usual after dinner, but that was hardly odd given the activity of the evening.

He stood up and walked over to the fireplace and braced the mantle for support. On top of the mantle stood a small ivory figurine of a mother holding hands with a child. He picked it up and caressed the woman with his thumb. Tears began to fill his eyes when the doctor walked in. He walked over to Edward and had a somber look to his face.

"I am so sorry, son. There was nothing I could have done for her. She has passed."

Edward fell to his knees and immediately broke down into a sobbing fit and Darcy moved towards him for support. Richard felt fire rising in his chest from an anger that could not be suppressed. He took the figurine in his hand and hurled it into the fireplace. Darcy turned when he heard a crash only to see the tiny Bits of Ivory disintegrate into ash. Richard was suffocating inside the house and departed in haste.

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Darcy decided against following his cousin, knowing that he needed his space to come to terms with what had happened. He retreated to his room to inform Elizabeth of the news.

When he opened the door to their chambers, he was surprised to see Georgiana sitting on top of the bed with Elizabeth.

"Oh brother, what news of our aunt? Has the doctor spoken with you yet?

"Yes, Georgiana he has." He put his hands on her shoulders. "I am so sorry, dearest, but she did not survive."

Georgiana felt her knees buckle and Darcy braced her and took her to a nearby chaise. Elizabeth went to their sides and embraced both of them with tears flowing down her cheeks. They remained that way for a few minutes before Elizabeth thought of the rest of the family.

"William, where are the Colonel and Edward? How did they take the news?"

"They took it as well as can be expected, I am afraid. Edward broke down, but I believe has gone back to his chambers to inform Sarah. Fitzwilliam stormed out of the house after the doctor told us that she was gone."

Georgiana was worried, "Richard has left? Should you not go out and find him?"

"No my dear, he needs to cool his head for a while. He is quite upset. He had been outdoors on a stupid ride, of all things, when the whole commotion began. I believe he feels as though it could have been prevented if he had remained in the house."

Elizabeth turned to look at her sister. Georgiana had confided in her all that had happened that night and Elizabeth could see that the Colonel's reaction to his mother's death was tormenting her. The color drained from Georgiana's face and she began to tremble violently.

"Georgiana, what is it?" Darcy could feel her shaking, but she did not respond.

"Elizabeth, get blankets fast!"

Elizabeth tore the bedclothes off of their bed and bundled her tightly in them. Georgiana stared blankly at nothing while her pale tiny frame continued to shake.

"William, I believe she is going into shock. Go get help while I stay with her."

When Darcy returned, they moved her into her own bed. The doctor gave Georgiana something to help her relax and as the color returned to her skin, she gently fell asleep.

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The next morning, Elizabeth and Darcy had breakfast with Edward and Sarah. It had been a very quiet meal with somber expressions on everyone's face. Darcy began to think of the preparations that would be needed.

"Edward, has your father communicated where he would like to have services for your mother?"

"No, Darcy, but I assume he will want to return her to Matlock with him."

"I could arrange to have services here if you think he would prefer not to make that trip."

The Earl of Matlock suddenly entered the dining room and the men stood up.

"Uncle, please do sit and join us. You must be famished." Darcy said.

"Thank you Darcy, but I have not the stomach for anything yet. I only wanted to inform you of our plans." He looked solemnly at Edward. "Son, I wish to get your mother back to Matlock immediately."

"Of course, Father."

"She will be buried at home in the family plot. Where is your brother? Did he not return?"

"Yes, Richard came home last night before the doctor informed us of mother's passing. He stormed out soon afterwards. I assume he is in his room, but I am not sure."

"Well, find him and let him know we must be on our way immediately. I want to depart within the hour."

"I will, sir."

Darcy informed his uncle that they would arrive in Matlock the following day. He explained that Georgiana had taken the news with difficulty and would need a day before she could travel. The Earl just nodded and Edward and Sarah escorted him back to his room to help him prepare to leave.

Elizabeth asked, "William, should you go find the Colonel? I did not want to worry your uncle, but the maid informed me that his bed was not slept in last night. I am worried about him."

