Have You Lived Before Book

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“Have You Lived Before?”

Make Money From

Past Life Regression

How to regress others into their past lives

And make your fortune.


Brian Howard. Ph.D. Hyp.D. F.A.P.H.P.

Copyright© 2003 by Brian Howard.

No Part of this book may be copied or stored in any

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Without the consent of the copyright holder.

“Have You Lived Before”

Make Money From Past Life Regressions


Hypnotism in all its forms has always fascinated people of all ages. Demonstrations of Stage Hypnotism draw ever-increasing crowds who are seeking entertainment - and of course these demonstrations do entertain them, but they also mystify and leave the audience wondering just what else could be revealed via hypnotism.

As the result of the increasing popularity of these demonstrations certain types have become fascinated by the thought that hypnosis may be able to reveal any previous lives lived by them.

Thereby, interest in reincarnation has become extremely popular and this has led to a whole new industry.

Joe Fisher's book, “The Case For Reincarnation” stated that past life regressions can cost anything from $300 upwards. He also outlines details of one `Regressionist` who has done more than 25,000 past life readings. At a mere $40 per reading, turnover would amount to more than One Million Dollars.

Not bad for a part-time business which could be run from your own home!

Believe me when I say that there are a lot of people who have made small and large fortunes from Past Life Regression Readings and nothing would please me more than to add you to the list.

Sadly I cannot guarantee that you will make a fortune, but who really knows what is possible with a bit of hard work and a little bit of luck, but if you are looking for a simple part-time job that will enhance your income, you couldn't do better than read this book and then get some practice in!

Chapter One


People can be regressed back to a previous life in many ways. The usual method is by using hypnosis, but if that term makes you feel uncomfortable, then you can call it `creative visualisation`. Regressing individuals is a very simple process and should be an easy method for any practising hypnotist.

I have had great success in regressing people through the use of hypnosis, but I have also experienced the odd failure. It would suggest that certain people have not had a previous existence in human form previous to the present life. How true that is, I have no way of knowing. The human mind is perfectly capable of playing many tricks.

I once shared a platform with another hypnotist whose speciality was giving public demonstrations of Hypnotic Regression, as opposed to my `one on one regressions` He regressed a number of people who had volunteered to come onto the platform and take part in the demonstration. The show was going very well with regressions leading to past lives as a Roman Soldier, who spent some years fighting the cold (and the odd Scot) in a Cumbrian camp on “Hadrian's Wall”, an Egyptian Priest, who had lived during the period of the building of the great pyramids, and an 18th. Century sailor, who had travelled the oceans of the world under sail. All very interesting!

Towards the end of the show we were both startled by one man who stated that he had been Captain Smith of the ship `Titanic`. He gave a great deal of information regarding himself, his ship and the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the ship in 1912. Please note that this was 20 years before the film industry produced the blockbuster film - “Titanic`.

This chap was questioned in depth, but he came up with correct information about his name, where he had lived in Liverpool, his family background, career with the shipping line. His information was so precise, that the hypnotist asked if the subject was with anyone in the theatre.

The man's wife stood up in the audience and she was asked if her husband had any interest in ships or shipping etc. She explained that she was as astonished as anyone else, because she had never known her husband to have any interest in the subject at all. He was not a `big reader` and never bought books, so she was unable to understand just how he had the knowledge on the particular subject.

I think it would be fair to say that everyone who took part in the evening's entertainment went home truly amazed. It was a good number of years ago now, but I shall never forget it.

Chapter Two

Off With The Present Life

On With The Old Life

There are many reasons why individuals want to learn about and understand if they have lived in a previous life. They are curious about the type of life that they previously lived. Under what kind of conditions they lived and their working life, soldier, courtier, priest, sailor or king.

There are very few who would want to think that they lived simple mundane lives, shoemaker, candle-maker etc. most tend to feel that if they can only remember their previous life, it will turn out to be something truly remarkable. What's more, they want their previous life to have been more important than the one they are currently living because they feel that it might give them additional status in this life.

We are a strange race, are we not?

Whenever you are approached by a client requesting a Past Life Regression, it is always a good plan to sit them down somewhere comfortable and ask them a few questions.

What do they know about regression etc.

What makes them think that they have lived previously - flashes of inexplicable memory and de ja vu etc.

You should then explain to them exactly what hypnosis is.

How it works.

What will happen to the subject during hypnosis.

What they will experience - they will simply be in a very relaxed state of mind an so on.

It is vital that you explain that there is absolutely no danger to them by being hypnotised. This will help them relax.

By taking time out to explain these things to your client, you will be inducing them into a relaxed state of mind - before you begin hypnotising them!

