Getting With the Program

Getting With the Program

By Sharni

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Beginning, Next Section

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Part 1

Posted on Friday, 30 August 2002, at 12:56 a.m.

"I shouldn't have been fool enough to bring my stupid mobile," William muttered as he shoved his phone back into his jacket pocket.

"The Paper I assume?" Michael queried. "They want you back at work?"

"As always, "William sighed. "On top of everything else it appears that Craig has gone into hospital with acute appendicitis."

"How very inconsiderate of him," Michael answered dryly. "Doesn't he appreciate that you're at training?"

"Knowing it can't be helped doesn't make it less exasperating," William replied with a grudging smile at his older friend. "I feel as though I've let you down... having to miss the first two days to cover for Caroline after her skiing injury, and now this."

"You know I appreciate that you could come at all, though it seems almost a waste to travel over four-hundred kilometres for just two days," Michael added, "there's no-one else who could cover for him?"

"Not with our current staff shortages. I wish personnel would pull their finger out and just fill those vacant positions, I'm past caring who they employ, so long as someone is doing the work. No matter what the staffing situation though, I've made it abundantly clear that I will not be available to work for the entire period of the camp."

"I have no concerns about that Will, you've not let me down in... how many years now?"

"This is my ninth," William answered with a smile as he though back to his first year of involvement with The Program at the age of nineteen.

Meeting the underprivileged kids with whom The Program worked had been a life changing experience for William Darcy. As the product of a very privileged and protected childhood - living in a wealthy suburb, attending the best schools, mixing with the 'right' people - he had grown up with a natural sense of his own superiority, viewing his own good fortune almost as a divine right, and taking for granted all he'd grown up with... but that was before he met Michael and the kids.

His first camp was an incredibly eye opening experience. Though he had never been encouraged to hold prejudices, it almost took him by surprise that these socially disadvantaged kids were, on the most part, interesting, intelligent and enthusiastic. He was amazed at their strengths, particularly after learning of the circumstances they often faced in their everyday lives, and he came away feeling quite humbled, full of youthful resolutions to readdress at least some of society's inequities, and determined to make a difference in the world.

"You know that the only reason I became involved that first year was because Melissa had volunteered," he laughed. "It's almost funny that our romance didn't even make it through the training week. Ah... young love!"

"Thankfully you have been less fickle in your relationship with The Program," Michael grinned. "Stayers such yourself are not easy to come by, and the work you're now doing on the board in invaluable."

"You know it's a privilege to be involved." William smiled back, "You have a great work here Michael and the difference it makes to those kids is remarkable."

"So will you drive home this evening?" Michael asked, self-consciously turning the conversation from himself. The work he did was for love, not for recognition or praise.

"I wish it were as simple as that," William groaned, "but I've promised Geoff, June and Sam a lift back tomorrow and I can't really ask them all to pack up a day early... so it might be best to leave them my car and to see if I can catch a train home."

"How did they get up here then?" Michael asked, thinking that there'd have to be a better way for William to get home than spending over five hours on public transport.

"Sam's brother dropped them here on his way to visit friends up north, and they're definitely relying on me for the return journey."

"Ah... it'd slipped my mind for a minute, but one of the trainees is heading home this afternoon and I'm sure she won't mind giving you a lift." Michael stepped out for a moment and sent someone off to chase up the potential transport, then settled down to talk with William about the current funding drive whist awaiting an answer.

They became so involved in the discussion, they'd almost forgotten they were expecting someone when the knock came. Michael stepped up and opened the door of his makeshift office.

"Liz, good of you to show up so quickly. How are things going now?"

To William listening in, his interest was a little sparked as Michael's question seemed rather purposeful, and not just casually polite. From where he sat he couldn't see the girl with whom Michael was speaking , but he could clearly hear her exasperated reply.

"Not wonderfully Michael, it's getting to the point where he's driving me insane! Every time I turn around he's there! - Are you sure you can't post either him or me to a different camp this year?"

"Sorry Liz, but it's a bit late in the picture for that. If I'd known there was a problem earlier..."

"Well, earlier I thought that I could handle him myself," the girl cut in, "but the man simply can not take a hint! I obviously made a big mistake in assuming he might have half a brain!"

"Are you sure you've clearly let him know you're not interested?" asked Michael. "You're not unconsciously giving out hopeful signals are you? This wouldn't be the first time your liveliness has given a young man the wrong impression."

"No Michael I'm not! ...and don't try to put the blame in this on me! I swear if I even once smiled at him it was purely by accident. Honestly, I have never given him any form of encouragement, and believe me, I have taken every possible opportunity for discouragement. He's just too stupid to understand! The other day he overheard me mutter to Jane that he was sharp as a ball-bearing, and he thought it was a compliment!!"

Michael just laughed. "He's an extremely good looking young man though Liz. You'd make a handsome couple"

"Are you trying to make me physically ill?" groaned Liz. "You know his looks are half the problem. He's such a pretty boy," her voice was clearly dripping with disdain, "that he finds it impossible to believe any female could think him anything but irresistible. Do you know what he told Janice about my refusal to date him?"

"I'm sure you're going to fill me in." Michael was obviously becoming increasingly amused at Liz's exasperated, but admittedly rather entertaining narration.

"He told her that I was repressed! Can you believe it?! - I don't want to go out with him and he puts it down to me having psychological hang-ups! The idea that it could be due to him being an odious, self absorbed, arrogant, mindless jerk doesn't even cross his tiny little mind - and that's not the worst of it... wait for it... he started lecturing Janice on her parental responsibilities! He told her she should insist that I go out with him, so he could help me overcome my problems with intimacy!"

Michael was laughing out loud by now. The picture of any young upstart trying to lecture Liz's step-mum was highly amusing. The lad must really be truly presumptuous to even attempt it. Janice was one of those rare human beings who managed to simply exude a quiet, but very real, authority and people with any sense tended not to question it.

"Well Michael, I'm glad my misfortunes are not all loss - you at least have found some enjoyment in them." Though her words might have seemed to contain censure, her tone was light and she didn't really sound at all offended. "So was that what you wanted to see me about?"

"Oh, I'd almost forgotten - come in. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

Michael stepped back, gestured for Liz to enter his office, and made the introductions. "William Darcy... Elizabeth Bennet, Liz... Will."

Elizabeth grimaced slightly as she realised her enthusiastic venting had not been in private. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone else was here."

"Think nothing of it," William smiled at her.

He had not spoken to the girl before but he had definitely noticed her, even amongst the myriad of young volunteers at this year's training. She had the kind of looks that couldn't help but catch your eye; a fresh, very pretty face with a knockout smile, long dark curls, and an excellent figure, and now she was quite near he was even more taken with her eyes which were full of life and intelligence. For a moment he almost felt a little pity for her hapless suitor.

"William is the reason I was looking for you," Michael continued. "He's needed back in the city by tomorrow but has to leave his car here for some friends. I was hoping that you wouldn't mind a passenger."

"I'd actually be grateful for some company," she replied, a little relief evident in her tone. "Charlie was with me on the way up but she's travelling back with Bill. I wasn't really looking forward to such a long drive by myself."

"I'll admit to being surprised at your Dad agreeing to you taking such a long trip alone." Michael said candidly.

"Well... Janice intervened on my behalf and convinced him that I really needed the car. My only other alternative was to travel with Bill and you know how I'd feel about that! She even arranged my 'prior engagement' to give me a sound reason to take my own vehicle."

"Are you telling me that this 'inescapable commitment' for which you have to leave early, is just a cover to avoid travelling with Bill?" Michael sounded a little put out. He could occasionally be a little precious about attendance at his training sessions.

"Guilty as charged," Elizabeth grinned sheepishly. "In cases like this, one has to be a bit scheming; just call it female ingenuity."

"Well, it's worked out well for me." William chipped in upon noting the slight look of disapproval on Michael's face. "What time were you thinking of leaving?"

"I didn't want to get away much later than five," she replied. "Will that be all right by you?"

"That'll be fine thanks," he nodded in agreement. "Where shall we meet? Here?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you later then." she answered, and with a quick conciliatory peck on Michael's cheek she was gone.

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Part 2

"She seems like a bright kid," remarked William as Elizabeth left the room. "Is the man she was talking about Bill Collins by any chance?"

"Yes, how on earth did you know?" Michael asked in surprise.

"I recognised him from her description," said William. "You know... the 'odious, self absorbed, mindless' part."

"He can't possibly be that bad can he?"

"Oh, he certainly can," replied William "I had him in my discussion and planning group yesterday. I have never seen a man more full of self-importance. He spent half of the morning confidently expressing opinions on matters he obviously knew nothing about, and was continually making irrelevant and condescending remarks concerning other people's ideas, mine not excepted. Midway through the morning Sam said something about me being on the board, and instead of trying to be clever with me, he moved on to obsequious fawning, and from then on he couldn't defer quickly or enthusiastically enough over anything I said. He is truly quite offensive."

Michael shook his head at William's confirmation of Elizabeth's opinion. "Maybe I should have treated her complaint more seriously. They're both going to be under your supervision at camp William. You won't mind watching out for her will you?"

"Not at all Michael. I think I could get quite some pleasure through keeping an eye on Elizabeth," William grinned. "Mind you I get the impression that she'll probably be able to handle him herself. Do you know her well? Has she been involved with The Program for long?"

"I know her family quite well. This is her first year with the northern division for camps, but Elizabeth has been part of our southern camp's team for the last two years. She also volunteers an afternoon a week to teach piano at the centre," Michael replied. "I'm surprised you've not run into her at some time. If you're interested in her at least it shows a better taste than you've previously exhibited."

"I told you, I was never involved with Caroline. " William shot back at Michael. "She just filled in when I needed a date for a few functions... But if you're going to play matchmaker you'd do better to try find me a woman, not a mere girl! How old would Liz be? Late teens... early 20's at the most. If I'm still single in five years time, you can give me a call about her."

"A bit too young for your taste then?"

"Michael, involvement in your camps has given me enough 'teeny-bopper' admiration to last more than five lifetimes. I certainly don't want or need any more!"

"Will, you are far too cynical about love altogether. You should loosen up a little."

"What, and follow your example by being into my third marriage before I reach fifty? No thank you! It's going to take a lot more than a pretty face and lively personality to get me to renounce the single life."

"Oh yes, what will it take then?" Michael grinned.

"At the very least it will take a woman who is more than you normally meet with. I've no argument with beauty or good humour, but more importantly she'll have to be well informed, discerning and intelligent. She'll also need to posses a moral integrity, and to hold things of value which I hold of value," William answered quite seriously. "I'm waiting for someone I can truly respect, and who in turn will respect and understand the real me."

"My goodness, this sounds serious!" laughed Michael, actually surprised to find this romantic idealism in William whom he had always considered to be more of a realist. "The problem I foresee is that if a woman of such quality really existed, she'd probably not be interested in you."


"The William Darcy?" Charlie asked Elizabeth as she watched her friend pack her belongings, "the one who'll be running our camp this year?"

"The one and the same," Liz replied.

"Ooh... He's cute, I wouldn't mind spending five hours alone in a car with him,"

Elizabeth gave a slight shake of her head. "That's your trouble Charlie, you don't mind spending any time alone with any male! Anyway, don't you think he's a bit old?"

"I don't get you Lizzy, he's absolutely gorgeous, and given the car he drives he must be loaded. If I were you I'd take this opportunity of showing him your sweetest and most alluring self. You never know what could eventuate."

"Give me a break, Charlie. I remember you gave me similar advice when we first met Bill," cried Liz. "Thank goodness I didn't follow it then, and I'm certainly not going to follow it now."

"Yeah, might be for the best. I hear he's a bit stand-offish." Charlie said.

"He seems nice enough Charlie, but comes across a little stiff for my taste," Liz replied. "I get the impression that it would take a long time to really get to know him."

"Well, Maria was on his team last year and she told me that he thinks himself above everyone else. He didn't join into many of the social activities, and generally kept himself aloof from the team," Charlie continued. "I suppose that explains why he only bothered to come up for the last few days of training."

"Probably had to work," answered Liz with a shrug. "Anyway, I'm sure he's done the training 100 times before, and as for joining in the fun, I dare say he'd be kept quite busy with the administration side of things, in just the same way that Katherine was during our last camp. Anyway... he'd be in the wrong demographic for a lot of the silly stuff that goes on - he must be in his late twenties at least."

"You might be right, and anyway, when a guy is so cute I can easily overlook his faults." Charlie smiled. "Bill's really not that bad either."

Liz rolled her eyes in disbelief. On all other subjects Charlie was perceptive and interesting, but somehow her mind seemed to turn off if there was a good looking man in the frame.

"Well then, if he's not that bad maybe you can keep him away from the admin. block at around five. I'd like to make a clean get-away before he realises I'm leaving."

"It will be my pleasure!" Charlie laughed.

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Part 3

Running only a little late, Liz pulled the big Ford up at the admin. block. William looked out as the throbbing of the V8 caught his attention. Although the car must have been over 25 years old, it was in immaculate condition, a deep metallic blue, it sat low to the ground, looking quite mean with flared guards and wide mag wheels.

He smiled as Liz got out of the driver's seat. "Not exactly the car I expected you to be driving. I guess it's not yours."

"Not feminine enough for you?" she answered with an arch smile. "Actually it's my step-mum's, but it's the car I usually drive. What did you expect me to be driving? A little Jap number?"

"Well it'd be easier on the petrol tank for a start."

"Ah, but it has an LPG conversion. I wouldn't want to have to feed it real petrol," Liz laughed.

She watched as he easily lifted his heavy case into the car. Charlie was right, William Darcy was a very good looking man, on top of which he had an intelligence in his face and a natural grace to his movements. "I wonder if he has any younger brothers," was the thought that crossed her mind.

They began their long trip with very little conversation. Truth be told neither felt particularly comfortable after the exchanges they'd had earlier with their companions.

William was a little uneasy at Michael's hints about Elizabeth. Having a fling with a young student would be the last thing he'd desire, regardless of how attractive she might be. It was some years ago that William first began to tire of the games and superficiality surrounding the dating scene. It seemed to him that though the beginnings of relationships appeared to promise so much, the reality was that they delivered very little of real satisfaction. Eventually a cynical ennui had set in and though he still enjoyed the company of women, he was cautious of creating any expectations in them which he had no intention of fulfilling.

Elizabeth's uneasiness was of a slightly different nature, stemming instead from a wariness of how she might appear to William. Over the last few days she had noticed, and not without a certain disdain, how many of the female volunteers had acted around this man; unashamedly putting themselves forward, trying to court his attention. Charlie's suggestion that she should be her 'sweetest most alluring self' had only served to make her self conscious, particularly when coupled with Michael's charge that her own customary liveliness could sometimes be mistaken as flirting. Her self respect would not allow her to come across as some pathetically drooling female, desperate to impress, so she said little.

Nonetheless, Elizabeth's natural easiness could not be long repressed, and after a couple of light exchanges on nothing in particular, she began to relax. As the road took a turning more toward the west, Liz reached to the console for sunglasses and found they weren't there.

"William, Would you mind getting my sunnies out of my bag. I think it's behind your seat."

"No problem," replied Will as he pulled the bag up.

"They should be in the front pocket."

"Typical women's hand bag," mumbled William as he pulled the glasses out from under a note pad, purse, pens, hairbrush, perfume, tissues, a novel, and of course the requisite packet of women's sanitary products.

"Well, I don't know how you men survive without handbags" Liz smiled as she put her sunnies on.

"So you're reading 'War and Peace'?" queried William, looking at the novel he'd had to pull out.

"No, I just carry it around to impress people," Elizabeth replied with a light sarcasm. "Actually I'm really cross with it at the moment. I finished part one last week and before I started part two I did what you normally do, and read the back cover - have a look at it yourself."

William turned the book over and read the blurb. He was about to say that he couldn't see any problem when his eyes fell to the last sentence. " The cover shows a detail from 'Death of Prince Andrei' by Leonid Pasternak..." he laughed out loud. "Talk about a spoiler."

"I don't even know if I want to finish it now," Liz pouted, then smiled despite herself. "I was skipping the slabs of battles and strategies as it was - but the rest of it is quite a soap, isn't it? It gets you in."

"I remember really enjoying it," he replied. "It's been years since I read it though, and I think my motivation on starting to read it, was just to say I had. I miss having time to read solely for pleasure. Most of my reading now is related to work."

"What do you do?" she asked

"I'm a journalist with 'The Age'" he replied.

"Oh..? Re-wording press releases or putting together advertorials?" she asked with a teasing smile.

"Neither," he replied amused at her quickness.

"Oh well, fluff pieces then?" she laughed. "Or are you more into reflecting the political view that will further the interests of you paper's owner?"

"Ouch..." he laughed, "and to think most people are impressed with my vocation. No, I actually work in the news room, and I take my job quite seriously. I'm not as jaded as a lot of my colleagues... yet. And you...? I assume you're a student. What's your main area of study? Given your cynicism it's obviously something much loftier than journalism... philosophy perhaps... or medical research that's on the edge of finding a cure for cancer...?"

"Visual Arts," was her simple reply.

"Well, I can see why you're taking the high moral ground against journalism," he teased back. "Visual art is really going to change the world!"

"I'm doing it because I like it," she smiled at him, not at all abashed, "Besides, anything of beauty enhances our world."

"I'd have to agree with you there," he replied, withdrawing his eyes from her before she realised it was meant as an observation upon herself.

The two again settled into a silence but this time it was more comfortable.

"There's CDs in the glove box if you want to put one on," Liz said a while later.

William took out the compact disc case and began to examine the choices.

"Are these yours?" he asked sounding a little surprised.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You have a rather eclectic taste in music for someone your age," he said.

"What did you expect? Spice Girls?"

He ignored her and continued to flick through the discs.

"Harry Connick, Dire Straits, Vince Jones, Natilie Cole, Pink Floyd, Les Mis... AH HA! Human Nature - A BOY BAND!"

"What's the note of triumph in your voice for?" she queried.

