L3 049 Listening

There are four tasks in this test.


You are going to hear 5 extracts from radio news. You will hear each extract twice. For questions 1 to 5 please choose the best answer A, B or C.

You now have 1 minute to look through the questions for Task One.

  1. According to South Korea's unification ministry, …

  1. the full reopening of the border is uncertain

  2. trapped South Koreans will be home soon

  3. the industrial complex will be closed down

  1. The African Union has called on an emergency meeting because of …

    1. the public unrest in Madagascar

    2. the recent shooting in Madagascar

    3. the government crisis in Madagascar

  2. A U.S. General says the coalition is not winning because …

    1. the forces have too many tasks

    2. the locals still feel insecure

    3. Afghans help insurgents

  3. According to the latest agreement, Russia will …

    1. help set up new supply routes in Central Asia

    2. deliver non-military supplies to Afghanistan

    3. let U.S. non-military convoys cross its territory

  4. According to the insurance company AIG, …

    1. it will deduce the bonuses from state funds

    2. it has already promised to repay the bonuses

    3. it was legally required to pay the staff bonuses


You will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will be asked a question about what was said. You will hear each conversation and the question that follows it twice. For questions 6 to 10 choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.

There will now be a pause of 30 seconds for you to look through the questions.

  1. The soldiers find the new commander …

    1. inexperienced

    2. respectable

    3. arrogant

    4. decisive

  2. According to the speakers, John ...

    1. plans to dismiss some workers

    2. is a very honest businessman

    3. employed some new workers

    4. does some illegal business

  3. The speaker says that Jack …

    1. deserves his good reputation

    2. was criticized by his boss

    3. is praised by his colleagues

    4. ruined his good reputation

  4. Talking about the presentation, the man says that Charles …

    1. cancelled the event

    2. was of great help

    3. failed to help him

    4. received a bonus

  5. The woman ...

    1. helped the host after the party

    2. decided to leave the party earlier

    3. looked forward to her friend's party

    4. argued with the host during the party


You are going to listen to a report. You will hear this report twice. For questions 11 to 14 please choose the best answer A, B or C.

There will now be a pause of one minute for you to look through the questions.

  1. According to the Home Office, holding innocent people's DNA profiles …

    1. needs to be limited by time

    2. is now done against the law

    3. has little criminological value

  2. The case of Matthew Fagan proves that DNA profiles …

    1. could turn out to be unreliable

    2. sometimes harm innocent people

    3. should be held on the database

  3. Professor Laycock believes that ….

    1. it is reasonable to keep children's DNA

    2. adults commit more crimes than children

    3. children's DNA profiles are of little value

  4. The former Head of the National DNA Database Board insists on …

    1. studying the reliability of DNA tests

    2. concentrating on serious crimes more

    3. researching the problem of re-offending


You are going to listen to an officer giving a briefing. You will hear the briefing twice. For questions 15 to 20 complete the notes by putting short phrases into the boxes.

There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look at the notes.

  1. Battle Heron prepared troops to operate in

  2. 1

    1. Apart from NATO countries the other participants were …

    2. 1

      1. Norway was authorized to command …

      2. 1

        1. After 12 hours the HQ was …

        2. 1

          1. The Helicopter Task Group was to concentrate mainly on testing

          2. 1

            1. The Marines will soon be deployed in

            2. 1



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