to be have got tabele cwiczenia


I am


Ja jestem

you are


Ty jesteś

he is


On jest

she is


Ona jest

it is


To jest

we are


My jesteśmy

you are


Wy jesteście

they are


Oni są


I am not

I'm not

Ja nie jestem

you are not

you aren't

Ty nie jesteś

he is not

he isn't

On nie jest

she is not

she isn't

Ona nie jest

it is not

it isn't

To nie jest

we are not

we aren't

My nie jesteśmy

you are not

you aren't

Wy nie jesteście

they are not

they aren't

Oni nie są


Am I….?


Czy ja jestem…?

Are you….?

Czy ty jesteś…?

Is He….?

Czy on jest …?

Is she…?

Czy ona jest…?

Is it….?

Czy to jest…?

Are we….?

Czy my jesteśmy…?

Are you….?

Czy wy jesteście…?

Are they….?

Czy oni są…?

HAVE GOT- mieć

I have got

I've got

Ja mam

you have got

you've got

Ty masz

he has got

he's got

On ma

she has got

she's got

Ona ma

it has got

it's got

To ma

we have got

we've got

My mamy

you have got

you've got

Wy macie

they have got

they've got

Oni mają


I have not got

I haven't got

Ja nie mam

you have not got

you haven't got

Ty nie masz

he has not got

he hasn't got

On nie ma

she has not got

she hasn't got

Ona nie ma

it has not got

it hasn't got

To nie ma

we have not got

we haven't got

My nie mamy

you have not got

you haven't got

Wy nie macie

they have not got

they haven't got

Oni nie mają


Have I got…?


Czy ja mam…?

Have you got…?

Czy ty masz…?

Has he got…?

Czy on ma…?

Has she got…?

Czy ona ma…?

Has it got…?

Czy to ma…?

Have we got…?

Czy my mamy…?

Have you got…?

Czy wy macie…?

Have they got…?

Czy oni mają…?

Zamień na pytanie:

I've got a new book.

She's from the UK.

My parents are in the garden.

Kate and Michael can help you.

Zamień na przeczenie:

My sister's got a new pet.

We're really happy about the trip.

Mandy can swim very well.

Patrick and Susan are at home.

Wstaw: when, who, what, where, how

……………… is she? She's a new student.

………………are you parents? They're at home.

………………can I help you?

……………..colour is this pencil?

……………..have you got English?

…………… is that?

Odpowiedz pełnym zdaniem:

What's your name?


When have you got Biology?


What colour is your bag?


Where is Palace of Culture?



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