Chapter Three


Now we come to the method used in order to bring about the required state of mind of the client to prepare him/her for a successful regression to a past life.

Ensure that your client is sitting in a most comfortable chair, a `Recliner` if possible. If not possible, the most comfortable chair you can provide.

(I shall use the masculine pronoun from here on in, but the Induction etc applies equally to the female.)

Tell your client to sit comfortably in the chair. …. Tell him to close his eyes and To rest his hands on his lap …. Not to cross his legs, or clasp his hands together.

When he is apparently sitting comfortably, tell him to begin to breathe deeply and regularly. “Breathe … in …and slowly out. Breathe ….in ….and slowly out. Breathing deeply and regularly.

Help your client to establish this regular pattern of deep and regular breathing until you are satisfied that all is going to plan.

When you arrive at this point, suggest to your client that he think of a time in his early childhood - as young as he can remember. Tell him to try to visualize the scene from early childhood as clearly as he can.

Tell him that you want him to see it clearly in his mind's eye - every detail about it - who he was with - what he was doing. Tell him that you want him to actually relive the whole situation as clearly as he can.

After a few moments, you should tell your client to recall and relive an incident from his teenaged years - perhaps a situation involving his first girlfriend. Tell him to remember everything about that incident and to actually experience it all once again.

Once you see that this is happening - and you will know what is happening by looking at your clients rapid eye movements, allow him to relive this situation for a few seconds and then tell him to “Let that moment go now.”

Your client is now moving along the road quite well now and is awaiting further instructions from you -which he will obey!

Now you instruct him to re-experience an incident from `yesterday`, whether it was at work, or at home, tell him that he must relive it again, exactly as he did the first time.

After a few moments, tell him to let that go now and to imagine himself lying on a beach somewhere in the sunshine. Tell him to feel the gentle breeze caressing his body as he lies there - tell him to hear the gentle `lap` .. `lap` .. `lap` of the waves of the sea breaking on to the beach away to his left hand side. Tell him to actually relive this lovely moment, to feel the texture of the towel beneath his body and to luxuriate in the moment. Once again, tell him to let the scene drift away from him.

Now you can explain to him that you intend to put him into an altered state of consciousness through complete relaxation which will help him experience his past life.

Explain to him that during his regression, he will experience a previous life (incarnation) and that he may see it as happening to someone else, like seeing pictures on a television screen, or he may experience it at a more personal level. Tell him that whatever form the regression takes, it will be just as valid and therefore he is not to worry about it.

Chapter Four

Inducing The Trance state

Now we come to the part where you can if you wish use any kind of Trance Induction that you prefer. You may wish to use a previously recorded Trance Induction. Some do - I don't. You may have your own pet method of inducing the trance state - well, that's okay as well.

However, my own particular method relies on the Progressive Relaxation Method and that is the one that I shall show you now.

You have already got your client in a relaxed state of mind. He has already had some experience at visualizing previous incidents from his present life, so the rest should be simple.

Ensure that your client is still sitting in a comfortable position. That his eyes are closed, that his hands are resting on his lap and that his legs are not crossed.

Now you begin:

Using a soft, gentle, persuasive tone of voice, begin to speak:

“Allow your mind … and your body … to relax. As you continue to breathe … deeply and regularly …you may begin to feel a slight `tingling` in your toes … as the muscles in your toes … begin to relax. Let them go … limp and …loose… limp and loose. Let them go … limp and … loose.

Now, that feeling of warmth and relaxation … is beginning to move upwards … into the balls of your feet … let it go … limp and loose … limp and loose. There is nothing to be afraid of … let your mind … and your body … relax.

This feeling of … warmth and relaxation … is continuing upwards … into the big muscles … of the calves … warming and relaxing … as they go. Let them go …limp and loose … limp and loose.

This feeling of warmth and relaxation is continuing to go upwards into the knees … let them relax … let them … relax … all going limp and loose.

The large muscles of the thighs are now … relaxing … let them go … limp and loose … let them relax … now.

Your hips are now relaxing … all relaxing … all relaxing … and as your hips relax … you can feel yourself … sinking deeper and deeper into the comfort of your surroundings. Let them go … limp and loose.

The stomach muscles are now relaxing … let them go … let them go. Chest muscles are now relaxing … but your breathing continues as before … breathing deeply and regularly … deep and regular.

Your shoulders are now relaxing … let them go … let them relax … feel all the tension and stresses of the day … now leaving your mind and your body … allowing you to relax completely.

Now the large muscles in your back are relaxing … feel those relaxing fingers … moving down your back … easing it into complete relaxation and … removing the final vestiges of stress and strain.

