Identity list for Nadja

1. Appelbaum A., Between East and West. Across the Borderlands of Europe, Papernac, London 1995.

2. Arel, Dominique and Ruble, Blair A. (Eds.). Rebounding Identities: the Politics of Identity in Russia and Ukraine. - Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2006.

3. Baumeister, Roy F. Identity: Cultural Change and the Struggle for Self. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.

4. Britt T. W. The Self-Consiouness scale: on the stability of the three factor structure.// Personality and Social Psychology Bull., 1992, v.18.

5. Brubaker R., Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the Nation Question in the New Europe, Cambrige University Press, cambrige, U. K. - New York 1996.

6. Bugge P., Central Europe, «European Review of History» Spring 1999, vol. 6.

7. Davis, Fred. Fashion, Culture, and Identity. - Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

8. De Cilla R., Reisigl M., Wodak R., The Discursive Construction of National Identities, «Discourse Society» 1999 vol. 10, pp. 149-173.

9. Delanty, Gerard; Wodak, Ruth and Jones, Paul (Eds.). Identity, Belongigng and Migration. - Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, 2008.

10. Freidman, Jonathan and Lash, Scott (Eds.). Modernity and Identity. - Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.

11. Giddens. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Stanford University Press, 1991.

12. Groebner, Valentin. Who are You?: Identification, Deception, and Surveillance an Early Modern Europe and the Other and the Europe as the Other, B. Strath (ed.), P. I. E. Peter Lang, Bruxelles-New York 2000.

13. European Identity and the Search for Legitimacy, Piner Publishers, London-New York 1993.

14. Europe: [translated by Mark Kyburz and John Peck]. - New York: Zone Books, 2007.

15. Hall S., Introdaction: Who Needs Identity, [in:] Questions of Cultural Identity, S. Hall and P. du Gay (eds.), Sage, Thousand Oaks, Ca.-London 1996.

16. The History of Idea of Europe, Routledge, London-New York 1995.

17. The Identity of Central Europe, G. Gorzelak and B. Jałowiecki (eds.), Warsaw University, Warsaw 1997.

18. Martin, Raymond and barresi John (Eds.). Personal Identity. - Madlen, MA: Blackwell, 2003.

19. Neumann, Iver B. Collective Identity Formation: Self and Other in International Relations. - Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico, 1995.

20. Prize1 I. National Identity and Foreifn Policy. Nationaism and Leadership in Poland, Russia and Ukraine. - Cambrige: Cambrige University Press, 1998. - P. 322.

21. Rorty, Richard Mind-Body Identity, Privacy, and Categories." Review of Metaphysics 19, September 1965.

22. Said E., Europe and Its Others, [in:] R. Kearney, Visions of Europe. Conversations on the Legacy and Fututre of Europe, Wolfhound Press, Dublim 1992.

23. Smith A.D. The Ethnic Origins of Nations / A.D. Smith. Oxford, 1986. - 221 p.

24. Wanner C. Burden of Dream: History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine. - The Pennslvania State University, 1998.


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