"Oh, finding a 'boy band' in your collection has gone a small way toward restoring some confidence in my ability to assess people. It's been shaken a little this afternoon... you're not at all who I expected."

"And who did you expect?" she asked in amusement.

"Please don't take offence at this, but before I was introduced to you I had you firmly in the 'beautiful but superficial' category," he replied. "Oh... and I didn't think you could very bright."

"What did I do to deserve that assessment?!" she cried, shooting him a dark look.

"Well..." William cautiously replied, "I'd only seen you with Bill Collins, so I thought you two were an item."

"Argh!" Liz shuddered.

"But I'm very willing to admit my judgement was totally off target," he apologised.

"So now you've met me you've transferred me to the 'ugly but deep' category," she laughed.

"Well, maybe I was not totally wrong," he corrected himself.

"Ugly but shallow," they both said together.

Suddenly alarm bells started ringing in Williams head as he realised it could appear as though he was flirting with this young girl. "Pull back William," he told himself, "before she gets the wrong idea."

"Now what did you want to listen to?" he asked coolly.

"Well obviously not the 'boy band', or that will only re-enforce your opinion of my shallowness - I feel like something with a bit of life in it. Is 'The Commitments' in there?"

"Yes... here it is." William replied, resolving to be polite but withdrawn for the rest of the journey. He'd had a lot of practice at staying aloof, but something about Liz had caused him to temporarily drop his guard.

He put the CD in, pressed play, and managed to suppress a smile as 'Mustang Sally' began to boom out of the speakers. They drove on without any significant conversation for almost half an hour and William began to feel a confidence that he hadn't given her the wrong impression. He was however, more than a little wary when Liz addressed him again.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really," he said cautiously, not knowing what she might suggest they do. He just wanted to get home without any delays or detours. "Why do you ask?"

"Would you mind driving?" she replied. "I'm wrecked. If I keep going I'll end up killing us both."

"That'll be fine, I'm sorry I didn't offer before."

"Don't be. I would have taken it as affront to my driving ability," she shot back with a quick grin, before pulling the car into the side of the road.

About ten minutes later William looked over at Liz curled up in the passenger seat, already asleep, and shook his head at his faulty assumption that she had been attempting to stretch out their time together. It seemed this girl wasn't particularly concerned with impressing him, which came as a bit of a relief... at least he told himself that relief was his primary emotion... despite it feeling oddly like disappointment.

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Part 5

An hour and a half later William turned the car into a huge roadside service station, remembering to pull up at the LPG pump. He was beginning to feel a little fatigued himself and was relieved at the opportunity to stretch his legs and breath in the cool night air.

On returning to the car after paying for the fuel he found Liz had awakened, though she still looked a little weary around the edges.

"What's the time?" she asked sleepily.

"Seven fifteen," he replied. "We're getting close to half way. Have you given any thought to food? Do you want to eat on the way or would you prefer to stop?"

"Whatever," she replied, stretching herself a little. "How are you going? Do you need a break?"

"I wouldn't mind stopping for a bit but not here, it looks rather sleazy. Why don't we turn off into town and see what we can find."

"Fine by me."

The town was not particularly large but because of its proximity to the main highway it had several eating places. William was about to consult Liz on her preference, but looking at her in her uncommunicative 'still half asleep' state, decided he'd do better to make the choice himself. There was a cheery looking Italian place on a corner, so he parked the car just opposite, and stretched again as he stood up out of the car. He then walked around to open Liz's door, but she was already getting out.

As they went to cross the road William instinctively reached out and took Liz's arm. Liz was awake enough by then to be amused by this protective action.

"Do you think I'm a little too young to cross the road alone?" she queried. "I have done it before you know." But William didn't release her as he guided her across the street and toward the restaurant.

"Too close to sleep is more like it," he replied reasonably.

William took a table and began to peruse the menu as Liz excused herself to look for the Ladies Room. Unfortunately it took only a few minutes for him to have cause to regret his choice of eating place, as a group of rowdy young men was seated at another of the tables, and when Liz re-appeared looking more refreshed she immediately caught their attention, one of them not hesitating to sing out an invitation for her to join their party.

Elizabeth gave a slight shake of her head and began to move past them, but the one who'd called to her shot out his arm and actually restrained her. As William rose to his feet to intervene he noticed Liz smiling sweetly and talking to the young man... the rest of the table responding with hoots and hollers. Liz spoke again, giving the man a broad smile, causing her captor to quickly release her as the table erupted in derisive laughter. Liz casually slipped away and walked over to William who was still standing, a look of stupefaction on his face.

Elizabeth went to sit down but this time found herself restrained by William's hand.

"We're not eating here," he said.

"Oh, they're harmless," Elizabeth grimaced. "It's okay... really."

"It's not okay and we're not eating here," William replied. He did not seem to be treating the situation at all lightly.

"But I'm sure they won't bother us, and it's hardly polite to come in, use a restroom and then leave," Elizabeth offered.

"If they want to keep their customers they should learn to restrain their clientele."

Elizabeth was about to argue further, but the look on his face forestalled her and she allowed herself to be led from the restaurant.

"You shouldn't encourage that kind of behaviour," he said shortly.

"ENCOURAGE?" she cried, pulling her hand from his. "In what way did I encourage them?"

"You don't count smiling and chatting as encouragement?" William shot back.

"I wasn't smiling and chatting as you like to put it. I was diffusing an awkward situation - and it worked perfectly. What would you have had me do differently... scream and run away?!"

"You could have left it to me," he said. "That might have been smarter."

"And when did you become my keeper? It wasn't your problem! It was mine and I dealt with it fine thank you very much! What would have you done anyway? Taken all five on in hand to hand combat?!"

"Don't be stupid. I would have spoken to them reasonably," he grunted back.

"Which is exactly what I did. What makes you think your words would be better than mine?" she asked before stalking away from him, muttering to herself.

William couldn't hear much of what she said, but he did distinguish the words 'presumptuous' and 'patronising' amongst it all.

Elizabeth, now back at the car, cursed slightly as she realised William had the keys. She looked at him across the street and softened a little. He really did look concerned. He caught her eye and walked slowly across to meet her.

"I'm sorry I said you encouraged them?" he spoke softly. "I was just worried about you."

"And I possibly overreacted to your over protectiveness - but honestly, I don't know what else you'd expect a girl to do in those circumstances. You show fear and it only gives them power, but you'd be amazed what you can get away with using only a smile and a little finesse," she gave him a slight smile.

"Whatever you said it was obviously effective," he admitted, loosening up a little. "What was it anyway?"

"Ah, my secret," Liz laughed. "I might have to use it on you one day."

"Come on, do you want to just grab a pizza and we can eat it in the car? I think that little incident has woken us both up enough to keep driving."

"Okay," she nodded with a reluctant smile.

They wondered down the street in silence and slipped into a pizza parlour, William going to the counter and ordering. Upon his return to Elizabeth she broke the silence.

"You're the eldest in your family aren't you?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"You've got 'big brother' written all over your actions," Liz replied. "Typical older sibling, trying to take responsibility for everyone else."

"I'll hazard a guess you have an older brother?" William replied.

"No, an older sister and she'd take on the problems of the world if she could. Older children tend to be over achievers you know, very responsible, but with a tendency toward insecurity they say. This fits Jane to a tee. She's the best person in the world but she takes aboard blame for things she has absolutely no control over."

"And what about second children?" William asked, trying to move the spotlight away from the eldest. He was beginning to find Elizabeth's observations a little close to home.

"Often very different from older siblings. Take me for example - I don't have an insecure bone in my body, and I've been happy for Jane to direct me in many ways. I think it's a little harder for us to grow up as quickly. Were satisfied with leaving a lot of our responsibilities with our older brothers and sisters. It's a bigger fight for us to become independent."

"And you've won that fight?" he queried.

"I'm still trying," she conceded, "but I'm getting closer."

The pizza was soon ready so they collected it and walked slowly back to the car, William sitting it on the roof as he unlocked the passenger door.

"Do you want to drive?" he asked.

"Only if you don't want to." she replied. "Are we still friends?"

William gave her a smile. "If you still want to be."

"How could I pass up on the opportunity of acquiring a big brother", she laughed and gave him a hug.

William felt reluctant to let her go, and as they stood in such close proximity he wondered whether 'big brother' was the role that he really wanted to be playing here.

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Part 5

By the time William had walked to the drivers seat he had re-gained his senses. Of the fact that Elizabeth was far too young for him he was sure. Despite how lively and attractive she was, a girl her age couldn't have the seriousness of purpose, or the life experiences to make a suitable partner in life for him. If he started anything with Liz it might be fun for a while, but it would end in nothing but dissatisfaction for both.

It had also become clear to William that Liz had a way of getting under his guard. It didn't seem to matter how withdrawn he determined to be, she managed to break through the barrier. He really did enjoy her company... so this 'big brother' thing could actually be a godsend. It would give him the platform of a suitable friendship with Liz, without creating an awkward situation between them.

"If you're happy to accept me as a brother figure," he began upon settling himself into the car, "I hope you don't mind a little advice."

"Ugh! I knew it. You're not going to let what happened with those blokes drop!"

"Well, I can't help but feel you were a little naive in your reaction to them. Something like that can turn nasty you know," he said tentatively.

"And you think I'm not aware of that?" She looked directly at him as if challenging him go on. "I tell you a female doesn't make it to the age of twenty intact, unless she has some ability to read those situations... you develop a sense of what's dangerous and what's not."

Her smile reassured him that she was not really offended by his interference, so he pushed the subject a bit further.

"And a male doesn't make it to the age of twenty eight without an understanding of men and what drives them. I might be able to provide a little more insight into the situation than you think."

"Maybe you'd be more trusting if you didn't impute your own evil motives to others," she grinned back.

"I'm trying to be serious here," he couldn't help smiling. "Don't think you're going to intimidate me with your satirical little tongue. What was it you said to those guys anyway?"

Liz tossed up whether to keep deviating or whether to tell him the truth. She decided it'd probably end the 'advice session' more quickly if she just told.

"I said I was in drag," she confessed.

"What?!" The look of incredulity on his face was priceless.

"I implied the only reason he was interested in me was to explore what it was like on the 'wild' side."

"You don't expect me to accept he believed you were male!" he replied, the incredulity still heavy in his voice.

"No. Of course he didn't believe I was male..." she said, looking at him as though he had completely missed point, "...and neither did his friends, but do you think that was going to make any difference to what he'd get from his mates if he continued. As it is, he'll have to spend the rest of the night with them making jokes about his sexual preference. All I did was change the group dynamic so that it was working against him rather than me."

"Didn't it occur to you that questioning his sexuality could make him mad?"

"It has a lot to do with the delivery," she defended herself. "It's hard to explain, but if you show the right confidence and smile sweetly, you can get away with an awful lot."

"And what if it hadn't worked?" he queried.

"I think I was pretty safe. It was early evening in a public place, they weren't drunk, and you were only half way across the room," she answered.

"I thought it was your problem not mine!" he quickly threw back at her.

"Touché. You got me there!" she laughed. "Rest assured, if it had turned nasty it would have quickly become your problem as well."

"And what if you'd been travelling on your own?"

"If I'd been travelling on my own I wouldn't have been there in the first place. I'd have gone to a McDonalds drive-through or something. I'm not foolish enough to wander the streets at night by myself."

"Maybe you're not as naďve as I thought," he conceded. "My little sister could probably do with a few training sessions from you. Georgie is very unsure of herself when it comes to dealing with the male of the species. She had a bad experience last year and since then she has gone from reserved to excruciatingly shy."

"I'm sorry, so this explains your reaction tonight. How old is she by the way?"

"Perceptive aren't you. She's sixteen and a great kid, bright and pretty. I just wish she had a little more confidence in herself."

"Give her time, I'm sure she'll be fine, she has the support and encouragement of a loving family doesn't she?" Liz reassured him. "Any other kids in your family?"

"Yes, I've a twenty two year old brother, Richard."

"Is he cute?" queried Liz.

"A lot of girls seem to think so," he answered, a little disconcerted by her interest in his younger brother. "He seems to have a different girl every second week. How many in your family?"

"Well, there's Jane, she's twenty three and just engaged, and then I have two little sisters... half sisters actually, Mary and Kate who are six and four. My mum died when Jane and I were pretty young, and Dad married Janice about ten years ago."

"Was it hard to adjust?" he asked.

"Not really, Janice is great," Liz smiled. "Dad was working long hours and he employed Janice as a tutor for Jane and me. She was doing her masters at the time. It's funny, she's almost as close in age to Jane as she is to Dad. She only turned thirty four last month. I really can't imagine life without her."

"What does your Dad do?" he continued to question.

"He's a lawyer by profession, but he spends most of his time in consultancy work and in his writing these days."

They continued to talk as they drove along, their conversation wide and ranging, William finding himself surprised at the information and interests that Elizabeth seemed to possess. Elizabeth too, was definitely enjoying his company, and they arrived in the city having each learned a great deal about the other, and not quite believing the time had passed so quickly.

"You could drop me at my parents house" he suggested. "It's only 15 minutes away, and if you abandon me there I can borrow one of their cars and save you a significant detour. How much further do you have to go?"

"Oh, my flat is a bit over an hour away," she saw William's look of concern and went on, "but I don't think I'll try to make it that far. I've an aunt & uncle who live close to here, so I'll land myself on them for the night."

They shortly pulled up to a large, handsome home in one of the more exclusive northern suburbs. William wondered why he was so relieved that Richard's car wasn't parked in its normal place, and asked Liz to come in for a few minutes to refresh herself.

"No thanks, I think I'll just keep going. I don't want to land on the relatives too late. I'll just give them a call to make sure they're home.... Oh pigs!..." she said, sounding exasperated. "I forgot to recharge my phone. Do you think your parents would mind if I use theirs."

"It's a big ask, but for you I'm sure it will be okay," he smiled.

As William let himself inside and called out a greeting, a pretty young girl appeared to give her brother an affectionate kiss.

"Georgie, this is Liz," he introduced them. "We just travelled back from training together. Are Mum and Dad here?"

"Hello Liz, it's nice to meet you," she said softly and then turned William. "No they're not home yet."

"I'll just get us a drink, would you like a coffee or something cold?" he asked them. "Liz, there's a phone in the living room, Georgie will show you."

He disappeared to get their orders, leaving Liz to his sister. When he returned he was astonished to find them laughing together. They both looked up a little guiltily and it crossed his mind to wonder if they'd been speaking of him.

"Georgie was just telling me about her piano. I've suggested she could volunteer as a tutor at the centre, but she seems to think you'd be dubious about it," Liz smiled a challenge to him, "but I'm sure you'd like to see her extend herself."

"I'd like to do it in some ways," Georgie admitted, "but I don't know if I'd be any good at teaching."

"If you'd like to you could sit in with me for a few sessions and get an idea about it all." Liz offered. "You wouldn't have to take any students if you didn't feel ready."

Unfortunately the conversation ended there, as they were interrupted by a newly arrived, and very handsome Richard strolling into the room.

"Hi, everyone... and who have we here?" his eyes made an appreciative appraisal of Elizabeth and he swung himself down next to her on the couch.

William made the introductions and watched in dissatisfaction as Richard then turned the weight of his considerable charm toward Liz. Elizabeth left soon after, but not before handing a phone number to William's persuasive brother.

Though William was usually amused at Richard's way with women, for some unexplained reason he was feeling far from happy at this development... that is until he happened to glance at the phone number left sitting on the coffee table, and recognise it as that of a well-advertised Pizza delivery business.

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Part 6

William drove to his parent's house and chided himself as he found he was again thinking of Elizabeth.

"Pull yourself out of it man!" he said aloud.

It was ridiculous. He had spent a few hours with her over a month ago, and now he couldn't get her out of his mind. Elizabeth had attracted him far more than he liked.

His logic told him he was being stupid, and once again, he determined to overcome this foolishness. He wasn't a schoolboy with adolescent dreams, he was a man with grown-up ideas and needs. He had determined years ago that which he required in a partner and he wasn't going to waste any time pursuing what could only be a dead-end relationship, with a mere girl.

He turned his mind to less frustrating musings, and thought of his family. He was looking forward to catching up with them all tonight. His busy work schedule, combined with other commitments, had conspired to keep him away from them for longer than usual and he hadn't been over to enjoy a family meal with them for weeks. He pulled up into his parents' driveway, anticipating good company and pleasant distractions for the evening. On entering the house he found his mother alone.

"How's everything going?" he asked, giving his mum a kiss. "Where's the rest of the clan?"

"Richard's out with friends, but your Dad and Georgie should be home soon. He picks her up when he finishes at the office," Anne Darcy smiled. "It really works out very well."

"What works out well?" William asked, a little confused. "Where does he pick her up from?"

"It's Thursday," Anne replied, as though it explained everything.

"I'm still not with you Mum. I think you're going to have to give a little more information."

"Oh...? I thought for sure you'd know," his mother replied, looking a little surprised. "Georgie's started teaching piano with The Program. Weren't you the one who introduced her to Liz?"

"Yes, but this is the first I've heard of Georgie teaching. When did this all happen?"

"Well, it just goes to show you should keep in better contact with your family," Anne Darcy said pointedly. "This is all ready her 4th week there. She actually starts with her own students today. It's wonderful to see all the hard work she's invested in her music going to such good purpose."

"I didn't think Georgie would have been brave enough to take something like this on, William answered. "Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great idea; I'm just surprised."

"She was very nervous when Liz first rang her about it. She doubted her capabilities. I don't know what Liz said to convince her to try, but I'm glad it worked. Georgie's absolutely loving it."

"Liz seems to have a way with people," William said, thinking to himself that it was a bit of an understatement.

"She certainly does," Anne agreed whole-heartedly. "She's a delightful girl, and a wonderful role model for Georgie."

"So you've met her?" William asked.

"Yes, Georgie brought her home for dinner last week. If you hadn't been too busy to make time for your family you'd have been here too. We had a lovely evening."

"Doesn't she live on the south side?" asked William, very much regretting the workload that had kept him away the preceding week. "How did she get home?"

