language test 1b

Language Test 1B Unit 1

1 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need.

classic fiction indie novels part school sense term

My name's Tanya. I love playing sports. I take part in lots of sports events. I also work hard and I'm doing very well at 1________. We've got a lot of work to do this 2________ because we've got important exams. I've got a good 3________ of humour and I enjoy life. When I'm not playing sports, I read science 4________ books or listen to 5________ music. My boyfriend's in a band and I think they're really good!

/ 5

2 Complete the missing verbs in their correct form. The first letter of each verb is given.

I only sing songs in the shower.

1 Did you p______ this picture?

2 I think we should g______ to know our neighbours better.

3 Let's p_______ your new computer game.

4 Running to school is a good way to k_______ fit.

5c________ to friends online but only to people I know.

/ 5

3 Complete the adjectives of personality. The lines show you how many letters to use.

Thank you for being so h e l p f u l and explaining this homework to me.

1 Nathan's very _ _ n _ _ d _ _ t. He's sure he's going to get the best mark in all his exams.

2 My brother's very _ _ v _ l _ and can't sit still for more than a minute or two.

3 Jacob is so _ e _ _. He never helps people and often hurts their feelings.

4 Neil's excellent at tennis but he's very _ _ d _ _ t about it and just says that he's `OK'.

5 Leo always thinks everything will get better and better. He's really _ _ t _ m _ _ t _ _ .

6 I try to be _ _ l _ t _ when I meet new people. I always say `please' and `thank you'.

7 When my brother got into university, my parents were really _ _ o _ _ of him.

8 The new boy is really _ _ l _ _ t _ v _. When he starts chatting, he never stops.

/ 8

4 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Does your mum like (your mum/like) your new clothes? No, she hates (hate) them.

1 What time _________________ (you/usually/get up)?
At six o'clock, but this week I'm on holiday so I ________________ (not/get up) before
10 a.m.

2 Look, there are your parents! Where ________________ (they/go)?
To the cinema. They always _______________ (go) out on Wednesday evenings.

3 You look worried. ________________ (you/think) about?
My exams. I'm working really hard at the moment but I still __________ (not/think) I'll pass them.

/ 6

5 Choose the correct answers.

These are my friends, Ed and Julie. They live next door to each other and now they _____ out together. Ed is very shy and 1_____ meeting new people but Julie is completely different. She 2_____ meeting people and chatting to them. Some people don't like her because they 3______ she is bossy but she isn't really. She's very kind and helpful and she often 4______ me with my homework. This week we 5______ much work - it's the winter break, so we 6_______ classes for two weeks!

a are going c goes
b go d going

1 a not like c doesn't like
b isn't like d don't like

2 a love c is loving
b loves d does love

3 a are thinking c is thinking
b thinks d think

4 a is helping c does help
b help d helps

5 a don't do c aren't doing
b not do d isn't doing

6 a haven't c don't have
b not having d isn't having

/ 6


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.



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