To go up (a little) To go down (a little)
Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs
an increase to increase a decrease to decrease
a rise to rise a fall to fall (off)
a growth to grow a drop to drop
an improvement to improve a decline to decline
an upturn
to go up to go down
to slip
an upward trend a downward trend
To go up a lot To go down a lot
Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs
a surge to surge to plummet
an upsurge a plunge to plunge
to take off a slump to slump
to shoot up a crash to crash
to soar to sink
to rocket a tumble to tumble
a jump to jump
a leap to leap
No change Change of direction
to remain stable to peak to reach a low point
to level off o reach a peak to bottom out
to stay at the same level to top out to recover
to remain constant to rebound
to stabilize to revive
to stagnate