Does money make people happy.
Depending on age, sex, and social status people want to achieve something special in life.
There are men who look for happiness in doing business, developing a career, and often making money.
People spend money on consumer goods, clothes, cosmetics, cars, food, houses etc. They have completely lost their sense of values. They struggle for money and power throughout their life only to find out very often in their old age, that these values are passing and worthless. But it is too late for them.
Generally I think that life is usually based on love, friendship, freedom, truth and other moral values too. These values are very important in our life.
Is it possible to be happy if we aren't able to give a dream toys our children or buy new clothes our wives? I think that it is possible, especially when people love each other, but sometimes money is important too.
Moreover I think that if we have everything the most important, we should share our wealth with other people.