Pride and Prejudice Mix

Pride and Prejudice Mix-up

By Zeb

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Jump to new as of December 10, 1999
Jump to new as of January 27, 2000
Jump to new as of April 22, 2000

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Posted on Friday, 26 November 1999

The Mattesons were watching TV It was the new series, "Pride and Prejudice" that had just come out.

There where four kids in the Matteson family. There was Zeb, a young teenager about thirteen, who was surprisingly very tall for his age, was five feet and eleven inches tall. Zeb had good looks, but an overwhelming sense of humor. He teased both his older and a younger sister's about the Jane Austen books which they where crazy about. And now that this movie had come out, he had even more things to tease them about. His older sister, Kara was fifteen, and was a Dwiggie. She wrote stories all the time in the DWG, a website that she and her sisters had found. Kara looked a lot like Zeb, only she was not so tall. Zeb's younger sisters, Jane and Elizabeth (who they called Eliza) had dark brown hair like their mother, whereas Zeb and Kara had sandy blonde hair like their father. All had blue eyes.

Anyway the Matteson's where watching Pride and Prejudice, and Zeb was making such awful cracks about the Collins character his father sent him to his room. Zeb left the room grinning. In his room, he decided to go to bed since tomorrow was a school day, and it was pretty late. While he was falling asleep, he mused over who his favorite Jane Austen character was...

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Chapter 1

Posted on Friday, 26 November 1999

Zeb awoke as usual at seven o'clock. The wristwatch that he always wore hadn't woken him up, and so he lifted his wrist up to his face see if it was still working. It wasn't there. Zeb looked at his other wrist. It wasn't there either!

'That's funny!' suddenly he realized that he didn't have the right kind of PJs on! He had on...a dress that was long and white! Definitely not your average pajamas.

At first Zeb thought that the darkness had dulled his eyes so he reached from the bed to where his desk stood, where a lamp was...or so he thought. There was a dresser where his desk should have been; and a candle where his lamp should have been.

"This is totally weird," Zeb said to himself. "I must be dreaming." He fumbled with some matches he found nearby, and after a few minutes of trying, got the stubborn candle ablaze.

The candle gave off a surprising amount of light. Zeb could see now that he did have weird pajamas on and definitely did not have his wristwatch anywhere near him. As if all this wasn't enough, the entire room was different!

"I have really got to be dreaming now!" he said. "So, I'll just blow out the candle, snuggle tightly into my pillows, close my eyes, count to ten and everything will be restored to proper order!"

So Zeb blew out the candle and sunk into his pillows...three rather large feather pillows. Zeb instantly sat back up.

"Feather pillows? Why, only Great Aunt Mildred has feather pillows! If this is a dream, which I don't think it is anymore, it wouldn't be as realistic as this!"

Zeb got out of bed and lit the candle again. This time, he inspected the room more closely. It resembled the rooms closely to the rooms he had seen in that Pride and Prejudice show he had been watching the evening before. What caught his eye the most was a fireplace in his room. For the first time that morning he thought that that was something interesting.

Then, his attention returned to the 'dress' he was wearing. He just had to get out of the weird thing! To wear them was against his nature! He had earlier noticed that some clothes were draped on a chair by his bed.

"Well, if they are the only things I have to wear," he held up one of the particularly dorky garment before him, "I'll wear them to get out of these pajamas!"

Zeb at first had difficulty realizing what goes where. He soon however realized that it was very similar to the suit Dad wore to work. He wondered which really was more dorky: the suit or the pajamas. He looked at the hideous outfit he was wearing.

"Ugh!" he shuddered. "I'd prefer the suit!"

After about twenty minutes of pushing, tugging and pulling, he finally got the suit on. He only had one major problem: he did not know how to get on his tie. He held up the long white, frilly and snaky object between two fingers.

"It must be a sash." He decided, thinking that it was too long to be a tie.

Then, he changed his mind. "Suits don't come with sashes. Maybe it's just some sort of tie that I don't know how to tie..." then he grinned to himself. "And if it's I tie I can't tie, I don't have to tie it!"

After he was dressed (without the tie), he opened up the door leading into a rather long hallway.

"Whheeeewwww!" he whistled. "Boy the people who live here must be really, really, really rich!"

