You Sang To Me

You Sang To Me

Posted By: Ashley <>
Date: Monday, 24 April 2006, at 2:47 p.m.

Elizabeth Bennet is a hard working independent woman who wasn't looking for romance...that is until her new co-worker, Caroline Bingley and her fiancé, the wealthy and utterly handsome, William Darcy enter her life.


The dark morning crept too soon for Elizabeth Bennet. The sound of her alarm went off at 5 am and she lazily turned it off. How annoying an alarm can be during a peaceful slumber. She felt a nudge as she tried to stay underneath the warm covers. As persistent as she was to staying warm and sleeping in was as persistent as the nudging to her legs.

`Jack…stop.' Lizzy drawled as she moved her legs to her chin. But he would not.

Nudging and now starting to nip at the covers, Jack found waking up Lizzy one of his favorite things to do in the mornings.

`Jack! Stop it!' Lizzy cried sleepily as she turned to face the opposite side. Now came a sharp high bark from Jack. The tri colored sheltie was wagging his tail and came to Lizzy's face with a wet tongue to lick her awake. A small giggle was stifled from Lizzy and she rose from her warm bed. A bit cranky but happy to be loved by her companion so faithfully, Lizzy padded to her bathroom and turned on her shower. After she grabbed her robe, she hopped in and felt the hot beads of water roll down her body. She knew that if she stood there long enough she might be able to relive the warmth of a bed and sleep a few minutes longer. But it was not to be borne. Lizzy was now fully conscience that it was time to push herself awake and get ready for work. After shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face wash, she got herself out of the warm shower and out into the cold, damp bathroom. Jack watched her don her robe and towel her short chocolate brown hair with blonde streaks furiously.

`Don't give me that look…I'm moving…slowly, but I'm moving.' She told him as she walked out of the bathroom.

She took all of five minutes to find her favorite Marilyn Monroe tee shirt, snug black pants and her black sneakers. Once she dressed she blow dried her hair, brushed her teeth, and applied her makeup. Jack yawned and found toilet paper amusing to shed.

`Darn dog…stop shedding everything made of fiber!' Lizzy cried with a laugh. Jack only being one year old and loving everything to play with and tear up gave a small bark to Lizzy's amusing outburst and started to jump up onto her leg. Lizzy kept on with her routine and once done with the bathroom, she went back to her room and grabbed her purse, her tote bag, and headed downstairs.

Lizzy lived with her parents, Thomas and Fanny Bennet as well as her younger sisters, Catherine and Lydia. Catherine was at the tender age of 17 who was a senior in high school and very social. Not so social however as the youngest Bennet, Lydia, who was only 15 and who loved the social realm of high school. The two girls would always be together and if not together, they would be with some other friend of their acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet also had two other daughters and a son. The eldest daughter was Jane who was just two years older than Lizzy. She was 24 and worked as an elementary school teacher at Lucas Elementary School just outside of Meryton. She lived in Meryton in her own apartment. Lizzy had been invited to live with her many a time, but Lizzy, as she was trying to settle her bills from her ex-boyfriend, wanted to stay at home until she was ready to take responsibility for her own expenses. Jane encouraged her sister to stay with her no matter what the expense, but Lizzy would have none of it.

The daughter next in line after Lizzy was Mary who was just 20 and was going to Princeton to become a scholar of whatever it was this semester. Mary was determined to be a philosopher, but then set her heights at religion and so forth. Her studies kept her at Princeton and rarely did she ever travel home.

As for the son, Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet had one. His name was Nicholas Bennet and he was the eldest of them all. Bearing the age of 27, he worked as a lawyer at his father and uncle's firm, Gardiner Bennet Law. He was married to Rachel Harwin of the Harwin Law Firms owned by her father and grandfather. They have a daughter Megan who is 6 and a son Brian who is 3. The family loved them dearly and hoped that the girls would follow suit. Mrs. Bennet had five daughters to marry off, but thought highly only of Jane and Lydia. Jane for her beauty and elegance and Lydia for being the baby of the family giving her anything she desired.

Lizzy padded downstairs to find her father almost out the door to leave for work. Her mother was asleep on the sofa while her own lap dog, Tinley, a miniature poodle, was softly growling at Jack. Tinley, being a small nasty dog to Jack and Lizzy, actually anyone except Lydia and Mrs. Bennet, kept bay at Mrs. Bennet while Jack ignored him and followed Lizzy to the kitchen. She let him outside and went to prepare her lunch for the day.

`Have a good day my love and call me when you get out of work.' Mr. Bennet whispered as Lizzy placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

`I will. And don't forget that you and I have dinner with Jane tonight at Lucas Lodge.' She replied as she let the door open for Jack to come in.

Mr. Bennet left with a nod and after Lizzy had put Jack in his outdoor kennel and gathered her things, she too was out the door.

Lizzy worked for a software company as an email coordinator. She was the senior representative of emails for her company as it was a small private firm and she was unofficially head of the email department. As she pulled into work she noticed her close friend, Charlotte Lucas, daughter of Sir William Lucas, the governor of the state, getting out of her dark red Jetta and grabbing her purse.

Lizzy parked a couple spots away and climbed out of her black Isuzu Rodeo.

`Hey you…how was last night?' Lizzy asked as she met up with Charlotte.

`Uh no big fun. Just a regular old dinner at dad's. I wish you could of come, but I understand that you need money for your vacation.'

`Of course I do! I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I promise when I get back I will go again.'

Charlotte smiled as they came close to the entrance of their workplace, Dresden Solutions. The tall building of five stories held only Dresden Solutions and another small company, Baker Reel Consulting.

`Are you ready for your trip?' Charlotte asked.

Lizzy bit her lower lip. She still had to pack, pay her bills, and make arrangements for drop off at the airport.

`No I'm not. I still have so much to do. And with my working as much as I can to save up some extra money, I don't think that I can get it done in a smooth ease. But I am determined.'

Charlotte laughed at her friend knowing her to be very determined when she wanted to be and that a well needed vacation from her blunders and strife was needed desperately.

`Well if you need any help, I'm here for you. Now…let's see what kind of accomplishments I can get done today!'

Lizzy playfully rolled her eyes and walked into the elevator. As they descended into their workplace area, Lizzy commented on how much work she will have when she gets back.

`And I doubt it will ever get done the way I want it to. I'm just glad to have Michelle and Krista on my team. They are great at this.'

The two departed as Charlotte worked in marketing for the company and Lizzy worked in customer service and those areas were on opposite ends of the building layout.

Lizzy entered the quiet atmosphere of the call center hearing fingers rapidly tap on keyboards and a couple people milling about. The entrance to the center had two glass doors with a card pad to get in. Once through the doors, cubicles lined the area. It was a huge area full of some 70 cubicles that were spacious. Blue lined cubes with pictures of employees' loved ones, pets, vacations, knick-knacks and other stuff. The call center was broken into five teams and one of the teams was email. The emailers sat in the back of the floor as they called it. Lizzy had a spacious desk in the corner where no one could see her work and she loved it. She even had windows that cornered her in. Lizzy loved the outdoors so watching the snow fall in the winter, the rain pour in the spring, the sun shine in the summer and the leaves fall in autumn were happy blessings to her indeed. Her desk was always organized and had picture frames of her family, friends, and of course Jack. Across the aisle from her not even three feet was her co-worker Michelle and then in front of her was Krista. The team was small but close. They were in the process of hiring a new member to join them.

As Lizzy reached her desk she saw Krista tapping away on her keyboard.

`Morning Krista! How are you?'

Krista slowly answered good morning and kept typing. Lizzy booted up her computer, turned her blinds open and took off her coat, scarf, and gloves. Once she sat down, she saw Krista's head whip to face her.

`Have you talked to John about our new emailer yet?' Krista asked pointedly. Her dark brown eyes peering at Lizzy's dark green ones trying to make out the truth. John was their manager and in charge of seeing the emails get completed.

`Yes I have and I am interviewing a few candidates today. Why?'

`Because we need someone Lizzy. I can't keep up with this inventory along with having to do the mail and the callbacks. It's just not possible.'

Lizzy smiled and replied that she would talk with John as soon as she had the chance.

`Well we need to get them in as soon as can be. I can't keep this up for another week.'

`So basically you're telling me I have until next Friday to get someone new?'

Krista only nodded and turned back to her monitor.

Lizzy watched the sun rise and soon found herself wasting the morning watching the outdoors.

`You know, when I had you assigned here, I didn't think I would have you attached to the windows like a Garfield cat.'

Lizzy jumped from her reverie as she heard a large booming voice next to hear. She looked up with a red blush and saw a big burly man, John her manager. He held a grin of the all knowing and Lizzy dismissed her being caught.

`Morning John. What can I do for you?'


Lizzy gave a slight frown.

`Yes well that was the plan for the day now wasn't it? By the by, what are we doing about the new hire? I need him or her by the end of this week.'

`Inventory too great for you Miss Bennet?' John countered.

Lizzy loved the challenges John gave her; their trivial arguments and jokes were precious to her.

`Never so, but yet trying to please you is another matter. I would like to get the help to balance everything out. Especially with my vacation coming up.'

`Why must you leave us? Can't you just not leave? You have a vacation right behind you. I'm sure a few daydreams can suffice'

Lizzy giggled and replied a vacation was in order for her far away from Meryton.

`You will have your interviews today to choose from.' John said and walked away.

By the middle of the morning, Krista and Lizzy were well into their work. Michelle came in most mornings around 10 am and promptly as the other two were working, Michelle cheerful walked in.

`Good morning girls! And how are we today?' She called as she settled into her desk.

Lizzy, still typing away, brightly answered her back with a good morning and very busy.

Krista mumbled good morning and kept typing.

`So! I am all ready for my test tomorrow in accounting class.' Michelle spoke as she opened her Diet Pepsi can.

`I'm glad to hear it. I only hope the ultimate best grade for you.' Lizzy replied.

She soon saw an email from John.


Two interviews cancelled and one remains, a Caroline Bingley. She most likely is the best candidate anyways, so I recommend you take her.

Interview at 2pm in conference room M. Let me know.


`Well ladies, seems we only have one candidate for the posting. A Caroline Bingley. I'll let you know!' Lizzy stated.

`Well as long as she can type, shut up and work hard. I don't care.' Krista said.

`Oh my!' Michelle cried and laughed out loud at Krista.

The late morning and early afternoon sped up and soon Lizzy saw it was close to 2 pm.

She quickly finished her email, popped the last of her lunch in her mouth and grabbed her things for the interview.

`Okay, I'll be in M. See ya!'

Lizzy walked quickly to the room and saw no one in there. As she settled herself in, she heard a knock on the door.

The door opened and a small girl entered. She had hazel eyes that were wide with shyness and short brown hair pulled into a ponytail. She quietly entered and smiled weakly at Lizzy.

`Hello Maria!'

`Hi Lizzy…I have um…a Miss Bingley here for you. She is here for the interview. Can I bring her in?'

`Of course you may, let her come in at once.' Lizzy replied with a warm smile.

Maria smiled back and let the door open completely. Behind her was a tall woman with long dark hair and dark brown eyes. She was tall and slim wearing a dark orange pantsuit and had huge rimmed sunglasses on top of her head. She also wore big gold earrings, a gold necklace, and had cranberry red lipstick on. Lizzy noticed too a large round diamond ring on her left hand.

`Hmm…quite full of herself in appearance it seems. I can only hope she isn't too full of herself in personality. Engaged too…' Lizzy thought as she smiled with her hand out to shake hers.

Caroline looked her up and down noticing Lizzy's down play in appearance. A tee shirt and black pants? With black sneakers? And her hair—what's with the blonde and dark brown??

Caroline lightly took Lizzy's hand if only for a second. Lizzy noticed the coldness in her greeting but did not let that frighten her. She gestured for her to sit down and once Caroline was comfortable, she asked Maria for a water but in a cold manner. Lizzy slightly nodded to approve Maria to the request and with that Maria was silently gone.

`So! I am very happy to meet with you Miss Bingley, I'm Lizzy Bennet. I'm in charge of the email team under John Mosey.'

`I see but I will be working for John correct? I don't think I could work under you. You are much too young to be a head of anything.'

Lizzy was taken aback by Caroline's snide comment and swallowed hard at keeping herself in check.

`I assure you that my age has nothing to do with my work performance Miss Bingley. I am quite capable of taking care of the team as I have for almost a year now.'

Caroline was silent. She merely looked towards the door, impatient for her water.

`Now can you tell me a little bit about your degree in English? Are you formerly familiar with most documenting systems such as Microsoft Word, Office, Excel, etc?'

`Doesn't my resume state it all? Can't you read? Of course I am. I have high honors and I would respect it if you would look into my file before our meeting. That's what any honorable manager would of done.'

Lizzy was close to fuming but persisted to keep her cool. Maria entered then before Lizzy had a chance to say anything with Caroline's water. She quickly left and no thank you was issued from the requester.

` I assure you I have thoroughly read through your short resume and wanted to touch base on a couple of key skills you state you have.'

`Well I do have them and am very accomplished in that skill set. Now what I would like to know is how much I will be paid, where my office is, and give you my schedule.'

Lizzy closed her eyes for a moment while gathering her strength.

`Excuse me, Miss Bennet, but I need to know this now.'

`Miss Bingley, should you be accepted for this position you must understand a few things first. I am going to be the one you direct all your concerns, issues, comments and questions to. You will have a few schedules to choose from and not whenever you please. You will have a fair amount of work to perform and the load is not light. Your cubicle will be by the rest of the team as we have no offices to recommend you and you will not treat any of my staff nor me with this behavior. Is that understood?'

Caroline gave a look of shock and sipped her water coolly.

`I hope you know who you're talking to, because I'm not just some girl who wondered in looking for a job and I will not plead for one. I don't need this job, but I do need some experience and would like to get it through this field. I don't think you understand whom you are dealing with Miss Bennet. I am the fiancé of Mr. William Darcy. The man who owns this company and many more I might add. My brother is the president of this company if your mind has failed you! I can have you fired in an instant should I bring it back to my brother and even better…. my fiancé. So I suggest you be real good to me and let me have my way. Do we understand each other Miss Bennet?'

Lizzy could not believe her ears. She completely forgot the similar names of the President of Dresden Solutions! How could she be so lofty?! Lizzy quickly felt her embarrassment flood her checks and swell her brain with how to correct it.

`Miss Bingley, I didn't think---`

`That's right! You did not think…not at all. I want to speak to John. NOW!' She practically barked at her. Lizzy picked up the conference room phone with a fuming conscience and dialed John's phone.

A few moments later, John arrived and relieved Lizzy of the interview to return to her desk. Lizzy dashed to her cube and grabbed her coat.

`Krista, Michelle, come with me. I need a break.' The two girls followed wide-eyed and unsure of the reasoning to be brought outside, however, Krista needed to smoke anyways.

`What's wrong Lizzy?' She started once they were outside and she lighted her cigarette.

`That woman….Miss Bingley…she is the sister of Mr. Charles Bingley! The president of the company and to top it off she is the fiancé of the owner who also owns several other companies! How stupid am I?'

The two other women laughed. Krista was 30 years old and Michelle 23, they were also more experienced but blunt to the absolute end. They made sure they got Lizzy to stand up for herself when she needed to the most, even though she was already strong enough.

`Lizzy you need to realize that she could be lying and if not…well then…just stand behind your actions.' Krista stated as she puffed out her cigarette.

Michelle smiled and noted that she was right. Besides did she even have the facts?

`I know she must be related to Charles, but still…she was rude and demanding…I wasn't going to take her crap just because I'm not higher management. If she is working for me then she needs to learn respect.'

`Wait, why is she even applying for this position? Does she even need to work?!' Krista stated.

`She said she needs the experience. But you have a good point. I have no clue. John's talking with her now.'

`Was is more like.' Came John's voice as the three women turned to see him light up.

`She is a piece of work I must say. But she has the qualifications and she is related to the poor bastard of a president. I must say Lizzy that all you need to do now is train her.'

`Did she get all of her demands?'

`Not all, but her schedule she does have and she does get to report to me…it's going to make things easier. But you know that I will just send all the crap back to you anyways.'

`Right…' Lizzy stated absently.

`Good luck Lizzy. You'll need it with her.' He replied and finished off his cigarette.

Chapter 2:

Caroline wasn't to start until the following week. Which made Lizzy happy since she didn't really want to deal with her just yet. She still needed to cool and compose herself for the training ahead of her. The rest of the week went smoothly and Lizzy was able to get some work done. Her vacation was in a week and a half and Caroline needed to be up and running by then.

The night before Caroline was starting, Lizzy visited her sister, Jane for dinner. She told her everything the night of the interview with her father, when they had dinner together, but Jane wanted to speak with her alone and since the two of them spent every Tuesday night together for dinner and a movie, Jane decided to give her sister a pep talk.

`I'm sure it will go much easier this time Lizzy. I am positive. She cannot be so wholly bad for nothing.'

`Jane you do not know! She was wild with disgust when she first laid eyes on me and she was disdained at my ability to do my job. I am sure myself that tomorrow will bring me no such luck for contentment or accomplishment. But I need her to be able to do the work. That's all I ask for.'

Jane frowned and stayed with her original decision that Caroline could not be such a mean tart. She refused to budge and so did Lizzy. Lizzy had the facts from her meeting with her. Jane only had the goodness of her heart to recommend her remotely kind.

`Well we must agree to disagree. Although I am sorry that you have to deal with someone so unkind. I'm sure she was nervous. People can be unkind when they are nervous. Especially at interviews.'

`Dear Jane…she is the sister of Charles Bingley, the president and fiancé of the owner, Mr. William Darcy! How could she be nervous with me? A humble emailer to the company she is so much related to? No Jane, she was not nervous. She was rude!'

Jane quickly changed the subject by offering a movie to calm her sister's state and ease the night with `Much Ado About Nothing'. A classical favorite between the two sisters.

As Jane got the movie ready, Lizzy popped some popcorn, grabbed some Diet Cokes and poured some M&Ms into a bowl. It was their favorite movie meal and ritual. Lizzy then brought it out to Jane's living room and took her favorite chair to recline in and relax.

Jane started the movie, grabbed her treats and pulled her favorite blue blanket over her legs on the sofa.

They stayed this way until the end of the movie. Lizzy stayed at Jane's house on Tuesday nights so after the movie, it was time for her to go to bed. She slept in the spare bedroom, which Jane was intending on for Lizzy. So Lizzy had spare clothes, accessories and gear she would need whenever she stayed over which was frequent.

Lizzy could not stand her mother and sisters at times and felt bad for her father to endure them, but he would be working on the house, outside, or in his home office to drown out the sounds of the women he lived with. Lizzy knew he could take care of himself. He also watched over Jack when Lizzy was away. For Jack loved Mr. Bennet almost as much as his dear owner.

Jane could have dogs at her place, but Lizzy would not bring him unless she wasn't working.

Tonight, Lizzy climbed into bed tired and beat. She was also worried about tomorrow but that was soon driven away from her deep sleep.


The following morning, Lizzy awoke to the sound of Jane padding around her place getting ready. The hallway light was on and the sound of coffee brewing could be heard from the kitchen. The aroma was waking Lizzy further from her dreams and closer to getting up.

She slowly put her robe on and lifted herself from the bed. As she padded herself to the bathroom she slightly bumped into Jane who was already dressed and ready for her day at school.

`It's close to 6.30 you know. I'm going to be going in a few minutes. Do you want anything? Can I get you a bagel or fruit?' Jane smiled as she inquired.

Lizzy weakly smiled back and shook her head. With that she grunted a good morning and headed into the bathroom that was down the hallway.

After she showered, dressed, and applied her makeup, Lizzy felt complete.

She went into the kitchen and found Jane still poking around.

`I thought you were leaving?' She asked as she grabbed the hot cup of coffee Jane made for her.

`No I forgot that I had a couple of things I needed to do first. Don't worry, I'm always on time and besides, everything is ready when I walk into the classroom.'

`Right,' Lizzy smiled,' Not much to have ready for first graders.'

Jane shook her head and laughed.

`There is a great deal to be done Lizzy. I just prefer to have it all ready before I leave.'

Lizzy rolled her eyes and finished her coffee. Jane and Lizzy grabbed their things and headed towards the door. Once they reached their own vehicles, Jane reminded Lizzy to keep her cool and think that Caroline could not be so wholly bad.

At this, Lizzy huffed but told Jane she would call her after work.


When Lizzy got in, Caroline was sitting at her new desk with a bright orange bouquet of roses and a framed picture of her standing somewhat far away from a tall, dark, and handsome man in a tailored suit with a brooding look on his face. She on the other hand was smiling and waving to no one in particular that you could tell. She also had on a bright purple dress that was skimpy and all too revealing.

