What advice does he give about

1)What advice does he give about (-Jakie rady możesz dostac): A*working at a computer? Make sure you get some regular breaks. (-Upewnij się, czy jesz reguralnie śniadania.) B*reducing stress? Take some long, slow breaths; do lots of physical exercise; get some relaxation. (-Bierz troche dlugich, powolnych oddechow; rób duzo fizycznych ćwi.; pobieraj trochę relaksu.) C*eating and drinking? A lot of alcohol and coffee is bad for you; a little wine, and fruit and vegetables are good; a died without cheese or butter in healthier. (-Także alkohol i kawa jest zła dla ciebie; mało wina, owoce I warzywa są dobre; dieta bez masła czy sera jest zdrowsza.) D*sleep? Try and get 7 or 8 hours sleep each night. (-Spróbuj i postaraj się o 7 czy 8 godz. snu.) E*relaxation? Find time to relax. (-Znajdź czas na relaks.) 2)A)How many hours a day do you work at a komputer? =I work from 1 to 4 hours a day at a computer. B)How much time do you have for lunch? (Ile czasu masz na lunch?) =I have 15 minutes for breakfast and lunch (dinner) eat after work. C)Are there any parks or green areas near your office? (Czy są jakieś parki czy zielone obszary niedaleko twojego biura?) =Yes, there are any green areas near my office. D)Does your job make you stressed? =My job make sometimes is stressed, but rarely. E)Do you drink any alcohol? =I drink alcohol little quantities. I like sweet red wine. F)Do you eat lots of fruit and vegetables? =I try to eat lots of fruit and vegetables but sometimes it's difficult. I very much like fruit salad. G)How much cheese and butter do you eat? =I eat very rarely butter, but I like cheese very much. H)Do you drink a lot of coffee? =I drink coffee every day in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I)How much time do you spend on sport of exercise? =I spend hour every week on aerobic exercise. J)How many days holiday do you have a year? (Ile dni wolnych masz w roku?) =I have 20 days holiday and every day festive a year. K)How much relaxation do you usually get in a day? =I get usually relaxation every evening and night.

Rz n.(uncountable): relaxation, stress, alcohol, coffee, butter, research (prace badawcze), energy, traffic (transport), news, advice (wskazówka), love, hatred (nienawiść), music, ugliness (brzydota), freedom (wolność), biology, gold, iron, water, ice, flour, anger (złość), happiness, petrol (benzyna), juice (sok), money. Rz. p. (count= a/an): hours, computer, office, sandwich, parks, vegetables, holiday, meeting, business trip, article. *MUCH- DUZO, SPORO, ZNACZNIE, OGROMNIE (n, prz, py); A LITTLE- TROCHĘ (n, tw, py); *MANY- DUZO, WIELE, LICZNIE (p, tw, prz, py); A FEW- KILKA, PARĘ (p, tw, py); *A LOT OF- DUZO; LOTS OF- DUZO, WIELE, MNUSTWO; SOME- TROCHĘ, NIECO, OKOŁO [prośby, propozycje] (n, p, tw, py); ANY- TROCHĘ, JAKIŚ, ŻADNYCH (n, p, prz, py). *+How many friends have you got? Ilu masz przyjaciół? +How many toys do you want? Ile zabawek chcesz? +I have many books. Mam dużo książek. +I don't have many books. Nie mam wielu książek. +Do you have many books? Masz dużo książek? +I have a few cookies. Mam kilka ciastek. *+How much sugar do you want? Ile cukru chcesz? +How much time do you need? Ile czasu potrzebujesz? +How much time do you have? Ile masz czasu? +I haven't much time. Nie mam dużo czasu. +I have a little time. Mam trochę czasu. *+Do you have a lot of time? Czy masz dużo czasu? +I don't have a lot of time. Nie mam dużo czasu. +She has lots of friends. Ona ma wielu przyjaciół. +Do you have lots of work? Czy masz dużo pracy? +I need some money. Potrzebuje trochę pieniędzy. +Do you want some cake? Chcesz trochę ciasta? +Do you have any money? Masz jakieś pieniądze? Masz trochę pieniędzy? +I don't have any money. Nie mam żadnych pieniędzy. Nie mam ani trochę pieniędzy.

Ćwi.1: **Have we got any coffee?; *Only a little. Stall I buy some?; **Did you buy any vegetables?; *Only a few. There wasn't a very good choice.; **Would you like same wine?; *Yes, but just a little. I have to drive later.; **Have some chocolates. They're delicious.; *Thanks, but only a few. I'm trying to lose same weight. Ćwi.2: **Yes, there wasn't much traffic this morning. How many people are coming to my presentation?; **Have you got much information about the new company?; *No, but a colleague gave me a lot of/ lots of advice on where to find it.; **Sue, how many business trips did you make lost month, and how much money did you spend on meals with customers?; **Did you have many meetings last week?; *Yes, every day. I didn't have much time for anything else!; **Was there much news about the economic crisis in the paper today?; *Not really, but there were a lot of/ lots of articles about the changes the government is introducing. Ćwi.3: S:It all looks good. What do you recommend?; P:Well, for a startet tuna and red pepper salad, and for the main course. What about beff in red wine?; S:Yes, that would be nice.; P:And what would you like to drink?; S:A bottle of Beaujolais.; P:Yes, that would be very nice.; *P:Now, how about a dessert?; S:Thank you, but I couldn't eat any more.; P:Are you sure? What about a coffee or a cognac?; S:Yes, I'd like that.; *S:Than you for a lovely evening, P.; P:I'm glad you enjoyed it, S.

PRZYMIOT: I)-er, the -est: *big, bigger, the biggest; *cheap (tani, niedrogi); *far (daleki), farther, farthest; *few (mał, niewiele, kilka); *high (wysoki); *late (spóźniony); *long (długo); *low (niski); *near (niedaleko, blisko); *quick (szybki); *smakll. II) y-i: easy (łatwy), easier, the easiest; *early (wczesny). III) less/more, the least/most (najmniejszy, największy): *complicated *crowded (zatłoczony); *efficient (sprawny, wydajny); *expensive (drogi, kosztowny); *flexible (elastyczny); *important (ważny). IV) *Bad, worse, the wiorst; *far (daleki, odległy), farther/further, the furthest; *good, better, the best; *little, less, the least; *many/much (duzo, wiele), more, the most. Ćwi.4: A:Helo. Is that Chris?; C:Yes, speaking.; A:This is Andrew. Could we arrange a meeting to discuss our trip to the UK?; C:Of course. When would be convenient for you?; A:How about next Tuesday morning?; C:No, I'm afraid I'm busy then. What about on Wednesday afternoon?; A:Yes, that suits me fime. C:Shall we sey 2:30?; A:Yes, that's fine. Ćwi.5: A:Hello. Is that Jan.; J:Yes, speakink. A:This is Armond. I'm very sorry. I have to cancel our meeting on Saturday. Could we arrange another time?; J:Yes, that's fine. When are you free?; A:Is Monday convenient for you?; J:No, I'm afraid I've got another appointment then. How about Teusday?; A:Yes, that's fine.; J:Good. See you on Tuesday at 9 a.m.


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