"Oh, Richard drove her. He seemed very eager to volunteer for the job," she answered, giving William a meaningful smile. "A girl like that would do him the world of good. If she could work half the magic on him that she'd worked on Georgie, I'd be a very happy mother."

William was unsure of how to react to his mother's notion, but he was spared from the necessity of reply by the entrance of his dad and Georgie. The latter was more animated than he'd seen her in a long while. There was a definite spring in her step as she entered the room and a happy smile overspreading her face.

"I assume it went well then?" her mother offered.

"It went wonderfully! The kids are just so cute. They were really excited too... Oh, hi Will," she threw in as an aside. "I've four of them. None of them has ever had lessons before, so I dare say I'll be able to keep ahead of them."

"Well, dinner's ready to be served up. You can fill us in on all the details while we eat," smiled her mum.

That is exactly what Georgie did. She described each if her new students, and what happened in their lessons in detail. William listened to her narration with amusement. He could appreciate why his mother was so thrilled with Georgie's new interest. It occurred to him that it was probably doing her more good than it was doing her students.

"This is a great project for you to be involved in," said William encouragingly. "There are huge waiting lists for most of the services offered, so people who are willing to give up their time and use their talents for the benefit of our kids are truly precious... I'm sure you're a wonderful teacher too. I'd choose you any day over some crabby old spinster witch."

Georgie smiled her thanks, while Anne protested that Miss Cravit, Will's old piano teacher, was not a witch.

"You never had to have lessons with her! She always put on that 'nice old lady' act when you came to pick me up, but I lived in fear during the lesson. I probably have permanent psychological damage," teased Will. " So Georgie, what made you decide to try your hand at teaching?"

"You remember Liz mentioning it the night you came back from training?"

He nodded.

"Well, she rang me up about it a few days later. I don't know exactly why I agreed to it. It was just hard to say no to her... she seemed so confident I'd be perfect for the job, so I suppose I didn't want to disappoint her. I sat in with Liz's lessons the first week, and took on a bit more responsibility over the next two weeks, and this week my reward was my very own students."

"And you weren't nervous when you started to take on more responsibility?"

"A little, but Liz was pretty reassuring... it's hard to be self-conscious in front of her," she tried to explain. "Somehow she makes me feel at ease... do you know what I mean?"

"Yes Georgie, I believe I understand very well indeed."

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Part 7

Posted on Thursday, 20 July 2000, at 5 : 57 a.m.

William sat in his temporary office at 'The Programs' northern campsite. He was appreciating the silence of the moment, knowing full well that this might be the last peace he'd get for almost two weeks. The volunteers would start arriving within the next hour and the children would arrive on the following day. He'd just finished going over his programming, the time tables, the group allocations, the rosters and the like. As this was his third year running camp, he felt reasonably confidant that he had everything in order. He'd taken the time to allocate Liz and Bill Collins to groups and activities that would have them as far from each other as humanly possible. He'd heard from Georgie that Liz was still having difficulty shaking him.

Despite the difference in their ages there seemed to be a real bond developing between Liz and Georgie. That Georgie thought the world of Liz, was obvious. That his whole family thought highly of Liz, was obvious. He'd not seen Liz since their journey together two and a half months ago, but he'd often heard her mentioned by various family members. His parents appreciated the effort she put into encouraging Georgie, and Richard appeared to appreciate Liz's whole package.

William didn't know if he was looking forward to having her around for the duration of camp or not. He'd been perturbed by how long it had taken for him to put her out of his mind after their last encounter. It was Richard's interest in her that had finally given him the strength of purpose to dismiss her from his thoughts. He was not about to get in-between any girl and his younger brother.

"Regardless of Richard, any relationship would have been inappropriate," he thought to himself again. "She's not what I'm looking for."

His thoughts were interrupted as William heard a car pull up, and the babble of young enthusiastic voices.

"Here we go again, " he murmured, as he stood up to greet his volunteers.

Two hours later the whole of the team collected at the dining room for their evening meal and to go through all the final organisational details. William had seen Liz at a distance, but not to talk to. Determined as he was not to single her out, he found himself, however, disappointed at not having had the opportunity to properly catch up with her. He now watched her across the room, happily smiling and chatting with the girl sitting next to her. He turned his mind back to his responsibilities, and went through the camp's program with the team, expertly and efficiently explaining everything. He couldn't help but notice Bill Collins was still trying to move within Liz's orbit, but she was managing to keep a reasonable space between them. He also noticed with amusement that Bill seemed angry when the programs and rosters were given out. He'd obviously hoped to spend more time with Liz than the program was going to allow. Liz on the other hand, was overjoyed with the timetables and group allocations. On approaching William after the formal part of the evening was over, she thanked him for taking the time arrange things so much in her favour.

"What makes you think I had anything to do with it?" he asked.

"Because no timetable could have worked out this good by accident, and because I know enough of your 'big brotherly' instincts to appreciate you could not leave me at the mercy of that 'little slime' for the whole duration of camp," she smiled. "I'm truly grateful. How are things with you anyway? Are you surviving all the camp preparation on top of your work load."

"After what I've been through at work the last couple of months," Will replied, "camp is going to be a breeze. Craig actually came back to work last week, so things should be a little better when I get back."

"Yes, your mum told me that he developed septicemia after his appendectomy... So you've been short-staffed for a couple of months now. That should add to the excitement of a newsroom."

"Excitement wasn't the word for it." Will grimaced. "We'd just had someone resign, someone transfer, and another go on Long Service Leave. It's amazing the rest of us didn't end up on stress leave. So while I was otherwise occupied by my demanding workload, you decided to take over my family?"

"It wasn't a hostile take over if that's what you're worried about," Liz laughed. "I've enjoyed the opportunity to get to know them."

"Re-arranging the time-tables and rosters was the least I could do for you after what you've done for Georgie." William smiled. "Thankyou for taking the time with her."

"I haven't done anything for her," Liz protested, "except maybe con her into helping me out with piano lessons. She's great at it too, a natural. The kids love her."

"You've done more than that, and you know it. She'd been so withdrawn. This whole piano teaching matter has been great for her self-esteem. Mum says she's also feeling happier at school and coping better with things socially."

"That's Georgie's doing not mine!" Liz replied. "I don't see how I can take credit for it."

"You don't?" William asked. "Can you tell me why then, when I asked Georgie about her new-found forwardness, she told me that 'you can get away with a lot of things with just a smile and a bit of confidence'?. It sounded very familiar to me."

"I wonder where she got that from." Liz asked, with a mock look of innocence on her face. "Anyway, she needed to branch out a bit and start spending less time with that nasty, catty, little group she called friends. With their constant criticism and back stabbing, no wonder she was feeling so insecure."

"I don't think her insecurity was all related to her friends," William remarked, amazed that yet again he had dropped all his barriers in the presence of Liz. He couldn't believe he was so easily discussing his sister's difficulties with this girl.

"I think they have far more to do with it than you realise," said Liz. "If I were you I'd discourage her from anything but superficial contact with them. Did you know that it was her 'friends' who spiked her drink that night, and when she started feeling sick they sent her home with that Wickham jerk? They thought it was a great joke."

"She told you about that?" William was astounded that Georgie had opened up to Liz so much. Even his parents didn't know about what had gone on that night.

"She needed to talk to someone, poor kid. She blamed herself for letting it get as far as it did. I think she was too embarrassed to bring it up with you again. I'd hate to think what might have happened if you hadn't turned up to protect her."

"I still have nightmares about that." William said softly, wondering why he didn't mind Liz knowing everything.

"She's a lovely girl William, and I think she's starting to accept that she's not responsible for what happened. She was only guilty of being too trusting, and she won't quickly make that mistake again. Still, you can see why she needs to be encouraged in her new friendships. They're a nice group of girls she's breaking into now."

"Thanks for telling me this Liz. I'll take every opportunity I can to encourage her in the right direction."

"That'd be great. You know she thinks the sun shines out of you," Liz smiled, feeling relieved that she had shared the responsibility she felt toward Georgie with William.

With that, Liz directly turned the discussion to more light-hearted subjects. William was called away soon afterward.

At the end of the evening Will was left to reflect that all it had taken was one short conversation with Liz, and he was more drawn to her than ever. Then on remembering Richard, he groaned inwardly and cursed his inability to control his feelings.

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Part Eight

Posted on Thursday, 20 July 2000, at 9 : 44 p.m.

The next few days went smoothly. The demands of camp life didn't give Will much time to think of Liz, much less spend time with her. They'd spoken only in passing, Liz always ready with a quick smile or smart comment. He'd watched her as she related to the other volunteers and the children. She seemed universally liked and genuinely appeared to enjoy spending time with the kids. A lot of the volunteers spent more time paying attention to volunteers of the opposite sex, than they spent on the kids. This didn't overly concern Will, it was what you'd expect when a group of people that age got together. Liz though, didn't indulge in the blatant flirtations that went on. She was friendly and open for sure; he found it hard to put his finger on what made her different, but that she had something extra he was sure. He still however, was not willing to act on his growing attraction. He wasn't yet willing to compromise his principles.

Day four arrived and the children were all to have some time away from the campsite. Half of them were going to the beach and the other half were going hiking. The following week the pattern would be reversed, with the children going to the alternate activity. The busses to the beach had already left when William became aware that Bill Collins was not on them as he should have been.

"Bill, what are you still doing here?" William asked annoyed.

"Well, it occurred to me that the group going hiking was greatly lacking in experience. I'm very expert when it comes to hiking and survival techniques. I've been involved in the sport for years. I've been to the Himalayas you know. This group obviously needs someone with my expertise along with them," Bill said, expecting William to be very impressed. He also thought that this would give him an excellent opportunity to impress Liz with his great abilities in this area.

"The kids are only going to be walking along established tracks," Will shook his head in disbelief. "It's not acceptable to change allocations of duties without my consent. Our insurance requires we have a certain ratio of leaders to kids, especially where swimming is involved. If Marie hadn't decided to go to the beach at the last minute you could have completely stuffed up their outing."

"Well maybe you should make us aware of such things before they become an issue," Bill puffed.

"I shouldn't have to!" answered William in exasperation. "When I did the staff allocations I took it into account."

"You did all the allocations yourself did you?" sneered Bill. "So that explains how Liz and I ended up with no time together at all. You want her for yourself don't you? Well I'm telling you now, it won't be worth the effort. You'll never get her into bed. She's got real problems in that area. Isn't able to express herself, if you know what I mean."

William was taken aback by this crudity, but he retained a cool exterior.

"I'm going to have to talk to you later in regard to our policy on sexual harassment. Right now however you better join the group for the hike. I'll see you in my office at five thirty.

"Oh, don't play the high and mighty moral ground with me!" Bill began, but he was cut off abruptly by William.

"I said we'd talk about this later, Go now!"

William walked away fuming, angry at Bill's presumptions, angry at his slurs against Liz, and angry at the accusations regarding his own motives in separating Bill from Liz. He pushed the anger from his mind as he approached the leader of the group about to leave for the hike.

"Greg can I've a quick word... Bill Collins has decided of his own accord, that he should be in your group today."

"Just great!" Greg replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Greg. I would have prevented it if I'd known. I'm going to have to pull Liz out of your group too. She's been having difficulties with unwanted attentions from Collins," explained William. "Can you tell her we need her artistic skills here, to help prepare the hall for our 'Medieval Banquet' tonight. That can be our official reason for her not attending the hike."

"Sure William, I'll send her to your office?"

"That'd be great. Don't take any garbage from Collins. Let him know straight up that you're in charge," William instructed before heading back to his office.

A few minutes later Liz turned up with a relieved smile on her face.

"I believe I owe you another debt of gratitude. Thanks for saving me from what could at best been a very trying day."

"I can't get over that man," Will replied in exasperation. "I don't think I've met anyone as overtly offensive in my life."

"We're of the same mind there!" agreed Elizabeth emphatically. "Now, how am I to be employed?"

"Can you report to Samantha down in the main hall. She's in charge of preparing the decorations for the Banquet tonight. Tell her that I've sent you down because of your Visual Arts expertise. I'm sure she'll be pleased with more help."

Each year the camps worked on a theme, and this year it was 'Castles and Courage'. The kids were really getting in to the spirit of things. Tonight they were going to be dressing up in costumes they had been making in craft times, and having a banquet. Sam did a marvelous job creating atmosphere with her decorations. Liz now looked forward to working with her.

A few hours later Will wandered down to the hall to see how things were shaping up. Things were already starting to look magic. A fake stone archway stood over the entrance. A silver cardboard suit of armour stood in a corner, lightweight 'weaponry' hung on the walls next to paper and paste tapestries, and the windows were becoming stained glass creations thanks to cellophane and sticky tape.

Sam looked up as Will walked over, congratulating her and her teams efforts.

"It's starting to shape up well. I'm pleased with the way it's all coming together. By the way, where did you find Elizabeth?" she asked. "She's a gem. I want to know why she wasn't allocated to me from the start."

"She mentioned she was a Visual Arts student, so I thought she might be of use," he smiled.

William walked around the hall taking in the details. It impressed him very much. He eventually seated himself beside Liz, who was working on intricate 'stained glass' creations to go on the windows, and they settled into easy conversation; William occasionally lending Liz a hand as they talked.

Eventually they were interrupted by the arrival of Michael who was doing his regular rounds of the camps.

"This looked absolutely terrific!" grinned Michael, as he sat down at the table with Liz and Will. "I assume everything's going according to plan. Would you like to fill me in on the details?"

Michael and Will talked on about different aspects of the camp, with Liz occasionally joining in. Michael was finally satisfied that everything was up to his standards, and the conversation turned to the more mundane.

"Kath's not with you?" queried Liz eventually, asking after his wife.

"Not this time. We're actually trialing separation." Michael answered, as though it was of no concern.

William was fully taken aback by the revelation. This was Michael's third marriage and Kath was a lovely, supportive wife. He couldn't understand Michael's lack of commitment in marriage. He was very concerned but remained silent.

Liz didn't have so much tact. Kath was one of Janice's a good friends, and all Liz's family thought highly of her.

"What's your problem Michael?" she cried in exasperation. "You seem to be a normal intelligent bloke, who deals with life in a rational manner, except when it comes to marriage!"

"I wouldn't expect you to understand at you age," said Michael.

"Well explain it to me then." Liz pushed.

"Sometimes things just don't work out." Michael answered, patience heavy in his voice. "Sometimes you grow apart."

"That's tripe, Michael. You're talking as though people are some horticultural product. 'We grew apart' as though we have no choice about which direction we grow in. We're different to plants Michael. We have minds and wills and choices."

"When your older..." Michael began to defend himself, but he was interrupted by a volatile Liz.

"Cut the age crap Mick. Try faulting my argument, not me. Are you saying that we have no control over the direction of our lives?"

"I think circumstances dictate a great deal of our lives. Sometimes things just happen." Mick replied, not willing to really think on what Liz was saying.

"Come on. You don't really believe that do you? How could you put so much of your heart into 'The Program' if you thought that our efforts made no difference to our destinies? You wouldn't be in your job if you really believed that." Liz stated. "Would you like me to get a 'Life's a Bitch, and then you die!' sticker for the back of you car?" She added sarcastically.

William was watching this exchange with fascination, and with increasing respect for Liz. She was right. Age wasn't the issue here, she might be young but it was obvious she'd thought deeply on serious subjects.

Liz noticed that William was watching her intently, and hoped he wasn't disapproving of her forthright views. It occurred to her suddenly that Will's good opinion meant a lot to her. Still, whether Will found her ideas naďve or not, she held them very dearly. She knew that she'd be selling herself short if she didn't tell Michael how she felt. She had a great deal of affection and respect for both Michael and Kath, and it seemed to her it would be wrong to react to their situation in a way that implied it didn't matter.

As the two men walked back to Mick's car a short time later, Michael challenged Will.

"You thinks she's right don't you?"

"As a matter of fact I do Mick. Think about what you're doing. Two failed marriages could be just bad luck, but three failed marriages smacks of bad management and wrong priorities."

"Why should I take any advice from a bachelor and a young girl?" Michael asked with a wry smile.

"Because we truly care about you," came Williams's simple reply.

As William watched Michael drive off to find the group at the beach, his mind was more on Liz than on his friend. She really was the girl he'd been waiting for, beautiful, caring, smart, a joy to spend time with, and she felt deeply on things that William also held dear. He should have recognised it earlier, and not have made judgements about her based solely on age. He was about to turn back and seek some more of her enticing company, but stopped as he saw Richard's car pull into the parking area.

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Part 9

Posted on Sunday, 23 July 2000, at 9 : 43 p.m.

William suffered a pang of conscience on seeing Richard arrive. He'd forgotten for a moment about his brother's interest in Elizabeth. He had deliberately not inquired as to how far Richard's relationship with Elizabeth had progressed. Still, he thought it was a reasonably safe bet that they'd be getting along fairly well. Richard tended not to waste time where women were concerned. The fact that Rick had made the effort to drive up to visit was no doubt an indication that there was an understanding between he and Liz.

Will waited as Rick parked and greeted him as he stepped out of the car. Involved as Will was in his own thoughts, he was completely taken by surprise as Georgie appeared out of the passenger seat.

"Hi Will," she smiled as she walked over to hug him. "I nagged Richard until he agreed to drive me up for a visit. I'll be old enough to join the team next year and I wanted to see what it was like. Have the kid's exhausted you yet?"

"It's not the kids that are the problem," Will replied. "It's the volunteers - and if you're serious about coming on the team I'm a bit concerned about how I'll cope next year."

"Stop teasing," laughed Georgie. "It doesn't seem too stressful here. It's very tranquil in fact."

"There's only about five of us on site at the moment. Half the kids are at the beach and the other half are hiking. They're not expected back until 3, so you have just over an hour and a half to enjoy the peace and quiet, then you'll get to see first hand what stress really is. If we go now we'll be just in time to scrounge some lunch," said William as he began to lead them toward the hall.

"Well Georgie, you've dragged me up here on false pretences," said Richard. "You promised me tens of nubile, energetic young women looking for excitement."