There was another picture of the tall dark and handsome man with another man a good half foot shorter with a completely different style. He was blonde with deep blue eyes and a bright smile on his face. Again the TDH man was not smiling.

Lizzy made note that that was probably her fiancé, but she wasn't sure.

`Very handsome…oh wow…but what's with the face? Well if I was in a picture with her I probably wouldn't smile either.'

Lizzy's desk was behind and diagonally to the left of Caroline's. So she could see her screen, her desk, everything. Caroline quickly spun around on her chair and asked that Lizzy be ready in ten minutes to train her.

Lizzy was fine with that, since she had a minute to eat her breakfast bar, start her computer and quickly check her personal email for any alerts needed to be addressed that day.

By the time she was ready to go, she pulled her chair to Caroline's desk and noted she was on the phone.

`Yes darling….I know! Well…we must have the Coles over tonight along with Mr. Woodhouse and his daughter Emma! She is dating George Knightly and he must be there to see my new china pattern. No….no you cannot I must simply have him or I will not be seen there. I will hide in my room waiting for you…my love.'

All the while Lizzy wanted to barf. She was cold in her address and her “warmth” was cold! She only seemed to care about herself from what Lizzy could tell. Who cared about a china pattern for some guy to see who was dating another girl and! She was already engaged!!

Caroline did not get off the phone for another five minutes. She was doing most of the talking anyways about flowers, people to attend, the dress she would wear (which was to be a lime green with an orange sash and pumps. Yuck!) Lizzy wanted to leave, but knew she would not let Caroline intimidate her.

By the time she was done, she looked at Lizzy with disdain again and simply replied,

`That was William. He loves me very much. I have him wrapped around my finger.'

She showed her left ring finger…with the gaudy ring that was sure to be pricey but wasn't pretty.

`That's…nice.' Lizzy slowly replied and without Caroline seeing her, she rolled her eyes.

Lizzy began teaching Caroline the systems and after two hours of painful repetition and going through the same steps over and over, Caroline's phone rings and she answered it quickly.

`Hello Charles! What do you want?'

`Hello Carrie, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me today.'

`Is William with you?' She asked almost desperate.

`Err…yes…but I don't—`

`Yes! I'll join you! Why don't you come down to my desk with William so you can see it and everything.'

Charles paused.

`Uh sure…we will be down in a few minutes.'

`Splendid! See you in a jiff.' With that she hung up.

`Uh Caroline, we still have a lot more to do and lunch isn't for another hour.'

`Oh I don't care, besides my brother and fiancé are on their way to see my desk so you need to leave.' She replied, as she looked her up and down.

Offended, Lizzy had her mouth slightly open and stayed at her chair until she was pushed by Caroline to move out of her cube.

`Excuse me Caroline? Did you just push me?'

`Yes and you need to leave now!'

Lizzy pushed her chair back to her desk and sat there. Right after she sat down she noticed two men walking towards her area. They were the same two men in the picture Caroline had on her desk.

`Charles! William….' She tried to purr out to the latter.

`Carrie! I like your new desk! How splendid it is to have you working for us now. I hope you find the company pleasant and friendly.'

`I can't say that Charles, Lizzy over there has been horrible to me.'

Lizzy looked up at the sound of her name and saw three pairs of eyes on her. Two deep blue and one dark brown. She didn't know what to do so she asked if she could help them. She was ready for her games today.

`Hello, my name is Charles Bingley and this is Will Darcy.' The blonde said with a bright smile and shook her hand vividly. The taller gentleman stood behind him and when it was his turn smiled and shook her hand.

`Pleasure to meet you.' He said. Lizzy stopped a moment while admiring his good looks, yes, however her attention was lingering on him because of his clipping and smooth British accent. His smile nearly melted her into a puddle of goop on the floor as well.

`Hello, I'm Lizzy Bennet. Senior correspondent of Dresden. It's wonderful to meet you.' She said as she now stood in the aisle with them. Inside, Lizzy smiled at her apparel. The office dress code was laid back and not very formal. Therefore Lizzy took great advantage of it and wore her jeans, t-shirts, and sweats whenever she could. Today was one of those days. She wore her faded blue jeans, a cream colored sweater and her white tennis shoes. Her hair was slightly curled and pulled back into a ponytail. She felt comfortable and not at all intimidated with meeting the president and owner who both wore suits and ties.

`I can see Caroline is already in good hands. I hear so much praise about your team every week! I am happy to say that I have the pleasure to meet you Miss Bennet. Caroline, you should be grateful to have such an honor. I don't know of Miss Bennet to be so horrible.' Charles concluded with a laugh.

Mr. Darcy smiled and looked down at his shoes before he asked Lizzy about Caroline's progress.

Lizzy was still struck with his good looks and the unfortunate knowledge that he was taken. However that would not stop her from her work.

`Well she has some work to do and the inventory we have is quite heavy so by the time I am finished I hope to have her well on her way, but she needs to work hard.'

Mr. Darcy looked at Caroline sternly and then glanced at her left hand. His eyes did a slow roll and closed upon seeing the ring. Lizzy noticed the exchange quite amused.

`Let's eat shall we? Miss Bennet, would you join us? I would love to hear more of the progress my sister is making.'

Lizzy wanted to join them but saw Caroline's eyes pierce her own to stop her. Will saw this and pushed Caroline to the side.

`Please…join us. I would really like to hear about the team's progress as well.' He said and ended with a small grin.

Krista kept her head low to her desk and Michelle was nowhere to be seen.

`Probably in the break room…ugh.'

How could she refuse the owner and president?!

`Yes, I'd love to join you guys.'

With that, Caroline threw her an ugly glance and gathered her things. Lizzy grabbed her purse and coat. They all went upstairs and walked outside. Feeling the cool brisk air bite at her ankles, she looked over at Charles who gestured towards the sleek black Lincoln car that was waiting for them.

Caroline clinged to Darcy's arm and sat determinedly next to him. He didn't seem to pay much attention to her. Charles seemed not to notice or not want to notice as he helped Lizzy into the car.

Once they were all in, the driver took off to a local restaurant. Conversation was all on Caroline's side despite everyone's efforts to hush her up. Once she stopped to check her lipstick, Darcy took his arm back and moved his body closer to Charles and Lizzy to speak with them.

`So Miss Bennet—`

`Lizzy, please. If you don't mind that is.' Lizzy quickly said.

Will smiled and replied that he did not mind one bit.

`How long have you worked with Dresden?'

Lizzy sighed and looked out the window for a moment to think.

`About two years sir. Started off in the call center answering phones and moved my way up to where I am now.'

`Do you like the position you are in?' Charles asked.

`Yes I do. It's rewarding, challenging, and fun. Keeps me busy, but I can't lie. I would like to go off the floor and move into other areas.'

Darcy and Charles seemed to see her point, but Caroline huffed.

`Why ever for? You won't amount to anything beyond emails anyways.'

Darcy shot a sharp glance at Caroline and Charles hissed at his sister to apologize.

`No no it's okay. I'm sure she only meant that there is no one who can replace my talents, not even her good skills can mark mine. Right Miss Bingley?'

Lizzy waited along with Charles and Darcy for her answer. She merely rolled her eyes and went back to swooning Will.

Will didn't seem to want her attention as he kept talking with Lizzy and Charles regarding the company and the emails team. The restaurant was not far only a few miles. Once they reached it, Charles helped Lizzy again with getting out of the car and as Darcy stood up, Caroline tugged at his coat to make it known she needed his assistance.

Once they were inside, they noticed it was packed with people, smoke, and delicious smells of food. Will spoke with the host and within a few minutes they were presented a table. Lizzy was somewhat impressed, as she didn't think they would be able to get a table for another 30 minutes.

Darcy sat next to Lizzy and Caroline and Charles faced Will. Drinks were ordered and once the server had taken their food order, everyone was ready to make conversation.

`So Lizzy,' Charles began with a smile, ` How are the emails going?'

Lizzy returned the smile before she took a sip of her water.

`Very well, I imagine we should be up to date with our inventory by the time of my leave in a few days.'

`Oh! Where are you going?' He asked with animation.

`I will be traveling to California for a week or so to visit my aunt Cathy. I have not seen her for almost eight years so its been quite a while.'

` Which part of California, Lizzy?' Caroline asked.

`La Mirada, just outside of Los Angeles. I was formally born there in Long Beach, but haven't lived there for most of my life. Only visited her.'

`Does she have any family?' Charles inquired.

`No only four cats! Which surprises me. However, I admire her very much.'

Caroline rolled her eyes. She was not amused that this little girl was taking her limelight and with what?, stories of some old woman who wasn't married and probably lived in a hole beneath the earth. Whatever.

`I'm sure it must be tiring to be apart of such a society as hers when you are without your friends.' Caroline commented.

Lizzy kept cool and simply smiled before responding.

`No not at all I assure you. I like being able to visit her when I can. She may be older, but she is no means inactive. Quite the opposite. Besides, her conversations aren't so limited to fashion and society as some people's may be.'

Here she noticed Darcy and Charles to slightly grin. Charles had a bit of a blush forming on his cheeks and Lizzy was certain it was from his sister's harsh comments.

Darcy spoke hardly a word the whole conversation until the food arrived. Here he was comfortable with speaking about her some more.

`Oh goodness…' She started when he asked her about her family.
`Well I am the second of five sisters, but the third of all six. I have a brother, Nicholas who works with my father and uncle's law firm, Gardiner Bennet Law. He is married and has a daughter and son. Adorable children. I have Jane who is two years older than me. She is a first grade teacher at Lucas Elementary right outside of town. Hmm…Mary is two years younger than me and goes to Princeton. Catherine is 17 a senior at Meryton High and Lydia; she is 15 and is a socialite like Kitty. She also goes to Meryton High and is a sophomore. Anyways…that's my family. My parents too, but…'

`Quite a family to be had! I daresay it must be like living in a zoo!' Caroline commented again. This time Charles turned to her and would not let Lizzy comment for he was too quick.

`Caroline I beg of you! Show some decorum and manners. You are simply too wild.' He hissed at her. Will again rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Lizzy.

`I am sorry, but anyways…could you tell me please, how long will you be on vacation?'

`About a week and a half. Not too long, but that is why I would like to have Caroline up and running so I can leave with peace in mind. I am sure if we work very hard these next couple of days, that she will get the hang of it.'

`How many are apart of your team?' Will asked while about to take a bite of his pasta dish.

`Only three including myself. To handle such an inventory, but we are up to date.'

`Yes I have seen the reports and am always impressed! I can only hope the best with Caroline here.' Charles cried.

Lizzy stole a quick glance of Caroline who was beaming at Darcy, and then timidly looked back at her plate of hot food. The rest of the party was quiet and concentrating on eating, however Caroline would only pick at hers.

After lunch, Charles and Darcy decided to order dessert and entreated Lizzy to join them. Charles knew full well that Caroline would decline and didn't bother to ask. Lizzy agreed and ordered chocolate soufflé.

`On a day like this, one needs a little comfort.' She said before she started in. She smelled the chocolate and let the heat warm her lips before taking a bite. As she did her eyes fell closed and she savored the rich, warm gooey chocolate with her tongue. Before long her tongue enveloped her lips that were draped a bit with the substance. Not at all known to her, Darcy was watching her. Not only watching…drinking in her performance. He didn't know he was until she noticed and asked if she had anything on her face.

Charles looked up from his cherry cheesecake and replied that she had nothing but a smile. Darcy was thinking otherwise…that her tongue already relished the chocolate that were on her lips. And he got to watch!

`Uh…you're…you're sorbet is melting.' Lizzy stated as she tried to warn her employer.

`Uh…oh!…thank you…yes.' He replied and quickly consumed it.

`Well I hope that we will see more of you Lizzy. I am sure that Caroline will have things given to her under control. Do you have a person taking over for you while you are away?' Charles asked as he paid the bill.

`Yes, my lead while I'm gone is Krista. She is very experienced and willing.'

`Good, good. I should very much like to hear of your trip once you are back. We should all have lunch again once you return. Darcy would that work for you?'

He looked up and grinned. Of course he wanted to see her again.

`Yes of course. I will be out of town as well this coming week so once I come back on the 24th, any time after that would be wonderful.'

Charles beamed and helped Lizzy with her coat. They soon walked out to the car and were back at the office. Lizzy said her goodbyes and left while Caroline hung onto Darcy and slowly said her goodbye.

Chapter 3~Part One:

Once Lizzy returned, she checked her personal email and found an email from Jane.


Hope your day is well. Tonight Marianne is having the engagement party and since you and I are in the bridal party we must attend. Mom and dad wont be able to make it since they are having dinner with the Lucases tonight…thank goodness! I completely forgot all about it…and I know you have. Do you have anything to wear at my place?


Lizzy rolled her eyes at being so forgetful. She quickly thought if she had anything she could wear and remembered her black cocktail dress from a few months ago that she wore to a club with Jane.


How could we be so forgetful?! Yes I have the black cocktail dress in the spare closet. I believe the shoes are there too. Oh how silly of us!! I'll be sure to come home right after my workout. I won't stay the full two hours though.


BTW. Did we get them a gift??

Lizzy hit the send button and took a deep breath. She concentrated on herself for a moment but soon snapped back to reality as she heard her name being called by Caroline.

`My system is down it won't work!' She said impatiently. Lizzy looked at Caroline's screen and noticed it was black. She checked the monitor and then looked down at the hard drive. She turned the on/off switch to on and the computer booted up.

`You shut your hard drive down.' And with that Lizzy walked away.

By the time the end of the day came around, Lizzy had gotten Caroline able to independently work on emails and started on her own workload. But unfortunately she didn't get very far. At 4 pm she shut her computer down, logged out of her phone, and gathered her things. Once she got to the gym she was able to work out everything that happened during her day. This was a ritual for Lizzy four days out of the week. However, no matter how upset she got over Caroline's incompetence, she couldn't really get over her lunch with Will Darcy and Charles Bingley. She had a wonderful time and didn't expect it at all to happen.

She really liked Charles, he was friendly and attentive, but he didn't seem like someone she could like beyond friends. Will Darcy on the other hand was more her type. She couldn't get his eyes out of her head. They were branded onto her mind. After taking a few more punches on her punching bag, Lizzy let out her breath and shook her head.

`He and I are nothing more than acquaintances and besides…he's engaged to her.' Lizzy thought as she walked back to her locker to change.

No more was truly thought on the subject and Lizzy left the gym to go home and get ready for Marianne's party.

By the time Lizzy got home, Jane was already in the shower. Lizzy quickly undressed and put her robe on to be ready once Jane was done. After getting her dress and shoes out and her undergarments, Lizzy heard Jane pop her head in and greet her sister.

`Shower's yours. We have about an hour until we need to leave. We will still be late but not by much. And yes…we do have a gift. I picked one up on my way home after school.'

`Oh yeah? What is it?' Lizzy asked with her eyebrow arched.

`A picnic basket set, one of the ones Marianne said she wanted when we went shopping with her a few months ago. They still had it so I bought it for her. And in her favorite color too.'

A pause was heard and then both sisters deadpanned the answer,


`Okay well I'm going in. Just don't take too long with your hair Jane.'

Jane threw her towel at Lizzy and went to her room. Lizzy retreated to the bathroom and walked into the warm moist shower. The heat from the beads of water fell upon her damp skin and hung in the air. She didn't have time to completely enjoy it, but it was soothing to her. After she rinsed her hair out and washed the rest of her body, she hopped out and turned the fan on. Toweling herself down, she heard Jane knock on the door.

`Lizzy, I need my hairspray and comb.'

After fishing for it in her drawer, she produced Jane's request as she walked to her room to change. Before she handed Jane her items, she smiled and then giggled at Jane's appearance.

`You look absolutely stunning Jane. As always I might add.'

Jane smiled and looked down at her dark blue shoes. She had on a deep blue halter dress that came down to the floor. Her shoulders were bare and her neck graced a beautiful gold chain with a pendant. Her hair was quite long and was just above her elbows. She sprayed some hairspray in her hair and then combed it through.

`You better get dressed yourself so I can compliment you too Lizzy.'

Lizzy nodded and left the room. She dressed quickly into her dress and as she put her shoes on Jane entered her room.

`There…should I disgrace you do you think?' Lizzy smiled and giggled.

`You look very pretty…as you are well aware, Lizzy.' This time Lizzy looked down at her shoes, but only to adjust them.

Her black dress wasn't floor length but wasn't entirely too short either. It went right below her knees and was flowing. It had a v-neck in the front and back of the neckline and had black sequins in a pattern of flowers along the border of the top and back of the neckline as well as the bottom of the dress. It was sliming on Lizzy and made her figure of curves show well.

Lizzy then retreated into the bathroom to blow dry her hair and pull the front strands into a barrette. She then put on her silver chain necklace with a diamond star pendent and her silver chain bracelet. After she sprayed some of her CoolWater perfume, she grabbed her purse and spencer jacket of black knit and left with Jane.

`Which car should we take?' Jane asked as they left the building.

`Oh I don't know…how about we take yours?'

It was agreed and they proceeded to Jane's Mazda 626. It was a beautiful car. White with gray interior and four doors. It was motherly of Jane to get a car like this.

`Do have the gift in the back?' Lizzy asked. Jane nodded as she pulled out of her parking lot.

`I wonder if Robert's friends will be there tonight.' Jane pondered. Lizzy shrugged.

`You do remember him talking about them right? They own some type of company but I don't remember which. It doesn't matter but they are pretty close, just always busy. Besides, we don't know Robert as well as we do Marianne. But he is such a wonderful man for her.'

`Jane! We know Robert for the past three years! Marianne…for what? seven? Robert is the best of men for her. Unlike John who was horrible as ever to her! She deserves him so much. And he her. But you're right…the only people we see from his life of friends is Fred and Anne Wentworth, Elinor and Edward-`

`Elinor is Marianne's sister, Lizzy. But you are right…Edward is his dear friend.'

`Yes, and then there is Beth, his goddaughter. Other than that, he never really is around anyone else. Hmmm…well if they are there so much the better! Where is this party anyways?'

`Well it is at one of his friend's home. Look at the paper in my purse. I have directions there. I know my way mostly but I'll need help when I get off of exit 156.'

Lizzy pulled out the paper and looked at the address. There wasn't a name on it of who owned it and unknown to Lizzy and Jane; they were going to be in a very rich neighborhood for the party.

`Turn left here and then at the next light turn right. The house should be on the left side…number 469 Bridge Wood Street……there!'

Lizzy didn't have too much time to notice all the fine houses that lined the street. To tell the truth, there were not that many houses on one block, being as they were so big. It was dark by the time the two girls arrived and once they were done fussing with their dresses from sitting in the car and grabbing the picnic basket, they finally looked around and tried not to show too much awe.

`I can't believe how huge these houses are! Jane have you ever seen anything like this?'

`Except for historical landmarks…not really. I thought Mom and Dad's house was big, but they are micro compared to this! Come on…we shouldn't gawk.'

Lizzy and Jane made their way to 469 Bridge Wood and knocked on the door. A hired hand was there to open the door and take their jackets. Jane, still holding onto the basket, asked if Marianne or Robert were arrived. The man simply nodded and took the basket from Jane.

`This is a gift for them.' And he nodded again and walked away. Jane and Lizzy simply shrugged at each other, but before they could say anything, Marianne joined them.

`Jane!! Lizzy!! I'm so glad you made it! Did you find the place okay?'

Jane nodded as she hugged her and then Marianne turned to Lizzy, while saying,

`Good, I know Robert comes here whenever he can and I wasn't sure where we were for so long. It's a beautiful home. Charles has done wonders with it. But I think it was mostly his sister, Caroline. She has a wonderful taste for design, but she has a bit of a -`

`Wait?!', Lizzy blurted,' Charles? Caroline? Marianne…who are you talking about?'

`Well Robert's friend who owns this house…Charles Bingley.'

Lizzy simply stared with amusement at Marianne and Jane.

`Isn't that Charles Bingley from your work, Lizzy?' Jane asked simply.

Lizzy nodded.

`What are you talking about?' Marianne asked as she looked at Lizzy with a confused look.

Lizzy sighed and smiled.

`Charles Bingley is the president of Dresden and Caroline's fiancé is William Darcy is the owner of the company…plus many more. I wonder if I—`

`Wait a minute…wait a minute,' Marianne stopped Lizzy, ` Caroline is engaged to who?'

`William Darcy, Charles's boss. I guess the two of them are-`

`Marianne?' Came a deep voice from another room. Soon footsteps were heard and a man with a sincere smile came towards her. His average height slightly towered over her, however he was not as tall as William Darcy. His dark hazel eyes shimmered and his hand found the small of Marianne's back.

