september 2008 lowersecondary students(1)

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Starting off

How much do you know about Britain and how British people live? What kinds of things are different from your own country? Work with a partner and think about some of these:

Would you like to live in Britain? Why/why not?

Before you read

Look at the questions below and discuss the answers with a partner. NB - more than one answer may be possible:

1. How many countries are there in Great Britain?

a. three

b. four

c. five

2. Why do people drive on the left in Britain?

a. to shake hands with a friend

b. to fight an enemy

c. to be different from the French

3. The English copied tea-drinking from the French.

a. true

b. false

4. English people wear their wedding ring on...

a. a different hand

b. a different finger

5. How many regional languages are there in Great Britain?

a. six

b. five

c. four

First reading

Read the text and see if your ideas were right. Read as quickly as you can and remember that you don't need to read everything.

Sentence construction

Below are five jumbled questions. Put the words in the right order to make correct questions.

  1. the Republic of Ireland / is / Great Britain / part of

  • on the left / in Britain / always driven / have people