He walked slowly down it. The things that he found most interesting were the great antler trophies that were hung on the walls. After a minute or two of walking and looking, he came upon an individual who wore a curly wig. This man bowed and addressed him in the following way:

"Ah! Master Zebulun. You came here yesterday, am I correct?"

"Uh...yeah, I'm Zeb..." he answered. "Where is the kitchen? I'm so starved I could eat an elephant." The man looked very puzzled.

"The kitchen is for the servants. I'm sure you do not want to go there. Breakfast is to be served in the second dinning room, Master Zeb." The man, who happened to be the butler, answered.

" What's the matter with the first dinning room?" Zeb asked. The butler blinked and looked uncomfortable.

"The first dinning room is for special guests. Anyway, sir, breakfast will not be served until eight thirty. I advise you to wait in the drawing room."

Zeb cleared his throat noisily. "Where I stay, we have breakfast at seven-thirty every morning!"

"This is not Pemberley." The butler answered, nervously.

"Never mind! Just take me to this 'drawing room'."

"Right this way, Sir." The butler said.

"Don't call me that," Zeb told him.

"I beg your pardon, Sir?" the butler asked.

"That" Zeb said, getting annoyed.


"Oh, good grief!"

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Chapter 2

Posted on Saturday, 27 November 1999

Zeb followed the butler to the drawing room. The butler then bowed and left the room without a word. Zeb was left alone in the room. He sat down on a sofa with a few books he had found on a shelf. The book he first began reading was 'Romeo and Juliet', by Shakespeare. Not understanding the valuable contents within, Zeb threw down the book with contempt and picked up another. The next book he looked at was 'Hamlet', also by Shakespeare. He was very interested in this book, but after a while grew bored with it. All the other books were about history. Zeb chose the one most interesting to him, but while he was reading it, he noticed a piano in the room.

He disregarded all his books, and went over to the piano. Zeb was a talented musician and played both piano and guitar very well. He personally enjoyed the 'Blues' more then any other type of music, but classical was easier for him to play. Zeb also had very good pitch and it was easy for him to tune instruments. Zeb could sing, but he didn't do it often. So this talented musician sat down at the piano and decided that he was in the mood for a little jazz that morning.

Oh when go marching in!!
Oh when saints go marrrchhing in!!!
I wanna be in that nuummbberrrrrrr!
When the saints come marching in!!!

Zeb so involved in his song that he did not notice when several persons came walking in. Probably the interesting music had drawn them in. When Zeb was done playing the song and singing for fun at the top of his lungs, unaware of the persons present, he heard clapping. Zeb instantly spun around in the seat. Two men were present and a lady.

The tallest of the trio, a man with dark hair: "Why that is the most interesting music I've ever heard, Zebulun! Play something else." Zeb had nothing else to do but to nod 'yes'.

Zeb was very embarrassed at having been discovered while he was playing jazz on the piano and singing at the top of his voice. This time he decided to play classical music. After he had finished, they seemed much more pleased with this last song. However, the lady and the man with dark hair exchanged glances, puzzled with the strange type of music.

"That's beautiful," the man with blonde hair said, "Who composed it?"

"Oh, Tchaikovsky did." Zeb answered casually.

"Oh, Tchaikovsky! I think I've heard his name before...haven't you, Darcy?"

"Actually, no, Charles. I haven't. It's very interesting music, where did you learn it, Zebulun? I like it better then the music before." Darcy answered, but didn't look like he enjoyed that much.

"Oh, back at home." Zeb said, trying to sound casual, but really was uneasy.

"I don't remember you practicing it before, though. But then, never mind. I don't pay attention to things like that very much, brother." Fitzwilliam said, sounding nicer.

Until now the woman had been silent. Suddenly she spoke up. "I think the music is quite pretty, but a little shocking."

The butler came in now, interrupting the conversation. "Breakfast is served now, my lord."

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Hollyfox." Charles said, taking the woman's arm. "Come, everyone, let's eat."

Zeb and Fitzwilliam followed after them. Zeb was wondering, what did he mean by 'brother'? All these words were familiar. Pemberley, Charles, Fitzwilliam...could it really be? No, it most definitely was not possible.

Breakfast was eaten very quietly. Two more people where there. Another woman, and a man. Zeb by now knew their names: Mrs. Hurst, and Mr. Hurst.