"I suppose I should go try and locate him. I will check the stables first to see if Centaur is still here. If his horse is gone, I will ride into Lambton to see if I have any luck there. Could you go up and check on Georgiana this morning? The doctor said she would be fine after a good night's sleep, but I do not want to take any chances."

"Of course."

Elizabeth went upstairs to see to Georgiana not sure of how to approach her. She must be in agony over Richard's actions. When she got to the door, it was cracked open. She was not in her bed although it had obviously been slept in. She went to her dressing room and knocked lightly.

"Georgiana, are you there?" There was no response and she peeked in to make sure. She walked into the middle of her bedroom unsure of what to do. Before she left her room, she noticed a piece of wadded up paper on the floor next to her bed. She bent down and unraveled it to see its contents.

Miss Darcy,

I release you from our engagement. Do not love me for I have none to return.

R. Fitzwilliam

"Oh Dear God!" Elizabeth frantically searched the house to no avail and ran out the front steps trying to find William before he left.

Darcy spotted Elizabeth and rode towards her.

"What is it, Lizzy?"

"Was Twilight in the stable, William?"

"I did not think to look, why?"

"She is gone, William! I cannot find her anywhere!"

"Stay here, I will go check the stables."

"William, I must speak with you about a matter that concerns your sister!"

"Wait here, I will be right back."

Darcy darted towards the stable in a fierce run. When he arrived, he immediately went to Twilight's stall to see that she was, in deed, missing. The stable manager ran up to the Master when he saw him come back.

"Mr. Darcy, may I be of assistance?"

"Where is my sister's horse?"

"I do not know, sir."

"You didn't saddle her mare for her this morning?"

"No, sir, I did not, but Georgiana sometimes does it herself when she is impatient for a ride."

Darcy shook his head in disbelief. He rode back to the front of the house where Elizabeth stood waiting for him. She was clearly upset about something and waiving a crinkled piece of paper in the air. Darcy dismounted from his steed and approached her.

"Twilight is missing. Georgiana probably just took her out for a morning run, although I wish she had not been so hasty after being ill last night. What could she be thinking?"

"William, I need to talk to you right now."

They began to walk towards the pond when she explained that she did not think Georgiana was just on her normal morning ride.

"Why do you think anything different, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth could not think of how to tell him all that had happened. She handed him the crinkled note she found in Georgiana's room.

"I found this in her room, next to her bed. He must have given it to her last night."

"He??" Darcy grabbed the note and read it's contents several times. He felt his anger rising to his chest.

"What is the meaning of this? I do not understand it."

"I believe that the Colonel and Georgiana came to an understanding about their relationship last night. He had planned on approaching you this morning after breakfast to ask for your consent, but I believe his mother's death has affected him greatly."

He looked at her disgustedly and shouted, "Elizabeth, this makes no sense! They came to an understanding? They are in love? You had better start explaining all that you are aware of, since you obviously have been keeping a great deal from me."

Elizabeth looked down, ashamed that she did not make him aware of what had happened sooner. She explained everything from their flirtations to their midnight horse ride the previous night and how she saw them entering the house together. Georgiana had confided in her all the details of their letters and how he proposed and Elizabeth bared it all to Darcy.

He thought quietly about all she had told him. He could not bring himself to even look at his wife. While staring across the pond, he finally addressed her.

"Well, it seems as though my aunt's passing was not enough to make the day go bad. Betrayal of this magnitude is more than I thought to ever have to endure in one lifetime, much less one morning. My sister, my cousin, and even my wife have all deceived me in one night with such ease and I have been a fool for not seeing any of it."

Elizabeth had never seen her husband so angry before.

"William, I apologize whole heartedly. I did not know what to do. I know now I should have come to you, but at the time, it did not seam as clear since your aunt had just died. I could not have foreseen any of this or I would have come to you earlier. You are justifiably cross and I do not expect your forgiveness so soon, but we need to collaborate in order to make sure your sister returns safely."

She expected him to yell and argue further, but he was too overwhelmed with mixed emotions to fight. A look of desperation came over his face.

