be going to ćw

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences.

  1. A car is going very fast. In the middle of the street there is a big oil spot. … a car crash in a moment. (there, be)

  2. Did you go abroad last summer. No, … to England but I changed my mind. (I, go)

  3. What … during her wedding next month? (your daughter, wear)

  4. Tom hasn't study before tomorrow's exams. He … (fail)

  5. The film starts in five minutes and I finish my work in half an hour. … the beginning of the film. (watch)

  6. After my wedding, … 10 days in the Caribbean Islands. (spend)

  7. Yesterday, We … football in the park but it started raining. (play)

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) 0x01 graphic
a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get) 0x01 graphic
you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn) 0x01 graphic
it up so you can hear it.

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) 0x01 graphic
Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come) 0x01 graphic
to the party. Oliver (be) 0x01 graphic
there as well.

6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) 0x01 graphic
the air-conditioning on.

7. I think he (be) 0x01 graphic
the next President of the United States.

8. After I graduate, I (attend) 0x01 graphic
medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) 0x01 graphic

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) 0x01 graphic
down to the beach and go swimming.


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