`Hello Jane…Lizzy. Won't you all come into the living room? The party is being held there but they are missing the bride to be…the loveliest woman ever created. My love, may I?' Robert's deep soothing voice made Marianne close her eyes and savor his words. She had a sweet smile in reply to his request. Lizzy and Jane followed them and found the living room bigger than their living room three times more. They were in awe but concealed it well. Instead they exchanged amused glances and followed the bride and groom to be.

`Here,' Robert handed them two glasses of champagne, ` Have a drink with us.'

`You look wonderful Robert…especially with Marianne on your arm. We are delighted for you two!' Jane said as she sipped her drink.

`Thank you! I cannot express in words…how happy I am…it seems to grow deeper every hour. May I present to you our host, Charles Bingley and his sister Caroline.'

Lizzy turned around and smiled at Charles, all the while trying to ignore but politely, Caroline.

`Lizzy! What a wonderful surprise! I did not know you were acquainted with Robert here.'

`Yes! Actually my sister, Jane and I are to be in the wedding. We have known Marianne since high school.'

`Well that is splendid! And ma'am…' Charles started as he looked at Jane.

`Oh sorry Charles, this is Lizzy's sister Jane. She is a school teacher at Lucas Elementary.' Robert said.

`You work with Marianne then? That is wonderful! And pray what do you teach?' Charles asked happily.

Charles's eyes beamed into Jane's and she blushed fervently.

`I teach first grade sir.'

`Sir? Please call me Charles. Both of you…I insist. And may I ….may I call you Jane.'

She seemed to perk up some more and smiled as she nodded. Soon Charles was engrossed into a conversation with Jane and Lizzy along with Caroline were left to fend for themselves.

`I can't believe you are here! I didn't think Robert's little bride could have any friends somewhat decent as you.'

Lizzy let her anger simmer and turned away from her. She knew if she said anything, she would need to be pulled out of the house. She wasn't going to let her have all the victory of seeing Caroline get the best of her.

She walked away towards the buffet table, but another's eyes soon caught her attention. Deep dark brown eyes. They followed her and soon a smile formed on the firm lips of the eyes owner. No other than Will Darcy. She smiled back and tore herself from his intense gaze. She didn't think he would be there…she didn't think Charles would be there. In fact she had quite forgot about the both of them since she left the gym. Now she was pleasantly surprised and happy to see them again…and so soon.

Lizzy wandered over to a couple of other bridesmaids and settled with them to talk of nothing in particular. After a while she could feel someone watching her. She looked to her left and caught Will's gaze. This time however, Caroline was by his side but paying him no attention as she was talking to another woman.

`Lizzy? …. Lizzy?'

She shook her head out of her gaze with Will and turned to Elinor, Marianne's older sister.

`I'm sorry Elinor.'

`That's quite alright…I was just wondering how you think Margaret's hair would look pinned up for the wedding?'

`I think it would be lovely. She will be quite the flower girl!' Lizzy smiled at Margaret, a petite girl of 12 who was shy with strangers but forward with people close to her or those she liked.

`I don't want my hair up…it's always a mess and my curls won't stay put.'

`Yes dearest but it will be pretty for Marianne's wedding. You will be a good girl and do what she wants for her one day.'

Margaret sulked off to the kitchen to find her mother.

`Lizzy…could I introduce you to Emma Woodhouse? Emma this is Lizzy Bennet, Lizzy is a good friend from high school.'

Emma was tall and slender with long angelic blond hair and light blue eyes. She was elegant but not as pretty as Jane. She was kind and sweet, but Jane was tender where Emma could not be.

`Hello Lizzy, it's so wonderful to meet you. I have heard much of you before from Elinor and Marianne. I have met your sister Jane a few times as well. Now may I make an introduction? Lizzy, this is my boyfriend, George Knightly. He is very good friends with Robert along with Charles and Will of course. George, this is Lizzy Bennet. `

George had stood a few feet away before Emma was introduced to her. Now being formally introduced, Lizzy could put names to faces from what she had heard about them.

So this is the famous George Knightly that Caroline just had to have here tonight. He's quite handsome but I wouldn't pass him by Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is very handsome…more so than any man here.

`It's wonderful to meet you George I have heard of you from Caroline in a pass by.'

George smiled at her.

`Thank you Lizzy, however I would cringe to know what she would say of me.'

`Seems that Caroline has a crush on him, even though she is determined for Will.' Emma said with disdain.

`Determined? I thought she was engaged to him?' Lizzy asked.

Emma snickered.

`Emma…' George started, `Don't start.'

Emma softly nodded with a devilish smile and then looked at Lizzy.

`Is Jane here this evening?'

`Yes she is…she's talking with Charles Bingley I believe.

She turned behind her to see Jane and Charles still in a vivid conversation.

`Charles seems very happy with your sister.' George stated and smiled at Lizzy when she turned to him.

`Jane is wonderful and even that is a bland understatement.' Lizzy replied happily.

`Ah...Darcy! Good to see you. Have you met Lizzy Bennet?'

Lizzy turned to her left and saw Will Darcy at her side looking intently at her. She wasn't sure if she had something on her face or if her dress was too appalling, because he didn't say a word at first until he looked her over.

`Yes I have today actually.' He then turned directly to her, ` Lizzy I hope you are well since lunch?'

Lizzy nodded and slowly smiled. She then took another sip of champagne and looked to Emma and George.

`Oh my! There is Harriet and her husband Robert. I must say hello. It was wonderful to meet you Lizzy. We must get lunch before too late. Nice to see you again Will. I'm sure I'll talk with you later.' Emma said and left with George to greet her friends.

`So…it's a wonderful party.' Lizzy lamely stated as she bit her lower lip looking around the room. Will absently looked around the room and then took a sip of his champagne.

`Yes it is. So are you acquainted with the…'

Lizzy smiled as she answered his question.

`Bride. Marianne is a good friend from high school. She and Elinor get along very well with my sister Jane and I.' Lizzy said as she gestured towards Jane's direction. Will turned to see a tall, beautiful blonde talking with Charles. He grinned and turned back to Lizzy.

`I see. Quite a friendship you four must have to be friends this long.' Will replied.

`Oh yes,' Lizzy's eyes sparkled as she answered, ` very much so. Elinor and Jane are the same age and Marianne and I are the same age as well. Four sisters friends with each other. It's quite…lucky.' Lizzy sipped her champagne and looked down towards her glass.

`Charles and I have been friends since we were…oh goodness…eight years old? Yes that's about right. We have known Robert since the ninth grade. He is a great guy.'

`Yes he is! I can't think of anyone more wonderful for my Marianne. She is so happy with him.'

`Have you just met Emma and George tonight?'

Lizzy turned from her gaze at Marianne to Will. She smiled and nodded.

`I have known George since college. He is a great guy too. Very intelligent and respectable.'

`He seems to be yes, but I had not known much of him. Emma is a charming woman too. She is Elinor's friend from college. I have heard of Emma many times, but have never had the chance to meet her until now. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had much chance to visit my friends.'

`What school do you attend?'

Lizzy finished her champagne before answering.

`Meryton Community College off of Brighton Road. I am getting my degree in English. It's very general but I still don't have an idea exactly of what I would like to do. I have so many ranges of degrees I want to explore…I'm basically all over the map.' She gave out a laugh and Will smiled at her.

`I understand. Before I chose my degree I had too many to choose from. I wanted to be an architect, but it wasn't to be. When my father died, I was to take over the company and the rest is history.'

`Oh I'm so sorry for your loss, Mr. Darcy.' Lizzy said. Will looked down amazed at her compassion and at her saying his name. It was so soothing and calm. He smiled and shook his head.

`No need. It was a long time ago. But I thank you for your sympathy.' And he smiled back while lightly touching her hand until she pulled away to rub the back of her neck. He says her cheeks spread with a dark blush and her ears get red at the tops. He smiled and thought to himself that she was definitely cute.

`So…what about Charles? How did he come to work for you?'

Will looked at his glass and smiled.

`Charles…he…I forced him to come with me.'

At seeing her shock, Will laughed and stated he was joking.

`No no…Charles wanted to work with me. He had an interest in the company and since I needed to divide my companies and have a CEO for each corporation, I gave Charles the choice. He is really into Dresden Solutions so he chose them. I have been very proud with his work. He is devoted to the company.'

`Yes he seems so. It was very nice of him to take me to lunch…and you as well!'

`Well…it was a good lunch and I am glad you came…however…Lizzy let me please…apologize for Caroline's behavior. She…well she gets that way and thinks she is the best of anyone. When really she is just annoying.'

Lizzy was confused but smiled.

`I don't think I noticed that. To be completely honest, she is a good person however she is quite determined to have her way.'

After a pause, Lizzy slowly asked Darcy about his engagement.

`Do you…would I be asking…to much…that is…well…' Lizzy sighed.

`Do not fear from asking me anything Lizzy. I will answer you.' Will said seriously and looked intently on her.

`Well it is just…I had thought that from what Caroline told me and everyone else…that is to say…aren't you engaged to her?'

`Uh…excuse…excuse me? What was that?' Will stammered to find the right words.

`Oh I'm sorry. I shouldn't of…Caroline say you two are engaged. She showed me her ring and everything. It's simply beautiful. I just wanted to wish you two congratulations.' Lizzy bit her lip.

Will wanted to respond but wasn't able to as Caroline came over and wrapped her arm around Will's. Jane accompanied Caroline to Lizzy and Darcy.

Will shook off Caroline's arm and looked sternly at her. His face was completely like stone.

`Lizzy? Who is…' Jane whispered and then Lizzy shook her head.

` Mr. Darcy, would you allow me to introduce my sister Jane. Jane this is Will Darcy owner of Dresden Solutions.'

Will seem to come out of his stare into space and smiled at Jane.

`It's a pleasure to meet you Jane. I hear you are great friends with Marianne and Elinor.'

`Yes sir. From Charles, I understand that you have a sister who is currently touring in Africa. Am I correct?'

Will gave a huge smile this time and his eyes twinkled with delight at talking about his sister, Georgianna.

`Yes she is. Georgianna is on a trip with her junior class from Cambridge. She will be finishing up her tour there in about a month or so. I hear from her every so often.'

Lizzy and Jane smiled while Caroline paid no attention to them and walked away.

`How old is your sister, Mr. Darcy?' Lizzy asked.

`She will be 21 in September and please please call me Will.'

Lizzy blushed and looked away while Jane asked him about his family.

`Do you have any other siblings?' Jane asked.

`Uh no…just Georgie and me. Our mother died when she was about six years old and our father just eight years ago.'

`Oh Will…'

He put his hand up to stop Jane.

`As I already told your sister, there is no need but I do thank you for your kindness. So! Tell me…what do you do Jane?'

`I work at Lucas Elementary School. I'm a teacher of the first grade.'

`So you get summers off then I imagine?' he asked as he glanced at Lizzy who was watching him with curious eyes.

Jane laughed and shook her head.

`I am the one to dare imagine that! No I still have to work in the summer as well. But teaching is relaxing to me. It's not as demanding as one would think. It's rewarding.'

Will nodded his head and then looked up to see Charles on his way to the group.

`Ah Lizzy! Will and I were wondering if you and…you too Jane of course, would like to join us for dinner before you leave for California.'

Lizzy looked at Jane and they smiled.

`Yes that would be wonderful, we would be delighted.' Jane answered sweetly.

`Wonderful! Wonderful!' Charles cried. He then fell again into conversation with Jane, leaving Will and Lizzy to fend for themselves.

The two of them stood apart from each other surveying the room. Lizzy felt awkward being in his presence. He seemed distant after Charles and Jane fell into their own conversation. He didn't seem to want to talk to her even though he stayed near Lizzy.

She soon felt annoyed at there being no conversation between them and tried to find a way to leave his side. She started to become desperate until she found Marianne talking with her sister.

`Excuse me…' She mumbled and walked away.

Chapter 3 part B:

William Darcy was quite shy and reserved among people he wasn't very well acquainted with. He had tried to make friends or get to know people throughout his life but he found it quite challenging. It was easier with Charles or his cousin Richard. They were easy-going, friendly, and had over all a laid back disposition. They both helped coax Darcy into friendship. However doing it on his own, and not business related, was hard. William Darcy was an excellent businessman, despite not wanting to quite take over so soon and not in the profession he dreamed of. He was responsible, dependable, observant, detail oriented, and trustworthy. He was powerful and wealthy. So why was it so hard for him to make friends? It's not that he couldn't keep them. Unlike someone else he knows. He could keep them quite well. He would look out for them, help them in their time of need even when they didn't ask, and he would defend them to anyone who dared think ill of them. But making them…obtaining them was hard. Especially women.

Here he was tonight, at an engagement party for his good friend Robert and his beautiful bride to be Marianne, and he couldn't make conversation with anyone. Well he could and did, but not with the one person he wanted to. He clamed up and stood there instead. But then again…he wasn't trying to draw attention from Caroline and have her swoon in and take over. That was mainly the reason he didn't say anything to Lizzy. He yearned to have some sort of conversation, but any kind would have Caroline in a beeline to Will and the conversation would pretty much be over.

Hmm…Caroline. Now that was a totally different case. To think that he was engaged to her! The sister of his best friend and confidant. The woman who only cared about fashion, status, and attention to herself. Well…they were engaged after all. It was embarrassing though at how she would always throw herself at him…well not even him at other men too. Only to get his attention and to “rescue” her. To William Darcy, Caroline Bingley was the sister of Charles and he felt it was time to settle down and marry. He was 27 and longing for a family and wife. A woman to come home to, to love and adore. Since he knew her already so very well and her situation in life was of a good family and disposition, she was the natural choice. The two had dated a few times in high school and a bit in college. They weren't the most obvious couple, since Will preferred to stay at his apartment or hers or go out and have a private evening. He wasn't the type to party hard with Charles or Richard. He did occasionally and had fun, but it was overwhelming for him and he much prefer a book or movie. Some type of activity he could control. That was it…he could control Caroline. She would do anything for him as she would get anything for her happiness. But love? Of course it was wanted, but…maybe in time? He found contentment that in time he could love and adore her. That's how love worked in his mind.

Will looked around the room. He saw George and Emma talking with Harriet Martin and her husband Robert. They were laughing about something funny. He saw Charles and Jane speaking low to each other and in a corner by the kitchen. Jane's complexion was holding a vivid blush from whatever Charles was saying. She seemed to really enjoy the conversation and would smile whenever she wasn't talking.

His eyes swept across to Lizzy. She had left his side to speak with Marianne and her sister, Elinor. She was laughing and talking with her hands. Her body would sway from side to side gently as she listened to her friends speak and then another low laugh would rumble from inside her and ring throughout the room.

She was happy. She made it look so simple. She looked so lov-

`Hello darling…are you bored already?' Caroline's voice purred.

Will rolled his eyes before turning around to see his fiancé looking intently at him.

`No not bored. Just…observing.'

`Oooo and what or who are you observing? Was it me? Did you see how I was talking with Sam Cole about the china I bought for Charles? I showed George too and he said it was simply wonderful!'

Darcy took another sip of his drink and then looked at it before answering.

`Uh…no. I was observing the room actually. Just seeing how the people interacted is all.'

Caroline stood with her head to the side. Her dark hair pulled up into a French twist and her heavy circular gold earrings just barely hanging from her earlobes. Her dark orange dress clinging tightly to her thin and slender frame along with her dark orange shoes that looked two sizes too small, it all made Darcy sick.

`So this is what she does with my money.'

`You can't be serious,' She begins as she drops her chin towards her neck, ` Why aren't you out there talking with everyone? I can't understand you sometimes William. You should be networking.' She said as she made circles with her right hand over and over again in front of her.

`Caroline that doesn't make much sense since I am friends with most of the people here. Everyone else I don't even know nor think they need me to network them at this type of event. Now go back to your china. I'm sure everyone was dying to see them since they walked through the door.' Will said sarcastically and stood there going back to watching the room.

Caroline paused before she huffed and walked away.

Lizzy on the other hand didn't notice the conversation at all since she was talking about her mother's antics over her mother's boss, Bill Collins.

`I don't understand why she can't leave you be, Lizzy. She must think you desperate.' Marianne stated.

Lizzy rolled her eyes.

`Yes well I am only 22 and you know I should be getting on with my life from my last wreck. She thinks up such crap sometimes…' Lizzy said with a giggle.

Mrs. Bennet amused mostly but always annoyed Lizzy to no end. Her mother would never tire of her boss, Dr. Bill Collins. A man she thought was just right for Lizzy.

Mrs. Bennet worked as a nurse for Dr. Perry and Dr. Collins. She always favored the profession of doctors and when finding an available…a very available doctor who made enough to support himself and then some, she thought the world of it for Lizzy.

`Well I'm not looking forward to meeting anyone my mother thinks worthy for me. I am perfectly fine being single. Besides…any man good looking, mature, responsible, who knows their manners and actually uses them and is independent is already taken or married! My luck is over as I see it…for quite a while too.'

`Oh Lizzy don't say that. Charles isn't taken. Why not him?' Elinor asked.

`Because I refuse to break Jane's heart…look at her…she's having a wonderful time with him. I don't even think you have spoken to Jane since we came have you Elinor?' Lizzy stated as she became amused with Elinor's option.

`Yeah I guess you're right. Well I can't think of anyone else…unless you want Edward's brother, Robert. Though I hear that Lucy and Robert are getting back together. Hmm…'

`What about…uh…hmm…'Marianne tried.

Lizzy laughed at their poor matchmaking and told them she was fine. She didn't need a man to make her happy. She was already content. Besides she had Jack and her father.

`I would hardly call Jack a life long companion. Yes he is faithful and your own, but he's a dog Lizzy' Marianne said and then glanced at Darcy.

`Too bad Will is taken. Though I don't understand that relationship at all. It's not even a relationship if you ask me.'

`Who? Will Darcy?' Lizzy asked as she peeked a sneaky glance at him. There he was standing proud and tall looking at her and then looking about the room quickly.

`Yes…he being with Caroline is very weird. They have been engaged for two years now and still no wedding. But it seems that the ring is keeping her happy enough not to press it. They don't even live together!' Marianne cried.

Lizzy looked at her with curiousity.

`How do you know all this? You have never talked about the Bingleys or Will Darcy before in your life to me.'

`Yes I have…well…see the thing is is that Robert is very good friends with Will and Charles. But we hardly see them. They have been traveling all over for business and Will lives in England during the summer months with his sister. Charles and Caroline live here but Charles is so busy with Dresden and other things that he doesn't find the time for us. Besides, we're busy too. My thing though is that Will and Caroline are just weird. They don't live together, they don't see each other everyday, they are in a loveless relationship and how could anyone want to be in that!?” Marianne finished and Lizzy's head was full of questions. Marianne, being a hopeless romantic at heart, thought that everyone had a soul mate and it was trying to find them that was half the romance. She would make anyone get together so long as she knew that they were meant to be.

`Wait…Robert tells you this?'

`Well yeah. Charles, Robert, Will, Richard, George…they are all close knit friends. They all have dinner together once a month if they can. They all know the situation of the two of them. Ask any one of the guys.'

`Wait. Who's Richard? You don't mean Richard Fitzwilliam do you?'

Marianne smiled and let out a deep breath. Elinor simply smiled and nodded.

`You haven't been around lately since you have been hanging out with or were hanging out with Elliot the idiot. I'm sure Jane has met these people except Charles and Will quite a few times. I'm so glad you can meet them now instead of later. But it's too bad you didn't meet them sooner…you could have had Will or George or maybe even Charles.'

Lizzy frowned at the mention of Elliot's name. She was over him completely, but to know that she had missed so much was hard. She had been with her ex for nearly six years. In the beginning it was wonderful and fun…but then about three years ago, everything changed. Lizzy moved in with Elliot, and they seemed to do their own things disregarding her friends. Elliot still hung out with his friends all consuming of three people. Low-life losers are what Lizzy liked to call them.

`Well now I'm not with him…so I can hang out with you guys more…which I have been doing since I broke up with him. But what's with Richard? ` Lizzy asked as she pondered her knowledge about him.

Lizzy had met Richard Fitzwilliam through Elinor and Jane. When Elliot had gone back to Alabama (his home state) for Christmas one year, Elinor and Jane had invited Lizzy to join them for a Christmas party that their friend Richard was having. She found him to be so sweet and funny. He was very tall, about the same height as Darcy but his looks weren't as good as Will's. He was handsome though with dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes and his skin was rough and tan. He sported a rugged look very well. His smile sparkled and he was always laughing and having fun. Lizzy had hung out with him a few times since the party but once Elliot came back it got harder for her to see him. They would have lunch once in a while and they would constantly write emails back and forth. Now Richard and Lizzy were good friends, albeit they haven't spoken in a long time.

`Richard is Will's cousin. From his mother's side or so I heard.' Marianne chatted.