"What has happened to my family? When did I lose control? Yesterday, I thought everything was finally falling into place with Georgiana's ball and I was so proud of her. Today, I realize that I do not even know her."

"Of course you know her. You only have a difficult time recognizing that she is no longer a shy little girl, but a young woman with needs and desires for her own life. Their falling in love had nothing to do with you. They were not planning on keeping this from you at all. If it had not been for your aunt's passing, I have every confidence that the Colonel would presently be in your study begging for your consent to marry Georgiana. I saw the love in their eyes when they returned last night. William, I have never seen either one look like that before."

"That is of little comfort to me now", he said while shaking the note in front of her. "The bastard compromised her and then left her with this as a token of his affection. That is not true love, by my definition, Elizabeth."

"William, his mother died while he was out enjoying his good fortunes. He obviously is out of his wits at present. This note does not mean what it says. His love for her is only blinded by the guilt he feels for his mother's passing. Can you not see this?"

"I do not know. I cannot pretend to understand what is going through his head at this moment."

"Regardless of how you feel at present, your sister is feeling a great deal of pain and betrayal of her own. I think it would be wise to locate her and bring her back home before any other steps are taken."

Darcy thought for a moment about where she may have gone. If she took Twilight, she was probably visiting her spot that she liked to go to so often. He knew that she headed quite frequently to the base of Baymont Ridge, but he did not know where exactly her rides took her each time.

"I think I may know the direction she went in, but it may be a while before I can locate her. You stay here and if Fitzwilliam returns, make him stay put. Use the pistol in my top desk drawer if he gives you any trouble."


He almost smiled at the thought of Elizabeth holding his cousin at gunpoint.

"In the meantime, see that my steward goes into Lambton to see if there is any trace of him there."

Satisfied with their plan, Darcy mounted his horse and took off in search of his sister. He carefully combed the area and called her name continuously for almost an hour. As he approached a heavily wooded patch, he caught a glimpse of her golden mare through the trees. He dismounted and walked through the thatch until he saw his sister's form collapsed face down on a large rock.


She was so weak and could barely lift her head to see her brother running towards her.


He rushed up and gathered her in his arms.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, I am not. I am only weary." She looked up at her brother with swollen, red eyes with a look of complete desperation.

"I thought he loved me, William. I thought we loved each other...why is this happening? Am I not allowed to have any joy in this life?"

Darcy felt desperate at her words. He took her face firmly into his hands and forced her to look into his own tear filled eyes.

"Georgiana Darcy, you listen to me. I will not have you so. You have much in your life to feel joy over. Do you understand? Our cousin is lost in grief and cannot get hold of his feelings." He could not believe what he was about to say. "Richard Fitzwilliam does love you, much to my own disbelief, and he will marry you, without question."

He continued, "You know how difficult is to lose a parent, Georgiana, especially when you have had no time to prepare. Our aunt was in perfect health as of yesterday, so her loss has been quite a shock to all of us. Richard is overcome with guilt for not being at the house the moment she took ill and is probably out blaming himself for that which he had no control over. Even as much as I want to strangle him at this moment; I feel it is important to give him the benefit of the doubt. I am confident that once he comes to terms with his mother's death, he will desperately seek you out for your support." He thought, "and if he does not, then I will find him and force him to marry you, regardless."

"Brother, I am so sorry for my behavior. Thank you for comforting me. I can only pray that you are right."

On the ride back home, Georgiana remained quiet in her reverie. She could not help but think of the lines of the poem that used consume her thoughts of her love.

You may esteem him
A child for his might;
Or you may deem him
A coward for his flight;
But if she whom Love doth honour
Be concealed from the day--
Set a thousand guards upon her
Love will find out the way...

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Days later, the Darcy's attended Lady Matlock's funeral along with the rest of their family. Colonel Fitzwilliam watched the burial from a distant hill atop Centaur. He felt like a coward, but he could not bring himself to his mother's grave nor see the pain in his love's eyes.

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Two months after the Darcy's, along with the rest of the family, had returned to their homes, the Colonel paid a visit to his father. He had come to bear his soul and beg his forgiveness for his mother's death. After he explained where he was and who he was with the night she died, he apologized explicitly for his selfish behavior.