Suddenly Charles broke the silence, by saying, "We are invited to a ball tomorrow. I have accepted the invitation. I hope you do not mind."

Fitzwilliam replied, "I'm not certain that I will enjoy it, but if you wish I will go. What about you, brother?" Fitzwilliam said addressing Zeb.

"Uh, sure I'll go." Zeb said.

"This is quite wonderful. I'm certain you will enjoy the ball, Zebulun." Charles remarked, "Caroline, Louisa? Mr. Hurst? You all can come too, if you wish."

"I'm certain we would love to." Was their reply.

The rest of the day followed very fast. But by now Zeb knew one thing. That he was definitely in Pride & Prejudice.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Monday, 29 November 1999

Zeb awoke that morning at six-fifteen. He decided to sleep a little more. After all, breakfast would be served at eight-thirty a.m., so why get up early?

A little while later Zeb heard a strange beeping. It reminded him so much of... his watch! He had it on! He leaped out of bed, looking the lamp on his desk. It was there! Zeb turned it on. Yes, everything was normal.

'What a relief! It was all a dream!' He thought.

There was only one way to be sure. Zeb raced to Kara's room - knocking on her door.

"Kara! Kara! What day is it?" Zeb yelled at her.

Kara opened her door a crack. "What do you want, Zeb?" she said in a sleepy voice. "Make it quick, I've still got my PJ's on and want to get dressed."

"What day is it?"

"Why would you ever ask a silly thing like that?" Kara asked in an annoyed tone.

"Just tell me what day it is!"

Kara opened the door a little wider purposely so that he could see her roll her eyes.

"It's Friday, Zeb. What's with you?" she answered.

"Um - ah, Friday the day right after that TV show we were watching?"

"You mean Pride and Prejudice? Yeah - don't you remember? Dad sent you to your room last night. Did you have a funny dream or something?" Kara asked, rubbing her eyes and opening the door a little farther.

"Something like that," Zeb said as he ran back into is room. Kara was left staring at him as he slammed his door shut.

As Kara closed her door, she muttered, 'He's acting strangely today...not that he has ever really acted normal...but why should he be so excited about what day it is? And what was it that' was bothering him...?'

Kara shut her door. Her bother was acting really weird and since he usually told her if something was really wrong or if something cool was happening, she was rather worried about him.

Inside his room Zeb shouted a war whoop!

"Yes, Yes! No more stuffy suits! No more late breakfasts! No more -"

"Zeb?" his Mom called from outside his door. "Quit goofing around! You're supposed to be getting ready for school now!"

"Okay, Mom!" Zeb answered. Suddenly he remembered something, "Boy, I forgot to study for that English Quiz! Now I almost wish that it wasn't a dream!" he said and got his backpack ready.

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Later that day...

After school Zeb had agreed to go over to Josh's house. Josh was one of his best friends and he phoned home to ask for his mother's permission.

"Sure," she said. "Just be back in time for dinner."

Zeb only stayed at his friend's house for an hour or so. His other best friend, Sam, was also invited. Sam was his very best friend. Sam suggested that he bicycle with Zeb when he went home, since he lived nearby. While they were pedaling down the sidewalk, Zeb said:

"Sam, I had a really strange dream last night. I didn't feel like telling it to Josh. After all, he isn't my best friend. I don't trust him as much as I do you."

"What was the dream about?" fourteen-year-old Sam asked.

"It was this weird dream where...well, remember that Pride and Prejudice TV series that has just come out?"

"Yeah, Sarah watched it last night." Sam said and Zeb nodded his head.

Sarah was Sam's older sister who was also Kara's best friend. They both had similar interests in Jane Austen. Actually, Sarah and Kara were almost exact opposites in appearance, although in other ways they were alike . It was interesting seeing the two together - Sarah had brown hair and green eyes, and it was an interesting contrast to Kara's blonde hair and blue eyes. Sarah was shy, and Kara was anything but that. She was more of the out-going type. However, Zeb and Sam looked alike and were very similar in hobbies.

Zeb was not at all surprised at hearing that Sarah had been watching Pride and Prejudice too.

"Well, our whole family was watching it last night. I got sent to my room during the movie because of making too many bad jokes..."

