1 - From the Malay word katsiap
2 - It was mushroom flavour
3 - It was the name for tomatoes
4 - By the 1830s
5 - H.J. Heinz
6 - It came from America
In the USA tomato ketchup is a very popular sauce. The word ketchup comes from the Malay word katsiap. This sauce was fish and vinegar.
In the 1660s, British sailors took the idea to England but the early ` ketchups ' were not made of tomato.
In fact, mushroom was the most popular flavour.
Tomato ketchup did not become popular until the 1800s. In 1811, the word ketchup appeared in America for the first time.
The inventor called his sauce: ` Love Apple Ketchup `.
Of course Love Apple was a name for tomatoes.
By the 1830s tomato ketchup was
a popular medicine for headaches
in America.
The first company to make the ketchup we love today was H.J. Heinz.
In the year 2000, Heinz produced green ketchup.
This is the same as the traditional red ketchup, except
that American children chose the colour.
Today many scientists believe that ketchup is good for our health.
They think that the tomatoes in ketchup can help to fight cancer.
Answer the questions :
1. Where does the word ketchup come from ? ____________________________________
2. Before tomato ketchup, what was the most popular flavour of ketchup ? _______________
3. What was `Love Apple' ? ________________________________________________
4. When did ketchup become a popular medicine ? _________________________________
5. What company invented modern tomato ketchup ? _______________________________
6. Where did the idea of green ketchup come from ? ______________________________
Henry John Heinz
- was a German-American businessman, who founded the
H. J. Heinz Company