"Son, am I to understand that you feel your mother would still be living if you were in your room instead of with your cousin?"

"Yes, father. If I were in my room or even in the house, I could have retrieved a doctor much faster and she could have been saved. Instead, you spent valuable time searching for me while she suffered to her eventual demise. I take full responsibility for my actions and am at your mercy, sir."

His father was shocked at his confession. "Richard, I wish I had known you were taking so much upon yourself. I am absolutely certain that even if you had been in the room with her that night, that you could not have done anything to save her. She was lost the second she collapsed. There was no pulse. There was no hope. I may have been frantic trying to find you and your brother, but it was of little matter. The doctor walked in and knew his job had finished before it even began.

I do not blame you, my son. She would not have you in this state over her. All your mother and I have ever wanted for our children was happiness. Neither you nor your brother have ever acted disrespectful a day in your lives and we have been nothing but proud of our family. You need not seek my forgiveness in this matter, for there is no one at fault."

Richard broke down and began to weep. "I miss her so much father. I did not even get to say goodbye or tell her how much I loved her before she was gone."

"Neither did I, son. We do not always have that opportunity when our loved ones die."

"Yes, I know."

"But Richard, it occurs to me that Georgiana must be going through something very similar to you."

"Yes, I know she has lost both of her parents."

"True, but that is not what I refer to. She was not given the chance to say goodbye or tell you how much she loved you before you left her with only a abrupt note of your departure."

"But I am not dead, father!"

"No, but in her mind, she thinks she will never see you again. Can you tell me how that is different from losing someone to death? I fear her grief must be worse than my own, because I, at least, knew that death was the cause of your mother's departure. Although I still mourn your mother's loss, I wake up each morning having a little more peace than the day before.

Georgiana can have no peace. She is left with only her thoughts to torture her, wondering for the rest of her life, what she did that made you leave her when all she did was love you with a pure heart."

Richard was frozen at the thought of Georgiana suffering. He never thought anything except how she would be better off without him. It finally dawned on him how cruel his actions were towards her.

"Dear God, what have I done?"

"Richard, you have done nothing that cannot be mended. Go to her and stop wasting your breath on me. In her, you will find your peace."

"Thank you, father. I believe I shall."

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The evening after the Colonel had spoken with his father, the Darcy's were entertaining Charles and Jane Bingley at Pemberley for dinner. Jane and Elizabeth made several attempts to include Georgiana into the conversation, but without much success.

She had become more solemn and distant ever since her aunt's funeral. Every day that passed, it became more evident that she would never see Richard again and she could not come to terms with it. She stopped going for rides with Twilight and rarely played a tune on her pianoforte. Elizabeth would persuade her to take walks with her each day, but with little or no conversation. Georgiana's features were thinning and her complexion was no longer radiant. She rarely ate more than two bites of each meal and usually excused herself from the table to retire early each night.

Darcy was at a loss at what to do. He had written a letter to Richard's superior, General Scott, requesting to find out where he was currently stationed. The General had written back stating that Colonel Fitzwilliam was granted an indefinite sabbatical due to a family emergency. Darcy did not want to bother his uncle so soon after Lady Matlock's death, but if the situation did not improve itself, he would have to confront him.

As the entrée's were presented to the small dinner party, the group was startled by a loud man's voice approaching from the foyer. The man sounded upset and determined to see the family.

They heard the voice get louder outside the dining room door. "No, I will not wait to be announced, madam! Where is she?" Jane and Elizabeth exchanged concerned glances and Darcy stood up preparing for an unwelcome guest.

The door swung open and Colonel Fitzwilliam rushed into the setting searching for her. He scanned all the faces before he saw her. He did not care that anyone else was present. All rules of propriety had vanished in his mind, for he was on a mission that wild dogs could not keep him from accomplishing.

Georgiana looked up and was so startled by his appearance that she dropped the crystal wineglass she was holding and it crashed onto the floor. She grabbed the table with both hands in order to brace herself. He rushed over to her, grabbed her hands and fell to his knees.

"Georgie, please forgive me! Please, my love, please, my love..." His head dropped and he began to sob uncontrollably, begging for forgiveness over and over.

