testy gramatyka 15

Test 15 Have to Testy Gramatyka

1 Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwych form czasownika have to.


My sons have to do (do) only one language at school.

1 a: Excuse me, ___________________________ (I / fill) in this form?

b: Yes, you need it to get your driver's license.

2 We ______________________________ (not / wear) shorts to play football but we do need permission to go on the field.

3 You can video that film on TV. You ______________________________ (stay) up late to watch it.

4 At your school, ______________________________ (you / wear) a uniform?

5 I have no clean T-shirts. I ______________________________ (do) some washing.

5 points

2 Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.


Does she have to get up early?

Yes, she does . / No, she doesn't .

1 Do we have to cross the river? Yes, _________________________.

2 Do you have to drive your car? No, _________________________.

3 Does she have to leave now? Yes, _________________________.

4 Does he have to pay you for the book? No, _________________________.

4 points

3 Uzupełnij dialog, używając czasownika have to i czasowników z ramki.

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a: Martha, what are you doing tomorrow evening? Why don't we come to the movies? I'd like to see the new Woody Allen film.

b: I can't tomorrow. I have to study for the exam. I can't fail it this time!

a: Oh, that's a shame. What about Saturday? You 1________________ your homework on Saturday, do you?

b: No, I can't on Saturday. We're moving house on Saturday. I 2________________ my books and staff and I 3________________ my mum to clean the house.

a: What about Sunday?

b: Sunday is even worse. I 4________________ my new bedroom.
And I 5________________ paints, first of all!

a: You 6________________ it yourself. I'll help you. And then we'll go to the cinema, OK?

6 points

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/15 points


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