Do You Want Six Pack Abs

Do you want six pack abs?  That is why you are here.  I'm sure you have seen it all before.  You have seen the television ads showing off machines that shock muscles.  Did you know those can kill you?  It is true.  You have probably seen pills at the health food store that either claim to burn fat or help you gain muscle.  If those products contain Ephedrine, they can be deadly.  I'm sure you read about the professional baseball player that died recently because he took a product that has Ephedrine in it.

As you know, those products don't work. They all are a waste of your money.  Getting those six pack abs isn't as hard as some may make you believe.  It may mean changing your diet, changing your workout routine, or a combination of both of these. 

Do you want six pack abs?  Of course you do, because you wouldn't be here if you didn't.  I guess the question is, are you ready to work to get them?  We all want something for nothing.  You aren't going to get six pack abs without working hard. All of us face challenges.  There is no way around it.  It is how we deal with these challenges that determine what kind of person we are.  Are you up for the challenge?  If not, come back when you are.  There is no room for people who aren't sure where they want to go in life.

You have to be determined to come out victorious when it comes to challenges.  I don't care if it is when your friends want you to go to a fast food joint, or if your woman wants you to spend your work out times with her.  You have to want six pack abs more than you want those things.  You need to want them more than anything else in life. Actually, that is a bit rough.  But I think you get the drift.  You have to eat right and be willing to spend time working out.  Otherwise, it will never happen.  Anything in life you don't have to work for isn't worth having. 

You will need to evaluate everything in your life.  You need to calculate what you are eating for starters.  Then you need to figure out where you want to be.  How much are you willing to work?  Are you willing to work at all?  You need to have a clear path made in your mind to where you want to go.  That is important when it comes to actually completing the process.

Are you ready?  If so, read on.

The first thing you need to do is accept the fact that there will be changes in your life.  Things are going to be different.  If change is hard for you to cope with, I suggest that you prepare yourself.  You are about to endure a new journey.  A challenge that you might have never faced before.

Again I will ask... Are you ready?

You will need to have a clear idea of what you expect your abs to look like.  Not only your abs, but the rest of your body too.  This might be a time to get a hair cut.  If you do something like that, it might make you more apt to make other physical changes.

First, you need to take a picture of yourself now.  I would suggest that you have a friend take a picture of you in your boxer shorts.  You want something that will show off your stomach area.  Don't think that this is a pretext for you shooting a gay porn flick.  Trust me, you will than yourself later. 

You will want to take pictures all through your abs challenge.  I would suggest that you take these pictures every six weeks.  That way, you can see how much you have progressed.  That will help you decide what you need to work on.  It also will give you courage through out your challenge.  You will be able to see your progress and it will make you want to go further. The problem that most people have is, they loose interest easily.  They forget the desire and fire they had when they started.  Having a picture handy can help replace those feelings.  You will be surprised at how well it will work.

Time for a change.

Now it is time that you change your life.  You have to rewire your brain so to speak.  You need to do this so that you can be successful.  If you are craving chicken, don't go and get a bucket of that fast food fried junk.  Instead, grill a chicken breast at home.  You can make it tasty by adding some herbs and spices if you like.  You don't need all of that fat to make it taste good.

You really do need to rethink your diet.  You need to make sure that you are eating what you need, not just want you want.  You will want all kinds of food that is bad for you.  You need all kinds of food that will not cause you to gain weight.  Food is also important into building mass muscle.  We will talk about that later.

Fuelling your body.

Temptation is the leading cause of failure when it comes to diet.  We need to learn how to evade our desires for those foods that aren't good for us.  That doesn't mean you can't have a piece of fried chicken from time to time.  It means that you can't have it every time you crave it.  Self restraint is one of the most important things you can learn in life. 

You will realize that when you get a little older.  When you are a young man, you don't understand why you need to use restraint.  You can eat anything you want and you won't get fat, or so you think.  You can drink endless amounts of beer and not get hung over.  Chances are you have never known anyone your age that has died or gotten and STD.  That makes you feel like nothing bad can happen to you.  It is only when you get older that you understand none of that is true.  Trust me, we all learn this lesson one way or the other.


This is what muscle is made out of.  That is no secret.  You should know that by now.  I'm sure all of your buddies drink protein shakes and eat snacks they get from the health food store that has a ton of protein in it. Protein can be found in many foods.  Here are a few examples:  Fish, chicken, turkey beef, egg whites, soy beans, and whey protein shakes and bars.

It is important that you eat these foods in a healthy manner.  Like I said before, cook healthy.  You can have all of those things I listed, but you have to eat them the right way.  If you have done any kind of body building to date, you already know what I am talking about. 

I want to take a minute and talk about food a little more.  I want you to understand that I am not going to hold your hand through out all of this.  You need to go out and learn this stuff on your own.  I will guide you and give you that spark of interest that you need to per sue it further. 

I'm not a doctor and you shouldn't be coming to me for specific advice.  You should go to your doctor and talk about any diet that you are about to start.  Especially if you have health problems like diabetics or anything else.  You might not be allowed to change your diet the way that you need to.  If that is the case, listen to your doctor.  There is no reason for you to risk killing yourself for six pack abs.

I am done ranting for now.  Now I want to talk a little about carbs.