"I did not!" protested Georgie.

"Well, you did say there might be some talent up here."

"I was talking about my talented little piano students," said Georgie innocently.

"Look what's happening to our little sister," Rick cried. "She'll twist anything to get her own way!"

"Patience Rick, patience," laughed Will. "I assure you we have many lovely ladies on team and they will be back shortly."

"But it cuts down my working time considerably," complained Rick. " I suppose the 'Ice Queen' is off with the children."

"Ice Queen?" asked Will

"Oh, it's his pet name for Liz," Georgie explained. "He's still in shock that she won't go out with him."

"She won't?" asked William, his interest fully caught and his spirits greatly revived. "I always thought she was a bright girl and now my opinion is fully confirmed."

"Thanks for the sympathy," Rick laughed. William was relieved to see Richard didn't seem really concerned.

Liz was still feeling agitated after her confrontation with Michael. The problem was that she didn't know if she was most upset by Michael's attitude to his marriage, or by her concern that her outburst may have made William think she was impertinent or naďve. She was shaken out of her thoughts by Georgie calling out to her upon entering the room. Liz flashed a brilliant smile at the Darcys' as they walked toward her; she hugged Georgie and accepted a kiss on the cheek from Richard.

Shortly after this the four were sitting down together for a late lunch. Georgie asked heaps of questions about what was going on at camp, and was particularly interested in how two of her little piano students were going. Liz was able to fill her in on all the details. Richard too, joined in the conversation with a bit of teasing and a little flirting. William though, was unusually quiet as he took the opportunity to observe the others. That Rick and Liz got along well together was obvious. He was however, unable to discern if either of their feelings went any further than friendship.

After Georgie and Rick left to have a quick look around the campsite, Will took his chance to ask Liz about why she hadn't accepted a date with Rick.

"I hear you keep turning down my little brother. Are you trying to string him along a bit to get him really hooked?"

Liz was pleased when he spoke to her. She'd noticed his silence throughout lunch and wondered if it was due to disapproval of her earlier behaviour.

"I think Rick's great," Liz answered, "but he's too smooth by half. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Were you like that when you were younger?"

"Not that bad, as far as I as I remember," laughed Will. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if there was any hope for him. You turned out O.K."
Liz paused for a moment as she took her courage in her hands. She wanted to ask him about what was making her feel uneasy. "Will, do you think I was wrong in speaking to Michael the way I did?"

It was the last question Will had expected. He'd been occupied so much by his the discovery of his own feelings, and his concern about Richard, that he'd completely forgotten about Michael.

"Not at all. I think Mick needed to hear it. I admit I was surprised at your forthrightness, but I think you were right."

"So you don't think I was rude speaking to him like that?"

"Not at all. Why would to you think that?"

"Because you looked so severe at the time, and you hardly said anything at lunch," Liz answered.

"I was cross with Michael," he explained, "and I had other things on my mind during lunch."

"Well," smiled Liz relieved, "I'm glad you're not cross at me."

"Who could be cross at you?" Will laughed.

Meanwhile, outside enjoying their view of the countryside surrounding the campsite, Rick and Georgie were in conversation.

"Does Will seem O.K. to you?" asked Rick.

"Come to mention it, he was pretty quiet," answered Georgie, suddenly concerned.

"Do you think he likes Liz?" Rick inquired.

"Of course he does," said Georgie. "Everybody does."

"I don't mean 'like' her. I mean like her." Was Rick's reply.

"But Rick, don't you like her?" Georgie was starting to sound worried.

"Yes, but I like lots of pretty girls. I'm wondering if Will's finally falling for someone."

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Part 10

Posted on Wednesday, 26 July 2000, at 1 : 20 a.m.

When evening arrived the excitement in the air was almost tangible. Candles lighted the hall. (A very brave move considering the number of young boys in attendance. They were drawn to naked flame quicker than any moth.) The kids, already over the moon because of their costumes, were awestruck by the appearance of their hall. Little princesses in their sparking crowns or tall cone hats with scarves drifting down from them, squealed and giggled in delight. Samantha had done a wonderful job at rounding up 'princess' dresses for all the girls. She had raided three schools drama departments, on top of Op-Shopping till she dropped.
The boys looked very heroic in their cardboard breastplates, decorated with lions or dragons or weaponry of various kinds. They fenced with their cardboard swords so enthusiastically, they had to be told time and time again, to settle down or their swords would have to be left outside the hall.

Georgie and Liz had enjoyed a hectic afternoon helping finish the decorations, playing games with the kids, and finally helping all the little girls ready themselves for the banquet. Georgie, who had never had the opportunity of working with children prior to her involvement with 'The Program', particularly loved it. She was in her element with these little ones who responded to her attention with excitement and affection. One of her little piano students had hung onto her from first sight, claiming her as a special friend, and jealously reminding the other children Georgie paid attention to, that she knew her first.

Richard had spent most of the afternoon 'assisting' a very attractive blond with her duties (much to the chagrin on a few young men who'd been competing for her attention since the training weekend.) His suspicions regarding William's feelings, coupled with the fact he was getting no-where with Elizabeth, allowed him to transfer his attentions with little regret.

William's afternoon had been far less pleasurable. His counseling session with Bill had been like an exercise in beating his head against a brick wall. Collins however, had enough vanity to eventually realise that being asked to leave the camp on the grounds of misconduct would be humiliating. He ungraciously agreed to stay away from Liz, but not without again making some very offensive accusations about her. Will had to fight to stay objective in the matter. Although he was not a man who tended toward strong physical impulses, it occurred to him more than once during the interview that it would be a real pleasure to just lay this man out flat on the floor.

He arrived at the banquet feeling angry and frustrated, but his mind was lifted from its black thoughts on entering the magical room, and on seeing Georgie waving to him indicating she had saved him a seat. Liz however, was occupied serving tables with the other 'wenches' (as Richard quickly labelled them) and didn't get to join them until after the meal, when the entertainment began.

They had a minstrel teach them some songs, followed by a jester, a conjurer, a juggler, and a medieval drama that was very reminiscent of Monty Python's Holy Grail. The evening was pronounced a huge success as the tired children were led off to prepare for bed.

Richard seemed in no hurry to leave his blond, so Georgie joined a group of the younger volunteers as both William and Liz went separate ways to supervise the bedding down of their young charges.

Liz returned about three quarters of a hour later to find William sitting by himself with a frown in his face, seriously regarding Georgie who was animatedly involved in conversation with a young man. Liz smiled and walked towards Will, who found himself awakened from his contemplation by a soft hand on his arm.

"She's fine you know, nothing could be safer than a busy room with both of her big brothers watching over her... Well, one big brother anyway," she amended as she looked over at Rick who's full attention was affixed by his pretty companion.

Will's skin still tingled from Elizabeth's light touch. He'd felt an undeniable sense of loss as she'd withdrawn her hand. It took control to appear casual in his reply.

"Taking up mind reading now are we? You know, you could become a very uncomfortable companion if you attained too much skill in that art."

"No skill involved," Liz laughed. "Your concern was clearly written all over your face. Still, I remember you telling me when we first met that you wished Georgie was more confident."

"Yes, but it comes as a bit of a shock to the system. She seems to have grown up all of a sudden. I was happier earlier watching her playing with the little ones on the floor."

Georgie looked up and on seeing Liz and William had returned, excused herself from the young man to walk over and joined them.

"There's no way you're keeping me away from here next year," Georgie informed Will. I haven't enjoyed myself so much in ages. I wish we didn't have to go home."

"You can take my place," Liz laughed. "We're not quite half way through and I already feel like I could sleep for a week. I hope you don't mind if I say my goodnights and head off to bed."

"Not at all, it's time that I dragged Rick home anyway," Georgie replied.

"Pleasant dreams," said Will. "See you in the morning."

The next few days gave William little opportunity to spend time with Liz, let alone any time alone. The demands of camp life kept them both busy. Will knew he had to find a moment to ask her out, he'd given up on finding the right moment, all he wanted now was any moment.

Late on the sixth day Will was taking a walk and thinking things over. Half of the team had the afternoon off, and Will assumed Liz had gone into town with the others on their 'R & R'. He was feeling a little at sea in regards to how he should approach Elizabeth. It had been a long time since he'd played the dating game and he was unsure of how to proceed. In the past he had only to respond to some pretty strong signals that the girls were giving out. He did not however, know how to read Liz. He knew she liked him, but his major concern was that she still had him in the 'big brother' role. Although they got along very well when together, she never seemed to particularly seek out his company or look for his attention. For the first time he could recall, he did not feel completely secure of his reception if he made his feelings known. He was beginning to see big 'proceed with caution' signs in relation to Liz. He didn't want to stuff things up.

It was with real pleasure he then perceived the object of his reverie sitting, leaning on the trunk of a tree, reading. He quietly walked toward her.

"Are you hiding out here," he asked, and laughed as she jumped on his speaking to her.

"Oh, you scared the life out of me. Things were just getting tense in my book," she responded.

"Isn't the light getting a little dim to read by?" He queried.

"It's still O.K if you angle the book in just the right direction," Liz laughed.

"I was about to head back," Will said. "Do you want to join me?"

"I feel like hiding for just a little longer," Liz replied. "Why don't you join me?"

Will smiled and swung himself down beside her.

"I thought you would have gone into town with the rest of them," he said.

"And miss this chance for some solitude. I don't think so," she replied. "How are you holding up under all the demands of camp? I notice you didn't take your half day off."

"No, I had just a few too many things to see to, but I did get this opportunity for a walk. It's different for me though. I'm not dealing directly with 'wall to wall' kids. It's the adults I have to keep my eye on."

"I'd take the 'wall to wall' kids any day." Liz responded.

The two of them remained talking for some time until the dying light made them realise that they'd stayed too long. William stood up, reached down a hand, and helped Liz to her feet. They began to wander back toward the campsite slowly, both reluctant for this time together to end. Liz, distracted by her thoughts, was not attending to where she was going and stumbled on a tree root. She instinctively caught hold of Will to steady herself.

"Drunk again?" teased Will. "Come on, you'd better give me your hand. If you injure yourself our insurance premiums could go through the roof."

As they walked back hand in hand, Liz found herself disconcerted. She was sure William only felt a brotherly affection towards her. He was almost eight years older than she was, and far out of her league. Still, although she was fighting it, she was beginning to have feelings for Will that were more than platonic. Situations like this didn't make things any easier for her. She resolved to be calm and casual, a resolution easier made than kept. She was not about to make a fool of herself by assuming there was more to Will's simple displays of affection than an easy friendship. Due to the confusion of her feelings she felt it might be best to keep a little distance between them for the remainder of the camp. She wasn't about to set herself up to be hurt.

Part 11

Posted on Thursday, 27 July 2000, at 2 : 15 a.m.

"Only two more days to go," William thought to himself, as he sat down unobserved to watch Liz in her current occupation. Over the last couple of days it seemed he'd had even less opportunity to talk with her than before. It had crossed his mind that she might be avoiding him, but he dismissed this, as on the few occasions they had been together she had seemed her usual friendly self. He'd thought that things were starting to work out well after running across her on his walk the other evening. He'd hoped things would move on from there, but he now felt he'd made no progress at all. It was impossible to make any further move on Liz when every time he saw her she was firmly sandwiched between young children. It was all becoming extremely frustrating.

Liz was at this moment seated next to one of her students at the piano. At thirteen she was one of the older kids at camp, and as she had a piano exam in less than a month Liz was taking time out to give her some extra tuition. The girl was just now practicing 'I Dreamed A Dream' from 'Les Mis', and though she was technically playing all the right notes, the song seemed lifeless. Will listened in amusement as Liz passionately tried to explain the plight of the young Fantine in the song, how she had been seduced, abandoned, and left destitute with a young child to look after. Liz's student however, remained unmoved.

"You need to understand what's going on in the song in order to play it with the right feeling. Have you been listening to the tape of the song I gave you?... I thought not." Liz said, sounding a little exasperated. "Please take the time to listen to it and feel the emotion. We're really going to have to work hard on your dynamics over the next few weeks. How's this for a deal? If you work hard enough to get a B in the exam, I'll get us tickets and take you to see 'Les Mis'. It's an absolutely incredible show.

"I'd rather go to Wonderland," the girl cheekily replied. "And if Wonderland isn't your thing I could take James with me instead."

"O.K. then," Liz laughed. " If you get a B or higher in your exam I'll shout you and James tickets to Wonderland, but it's going to take a lot of work on your part to get there. Go on now, find your friends."

"That was a generous offer," Will said as he walked up to Liz after the girl ran off. "Who's James, her boyfriend?"

"No, older brother. How long have you been here?"

"About 10 minutes, you've got an uphill battle with that young lady I think. You weren't offended at her not wanting to go to 'Les Mis' with you?"

"Not at all. I can understand her not wanting to hang out with some one eight years older than her. Anyway, her scheme will end up costing me less money," Liz answered with a smile.

Will saw an opening and took it.

"Well, if you don't find hanging out with someone eight years your senior too distasteful, I'd love to take you to see 'Les Mis'. I haven't had a chance to see it this time around."

Elizabeth was taken completely by surprise with his invitation, and she felt a little thrill of excitement. She then reminded herself not to read anything into this solicitation; he was just being nice.

"You don't have to take me. I'm sure I'll get another chance to see it," she answered.

"I know I don't have to take you,' he calmly replied. "I'd like to take you. I wouldn't have asked otherwise."

"Do I have to get a B in something?" she inquired.

"After watching you just now I think you at least deserve a B in piano teaching," he smiled. "Now are you going to come with me or not?" he asked.

"I'd love to," she replied, much to Will's relief. "Are you going to bring Georgie along?"

It was not exactly what Will had in mind, but it was better than nothing.

"I'll give her a ring and see if she'd like to come too," he replied.

"Wonderful," Liz smiled, her nervousness alleviated by the thought there'd be a third party along. "I'll look forward to it."

That evening Will rang the Darcy home to see if Georgie would like to go with himself and Liz to the show. Georgie wasn't home so he left a message with Rick and asked that she call him back with her answer.

When Georgie arrived home she was met by a very smug Richard, who informed her that his suspicions regarding Will and Liz must have been correct.

"How do you know?" asked Georgie.

"He hardly ever dates," replied Rick. "But he's asked Liz to go to 'Les Mis' with him. He rang up to see if you wanted to go as well."

"Wow, I'd love to go," said Georgie.

"But you'll have to think up some excuse not to," was Rick's uncompromising reply. "Look, I'll pay for you to go with some friends."

"Are you serious?" she asked, knowing the cost of tickets.

"I'll get Mum to put in some money as well. She'll think it a worthy cause. Just ring him back and say you've already got plans to see it with your friends."

Georgie, getting into the spirit of things agreed, and rang Will back with the sad news she couldn't go with them.

William hung up the phone after Georgie's call, pleased he was to have Liz to himself. He was reluctant to tell Liz that Georgie couldn't come, because it was now very clear to him that Liz was determined to mis-interpret all his attentions as brotherly affection. He decided not to tell her about Georgie until after he bought the tickets. She wouldn't be able to back out of her commitment then.

The last day of camp had finally rolled around. The busses taking the kids back to the city had left over three hours ago. The team, after finishing all their cleaning, sorting and packing up, were saying their good-byes and starting to head off. William, looking out of his office window caught sight of Liz, she was going to be one of the last to leave after staying back with Samantha to help her pack up all the decorations and props used over the last 10 days. Liz was apparently getting a lift back to the city with Sam and Geoff, then catching a train further down the coast to her parent's place. She'd mentioned this on one of the few occasions they had spoken since the day he'd watched her at the piano.

He continued to observe her as she farwelled other team members with hugs and friendly kisses.
"Well, she's not going to get away that easily with me," he thought. "This almost indiscernible stand off between us is getting ridiculous. I'm not pussy-footing around any longer."
Fifteen minutes later when Liz knocked on the door of his office he knew what he was going to do.

Liz was on a high after all the excitement of the final day at camp. She was looking forward to seeing her family, and to just having some time to herself. The work they did at camp, though very demanding and sometimes exhausting, meant so much to the kids that she didn't begrudge the time and effort at all. Still, she was always thankful when it came to an end.

She gave William a brilliant smile as he ushered her into his office, and it only just touched her mind that it was slightly odd that he shut the door behind them. She felt pretty safe with William now. She'd be leaving in a few minutes and that was hardly enough time to betray any foolish or inappropriate emotions she might feel towards him.

"Well, we survived it," she said happily as she perched her self on his desk. "Another year over, and I would have to put it down as an unqualified success."

William regarded her smoothly with a slight smile on his face as she went on.

" And I have to thank you so much for my 'Bill Collins Free' status while I was here. It was marvelous. I don't know how you managed it but I'm truly grateful."

"It wasn't any trouble at all. I was pleased to be of assistance," he answered. "By the way, we're still on for 'Les Mis' aren't we? I've booked some tickets for Saturday week if that's O.K. by you. We'll get an early supper before the show?"

"That'd be wonderful. What time? Do you want to meet somewhere in town?" she asked, still feeling secure in the knowledge that Georgie would be with them.

"No. I'll pick you up," he said. "Is 5.30 too early? It's just if we want to find parking and have something to eat we can't be too late in starting."

"Fine, you have my address and phone number don't you?...good. It's really very nice of you to take me."

"Think nothing of it. I'm looking forward to it myself," Will replied, not taking his eyes from hers.

Liz, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable under the intensity of his gaze, stood up and declared she had better get going. She walked over to properly say goodbye. She'd intended to give William a quick kiss but as she'd gone to pull back William's hand, which had come up to her neck, was applying a firm but gentle pressure that wouldn't allow her escape. The thrill of the kiss was exquisite. William's other hand came around her waist and pulled her closer to him as the kiss deepened. They stayed some time in their embrace before William finally released her.

Liz just stood there looking at him, totally at a loss for words, breathless after their exchange. Will however, was not looking at all taken aback. He just looked decidedly pleased with himself.