`Oh…Richard never said anything about his cousins. In fact, he doesn't speak about his family so much. Not that I remember at least.' Lizzy spoke faintly. This was too much for her. How could everyone be so connected yet she not even feel so nor know them!

Lizzy shrugged her shoulders. This was enough to keep her thinking for a while. Besides that, a toast was about to be given by George in honor of Robert and Marianne.

`I would like to say just a few words. Robert and Marianne…all of us have grown to see your relationship blossom into something beautiful. Your love for each other can be felt within this room and seen upon your smiling faces. We all here wish the best for you and your coming marriage. May you two fulfill each other's lives with the happiness, contentment, and joy you have shown us and share with us. To Robert and his beautiful bride to be, Marianne.'

Everyone chimed in as they raised their glasses.
`To Robert and his Marianne!'

Soon the party began to go into full swing with a buffet dinner, drinks all around non stop, and light happy conversation. Everyone had a joyous time, even Darcy who ended up speaking with Elinor most of the time. To tell the truth, he was talking to her about Edward, her boyfriend. Edward couldn't make it to the party since he was in Cleveland for a seminar on religion of the ages. He felt horrible, but Elinor was confident that she would be fine and she was. She spoke to Darcy about their upcoming trip to the Bahamas. Darcy was offering his private jet for them to use and asked not to be thanked in helping them. Elinor found him very generous and kind although she did thank him profusely for his kindness in the offering.

Lizzy found herself having a wonderful time. After dinner, she was conversing with Charles and Jane, then she talked with Emma and George a bit more, and soon talked with Harriet and her husband. She realized that she was very happy to be able to spend the night with her friends and not feel tied down by anyone. She had a few plans made with some of the girls to get together and have dinner sometime. As she made her way around the room, she found herself coming up to Darcy again. She didn't really want to talk to him, since he didn't seem to be interested in her, but she wouldn't let that stop her. She was determined to be civil if he were to talk to her.

Darcy saw her come his way and stood up straight. He was going to talk to her. He wanted to. She slowly took her time coming over to him and when she reached him she smiled and nodded.

`Hello Lizzy.'

`Hello Mr. Darcy.'

`I thought we were to use our first names when speaking. Did that change?'

Lizzy looked up at him and studied his face. He was joking with her. He was trying to at least as he had a small smile on his face that he was trying to hide.

`Yes we were using first names.' She paused and then resumed, `Excuse me, Will. Are you enjoying yourself this evening? I really haven't seen you conversing much with the party guests.'

Will looked down at his shoes and then shook his head slightly.

`I umm…I don't converse easily with strangers. Most of the people here I know and I have spoken to them, but the ones that I don't know…I…I don't find it easy for me.'

Lizzy's eyes sparkled and almost twitched at hearing this.

`What makes it so uneasy for you?'

He was silent a moment before answering and then tried to smile again.

`I'm shy.'

Here Lizzy let a giggle escape her lips and then gave him a look of sympathy.

`You're shy? Oh Will…I am a bit surprised in finding this out. You don't seem the type to be completely shy. You own companies and have friends here who don't seem to be shy. I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh. It is not funny.'

`No no…I understand, but yes I am shy.'

`You know…to get over shyness, you must practice. For example, Marianne loves having me sing karaoke with her on Friday nights at our local pub, but I don't think I can sing very well. In fact I know I can't. But, she wouldn't let me not do it, so I had to practice and get over my shyness in order to do it. Telling Marianne no isn't an option with singing. So I had to learn to overcome it. So now I have with practicing. I'm sure you could if you only took the chances to try. Like tonight for instance.'

Will studied her face and noticed her hands acting out her words and emotions about her story. She had a point and to show her he understood, he started to try with her.
`You have a valid point and I will take that into serious consideration. Thank you. I have a question for you though. Do you only sing at your local pub?'

Lizzy turned her head slightly and smiled. When she looked back she saw he was looking directly at her with some serious intent on getting an honest answer.

`Uh…no…I mean…yes…maybe…when I'm alone in my car or something.'

Here silence took it's part and remained there. Lizzy was in a good mood so she wasn't going let the lull stop her mood.

They stood there for a few more moments before Lizzy said anything.

`Well I'm surprised we don't have more conversation here Will. I'm sure we could find something to talk about.'

`Uh yes…yes… you are right. I'm sorry. I just…I don't know exactly what to say. I'm not always a talker.'

`Even at parties? I mean…isn't that kinda what a party is for…to mingle and converse? Come now…I'm sure we can hold some type of conversation.'

Will's eyes were almost burning into hers trying to find the right words. From the corners of his eyes he was watching Caroline to make sure she wouldn't tramp over to where they were. She was talking to Emma and George about something and her back was turned to them so he went ahead and let himself ease up a bit.

`Right, of course we can.'

Lizzy smiled at the sudden easiness Will showed her and let her tense shoulders drop.

Will started it off with asking about her and Jane's relationship and Lizzy was grateful it was a topic she liked to discuss.

`Jane and I have always gotten along and our friendship…our relationship is very close knit. We have always been that way. She's an angel. Very well liked, kind, generous, and extremely thoughtful.'

`Yes…I can see that she is a warm person. Gentle and friendly. Seems that Charles is getting along very well with her.'

`Yes! Indeed they are and I am glad to see that they can talk so easily.'

Will felt himself cringe at her ending remark, but let it alone. Before he could reply, Jane herself came over to tell Lizzy it was time to go.

`Goodbye Will. It was pleasant talking with you, even though it wasn't of long duration. Take care will you?'

He smiled at her slightly and nodded.

`It's been a pleasure. I will take care and please do the same.' He replied but didn't take his eyes off her. She could feel them burn into her own and she took a moment before tearing herself away with a fading smile on her face.

Lizzy felt herself shiver at his look but thought nothing of it…except warmth and excitement. She shook her head as she left with Jane and after saying their goodbyes to everyone, they were gone.


`Do you think he's going to call you while I'm gone?'

Jane sipped her tea before answering Lizzy while she watched her pack.

`I'm hoping so. It would be nice to be able to see him again. However, he did invite us to have dinner with him and Will soon.'

Lizzy rolled her eyes as she packed her jeans in her suitcase along with her socks and a couple shirts.

`Yes well I'm sure Will Darcy will be just fine if he didn't come to dinner. I just hope he calls you soon. Did you give him your mobile?'

Jane nodded and then asked about Will.

`I know that you two didn't really get along at the party, but you seemed to earlier in the day.'

`Yeah…I mean…ugh…Jane…I can't really like him. I can't really think anything of him. He is nice and he is a gentleman I guess…but the point is that he's just someone I don't know.'

`True but he is a great guy…once he and I started talking a bit I found him very pleasing. Although I saw he was quiet. I don't understand how he can find anything in Caroline. I mean…she did seem nice, but a little too….forward.'

`Jane! Forward isn't the word to describe her…more like pushy and annoying. Loud and flashy. Not forward. That would be an understatement.' Lizzy explained, but before she could finish her phone rang.

`Besides, Caroline is very different and opposite of Will…isn't it suppose to be opposites attract?' she finished before seeing it was her aunt she was to visit calling her.



`Hi Aunt Phillips! How are you? I was just packing and getting ready for my trip out there.'

`Yes well I'm fine and all except…oh my dear Elizabeth…I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel our trip. My dear friend Pat is in the hospital and I need to take care of her house and check on her. So I'm having to travel up to her place. I'm sorry dear. I'll send you a check for the airfare.'

`Oh no no I understand. Please be careful and give Pat my love. I hope she will be well soon.'

After Lizzy hung up she sat down on her bed. Jack was laying on the floor but soon came up next to her and Jane looked at Lizzy with worry.

`That was Aunt Phillips…she said she has to cancel the trip. I guess Pat is in the hospital.'

Jane's face was horrorstricken and Lizzy's was in shock. They neither said anything for a moment before Lizzy stood up quickly and started unpacking.

`Well! I guess I should tell mom and dad I'm not going.'

`Are you still going to take those days off from work?' Jane asked before she helped Lizzy unpack.

Lizzy shrugged.

`Probably not. I'll just go into work instead and save those days for another trip. It's no big deal Jane…I'm sure I'll get to go out again soon.'

With that Lizzy went to tell her parents.


Charles Bingley did call Jane the day after Lizzy had to cancel her trip. He had talked to her for nearly an hour before asking her out to dinner. Jane had accepted and they were to go out on their date the next evening.

Jane was already staying over at her parents house, so she asked Lizzy to drive up with her to her apartment and stay with her the night and help her the next day.

Lizzy and Jane drove up to Meryton after dinner with the Bennet family and got to the apartment at 8.30. They unpacked and decided to make dessert. Jane went to the kitchen and took out two bowls and two spoons while Lizzy took out the creamy chocolate ice cream from the freezer and a small bowl of sugared strawberries from the fridge.

`Are you excited for tomorrow night?' Lizzy asked, knowing full well the answer was yes.

`I am Lizzy I am. And to think I didn't think he'd call me. I am so happy. I think I'll wear my gray skirt and blue blouse.' Jane said as she looked into her comfy living room. Lizzy stopped scooping ice cream to make a scowl on her face.

`Uh Jane…I'd advise you not to wear that. I think you should wear your champagne dress or the black v neck one…but personally I would save the black dress until a few more dates go on…so say…next weekend.' Lizzy said with a sly smile on her face. Soon both the girls were laughing out loud and couldn't stop. Once they were able to calm down, they cleaned up and went into the living room.

`What did you two talk about for so long Jane?'

`Oh…hmm…about my class and how the week's assignments were going and about how he was playing tennis with Will and he didn't win which apparently bummed him out. He also mentioned dinner that we are to have and asked when would be a good time to have it. I told him that your trip was cancelled and he was sorely sorry to hear it. He was hoping then that this coming up Friday would be good for both of us.'

Lizzy slowly finished her spoonful of strawberries and ice cream and looked down at her bowl before replying.

`Yeah…that should work for me. I think I might keep Monday and Tuesday off next week. Just to finish up some school work and get some rest. Caroline has been getting on my nerves lately with her comments and numerous breaks and so forth. Where are we going?'

Jane gave her sister a sympathetic smile and replied,

`We are having dinner at Charles house. Apparently Will is an excellent cook and Charles insisted on a quiet meal that Will would prepare. I'm sure it will be wonderful.'

`Hmm…yes…I'm sure it will. Well I said I would go so I am.' Lizzy said as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen, however she stopped at Jane's chair and put her hand on her shoulder.

`I'm hoping for good things from this dinner and from your date Jane. You deserve the best.' And she walked on into the kitchen.

Jane smiled as Lizzy walked away and thought about her sister.

I hope the best for you too Lizzy…even if it takes a bit of time…and some encouragement…

The next night, Charles had picked Jane up and took her to a fancy restaurant to dinner. After dinner, Charles invited to his house for some dessert and there was Caroline and Will to share with them.

Jane had a wonderful time and couldn't stop talking about Charles the next day and the day after that and the day after that and so forth. Lizzy was very happy for Jane to have meet someone so good, kind, caring, and adorable for her eldest sister.

Friday soon came and Lizzy and Jane went to work with their minds racing at full speed with expectations of the evening to come. Jane was thinking of seeing Charles and what to say to Charles, and how to laugh with Charles, and why she liked Charles.

While Lizzy was thinking about Will and Caroline. Would she be there? Oh goodness Lizzy hoped not. It was bad enough watching her try to work on her nails while typing and then overhearing her conversations with Will on the phone.

This morning's daily conversation was usually the same thing over and over. Her talking and him listening.

`My love, we must go to your summer home this year. I simply must see everyone again from your family. I just have the perfect outfits to wear and oh! the perfect swimsuit too! You also have to speak with your sister about coming to your place this summer. She must be dreadfully bored in England without you. Can we travel over in May? I would like to leave ASAP.'

Finally a pause came on and then she was about it again and this was pretty much the conversations she would have with him. Lizzy grew annoyed and bored. Before it was amusing to her, now it was just extremely annoying to hear her go on and on and on.

By the middle of the afternoon, Lizzy got an email from Jane about dinner.


Charles called me today and told me that dinner will be at 7pm. It's nothing fancy very casual. So no need to wear a skirt tonight, but I will be most likely. Hope your day is going well.



Lizzy kept working until 4 and left the office. The whole day she was preoccupied with her work but mostly on the night's dinner. Caroline hadn't mentioned anything about the dinner and since she usually liked to flaunt her business, Lizzy assumed for the most part that she wasn't coming.

By the time Lizzy walked through the door to Jane's apartment, she found clothes laid out on the sofa and recliner. As she made her way to the dining room to set her things down, she heard noises coming from Jane's bedroom.
`Jane? Jane I'm home.' Lizzy called as she walked slowly to the back of the apartment. When she reached her sister's room she had a huge smile on her face. Jane was holding up two dress shirts, a light pink one and a light blue one to go with a black skirt she had on.

`Hello Lizzy. Good day at work?'

`Hardly.' Lizzy said as she rolled her eyes while sitting down on Jane's bed, which was half covered in clothes.

`I see that we can't make a decision tonight can we Jane?'
Lizzy said with an amused look on her face. Jane looked at her with a questioned look and then smiled.

`Oh that…well I wanted you to have your pick for tonight. I know you didn't really bring anything but I thought you could borrow something if you wanted.'

`I'll be fine thank you. I'm going to go get ready. But before I go…go with the pink.' And Lizzy was gone.

By 6.30pm the girls were ready to go. Lizzy was just finishing her makeup when Jane walked into the bathroom to see her dressed.

`Oh Lizzy you look wonderful. I'm so glad you choose that skirt.' Jane said as she smiled. Lizzy looked down at herself. She had a simple gray skirt on that was casual yet dressy. To compliment the skirt, she put on her black blouse that was sheer but very elegant. Lizzy hardly wore any jewelry but she did keep her star pendant on and her fake diamond stud earrings in. She also put on a silver ring that her dad bought her for her 15th birthday. It was Celtic with a very simple band and design.

`Are you ready to go?' Jane asked as she slipped into the dining room to grab her things.

Lizzy nodded as she finished her touch ups and the two of them grabbed their coats and purses.

When they arrived at Charles house, Lizzy cringed before they ringed the doorbell. Jane took notice and soon relieved Lizzy's apprehension.

`Charles told me this afternoon that Caroline won't be joining us tonight. Seems she has other plans with her sister and her husband.'

Lizzy let out a breath and was relieved. She didn't want to face Caroline at all. She was happy to hear of it, but then suddenly realized there was no reason, except not to hear her ramble. She was here for Jane now. Before Jane and Charles meeting, she would of said that she was there for dinner with possible friends.

Jane pushed the doorbell and it was only a matter of seconds, before Charles answered the door.

`Jane! Lizzy! I'm so glad you two have arrived. Will and I were just putting the spaghetti into the pot. Come in come in.'

Charles took the ladies coats and smiled earnestly, mostly though at Jane. Drinks were ready after Charles had taken their order and presented them to the living room. It was a nice spacious room, although not too big. It afforded a nice fireplace and twin set of sofas. The lighting was soft and the color of the room was a warm toasted butter color. Lizzy took one of the chairs that was next to the doorway but was in the conversational area. She was wondering where Will had been and figured he was in the kitchen.

Jane and Charles talked a bit about their day as Lizzy sat there sipping her drink. She soon excused herself to go into the kitchen and perhaps see if she could help with dinner, being that she wanted to let Charles and Jane talk alone.

She remembered the kitchen being down the hall way and made her way. As she slowly walked in, she saw Will Darcy standing over the island in the middle of the kitchen chopping up a green bell pepper and looking very concentrated on his task. He didn't see nor hear Lizzy come into the kitchen, but she made her appearance known by saying hi.

Will looked up with a slightly surprised look on his face but gave a small grin when he noticed it was her.

`Oh hello Lizzy. Please come in. How are you?'

Lizzy slowly walked towards the island and watched him cut the pepper strips into tiny bits.

`I'm good thank you. And yourself?'

Will looked up with a small smile and then back down to his cutting.

`I'm very well now that I have company here. Are you and Jane okay with spaghetti and garlic bread?'

Lizzy kept her eyes on the pepper while answering.

`Yes! That sounds delicious. I'm looking forward to it.'

She replied and after a moment of silence, she slowly
looked up and met with Will's eyes. It was a moment. A long moment that encompassed a spark. Something that Will felt and Lizzy, but both ignored…or tried to.

`Can I help you with anything?' Lizzy spoke up. Will stopped for a moment with his cutting and nodded.

`Would you like to put the garlic spread onto the french bread I have cut up over there?' Will pointed with his knife to an open counter with the fixings for the bread.
Lizzy nodded and washed her hands, then she went to the counter and set her glass down while she started in.

The kitchen was quiet except for the sounds of preparing the food. Lizzy didn't notice until she was into her task, that soft classical music was playing. Without trying to look around and seem nosy, she tried to figure out where the music was coming from. She noticed it was a piece from Bach. After a few minutes of not being able to figure it out, she timidly asked Will.

`Oh, it's coming from there.' Will pointed to the ceiing and Lizzy looked up. She saw four speakers placed neatly in the ceiling of the kitchen.

`It's a nice feature. I like the concept of speakers in the ceiling.' Lizzy replied and then realized how stupid that must of sounded. She quickly changed the subject, but not to one any better.

`So Caroline wasn't able to join us tonight.'

By now, Will was stirring the sauce and once he found that the ingredients were mixed well, he turned his back to the counter next to the stove and folded his arms before answering.

`Uh…yes…she has an engagement with her sister and brother-in-law.'

`Oh.' was all the Lizzy managed to barely mumble. She finished the bread and handed the tray to Will who put it in the oven to broil. While watching it, Lizzy and Will were both searching for a topic in their mind to discuss. Will wanting to talk about Caroline and Lizzy hoping to talk about anything else but her.

`Uh…Caroline told me that she finds your department very…uh…simple.'

Lizzy's eyes shot up from the oven and looked directly into Will's.

`Simple? Yes…I'm sure she would, however, being that the department may be simple, doesn't mean it's entirely dysfunctional.'

Will noticed the flare of temper rise in Lizzy as she spoke, but noticed it was mostly for Caroline.

`I had told her that the division seems to be running quite smoothly. You're team is one of the top in the customer service area in Dresden. Caroline seems to overlook or not pay attention to the areas of critique which matter most.'
This calmed her down. Inside Lizzy wanted to ring Caroline's neck for her pompous attitude and defined air that she seemed to wholly connected to. Lizzy smiled and took a sip of her water.

`Caroline is going on vacation this summer to Italy. She wanted to go to my summer home, but I will be busy there with my sister.'

Lizzy's head tilted to the side and her smile seemed to turn into curiosity.

`Will! Is dinner ready yet?' Charles bounded into the kitchen with Jane following.

`Almost ready but you can have the ladies seated and then help me bring the food out.'

After everything was set up and the guys had sat down, conversation was slowly brought to the table.

`I'm sorry to hear about your trip Lizzy. It must be such a disappointment, however, I'm glad you were able to have dinner with Will and I. I hope your aunt is well?'

`Oh yes, she is, thank you. A friend of hers has been in the hospital so I'm afraid my presence would be distracting and unnecessary.'

Will and Charles grinned and Jane looked at Lizzy who was about to take a bite of spaghetti.

`Well I know that I am going to sound selfish, but I'm glad we were able to spend time with you now. I was telling Will before you came over that we should go to the local Chinese restaurant a few blocks from here. Its absolutely delicious.'

`I'd like that. When were you wanting to go?' Jane asked before Lizzy could answer.

`How about Saturday. In fact, we could grab some take out and then come back here and watch a few movies.'

Lizzy looked and Jane and they both nodded their heads.

After a few moments of silence, Lizzy spoke up.

`This sauce is so wonderful. You are quite the cook Will.'
Will looked up at the mention of his name, he heard the comment and smiled at Lizzy.

`Well the toast is equally wonderful. I can't think of anyone better to help me in the kitchen. Charles just stood there the whole time and almost cut the bread too thin to eat.'

After this Will laughed and the girls joined in. Charles, in his ever amusing way, rolled his eyes, his cheeks blushed across his fair skin and he kept eating.

`I'm not very good in the kitchen. Caroline usually has a cook over and since Will wanted to cook, Rosie is off for the night.' Charles tried to explain.

`Can you cook anything Charles?' Lizzy asked in between laughs.

`Pizza rolls, toast, scrambled eggs, and rice. That's about it.'

This reply had the whole room roaring in laughter. But then Jane made the comment on Lizzy's cooking.

`Lizzy is a bit better but close to you Charles. I cook everything, but she knows certain dishes to make. She has the best lasagna ever. You two should come over next week and have some.'

`I'm not the best at cooking Charles, but I can make a mean lasagna thanks to Jane for helping me learn. I also took some cooking courses in high school so I understand basics and some dishes but the more complex ones I leave to Jane. She can make a wonderful quiche. I love having that dish.'
`I would love to come over for dinner. Will what do you say? Dinner at Jane and Lizzy's next week?'

