Christmas is my favourite time in year

Christmas is my favourite time in year. The Christmas tree, ornaments, lights, carols and of course presents- are great. For me Christmas, began on 6th of Deceber, when 'small Father Christmas' comes and put some small presents and lot of sweets in to our shoes. When I was yonng J wrote letters to Father Christmas but last time I don't do it -I think that Father Christmas know what I want to get. Before Christmas Eve my brother(sister) and I alweys decorate our Christmas tree with ornaments and lights and of course we tidy our room. I help my mother in the kitchen too, but I don't like it. In the evening on Christmas Eve we always visit our grandparents where is great. When we come, there are presentsfor us, but I have seen Father Christmas. After supper we go home and parents always go to our church at night. I stay at home, because I'm tired and I want to p;ay with my new presents. On Christmas Day our family visit us and we always eat, drink, wetch TV and when the wether is five we go for a walk. I like Christmas time very much because I get a lot of presents and I don't must go to school!!!


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