Sam stifled a laugh. He knew all about his friend's dislike of Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice. Zeb continued talking.

"Well, I went to bed since it was late. And I had the weirdest dream I've ever had!"

"You've already said that." Sam pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. But I haven't told you about the dream yet..." and then he told Sam all about the dream and his personal opinions about it, and how relieved he was to find that it was only a dream.

"Hmmm..." Sam said after his friend had finished his story. "Sounds very interesting." He then grinned. "And I can understand how relieved you felt when you discovered it was only a dream!"

After this, the two boys did not talk about Zeb's dream and they rode the rest of the way to Zeb's house.

After dinner at his house, Zeb asked to speak with Kara. During the whole evening, she had been giving him concerned glances and seemed to be worried about him. They sat down in the armchairs in the living room while everyone else was watching a sports show.

"What's the matter, Zeb? You've been acting strange all day."" Kara said quietly, so as not to disturb the others while they watched.

Zeb took a deep breath and sighed. He then told Kara all about his dream as he had told Sam.

"That is fantastic! It's so cool! You were the brother of Fitzwilliam Darcy! Oh, how I wish something like that would happen to me..." Kara said, and grinned when she saw her brother's expression.

"No you do not! You should have seen the dresses those ladies were wearing...they looked worse then the suits! I hope I never have another dream about Pride and Prejudice again!"

"Now I see why you were acting so strange all day. It must have been really weird. Well, anyway-" Kara didn't finish what she was saying, because she glanced at the clock and exclaimed: "Oh, it's coming on now! The third movie! Dad, dad! Switch the channel!"

Zeb rolled his eyes. More Pride and Prejudice was on, and he wanted nothing to do with it ever again. He stomped out of the room. No one stopped him because only Heaven knows how many more offensive jokes he would make about the movie!

Since the next morning was Saturday, Zeb stayed up late that night writing an e-mail to his grandparents. At last he was exhausted. The clock on the computer said 12:30 p.m. and he resigned to his room and went to sleep.

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The next morning, Zeb really slept in. He broke his own rule and slept in until 9:30 a.m., and probably would have slept longer if someone hadn't knocked on his door.

"All right, all right, Mom! Just give me five more minutes!" he called.

"Sir?" called a very questioning voice. "It is time to get up! It is fortunate that Mr. Bingley was so kind as to postpone breakfast until you were awake.

Zeb groaned and really long groan. "Okay Kara! You can stop teasing me about this dream thing! It has gone far enough now!"

"Sir?" came the inquisitive voice.

"How many times do you have to tell-" suddenly, for the first time he noticed the room he was in. Zeb groaned again, even longer then the first time. "Um - Mr. Hollybrass? I'll be up in a minute!"

"Don't you need assistance to dress?" the servant called.

"To dress?" Zeb screeched.

"Most young people need assistance..."

"Gross! Here at Netherfield they need servants to assist their masters at dressing? It takes away people's privacy! Come on, man! I don't believe you even asked that! No way Hose, bozo! I can dress myself alone! Sheesh! Who do you think I am? Some fat kid with a double chin who needs to be carried around like a baby!?!" Zeb's ranting went on until the servant left.

He smiled and got out of the bed. Then he frowned. Two dreams in a row twice? This had never happened before... Then suddenly a horrible thought struck him (at least it was horrible to him) maybe it wasn't a dream...maybe...

"I'm really going through the entire story of Pride and Prejudice! Well, if this is going to happen every night...I hope I survive!"

He began to convince himself that it was a dream...and told himself that he had had dreams before that repeated themselves more then once. Then, he dressed himself and hurried downstairs to the second dining room where everyone was assembled.

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Chapter 4

Posted on Tuesday, 30 November 1999

"Hello, Zebulun." Charles said, greeting Zeb, "You slept in today. Are you feeling well?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I stayed up late last night." Zeb said, rubbing his eyes, who was still half asleep.

Darcy then stood up and said a short prayer, and then everyone ate. The food was delicious, Zeb thought. There was toast, and lot's of different jams, a cold mincemeat pie, fresh bread still warm...

In the middle of breakfast Charles said, "Darcy and I are going hunting soon before the ball tonight. Would you like to join us, Zebulun?"