Will frowned and thought a moment.

`I uh…yes thank you. I'd love to come over.'

Here Lizzy felt an obligation to invite Caroline. As much as she hated to utter the words and have her in Jane's apartment, it was only fair and polite.

`Will, please bring Caroline too. I'm sure she'd enjoy coming.' Lizzy stated with hesitation at the word enjoy.
Will cleared his throat and thanked her for the invitation.
Soon the dinner dishes were cleared away and the four of them moved into the living room.

The fireplace was glowing and warming the room. Will had brought out some coffee and dessert, a chocolate soufflé. After dessert, Charles invited Jane and Lizzy to tour his home, but Lizzy declined wanting to give them some privacy. However, she didn't realize that she would be alone with Will.

`I am sorry to hear about your trip. You sounded very excited to go.'

Lizzy looked up from her coffee and smiled.

`I was. But to be honest, I'm okay with not going. It gives me a chance to stay home and rest. I know that being out there I would be on my heels doing all sorts of things. But it's nice to have a few days to myself.'

`What sort of plans did she have for you?'

Lizzy sighed and looked into the fireplace.

`Oh...a local play, a day at a vineyard, a few museums, a few dinners with her friends, we were also going to go to a missionary. That sort of stuff and I would loved to have gone, but I'm sure I can go again some other time.'

When she finished, she looked up at Will and saw the intensity of his dark eyes gazing…no staring at her. She immediately blushed and smiled. She tried to hold her gaze with him, but it was becoming too intense. In a matter of moments, her eyes fell to her lap. Will continued to look at her from his seat which was opposite the sofa she was perched on.

`I enjoy those types of things. I can't tell you the last time I enjoyed doing it though.' Will remarked.

`Doesn't Caroline like those things too? You two should go out sometime and try it.'

As she said this, she noticed Will wince as if in pain in hearing her say Caroline.

It took a moment before will could speak.

`Well actually…you see…Caroline isn't much into those sort of things. She prefers a party or a social gathering rather than a more independent outing. I took her once to a play and she talked through the whole thing about her sister's new poodle and about her new shoes or something or other like that…silly nonsense really.' Will said as he waved his hand at the words he spoke.

So smooth and gentle he spoke, with such rich vibrancy in his voice. His accent tickled Lizzy's ears with the pining to hear more. She closed her eyes at points in the conversation to stop herself from melting at his sound.

`I think Charles and Jane are getting along rather well. They've been gone almost 30 minutes. The house isn't that big.' Will commented as he looked around the room and then gave a half smile to Lizzy who choked on her coffee and was giving out hiccups.

`Are you alright?! Can I get you something? A glass of wine perhaps? A spoonful of peanut butter?' Will quickly listed.

This only made it worse…thinking of a full grown man who made who knows how much money…asking if he could get her a spoonful of peanut butter? It was too much to be borne and yet it made Lizzy giggle and hiccup with delight.

`I'm fi(hiccup) fine…(giggle) I jus(hiccup) ssst need to (hiccup hiccup)(giggle) have a sip of water. (hiccup).'

Lizzy tried to hide her amusement but it was no use. By now she was laughing and Will had brought her a small cup of water. He was confused but at the same time, smiling at the way her eyes lit up when she laughed and her mouth curved up into a beautiful smile as she expressed her happiness.

`I'm sorry…I'm sorry…' she said as she calmed down. ` That was silly of me.'

Will waved it off and smiled.

He's so cute when he smiles like that…ahhh…if only.
If only?! If only what?! Will was taken and completely out of her league. This made her laughter come to a sudden halt and she finished her water.

`uh…would you like to go outside to the balcony? It's a bit warm in here and I'm sure a little bit of night air would do us some good…I think.' Will asked as he ended his sentence almost audible but barely.

Lizzy nodded her head and followed him outside. The crisp cool winter air bit at her nose and arms, but it was welcome. Her cheeks could feel the blood rush but she didn't mind it. They stood outside on the swept balcony that overlooked the back yard of Charles's home.

`Charles likes to come out here in the mornings. I come out here every so often when I'm over.'

`Do you visit him often then?' Lizzy asked.

Will looked out into the back yard and up to the starry sky.

`Yes…' he answered slowly. ` I come over to see Caroline since she hardly comes over to my place. I prefer being here than there.'

Lizzy had suspected that maybe it was because he didn't like his own place or maybe it was because it felt more at home here. She didn't know and she wasn't going to bother thinking about it…even though it was bothering her.

They stood outside for a bit longer without talking. Jane and Charles still had not come back and Lizzy was enjoying the view of the peaceful night.

`Lizzy…would you…well…would you like to have lunch with me next Thursday? I had to cancel my trip…as you can tell since I'm here and all and well I was wondering if you would like to join me?' Will asked with a bit of a stammer.

She looked out a bit more over the snow covered grass and then slowly looked up to grasp his dark brown eyes. His face was handsome. His dark brown eyes were warm and intense. They seemed to never leave her face. His lips were a thin line that were waiting to say something after she'd answer. His dark curly hair was combed back except for a few small curls that brushed his brow. His jaw line was strong and etched, clenched to his teeth and his skin pink from the cold but smooth.

Lizzy nodded and then turned her head to one side. She was waiting for something…she felt…she wanted to kiss him. To feel him and those lips that looked so tempting and so wanting…she felt herself get warm and let out a breath that was stirring inside of her.

Before she knew what was going to happen next, Will came close to her ear and was about to whisper something, but instead, ever so lightly and so slowly kissed her on the cheek. Then slowly again he brought his lips down to the area right next to her lips…close to her jaw line and kissed her lightly again.

`Till Thursday then. Thank you Lizzy.' Will said and invited her back inside.

To imagine Lizzy's surprise is a mighty understatement, since she herself could not believe what she had done. Accepting him in his invitation to lunch? It had never occurred to her what would happen with Caroline. Or would she come with? It was too fast and yet too exciting for her to think completely straight. But those questions didn't surprise her half as much as the kisses he lightly left on her cheek before the evening was over. She was stunned…mortified, embarrassed, happy, overjoyed, confused, and mostly delirious. She wasn't listening completely to Jane and her time with Charles looking about the different rooms and talking about each other, making another night for a date…nor their first kiss.

She heard none of it. All she heard was `Till Thursday then. Thank you Lizzy.' Over and over in her head did it reel about. It wasn't until the next day that she was brought back down to earth.

`Lizzy, could you help me with some painting in the den. I need someone to help me out.' Mr. Bennet asked his daughter while she was eating her breakfast of popovers and chocolate milk. Lizzy looked up at her father and nodded.

She didn't have any plans this weekend. Jane was busy with Charles and Lizzy had no want of friends at the moment. A quiet weekend at home was what she desired.

The whole morning and into the late afternoon, Lizzy and her father painted his den a dark chestnut. By the time they had finished, they had covered all sorts of subjects from Shakespeare, modern art, the NHL, and then all the way to her mother. It was a fairly easy topic and yet it was a painful one…for both participants.

Mrs. Bennet was in an uproar it seemed. Of course this was thanks to Lydia who wanted to go to the local dance at school and needed a dress right away since it was that night. Kitty had then caught wind of this and threw her own fit for not being able to go on such short notice unless she had something to wear too. Therefore this was all too vexing for Mrs. Bennet, who had so many things to accomplish this weekend that buying new dresses and mending her daughters hearts were not on the agenda.

`Go speak to your father! You know I don't have the time nor energy to take care of you two squabbling like chickens about this nonsense. I have many things to do this weekend, however I do not see why you cannot go Lydia to this dance. Kitty…you should be able to go too, however I only have enough money to buy one new dress and I'm sure you can wear your yellow dress from the wedding you went to last spring. It would be just fine.'

`But mom! I have grown two inches since then! I don't fit it anymore. Lydia can certainly wear that thing and I can get my own! Please mom!!' Kitty wailed and brought herself to tears.

`No! Mom, tell her no! I need the new dress, besides I'm the prettiest and the tallest of you and me and I should get the new dress. You are always getting new things!' Lydia went on and on.

Mr. Bennet and Lizzy could hear the uproar from the den and both chose to ignore it. It was no use arguing or getting in the middle of it when the three of them got into it. It would soon settle itself out.

`I can't understand her sometimes.' Mr. Bennet stated as he painted his side of the molding.

`Why not? She is easy enough for sure. All mom wants is attention and to do her own thing. She can't handle anything but herself. I wonder at all how she can handle that!'

`With great care and money…however your mom is a very good person, just absent minded at times…and fool hardy.'

Lizzy rolled her eyes at her father's comments in regards to her mother. But the word fool caught her quick and her mind flooded with Will Darcy.

She was unsure now of what to think or how to act around him. He is an engaged man! Surely it was the wine that night.

`What must he think of me? Does he think I'm a fool? Or easy? Or a stepping stone to give him what Caroline won't ?? I won't let that be the case! He will not make a fool out of me…not at all!'

Lizzy was firm in her quick resolve to not be taken for granted. She couldn't allow it because if she did she would be a fool and with a broken heart. She had done that once, she would certainly be a fool to do it again.


Will Darcy found himself sitting at home in his office thinking about the previous night. About Lizzy, about the kisses, about the lunch date. It was all that was on his mind since it happened.

He didn't know what to think or what to say. He had been honest with himself in wanting to ask her to lunch. He was honest when he meant his thank you to her. But he knew he wasn't being honest in regards to Caroline.

`Caroline…humph…now that does cause a problem.' He said to himself and went back to pondering.

Do I love her? Can I really marry her? Or should I take a break from all of this? Maybe I should not have my trip cancelled. Maybe I should rethink all of this…you damn fool you NEED to think about all of this! Again and again until it is right!

Those thoughts clouded his mind until a solution was found on his mind's horizon.

`That's it! I must tell her! I must do it at once…'

With that, Will grabbed his car keys and his leather coat and was gone. Gone to talk to Caroline.


`Charles I must simply have you gone tonight. You are always around when Will comes to visit me and I can't have it anymore! I am planning a quiet romantic evening at home tonight with him so you can go out with your dear Jane and leave me be!' She cried as she fingered the lace on her new lingerie she had sitting out on the table.

Tonight Caroline was planning a very seductive, in the arts of the deep orange see through lingerie, which is very disgusting and not at all seductive to minds of normality, for her and “her” Will. She was tired of having Charles around all the time. It was as if they were all friends and she and Will were not engaged. Her brother was always around, although when Caroline thought about it, Will didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact he never said a word otherwise. Caroline hated it. She hardly had any affection from him at all. They never did anything together, except parties or social gatherings where they would attend together or maybe even dinner outside of the house would happen…a few times. But she wasn't feeling the intimacy that she craved from him.

She sought out a way to nix that and after speaking with Louisa for hours on end, it was decided that she needed to plan a romantic evening at home…without company.

When Charles heard that he was to be dismissed, he stopped for a moment.

Now Charles was, is, and always will be one of the best of men. His circle of friends were all good men. Robert, Edward, George, Will…Will being his best friend. It was mutually understood that Caroline had the hots for Will ever since they were young and it was understood that Will did not always like her.

For goodness sakes, Charles couldn't say that Will even loved Caroline. She was not an easy person to admire or love. She was selfish, overbearing, ignorant, arrogant, and mindless at times. Charles loved her that was certain, however his love was brotherly and yet he still watched over her when she needed to be.

Charles remembered numerous conversations of how Will requested not to be alone with Caroline throughout the years of their friendship. It seemed that requested was never at a halt. That Will never stopped wanting Charles's company in regards to Caroline. He was so used to being around when Caroline was in Will's company that it did not occur to him that maybe Will wasn't in love after all. He didn't declare yet, and he didn't deny it…in fact, he wouldn't say anything except ` This is the right thing to do' and leave it at that. Charles never felt the need to question his intentions, but longed more for Will's comfort in marriage and love, than to see it taken away from him.
He loved his sister, but he loved his friend too…as a brother and wanted him to have the very best. This came with the realization that Caroline was not the best for him. No matter whether she was blood or not, she was not his match.

`Caroline, Jane and I have a date tonight, however I was hoping to bring her over here. Besides, you don't need to spend a night at home to be romantic. Why not go out to the Den and Green or the Silver Line for dinner. Those are two very romantic restaurants.'

`Oh Charles! But I planned all of this for tonight…here. You don't want me to suffer through another night without romance from Will do you?'

`Caroline I don't care about your romantic life, however, I wouldn't be so hasty as you in going all out to be romantic. Not all seductive nightwear, chocolates, candles, and flowers are romantic…Yuck! To think my sister…oh Caroline…please…no more!” Charles put his hand up and quickly exited the dining room with a slight smile on his face.

`Now to call Will.'


` Hello?'

`Georgie? It's Will.'

`Oh ello Will. How are ya?'

`I'm well Georgie I'm well. Say do you have a minute?'

The soft giggle of Georgie escaped her lips and she answered she did have but only a moment.

`Good…good. I have something to ask you.'

`What is it then? I've only got a few moments before I have to board my boat.'

`Oh well then…uh…Gee…do you really like Caroline enough to see her as your sister?'

Silence prevailed the phone line and Will started to doubt her being available on it anymore. Soon the sound of native tongue was spoken in the back ground of Georgie's line that Will didn't lose hope and waited patiently for her to answer.

`To be honest Will, I have never cared for her. She doesn't seem to suit you and I think you could do much better. But in my telling you that, might you tell me what is going on?'
Will let out a breath of relief and answered her.

`Well, I have been thinking and I don't think that Caroline and I should be together anymore. I'm not happy and I would like to…uh…well…'

`Will, what about this is new to you? You have never seemed so happy with Caroline. You are always dull and quiet around her and you let her push you around most of the time. I don't understand you in that situation, Will. But I'm glad to hear you're starting to find your senses on the subject. Have ya talked to her yet?' Georgie asked in a soft but clipped British accent.

`Uh no…no Georgie I have not. But I wanted to ask you how you felt on the subject.'

`By all means Will, please do not marry her. You aren't happy with her and I have never seen you so miserable before. Find a woman who will respect who ya are and who will take care of you. You don't need a wife, but should you want one and find one, let her be worthy of you and deserving. Caroline could only care about the family fortune and nothing else. Maybe a crush on you, but those never last. But uh Will…I'm needing to be heading off now, so I'll call you later this week if not next. I love you Will! Take care!'

`I love you too Gee and be careful out there…Lord knows I need you in my life…be safe!'

`Yes yes…and don't forget—break it off with Caroline! Bye!'
And with that she was gone. Will was halfway to Charles's house before getting a call himself.

`Will? It's Charles.'

`I'm on my way over now. I need to talk to you and Caroline. Preferably you first. I have-`

Charles cut Will off before he could go on.

`Yes I think that would be the best thing. I need to talk to you as well…'s in regards to Caroline…she's been planning something…uh…come through the back door. I'll meet you there.'

Will grimaced at the sound of her name and then he nodded at Charles's idea.

`Right, I'll meet in a few minutes.'

Will pulled into BridgeWater Street with the clear morning sun beaming into his face. It was bright outside and the sun glistening the snow didn't make it any easier. He stopped his car a few houses down from Charles's house and parked. He grabbed his mobile phone and got out the car feeling the brisk cold air bite at his cheeks, lips, nose, and ears. He then locked up his BMW and started heading towards the house by the sidewalk. He reached the side of the house and instead of walking to the front door, he trekked towards the back. He was glad to be fortunate about having the back door on his side instead of having to cross the back yard and being potentially seen by Caroline.
Will reached the back door and gently knocked and in a moment the door opened with Charles standing there waiting.

`Will! Good to see you.' Charles said in a stage whisper.

Will walked in and rubbed his hands from the crisp coldness.

`Hey Charles…it's freezing out there.'

`Well it is 35 degrees out. It is winter…being that the month is February. ` A moment stood between them before Charles shook his head and invited his friend inside. They took the back hallway to Charles's office and Will took a seat in a chair by the fireplace.

The room was comfortable for men. The dark bookshelves full of leather bound, paperback, hard cover books from all types of genres. There was a leather couch that was against the wall opposite his desk and then a chair next to it that faced the desk but was placed next to the fireplace. Pictures of random art was displayed to give the room good taste and a nice hearty rug was enveloping the whole room with its rich and steady colors. Charles was very proud of his office. His desk was messy with his work. His desktop computer was arranged and with papers and files spread about. He also had another laptop behind him that he used when traveling and a bit of gaming when needed a break from work. He had a television to the left of his desk that he had many gaming networks hooked up to such as Xbox and PS2. Anything to give him some fun in his life to break from his tedious work so he would say.

He offered Will a drink and was declined. He went and got himself some coffee and came back. He turned the tv on and played a prerecorded game he missed while with Jane. On the other hand, Will wanted to get to the brass tacks of it all and confront him about his sister.

`Charles, let me be plain. I don't think I should marry Caroline.'

Well what can one expect when your closet friend denies his sister but in such a brooding mood to a light hearted friend? Silence prevailed but soon was overtook with laughter.

`Oh Will…I had come to the realization of the same conclusion this morning. Hence my call, but you astound me. It has taken you this long to figure it out?'

`What are you talking about? You just said that you figured it out too. So why put the blame all on me. Well wait…scratch that…I am to blame partly. But I was so blind!'

Charles put his bare feet up on his desk, slipped his hand through his curly blonde hair and sipped his coffee. Will looked at him. All clad in dark gray sweats and with his Yale sweatshirt on. He didn't even go to Yale. It was just one he liked. It disgusted Will. Here his best friend was happy and content watching a pre recorded football game sipping his coffee and all comfortable. Happy with what life had allowed him and not even committed with someone…and he still had Caroline for a sister! Something he could never replace! Will was astonished. He wanted to be like Charles. He never felt this way before about him. He was never jealous or coveted his friend's life for anything.
`Will, I think you need to tell her.' Charles said as he sipped his drink, eyes not leaving the screen.

`Uh right…I could tell her and then have to hear about it the rest of my life. But by then I hope I have found someone else to take the place of the match I am looking for.'

Charles appeared to not be listening and wasn't. Will growled at him to shut the tv off but not so loud as for Caroline to hear.

Relectantly Charles shut it off and turned to Will. He sighed and then stopped a moment before he said,

`William I really think that you should tell her sooner than later. It would save a lot of trouble for you and me…for everyone. It's been so long that you two have been engaged and you two hardly do anything about it. Every time she says wedding you buy her something and that keeps her shut up for another eight months. You aren't happy. I'm always around you two when you are here. She never goes to your place, you're always over here if not on business. But majority of the time it's with me either about business or playing video games. I thought about it this morning. You have no romance with her…you aren't happy with her. You only wanted to marry her because you saw that she was the fit for your description of a wife. I think now your realizing that there may…may be…wait a minute….Will…are you…have you…is there someone else?'

Charles hit the nail on the head but Will's face was stone. He wasn't going to show it. He couldn't say he was in love nor didn't think of anyone. There was someone…no…not someone…the one. Or wait…maybe…Will's thoughts were confused.

`Wait…no…I don't…' Will sighed.

It was no apparent that Charles was needed in Will's life to help him out.

`You must tell her Will for both your sakes…and mine. Besides…I don't think you want to get caught up in drabby orange lingerie that she pulled out of the blue this morning to tell me she was wearing for you tonight. Seems she's planning a romantic evening tonight. Best nip it now.'
Will shuddered and closed his eyes…never again would orange be such a vibrant color in his life.


Lizzy and Mr. Bennet finished cleaning up the den by the time Lydia and Kitty were getting ready for the mixer. Mrs. Bennet went ahead and purchased both her girls new dresses, however spending a bit more on her youngest and had their nails done. She was asleep on the sofa when Mr. Bennet entered the room to see about dinner.

`Your mother finds ways to take so many naps. Shopping must be an adventure with her.' He whispered to Lizzy. They both made their way upstairs to clean up and once refreshed were downstairs trying to figure out dinner.

`Maybe burgers? How about we go to the joint downtown. I'm sure-`

`None of that Lizzy. Dad has to take us to the dance. Come on dad. Kitty and I are ready and we don't want to be late.'

`Lydia!' Lizzy breathed and looked hotly at her father.

`Take the Volvo Kitty. I'm sure your mother isn't going anywhere tonight. Be mindful not to drive too fast and not get in an accident. You can't afford it.'

Kitty and Lydia were overjoyed and left hastily. Lizzy shook her head. To avoid certain confrontations, Mr. Bennet always took the easy way out if it afforded him peace and quiet.

`Let's go Lizzy. I'll leave a note for your mother.'
With that they were gone.


Will paced the office floor while he decided what to do. He needed to tell her. He wanted to tell her. Charles had been busy watching his game and shouting out words of cheer and disgust.

