Descibing trends or movements in graphs


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To go up (a little) To go down (a little)

Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs

an increase to increase a decrease to decrease

a rise to rise a fall to fall (off)

a growth to grow a drop to drop

an improvement to improve a decline to decline

an upturn

to go up to go down

to slip

an upward trend a downward trend

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To go up a lot To go down a lot

Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs

a surge to surge to plummet

an upsurge a plunge to plunge

to take off a slump to slump

to shoot up a crash to crash

to soar to sink

to rocket a tumble to tumble

a jump to jump

a leap to leap

No change Change of direction

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to remain stable to peak to reach a low point

to level off o reach a peak to bottom out

to stay at the same level to top out to recover

to remain constant to rebound

to stabilize to revive

to stagnate


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