"By the way," he said. "Did I tell you that Georgie can't make it to the show?"

Just then they were interrupted by the arrival of Sam.

"Ready to head off now?" she asked Liz.

"Yes, I think I've done everything I need to," Liz replied with an effort to return to the real world.

"See you Saturday week then," Will said casually, a smile in his eyes.

"Yes, I suppose so," replied Liz, still in a daze over what just happened.

"I'll meet you out at the car then, Bye Will," said Sam as she disappeared.

Will caught Liz's hand and she didn't argue as he pulled her to him for another kiss.

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Posted on Friday, 28 July 2000, at 3 : 20 a.m.

Liz collected all her things together as the train pulled up at the station. It had been a long trip home and though she was tired she hadn't been able to get any sleep. Too many things had been running around in her mind. She dragged her gear out of the station and smiled as she saw Jane waiting for her.

"Glad to be home?" Jane asked as she took one of Liz's bags from her.

"Glad would be an understatement," Liz replied as they walked to the car. "I think I'll sleep well tonight."

"You didn't get a chance to sleep in the train then?" asked Jane in surprise, as in her experience Liz was able to fall asleep anywhere.

"No, I tried but I couldn't seem to be able to get off."

"Is something worrying you then?" asked Jane as they loaded them selves into the vehicle. "It's only when you upset you seem to have trouble sleeping."

"No, I'm fine. Honestly," replied Liz. "How's every-one?"

They talked a little about things going on in the family, and about what Liz planned to do for the rest of her break.

"How long are you home for this time?" asked Jane.

"I have to be back in the city by Saturday week," Liz replied.

"I thought Uni break went for almost another three weeks," said Jane.

"I does," Liz replied. "I just have to be back for a social engagement. I'm going to see 'Les Mis'."

"Again?" queried Jane. "This is becoming an obsession with you. Who'd you talk into going with you this time?"

"I didn't talk anyone into it. I was just asked if I'd like to go."

"Is there a group from camp going?" Jane continued her inquiries.

"Well, sort of." Liz replied, colouring a little.

"Ah ha," said Jane. "Things are starting to become clearer. How many other people are there going to be in this 'group'?"

"One," said Liz.

"O.K. Tell all." Jane demanded.

"There's really nothing much to tell. He asked me if I'd like to go with him. When I said yes I actually thought it was just a friendly outing and that someone else would be there as well."

"But now you think there's more to it and you want to back out?" Jane guessed.

"I don't want to back out, but I think there's more to it than I first assumed."

"Why do you think that?" Jane continued to push.

"Because he kissed me," Liz answered candidly. "I don't mean he just kissed me. I mean he kissed me."

"Don't tell me," Jane laughed "You've never been kissed like that before?"

"Don't be silly Jane, of course I've been kissed like that before, I've just never felt about it the way I feel this time."

"This does sound serious. Is this what was playing on your mind and getting in-between you and your sleep? I can't remember you ever losing sleep over a boy before."

"That's the thing Jane, he's not exactly a boy. He's older than I am and I'm actually a little nervous about everything. I really like him."

"If you really like him what's the problem?" asked Jane.

"To tell the truth, I've never started going out with a guy before, without having in the back of my mind that I'd be able to dump him in a few weeks," Liz smiled as she saw the look of disapproval on Jane's face. "This time it's different. I feel like there's a lot at stake. I'm not used to feeling this susceptible."

"It'll do you good to see what the boot feels like on the other foot," Jane laughed.

"Seriously though Jane. I'm finding this all a little scary. He's almost eight years older than I am. I'm not sure what he expects, he'd have to be heaps more experienced than me and I'm not about to compromise my principles for anyone."

"If he wants you to compromise your principles he's not worth worrying about," Jane replied seriously. "Has he done something to make you uneasy?"

"No, I feel perfectly safe with him. I guess it's just the age thing that's worrying me." Liz sighed.

"Plus the fact that you've never liked anyone this much before? Well Liz, all I can say is that it's about time you joined the ranks of us vulnerable mortals, and tasted a bit of the angst associated with love."

"I think both 'love' and 'angst' are words a little too strong for my situation," smiled Liz. "But I do have butterflies."

"May I ask who it is that inspired these 'butterflies'?

"You remember Georgie who came down for my 21st last month? Well it's her older brother." Liz answered.

"Not Richard?" Jane asked in alarm as she remembered the handsome but slick young man who'd brought Georgie down to the party. "I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I'm not sure I'd altogether trust him."

"No. It's William. their older brother, and he's quite different to Rick. They look very much alike but Will is more reserved and... I don't know quite how to put this... maybe... more substantial?"

"You make it sound like he has a weight problem," Jane laughed. "But I think I know what you mean. Seriously though Liz, If you really like him it's worth taking risks. If you just play it safe you'll never get to know if you're meant to be together or not. It's silly to assume that an age difference will inevitably cause problems. Remember there's a twelve year age difference between Dad and Janice, and theirs is one of the best marriages I've seen."

"How did we jump to marriage?" Liz asked in alarm. "We haven't even been on our first date yet. Ever since your engagement to Chaz you've got nothing but marriage on your mind."

"I wish we'd gone for a shorter engagement," replied Jane, the mention of Chaz driving all thoughts of Liz and William from her mind. "This waiting is driving me crazy, it's like we're in a real limbo period, totally committed but not yet married. If you ever do get engaged make it long enough to arrange the wedding, but no longer."

"I'll keep that in mind." Liz laughed.

She felt much better after talking things over with Jane. That night she was able to fall asleep without any trouble. The only thoughts she had going around in her head were pleasant daydreams featuring William and more passionate kisses.

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Part 12

Posted on Sunday, 30 July 2000, at 10 : 50 p.m.

Elizabeth realised she was again anxious as she prepared herself for her evening out with Will. Instead of helping, their time apart had only increased her nervous anticipation. He'd only contacted her once since the camp, a quick call to confirm when he'd pick her up, and she almost wondered if the depth of his kisses had been the product of an overactive imagination.

She sighed and checked herself in the mirror once again. She had to admit she looked good. The simple little sleeveless dress showed her figure to advantage, and its ice blue colour complimented her complexion. She was wearing her hair out and only some light make-up; all in all the entire look had an unstudied elegance about it. (Which amused her, as she couldn't remember another time when she'd taken such care in the preparation of her appearance.)

The doorbell rang and she sprayed some perfume in the air and walked through the mist. She wasn't going to rush to the door, she'd let her flatmate Sue, answer it. She took a few deep breaths and collected herself before walking out of her room.

William stood in the living area talking to Sue, and looking altogether too gorgeous and too calm. He looked up at Liz with a smile that made her heart race even more. Still, she managed to say casually enough,

"Hi Will, I suppose you and Sue have introduced yourselves?"

"Yes, we have thanks. Are you ready to head off?"

"I think so. Is it still hot out side, or do I need to grab a jacket?"

"It's quite balmy, You'll be fine", he answered, thinking he'd be happy to keep her warm if it did cool down later on.

"Right then, see you later Sue", Liz said as she preceded Will through the door.

William walked beside her to the car.

"You look beautiful tonight', he said as he ran an appreciative eye over her form, "...not that you don't always look lovely it's just this is the first time I've seen you looking so feminine."
Liz was about to make a flippant remark in reply when he silenced her by placing a finger on her lips.
" - and before you come back at me with that smart mouth of yours - No, I don't think you looked masculine at camp. I'm just taking pleasure from the sight of you in a dress".
With that he removed his finger and instead placed a soft kiss on her lips before opening the door to allow her to seat herself in the car.

"This could be a good night", Liz thought to herself. "A very good night".

"Could Georgie really not come?" she asked as Will placed himself in the driver's seat beside her.

"You're a skeptical little creature", Will smiled. "Honestly, I did ask her and she said she already had plans to go with friends, but much as I love Georgie, I can't say I'm disappointed she was unable to make it."

"You're rather direct tonight, aren't you?"

"I'm past playing games, that's all", he replied. "How did your break down the coast go?"

The conversation now moved onto more comfortable territory and Liz began to relax as they drove toward the city centre. She always found his conversation intelligent and informed, and she appreciated that he listened to her with interest, understanding the intent of her meaning, not just the words. Her nervousness began to melt, but the excitement of anticipation remained.

William left the car in the staff parking area of his newspaper's office complex, and took Liz's hand as they walked to a small restaurant only a few blocks away. William obviously knew the proprietor well and they exchanged some friendly banter as he seated the couple, leaving them with menus and a wine list.

"Would you like some wine?" Will asked.

"No, thankyou but I don't drink." Liz answered.

Oddly enough a lot of guys she'd gone out with felt uncomfortable with this fact. She often found herself pushed to 'just give it a try', or alternately she found that her date suddenly transformed into a rabid tea totaller. Liz could never quite work out why they saw her choice not to drink as a big issue.

William however, said nothing of it and simply ordered himself a glass of wine with his meal. It was an insignificant occurrence, but it seemed to Liz that this encapsulated the difference between Will and most other guys she'd dated. It occurred to her that unlike them, William had nothing to prove. He had sense of self-sufficiency about him that she found incredibly appealing. He'd put it into words earlier when he said he was past playing games. He knew who he was, and where he was going, and she was thinking more and more that she'd like to be part of his journey.

Their meals soon arrived. Due to the heat of the day and the agitation of her feelings, Liz had only ordered a light salad, and she even found that she was eating very little of that, but she was enjoying the company very much.

A couple then entered the eatery to pick up some take-away they had ordered. The man looked over and noticed Will and Liz.

"That's a tasty little morsel Will Darcy has with him tonight", he commented. "I didn't know he was seeing any one."

The girl he was with looked around and frowned.

"He's not", she said acerbly. "That must be his younger sister".

"He's not looking at her like she's a younger sister", her companion replied.

"Well, let's go over and find out", she said.

"I wouldn't think he'd want to be interrupted", he commented but followed her over to Will's table anyway.

"William darling, fancy running into you here", the woman gushed as she walked up to their table. "I assume this is Georgie?"

"No, this is Liz." William replied. "Georgie's only sixteen, Liz these are two of my colleagues, Caroline and Craig."

"Nice meeting you", smiled Liz, but she found no answering smile in Caroline's eyes.

"So you're not sixteen", said Caroline icily.

"Not at all", replied Liz, still with a sweet smile on her face. "I turned twelve last birthday."

Craig laughed out loud at this reply but Caroline chose to ignore it and turned all her attention to Will.

"So are you doing anything interesting tonight? Craig and I have found ourselves at a terrible loose end."

"We've tickets for 'Les Mis' ", Will replied.

"Oh", she answered; disappointed this wasn't something that she could invite herself and Craig along to, though Craig was unlikely to have co-operated any way. Not one to be easily to be put off though, she turned on Liz and continued in a patronising voice.
"These musicals can go on a little my dear, it's probably very different to what someone your age would normally enjoy. William should have been more thoughtful in choosing the entertainment for your evening. I hope you don't find it drags too much."

"Thankyou, but I've seen it before and it could never drag. I always leave the theatre wanting more. The music is so incredible that there's something new to be noticed and absorbed each time." Liz replied.

"I'm so glad for you", Caroline answered in a bored tone. "Personally I'm tired of all these Andrew Lloyd Webber shows, I find that one just runs into the next."

"It's Boublil & Schonberg" said Liz.

"I think you'll find it's Lloyd Webber", Caroline bit back.

"No, Boublil & Schonberg". Both William and Craig answered at the same time.

"Well, I think our orders should be ready", said Caroline and stalked off.

"I've enjoyed meeting you Liz," said Craig, still fighting to keep a smirk off his face. "Have a nice evening Will." He walked away to join Caroline.

"Ouch, that was icy", Liz laughed. "Do you and Caroline have a shared history?"

"Not really", Will grimaced, "but I sometimes fear Caroline thinks we might have a shared future".

"So she and Craig aren't a couple?"

"No, but they fall back on each other for company if there's no one more interesting on offer. Craig's a nice bloke and he doesn't deserve to end up with her. I should have known better than to take you to a place so close to my office. I thought I'd be safe on a Saturday night. Who knows what rumors will be circulating around the newsroom about us on Monday. Caroline can be a bit of a bitch".

"You surprise me", Liz Laughed. "What ever would give you that impression?"

William was pleased that Liz could not be easily daunted by the likes of Caroline, and Liz was gratified that such blatant references to their age difference didn't seem to perturb Will in the slightest. In fact neither of them were dissatisfied with the results of their little interaction with Will's colleagues.

They finished their meal and walked up toward the theatre.

"So how many times have you seen this production?" he asked.

"This particular production?" Liz replied. "Tonight will make my third time".

"So you've lured me here under false pretences", Will laughed. "You didn't need to see it at all".

"I lured you", she laughed. "Yeah, right. You poor little thing to be taken in so easily by my clever wiles! ...And to think all this time I thought it was you misleading me into thinking this would be a friendly outing with your sister along."

"Don't blame me if you thought that." He pulled her a little closer to him. "It was willful blindness on your part if you couldn't see my intentions were more than friendly."

"I think I'm getting the idea now. By the way, I was serious when I said you could never see too much of 'Les Mis'. You came along just at the right time. I was running out of people I could talk into going with me."

The evening was magical. William didn't know if he enjoyed watching show most, or whether he more enjoyed watching Liz watch the show.

They left the theatre with Liz on cloud nine.

"Doesn't it just give you goose bumps. It's magnificent", she was almost floating.

"You seem pretty happy considering almost everyone dies." William teased.

"Well, they all turn up to sing the finale don't they?" Liz defended herself. "Despite the dark times it does have an incredibly uplifting message! I must admit that seeing it always gives me a little 'high'."

"I've guessed that", William laughed. "Do you want to go for a little walk to the Quay while you calm down?"

"I'd love to go for the walk", she replied. "But I don't want calm down. It feels too good up here. Can any thing be more uplifting than music?"

"I can think of a few things", Will replied under his breath.

If Liz heard him she chose to ignore it, and continued in her praise of the music as Will walked, and she almost danced, down to the waterside.

"Thankyou so much for the night Will", Liz said. She was standing beside him; both of them were leaning on the sea wall and looking out at the lights playing games on the water surface. "I can't remember when I last enjoyed an evening so much."

"Last time you saw 'Les Mis' maybe", Will laughed.

"No, last time I went with my sister", Liz smilingly replied, "and she doesn't kiss nearly as well as you".

"I hope that's an invitation", Will answered.

"Do you need one?" Liz giggled, thinking he'd never asked for one in the past.

"No, not really", he said, as he pulled her into his arms.

It was almost an hour and a half later that Will walked Liz to her door.

"So when are you going to be up here again?" he asked, knowing that Liz was going back down to her family's home for the remainder of her break.

"I'll be back in eight days", she remarked.

"Look, I have a dinner to go to on the Friday after next. It's work related, the annual Writer's Awards. I'd love it if you came with me. You'd have to put up with being at a table with my workmates, including Caroline. Do you think you can handle it?"

"I think I might be able to cope with it", Liz smiled.

She was standing on the bottom step of her flat and Will was still on ground level. This made her almost as tall as him, but not quite. His lips were currently grazing on her neck and moving up to just behind her ear. His arms were around her and his hands travelled slowly over her back. Her skin tingled as he moved a hand up to the bare skin between her shoulder blades, and she actually shivered.

"Will, I think I'd better go in now," she whispered before her lips were taken by his in a kiss, soft at first, but deepening quickly as his lips parted hers and he pulled her even closer to him.

A few minutes later, as she entered her flat, still a little breathless, Liz found herself reflecting that handling Caroline was going to be a breeze compared to handling the sensations that Will was creating in her, after only their first date.

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Part 13

Posted on Friday, 4 August 2000, at 1 : 23 a.m.

As expected, Will did come in for some questioning and ribbing at work regarding Liz. He handled it with such unconcern however, that it soon died away. By the day of the Writer's Awards Liz had been forgotten about by all but Caroline, who assumed on hearing no more of her, that she had been a mere aberration on William's part. Caroline was looking forward to that night; she was not bringing a date with her, as she hoped this might be the occasion she could convince Will to take her home with him. Therefore it came as an unpleasant surprise for her, when handing out the passes for the evening, that William had two earmarked for him.

"My goodness Will, you are breaking out aren't you?" Craig commented. "You've hardly seemed interested in any particular woman since I've known you, and now we're running across you with women everywhere".

"Not women, woman". Will corrected. "I'm bringing Liz".

"Not that little thing we saw you with the other night?" Caroline asked in disgust. "Don't you think she might be out of her depth at an evening like this."

"I can't see why". William answered calmly.

"I hope you've let her know how formal these occasions are. She may have looked sweet the other night..." Caroline continued as she ignored a comment from Craig saying that he'd describe her as a little more than sweet, " ...but it would be terribly embarrassing if she turned up tonight so underdressed".

"I wouldn't mind seeing her underdressed", quipped Craig, before backing away after receiving dirty looks from both Caroline and William.

"I'm sure she'll be fine", William answered, but Caroline's words had made him a little uneasy. The awards were always a very highbrow occasion, and he had not thought to pass this fact on to Liz. He could have kicked himself for this oversight. It half crossed his mind to ring her there and then, but he knew it was a bit late for that. He'd just have to trust Liz's sense for what form of attire would be appropriate on such an evening.

When he called to pick her up he was glad he hadn't wasted too much time worrying. She looked incredible. Her dress was again very simple in style; it was a soft mauve-blue in colour, but it was full length with a slight embossed floral relief that could just be picked up when it caught the light. She wore her hair mostly up, with a few soft curls falling onto her neck. Around her throat a simple gold chain was her only adornment. Will wondered at this elegant woman being the same cheeky girl who had caught his attention so many months ago.

"What are you finding so amusing?" Liz asked of him, seeing the slight smile playing on his lips.

"I see that dressing up like a lady doesn't make you any less impertinent", Will's smile broadened further. "I was just wondering what you're going to look like next time we go out. You've gone from shorts and T-shirt at camp, to that cute little dress you had on last time we went out, to ...this".

Liz laughed.