Suddenly Will burst out with `Wish me luck.' And he stormed out the room.

He strode into the dining room where he found Caroline still making notes and keeping her mouth busy with some chocolate confection. She looked up at the sound of her name that stoned itself out of Will's mouth.

`Will! My love…what are you doing here? I am so happy to see you! And look at me…all in my silk pjs too! Want to go upstairs?'

By now she was clinging to Will and actually purring by his ear. Will took his hands, took hold of her arms and looked down at her. Her face was no cunning cat…more like a frozen duck. Dressed in lime green silk pjs if that's what anyone could call them and makeup fully on, he pushed her away in slight disgust.

`We need to talk.' He said forwardly and seriously. He brushed past her and went to the far side of the room.
He faced the window and clasped his hands behind his back.
This was business. He told himself.

`Well…yes my love…what…whatever you need.' Caroline simpered and sat down on a nearby chair.

He turned to her and looked into her eyes, then her face and then her whole being. This was too easy. He didn't feel anything for her. Nothing but disgust at her actions to him and uneasiness by her appearance and situation of their engagement.

`I'm breaking off the engagement.'

Those five words hung in the air and then sliced into Caroline. She sat with a weakening smile plastered on her face. Then suddenly her smile dropped and her eyes glared at him.

`What.' She demanded after a moment of registering his words.

`I don't want to marry you Caroline. In fact, I don't want anything to do with you excepting your brother's company of course. It's for the best.'

Tears of maybe anger or hurt started to well into her eyes. She was seething that was certain.

`Break off the engagement?! William Darcy I'm surprised at you! Why would you want to do that? What have I done to deserve this?!'

Will faced his whole body to her and sighed while standing tall and his jaw tight and firm.

Finally he spoke.

`I don't know if you have noticed, but I'm not in love with you and you are certainly not in love with me. It was a major decision which I thought easy and fine to make you this offer, until the recent turn of events which helped me to understand that I am no longer wanting to marry someone who only wants my money and status in her life.'

`But my love that's not what I want…I love you. I adore you. I want us to be together.'

Will shook his head.

`You don't know me Caroline. You don't even want a family. I need someone who wants the same things I do. Money and status are nothing to me in that regard, however comfortable I am with them.'

`But I do know you William…I will give you…(here she slightly gulped) children. But really William…I do love you…I do.'

`Caroline you know nothing and you do nothing. I am to blame for this as well. I thought that you could provide me the type of companionship I need in my life and I'm finding that now it's impossible that you would meet my terms. I am decided and it is final. I hope you the best in your endeavors and that you have happiness in your life. I also hope that this will not be awkward with my friendship with Charles or your family.'

`What do you want to know that I know about you! I know you like oranges and drink lots of wine when you are over here. I know that you enjoy Charles's company and hang around him at every opportunity. I know that you like to wear suits more than you do every day clothes, which is in all honesty very charming, I also know that you adore your sister and love spending summers in England with her. I know so many things about you…' Caroline grasped onto his leather coat he was wearing and held on as if for life. She was pleading almost begging.

Will wanted to laugh at her pathetic attempt to admitting how she knew him. She said only what she thought and saw. Nothing in the attempts of who he really was. Instead though, Will shook his head slightly, pushed her aside and walked out of the room, but before completely walking through, he turned to his side and looked at her once more.
`I expect the ring now Caroline.'

Her face full of shock and almost an attempt at sadness mad her eyes droop down towards her ring. She hesitated and was about to say something when she pulled it off and set it on the dining room table. He picked it up and put it in his pocket.

`You may keep everything else I have given you. I have no need for those items. You may also want to think about not calling me and emailing me throughout the day. I'm sure you will have more important things to think about. Goodbye Caroline.' And with that…he was gone.


Caroline was in shock and in ever need of understanding. Yet she didn't cry that is until she realized that she would be broke and without the name of Darcy as her own. Here she cried and cried and this is how Charles found her by lunchtime.

He was on his way to the kitchen to make himself a snack and when he saw her shedding the tears of blunt misery, he rolled his eyes.

`Good work Darce…leave me to pick it up.' He thought but then again he was okay with it being that it was the best thing and it was expected.

Charles went into the dining room and smacked his hands together.

`Come on now Caroline! You don't need to be crying over Darcy when you know that its for the best of both of you! I'm sure you will be smiling in no time after you get yourself together and go…shopping…or to the spa or whatever it is you do.' He ended unsure. He shrugged his shoulders and went over to her.

`Oh Charles! He won't have me and now I'm never going to marry and be rich. How will I afford anything! He was the man I deserve him!'

Charles again rolled his eyes.

`You do not and you know it. Come now! Go upstairs call Louisa and play make up and dress up with her or whatever…Just don't sit around her sulking all day! I won't put up with it. So go with you. Freshen up. If you hurry, I'm sure you can catch today's sale at Macy's.'

Caroline shot her brother a dirty look and retorted.

`I do not shop at Macy's Charles!' She thought before speaking again,' But, I will(sniff) go and (sniff sniff) call Louisa. Maybe she will want to go to the spa with me (sniff).' And with that she was off.


To say that Lizzy was surprised yet again by Caroline's behavior Monday morning is an understatement. She was beyond shock. Caroline wasn't on the phone all day long, she was actually working! She even took normal breaks and to top it off, she was wearing almost normal clothes! It was amazing and yet despite it all Lizzy felt a bit of pity towards her.

What happened? She thought when she didn't hear anything after another long while. Lizzy was determined to make sure she was okay and walked over to her desk.

`Uh Caroline…I was wondering…is…is everything okay?'

Caroline stopped her typing and looked up at Lizzy. To imagine Caroline after a break up would be to see someone who didn't look like anything had changed. Her make up was in place, her hair was straightened perfectly and her nails manicured to a T. Her outfit was simple and vibrant in color, but not flashy as it usually could have been. It was as though nothing major really happened.

`I'm fine Eliza. I'm just in the mood to get some work done today is that alright by you?' She sneered and continued typing.

Lizzy looked around to try and find some information. She noticed the pictures of Will Darcy gone and in their place of a puppy with a woman who looked slightly like Caroline only fairer along with Caroline herself in the picture. She also noticed that she wasn't wearing her gaudy engagement ring.

Lizzy was confused and starting to become frustrated.

What was going on?! She thought.

Lizzy went back to her desk and continued to work. She wasn't going to press matters that weren't her own. At least not yet…

Lizzy received an email from Charlotte regarding a small get together that night. It was karaoke night at the pub they went to usually and tonight Lizzy was going to sing.

She was prepared and invited Jane and Charles to come if they wanted to. Unbeknownst to Lizzy, Jane invited Will to tag along, since after hearing of his break up with Caroline, she thought it would be a good thing for him to get out. Jane had hardly spoken to Lizzy all weekend and was able to quickly answer that she and Charles would be there for her performance.

Later that night, Lizzy and Charlotte were warming up and once they were done, they ordered some drinks for the gang. Marianne, Robert, Jane and Charles along with Charlotte and her sister Mariah were all filing through the door into the busy and noisy pub.

`Are you ready for this?' Charlotte asked the group while pointing at Lizzy.

`She's going to rock tonight!' She exclaimed and got cheers and laughs all around.

`Where's Will?' Jane whispered to Charles who shrugged and then looked towards the door.

`Not sure. I know he's coming though.'

After about half an hour, people were singing and drinking, talking and eating having a wonderful time. Will was still nowhere to be seen. However, Lizzy's turn was up next and she was already by the small stage waiting for her turn.

Once the person ahead of her finished singing a Ricky Martin number, she went up stage and started to blush. Soon the music turned on and just before she was about to sing the first verse…she saw him. Walking right through the door.

Chapter 6

Will quickly hopped out of the shower and dressed. He was running late. Good thing that the pub was close to his place. Not even 3 miles away. He didn't want to be late and miss Lizzy's singing. Charlie invited him along and he took up the invitation right away. He was worried at first but dismissed those feelings since he just wanted to tag along and see her again.

As soon as he sprayed his Blue cologne on and put on his leather coat, he grabbed his keys and left. It was about 15 minutes later and he got a parking spot 4 blocks away from the pub. He was almost running to get there. Charles said she was singing at 8.30pm and it was already 8.32 pm.

As he came closer to the pub door he heard music just starting…it was soft at first and as he walked through the door he was looking around and then saw her.


Lizzy was just about to slip out the first words of her song when she instantly caught eyes with Will. She almost didn't begin but caught herself from practicing so much that she hardly missed a beat.

*Would you spare me a minute give me a single chance
To look in your eyes let me hold your hand
I want to get close enough to read you, understand you
Open up your heart open up your mind
Nobody needs another stalker in your life
I'm only here to help you learn to love me, to know me

She closed her eyes and gave into the music but when she opened them to go onto the chorus she saw Will's eyes locked onto hers. He didn't blink…he just stared at her. At first, Lizzy thought she was singing horribly in his mind, but after she saw a slight smile on his beautiful face, she smiled back and continued on. She didn't take her eyes off of him…it was as if she was singing to him…and yet she felt she was.

I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through

Will watched her intently and was instantly taken in. He stood in his place since he walked through the door until she finished. He surrendered to his heart. To her. Her dark green eyes sparkled and her face glowed from the warm lights and from the sensation of singing. He smiled and when she smiled back his smile grew bigger. She was completely into her music. The words were heard by Will, every single one. He was wondering if it was fate that the words seemed so familiar to him and his attraction to her.

Could she be attracted to me likewise? Could she want me in that regard?

Will was lost in her performance.

Did you see me staring you caught my eye
Don't turn around don't walk away
The night is young can we get together
Got so many questions feelings I can't explain
We're worlds apart don't even know your name
I'm longing to give you my heart

I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through

Lizzy was into now. She felt the words of the song pull at her heartstrings and make her want to soar. She felt her voice carry them so well that she didn't think it was her at first. She forgot about everyone else except Will and just let the music become her with a huge smile on her face. The pub was small but forgiving of the loud speakers and her soprano voice. It was welcoming as always in the pub to hear her sing.

Turn around don't evaporate
Like you never came turn around
Don't be a ghost forever never there to haunt me
Sliding doors they aren't just on a train
We're alone on a platform in the rain
There's a chance and it won't come again
Turn around your whole life has changed

I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through

Lizzy finished the song and felt her heart beating outside her chest. She heard nothing for a mere moment and then the full pub applauded, whoohooed, cried encore, and whistled at her performance. All she could do was smile and give a small bow. She was blushing from the warmth of the pub and lights and from all the praise. Her eyes went towards the door of the pub but Will was gone. She was confused until she sat back down at the table her friends and sister were at and noticed Will standing there.

`You are wonderful Lizzy!' Jane cried out.

`Absolutely marvelous! I loved it!' Charles replied.

`I loved the song Lizzy! You did wonderful!' Marianne squealed.

Lizzy thanked everyone and then turned to say hello to Will.

`I loved your performance. It was stunning. You sing very well Lizzy.' Will said and felt it was stupid to say as he could of gone on and on.

`Oh thanks…and to everyone…I felt it went very well.'

`So do you sing here often?' Will asked as he ordered a beer from a nearby waitress.

Lizzy took a long sip of water and then nodded.
`I try to come out every week but lately I have been so busy that I only make it out twice a month if that. I usually practice a song the week before and sing it the next week. This is one of my favorites from Natasha Bedingfield so I decided to go for it. It's tough though on some of the high notes but I think I did well.'

`You did more than well Lizzy as you are well aware.' Jane commented.

`Thanks.' Lizzy replied and sat down. Will found a seat next to her and they sat like this for the rest of the night listening to other people perform. Some were really good and some had too much to drink. But for Will, Lizzy's performance was the ultimate and could not be matched.

`So Marianne, are you going to sing for us tonight?' Lizzy asked as she turned to her friend.

`No. I'm not up for it tonight, but I will sing next week. Robert has a new song he wants me to try out.'

Lizzy turned to Robert.

`Ahh a new song for our dear Marianne. You always have good taste in music Robert.'

Robert shrugged and replied

`I do what I can Lizzy. I try to please Marianne as best I can and through music I think I have that talent to do so. But as it is a weeknight I'm afraid I will have to turn in early. Marianne is that alright with you if we leave now?'

Marianne smiled and nodded and the couple left. It was nearing 10.30pm and Charlotte agreed shortly afterwards that it was time to go home. The group packed up and soon found themselves outside.

`If you don't mind I'm going to take Jane home.' Charles commented and was about to walk on until Jane put her hand on his arm to stop him. She then turned to Lizzy.

`Do you want to stay at my place tonight? Or are you going home?' Jane asked and everyone's eyes turned to Lizzy.

`I think I'll just go home. I have a few things I need to do there tonight. But I'll be at your house tomorrow night anyways.'

After making sure about ten times with Lizzy and getting semi yes answers, Jane left with Charles and then it was only Will and Lizzy standing in front of the pub.

`I'm parked…down…on Station Ave. Are you parked close?' Lizzy asked Will who was looking down at her.

`Uh…yes I'm only about four blocks away…Haverly I think. No matter. Can I walk you to your car?'

Lizzy nodded and they went on. She instantly remembered Caroline as they were walking down the almost empty lighted street. She wasn't going to bring it up but she didn't want to forget it either.

`How was your weekend?' There…that was a start.

Will looked ahead and almost grinned.

`Interesting.' He started with a small grin,' I got a lot of things accomplished. Many of which should have been done a long time ago.'

`Oh…such as what? Cleaning the garage? ` Lizzy asked half smart half interested with a smile.

`No…I…uh…well that is to say…I broke up with Caroline.' He stated and kept walking. He didn't notice however that Lizzy stopped completely with her mouth half open, staring at him.

`Something the matter?' He asked when he noticed he was walking singular for a few paces. He turned to her and slightly laughed at her look.

She shook her head and then tried to say something.

`Uh no…I just…well…why?'

Will walked back to her and stood directly in front of her.

`I don't mind telling you why. In fact I think you should know. But…not here. Not now. I'll tell you-`

`Why should I know? I shouldn't of asked you, I'm sorry.' Lizzy said as she tried to smile the whole conversation off and walk on. But Will was feeling confident and seemed to realize a lot of what was going on around him. He was feeling alive. He was seeing things he didn't seem to see before. Could it be love? Could it be Lizzy?

`Don't worry. I want to tell you, but tonight is your night. I don't want to ruin that by my past relationship with Caroline.'

Lizzy was completely confused. She didn't even try to think about it nor rummage through the questions that were popping around in her mind. She shrugged and then walked on.

Once they reached Station Ave and then to Lizzy's truck, Will helped her get in and then gently shut her door. She rolled the window down and smiled at him.

`Thank you for walking me to my truck. I appreciate it. I'm afraid of the dark so…'

`You're welcome. I guess it's a good thing I'm not afraid of the dark…so that I could…protect you.' He replied and smiled.

Lizzy felt warm. No…hot. She could feel her face getting red and looked away.

Will noticed this and smiled. He was getting to her and he picked up on it. He was thrilled with this prospect of hope.

`Lizzy…I want you to know that…I hope you get home safe. ` He chickened. He wasn't ready to tell her anything…this was going way too fast. He realized he needed to capture her heart…not scare it away.

She expected something else but then didn't. She nodded and assured of her safety was gone.

Will was left watching her drive away and then walked to his car.


To the utter amazement and confusion of the past few days, Lizzy was actually looking forward to Thursday night. She wanted to get to know Will more and hoping that he would tell her more on the situation of Caroline and himself. Caroline was in relatively good spirits, but unknown to everyone else except Louisa, Caroline was not through with Will Darcy. This was only temporary she told herself. Just a simple misunderstanding. Certainly after a few days, Will would be back begging for her to marry him and live happily ever after. It was just taking some time for Will to realize that surely.

Of course for Will all his thoughts were on Lizzy and Thursday. He wanted it to be perfect, but friendly. He didn't want to scare her off and think that he was rushing into anything. It was confusing for her and he knew that. It wasn't looking so good for him to have been engaged last week and then this week single and already going out to lunch with another woman. However, the people who knew him, knew that this was huge and a very good thing for him to break ties with Caroline and start over.

Caroline was endured by most people as Charles' sister or Will's fiancé and not Caroline Bingley as herself. She was tolerated and had her sister as her closest friend. At times, people would feel sorry for her, but once her true colors were shown, people were reverted back to their original opinion of her.

Tuesday night brought the telling tale to Jane. Jane was beyond delighted to hear of it and Lizzy couldn't understand why. Of course for Jane, she was becoming very close with Charles through their dating each other and learned many new things of Caroline. Now Jane, still sweet and pure as ever, saw goodness in Caroline but in different aspects. Certainly marriage was not for Caroline and certainly Caroline could use her goodness in other realms, say…advertising or marketing? Not love.

Jane had little time to feel sorry for Caroline, but did have some pity for her. But Lizzy's impression on her sister was a high mark against Caroline and withstood anything.

`Lizzy…Charles has told me certain things regarding his sister that are quite astonishing yet believable to place on Caroline. The fact that Will broke off the engagement is a relief to many. She wasn't in love with him at all and soon after Will's visit she was giggling and happy with her other sister Louisa shopping at the mall. Charles doesn't understand her but has also realized that this is the best course for Will. It seems that they don't love each other and that Will thought it could work out.'

`Well I'm glad to hear that he won't marry her and especially so since he doesn't love her. I have to give him kudos there, but why so soon would he want to date? And me?!'

Jane smiled.

`How could he not? You are wonderful Lizzy. You're the best sister, the best friend, the best companion. You are lively and bright. People love you. Will is very lucky that you accepted his invitation and you are very lucky that he is single. True it is very soon that he has become single and already asking you out, but why not now? Why wait when you can start now?'

`But Jane he asked me Friday! When he was still engaged!'

`I think this has been a very overdue thing for Will and Caroline. It takes time to break news to people and Will found the courage and confidence to break it off. He was worried about Charles and his friendship with him. He didn't care anymore about status and name.' Jane replied lightly.

Lizzy looked quizzical at Jane.

`What do you mean status?'

`Well…uh…according to Charles…Will wanted someone from a good family and position. Of course that was two…three years ago. Now it seems that it doesn't matter anymore to him. He is looking for love…for companionship. Things that Caroline can't give him and won't. I'm sure he means the best Lizzy. Please be kind to him. He only deserves the best and desires it…you my love are the best.'

That would have to do. Jane didn't know what else to say to make her see how perfect he was for her. Jane had come to know Will through Charles as well as a bit on her own and even though she exuded goodness and kindness of people, she always saw the whole picture. Knowing that he broke off the engagement before even going on a lunch date with Lizzy showed that he cared about her. He would not put her reputation in danger nor anyone else's.

Lizzy saw this…she saw and felt what her sister was saying although she didn't feel completely comfortable with seeing someone under these circumstances. Lizzy was seeing in the future…what about Caroline? What if she found out? Bad enough she was working with her…and the fact that he was the owner?! How did it all work out? Her sister seeing the President of Dresden the company she worked for and then she was seeing the owner of it? It was crazy! It was too much.

Lizzy shook her head.

`I understand what you're saying and it is quite flattering to hear this but it doesn't make it completely right. Jane just think…you are nearly dating my boss! The President of the company! It might look awful and I don't want our names being dragged through the mud. It's bad enough that I have to actual work with Caroline. It seems worse to be so connected in relationships and work related issues. But Jane…you are at liberty to see Charles. You can afford it and I wish you all the happiness in the world. I just…I don't want to see either of us hurt because of something we could avoid…but I guess I'm talking about me here…since I know Charles wouldn't hurt you.'

Jane tried to smile. Lizzy had a point but it was silly. Love prevailed over this crap she was claiming. Jane could see it. She couldn't say she was in love, but she did know that she wanted to be in love with Charles. A kind, sweet, and caring man who seemed to adore her as she did him. But for Lizzy's sake she could quit her job or better yet, she could stay and not let the rumors if there would be any, get to her.

`Just give him a chance Lizzy!' Jane cried in exasperation.

Lizzy could tell it meant something to Jane and she nodded. Thursday would begin the chance of something she wasn't sure what to think about…except she was looking forward to it.


As time marched on without blinking, Thursday morning came, finding Lizzy and Will excited and nervous about the lunch date. Being that Will was a man of numerous resources, he was able to relatively easily find contact information for Lizzy at her work office. He decided that he would email her so that not to disturb her work.

When Lizzy got back from a quick break she saw her email notice flashing on her screen. She didn't think it would be from Will.

Subject: Lunch


I hope I am not intruding on your work, however, I wanted to be sure of a time that would work for you. I am available pretty much all day. I have a meeting this afternoon around 2.30 so I was wondering if 12.30 would work for you. You can reply to this address. Hope things are well.


Lizzy smiled at her message and responded.


