A story beginning with

A story beginning with : 'Snow started falling during the night.'

Snow started falling during the night. By breakfast time the snow has covered the whole valley. We were slowly gathering in the kitchen when suddenly John entered and stopped right in front of the kitchen table. He looked as if he had wallowed in the snow. ' A real snowman', as Anna called him.

It turned out that John had tried to test the new sleigh-road. The only problem
was that he unfortunately had forgotten his sledge. We laughed at him a while, but we all were too hungry to wait longer for our breakfast.

John had to change his clothes, but afterwards he managed to convince us :
we decided to go sleighing. We took our warmest clothes and, of course, the sledges. As the first group of us arrived at the bottom , we couldn't believe our eyes: We were all looking like little, white snowmen and snowwomen. Now, John could laugh at us and we weren't even angry with him.

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Do I sightsee? Of course i do! Is it possible to hate sightseeing, if you live in the Malopolska.? The Małopolskie region attained the highest appreciation concerning the level of tourist' interest in this region the attractiveness of the natural environment and the potential of cultural heritage. The high attractiveness of the natural environment speaks distinctly in favour of the Małopolskie and the Lubelskie Provinces and causes their domination. As many as 6 national parks are situated in the Małopolskie Province area, including the best known in Poland, the Tatra Mountains National Park, visited by 3 million tourists per yearThe cultural heritage has been estimated most approvingly in the Małopolskie and the Dolnośląskie Provinces. The high potential of the mentioned provinces is manifested in, among others, numerous cities and towns where the most precious historical monuments (of the international or nation-wide significance) with regard to architecture and construction can be found. The cities and towns spoken above are: Kraków, Stary Sącz, Tarnów, Wadowice, Wieliczka, Zakopane, Oświęcim, Ojców (situated in the Małopolskie Province area), Wrocław, Lubiąż, Legnica, Szklarska Porąba, Jelenia Góra, Karpacz Górny, Książ (situated in the Dolnośląskie Province area). However, such sightseeing tourism centres as Warszawa and Toruń, Gdańsk or Poznań, which, together with Kraków and Wrocław, constitute the most attractive touring places should not be drawn attention to. The mentioned above cities are included in a group of places having a great concentration of sightseeing objects of international and nation-wide significance.
Beeing a person in love with sightseeing makes you someone educated, intelligent, `on time'.
So every time i have a time free i decide to spend it -sightseeing.
Spending time in such a way it is not only lesuire and entertainment but also learning about countries, cities , history. That why , while we are on holiday or visiting na interesting place, it is more important to see all that city or region can show than shopping in the centre or watching tv in a hotel.


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