islcollective worksheets preintermediate a2 high school reading halloween autumn festivals reading 302534e915462a087c7 66774803

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31 October

Hallowe'en is an old Celtic festival.

Witches, monsters, vampires and

ghosts are in the streets.

( In fact they are children in masks

and costumes.)

They visit houses and they say :

` Trick or Treat ?'

People give them fruit, nuts, money

or sweets.

The jack o' lantern is a Hallowe'en tradition, too.

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Guy Fawkes Night

5 November

Guy Fawkes is a celebrated English

Witches, monsters, vampires and

In 1605 Fawkes ( a Catholic) and a

group of friends decided to blow up

the ( Protestant) Houses of Parlia-


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Today, children make an effigy

( a Guy) and say : `A penny for the

Guy !' People in the street give

them money. At night they burn

The effigy on a big fire and have


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Hallowe'en is an important festival in Ireland, Scotland and Wales

( the Celtic countries) and in the USA.

Guy Fawkes Night is not. Guy Fawkes Night is an important

festival in England, but Hallowe'en is not.

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Autumn Celebrations worksheet

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Guy Fawkes




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Historical: yes no

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Celtic: yes no

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Historical: yes no

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Fawkes was: Catholic

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What did he do ?

Countries where celebrated

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What do the children do ?





What do they say ?

What do people give them ?

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What do they make on that occasion ?

Children are dressed up

(they have costumes)

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Yes no

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Yes no


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