"So you think I might be saving an elaborate ball gown and tiara for next date?"

"It'll look great if I decide to take you bowling", Will replied as he walked Liz to the car. "I was a little worried today that I hadn't let you know how formal this evening was. I'm glad my inattention to this detail hasn't caused any difficulties".

"Don't worry, I would have asked if I didn't know what to wear", Liz informed him, "but I've been to a few of these things before because of Dad".

"Because of Dad?" Will queried.

"Yes, when he was nominated", Liz replied, looking at Will like he wasn't quite keeping up with things.

"You're doing what my mother does", Will told her as he got into the car. "Talking to me as though I know things that I've never been told. Would you mind starting from the top."

"Dad writes", Liz answered simply. "I thought you knew. Word of who my Dad is usually travels around pretty quickly. I was sure everyone at camp knew by the first night. I often find it very frustrating."

William's mind was now at work on who Elizabeth Bennet's Dad might be.

"Are you telling me that your Dad is T.E. Bennet?"


"The T.E. Bennet".


"Now I know where you get your satirical streak from! I remember you saying he was a lawyer who spent more time writing now. I thought you meant he wrote for the 'Law Society Journal' or something", Will said with incredulity. "It never occurred to me he wrote best selling novels".

"I'm sorry, I don't go around singing about it. I'd look like such a Wally if I told everyone 'Hey my Dad's a famous writer!' I just tend to assume people know... that someone else has told them.

Will could understand that. He hated it when people continually dropped names or rode to popularity on some one else's coat tails.

"But isn't he nominated again this year?" Will queried.

"I think so, but he's not one for these big social occasions. He's happier with family and close friends."

"Wise man". William commented, reflecting that he still had so much to learn about Liz and her life.

Will led Liz through the bustling room and introduced her to his fellow workers. They were very welcoming and lively company. In only a short time she was truly enjoying herself. William still marvelled at her easy manner, which so quickly recommended Liz people in general. Mind you, the only person he had anticipated any negative reaction from was Caroline, and she and Craig were only then arriving.

Caroline swept up to the table in a fashion that made it clear she expected everyone's attention. She did look very impressive in a red, full length, low cut gown. She was so tightly forced up at the bodice that on every movement half the table was in fear, or maybe anticipation, that her dress would be unable to entirely contain her. Wide smiles overspread her face as she greeted those present, particularly the ones to whom she was accountable at the office. She then turned to Will as she seated herself.

"So Will, you did bring your little friend along. How sweet", she said with an artificial smile on her face. "Elizabeth, this must be a very exciting opportunity for you."

Will and Craig didn't suppress their amusement as Liz answered seriously.

"Yes, It was a great honour to find myself nominated in so many categories".

Halted only for a moment, Caroline pressed on.

"I must say that's a very pretty kind of dress you're wearing - It wouldn't be an original though now, would it?"

"Definitely not", Liz laughed, completely unembarrassed. "I'd never pay that much for just a dress, a house deposit maybe, but not a dress".

"No, I don't suppose you would", Caroline answered in a superior tone, but unfortunately for Caroline this exchange began a discussion amongst her colleagues on the ethics surrounding the amount of money it was possible to spend on designer clothing. This was not a topic of conversation that Caroline felt comfortable with. She was relieved when talk turned to the business of the evening and the competition 'The Age' newsroom had in the categories for which they had been nominated.

Caroline felt smug as the shoptalk continued, because it completely left anyone not from the newsroom, out of the conversation. Elizabeth however, seemed unconcerned, and she quietly changed seats with Will to allow her to more easily converse with the wife of the News Editor and the husband of another journalist, who also had very little idea of what the others were talking about.

On the whole the evening proceeded pleasantly enough. Caroline watched with a keen interest, the closeness of interaction between Liz and Will, and often interrupted them by calling away the attention of the latter, with comments designed to exclude Elizabeth. William however, was not to be drawn away for long and Elizabeth seemed totally unconcerned by any of Caroline's attempts to engage Will's focus, or to belittle her with catty little asides.

Caroline had felt some satisfaction on learning from Liz that her family was from the country.

"Oh, how awfully dull it must have been for you, You can hardly have gone to a good school, living in such an isolated place. I attended the exclusive De Bourgh Ladies School you know."

"I'd hardly call it isolated", smiled Liz. "And I found the state school very adequate to my needs."

"I'm sure it was, and where do you work now?"

"I'm in my third year at Uni, studying Visual Arts", Liz answered politely.

"Yes. Now I can see that you wouldn't want to waste time and money on a quality education just to get into a Visual Arts course", she said condescendingly.

Apart from Caroline's occasional ill-natured asides, Liz was enjoying the evening, particularly relishing the closeness of Will by her side. His arm was currently laid across the back of her chair, his hand resting at the base of her neck and his fingers playing with soft curls of her hair. During the presentation of awards he would often lean across to softly fill her in on the background details the award and the person receiving it. Liz had always found the announcements and speeches tended toward tediousness; she found Will's company made a huge difference to her appreciation of this part of the night.

Will too, who was never one for these types of social functions, found the night far more bearable with Liz's society. The more time he spent with her the more convinced he became that she was the woman he'd been waiting for. With everything new discovery about her, he found more to love. He was astounded at her continued grace with Caroline. She had remained unconcerned and pleasant despite anything Caroline had thrown her way. Her earlier disclosure to Will of who her father was, made him well aware that Liz could throw a lot of Caroline's condescension back in her face, but she chose not to engage in this kind of egotistical battle.

It was a good night for those at their table. They took out the award in three of the five categories for which they had been nominated. Liz's Dad again took out an award, this time in a category to do with social commentary. At first Liz said nothing, but as her father's editor who was accepting the award, when on and on in his speech, she leaned over and whispered to Will that her Dad wouldn't have talked for half the time and would have been twice as interesting.

You could almost hear a collective sigh of relief as all the formalities of the evening were concluded. As everyone again relaxed into social mode, people began to mix more between the tables, while some began to make plans to move on to other locations to celebrate their good, or not so good fortunes. Will was only planning to leave as soon as possible. He could then have Liz to himself.

Caroline was busily engaged in pointing out people of importance, when the sight of a certain Henry Crawford, the paper's Executive Editors son, caught her attention.

"Look, there's Henry Crawford, we've had occasion to meet before and I must say we got on very well", Caroline informed them, with a meaningful look on her face. "It looks like he's coming over".

William noticed that the mention of Henry had immediately caught Liz's attention. She looked across with a wry smile on her face as Henry walked over to join them.

"Well if it isn't my Lizzykins!" Henry announced as he arrived at the table, pulling her up to give her a warm hug and what William thought, was an all too friendly kiss. "Where's everyone else".

"Hi Henry", Liz countered, as she extricated herself from him and took her place again by William. "I'm here with William. William Darcy, this is Henry Crawford, his family and ours are old friends. ...And Henry, No..., Jane isn't here tonight".

"So I'm out of luck again. Is she still besotted by that 'wet boy'?" Henry enquired.

"If you're referring to Chaz, yes. Only two months to the wedding now." Liz laughed.

"You're too cruel for words. Though I must say you're looking particularly delectable tonight, ...growing up aren't you? Maybe you could offer me some consolation for my heartbreak".

"I'd feel sorry for you, if I actually believed you had heart", Liz smiled back at him. "Now where can I find Auntie Heather and Uncle Bob, I should say hello to them before we leave".

"They're over at the front right-hand side of the room. They'd love to see you". Henry then dropped his voice. "By the way, what's the name of the trollop in the red dress. I should know it. I think I slept with her once".

"Caroline", Liz shot back with a disapproving look. "Will, Would you mind coming over with me to see the Crawfords?"

"So, you know my big boss as 'Uncle Bob' do you?" William asked as they made their way across the room. "What other surprises do you have for me this evening".

"I think that should be all for now", Liz grinned.

"Henry seems an interesting fellow". Will commented.

"Interesting would be the word for it". Liz laughed. "He's a real charmer, and it's hard not to like him, though he's about as principled as a sewer rat. He's been professing undying love to my sister for years, but that doesn't stop him going after any one in skirts that might look sideways at him. I think the big attraction with Jane, aside from the fact that she's absolutely stunning, is that he's never managed to catch her".

The Crawfords warmly greeted them and Liz made the introductions.

"William Darcy? Do you happen to work for me by any chance?" Mr Crawford inquired. On receiving an affirmative reply he continued. "Yes, I've read some good stories of yours and have always heard positive reports about your work from Graeme. It's nice to put a face to the name. How long have you known our Lizzy for?"

"It must be coming up to five months now, Sir", William answered, surprised to acknowledge that Liz had been occupying his thoughts for such a long period. "We met through 'The Program'."

Will and Mr Crawford continued their discussion while Liz talked with Mrs Crawford about family matters and Jane's upcoming wedding. After about 5 minutes they were interrupted by the return of Henry who looked quite amused with himself.

"That Caroline is a cow", he announced. "She made some snide remark about your choice of a degree Lizzy, so I pointed out to her that you graduated from high school in the top 2% of the state".

"I did not!" said Liz, astounded. "You never did let the truth get in the way of a good story".

"You did very well though, didn't you?" Henry grinned

"Yes, but not that well. Uncle Bob, I don't know why you let him work for you, surely he's wasted. Wouldn't he be better off working for one of the tabloids?"

Mr Crawford just laughed.

"None of them knew who your father was either", Henry continued. "You're a modest little bunny aren't you".

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and shot Will a look that clearly said "See, I told you I don't normally have to tell anybody about it".

"So of course you let them know", said Liz, sounding exasperated.

"What's wrong with that?" Henry countered.

"It's just I'd rather be 'Liz' than 'T.E. Bennet's daughter'. I do have an identity of my own".

William watched this exchange in amusement. He only wished he could have been at the table to see Caroline's reaction to Henry's disclosure. They soon said their goodbyes to the Crawfords and moved on to take leave from the rest of their party. Will thought Caroline seemed somewhat subdued until he overheard her speak to Liz.

"So your father is T.E. Bennet I hear. Well I suppose that explains Will's interest in you."

"I suppose It does", answered Liz happily, not even bothering to explain that Will had no idea of this fact until tonight.

Both Will and Liz were relieved to get out of the hall. Will was craving some time with Liz on her own. As they walked back towards the car he watched in approval as Liz expertly pulled a few pins from her hair and shook it free. He couldn't wait any longer and he pulled her to him for a passionate embrace, one hand drawing her near, the other caressing the softness of her hair, as his lips sought out hers. He was loathe to release her, but as they were standing in a city street, even Will had to recognise this little exchange would have to come to an end.

He held her close as they walked to the car, and on seating themselves inside, he again leant over to Liz enveloping her in a further embrace, his hands moving slowly over her body, his lips finding hers. The longing he felt for Liz was almost overwhelming. He had no doubt that he wanted her, not just physically; he wanted all of her. The sensations he too, aroused in Liz were exquisite, she readily acknowledged she had never before felt anything remotely like that which she felt for William. But she was also beginning to feel nervous. She had a sense that things were starting to move too fast for her. In her past relationships she had always felt in complete control, she now feared she was in danger of losing that control.

"Elizabeth, will you come home with me tonight?" William found himself whispering in her ear. He felt Liz stiffen and immediate regretted his words. He knew he had asked too much too soon.

"This is our second date", was Liz's only reply.

"Well, you can't blame a fellow for trying", said William as he pulled back, trying to sound casual.

"You just watch me", came Liz's light-hearted answer, but he understood its serious undertones.

They talked less than usual on their way back to Liz's flat. Both were concerned at the potential damage they may have done to their growing closeness. William was frightened he may have forfeited some of Liz's trust, and Liz was afraid that Will might see her reticence as a sign that she was not seriously interested in him. They both felt they needed to talk, but were not willing to do so for fear it may exacerbate the awkwardness they were both already experiencing. They pulled up outside her flat and William was pleased to see that Liz was quite willing to accept further kisses from him. The relief he felt was substantial, until he suddenly sensed a tension in her.

"Will", she said, sounding very ill at ease. Can you see the car parked on the other side of the road, half way up the block? It's Bill Collins car isn't it?"

"Yes, it is", said Will sounding concerned.

"I think you might have to take me home to your place after all. Sue's away for the weekend and I won't feel safe alone with him hanging about".

"I can fully appreciate that", answered William seriously. "I'm glad you noticed the car while I was still here".

"He's starting to freak me Will", she confided. "This is not normal behaviour".

William gave her a tight, reassuring hug, before removing his arm from around her and pulling his car back out onto the road.

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Part 14

Posted on Sunday, 6 August 2000, at 12 : 49 p.m.

"Have you seen much of Collins lately?" William asked after a long silence.

"He turned up at my parent's place a few times on the week following camp, but Janice dealt with him, and stressed pretty firmly that I wasn't interested. I saw him hanging around a couple of times when I was out with friends, but he didn't try to speak to me". Liz's voice told him she was clearly upset. "Sorry... I'm probably over reacting".

"No, go on", he gently encouraged her.

"Then, almost two weeks ago, the night that I got back to Dad's after we'd been to 'Les Mis', we were woken up by a phone call at about 2 a.m.", she continued. "It was Bill. He was ringing to tell my parents that I wasn't at my flat, and that he thought they ought to know".

"So he'd been watching your flat then". Will was starting to sound more concerned.

"Obviously. It made me feel slightly sick to the stomach to think about it. Fortunately Dad took the call and told him in no uncertain terms that it was none of his business where I was, and that his behaviour was totally inappropriate. He said if it continued we'd have no alternative but to take legal action".

"Have you seen or heard from him since then?"

"No, so I thought Dad's threats had worked. I'd actually managed to forget about him. It came as a bit of a shock when I saw his car tonight. I'm sorry Will. You shouldn't have to be burdened me and my problems".

"Don't worry about that sweetheart", Will replied reassuringly, reaching across to take her hand. "You could never be a burden".

Silenced then returned to the car. Elizabeth felt a considerable weight had lifted from her on sharing her anxieties with William, and she was comforted by his touch. Still, she reflected, though she had begun the evening with the anticipation of much pleasure, it had ended with much apprehension.

She tried to put her thoughts of Bill aside now, to concentrate on what had earlier happened with William. She had known it was inevitable that the question of sex would eventually have to be addressed between them, but she had not expected it to arise this early in their relationship. It had been easy to deal with this issue in the past. If a guy applied more pressure than she was comfortable with, she would just dump him. Her problem now was that she didn't want lose Will. He was everything she had ever dreamed of in a man, and she really wanted this relationship to have a chance. It was going to be uncomfortable she knew, but she would have to talk to him about how she felt. The longer she left it the harder it was likely to be. She was now upset by her reply to his proposition that she go home with him that evening; it could easily have given him a totally wrong idea.

William turned his eyes to her in concern on hearing her sigh. He experienced an overwhelming desire to protect her and to make her feel better. He gave her hand another squeeze before removing his in order to make a gear change on turning into his street. He'd heard enough of Collins's venom towards Elizabeth to know she was being rational in treating his behaviour as a threat. Will was also feeling a little guilty, because part of him was glad that Collins had given him this opportunity to look after her. He had been angry with himself for the forwardness of his advances that evening, and he was relieved this could give him the chance to regain any lost ground.

With his car safely locked in his garage he led Liz to his apartment. Liz noticed that it was very orderly, and though definitely a mans' domain, it was tastefully decorated.

"William, may I use your phone? I think I should ring home and let Dad and Janice know where I am, just in case Bill decides to ring and report on me again".

"Of course you can Sweetie", William replied. "Can I get you something to drink? Tea?... Coffee?... No?... How about a hot chocolate then? It will you make you feel better."

He left Liz to her phone call while he prepared the drinks. On his return it was obvious that she had explained the basics of the situation, and was now being further questioned by the person on the other end of the phone. She smiled her thanks to him as he handed her a steaming cup.

"No, you haven't met him... You remember Georgie? Well it's her older brother... No, not Richard, William...". She rolled her eyes at William and gave a wry smile. "It's fine Janice, I assure you I'm perfectly safe with him... I trust him implicitly... Oh, by the way, congratulate Dad, he won again... Yeah, I love you too. See you tomorrow".

"So you're not afraid to stay with me for the night?" asked William, who's concerns were greatly alleviated after hearing that he hadn't forfeited Elizabeth's trust.

"It's the lesser of two evils I guess", Liz answered cheekily, feeling much better after having spoken to her family.

"Well, I'm glad I didn't completely scare you off tonight", William told her frankly. "I'm sorry if I moved too fast. It's just you really are a very beautiful girl and I'm incredibly attracted to you."

"Here goes nothing" Liz thought to herself. It was time to lay her cards on the table.
"William, I think I may have given you the wrong impression tonight when I said I wouldn't sleep with you on a second date. I didn't mean to imply that all it would take would be a few more dates and I'd be yours. I really like you, and I think I owe it to you to tell you where I stand", Liz told him, nervousness evident in her voice. "I don't want to lead you on in any way. If you don't want to keep dating me, we can still be friends".

"Liz, I would really like to know how you feel", Will answered seriously as he moved over to her side. "I'd be grateful if you told me".

Liz went on to say that she'd never slept with anyone. She explained to him about the day, she was nearly sixteen and Jane was eighteen, when Charlie had arrived at their home totally devastated after her first sexual encounter. She had thought it was going to be an earthshakingly beautiful experience, but had found it frightening and unsatisfying. By the time she laid it all off on Liz and Jane she was feeling guilty and embarrassed, and was scared she might be pregnant or have aids.

Jane and Liz had comforted her as best they could. After Charlie left, they talked long into the night about what they would require in a relationship before they would fully give themselves to anyone. In the end they had vowed to each other that nothing but the deepest love and commitment would ever be enough to induce them to give this of themselves.

"Nothing I have seen or experienced since has given me cause to question that resolve", she continued. "I've watched Charlie and other friends move in and out of relationships, ultimately unfulfilled and dissatisfied, and it seems to me the greater the degree of physical intimacy, the greater the sense of hurt and betrayal they often display. None of them seem to be able to remain friends with their former partners. It all appears a shallow little dance in the end, promising so much and delivering so little".