Those warming and relaxing fingers are now moving back up your spine, moving into your neck and … the upper arms ... relaxing the muscles in the arms and hands … and fingers. Let them all go … limp and … loose.

Finally, your head is now relaxing … your head is relaxing … breathing continuing deep and regular. Now … Go … To … Sleep … Now.”

At this point, you could, if you wish, deepen the trance. Do it in this way.

“We are now going to deepen the trance condition so that it will be easier for you to recall your past life. Listen carefully to what I say … and follow my instructions … very carefully.

You are standing at the top of a staircase. There are ten steps … leading down into a very beautiful place … that you would like to visit.

We begin now … take the first step down … notice how you begin to feel more and more relaxed as you take this step.

Now the second step … going down … deeper into this beautiful trance experience … now the third step … once again … going down … deeper and deeper into trance.

Down the fourth step … continuing to go deeper and deeper into this relaxed state. Now the fifth step … notice how your body feels more and more relaxed … notice how you feel so wonderful.

Down the sixth step … notice how your breathing is continuing deep and regular … and … how it makes you feel more and more relaxed.

Now the seventh step … still going deeper and deeper.

Now the eight step …

Now the ninth step …

Now we take the tenth and final step downwards … and as we do so … you will notice how deeply relaxed you are …and how comfortable and … happy you feel. Deep … deep … deep asleep … now.”

You should now find that your client is in a very relaxed state and able to hear and understand all that you say to him.

Chapter 5

The Regression

Continue to speak to him in your soft and comforting tone of voice.

“I want you to know that whilst you are in this relaxed state of mind you can remember everything that has ever happened to you … in this life … or … even in your past or previous life or lives. I want you to firmly fix that thought into your subconscious mind … you will … be able to remember everything.

Now, I want you to notice that you body is getting lighter and … lighter … lighter and … lighter. That you are able to float up towards the ceiling of this room … up through the ceiling and the roof of this building … and … up into the sky.

There is nothing to be afraid of … you are in full control … the whole time … just allow yourself to float upwards.

Now that you have managed to float upwards, I now want to you to float back down again … and as you do so … you will notice that you are now a young teenager … about thirteen years of age.

Now tell me, What is your name? …(wait for answer)

How old are you? …(wait)


Which school do you attend? … (wait)

What subjects did you have today in school” ... (wait)

When your client is answering you, notice any changes in his voice. He will begin to speak like a child. This is usual.

Having arrived at this point in the demonstration, it is now time to move on towards the past life. It would also be a good time to activate a Tape Recorder so that you would have a record of all that happens from this point on.

You begin to speak again:

“I now want you to begin to float upwards again. This time I want you to float upwards and backwards in time. Back to a time before this life … back into a time of your previous life. You are floating up and backwards and now you will begin to float softly and slowly back to the earth … and when you arrive … you will be in your previous life.

Do you understand what I am saying?” Wait for an answer and when you get an affirmation that your client has arrived back to earth in a previous life, you continue:

“Who are you?” (wait for an answer.)

“Where are you now, inside or out of doors?” (wait)

“What is happening around you?” (wait)

“What are you wearing?” (wait)

“What are you wearing on your feet?” (wait)

“Who are you with?” (wait)

“What work do you do?” (wait)

“Are you married, or do you live with a woman?” (man)

“Do you have any children?” (Wait)

Ask any other questions that you think will elicit information concerning your client's previous life.

Don't forget, he may have been a roman soldier, in which case he would be wearing sandals on his feet - he may have made them himself. He may be serving in any part of the then Roman Empire, so it is up to you to get any information that your client may possess.

The client could have been an agricultural worker, in which case you could ask him to describe his hands, (Rough or Smooth) his horses, his farming instruments etc.

You will be surprised at some of the regressions that you will encounter, as they can range throughout the whole spectrum of human history and remember, not everyone could have been Julius Caesar or Cleopatra, even though you may find a few in your demonstrations.

I do not know if we have lived in any previous life. There does appear to be some evidence for it, but on the other hand as a practising Christian, I find it very hard to believe. The Bible tells us that `it is appointed once for man to die, and then the judgement`, so how this would fit in with reincarnaton I cannot say.

However, it is up to everyone to believe and accept whatever they wish to.

Chapter Six

What are the Dangers?

The simple truth is that one should never attempt at hypnotising anyone unless they have undertaken a serious course in hypnosis, similar to my own “Diploma Hypnotherapy Course”. See my website for further details: freeweb.telco4u.net/merlinone .

Having undertaken such a course in hypnotism, then there should be no danger whatsoever provided that the practitioner constantly watches for any changes that may take place in the client's appearance, or demeanour.

