TEST 17 Zdania przydawkowe
1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 c
1 Have you seen the girl Robert is dating? 2 nie można opuścić 3 nie można opuścić
4 Is there anything you'd like to add? 5 I think I have met the person I have always wanted to meet.
6 nie można opuścić 7 Where is the book I was reading?
1 , whose 2 when 3 , which 4 , who 5 , where 6 , who 7 that/which
1 Anna, who is almost always on time, was late for school yesterday.
2 Whose are those socks that / which are lying on the floor?
3 I had to go to the dentist, who removed one of my bad teeth.
4 The police are looking for the man whose car has been damaged in a motor accident.
5 My parents met in Paris, where they went on holiday.
6 They thought I was my Mum's sister, which made me laugh.
7 This is the window which / that needs replacing.
8 The new supermarket, which is bigger than Tesco, will be opened in May.