William couldn't help but see the truth in her assertions. Hadn't he felt the same about his failed relationships. It was the shallowness of it all that had caused him to re-assess, and pull out of the game some years before. Still, he thought, with Liz it was different He realised he truly loved her, and longed to commit to her. This wasn't a matter of a passing infatuation. She had played on his mind for months on end. His affection was growing into a powerful love, but he was sure it was also a rational love. He respected her soul and her mind, her thoughts and her principles.

"So you've never felt you were somehow missing out? Have you never fancied yourself in love and found yourself in a situation were you were tempted to go all the way?" he queried, wondering about her past relationships.

"No to both of those questions", Liz honestly replied. "Janice once said something that really stuck in my mind. She said that to go further physically with anyone than you felt, was a lie. That it wasn't an arbitrary matter of 'this far and no further' and that's OK. Any physical contact that is not backed by appropriate feelings, is a lie. I've not been in a relationship where close physical intimacy would have been anything but a lie".Well not before I met you anyway, she added to herself.

William looked at her with an ever-increasing respect. He knew he would now do anything to ensure that this woman didn't get away from him. How was he to explain that his eagerness this evening had not been a mere physical whim, that he had waited for her for years? How could he tell her that she would be the first woman where the act of love making would not be a lie for him, that he was ready to commit his life to her. He was sensible enough however, to realise that if he were to verbalise his feelings now, they would just sound like lines, like manipulations to his own ends.

"Thank you for sharing that with me", was all he said. There would be time in the future to tell her how he felt, a time when she was ready to hear it. For now he'd let his actions speak louder than words in giving her the love and respect she deserved. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

Liz was happy she had told him, and grateful for his response. She was feeling more and more what a remarkable man Will was.

"So you're planning on going back down the coast?" Will asked eventually.

"Yes, Dad will take me in to make a complaint to the police tomorrow. He agrees Bill has gone too far. I'll get the train down".

"No you won't. I'll drive you", replied Will.

"You don't have to", said Liz. "Honestly, I'll be fine".

"But I want to Sweetheart. It seems to me that you've had the opportunity to meet all my family. Don't you think it's about time you introduced me to yours?"

"But it's not fair for me to pull you into this Will", Liz told him.

"You're not pulling me into anything", Will answered back. "I'm willingly volunteering".

"Have I ever told you how wonderful you are?" Liz murmured, snuggling further into his arms.

"No, but you can show me". He said as he took her chin in his hand and tilted her face up to his, kissing her lips lightly. "Now you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch".

"No, sleep in your own bed. Actually, you must keep your room much tidier than mine to be able to make an offer like that", Liz giggled.

"So now we're getting down to real sordid details", smiled Will. "I suppose we'd better try and find you some more suitable attire too. I don't have a clue what though".

A few minutes later however, Liz returned from the bathroom wearing an oversized T-shirt and some of Will's sports shorts with the drawstring pulled really tight. Will smiled up at her.

"Well I must say, that's the sublime to the ridiculous".

"Why, thankyou", Liz replied, sitting her self down next to him and placing a kiss on his cheek, to which Will replied with a more tender kiss on her lips. Neither of them slept in his bed that night. They fell asleep on the couch, Liz wrapped in William's arms.

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Part 15

Posted on Tuesday, 8 August 2000, at 9 : 34 p.m.

Liz woke the next morning to find herself alone. A light blanket had been thrown over her and a cushion tucked under her head. She stretched as she heard movement in the kitchen and smelled the aroma of bacon and eggs cooking. She sleepily made her way to the bathroom and rinsed her face with cold water. She grimaced as she caught her reflection in the mirror, and took the time to rearrange herself and brush out her long hair.

"So you decided to wake up?" asked William cheerily as she walked into the kitchen. He had obviously been up long enough to shower, dress and have a cooked breakfast well on the way. He looked gorgeous as usual, making Liz feel even more of a wreck.

"I hate it when people are chirpy in the morning", she replied. "Why is it that early risers always have such superior looks on their faces?"

William laughed at her as he placed a hot coffee on the table in front of her.

"Here, you'll feel better after you drink this and get some food into you."

Will was right, after breakfast she felt more on top of things and almost ready to face the day. The problem with Collins didn't seem near as oppressive in the daylight and she said as much to William.

"You know, if you have stuff to do", she added, "I'll really be fine getting home by myself".

"Just accept that I'm driving you", William replied. "It'll save a lot of arguing in the long run".

"I'll have to get some stuff from my flat if that's ok. I'm not travelling down dressed like this".

"I don't know why not, you look lovely".

"Liar", Liz smiled back at him. "But thanks nevertheless".

Half an hour later as they pulled into Liz's street they were both relieved to see Collins's car no longer there.

"Why don't you get yourself a coffee while I get ready", Liz suggested as they entered the flat. "I'm dying for a shower and a change of clothes".

As she slipped into the kitchenette to pull out the makings for a cuppa, a vague disquiet settled on Liz. She looked up and gazed around the rest of the flat with an expression of concern, which William immediately noticed.

"Is everything alright Elizabeth?"

"It's fine", replied Liz, trying to shake herself out of the sense of apprehension that was threatening to take hold. "I'm starting to develop an overactive imagination, that's all. I thought I'd put the coffee and sugar away in the cupboard, but it's out now. I must have just meant to do it and forgotten. It's of no import... You're ok if I grab a quick shower now?"

William assured her he was. He made himself a coffee and settled down with a P.G. Wodehouse from a rather good selection of books in Liz's bookcase. Liz eventually emerged from her 'quick' shower, looking fresh and alluring in a bath wrap, towel drying long strands of her wet hair. William thought he could cope with a vision like that on a more frequent basis.

"Sorry Will, I won't be much longer", she threw at him while disappearing into her bedroom. She was just beginning to slip out of her wrap when a slight movement reflected in her mirror, arrested her mid motion. She gave an unconscious cry of alarm as she turned to see Collins lounging in a chair in the corner of her room, his eyes fixed lasciviously upon her.

"Don't stop on my account", he instructed. "I'm looking forward to the show".

Elizabeth clutched the collar of her wrap tightly to her as she backed out of her room to find William already at her bedroom door, after hearing Elizabeth's cry.

"Has Collins been in there?" William asked.

"He is in there" Elizabeth whispered in reply, a slight tremble in her voice.

William made as if to enter the room but Liz would not release his hand. She pulled him back with her as Collins appeared in the doorway of her room.

"You shouldn't run away Lizzy, we haven't finished yet". Collins said ignoring Will completely. "I've been waiting for you all night. There's some things you need to understand."

"Collins, I think you had better leave now", William's authoritative voice cut across Collins.

"So you're giving it to him are you?" Collins asked nastily. Still not taking his eyes off Liz. "If you give it to him you can give it to me".

"Get out of my flat", was Liz's cool response.

"Not until I get some answers".

"I don't owe you any answers, now get out", was Liz's uncompromising reply.

"She pretends to be so pure and virginal, but she's nothing but a slag", he shot at William, looking at him for the first time. "I can't imagine she was much fun for you though, frigid bitch. Mind you, I could have taught her a thing or two that you might have liked. I still can, come to that".

He turned his revolting smirk on Liz and she felt her skin creep as he ran his eyes over her body.

Will handed Liz the keys to his car, and prised her hand from his.

"You don't have to listen to this. Wait for me in the car and let me deal with him. Lock the doors, my phone's in the glovebox... Go on, It's alright".

"Liz! Stay!" Collins demanded as she moved to the door. "You know I'm right. You know you really want me". He started as if to make an attempt to catch Elizabeth, but on seeing William move toward him he thought better of it, and turned his attention fully to Will. "I'm not leaving until I get what I came for from that stupid slut".

"If you really thinks she wants you, why is she always avoiding you?" William asked, realising his best option now was to keep him talking until the police arrived. He was sure Liz would be ringing them as he spoke.

"She's just a tease, pretends she isn't interested to get you all fired up. You know what they're like. They all want it, saying 'no' when they really mean 'yes'! She was happy enough to go off with you, wasn't she? Was she worth it? What was she like?" he asked, his interest apparent.

While William remained inside listening to the most perverted vitriol he had ever heard, Liz had indeed called the police, and then her father. She remained in the car talking to her father for what seemed like an indeterminately long time, as she waited for the police to arrive. She found not knowing what was happening inside excruciating, and she was anxious for the safety of William. It was all her Dad could do to convince her that Will would be able to look after himself, and she should stay where she was until the police arrived.

Arrive they finally did, in reality they had only taken about ten minutes. Liz said goodbye to her Dad and got out to meet them, giving them a brief summation of the situation. William and Collins were still standing facing each other. Collins looked across in surprise as Liz entered with the police.

"What on earth did you want to call them for?" he spat at Liz. "You're not needed here. There's no problem", he continued as he turned to the police.

"We'd like you to come down to the station to see if we can sort this out", said one of the Officers in a placating tone.

"I'm not going anywhere! I haven't done anything wrong!" Collins replied angrily, and sent a mouthful of caustic abuse at Elizabeth who had again moved to Wills side, seeking the comfort of his touch.

"That's enough, I'm arresting you for the use of offensive language, we'll sort out any other charges down at the station". Before Collins knew what was happening he was handcuffed and being led from the room, this time hurling abuse at the Officer.

The other policeman turned to William and Liz and began to question them as the phone rang.

Liz answered it to find her Dad on the other end. She talked to him for a short while before handing the phone to the policeman.

"He's on his way up", she told William. "He wants to be up here for the formal interviews".

"That sounds a wise. You go and dress I'll hold the fort here," he said gently, sending her to her room.

When Elizabeth returned she found William on the couch talking to the police officer. She sat beside him and he took her hand. She took comfort from his closeness and paid very little notice to what was being said, leaving everything to William. A numbness had overtaken her and it was as if everything were happening at some dimensionless distance.

Eventually the policeman took his leave. After walking him to the door William returned and looked at Elizabeth in concern.

"Everything is going to be alright now", he said, reassurance tangible in his voice. "Now how are you holding up?"

"If you hadn't been here..." Liz broke off, unable to continue. She buried her face in his chest and accepted the solace of his arms around her.

"But I was here Darling. It's alright now", he whispered softly, stroking her hair as she began to cry.

It was sometime later as her quiet sobs began to subside, that Elizabeth found herself returning somewhat to the real world. William was still holding her tightly. She became aware he was occasionally swearing under his breath, and she had to suppress some giggles that were threatening to arise between the sobs. This was the closest she'd ever seen him to losing his cool.

"I'm ok now William, honestly", she managed to get out, pulling back a little bit and wiping the back of her hand across her eyes. He handed her a tissue and looked at her intently to see if she was really recovering.

She felt self-concious under the intensity of his gaze.

"I must look like a wreck."

Will suddenly laughed.

"You must be feeling better if you're starting to think about your appearance. Don't worry, You'll certainly pass". And with that he took her face in his hands and tenderly kissed her.

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Part 16

Posted on Thursday, 10 August 2000, at 4 : 21 a.m.

Elizabeth was somewhat restored by William's gentle attentions. There were moments when his touch or kiss almost drove all concerns about Collins completely from her head. His presence gave her a sense of security that lessened the apprehension of the legal rigmarole she was going to have to face on her father's arrival.

It occurred to Liz how greatly blessed she was to have these two men who loved her, who where there to step in to protect and care for her. Liz's thoughts startled her. Could Will really love her? She looked across at him and pondered this question, and instead of getting an answer to it, she was faced with others as equally perplexing. Of exactly what nature were her emotions for Will? How deeply did her feelings run?

"You're looking troubled again Sweetheart", William noted. "Do you want to talk it through with me, I'm sure it will make you feel better if we share it".

Liz suddenly found the mere idea of exposing such personal thoughts to Will threatening. She felt younger and more inexperienced than she had in years as she was suddenly hit by the realisation that she was truly and deeply in love with him. An insecurity overwhelmed her, as she comprehended that she couldn't expect William to feel the same. They'd only gone out twice for heavens sake! Sure, he cared for her and enjoyed her company, plus he obviously found her physically attractive, but that was a far cry from love. Confusion played on her face as William looked at her in anticipation of an answer. Liz however, was spared the necessity of reply by the arrival of her Dad and Janice.

William noted the relief on Liz's face as she rose to warmly greet her parents. Janice kissed her then stepped back to leave her to the comfort of her father, who was hugging her tightly and speaking soft words of reassurance. Although William had been previously informed of the fact, he found the youth of Liz's parents surprising. Her father was a fit, intelligent looking man just above mid 40'ies in age, and Janice was an extremely attractive woman who didn't look like she could be many years older than Will himself.

"You must be William, I'm Janice, Liz's step mum", Janice smiled At Will. "Thankyou so much for looking after our Lizzy".

"I'm just glad I was here", William returned. "She's an independent little miss, and she tried to tell me a few times that she'd be ok by herself. I shudder to think what may have happened if she had found him on her own".

"All I can say is, thank God that wasn't the case. We're truly in your debt".

William looked across at Liz He was fighting down a sense of disquiet on seeing her father had usurped him in his role as guardian and comforter. Will knew he had no right to take that role above her Dad, and suddenly felt like he was intruding.

"No doubt you all need a little time to yourselves", he said to Janice. "I'll give you some space and return in... what would you say? An hour?"

Janice nodded, already impressed by the little she had seen of this young man, and watched him as he slipped unobtrusively out of the flat.

Janice walked over to her husband and Liz.

"Do either of you want something to eat or drink?" she asked.

"A coffee would be great, thanks love", Thomas Bennet answered.

Liz however was not paying attention to the question.

"Where's Will?" she said almost in alarm.

"Don't worry, he's just gone out to give us a little privacy," Janice smiled. The urgency in Liz's voice was giving away a lot of her feelings for Will. "He'll be back shortly. Now before we get into the nasty stuff, tell us about this William of yours. I don't think I've heard you mention him before last night".

"He's not my William" , Liz blushed. Though I wish he was."We've only been out twice. I told you last night he's Georgie's older brother".

"So you met him through Georgie?" Her Dad asked, amused by the novelty of seeing Liz embarrassed over a man.

"No, I met Georgie through him. It was William who drove back with me from training", she explained. "I suppose we got to know each other quite well on the journey".

"He's a fast worker then", remarked Thomas.

"Dad, stop teasing! You know that's not what I meant". Liz shot at him, trying to suppress a smile. "He only asked me out toward the end of camp. I'm sure I've mentioned him. You two just don't pay heed to who I'm going out with most of the time".

"Well, we might if we thought any of them were going to last for more than three weeks", Janice laughed. "One week to think you might like them, one week to start discovering that you don't, and one week to break it off with them! That's the story of your romantic life so far. If William has been on the scene since the end of camp you must be serious! Why, that's over four weeks now."

"You two are terrible!" Liz had to laugh. "Well, I do like him. I admit it, and I'm sure you'll both like him too".

"He's not a bit old for you is he?" Thomas asked. "He's not expecting too much from you I hope".

"You're half again as old as Janice as he is of me!" she protested. "And he's never treated me with any thing but respect".

Her Dad laughed at Liz's defensiveness.

"Maybe it's my all too clear memories, of the feelings that I had for Janice, that are contributing to my concerns", he smilingly replied.

On William's returned he introduced himself to Thomas, who he found alone in the living area of the flat.

"Have the ladies gone out?" he asked.

"No, I've put them to work on the computer in Liz's room, preparing me some sworn statements. I can't imagine that Collins won't get bail, particularly if this is a first offence, so it's going to be important to get an Apprehended Violence Order against him as soon as possible. If he breaks it he'll be breaching bail conditions. I hope you don't mind if I get a sworn statements from you as well".

"Of course not. What would you have me do?"

"Liz tells me you work for Bob Crawford at the age", Thomas said. "If you're a writer what I'm going to ask of you may not be an easy task. I need you to record any dealings you have had with Collins in regard to Liz. Particularly those today, but also any that took place at camp. Now here's the difficult part. It must be written as a basic narration of facts, with no impressions or value judgements or interpretations. Just a basic 'he said... I said... he went...' I'm sure you get the idea".

"No problem", Will smiled. "So phases like 'and then the bottom dwelling scum said...' are out".

"I'm afraid so", Thomas answered ruefully.

"Thomas, I filed a report with 'The Program' on a counselling session I had to have with Collins in regard to his behaviour toward Liz. Would that also be helpful?"

"I'd be very grateful if you could chase it up. It'll be worth much more if it was written at the time, and it will be evidence of an ongoing difficulty".

William set to work on Thomas's laptop and in no time at all had his statement finished. He watched as Thomas read it through, an expression of increasing concern and disgust deepening into his features.

"Liz won't have to read that will she?" asked William. "I think she's experienced enough of the things nightmares are made of today, without having to face the things he said about her and what he'd like to do".

"No, I won't show her. It's only a truly sick mind that could come up with half this stuff", Thomas commented with disdain. "I've read similar things before, but you see things in a totally different light when they're spoken of your daughter. It makes me ill to think what may have happened had she been alone".

When Janice and Liz emerged from her room they found Thomas and William enjoying a coffee together and talking companionably. Janice was particularly surprised, as Thomas normally took a long time to warm to new people. She could only surmise that protecting a beloved daughter from a sexual pervert must do a great deal toward recommending a person to a father.

Both Janice and Thomas noticed that Elizabeth instinctively went to William's side and slipped her hand into his.

"Well, are we ready to face the police?" Thomas asked Liz with an encouraging smile, after reading over the reports.

Liz and nodded tried to look more confident than she really was.

"They'll need you down there as well William, if that's alright".

"I'll go with Will and meet you down there", said Liz, much to Williams satisfaction.

With the assistance of Mr Bennet all their business at the police station was concluded with reasonable efficiency and Janice proposed they all go out to dinner together. This idea was greeted very positively as everyone realised they had not eaten since breakfast. Even Liz managed to put her stresses behind her as they enjoyed their meal. William discovered that both Janice and Thomas shared a wickedly dry sense of humour that was extremely entertaining. He loosened up in their company, much as he did in Elizabeth's. Liz watched in satisfaction as the mutual regard between Will and her parents obviously increased.