"Sure I would!" Zeb answered quickly.

"I'm glad you would like to. Hunting can get very dismal without a few people." Charles remarked.

Then the conversation drifted over to the ball, dancing, etc...Zeb had no interest in these topics. He didn't even know how to dance.

Breakfast finished very quickly. It was apparent that Charles and Darcy wanted to go hunting very soon.

At hunting Zeb didn't do much except watch. It was pretty boring for him. Darcy shot five pheasants while Bingley only got two. Bingley let Zeb try to shoot one. Zeb got it first shot.

"Where did you learn to shoot so good?" Charles had asked.

"The video game arcade." Zeb said grinning.

After hunting Zeb spent the remainder of the day horseback riding with Fitzwilliam. By the time of the ball Zeb was very sore and tired.

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At the ball Zeb and his companions where a little late. There where people already dancing, Zeb noted. One of the first family's they where introduced to was the Bennets. Darcy was feeling very uncomfortable while being introduced, but Bingley seemed at complete ease. Zeb could not understand this thing about being introduced. Why couldn't Zeb introduce himself?

They where Mrs. Bennet, a Ms. Bennet, who Charles asked to dance with, a Ms. Elizabeth Bennet, Ms. Mary Bennet, Ms. Katharine Bennet, and a Miss Lydia Bennet.

'A lot of Ms.'s', Thought Zeb.

The Mr. Bennet was not present.

Darcy stalked off without a word after they where introduced, and Mrs. Bennet looked very offended, then Bingley excused himself and walked over to Fitzwilliam. Zeb grinned. Darcy reminded himself of him.

Zeb talked awhile to Mrs. Bennet, but soon became so overwhelmed with the conversation he mumbled excuse me and walked over to Fitzwilliam, who seemed even more bored than he was.

Just then Bingley walked up. "Come, Darcy," said he, "I must have you dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner."

"I most certainly shall not." Darcy replied, "You know how I detest it. At an assembly as this, it would be insupportable. Your sisters are engaged, and there is not another woman in this room whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with."

Zeb grinned and stifled a laugh.

"I would not be as fastidious as you are," cried Bingley, "for a kingdom! Upon my honor, I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening; and there are several of them you see uncommonly pretty."

Zeb grinned again.

"You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room," Said Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet.

"Oh, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld! But, there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable." Bingley said encouragingly.

Until now Zeb hadn't known this. Apparently she was listening in on the conversation.

"Which do you mean?" said Fitzwilliam, turning around, he looked for a moment at Elizabeth, till, catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said, "She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me. You had better to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me."

Charles soon afterward left, with no hope for Darcy.

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When the ball was finished, Zeb was glad. He wished that he hadn't gone. It was very boring; with no one whom he could understand to talk to. He wished that Sam was with him. Perhaps then Zeb could have had some fun if he was there.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Thursday, 9 December 1999

The next morning, Zeb was not surprised to see his own room. The Pride & Prejudice thing was all just a dream, or was it? While he was getting out of bed he was verrrry sore. 'Why?', was the question that echoed through his head, 'Why?'. Suddenly the thought struck him. He had gone horseback riding in his dream! 'No way, it couldn't be real!' But he knew inside that it was real. And he could bet that this night he would go back.

All that day Kara gave Zeb questioning glances. 'Something was wrong.' She thought. Maybe it was that dream of his...

Zeb had not bothered to tell anyone anything. He was too troubled. He didn't even tell Sam.

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One morning Zeb woke up to find himself at Netherfield. It had been five days since he had first gone into that world. On this day there was to be a reception at Lucas Lodge to which they were all invited.

At the reception, Zeb noticed that members of the militia who had recently come to Meryton were there. Everyone's attention seemed to be drawn to them. He, however, was not interested in the militia. He liked to stand near Darcy (which he found very useful at these balls and receptions because no one seemed to want to go near Darcy) as he did not really want to have a conversation with anyone.

During the first thirty minutes, he became very bored and almost decided that at the next party he was going to pretend to be sick and stay home! Suddenly, one of the Bennets (Miss Elizabeth Bennet, Zeb was almost certain), said to Darcy, who had been standing near her,

"Do you not think, Mr. Darcy, that I expressed myself uncommonly well just now when I was teasing Colonel Foster to give us a ball at Meryton?"