Elizabeth and Jane stood up simultaneously and motioned for their husbands to follow their lead to exit the room immediately. Bingley was more than anxious to leave, but Darcy lagged.

"Elizabeth, we just sat down."

Elizabeth shot her husband a threatening look. He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh and reached down to grab his plate.

"Well, he may take my sister, but I will not starve while he does it!" He looked at the table and saw the basket of hot, buttery rolls that had not been eaten yet. "And he cannot have my rolls either!"

"William!" Elizabeth demanded and the group left the couple alone in the dining room.

Georgiana was shocked by the entire display as she watched Richard weep into her lap. Tears filled her eyes and she could not relieve his pain fast enough. She took her hand and stroked her fingers through his hair.

"Shhhhhh, my love, shhhhhhh. All will be well."

Without saying a word he released her hands and gripped his arms around her waist, holding her so firmly with his head still in her lap. He eventually pulled back enough to look in her eyes.

"Georgie, I have been such a fool. I have never stopped loving you and I know now I am worthless without you by my side. What I did was unforgivable, but I need you so desperately, my love. Tell me, have I lost you? Could you ever have me?"

"Richard, you have not lost me. I thought these past months that it was I who lost you. If you promise to never abandon me again, then I will have you, just as I promised you last spring." She looked into his eyes and it was her turn to weep. "I was so scared, Richard, I did not know what I did nor how to make it right. I did not think you would ever return for me."

He stood up and scooped her out of her chair and took her to the settee by one of the large windows. Her arms were around his neck and he settled her in his lap cradling her tiny frame.

"I assure you I am here to stay, my love." He reached under her chin and lifted her face towards his. At first their lips met gently, but he soon began to kiss her with a fervour that their lips had been starving for. They remained in this passionate embrace until he felt like he would lose all self-control.

"Georgie, I must marry you immediately. I must have you completely and cannot wait another day."

She blushed at his enthusiasm and grinned for the first time in weeks.

Teasingly, she said, "Really, my love, and what would you suggest? Shall you whisk me away to Gretna Green this very moment?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking." He said quite seriously.

"And what if I insist that we prolong our engagement and plan for a large, grand wedding ceremony?"

"Then I will do what you wish, but I beg of you to relieve my suffering and let me have you tonight."

"Richard, how shocking!" She giggled, but then her thoughts soon drifted to that of her disapproving brother.

"I will agree to leave with you tonight, if you grant me one favor."


"I would very much like it if you would seek my brother's blessing before we go."

"If you wish, then I will try, but I doubt he will agree to this, Georgie."

"Please try, for me."

He kissed her fervently once more and agreed to speak with Darcy. They left the dining room in search of her brother. Darcy and Elizabeth along with the Bingley's were waiting impatiently in the study, not sure of what was to happen next. Suddenly Georgiana and the Colonel walked in and with much happier expressions on their faces than when they had last seen them.

"Cousin," Richard spoke purposefully, "I wish to have a word with you in private."

Darcy looked annoyed by Richard's tone. "Yes, I am sure you would, Fitzwilliam. I would like to have several words with you, myself."

Darcy marched out of the study and into the music room. Without saying a word, his cousin knew he was to follow him.

They both stood and stared coldly into each other's eyes daring one another to flinch. Darcy waited for him to speak, but he remained silent.

"Fitzwilliam, you requested my time and I am granting you five minutes. What do you feel that you need to say?"

Richard kept his emotions in check and remembered that this was far harder for Darcy than it was for himself. He adjusted his manner and decided to just be honest with him. He sat down in a chair and collected his thoughts before he began.

"Darcy, I want to first apologize for interrupting your party this evening. I know it was quite improper, but I have been a fool since April and I was desperate to apologize to your sister for my behavior.

I know you were not aware of how we felt for one another, but until the night my mother died, I did not know if our feelings were mutual or merely a figment of my imagination. If she had not died, I would have shown you the respect you deserve by coming to you, directly, to seek your consent.