Thanks for your email, however please don't think the intrusion is unwelcome. I'm curious how you got my information though. You must be a man of resources.

12.30 works great for me.


Before she hit the send button, she read through it to make sure it was okay and then sent it.

It was about ten minutes later that Lizzy got a response from Will.

Glad to hear that I'm welcome then. I'll pick you up from your office at 12.30.

P/S I am a man of resources…many in fact.

Lizzy smiled and kept on working. She knew he was trouble.


12.30 finally came and Lizzy subtly tried not to look rushed in leaving the office for lunch. Part of her didn't want Will to come down to her desk or even the reception area in fear of Caroline seeing anything. But then apart of her really didn't care since he owned the company and according to him, Caroline and him were over.

She dashed up the stairs and walked through the lobby of the building and saw him standing there with a smile on his face.

`Hello.' He said

Lizzy looked up at him and blushed. She nodded back and he turned to his side to admit her through the doors.

`Thank you for picking me up. I appreciate it.' Lizzy said as she felt the chilly air bite her nose.

`It's my pleasure. The restaurant is not too far from here, so we are in no rush. That is unless you have to be back at a certain time.'

Lizzy again smiled at him and shook her head but didn't leave it at that.

`I have a schedule, but I can't really refuse the owner of Dresden now can I? Or maybe I should…hmmm'

Another smile but this time he smiled to. Is she flirting with me?

`I don't want to keep you too long from your work, but I would like to keep you…for a long lunch.' Will completed his sentence. He wanted to leave it at you but knew it was too much so a lame cover up of a long lunch would have to suffice.

Lizzy blushed and looked out the window of the Lincoln car. The driver took them to Den and Green, a tavern like restaurant that served German food. Will helped Lizzy out of the car and lead her through the front door.

The setting inside was warm, cozy, and dark. It wasn't crowded, but had an ample amount of customers to keep the place busy. It seemed as though Will had reservations as they were immediately sat in a corner table by the window.

The couple was shy and more into their menus and orders than each other right off. But as soon as their drinks were placed on the table, Lizzy and Will fell into easy conversation.

`I hope your morning has gone well?' Lizzy asked him to start.

`Yes extremely well, however, lunch is improving to be the best part of my day.' Will said with a smile and took a sip of his water.

Lizzy paused. She was flattered by the compliment but more intrigued with his accent.

`Tell me Will,'

`Where are you from? I mean…I know Britain but where in Britain?' Lizzy asked.

Will grinned and then twisted his glass around in circles on the white tablecloth.

`I'm from Derbyshire. Just north of London. I didn't live there too long, but I spent most of my summers there at my family's estate. I moved here when I was about 7 years old and have lived here ever since. Charles and I met in grade school and have been best of friends since.'

`What of your sister? Did she live her with you?'

Will nodded slowly and smiled.

`Yes she lived with my parents and I. My mother died when she was only ten and I eighteen. Died in a car accident.'

`Oh Will…I'm so sorry.'

`Don't be. That was ten years or so ago. The accident itself is not as fresh as the memories I have had with her.'

Lizzy faintly smiled and paused.

`Does your sister visit you often here?'

`Yes and no. I like to visit her in England, gives me a break from the work I do. But she enjoys coming here to give her a break from school. It works hand and hand really.'

`When does she return from Africa then?'

`By the end of this semester, so around May or so. She'll be going back to our home in Derbyshire and I'm to meet her there for the summer.'

`Do you guys have any plans for how to spend the summer together?' Lizzy asked

Will let out a small whine of a noise being not sure of any plans for the summer.

`Eh…well…not really. We just take it a day at a time. This year I think our cousin will be joining us for a few weeks which will be nice. Richard is always fun to be around.'

`Richard? Your cousin?'

`Yeah…he's in the army so whenever we can see each other it's short but fun. I think he's taking a longer leave though this summer. Not sure about the particulars of it though.'

Lizzy nodded. She didn't want to venture on the Richard subject. Which she didn't have to since Will turned the conversation on her.

`What are your plans this summer?'

`Oh,' caught off guard, Lizzy almost spilled her drink, ` I haven't got any right now. My birthday is in June as is the rest of the family's birthdays are around the summer, so we usually have a big celebration but other than that…I have no real plans for vacation or anything.'

Will nodded and then before he could forget he remembered he wanted to talk to her about Caroline.

`Uh Lizzy…I think now is the time to talk about Caroline. I want to get it out in the open before there is any confusion or misunderstanding. There seems to be that already but hopefully I can clear things up. Would you mind?'

`No not at all. I have to confess I'm quite curious.'

`Yes…well…you see. Caroline and I have been around each other since Charles and I became good friends. She has always had a crush on me and wanted to be with me. In highschool, she and I dated a few times, but she isn't exactly my type so it was quite short of a time that we dated. I tried it again with her in college but that ended too quickly to even call it anything. Uh…she would always be sweet and caring until she had me to herself and then it was like…crazy. She and I just didn't get along. But as the years went on, it was always the same and to be honest, she was the only girl who knew me outside of other events such as school, college, work, etc. She was always there. So a couple of years ago, I decided that I needed to settle down and start a family…so I asked her to marry me. She had come from a wealthy family and had a pretty good disposition for the most part when others were around. Anyways…when we got engaged though I didn't feel we were ready to marry quite yet…and as time marched on…I still don't feel that way. I would give her anything she wanted and that seemed to be enough for her. But she never loved me and I never loved her…I've come to realize that I need someone in my life who will love me and not take me for granted. Most women want my money and status, but I thought that since Caroline pretty much had that that she wouldn't want mine. Turns out though that its all false. She doesn't want children, she doesn't want me…who I really am. I need that and she doesn't so I broke it off with her. She seems to think that we can work things out but I hardly think so. She's my best friend's sister, but that doesn't mean I'm entitled to marry her. Thank God! `

Here he let in a laugh and throughout the whole conversation both of them never left each other's eyes. Lizzy listened intently. At first she was upset to hear that he wanted to marry someone for status to make his money look good, but as he went on, she realized it was to protect himself and to not worry about someone who would overwhelm him. However his choice sounded overwhelming already from the beginning. Lizzy's opinion of this man grew higher with each word as he went on.

`I admire that you take consideration for your feelings and I'm sure you consider hers as well being that it's not fair to her. However…uh…well…I don't care for her that much and I'm sure she will quickly move on. I have to say that today she wasn't her usual self. She was actually working!'

Will grimaced slightly but not to Lizzy's notice.

`Yes well that is another thing. She is quite defensive and offensive at the same time. She thinks that everything is entitled to her and she deserves the best of treatment. I tried many times to overlook this, but I just can't. It's too annoying for me.'

Lizzy smiled and started to chuckle at the memory of meeting Caroline.

`She wasn't the nicest person I've met. She still holds that spot too. Are you okay though?'

Will looked up at her from his glass and but for a moment stared intensely at her. Then he put down his glass and smiled.

`I am growing better by the moment since…' Will wanted to say ` since being with you.' but decided not. Instead he opted for,

`Since having done what I should of done so long ago. It seems so sudden yet finally finished.'

Lizzy smiled and their food came before another word could be said. However Will would make some intent known before he had to let her go.

By the time more small talk was through, Lizzy and Will were waiting for the check.

` Lizzy I want to thank you for coming to lunch with me. However, my reasons for bringing you here have altered. I didn't really expect to talk about Caroline, however I hope that it has cleared up my name and intentions you might have branded me on.'

`None that were evil. I only thought that you…well you did have me confused and I wasn't sure what to do. But I thank you for lunch and if you ever want to talk again about anything I'll be here to listen.'

`Yes thank you.' Will said a bit disappointed. She didn't seem to get the hint that he liked her and wanted to see her again. What a fool! Just ask!

`Lizzy, are you free tonight? Would you like to have dinner with me?'

Lizzy pretty much just sat there almost staring at him and become flushed with warmth. She felt her cheeks get hot and then felt a huge smile grow on her face.

`I'd like that. Thank you.' She slipped out before she could even register the words he asked of her.

Will grew a smile too and once the check came, it was paid and they left.

Will walked Lizzy to the door of the office and before both knew it, he lightly left a kiss on her cheek and whispered as he looked down at her lips.

`I'll email you when I get back to my office. I'll see you tonight. Good bye Lizzy.'

`Bye…' softly as it escaped her mouth did she softly look up at Will who stared at her with a small smile on his lips.

She smiled back and turned around to go inside. He watched her walk back into the building and took his leave.

Lunch wasn't so bad after all. In fact…he liked taking lunch nowadays.

*Natasha Bedingfield " The One That Got Away"

Sun filled the guest room in Jane's apartment and slowly warmed Lizzy's face as she lay sleeping in the bed. Gradually, Lizzy woke up with a slight smile on her face. It was a fine Saturday morning and thoughts of the night before invaded her head. Of course these thoughts contained Will and their third date to a movie.

She began to think back to dinner after her lunch with him Thursday night and at how they had Chinese food at a local restaurant while talking about sports, politics, books, and movies. Before she knew it, Will had asked her out to see a movie for the next night. She remembered how he came to Jane's door dressed in faded jeans with a few tears in them, a sexy white button down shirt with the top two buttons undone and a dark gray blazer over it. His hair was freshly washed as it was damp and a curl came down to touch his forehead. Lizzy was taken away with the sight but more so with his scent of Ralph Lauren Polo Blue cologne. She had to check herself from fainting at the sight and smell of him.

On the other hand, Will was doing the same when he saw Lizzy open the door. Her short hair was pulled back into a cute ponytail with her side bangs framing the left side of her face. Her dark green eyes sparkled when she smiled at him when he said `hello'. She was comfortable yet it was sexy to him. Her dark blue jeans were hugging her in all the right places of her curves, and her dark green sweater shirt had a v-neck that showed a white shirt underneath.

She was heavenly to him and he was divine to her.

They left and went to his car to drive down to the movie theater. The snow was firmly packed onto the ground, but the roads were dry and the air was chilled. Will kept his eyes on the road but kept Lizzy within his sight. They conversed about work and their days until he parked at the movie theater lot.

As they walked to the door, Will produced tickets his assistant bought for them on her lunch hour. He bought them popcorn, pop, and a box of milkduds for them to share and they went to their seats. They watched the mini commercials before the feature and laughed as they tried to figure out the puzzles. By the end of the movie, Will and Lizzy were smiling and happy to have spent the time together.

`I think we should do this every Friday night.' Will said as he discarded the empty containers.

Lizzy laughed as they walked out the door and towards his car.

`Deal!' She cried playfully and clasped onto his arm with her sleeve covered hand.

`Do you have my ticket stub?' Lizzy looked up at him and asked with a smile.

`Yes. Do you want it?' Will looked down at her with a grin.

She nodded. She had something from all three dates. The first was a business card from the restaurant, the second was the white rose he gave her at dinner, and now the ticket stub.

She smiled as she thought of how perfect the night was going and thinking that it couldn't get any better. But little did she know that it would.

As Will helped her into the car, he bent down before closing her door and kissed her lightly on her cheek.

Her hand went up as she turned to look at him and see him smiling down at her while he closed the door.

As he slowly got in, she felt her cheeks burn and her mouth turn up a huge smile.

`What was that for?' She asked softly.

`For you…for having a fun night tonight and yesterday. I have enjoyed your company so much Lizzy that it's…well it's great. You are a refreshing breath of clean crisp air. My lungs are very thankful to you.' He said as he started the car and winked at her.

Lizzy laughed and playfully slapped his right arm.

`I enjoy your company too Will. I haven't had this much fun on dates since ever. You are quite different than what I was lead to believe and think when we first met a few weeks ago. Although I have to say I'm surprised at all the changes that have been happening.'
`Like what?' He asked calmly and happily.

`Like as in you and Caroline! You two were engaged just what? Last week and now your not and your seeing me? What would people think? What do they think? And not only that, but I had my reasons not to see you. Excluding your engagement, there was the fact that you are the owner of the company I work for and you choose me? I find it all very interesting.'

Will slightly frowned and his brow crinkled.

`Is this all a bad thing?'

Lizzy slightly chuckled and shook her head.

`Not at all. I have to admit, I've been very comfortable with you and happy. You don't make me nervous when we are being casual and talking about normal everyday things. It was hard at first because I couldn't believe you and Caroline were engaged and you seemed so different. I was intimidated by you being so fortunate with your work and status. It's not a bad thing, in fact its quite the opposite. It's as if I'm dreaming. I just hope that it's not all a lie.'

Will slid his hand to cover hers while he drove and stole a look at her. She was facing him and blushed when she smiled as she waited for him to respond.

`I want you to know that behind the suit, I'm just a shy good looking guy.'

Lizzy slapped his arm and he laughed while shaking his head.

`No no, I am though. I am just a guy who is looking for a girl. A sweet, beautiful, intelligent, independent woman who wants to be loved and who wants to love me back. I'm not trying to rush things with you, but I don't want you thinking you're a rebound either. You're not at all. I was attracted to you the moment we met. You're hair pulled back without a few wisps, your comfy sweater and your jeans. Your bright smile and dangerously gorgeous eyes…I've liked you from the beginning. And with Caroline…we just didn't work out. I've already said that but it was long overdue and it was the right thing albeit very close to me wanting to ask you out.'

`Well you are a charmer Will Darcy. I was surprised you told me after my singing. I didn't know you were coming that night and when you did, you took me by surprise. I was nervous then that I would make the wrong impression and I knew that I had nothing to deal with you except being that you are closely connected with my friends that I oddly enough never knew until the party and with that that Charles and Jane are seeing each other as well is pretty ironic. Seeing you more I naturally thought it would be harder especially with my intense liking for you.'

Will pulled into the parking lot of Jane's apartment and parked in the visitor's lot. Before getting out he turned to her and took both of her hands into his.

`When I came to the pub that night, Charles and Jane had invited me. I was late running in because of parking, but when I saw you right away you were beautiful and your face was priceless at the fire of passion you had when you started to sing. When I heard your voice…you just sang to me.'

Lizzy was speechless and before she could respond, Will leaned in and kissed her. Softly at first and ever so slowly, his eyes closed and his hands gently framing her face and his thumbs caressing her cheek. Lizzy was reluctant at first, but instantly gave into the passion whirling within her. She parted her lips as his lips lightly pressed for permission to deepen the kiss. And it did…their breathing was heavy within their chests, but not so heaving that they noticed each other. The kiss was sweet, gentle, and passionate. Will slowly parted from her touch and pressed lightly his forehead to hers, eyes still closed.

`I've been wanting to do that for many weeks now.' He calmly and softly spoke.

Lizzy tenderly licked her lips and tasted his flavor he left in her mouth and lips.

`Thank you.' She whispered and he opened his eyes to find hers still closed.

His hand caressed her cheek and then her eyes slowly opened.

`Let me see you safely inside and then I'll go home. I had a wonderful night with you Lizzy. I don't want it to end.'

She nodded slowly as he turned off his car and went to help her out.

A small kiss on the lips again to seal the night was received from him as he left her at Jane's door and when she was safely in, he left.

Lizzy played the night over and over in her mind until Jane knocked on the door.

`Lizzy? I'm going to get some breakfast at the diner. Do you want to come with me?'

`Yes Jane, I'll be right out!' Lizzy harily replied and got out of bed. She quickly pulled on a pair of gray sweatpants, a baggy white t-shirt and her navy blue Nike sweatshirt. After she pulled on her socks and shoes, she brushed her hair, teeth, and put on her jewelry.

`Ready Jane.' She said as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail while walking out of the bathroom into the kitchen. Instead of finding Jane, she came face to face with Charles clad in jeans and a sweatshirt.

Beat red and speechless, Charles and Lizzy stood there before she blurted out a small hello.

`Good morning Lizzy! I uh…I just…'

`He just came by while you were getting ready to have breakfast with us.' Jane finished for him as she entered the room.

`Yeah…' He breathed out and smiled a puppy smile.

`Oh..' Lizzy said and then smiled at the thoughts that were running through her head.

`Ready?' Jane asked the two of them and before they knew it, they were out the door.

The sun was shining brightly and the pavements were wet from the snow that was melting. The three of them took Charles's car and drove a few blocks to a small diner with delicious breakfast food. It was slightly busy but not bad for a five minute wait to be seated. Jane sat next to Charles and Lizzy across from them in a comfy booth. After the orders were made, Lizzy went to the counter and bought the morning paper.

`Any section you care for Charles?' She asked as she pulled out the Metro section for Jane and the comics for herself.

`Uh sure the Sports please.'

Produced in hand, Lizzy handed it to him and started to sip her hot chocolate and skim the comics. It was a lazy morning and at ease was the group all throughout breakfast.

`What are your plans for today Lizzy?' Charles asked as he took another bit of his toast.

`Nothing to be honest. I w as thinking about just going home.'

`Why don't you come over to my place with Jane and we can watch the game together? It's the Eagles playing the Giants.' He said with a waggle of his brow.

Lizzy let out a laugh and gave in.

`Sure sure. What the heck. But is Caroline going to be home?'

`Uh not sure. She said something this morning about going to the spa for the weekend. So I have the house to myself.'

`May I ask a personal question?' Lizzy asked.

Charles merely nodded and quickly grabbed a bite of egg from Jane's plate.

`Why doesn't she live on her own?'

`Why don't you live with me?' Jane intercepted before Charles could finish his bite to answer.

Lizzy rolled her eyes.

`Because…it doesn't make sense for me to spend more money when I have all this debt from Eliot. I can't afford it Jane. We've been through this.'

Jane's fork hit her plate and she pushed forward to look squarely at her sister.

`I've told you not to worry about it! I am fine with taking care of it. Does it matter that you spend most of your time as of late there anyways? Come on Lizzy, move in already!'

Lizzy looked at Charles who shrugged his shoulders and continued eating while hiding a smile.

She couldn't say anything. Jane was right. She had been spending more of her time at her sister's and she did enjoy being there more than at home. She felt, however, that she was trespassing on her sister's kindness and didn't want to overstep her bounds. But she also knew that Jane was a good person and cared extremely for Lizzy. She would never let her down and never wanted to see her struggle. However, Lizzy vowed to pay her back in some way.

`Jane…you know you are too good to me. (deep sigh and smile) Okay…I'll move in.'

Jane squealed and bore a huge smile. Charles congratulated the sisters and paid the check.

`You know Jack can even come live with us. I know dad won't be very happy but I think he will be in the sense that he doesn't need to hear you and everyone else argue. Not that -well you know what I mean.'

`Yes Jane I know what you mean. I guess I could start moving in this weekend. Which means no game at Charlie's.'

`Charlie? Lizzy…'

Lizzy shrugged and the two of them laughed.

It was determined after breakfast and in the car to Charles's house, that Lizzy would move in tomorrow. She didn't have very many things and Charles enlisted the help of Will and himself to move the heavy items. Jane offered to stay at her parents house that night to help pack and ready for the next day. Lizzy called her mom and heard an over joy from her sisters, complaining from her mother, and happy but sincere sadness from her father.

Lizzy felt bad but she also felt relieved to know that she would be welcome at Jane's. Things had changed so much in the past month and she somewhat had to give credit to Caroline, but in a non-direct way. She rid her thoughts quickly of her and when they arrived at Charles' she got out and followed Jane to the kitchen through the mud room located between the garage and main house.

`Make yourselves at home ladies, I'm going to set up in the tv room.' Charles said as he headed towards the hallway. Jane looked at Lizzy and rolled her eyes.

`Apparently he's very much into football. Hard going Giants fan. Oh well.'

`So do you know why Caroline won't leave? I still didn't get my answer.' Lizzy asked while she saw Jane comfortable work around the kitchen to get some drinks.

`Well I guess it's because she likes having a hold on Charles but I'm not sure. Something about her old apartment being too small for her, when really it was very spacious. She just conned him into living here and it's been that way for a while. But I do know that Charles wants her out within a few months. It's been really hard lately with Will and her break up but that's been expected too. I don't know exactly everything but I know that Charles looks after her and takes care of her, but he doesn't need to or want to hand hold her like he has been that past few years.'

`Exactly!' Charles said as he entered the kitchen.

He grabbed a cold drink from Jane and kissed her cheek.

`Carrie is too much to handle. She doesn't know when to quit and lately she complains and sulks and gets these…' Charles's face goes into a frenzy and his hands move back and forth very fast, ` into a frenzy! It's crazy! I can't stand it. I supported her when she needed a place so to speak but now…I need my own place. To be honest, Lizzy, I need to be a man, not a babysitter.'

Lizzy laughed and grabbed her drink. They walked into the tv room which was down the hall.

`I understand, I was just curious though. I mean she's your sister. Jane takes care of me in a way and you take care of Caroline, but I don't want to end up like she does to you for Jane and me…annoying.'