"With great energy;" Darcy replied, "But it is a subject which always makes a lady energetic!" Zeb snickered. This was the only interesting conversation which he'd listened to all night!

"You are very severe on us!"

Suddenly someone who Zeb probably was acquainted with but whom he had forgotten, came up to them.

"It will be her turn to be teased!" the woman said. "I'm going to open the piano, Eliza; and you know what follows!" Miss Bennet turned around and said:

"You are a very strange creature by way of a friend, always wishing me to play and sing before everybody! I would really rather not sit down before those who must be in the habit of hearing the very best performers, Charlotte. But very well, if it must be so, it must."

If there was any more conversation between those two, Zeb did not hear it because his concentration had drifted somewhere else. A minute or so later, he heard a piano being played and saw without surprise that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was playing.

'She isn't that bad!' Zeb thought, 'Still, I don't like classical music that much.'

Elizabeth played a couple songs and then stopped. Zeb was then startled by Sir Lucas saying:

"I heard from Mr. Bingley that you play uncommonly well for your age, Young Zebulun Darcy!"

Zeb's eyes felt like they popped out of his head. He hated performing in front of large crowds! He opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of some excuse to say to him.

"All right, all right! If I have to play, I'll play!" Zeb grumbled.

"Capital! Very capital! I'm sure we will enjoy your performance!" Sir Lucas said.

As Zeb sat down at the piano he wondered what he should play. More Tchaikovsky? Or perhaps Beethoven? He didn't play either. A very wicked idea had sprung into his head! With an evil grin, he started to play.

On top of spaghettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
All covered with cheeeeeeeeeeeze!
I lost my poor meeeeeaaaaat baaaaaaaaaall,
When somebody sneeeeeeeeeezzzed!

It rolled off the taaaaaaaable!
And onto the flooooooooorr!
And then my poor meeeeeeeeeeeaaat baaaaall,
Rolled out of the dooooooooor!

It rolled on the siiiiiiiiiiiiiiidewalk!
And under a bush!
And now my poor meeeeeeaaat ball,
Is nothing but muuuuuuuuusshhh!

The piano playing was without fault, but Zeb in his enthusiasm while he was singing, went out of tune several times. Now he realized that his performance was truly shocking to everyone in the room. But he supposed he had gotten carried away.

After the playing stopped, he remained at the piano with the most dignified look on his face he could manage and hoped for applause. There was total silence. The beating of his own heart sounded like a hammer on an anvil! The only person who broke the silence, and the only person who would, was old Sir Lucas (who's great, great, great nephew is the guy who created Star Wars).

"Ah...well...uh...very interesting performance. I'm certain that we all...uh...are indebted to you for...would perhaps someone else play some music?"

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Chapter 6

Posted on Tuesday, 25 January 2000

Two days later Zeb told all his family at dinner about the mix-up that happened every night. They looked at him as if he was crazy and his mother said not to make up stories just for attention.

"But it's not a lie," Zeb protested, "I don't tell lies! I don't really know what's happening. It might be a dream. It might be anything!" he announced as he got up and stomped off scowling to his room .

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The next morning, he found himself again at Netherfield. Zeb and the rest of the men where to dine with the officers. 'At least that's what Bingley said. ' he thought.

Although he expected it to be really boring, the dinner good. The food was delicious and everyone was relaxed and making jokes, laughing (except Darcy), and having a good time. Even Zeb attempted a joke or two, but nobody laughed. Still, he was glad when the dinner was over. He was so full he could hardly walk, and when he tasted the wine he had been served, he coughed it all over his shirt.

While Zeb changed his shirt in his room, there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Zeb called, answering the knock.

"Zebulun, this is Fitz," came the reply.

"Oh, Fitzwilliam, come on in," he answered.

'I wonder why Darcy would come to talk to me?' Zeb questioned himself, as Fitzwilliam entered the room.

"Zebulun, Georgiana, your sister has written me a letter, asking me to send you back to Pemberley in a week or so, for she misses your company. Are you willing to consent?" Darcy asked.

"In a week? Why not?" Zeb answered.

"Because I would feel a little strange by myself without any other member of the family, even though Bingley is a very good friend. And Miss Bingley and the Hursts...well, you know how they are."