These really can be on both sides of the fence.  We all need carbs in our diet.  I'm not going to sit here and try to feed you some stupid bullshit about how we can do without carbs.  I don't even know why people even go there. The key thing is, you need to eat them in moderation.  That is really the essence of eating carbs.  If you eat the right portions per day, you will be fine. I know that some of you are probably like myself, you crave carbs all day long.  I could eat a whole loaf of bread at once.  I just can't get enough of them.

You need to learn to not eat them.  When you go to a restaurant, you need to pass on the bread basket.  Maybe have a fruit salad instead of waffles or pancakes for breakfast.  I would limit the amount of carbs to only your favorite foods each day.  That way you don't feel like you are totally robbing yourself of them.

Fats in a sense are the same way as carbs.  But, the difference is there are two kinds of fats.  The first one we will talk about it saturated fats. These are the fats that are bad for you.  You know, the butter, lard, fat on meat, and other things.  These are the things that will cause you all kinds of problems.  Make sure that you use them sparingly.  You can use them, just don't over do it.

Unsaturated fats on the other hand are good for you.  These are the fats that are found in many fish.  You should try to eat as much fish as you can.  I suggest that you eat fish at least two times per week.  Some believe that fish is good for your heart too.  Of course, make sure that you aren't eating deep fried fish.  Try grilling it or pouching it. 

Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements.

I'm not one who believes in eating many of these things.  I think you should get most of your stuff from the food you eat.  I think that this is best for your body.  This is so because this is the way nature meant it to be.  I believe that our diet in some fashion has been moulded by nature and what we can find to eat.  Meaning that over a period of years, our bodies change and need the elements that local food can give.  I don't mean like evolution but more like adaptation.  People's bodies can adapt to what food they have locally.  Of course this happens over long periods of time.

I know that you need to eat your protein powder.  I will also say that you should take a multivitamin.  You should talk to your doctor about what vitamins you should be taking. I won't give any advice on what protein powders you should buy and which ones you should avoid.  You should look at the label and determine which one to buy based on what you need.  Don't always go for the most expensive one.  Instead, focus on what it has inside and what you need.

How should you get your six pack abs?

Get the diet right and then do the exercises.  I would recommend that you start out with some cardio first thing in the morning.  Before you eat any breakfast.  If you do it after you eat a meal, you are only working off the meal that you ate.  That is why you need to do it with an empty stomach.

Remember to mix things up a bit.  Make sure that you eat different things.  Don't eat the same old stuff.  Make sure that it isn't boring.  Use herbs and spices every chance that you get.  This will make the food come alive. I would also advise that you change your workout from time to time.  Do something different.  Have a change of pace.  If you do the same thing day in and day out, you will eventually burn out and stop all together.

As I said before, get a trainer.  Watch what you eat.  Take pictures of yourself along the way to getting your six pack abs.  Also, mix things up a bit and make sure you keep your diet and exercise and fun.

Most importantly, enjoy yourself! View the abdominal exercises by clicking an option below.

There are four different types of abdominal exercise, each focussing on a different part of the abdominals. You should try and do at least 2 exercises from each of the sections. It is important to change your routine on a regular basis. Below you will find exercises which workout the upper abdominals.

Exercise 1: Supported Crunch
Assume the "instruction 1" position by using a bench or chair to support you. Your legs should form a ninety degree right angle as shown on the picture. Slowly lift up using your stomach muscles and hold for 3 seconds before slowly returning to the


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 2:
Knee Crunch
Start in the position as shown in "instruction 1". Stretch using both arms to the left knee and then hold for 3 seconds on "instruction 3". Slowly return to the starting position and then stretch towards the other knee. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 3:
Cross Over Crunch
This exercise should be done on BOTH sides. Do the desired number of repetitions on one side and then switch over to the other side with just a 20 second break in between. Get into the starting position by lifting your left leg so that your thigh is pointing towards the ceiling. You should then stretch towards your left knee with your right arm. Pause when your elbow is level with your knee and then return to the starting position. As with all the abdominal exercises it is important to do it slowly.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 4:
Crunch - Hands Behind Head
Assume the position as seen in "instruction 1". Please place your hands behind your head. With your legs bent slowly lift up remembering to tense your abdominal muscles as you do. Your back should not move that much off the floor because we are working the abs and NOT the back. If your back starts to hurt before your abdominals then you know there is a problem.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 5:
Crunch - Hands Over Chest
Please assume the position as shown in "instruction 1" with your hands crossed against your chest. Slowly life your self up remembering to tense your abdominal muscles. You should hold the position for two to three seconds when you reach "instruction 3". Do the required number of reps.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 6:
Butterfly Crunch
Please assume the position as shown in "instruction 1". The palms of your feet are pressed together and your hands are resting behind your head. Slowly lift up until you reach "instruction 3". Hold this position for 2-3 seconds before returning to the start position. It is important that you do NOT use your arms to lift you up as it is the abdominal muscles we are working.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 7:
Tuck Crunch
Please assume the position shown in "instruction 1". Your legs should create a right angle. Lift yourself up towards your legs and at the same time lift your legs higher in the air. This is an intense abdominal exercise and at first you may only be able to do a few reps.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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Exercise 8:
Double Crunch
This exercise is very similar to the tuck crunch. The only difference is with the legs. As you can see from the picture the legs are crossed over. Perform this exercise exactly like the tuck crunch but with your legs crossed over as shown. Do NOT use your arms to life you up.


Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

Instruction 5

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