`Listen Lizzy…Carrie means a lot to me. We're family, but that doesn't mean I need to spend everyday of my life with her. She needs to be on her own and live for herself. Right now she can do that. She doesn't need me like that anymore. You and Jane need each other and have a better relationship than my sister and I have. That doesn't mean we don't love each other we do very much, but as you love your other sisters and brother, I'm sure from what Jane says, you don't always need to be with them 24/7. Right?'

Charles had a point! And Lizzy nodded. She felt overwhelmed with the conversation and turned to watch the game.

When halftime started, Lizzy became hungry for a snack and asked Jane to help her out. While they walked to the kitchen, they heard the front door knock and heard Charles call out to answer it.

Voices mumbled in the hallway and soon entered Will and Charles finding Lizzy and Jane prepare some chips and dip and new drinks.

`Will!' Lizzy cried when she looked up and saw him. His face produced a beautiful smile and he sort of blushed when she said his name. Lizzy noticed that he wore dark blue jeans and a cream v-neck sweater.

`Hey Will. Hope you came to watch the game with us.' Jane asked as she handed him a drink.

`Yeah I would have been here much sooner but I had to do a few errands. I brought over some pizza but I see that chips and dip are on the menu.' Will answered as he set down the two pizza boxes that were in his hands.

Lizzy popped open the lids and shook her head.

`Pizza is perfect. Chips and dip can be eaten later. Where are the plates?' Lizzy asksed and followed Charles' direction.

After everyone grabbed their food and drinks, they retired to settle in the tv room. Jane and Charles settled on the brown leather sectional and on the floor Will and Lizzy nestled. The tv was more like a tv projector and made big screen in home too much for words. The light from the windows were dimmed with dark shades but enough to not hide the daylight. A large warm rug laid on the floor with all the natural colors swirling about. A coffee table was in front of the sectional where everyone placed their drinks and food. It was a soothing room for lounging in.

The game resumed and the four watched intently while making comments, talking about the players, games past, and future predictions. After the game, the room was cleaned and Will decided to bring up the subject of Lizzy moving.

`Charles told me when I got here something about you moving. I guess I've been enlisted to help?'

`If you don't mind. I mean I don't want you to go out of your way if you have plans tomorrow.' Lizzy said as she cleaned off her plate and set it in the sink.

`Not at all I'd love to help you. I just need to know what you need to move.'

`Well Jane has a bed at her place, but Jane I actually would like to switch it because I like my bed from home better.' Jane nodded and Lizzy continued.

`Then I have my desk and dresser from home and just some boxes along with my clothes and stuff. I have a tv with a stand and some shelves. That's about it. Oh and my chair. But maybe..'

`No,,' Jane quickly spoke, `Take it with you.'

Will and Charles looked oddly at each other. Lizzy sighed and started to explain.

`Out of everything I had with Eliot, I only got this chair-a lounge chair that's leather and like a recliner. Well it's heavy and bulky but Jane knows that mom would sell it instead of keep it so even though we won't have room, she wants me to take it with. It's sort of a prize or proud issue if you will of my break up. He got everything but I still have my chair.'

`Well if you want, we can take it too. I mean we can move it and see what happens. I haven't been to Jane's but I'm sure we can make it work.' Will said.

After more arrangements were made, it was soon time to eat dinner. Many suggestions were made and it was determined that Mexican food was the answer. They all piled into Will's car and drove to Don Pablo's.

The group had a wonderful time eating and drinking. Talking about childhood, college, work, and vacations of all kinds. Everyone learned a bit more about each other and it helped the comfort grow more intense. It was soothing to be apart of this type of friendship for all four of them.

After dinner, Jane and Lizzy decided they needed to start packing and getting ready for the move. Will dropped the women at Jane's and after double checking the time to meet tomorrow, they left the ladies to prepare.

Chapter 8:

`Jane where did the tape go?' Frustrated Lizzy was pressing one hand on a full box to keep the flaps closed and the other flying the in the air as if tape would magically appear. Before she knew it, Jane whizzed by practically shoving the tape in Lizzy's hand without stopping and all the while saying,

`Here you go it was where you left it.'

`And where was that?' Lizzy asked as she started to tape up the box.

`Two feet in front of you in front of the box.'

The two of them worked non stop all morning after breakfast with packing Lizzy's books, knick knacks, clothes, bedding, Jack's toys and bed and necessities, everything that Lizzy needed and that was hers was going to Jane's.

Will and Charles were told to meet at the Bennets' household around 11.30 and it was rounding near it.

Mr. Bennet was moving the boxes from upstairs downstairs while Mrs. Bennet was keeping Tinley out of the way and trying to make some snacks for the gang. Lydia and Kitty were thankfully at the mall with friends.

The sound of the doorbell was heard and Lizzy didn't miss a beat while she quickly headed to the front door to intercept her mother. She was too late.

`Oh hello! You must be Charles and Will! How nice of you two to help my daughters move Lizzy to Jane's. Though I must say that this is somewhat an inconvenient weekend being that we were to do some errands, however this works out too I suppose. Come in come in!' Mrs. Bennet rallied off while Lizzy stood behind her mother as patiently as she could. Will and Charles didn't seem bothered by Mrs. Bennet's address and if they were, they were being complete gentlemen about it. Charles smiled and his eyes started to travel from Mrs. Bennet's to searching for Jane.

`Mom, I think I'll just show them to the boxes and the furniture.' Lizzy spoke up and came in front of her to get the men away from her mother.

`The boxes are this way in the living room and the furniture is upstairs. Oh! I'm so sorry.' Lizzy then turned to her mother and smiled weakly.

`Mom this is Will Darcy and Charles Bingley. Will, Charles, this is my mother, Fanny Bennet. `

`Very nice to meet you Mrs. Ben-`

`Please Will call me Fanny and you Charles call me Fanny too. I have snacks being prepared in the kitchen so whenever you're hungry or thirsty just let me know.'

And with that she trotted off into the kitchen.

Lizzy weakly smiled at the men in front of her and asked them to come in. She walked through the hallway into the spacious living room and seeing her dad about to set a box down, asked for his attention.

`Dad, I want to introduce you to Will Darcy and Charles Bingley. Charles, Will, this is my father, Tom Bennet.'

`I'm afraid that idle conversation, as much as I sincerely enjoy it with good men, is not going to happen today. I would love to talk to you guys some more but as we have it….'

`Understood completely sir. Let us help bring these into the truck.'

Tom nodded and went back upstairs.

Lizzy let the guys take her boxes to the U-haul and went back upstairs to find Jack ripping up some packing paper.

`Jack! Ugh…' Lizzy cried out while she grabbed the shreds from the floor.

`Jane! The guys are here…they're moving the boxes right now.' Lizzy said as she moved towards another box to push down the hallway.

Jane moved some other items into a box and quickly taped it up. She was moving at a fast speed to get her sister's stuff moved. She was honestly, extremely excited to have her sister living with her. It was something she wanted for a long time and her sister's companionship meant more to her than most anything. However, she wanted to get her in as soon as possible before her younger sisters made their way home and found Charles and Will.

`Lizzy I need three more boxes and another roll of tape. Could you also bring the black marker in too?' Jane called down the hallway where Lizzy was handing her father the rest of the ready boxes. Quickly Lizzy gathered the needed items and brought them to Jane. Only the furniture and a few more things for the boxes were needed and that would be it.

`Hey dad!' Lizzy called towards the hallway.

`Yes Lizzy?!'

`Do you want me to paint this room back to white from the dark olive green I have in here?'

Tom made his way up the stairs and headed towards the room.

`No leave it. I was thinking I'd leave it this way for my new tv room. ` He said with a chuckle.

`You're making this your tv room?' Jane asked as she taped the second box together.

He nodded and started to lift up the first box ready from Jane.

`I would like to move the tv into here along with some of my other things. This way I'll have two rooms all to myself. The den for my office and here for when I'm not working…among other things.' He said with a slight grin and a wink.

`You mean to get away from mom?' Lizzy asked slyly.

`No…just to relax from your mother. She would join me too you know…sometimes…rarely...'

Lizzy rolled her eyes and before she could make another comment, Will and Charles appeared at the door. Jack barked at the sight of them and Lizzy reprimanded with firm words to hush him.

`The boxes we had have been moved to the truck. I see you have just three left. Might we be able to move the furniture?' Will asked as he tried to pet Jack.

Lizzy didn't pay attention as she saw Jack slowly motion towards Will while wagging his tail and moving his body back and forth happily. He closely came up to Will's hand and smelled it and once he was sure he was okay, he started to lick his wrist while Will petted his head.

`Sure that should do just fine.' Jane answered for her sister and taped up the last box. Lizzy and Jane took them to the truck, while the men maneuvered the mattresses and the dresser along with Lizzy's desk and tv stand down the stairs and out the front door.

The weather was crisp and cool. The sun was warm and shining brightly. The pavements was slightly wet with the melting snow and the men had to be careful so not to slip or let go.

Fanny watched them and made her comments as to mind her rose and liliac bushes. The men were able to get the furniture in without any injury to themselves or more importantly to the bushes.

After everything was packed, Fanny insisted everyone have lunch. It was going rather smoothly until the kitchen door opened and voices of two younger girls could be heard rather loudly.

`Oh my gosh I know! I can't believe you bought that. When are you going to wear it?'

`Probably tonight at Denny's party. I can't wait to get ready. We have about six hours until the party. Do you have that bright red nail polish I can wear?'

`Yeah but for the polish I want to wear your black boots.'

`Kitty! No! You wear them all the time. You can't wear them to the party. Wear your heels. Mom!! We're home!'

Throughout all the commotion, Lizzy sunk her head low and tickled her pasta salad with her fork. Jane noticed and took a sip of her coffee.

`Lydia! Kitty! We are in the dining room. Come have lunch with us.' Fanny called out from her seat. Tom gave her a stern look and then tried to smile at Will and Charles who were talking to him about the companies stocks.

`No thanks mom we ate at the mall. But we want to show you---oh hi!' Lydia cooed when she saw the two men sitting at the table. She gave her best smile to them and pulled out her new daring red dress to show everyone.

`Don't you like it? I had to have it. Oh! I also bought red heels for it too. I will look awesome tonight.' Lydia raved as she continued to smile. Kitty poked her head from behind her and asked who the guys were.

`Kitty…Lydia…this is Will Darcy and Charles Bingley. Will, Charles, this is my sister Kitty and my youngest sister, Lydia.' Lizzy said as she watched her sisters slyly smile and Lydia winked at Will.

`Why don't you two go upstairs and get….ready.' Tom said as he tried to coax his youngest girls out of the room. Fanny was too busy admiring the goods her daughters bought and decided to let them go to get ready.

Lizzy let out a breath of air along with Jane once they exited the room.

`Well I must say we got a lot of work done today. Why Lizzy this seems to be your last meal here with us my love. I'm sorry to see you go, but you know that you are always welcome.' Tom said heartfelt and weakly smiled and squeezed his second daughter's hand.

Lizzy slowly got up and started to clear the table but not before she thanked her father. This exchange had not gone unseen by Will and he saw another side of Lizzy that he merely could not help but admire more and more. She was nothing but unique, independent, strong, generous, loving, caring, and beautiful. The list could go on for him. There was nothing that he did not like about her.

Unlike Caroline, he actually liked Lizzy from the start and it only got better.

Jane and Charles talked with Fanny and Tom over a dinner date for the four of them during the coming week. While they talked, Will was playing with Jack while he was looking at family photos that he had entirely missed while moving boxes and such.

`That's Nick, Jane, me, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia when she was only two.' Lizzy said from behind him. He was looking at a summer photo of the kids when they were much younger sitting on the grass all huddled around eating watermelon.

`Nick?' Will asked not leaving his eyes off the picture.

`He's my older and only brother.'

`Ahh. And what about this one. Is this you and your dad?' Will pointed to a photo with a younger Tom holding a small girl with angelic expressive eyes, angel blond hair tied up into two neat ponytails and a sweet and happy smile on her face.

`Yeah…I was only three there. That was at my grandpa's house in Minnesota. It was just me and him there one week. How did you guess that?' Lizzy asked in wonder.

`Your eyes…they are very expressive and captivating…just like in the picture.' Will replied without fear. He noticed that Lizzy had looked down and blushed with a smile on her face.

`You're family seems quite a happy and creative bunch. I like that.' Will said as he changed the subject.

Lizzy blushed and Jack jumped up onto her legs for her attention.

`Well I guess we should drive to Jane's so we can have this stuff moved in before I need to go to bed.'

Will lightly touched her arm and then smiled.

`Charles?' He lightly called out.

A moment later, Charles appeared in the hallway.


Will cocked his head to the side as he told his friend that they should go to move the rest into the apartment.

`Lizzy and I will drive with dad to my place and then you can follow us from here.' Jane said as she appeared next to Charles.

After the pack gathered odds and ends, the men followed Mr. Bennet to Jane's apartment.

Everything was running smoothly until the chair had to be moved. It was overstuffed and bulky, comfortable yes but a horror to move through narrow hallways. Jane and Lizzy kept out of the way as Will and Charles tried to ever so calmly get the chair through the front entrance, up the two flights of stairs, and then through the apartment's front door. It was a two man job so Mr. Bennet put the rest of the boxes from the U-Haul out onto the pavement and sidewalk so they could be readily available to reach and go.

`Move it more to the left Charles!' Will almost growled.

Charles's face strained with pain, sweat, concentration and uneasiness (which Will's face mimicked) tried to move to the left but was unable to.

`I…I can't seem…ugh! Darn it Will! It won't go to the left. We might have to turn it around.' He huffed back.

`Will halted as he was holding up the heavy end and at the bottom of the chair and Charles was holding the back and at the top of the chair going backwards up the stairs.

`Maybe we should tilt it to the side and carry it that way.' Will murmured and tried to wipe the sweat from his brow. Charles let his head suddenly drop forward and after a few moments of ease and comfort, the men trudged the chair on its side and tried again. They made it up the flights of stairs and then tilited the chair through the doorframe.

`Over here! Over here…there. Thank you so much! I'm sorry it's such a trouble.' Lizzy said as she let the men take their breath in.

Will waved his hand back and forth while trying to breath calmly. He didn't mind moving her and he didn't mind the annoying bulk of the chair. He was happy to be near her and that she trusted him enough to move her things.

`No…not a prob….problem…hap…happy to…help.' He said between breaths. Charles grinned like a puppy dog and the men gratefully took two glasses of water from Jane.

Mr. Bennet came in a few minutes later wondering who was going to finish up the job since his back was starting to act up and no one had come down to help with the rest of the boxes.

Quickly Lizzy left the room to gather her other boxes and after a moment the other three joined in while Mr. Bennet rested. After everything was set into the apartment, Will and Charles took the U-Haul back to the rental place and drove to a Chinese restaurant in downtown Meryton to get take out for dinner. The men agreed they would stay and help unpack and settle Lizzy in. Much to both the girls surprise, they agreed after some gentle arguing and let the men stay. Mr. Bennet stayed for dinner but left as he had to go to bed early for work the next morning.

By the time 8 o clock rolled around, Lizzy's things were almost complete. There wasn't much to her things that she needed to unpack. But she did do some laundry, while Jane arranged the living room with Charles and Will helped Lizzy set up her bedroom. Now this was ackward a bit being that he was helping her with the placement of her mattress and the bed frame. Lizzy and Will both kept their cool the entire time, but their minds were far from chilled.

`Let's place it next to the wall. I don't want to have any problems with the door. Then we can put the dresser on the opposite wall and make a clean path to the closet.' Lizzy said as she pushed the bed closer to the wall with the window. The old bed was put in storage down in the basement thanks to the men again.

After they had finished, Lizzy put fresh sheets and her comforter on the bed and then put her clean clothes in her dresser. Will offered to hang her pictures up in the places she told him and before long they were finished.

Before they left, Will was finishing the last picture by making some wall measurements. Lizzy watched him while he marked the wall for the right spot to hammer the nail.

`Will…' Lizzy ventured.

`Hmm…' he thoughtly moaned as he had the nail in his mouth with his brow furrowed and his eyes shifting from one mark to the next on the measuring tape.

`Thank you…for everything today. I know that…I know that my family can be a bit much for some people and I know that my mother and Lydia are the majority votes, but they are still my family and mean the world to me. I also want to thank you for moving my things and helping me arrange my room.'

Will stayed with his face to the wall and took the nail out of his mouth while listening to her appreciation towards him. He was thumbing the nail while he thought hard of what to say. When she finished, Will turned around after a moment and weakly smiled at her while he shut the door to her room and slowly shuffled towards the bed where she sat. He took a seat next to her and took her small hands into his own. He stroked them gently and when he looked up he saw her eyes brimming with wonder and hope.

`Lizzy…there is really no need to thank me. Maybe Charles, but for myself, I need no thanks. I did this for you. To help you and to get you where you want to be. I'm' happy you're closer to your work and to your sister and to me, (he slightly grinned) but I didn't do this to add to a list of what you need to thank me for. You never need to thank me for anything…I do things to please you…to see you happy. Plus in the regards to your family, I don't feel embarrassed or ashamed or anything wrong towards them or you. They're your family and I understand what it's like to have difficult family members that you love so much but who just don't…think sometimes before they do things. Trust me. When you meet my aunt you'll understand. But truly Lizzy, I only care about your happiness. You're parents are very nice people. You're father is a bit intimidating and you're mother is a bit pushy to please, but that's expected of parents who have wonderful daughters like you. I'm proud and thankful you let me help you today…so let me thank you Lizzy. Thank you.'

Lizzy stared at him calmly and tilted her head to one side.

`You're an amazing man Will Darcy. I am more amazed every moment I get to know you. You're welcome Will. Very welcome…in fact…' and Lizzy leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

Will sat there dazed and then before she could pull away to look at him, he embraced her into a full and passionate kiss. Lizzy was taken by surprised and didn't resist. Her hands went from his hands to his thighs to push on for support. His hands gently touched her elbows and then held her face. He was daring to ask for more when he put them behind her neck and gently laid her down. Lizzy didn't resist while she thought of the passion coursing through her and her lips and tongue searching for more. More until his hand grazed her arm and she opened her eyes.


The tone of her voice stopped him slowly and cold as he slowly opened his eyes to see a slight kind of fear blazing in hers.

`i'm sorry!' he blurted and turned up to the side to compose himself.

`No no don't be sorry Will. I just…' She took a deep breath in and let it out. She was having fun and wanted to continue but Jane and Charles were in the other room.

`I just don't think it's right to do anything with my sister and Charles in the room. I mean…not that I'm easy like that…but I do like kissing you…it's just tha-` Lizzy stammered in embarrassment.

`Shh…' Will calmly murmured as he lightly took her up in his arms.

`Lizzy I wasn't going to do anything that would lead to sex. I was just caught up in the moment. I enjoy our …intimacy but am not in any rush to do anything we might regret. Although…I know I don't regret anything with you. I understand. Maybe we should go back out there and play company.' He said as he smiled down at her. She was within his tight embrace and when she looked up she half grinned at him. He kissed the top of her head and lead her to the living room.

Jane and Charles were no where to be seen but there were noises in the kitchen. Lizzy slowly walked in finding Jane and Charles in a tight lip lock. Lizzy rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.

Jane recovered first and blushed fiercely.

`Lizzy! I thought…you were…uh…' Jane quit when she realized that it wasn't that big of a deal and shrugged. Charles threw his hand in his hair and then smiled like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

`Sorry Lizzy.' He said and before he could go on Lizzy's hand went up to stop him.

`No no! Don't be sorry on my account Charlie. I'll just leave you two alone.' And she left the kitchen.

`What are they doing in there?' Will asked as she joined him on the sofa.

Lizzy picked up the remote to the tv and shook her smile off her face.

`Don't mind them…they're just getting a snack.'


After the men left an hour later, Jane and Lizzy talked in Lizzy's new room and after about an hour or two after that, the girls went to bed. But before Lizzy could really sleep, she thought of Will. She couldn't believe how well he handled pretty much the whole day. He was sweet to his parents, paid attention to her, helped without any complaints, his kisses were amazing, he said nothing meanly to her when she stopped from going further, and all in all he was simply perfect…so far. She couldn't help but wonder if there was anything else that she might not know of that would make a relationship with him not work. So far nothing except the engagement was stopping her.

Lizzy continued to dream about his kisses and his soothing accent when he spoke. She even dreamed about his eyes when he told her in this very room that he wanted her happy. How his eyes shone! Deeply and in a trance she felt like she was in when he looked down at her when she was in his embrace. He held her so tightly and so soothingly. His strong arms were comforting and solid. She breathed in his scent that was clean, refreshing, cool, woody, and spicy. She didn't want to leave him.

And there it was. Like a bolt of lighting that she sat up and smiled broadly.

`I can't be!'


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