"Well, how about three weeks? Then I suppose you would have had enough of my company by then."

"That is generous of you, little brother, for Georgiana and I."

"Okay, then it's settled," smiled Zeb as he shook his brother's hand.

Darcy walked to the other side of the room to the door and said, " Good, I'm glad we talked. By the way, Caroline invited Miss Bennet over for dinner while we were out. Apparently, Miss Bennet took ill and will be staying here until she recovers.

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The sound of his electronic alarm woke him the next morning. Here we go again, he thought, as he scanned his modern bedroom. The day went by slowly and very boringly. All Zeb did was go to school and daydream. Once he had a small talk with Kara, but that was it. He almost welcomed going to Netherfield that night...

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Chapter 8

Posted on Saturday, 22 April 2000

At three o'clock Miss Elizabeth said that she must go, but her sister Jane begged her to stay. Bingley sent a servant for her clothes.

At around five, Darcy and Zeb played billiards again -- this time against Mr. Hurst and Bingley. However, after the first match they did not play again because Darcy and Zeb had beaten them so pitifully it was humiliating. Besides, it was time to eat dinner.

After dinner they majority of the company started playing Whist. Zeb, who was a fairly good Bridge player, found that it was not that different. After a half an hour of his winning, everyone who was playing lost interest, so he sat down on the sofa and began to read.

What he was reading was a history novel, which would be very boring for most people but Zeb was most interested in it. One of the reasons why, perhaps is because he enjoyed reading encyclopedias for pleasure. Soon afterwards Elizabeth entered the room. She took a seat next to Zeb and began to read.

"Miss Bennet, would you like to join us in a game of cards?" Caroline asked, for they had already started a new game (without Zeb).

"Oh, I'm afraid not, for I must see to my sister soon and for the time being I will read a book." Elizabeth answered.

"Do you prefer reading to cards?" Said a rather surprised Mr. Hurst, "That is rather singular."

"Miss Eliza Bennet, despises cards. She is a great reader and has no pleasure in anything else." Said Miss Bingley.

"I deserve neither such praise nor such censure," cried Elizabeth, "I am not a great reader and have pleasure in many things."

"In nursing your sister I am sure you have pleasure," said Bingley, "and I hope it will soon be increased by seeing her quite well."

Elizabeth continued her reading, until she noticed Zeb and asked, "I wonder, which book are you reading?"

"Oh," he said, glancing at the cover, "It's something about the Norman conquest and the Duke William of Normandy."

"And you find books like that interesting?" She inquired further.

"Yes, I find that books like these are quite interesting."

"I see," Elisabeth said, and changing the subject asked, "What is your brother like?"

Zeb shot a look at Darcy, and answered, "He is a very interesting fellow, very nice to me and people who he knows, but is shy in public. And I admit that I'm not very strait forward either."

"But you seem pretty talkative to me." Elisabeth retorted.

"Well, once I know a person enough, I start talking and talking and can't stop -- like the Energizer bunny." Zeb told her.

"The what?"

"The energizer bunny. You see it's supposedly this rabbit who runs on batteries and- uh..." Zeb stopped, suddenly realizing that no one had a TV those days, and ended with, "Oh, never mind."

Bingley came over when the game ended and remarked with a smile, "I see that someone is finally reading one of my history books. I am very surprised that my father left me so few books. I really must buy some more. Darcy, as you know Zebulun, has very many books."

"But it is the work of many generations, Bingley." Darcy said, hearing the conversation.

"Yes, but you have bought many books in your time."

"I cannot neglect a family library."

"I agree with that." Zeb said, for he almost lived on books, depriving him of them would be very painful.

Elizabeth, with her book forgotten, listened with amusement at the conversation that was going on.

"So do I!" Caroline cried, "Charles, when you build your house, I wish it may be half as delightful as Pemberley."

"I wish it may." he replied.

The subject of conversation went on in this vein for some time, and Zeb became so bored that he left the room and locked himself up in the library with a book. He read for a few hours until he dropped of to sleep.

The electric alarm awoke him at seven thirty. Zeb rubbed his eyes and got up.

"This time traveling is exhausting." He thought as he got dressed.

The day went by normally, and Zeb soon found that it was night again.


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