language test 5a

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Language Test 5A Unit 5

1 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

Sit down. This armchair is very comfortable.

1 This is a nice b_______ but there are no books in it!

2 This c_______ of d_______ is very useful for keeping important papers in.

3 I love the sound of the postman putting something through the l_______. I always think something exciting is coming.

4 We haven't got a carpet. My mum prefers having a small r_______ on the floor.

5 Put dirty plates and cups in the d_______ and I'll switch it on later.

6 I don't mind painting the walls but I hate painting the c_______.

7 Our previous flat had a lovely b_______. I used to have breakfast there on sunny mornings, enjoying the fresh air.

/ 7

2 Complete the missing words. The lines show you how many letters to use.

An attractive semi-d e t a c h e d house with a small garden.

It is located in the 1 _ _ b _ _ b _, about 10km from the town centre. The big windows make it
2 _ r _ _ h _ and cheerful. The rooms are big, the bedrooms are very 3 _ _ _ c _ _ u _ and there is also a very useful 4 _ t t _ _ at the top of the house. The house is in a quiet, 5 _ e _ c _ f _ _ area and the neighbours are very 6_ r _ _ n _ _ _. The 7 _ s _ _ t _ agent is selling the house for £150,000.

/ 7

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
I don't think their new apartment is as spectacular as the old one.

1 I think that this furniture is much more expensive __________ ours.

2 Jane's house is not as comfortable __________ Mike's.

3 Unfortunately, we had __________ little money to buy a new vacuum cleaner.

4 We wanted to rent a new flat, but the one we saw today was not big __________ for us.

/ 4

4 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets.

Our new house is terrible! We've got the noisiest (noisy) neighbours in the world! They're always having parties. The parents are 1_________ (bad) than the children. It's also much 2_________ (far) away from my work than the old house and it's in 3_________ (boring) town in Britain. There's nothing to do here! The furniture wasn't as 4_________ (cheap) as we thought. We had to completely change the kitchen and bathrooms. At least it's now 5_________ (tasteful) than it was before. Another problem is the loft. It's much 6_________ (difficult) to get to than in the old house. I'm not sure I'll be able to use it at all.

/ 6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns. Tick the sentences where the pronoun can be left out.

The price of housing is a problem which/that everyone has an opinion about.

1 The apartment __________ I share with my girlfriend has new kitchen appliances.

2 Mike lives in a town __________ house prices are so high that young people live with their parents until they are about 35 years old.

3 That is the house __________ was sold for five million dollars last year.

4 The man __________ you met yesterday is the owner of that big block of flats in Houston Street.

5 Look, it's the woman __________ daughter is our next-door neighbour!

6 All the students __________ passed the test don't have to come to the next class.

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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.



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