After she died, I felt as though it was I that killed her. Maybe it seems preposterous, but I truly felt responsible. I released Georgiana from our newly formed agreement and was prepared to fall to the feet of my father and beg for his mercy.

I confronted him for the first time yesterday and he put my mind at ease." He paused for a moment desperately seeking how to get his point across.

"I need her, Darce. I know that our union was the furthest from your mind the night of her ball. I also know that if you had your choice of all the men in England for your sister, I would not be high on the list."

"No, you would not be on the list, Fitzwilliam. What in God's name were you thinking? Do you think that you deserve her? Did you think I would ever approve of such a union to take place? And if you knew I would not consent, what could you have to offer her? You have no inheritance to start a family of your own with a woman that lacks a dowry. You could not have provided for Georgiana properly. What, exactly, was your design?"

"Cousin, I do not know. We knew it was a definite possibility that you would not consent, but it never occurred to either of us that we should sacrifice our love because we were afraid to be poor. I will always be able to provide for my family, even though it may be with fewer servants and luxuries than we are accustomed to now. She would not be destitute, by any means."

"And how do you expect me to believe that you will never run out on her again? If your initial reaction in dire moments is always to run off, how could Georgiana survive that again? I know very well, she could not. You have not been here; you have not seen how she has changed. She does not eat nor sleep; she no longer rides or plays her music. All that she felt passion for simply vanished when you left her. She has been a hollow shell of my once vibrant young sister, whom I have been forced to watch suffer in your absence."

"She will never go through this again, Darcy. I know now that it is in the dire moments of our lives, that I will be seeking her most if I am to get through it. I love Georgiana, William. I love her and I cannot live another day without her by my side. I must marry her and although I would prefer to have your blessing and always be welcome in your home, I would not insist upon it."

"Fitzwilliam, needless to say, I need time to think this over. I suppose you have both agreed upon a date? When were you hoping to have the ceremony?"

"Darcy, Georgiana plans on packing the instant you and I are done speaking. We are to leave tonight for Gretna Green."

Darcy rolled his eyes, but not overly shocked by his reply. He paced the room for several minutes before stopping at Georgiana's pianoforte. He brushed the surface of the masterpiece with his fingertips thinking of how his parents would have wanted him to proceed with this situation. Reluctantly, he turned and faced his cousin.

"Fitzwilliam, this goes well beyond my better judgment, but I will give you my blessing only on one condition."

The Colonel knew what Darcy was about to say, but let him do so without interruption.

"If you ever hurt her, if you ever let her down, if you ever disappoint her, even in the most minor of senses, I will seek you out and run you through without hesitation. You will make her happy and see to it that she never spends another day in the condition that she has been in for the past two months. I shall not see an ounce of sorrow on her face at any time. These are my conditions. Are we clear?"

The Colonel reached out his hand and said, "We are in complete agreement, cousin. I thank you."

Darcy reluctantly reached out and shook the Colonel's hand. He led the Colonel out towards the study to face his anxious family. Darcy opened the door and turned to Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, please make our apologies to Bingley and Jane for this evening. We need to prepare to leave Pemberley at once. After you have packed what you need, would you be so kind to see that my man packs me a trunk as well? I am going to arrange for a carriage."

"William, what are you talking about? Where are we going?"

"Well, it seems that our dinner party is being relocated to Gretna Green."

The group rejoiced at Darcy's good humour and gave congratulations to the betrothed couple. Georgiana went up to her brother and kissed him on the cheek.

"You are coming with us then, William?"

"Georgiana, I would not miss this moment for the world."

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Colonel and Mrs. Richard Henry Fitzwilliam were pronounced man and wife the next afternoon with family present to share their joy.

As the newlyweds entered their carriage to leave the chapel, Elizabeth leaned against her husband and sighed in content.

"Are they not the most handsome couple, William?"

Darcy knew he must humour his wife who was feeling caught up in the moment.

"Yes, Lizzy, they are, indeed, a very handsome couple."

"And are they not happier than we have ever seen them before?"

"Yes, Lizzy, I believe they are quite blissful."

"And are they not going to make the finest aunt and uncle in all of England?"

"Yes, Lizzy, they will be the finest....Lizzy?"

The End.


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