For example, if your client had died of a heart attack in his previous life, and you noticed that the client's breathing was becoming laboured, or if there were serious facial changes - then I would suggest that you bring your client out of the trance state immediately.

All that would be required in this emergency would be for you to say,

“Wake up now! Come up out of it immediately. All is back to normal and you are back in the Twenty-first Century and back in your own life at this time! Come back now!”

The words must be spoken sharply and commandingly!! And all will be well, your client will immediately return to the present time and in most cases, will be able to recall most, if not all of what has gone before.

As long as you take care whilst demonstrating regressions there should be no trouble. Always remember that no client/subject can be made to do anything that they don't want to do, either in this type of work or in a Stage Show Comedy Presentation.

Chapter Seven

Making Money with Regressions

Establishing yourself as a Hypnotist who can help people discover their past lives can take some time and it may be that it is necessary for you to begin this new career by some little advertising.

There are as many places to advertise as there are colours of cats, so I am sure that you will be able to find the best place for you to advertise, yourself.

I will give you a sample of advertising that you could use, if you wanted to, at the end of this book.

Once you become known as a “Regressionist” you will find that you will have no trouble attracting clients wanting to undergo regression. Word of mouth referrals should give you sufficient work for your need, because just about everyone and his dog is interested in being regressed in to a previous life.

What to Charge Clients

This is always a question that has many answers. My answer would be to say, “Charge what the client can afford to pay”. I feel that my base figure would be £50 ($35) for a one hour consultation, but remember, if the client can obviously afford more, then charge more. The richer the client - the more he pays. The poorer the client - your fee may have to be adjusted a little.

Charging what the market will stand has always been my maxim, (Maybe that's why I never became rich) but every client I saw was always satisfied with both my service and my cost! How many professionals can say that?

Twenty years ago, some Hypnotists were charging £200 a session - and getting it, but not as often as I was getting my £50. I went on for years, whilst they, alas, faded from the scene. So there seems to be a moral in that somewhere. “Greed oftimes leads to a short career!”

Chapter Eight


Reincarnation is pre-emently an eastern philosophy although it has been accepted and adopted by a large number of `westerners` over that past forty years.

Just to give a few examples: Shirley Maclaine can remember being a teacher in Atlantis, a dancer in an Egyptian Harem and a Madam in the San Francisco `Gold Rush Days`.

Yoko One believes that she and John Lennon were together in previous lives and will be together again.

Sylvester Stallone is “quite sure” that he was guillotined during the French Revolution and I am sure that there are many more interesting stories still to be discovered, possibly you will find one or two yourself as you take this wonderful road of enlightenment.

By reading some of the material mentioned at the end of this book, you will discover for yourself just how widespread the belief in reincarnation has permeated into ordinary western lives.

It is not for me to say anything about the belief, but I guess that it's always wise to know a little about all things.

Whatever you decide to do with the contents of this little tome, may I wish you all the success in the world to you and may you discover your own past horizons.

Chapter Nine


“The Search for Bridey Murphy” by Morey Bernstein.

(Doubleday Publishers)

“The Case For Reincarnation” by Joe Fisher.

(Granada Publishing)

“Past Lives, Future Lives” by Dr. Bruce Goldberg.


“Past Lives, Future Loves” by Dick Sutphen.

(Poclet Books)

“Life After Life” by Dr. Raymond Moody.

(Bantam Books)

“Far Memory” by Joan Grant.

(Harper and Row)

“Explore Your Past Lives” by Bryan Jamieson.

(Astro Analytics)

Chapter Ten


As I said a few pages ago, once you have established yourself as a `Regressionist` clients will beat a path to your door, BUT until that time arrives, you may have to do some advertising.

If money is not too abundant as you begin your new career, you may have to `cut your advertising coat, according to your financial cloth` to quote an old adage.

You could begin by taking out a small classified Ad in your local newspaper - and - possibly using the same advert in local supermarkets of shop windows.

For Example:

Who were YOU in a past life?

A soldier, A Scientist, A Nurse, A King?

Past Life Regressions can give you

The answers to this and many other

Questions relating to reincarnation.

For FREE Details telephone

ABCD 1234.

As your finances improve, you can increase your advertising budget with bigger and bigger advertisements in larger periodicals and magazines.

My only wish is that I have managed to put you in the way of earning a very nice supplementary income from demonstrating regressions. Of course the more you read on the subject, the more proficient you will become, but if I have whetted your appetite for this subject, then my job is done.

I wish you all the success in the world as you travel along the road to successful regressions.

P.S. See me on freeweb.telco4u.net/merlinone for more excellent information on related subjects and my complete Diploma Hypnotherapy Course - Stage Hypnotist's Course and much, much more!


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