Telling the time
12 noon / midday / pm (midi) - 12 midnight / am (minuit)
It's about six o'clock (environ) - It's nearly six o'clock (presque)
At 5 o'clock sharp (à 5 heures pile) - To be on time (à l'heure) / in time (à temps)
My watch is slow/fast = en retard/en avance
The day before (la veille) - 2 days before (l'avant-veille)/later - the previous day (jour précédent)
The following day/the day after/the next day (lendemain)
The day after tomorrow (après-demain) - The day before yesterday (avant-hier)
Early in June, mid-June, at the end of June - Next/Last July - A fortnight (quinzaine)
Monday week (lundi en 8) - Within a week (d'ici une semaine) - By Friday (d'ici/pour vendredi)
It's eight o'clock - It's eight
It's 8 a.m. /eight in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening / at night
It's five (minutes) past eight - It's eight oh five
It's (a) quarter past one - It's one fifteen
It's half past three - It's three thirty
It's ten to two - It's one fifty