As the evening wore on she had the opportunity to examine her realisation that she'd fallen in love with Will. As she reflected on it she was not surprised. There was no doubt he was very good-looking, there was definitely a strong physical attraction, but of far greater import was the way he treated her. He listened to her, he understood her, he accepted and respected her opinions. On top of this he possessed an innate intelligence, coupled with a self-sufficiency and gentleness of nature that were rarely met with, let alone combined.

At the end of the meal though, their thoughts invariably returned to the situation with Collins.

"You realise Liz that it would be wisest for you to find another flat". Thomas remarked. "And Sue too I would think".

William was relieved Liz's Dad had introduced this subject, as this had been worrying him too, but he'd wondered whether it was his place to bring it up.

"Well, Sue's been talking about moving in with Grant for a long time now", Liz replied. "She spends far more time at his place than the flat as it is, so I don't see there'll be any trouble there, But how will I find another place straight away. I don't want to sound like a chicken, but I'm loath to stay in any flat by myself at the moment".

Both Will and Thomas looked extremely relieved at her reply. They had both been concerned that Liz might choose to assert her independence over this matter.

"It would have been perfect if you could stay at the Gardiners, but they leave for six weeks overseas next week," said Liz's father. "May be we could ask the Crawfords".

"Actually", William added a little hesitantly. "This was worrying me too, and I took the liberty of explaining the circumstances to my mum. She'd be very happy to have Liz at home until something more permanent can be sorted out". He would rather have had her stay at his flat, but this was the best alternative. It would give him numerous opportunities to spend time with her in a protected, non-threatening environment. It would give her the time, he hoped, to come to love him.

Liz too, was very grateful for this option. She truly enjoyed the company of Will's family and felt at home in their house. Moreover she hoped this would give her the opportunity to be thrown even more often, into Wills society. She hoped that in time William's affections would grow into love.

Part 17

Posted on Tuesday, 15 August 2000, at 2 : 29 a.m.

It was 1.40 a.m., about 5 weeks after the incident with Collins in Liz's flat. Williams's car had been parked out front of his parent's home for almost an hour.

"You really should go in now Liz, I'm know I'm in for an earful from Mum for getting you home this late as it is".

"Well, you know what they say... may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb", Liz replied, making no attempt at all to pull back from her position cradled in Williams arms. Instead she ran her fingers up the back of his neck, and entwined them in his hair as she drew his head toward her for another kiss.

William found the situation he was in both incredibly enticing and frustrating. Elizabeth had pushed his resistance about as far as it could go that night, and he knew he needed some breathing space if he was to continue to maintain his self-control. Even so, he went along with the kiss for longer than he intended, before reluctantly pulling back and trying to divert his mind from the desires that assailed him.

"Look Liz, honey. I do have to go or I'll be useless at work tomorrow".

Liz hesitantly agreed, and after placing one more soft and inviting kiss on his lips, sat up away from Will into her seat.

"You know you really should have bought an auto", Liz complained. "That gear stick of yours can be very awkward".

"When I chose the car I completely neglected to anticipate situations like this", he laughed. "This is a bizarre experience. I feel like I'm 18 again - parked out side my girlfriends parents house, knowing they're waiting for her to come in. ...Only the situation here is worse - I'm parked outside my own parents house!"

Liz was highly amused by the expression on his face.

"I'm sorry Will, but every time I start making noises about finding a place of my own I get a very negative reaction from your family. Far from being made to feel like I'm intruding on their hospitality, they give the impression that my moving out would be akin to the action of an ungrateful child".

Despite the flash backs to his late teens, Will was actually pleased Liz wasn't looking for another place just yet. When she moved he wanted it to be to his home, not any other. Rather than articulating this thought Will stayed on safer ground.

"I'm happier with you here while Collins is still out on bail", he said. "And my family have certainly taken to you in a big way. If I were the jealous type I'd be concerned they favoured you over me", Will smiled.

"On the contrary, I think one of the reasons they like having me around is that they see you more often. Your Mum virtually said as much to me the other day".

"So she'll be cross at you for not wanting to see me for the next few days, won't she? Are you really willing to face her disapproval, or do you want to reassess your priorities and spend tomorrow evening with me?" he asked with a smile.

"Don't tempt me Will", she answered.

William thought of the irony of Liz telling him Not to tempt her! Sometimes she seemed to have so little comprehension of what she was capable of doing to him.

"I'm so far behind in my studies I'm starting to have nightmares about it", she continued. "There's just no way I can put off my uni work any longer".

"Come on then. I'll see you to the door", Will said, getting out of the car and walking around to assist Liz out of her seat.

The closeness of Liz as they walked to the house did little to help Will hold his desires in check. It was at least 15 minutes later that he finally managed to find the willpower to disengage himself from the softness of Liz's lips and body. They again said their good byes and William turning back for one last soft kiss whispered to her "I love you Lizzy," and was gone before Liz found the words to reply.

Looking after him as he drove out to the street, Elizabeth had time to reflect how fortunate it had been that she was honest with Will, about her principles and sexual innocence, straight up. If she hadn't told Will then, and if Will had not the strength of character to respect her wishes, she knew there would be a real danger of all her well reasoned resolve coming to naught.

"No!" she told herself determinedly. " I won't sell myself short. It's love and total commitment or nothing". Still, as she turned to walk to her room there was a smile in her face and a spring in her step.

"He said he loved me", she thought. "That's not a bad start".

The following day Liz did try and concentrate on her uni work, but found it difficult to settle, her thoughts too often drifting off to William. By the time she had reached the targets she had set for herself that day, it was close to midnight, and her mind felt like mush. She had a shower to help her relax before crawling into her bed with a relieved sigh. Liz quickly fell into a deep sleep and was therefore unaware of her door silently opening and of the tall figure who slipped into her room and seated himself at the foot of her bed.

There was no question of her beauty. His eyes moved from her sensual lips, over the smooth curve of her cheek, to curl of her eyelashes; he took in the soft waves of her hair as it cascaded across her pillow, but there was much more to her than physical beauty.

He knew what he had to do now, and wondered at his hesitation. There was just so much at stake; his whole future pivoted on the outcome of this night.

Taking his courage into his hands Will reached across and gently shook her.

"Liz, Liz, wake up honey".

Liz stirred but didn't awaken. Will moved to the side of her bed and lightly shook her shoulder.

"Lizzy, you have to wake up. I need to speak to you."

This time his efforts seemed to have the desired effect as Liz rolled onto her back and reluctantly opened her eyes.

"Will?" she murmured sleepily.

"Yes Lizzy, it's me, I have to talk to you, now. Do you think you can postpone your dreams a short while?"

"Why are you here so late?" Liz asked. She was still confused by her sleepy state, but couldn't help but notice the seriousness in William tone. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm sorry about the time Lizzy, but I couldn't get here sooner. I've come practically straight from work, and this can't really wait until tomorrow".

Liz was wide-awake now, and not a little worried. The seriousness in Wills voice had not been in her imagination. Sitting up out of bed next to him, she looked at him intently, waiting for him to continue.

William had been all prepared to explain his purposes, but the sight if Liz in her night attire temporarily halted him. She was simply wearing a little T-shirt and satin boxer shorts; even in the dimly lit room he found himself uncommonly distracted.

"Will...?" He heard Liz ask, and looked up to find her watching him in intense anticipation. Now how was he going to broach this again?

"Elizabeth, I've been given an overseas posting for three months, and I have to leave tomorrow".

Liz's heart fell to her feet but she said nothing and so he continued.

"Our correspondent covering the coup in Fiji has had to return home because of family difficulties, and I've been chosen to replace him".

"This is a pretty big step forward in your career, isn't it?' she asked, trying not to let her disappointment show in her voice. "Congratulations. I'll miss you terribly but at least now I'll be able to catch up on my work".

"I almost told them I couldn't go. The thought of going three months without seeing you was nearly too much", he told her candidly. "Liz, you must know by now that I love you. The idea of life without you is too empty for me to even contemplate. Lizzy, I know I'm being pushed into this declaration sooner than you might feel completely comfortable with, but I can't leave without receiving an answer. Elizabeth, will you marry me?"

It was one of those rare moments in Elizabeth's life that she couldn't find the words to reply.

"I... but do you really... I can't think of any thing I'd love more... but are you sure?"

William laughed at her discomposure.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life", he replied as he pulled a small velvet pouch from his pocket and placed it in Liz's hand. "Open it."

He noticed Liz's hand was trembling as she drew back the strings on the pouch and tipped out an elegant and lovely diamond ring.

"I hope it fits", said William. "I probably should have taken you with me to choose it. We can change it if you don't like it".

"It's beautiful", Liz replied, barely keeping the emotion in her voice in check. "I wouldn't change it for the world".

"I'm so relieved you like it", Will commented as he slipped it onto her finger. "It's been burning a hole in my pocket for over a month now".

Liz looked up at him in amazement.

"For over a month now? You can't be serious".

"Perfectly serious", answered Will smoothly. "Elizabeth, I've loved you for so long now... Can I ask one more thing of you, though? It seems I've spent enough of my life waiting for you, and I don't want to wait any longer. I know it will leave you with the lions share of the work and decision making, but can you see your way clear to having the wedding as soon as possible after my return?"

"William, I'd marry you tomorrow if I could. The only problem I can see with your plan is telling Janice and Dad that they have two weddings on their plate in the space of two and a half months, but they have broad shoulders. I'm sure they'll cope."

William's relief was immense. The delight he felt upon Liz's acceptance was not to be expressed in words. He leaned across and took his beloved into his arms and kissed her tenderly.

Liz responded to his passion with openness and acceptance. Any resistance she had been harbouring in their previous exchanges was forgotten as she relished the exquisite sensations caused by his touch. Without knowing how they had progressed so far Liz found herself lying back on her bed with William's body next to hers, one of his hands on her thigh, the other on her back under her shirt, moving slowly over her tingling skin. His lips had left her lips and were moving down her neck to the base of her throat. A warning bell began ringing in the back of Liz's mind and she tried to ignore it, but it would not be silenced.

"Will, we have to stop".

William's exasperation was intense but when he spoke his voice was controlled and reassuring.

"Lizzy darling, you can't possibly still doubt my love and devotion to you? I want to spend the rest of my life with you".

"No William, I don't doubt that at all, but I do doubt whether either of us want to risk begining married life with me more than three months pregnant".

William groaned and sat up with his head in his hands. This possibility had never occurred to him.

"You don't have any thing we can use here?" he asked in desperation.

"Sure, I've got boxes of them in my top drawer. I keep them for all the other men I bring up to my room", she shot back at him, not knowing whether to be amused or annoyed at his question. "Anyway, I thought I was the novice here".

"Sorry Liz, I should have thought better of asking that question, but you have no idea of what you do to me", William replied. Even in his current state of excruciating frustration he dismissed the idea of going out to find an overnight chemist, and sneaking back into his parents' house, as too tasteless. Their first time together deserved to be something special.

"Well Liz, it looks like circumstances dictate that I'm going to marry a virgin, that is unless you can see your way clear in the few days prior to the wedding..... ".

"Sorry Will", Liz laughed, unable to distinguish if she was predominantly disappointed or relieved at the abrupt end to their evening's lovemaking. "I think you'll just have to cope for those few days. I'm sure I'll be worth the wait".

"I'm sure you will be", William smiled back. "But to make my waiting bearable, would you mind putting on some more clothes? I'd like to escape this night with my sanity still intact!"

0x01 graphic

The End

Posted on Friday, 18 August 2000, at 1 : 26 a.m.

Elizabeth was never able to recall the day of her engagement without experiencing in part, the overlay of emotion attached to it. There were her own, almost incomprehensible feelings of joy and completeness, which mingled with a longing and anxiety that inevitably came with the knowledge she would not see William for three full months; there was the delighted acceptance of the Darcys, as they lovingly welcomed her further into their family; and there was the slight awkwardness of informing her parents who, though not expecting such a development this soon, had already come to think of the eventual union of William and their Lizzy as an agreeable certainty.

Liz's reaction to all these feelings was amplified by a physical and mental exhaustion, no doubt contributed to, in no small way, by the fact she'd had very little sleep over the last few days. William had stayed with Liz for hours that morning, holding her as they talked about their desires for the future, but also about the practicalities of arranging a wedding with Will out of the country. The emptiness she felt on him leaving her room, was counterbalanced by a guilt at having kept him there so long, when she knew this day was going to be difficult and demanding for him.

Elizabeth however, should not have wasted too much concern over how William would cope. He was experiencing a heartfelt delight at the prospect of his future, and performed the requirements of his day with an uncharacteristic grin on his face, too happy to feel tired.

Their farewell at the airport was poignant, if a little restrained, as the whole Darcy family had also come to see Will off. When the last of their goodbyes and instructions were given ('Do your best to avoid hostage situations', 'Make sure you call as soon as you arrive', 'Say hi to George Speight for me') William turned back for one last slow kiss from Liz before disappearing from sight at the boarding gate.

Liz was quiet on the trip home from the airport, and excused herself early to go to her room. As she lay on her bed thinking of the changes the last twenty-four hours had wrought in her life, she became overwhelmed at the enormity of it all, and found herself weeping without really knowing why. She soon fell into an exhausted sleep, but on awakening late the next day, she felt cleansed and refreshed. It was with a growing excitement she began to anticipate the pleasures of a wedding and the fulfilment she was sure her marriage would bring.

The amount of time Will and Liz spend on the phone and the Internet over the next few months can only be imagined. There was much to be shared, said, and done.

William's expressed desire that the wedding be a simple affair came to nought, as both his mother Anne, and Janice stepped into 'assist' with the preparations. Elizabeth found the planning gave her an enjoyment and sense of purpose, that took the edge off her impatience in waiting for Will's return.

"I just can't understand the pleasure they seem to be able to get from it", Chaz remarked to his new father-in-law and George Darcy. "I just barely survived lead up to my own wedding, and we're not back five minutes from the honeymoon, and there's Jane into it again, this time for her sister".

The men had taken refuge in the sun on the veranda of the Bennet house, leaving all the women inside with their talk and planning.

"William probably doesn't fully appreciate his good fortune in being out of the country while all this is going on", Chaz added dryly.

Thomas smiled and shook his head as another burst of laughter issued from the house.

"They all seem like reasonable, down to earth women - then look what happens at the mention of a wedding".

"Well, Georgie and Anne are just loving their involvement", George laughed. "If Richard's not at home I get no rational conversation what-so-ever, I'm exhausted with trying to appear interested".

As much as they might complain, the two fathers were actually far from dissatisfied with the prospect of the upcoming event. Both were pleased at their childrens' choice in a partner, and confident that they could reasonably expect to have a fulfilling and happy marriage. There was also a growing friendship between the Darcys and the Bennets that promised satisfying relationships between the families in the future.

A hold up due to difficulties at the newspaper, saw William arrive home from Fiji, only four days before the Wedding. The family was sensitive enough to let Elizabeth meet him at the airport by herself, and their greeting was far less restrained than their farewell. It didn't appear that their time apart had created any awkwardness between them. It has been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder (or in Williams case, could that be abstinence?) and the emotions they felt on being reunited cannot be contained in words.

The wedding itself went off like a fairy tale, William looking handsome and distinguished in his formal attire and Lizzy looking absolutely stunning in an exquisite long white satin gown. Though he could not have previously thought it possible, William experienced an even deeper longing and desire for her than he had ever felt before.

By mid afternoon, as the wedding luncheon was beginning to wind down, they had both been deeply impressed by how privileged and blessed they were. Not only were they marrying because of a real and satisfying love, but they were also surrounded by caring and supportive family and friends. It made Liz wonder if life could ever get any better.

Late that afternoon Liz and William settled into a cosy guesthouse where they would stay the night, before flying out the next morning to the Greek Isles for their honeymoon. (Oddly enough they had ignored everyone's suggestions that they stay at a resort in Fiji for their holiday.)

Will relaxed into a deep armchair and watched his wife with appreciation as she investigated the rooms and view. His eyes were drawn to the graceful movements of her body, the sensuality of her fair skin and the loveliness of her countenance. He breathed deeply and told himself not to rush things.

"Well Lizzy, what shall we do now? Do you want to go out for an early dinner before we come back here?"

Liz placed herself lightly in his lap and accepted his arms around her body.

"I'm not at all hungry", she said softly into his ear. She began to place some light kisses down his neck, running the fingers of one hand up into his hair, and undoing his top buttons with her other hand, to allow her to slip it under the material to the warmth of his skin.

William was not about to argue with her disinclination to eat. He took her chin in his hand and moved her lips up to his, kissing them tenderly at first and then with an increasing passion. Liz moaned softly at the pleasure she was receiving from Wills lips and soft touch.

William pulled back slightly with an amused look on his face.

"Isn't it about here that you usually call stop?" he queried. "You're not about to decide you're desperately hungry now or something, are you?"

Liz just laughed, kissing him again. William response was to remove her from his knee, and lead her into the bedroom.

That night Liz was able to prove that all of Collins's accusations about frigidity and repression, were so far off the mark as to be totally absurd. William too, was able to prove to Liz that there are some things more uplifting than music. (Yes, even more than 'Les Mis')

The union of Elizabeth and William Darcy demonstrated what can be achieved in a marriage not based solely on passion. Their deep love was complemented by individual strengths, mutual respect, good humour and adaptability. This provided both a rational and firm foundation for their lives together. They strengthened their commitment with a deliberate determination to not be complacent, but to feed their relationship with effort and time.

Oh, for those who are interested, Bill Collins received a non-custodial sentence for the incident in Liz's flat, but three months later he was again arrested on a charge of sexual assault. This time he was sentenced to a minimum of five years imprisonment. I think we can all rest assured that his 'pretty boy' looks made him a very popular and welcome addition to the prison population. (A word of advice Bill; if you drop your soap in the shower block, don't bend over to pick it up!)

The End


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